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Python programming

solutions for numeric Python


Arup Nielsen
DTU Compute
Technical University of Denmark
September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
File reading and simple computing
Consider a le with the following matrix X:
1 2
3 4
Read and compute Y = 2 X
import numpy as np
X = [[int(s) for s in line.split()] for line in open("tmp.txt")]
Y = 2 * np.matrix(X)
of even simpler:
Y = 2 * np.loadtxt("tmp.txt")

Arup Nielsen 1 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
Statistical distributions . . .
Generate 10000 sets with 10 Gaussian distributed samples, square each
element and sum over the 10 samples. Plot the histogram of the 10000
sums together with the teoretically curve of the probability density func-

PDF from the pdf() function in the scipy.stats.chi2 class
import pylab, scipy.stats
X = pylab.standard_normal((10, 10000))
s = pylab.sum(X * X, axis=0)
(n, bins, patches) = pylab.hist(s, bins=100)
x = pylab.linspace(0, max(s), 100)
y = scipy.stats.chi2.pdf(x, 10) * 10000 * pylab.diff(bins)[0]
pylab.plot(x, y, "y", linewidth=5)

Arup Nielsen 2 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
. . . Statistical distributions . . .

Arup Nielsen 3 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
. . . Statistical distributions
It may be worthwhile to take a glance at the examples on the matplotlib
homepage, e.g., the histogram examples page shows an example that is
quite similar to the exercise. Note the use of normed input argument.
from pylab import *
from scipy.stats import chi2
X = standard_normal((10, 10000))
sum_of_squares = sum(X * X, axis=0)
(n, bins, patches) = hist(sum_of_squares, bins=100, normed=1)
x = linspace(0, max(sum_of_squares), 100)
y = chi2.pdf(x, 10)
plot(x, y, y, linewidth=5)

Arup Nielsen 4 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
Coauthors . . .
Read coauthors.csv a tab-separated le with co-author matrix. Find
the author with most coauthoring.
import csv
from numpy import zeros, asarray, sum, diag, where
n = 0; M = dict()
for line in csv.reader(open("coauthors.csv"), delimiter="\t"):
if not n:
M["columns"] = line[1:]
M["rows"] = line[1:]
M["matrix"] = zeros((len(line[1:]), len(line[1:])))
M["matrix"][n-1,:] = map(int, line[1:])
n += 1

Arup Nielsen 5 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
m = M["matrix"]
i = sum(where(m - diag(diag(m)), 1, 0), axis=1).argsort()
list(asarray(M["rows"])[i[:-10:-1]]) # Not pretty !

Arup Nielsen 6 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
Another implementation
import csv
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class AnnotatedMatrix(object):
"""A matrix with columns defined"""
def __init__(self, filename, delimiter="\t", encoding="utf-8"):
"""Read data from a csv file"""
csv_reader = csv.reader(open(filename), delimiter=delimiter)
self.columns = map(lambda s: unicode(s, encoding),
self.matrix = np.zeros((len(self.columns), len(self.columns)))
for n, line in enumerate(csv_reader):
self.matrix[n,:] = map(int, line[1:])

Arup Nielsen 7 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
self.g = nx.Graph()
for i,j in zip(*self.matrix.nonzero()):
self.g.add_edge(self.columns[i], self.columns[j])
def most_coauthoring(self):
offdiag = self.matrix - np.diag(np.diag(self.matrix))
nonzeros = np.where(offdiag != 0, 1, 0)
i = np.argmax(np.sum(nonzeros, axis=1))
return self.columns[i]
def largest_component(self):
return nx.connected_component_subgraphs(self.g)[0]
coauthors = AnnotatedMatrix("coauthors.csv", encoding="ISO8859-1")

Arup Nielsen 8 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
. . . Coauthor
See also Pandas and networkx.from_numpy_matrix

Arup Nielsen 9 September 15, 2014
Python programming solutions for numeric Python
import scipy.optimize
f = lambda (x, y): (1-x)**2 + 100 * (y-x**2)**2
scipy.optimize.fmin(f, x0=(0, 0))
import sympy
x, y = sympy.symbols(x y)
sympy.diff("(1-x)**2 + 100 * (y-x**2)**2", x)

Arup Nielsen 10 September 15, 2014

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