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uuy Willey

Nath Lesson Plan #2

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Represent and interpret data. (3.MD.B)
uraw a scaled plcLure graph and a scaled bar graph Lo represenL a daLa seL wlLh several
caLegorles. Solve one- and Lwo-sLep "how many more" and "how many less" problems
uslng lnformaLlon presenLed ln scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in
which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets. (3.MD.B.3)

MP1- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
MP2- Reason abstractly and quantitatively
MP4- Model with Mathematics
MP6- Attend to Precision

Lesson Objective: Students will complete and draw a picture graph to show data in a

Language Objective: Students will use the word represents when describing their
picture graphs, in addition to showing an understanding of the word represents when
solving problems involving graphs with multiple representations.

Materials: Smartboard, whiteboards, pencils, GoMath! workbook, math workbook,
manipulatives (base blocks)

Lesson Teacher Actions:

Problem of the Day:
We will begin with a problem of the day to reinforce concepts from past lessons.
Joe has 30 cookies. Mable has twice as many cookies as Joe does. Pat has 41 cookies.
How many fewer cookies does Pat have than Joe and Mable combined?

Allow students about 5 minutes to work on the problem. They may work with a partner if
they choose to. Monitor for assistance as needed.

Have a few students share their solution strategies to the whole class.

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Bave stuuents biing theii uoNath! woikbooks anu a pencil to the caipet.
Pull up the 0nlock the Pioblem on Smaitboaiu. Bave stuuents open to page 99.

Reau the pioblem to the class. Bave them ciicle the title of the giaph. Ask to gioup
how many stuuents chose the museum. Bow many chose the science centei. Bow
many chose the aquaiium. Bow many chose the zoo.

Bave stuuents label the empty giaph with the title on page 99.
!"#$ &'( )*+,$- ,"". &/ /01 .1# &/ /01 2"//"34 5/ $&#$ 1&60 7777778 777777777$/9(1'/$4 :0*$
*$ "9+ .1#4 ;"9 6&' 9$1 &'#/0*') /" +1<+1$1'/ $/9(1'/$ ="+ #"9+ .1#4 5 &3 )"*') /" 9$1 &
$3*,1# =&614 5 >&'/ #"9 /" (16*(1 >0&/ #"9 >&'/ /" 9$1 &'( =*,, *' /01 2,&'.$ &/ /01
2"//"34 Nonitoi anu have a few stuuents shaie the object they useu. Tell uaiy, Lexi,
Fianklin, Amayah, Kali, anu Ciistal you want theii symbol to iepiesent at least 2
stuuents each.

?"> ,1/@$ ,"". &/ /01 13</# )+&<04 5/ 0&$ "'1 "= /01 ="9+ 60"*61$ ,*$/1(A 39$1934 B0&/
1,$1 (" >1 '11( /" =*,, *' "' /01 ,1=/ $*(1 "= "9+ )+&<0C :&,. /" #"9+ <&+/'1+C Elicit
iesponses anu fill in on smaitboaiu. ?"> >1 '11( /" 6"3<,1/1 "9+ )+&<0 9$*') /01
$#32",$ >1 6+1&/1(4 D+4 B*,,1# 9$1( & $3*,1# =&614 5 .'"> /01+1 >1+1 E $/9(1'/$ /0&/
60"$1 /01 39$193- $" 5 '11( /" (1/1+3*'1 0"> 3&'# $3*,1# =&61$ 5 '11( /" (+&> '1F/
/" 39$1934 Bave stuuents woik on filling in theii pictuie giaphs. Nonitoi foi
assistance as neeueu. uioups that aie uone can begin to show one anothei theii
completeu giaphs.

Bave stuuents move aiounu anu shaie theii giaphs with one anothei. Bave one
stuuent that chose each symbol to iepiesent 2 stuuents explain why they hau fewei
symbols than a stuuent that chose to uo a symbol iepiesenting one stuuent.

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Tiei S stuuents will go woik with Nis. Wittlesey- these aie iuentifieu IEP stuuents.

The iest of the stuuents will complete the giaph anu answei questions 1 anu 2 fiom
shaie anu show. Those stuuents missing one oi moie will woik with Nis. Bass on
ie-teach woiksheet. Those missing zeio will woik with me in a small gioup.

Split gioups up. Bave youi gioup gioup uesks aiounu uaiy anu Lexis uesks. Place
youiself in one of the uesks that allows piopei viewing of all stuuents. 0sually theie
aie 7 to 8 stuuents in this gioup on any given uay.

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0iganize stuuents in uesks togethei by uooi (uaiy anu Lexis uesks). Sit in a uesk
with the gioup that allows you easy access anu sight of all in the gioup.

Bave stuuents begin with pioblem S anu cieate theii own giaph. Bo not point out
the symbol that shows each sun is woith 4 votes. Nonitoi anu assist as neeueu.
Stuuents that aie uone eaily can woik on pioblems 4 anu S. Bave stuuents shaie
theii giaphs with one anothei.

Challengeextension- G+1 #"9 2"#$ &'( )*+,$ +1&(# ="+ & 60&,,1')14 5 &3 )"*') /" )*H1
1&60 "= #"9 & /"<*6 ="+ #"9+ <*6/9+1 )+&<04 5/ *$ >+*//1' "' &' *'(1F 6&+( #"9 >*,,
+161*H14 :01+1 &+1 I 6&/1)"+*1$ ="+ 1&60 /"<*6- $960 &$ 3*'1 /0&/ $&#$ J&H"+*/1 K","+L
/01 60"*61$ &+1 >0*/1- )+11'- 2,91- &'( +1(4

M'61 #"9 0&H1 #"9+ /"<*6 &'( 60"*61$- #"9 &+1 )"*') /" (+&> ="9+ *'(1F 6&+($4 N&60
6&+( 0&$ & '9321+ "' */4 N&60 '9321+ >*,, +1<+1$1'/ & /"/&, ="+ &'# "= /01 I 60"*61$
#"9+ 0&H1 "' #"9+ *'(1F 6&+(4 ;"9 )1/ /" 60""$14

;"9 >*,, 6+1&/1 & <*6/9+1 2&+ )+&<0 &'( ,&21, /01 .1# &/ /01 2"//"3 /" $0"> 9$ >0&/
#"9+ $#32", +1<+1$1'/$4 ;"9+ $#32", 6&''"/ +1<+1$1'/ O "+ P $/9(1'/$- 29/ */ 6&' &'#
"/01+ &3"9'/4 Q&*$1 #"9+ 0&'( *= #"9 0&H1 &'# R91$/*"'$ ="+ 31- &'( 5 >"9,( 21 0&<<#
/" &$$*$/ #"94

Bave stuuents uiaw inuex caius, anu make suie they unueistanu uiiections.

Stuuents will begin woiking on theii pictuie giaphs. Nonitoi anu assist as neeueu.
Stuuents that complete theii giaph aheau of theii peeis can woik on pioblems S-7
in theii uoNath! woikbook.

Bave stuuents shaie theii giaphs with one anothei anu explain what theii symbols

If time peimitting, have stuuents woik on anothei giaph using the same set of uata
anu a laigei symbol size than theii fiist giaph.

Tiansition to whole-gioup pioblem solving at 1u:1u.

63"1'D7&"89 4&")1'# :"1.-$?

Bave stuuents come up to the caipet, biinging theii uoNath! woikbooks anu a
pencil. Pull up whole-gioup pioblem solving pioblem on smaitboaiu. Bave stuuents
open theii books to page 1u2.

Bave stuuents ciicle the title of the chait in the uppei pait of the page.

Now wiite the title of oui giaph on the empty giaph pioviueu.

?"> >1 '11( /" ,&21, "9+ 6",93'$ "' /01 ,1=/ $*(14 B0*60 &'*3&,$ &+1 >1 )"*') /"
>+*/14 Solicit stuuents answeis anu have them wiite in theii books.

?"> #"9 &+1 )"*') /" >"+. #"9+ 3&/0 <&+/'1+4 :0*$ *$ /01 <1+$"' #"9 >"+.1( >*/0
(9+*') "9+ &+/$ *'/1)+&/*"'S3&/0 ,1$$"' ,&$/ >11.4 T&# 6,"$1 &//1'/*"' /" /01 <+"2,13
&'( >0&/ 1&60 /+*&'),1 +1<+1$1'/$4 U" '"/ ="+)1/ /" 3&.1 #"9+ .1# &/ /01 2"//"3 "= /01
)+&<04 Q&*$1 #"9+ 0&'($ *= #"9 0&H1 &'# R91$/*"'$4

Bave gioups begin woiking on theii giaphs. As gioups get uone, have them compaie
theii gioups with otheis.

Biing back anu have gioups come up anu fill in the giaph on the smaitboaiu foi the
whole gioup.
Now have gioups wiite a pioblem that can be solveu using the uata in theii pictuie
giaphs, anu solve the pioblem.

If time peimits, have gioups shaie theii pioblems with the class anu pioceeu to
pioblem numbei 9.


Foimal assessments will take place uuiing the miu-chaptei ieview anu enu of
chaptei assessment. Foi infoimal assessment, I will monitoi stuuent piogiess anu
note stuuents that uemonstiate unueistanuing of the woiu iepiesentation anu
ability to cieate a pictuie giaph iepiesenting uata. I will also collect theii completeu
giaphs foi analysis.


Theie aie 2 teacheis that will come into the lesson anu woik with small gioups, in
auuition to the gioup I will be woiking with. This allows foi excellent uiffeientiation
anu auuiessing content to stuuent neeus. In auuition, stuuents will shaie theii
solution stiategies with one anothei anu see theie aie often multiple ways to solve a
pioblem. I also have uiffeient pioblems foi my small-gioup to challenge them at a
ueepei level.

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