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ISM6217 SQL Homework Spring 2005

ISM6217 SQL Homework Spring 2005

Instructions: Use the pubs database in SQL Server to write queries to solve the following problems.

1. What is the average quantity of sales to stores with the IDs 6380 or 7896?
2. List the title ID and total (sum) sales quantity for all titles that have a total sales quantity of 20 or less. Put the list in
order of total sales quantity.
3. List the store ID and total (sum) sales quantity for stores that meet both of the following criteria: store ID of 6380,
7896, or 8042, and have a total sales quantity of greater than 20. Use the column name alias "Total Sales' for the total
sales quantity column. Put the list in order of total sales quantity.
4. List the title, type, publisher ID and year-to-date sales for all titles that are of type business or psychology and are
from publishers with the IDs 1389 or 0736. Put the list in descending order of type, then ascending order of title.
5. List the id, first and last names, publisher name, and country of the publisher for all employees who work for
publishers that are NOT located in France or Germany. Put the list in order of country, then publisher name, then last
name, then first name.
6. What is the sum of extended prices (quantity times price) for all sales?
7. List the title id, title, type, and author last and first names for all titles in the business or psychology categories. Put the
list in order of author last name, then title.
8. List the order number, title id, title, quantity, and store name for all sales that involve titles with the IDs PS2091, or
MC3021, OR are made to stores with one of the following names, 'Fricative Bookshop', 'Bookbeat'. Put the list in
order of title.
9. List the order number, store name, title, price, quantity, extended price (quantity * price), and author first and last
names for all sales. Use the column name alias "Extended" for the extended price. Put the list in order of order
number, then title.
10. For sales that are either to the stores "Bookbeat" and "Eric the Read", or involve the book "Is Anger the Enemy", list
the order number, store name, title, price, quantity, extended price (quantity * price), and author first and last names
for all sales. Use the column name alias "Extended" for the extended price. Put the list in order of order number, then
11. List the title, publisher ID and year-to-date sales for all titles that have year-to-date sales greater than the average
year-to-date sales for all titles. Put the list in descending order of year-to-date sales.
12. List the title, publisher ID and name, and year-to-date sales for all titles that have year-to-date sales greater than one-
half the average year-to-date sales for all titles. Put the list in descending order of year-to-date sales.
13. List the title ID, and title for all titles from the publishers 'New Moon Books' or 'Romona Publishers'. Put the list in
order of title. You MUST NOT use a subquery (use a join).
14. Produce the same output as in #13, but using a subquery, not a join.
15. List the publisher name, city and country for all publishers that are in the same country as 'New Moon Books'. Put the
list in order of publisher name. (HINT: Use a subquery.)
16. List the title, type and price of titles that have a price greater than the price of ALL titles of the type 'business'. Put the
list in order of price, then title.
17. List the title, type and price of titles that have a price greater than the price of ANY titles of the type 'business'. Put the
list in order of price, then title.
18. List the title ID, title of all titles along with the order number and order date of any sales that involve each title. Your
results MUST include titles that do not have any sales yet. Put the list in order of title, then order date.
19. List the title ID and number of sales involving each title. If a title has not had any sales yet, the number of sales should
be shown as zero. (Hint: You must use both the title and sales tables.) Put the list in order of number of sales.
20. List the title, publisher name and price for all titles that have a price higher than the average price of all titles from that
publisher. (Hint: Use a correlated subquery.) Put the list in ascending order of name, then descending order of price.
David Norman.txt
David Norman deekayen@deekayen.net
I* 1 *I
SELECT AVG(qty) AS averageqty-sales
FROM sales
WHERE stor - id IN (6380, 7896)
I* 2 *I
SELECT title id, total - sales
FROM ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - t i t l e - i d , SUM(qty) AS total-sales
FROM sales GROUP BY title id) AS subquery
WHERE total-sales <= 20
ORDER BY total-sales
I* 3 *I
SELECT stor id, Total - Sales
FROM (SELECT stor - id, ~ ~ ~ ( q t y ) AS Total - sales
FROM sales
WHERE stor id IN ('63801,'7896','8042')
GROUP BY &or-id) AS subquery
WHERE Total Sales > 20
ORDER BY ~ o E a l - Sales
I* 4 *I
SELECT title, type, pub - id, ytd - sales
FROM titles
WHERE LOWER(type) IN ('business', 'psychology')
AND pub id IN ('1389', '0736')
ORDER BY type DESC, title
I* 5 *I
SELECT publishers.pub-id, employee.fname, employee.lname.
publishers.pub-name, publishers.country
FROM publishers, employee
WHERE publishers.pub id = employee.pub-id
AND ~~WE~(publishersTcountry) NOT IN ('fiance', 'germany')
ORDER BY publishers.country, publishers.pub-name, employee.lname,
I* 6 *I
SELECT SUM(sales.qty * titles.price) AS extended
FROM sales, titles
WHERE sales.title-id = titles.title-id
I* 7 *I
SELECT titles.title id, titles.title, titles.type,
author8.a~-lname, author8.a~-fname
FROM authors, titles, titleauthor
WHERE LOWER(titles.type) IN ('business', 'psychology')
AND titles.title id = titleauthor.title - id
AND tit1eauthor.a~ id = auth0rs.a~-id
ORDER BY authors.aL - lname, titles.title
I* 8 *I
SELECT sales.ord-num, sales.title-id, titles.title,
sales.qty, stores.stor-name
FROM sales, titles, stores
WHERE sales.stor-id = stores.stor-id
AND sales.title id = titles.title - id
AND (sales.titl<id IN ( 'PS2091 ' , 'MC3021 ' ) 4
OR LOWER(stores.stor-name) IN ('fricative bookshop', 'bookbeat'))
ORDER BY titles. kitle
I* 9 *I
SELECT sales. ord num, stores. stor name,
titles.tiEle, titles.price7 sales.qty,
sales.qty * titles.price AS Extended,
auth0rs.a~-fname, author8.a~-lname
FROM sales, titles, stores, titleauthor, authors
David Norman.txt
WHERE sales.stor-id = stores.stor id
AND sales.title-id = titles.title id
AND titles.title-id = titleauthorTtitle-id
AND tit1eauthor.a~-id = auth0rs.a~-id
ORDER BY sales.ord-num, titles.title
/ * 10 */
SELECT aales.ord-num, storea.stor-name,
titles.title, titles.price, sales.qty,
aales.qty * titles.price AS Extended,
auth0rs.a~-fname, auth0rs.a~-lname
FROM sales, titles, stores, titleauthor, authors
WHERE sales.stor id = stores.stor-id
AND sales.title id = titles.title-id
AND titles.title id = titleauthor.title - id
AND titleauthor.& id = auth0rs.a~-id
AND (~~WE~(stores.~tor-name) IN ('bookbeat', 'eric the read books')
OR titles.title = 'Is Anger the Enemy?')
ORDER BY sales.ord-nun, titles.title J
/ * 11 */
SELECT title, pub - id, ytd-sales
FROM titles
WHERE ytd - sales > (SELECT AVG(ytd-sales) ,.
FROM titles)
ORDER BY ytd-sales DESC d"
/ * 12 */
SELECT titles.title, titles.pub id,
publishers.pub-name, tities.ytd-sales
FROM titles, publishers
WHERE titles.pub-id = publishers.pub-id
AND titlea.ytd - sales > (SELECT AVG(ytd - salea)/2 /
FROM tit les )
ORDER BY titles.ytd-sales DESC
/ * 13 */
SELECT titles.title-id, titles.title
FROM titles, publiahera
WHERE titles.pub id = publishers.pub-id
AND ~~WE~(publis~ers.pub-name) IN ('new moon books', 'romona publishers')
ORDER BY titles. title
/ * 14 */
SELECT title id, title
FROM titles -
WHERE pub - id IN (SELECT pub-id
FROM publiahera
WHERE LOWER(publishers.pub - name)
IN ('new moon books', 'romona publishers'))
ORDER BY title
/* 15 */
SELECT pub-name, city, country
FROM publishers
WHERE country = (SELECT TOP 1 country
FROM publishers
WHERE LOWER(pub-name) = 'new moon books')
ORDER BY pub-name
SELECT title, type, price
FROM titles
WHERE price >
WHERE LOWER(type) = 'business')
ORDER BY price, title
David Norman.txt
SELECT title, type, price
FROM titles
WHERE price > (SELECT @(price)
FROM tit les
ORDER BY price, title
/ * 18 */
SELECT titles.title-id, titles.title, sales.ord-num, sales.ord-date
FROM titles, sales
WHERE titles.title id *= sales.title id
ORDER BY titles.tiEle, sales.ord - date
/ * 19 */
SELECT titles.title-id, ISNULL(SUM(sales.qty), 0) AS sum-sales
FROM titles LEFT JOIN sales
ON titles.title id = sales.title-id
GROUP BY titlesTtitle - id ORDER BY sum - sales
/ * 20 */
SELECT outertitles.title, publishers.pub-name, outertitles.price
FROM titles outertitles, publishers
WHERE outertitles.pub-id = publishers.pub-id
AND outertitles.price > (SELECT AVG(innertit1es.price)
FROM titles AS innertitles
WHERE innertitles.pub-id = outertitles.pub-id)
ORDER BY publishers.pub-name, outertitles.price DESC

From: "David Norman" <deekayen@deekayen.net>
To: <craig.vanslyke@bus.ucf.edu>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 5:28 AM
Subject: ISM6217 sql homework question
Page 1of 2
Hash: SHA1

I'm not clear on what to query for in numbers 16 and 17 of the
homework. I did the sum of the business titles in 16 and that was
greater than any of the single prices of any other titles, so it was a
zero result set.

What I've come up with to get any results is just to query titles
greater than the most expensive business book in homework question 16
and get the titles of the lowest cost business book in 17. It just
seemed a little too simple to switch between MAX() and MIN() for two
different questions, so I want to see if I'm going down the wrong path
or not, especially since the most expensive business book technically
is ANY of the business books, re: question 17.

When I'm doing a subquery, right now I'm not putting aliases to the
table names on the parent or subqueries. Does that create a speed
issue or do the parenthesis effectively block off the scope of each
query as long as the parser finds what it needs within the local query
scope? Regardless, would you prefer aliases to be added for what I
turn in as a readability issue or some other reason?

For questions like 19, I'm used to using "LEFT J OIN table ON ..."
syntax at work. Is that alright to use for homework and/or the test?

/* 16 */
SELECT title, type, price
FROM titles
WHERE price >(SELECT MAX(price)
~ FROM titles
~ WHERE LOWER(type) ='business')
ORDER BY price, title

/* 17 */
SELECT title, type, price
FROM titles
WHERE price >(SELECT MIN(price)
~ FROM titles
~ WHERE LOWER(type) ='business')
ORDER BY price, title

/* 19 */
SELECT titles.title_id, ISNULL(SUM(sales.qty), 0) AS sum_sales
FROM titles LEFT J OIN sales
ON titles.title_id =sales.title_id
GROUP BY titles.title_id ORDER BY sum_sales
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Page 2of 2
David Norman.rpt
David Norman deekayen@deekayen.net
13 v
(1 row(s) affected)
title - id total sales
(7 row(s) affected)
stor-id Total-Sales
7896 60 V"
8042 80
(2 row(s) affected)
type pub-id ytd-sales
-- ------------ me---- -----------
Emotional Security: A New Algorithm
psychology 0736 3336
Is Anger the Enemy?
psychology 0736 2045
Life Without Fear
psychology 0736 111
Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies /
psychology 0736 4072
Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
business 1389 3876
Straight Talk About Computers
business 1389 4095
The Busy Executive's Database Guide
business 1389 4095
You Can Combat Computer Stress1
business 0736 18722
(8 row(s) affected)
pub id fname lname pub-name
couiit r y
------ ....................
1389 Pedro
1389 Aria
1389 Maria
1389 Yoshi
1389 Sven
1389 Miguel
1389 Paula
1389 Diego
Af onso
Lat imer
Pa01 ino
Algodat a
Algodat a
Algodat a
Algodat a
David Norman.rpt
1389 Carine
1389 Margaret
0877 Paolo
0877 Victoria
0877 Helen
0877 Lesley
0877 Anabela
0877 Peter
0877 Paul
0877 Elizabeth
0877 Martine
0877 Daniel
1622 Rita
0736 Palle
0736 Karin
0736 Matti
0736 Laurence
0736 Roland
0736 Timothy
0736 Mary
0736 Howard
0736 Martin
0736 Gary
1756 Maria
9952 Francisco
9952 Philip
9952 Ann
(35 row(8) affected) /
(1 row(8) affected)
title-id title
type au-lname
Accort i
0 ' Rourke
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Binnet & Hardley
Five Lakes
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
New Moon Books
Ramona Publishers
Scootney Books
Scootney Books
Scootney Books
au-f name
David Norman.rpt
BU1032 The Busy Executive's Database Guide
business Bennet Abraham
BU1032 The Busy Executive's Database Guide
business Green Marjorie
BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stressl
business Green Marjorie
PSI372 Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations
psychology Karsen Livia
PS7777 Emotional Security: A New Algorithm
psychology Locksley Charlene
PSI372 Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations
psychology MacFeather Stearns
BUllll Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
business MacFeather Stearns
BUllll Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
business O'Leary Michael
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
psychology Ringer Anne
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
psychology Ringer Albert
PS2106 Life Without Fear
psychology Ringer Albert
BU7832 Straight Talk About Computers
business Straight Dean
PS3333 Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies
psychology White Johnson
(13 row(s) affected)
ord num title - id title
q t y stor-name
-- ------ ........................................
QA879.1 PC1035 But Is It User Friendly?
3 0 Bookbeat
P723 BUllll Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance
Sheets 2 5 Bookbeat
722a PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
3 Eric the Read Books
QA7442.3 PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
75 Barnum ' s
D4482 PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
10 News & Brews
N914008 PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
2 0 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books
TQ456 MC2222 Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats
10 Fricative Bookshop
442299 BU7832 Straight Talk About Computers
15 Fricative Bookshop
423LL930 BU1032 The Busy Executive's Database Guide
10 Bookbeat
N914014 MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave
2 5 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books
423LL922 MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave
15 Bookbeat
X999 BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stress!
35 Fricative Bookshop
(12 row(s) affected) J
ord-num stor name title
price q t y Extended au-f name
-- ..................... ------ ..................... ....................
423LL922 Bookbeat The Gourmet
David Norman.rpt
Microwave 2.9900
15 44.8500 Michel DeFrance
423LL922 Bookbeat The Gourmet
Microwave 2.9900
15 44.8500 Anne Ringer
423LL930 Bookbeat The Busy
Executive's Database Guide
19.9900 10 199.9000 Marjorie Green
423LL930 Bookbeat The Busy
Executive's Database Guide
19.9900 10 199.9000 Abraham Bennet
6871 Eric the Read Books The Busy
Executive's Database Guide
19.9900 5 99.9500 Marjorie Green
6871 Eric the Read Books The Busy
Executive's Database Guide
19.9900 5 99.9500 Abraham Bennet
722a Eric the Read Books Is Anger the
Enemy? 10.9500
3 32.8500 Anne Ringer
722a Eric the Read Books Is Anger the
Enemy? 10.9500
3 32.8500 Albert Ringer
A2976 Barnum ' s Secrets of
Silicon Valley 20.0000
5 0 1000.0000 Ann
A2976 Barnum ' s Secrets of
Silicon Valley 20.0000
5 0 1000.0000 Sheryl
D4482 News & Brews Is Anger the
Enemy? 10.9500
10 109.5000 Anne
D4482 News & Brews Is Anger the
Enemy? 10.9500
10 109.5000 Albert Ringer
N914008 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books Is Anger the
Enemy? 10.9500
20 219.0000 Anne Ringer
N914008 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books Is Anger the
Enemy? 10.9500
20 219.0000 Albert Ringer
N914014 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books The Gourmet
Microwave 2.9900
2 5 74.7500 Michel DeFrance
N914014 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books The Gourmet
Microwave 2.9900
2 5 74.7500 Anne Ringer
P2121 News & Brews Fifty Years in
Buckingham Palace Kitchens 11.9500
20 239.0000 Reginald Blotchet-Halls
P2 12 1 News & Brews Onions, Leeks,
and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean 20.9500
40 838.0000 Sylvia Panteley
P2 12 1 News t Brews Sushi, Anyone?
14.9900 2 0 299.8000 Michael
0 ' Leary \
P2121 News & Brews Sushi, Anyone?
14.9900 20 299.8000 Burt
P2 12 1 News & Brews Sushi, Anyone?
14.9900 20 299.8000 Akiko
Yokomot o
P3087a Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books Computer Phobic
AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations 21.5900
20 431.8000 Stearns MacFeather
P3087a Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books Computer Phobic
AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations 21.5900
2 0 431.8000 Livia Karsen
P3087a Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books Emotional
David Norman. r p t
Securi t y: A New Algorithm
2 5 199.7500 Charlene Locksley
P3087a Doc-U-Mat: Qual i t y Laundry and Books
2 5 175.0000 Al ber t Ringer
P3087a Doc-U-Mat: Qual i t y Laundry and Books
Depri vat i on: Four Case St udi es
15 299.8500 Johnson White
P723 Bookbeat
Computers: Sur r ept i t i ous Balance Sheet s
2 5 298.7500 Michael
P723 Bookbeat
Computers: Sur r ept i t i ous Balance Sheet s
2 5 298.7500 St ear ns
QA7442.3 Barnum' s
75 821.2500 Anne
QA7442.3 Barnum' a
75 821.2500 Al ber t
QA879.1 Bookbeat
Fri endl y?
3 0 688.5000 Cheryl
QQ2299 Fr i cat i ve Bookshop
About Computers
15 299.8500 Dean
TQ456 Fr i c a t i ve Bookshop
Gastronomic Tr eat s
10 199.9000 Innes
X999 Fr i cat i ve Bookshop
Computer St r e s s l
35 104.6500 Marj ori e
(34 r ow( s) af f ect ed)
Li f e Without
Prolonged Data
Cooking wi t h
0 ' Leary
Cooking wi t h
Is Anger t h e
Is Anger t h e
But Is It U s e r
St r a i ght Tal k
St r a i ght
Si l i c on Val l ey
d e l Ca s t i l l o
You Can Combat
ord-num st or name
pr i c e qty- Extended au- f name
.................... ........................................
-- ..................... ------ ..................... ....................
423LL922 Bookbeat The Gourmet
Microwave 2.9900
15 44.8500 Michel DeFrance
423LL922 Bookbeat The Gourmet
Microwave 2.9900
15 44.8500 Anne Ringer
423LL930 Bookbeat The Busy
Execut i ve' s Database Guide
19.9900 10 199.9000 Marj ori e Green
423LL930 Bookbeat The Busy
Execut i ve' s Database Guide
19.9900 10 199.9000 Abraham Bennet
6871 Er i c t h e Read Books The Busy
Execut i ve' s Database Guide
19.9900 5 99.9500 Marjorie Green
6871 Er i c t h e Read ~ o o k s The Busy
Execut i ve' s Database Guide
19.9900 5 99.9500 Abraham Bennet
722a Er i c t h e Read Books Is Anger t h e
Enemy? 10.9500
3 32.8500 Anne
722a Er i c t h e Read Books Is Anger t h e
Enemy? 10.9500
3 32.8500 Al bert
D4482 News & Br e ws Is Anger t h e
Enemy? 10.9500
10 109.5000 Anne
t i t l e
David Norman.rpt
D4482 News & Brews
10 109.5000 Albert Ringer
N914008 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books
2 0 219.0000 Anne Ringer
N914008 Doc-U-Mat: Quality Laundry and Books
20 219.0000 Albert Ringer
P723 Bookbeat
Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
2 5 298.7500 Michael
P723 Bookbeat
Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
2 5 298.7500 Stearns
QA7442.3 Barnum' s
75 821.2500 Anne
QA7442.3 Barnum' s
75 821.2500 Albert
QA879.1 Bookbeat
Friend1 y?
3 0 688.5000 Cheryl
Is Anger the
Is Anger the
Is Anger the
Cooking with
Cooking with
Is Anger the
Is Anger the
But Is It User
(17 row(s) affected),
pub-id ytd-sales
The Gourmet Microwave
0877 22246
You Can Combat Computer Stressl
0736 18722
Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens
0877 15096
But Is It User Friendly?
1389 8780
(4 row(s) affected) J
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
pub-id pub-name ytd-sales
The Gourmet Microwave
0877 Binnet & Hardley 22246
You Can Combat Computer Stressl
0736 New Moon Books 18722
Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens
0877 Binnet & Hardley 15096
But Is It User Friendly?
1389 Algodata Infosystems 8780
Secrets of Silicon Valley
1389 Algodata Infosystems 4095
Straight Talk About Computers
1389 Algodata Infosystems 4095
The Busy Executive's Database Guide
1389 Algodata Infosystems 4095
Sushi, Anyone?
0877 Binnet & Hardley 4095
Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies
0736 New Moon Books 4072
Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
1389 Algodata Infosystems 3876
Emotional Security: A New Algorithm
0736 New Moon Books 3336
David Norman.rpt
(11 row(s) affected) c/
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
title-id title
PS7777 Emotional Security: A New Algorithm
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
PS2106 Life Without Fear
PS3333 Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies
BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stressl
(5 row(s) affected)
title - id title
PS7777 Emotional Security: A New Algorithm
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
PS2106 Life Without Fear d
PS3333 Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies
BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stressl
(5 row(s) affected)
pub-n ame
Algodata Infosystems
Binnet & Hardley
Five Lakes Publishing
New Moon Books
Ramona Publishers
Scootney Books
city country
New York
(6 row(s) affected) 4
type price
-- -------me--- .....................
Life Without Fear
psychology 7.0000
Emotional Security: A New Algorithm
psychology 7.9900
Is Anger the Enemy?
psychology 10.9500
Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
business 11.9500
Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens
trad cook 11.9500
~ushT, Anyone?
trad-cook 14.9900
Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies
psychology 19.9900
Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats
mod-cook 19.9900
Straight Talk About Computers
business 19.9900
The Busy Executive's Database Guide
business 19.9900
Secrets of Silicon Valley
popular-comp 20.0000
Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean
trad-cook 20.9500
Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations
David Norman.rpt
psychology 21.5900
But Is It User Friendly?
popular-comp 22.9500
Jd4 row(s) affected)
type price
-- ------------ .....................
Secrets of Silicon Valley
popular-comp 20.0000
Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean
trad-cook 20.9500
Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations
psychology 21.5900
But Is It User Friendly
popular-comp 22.9500
(4 row(s) affected)
tit le-id title
ord-num ord-date
-- .................... ......................................................
PC1035 But Is It User Friendly?
QA879.1 1993-05-22 00:00:00.000
PS1372 Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations
P3087a 1993-05-29 00:00:00.000
Bull11 Cooking with Computers: Surreptitious Balance Sheets
P723 1993-03-11 00:00:00.000
PS7777 Emotional Security: A New Algorithm
P3087a 1993-05-29 00:00:00.000
TC4203 Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens
P2121 1992-06-15 00:00:00.000
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
722a 1994-09-13 00:00:00.000
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
QA7442.3 1994-09-13 00:00:00.000
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
D4482 1994-09-14 00:00:00.000
PS2091 Is Anger the Enemy?
N914008 1994-09-14 00:00:00.000
PS2106 Life Without Fear
P3087a 1993-05-29 00:00:00.000
PC9999 Net Etiquette
TC3218 Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean
P2 12 1 1992-06-15 00:OO:OO.OOO
PS3333 Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies
P3087a 1993-05-29 00:00:00.000
PC8888 Secrets of Silicon Valley
A2976 1993-05-24 00:00:00.000
MC2222 Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats
TQ456 1993-12-12 00:00:00.000
BU7832 Straight Talk About Computers
QQ2299 1993-10-28 00:00:00.000
TC7777 Sushi, Anyone?
P2121 1992-06-15 00:00:00.000
BU1032 The Busy Executive's Database Guide
6871 1994-09-14 00:00:00.000
BU1032 The Busy Executive's Database Guide
423LL930 1994-09-14 00:00:00.000
MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave
N914014 1994-09-14 00:00:00.000
MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave
423LL922 1994-09-14 00:00:00.000
MC3026 The Psychology of computer Cooking
David Norman.rpt
BU2075 You Can Combat Computer Stress!
X999 1993-02-21 00:00:00.000
(23 row(s) affected)
title-id sum-sales
-------- -----------
MC3026 0
PC9999 0
BU1032 :: 7
BU7832 15 ,
PS3333 15
PS1372 20
TC4203 20
TC7777 20
PS2106 25
PS7777 25
BUllll 25
PC1035 30
BU2075 35
MC3021 40
TC3218 40
PC8888 50
PS2091 108
(18 row(s) affected)
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
pub-name price
-- ........................................ -------------------em
But Is It User Friendly?
Algodata Infosystems 22.9500
Secrets of Silicon Valley
Algodata Infosystems 20.0000
Straight Talk About Computers
Algodata Infosystems 19.9900
The Busy Executive's Database Guide
Algodata Infosystems 19.9900
Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior Variations
Binnet & Hardley 21.5900
Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean
Binnet & Hardley 20.9500
Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats
Binnet & Hardley 19.9900
Prolonged Data Deprivation: Four Case Studies
New Moon Books 19.9900
Is Anger the Enemy?
New Moon Books L/ 10.9500
(9 row(s) affected)
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

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