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Generational gaps, especially the differences between generations dened variously as
the Baby Boom Generation, Generation X, and the Generation Y are broadly discuss among
publisher of academic materials. Generations X encompasses born between 1960s-1980s. This
generation marks the period of birth decline after baby boomers and is significantly smaller than
previous and succeeding generations. Generation Y born in 1980s-2000s, generation Y legal
professional are in their 20s and are just entering the work force. Generation Y is the first fastest
growing segment of todays workforce. With the oldest Generation Z, turning 18 in 2013, and the
youngest a year away from starting school, heres an analysis of what defines this global, 21

Century generation (William Strauss, 1999). Interestingly, both of these sources (Howe and
Strauss, 2000) dene the end date for Generation Y as 2000. The different between generation
X, Y and Z can be divided into three sub-topics such as their ways of thinking, their social life
style and the technology use.
The different of generations is beginning with their year of born and the mismatch
between their criteria. We focused on incompatibility in the ways of these three generations
thinking. Born between 1960 and 1980, Generation X grew up in an era of emerging technology
and political and institutional incompetence. Such as, Watergate, Three Mile Island, Bhopal, the
Iranian hostage crisis, Iran-Contra and the Clinton-Lewinsky debacles mark the emergence of
this generation. Then, mimeograph machines turned into high-speed copiers, faxes plodded
from 30 minutes a page to seconds, and heavy adding machines were replaced with handheld
calculators. Where, the technology computers during at this time are whole buildings or rooms
Moreover, generation X is spent less time with their parents than previous generations of
children had. First recognized as latchkey kids, this generation found themselves home alone
and taking care of themselves and their siblings while their parents worked. Divorce was
common happen between years generation X was born. They were not coddled for every
emotional need and want. Generation X learned that their parents were human and fallible and
often found themselves treating their parents like older friends. Autonomy and self-reliance,
rather than respect for authority was a natural byproduct of the generation X childhood. Thus, X
generation want balanced, interesting careers and family lives rather than bunches of money
and they aren't afraid to brush up their rsums and apply somewhere else to work if they aren't
happy at their current job.



Besides that, generation X learned independence early in life and turned it into a
valuable hallmark as they progressed in the working world. Others, generation X was about to
hit the workforce to make their mark in the world, the economic decline at the end of the 1980s
occurred. Suddenly the future looked crowded and competition for jobs was tight. For the first
time in history, this generation was being told that they would not be able to replicate the
lifestyles of their Baby Boomer cousins and parents. Ungraciously dubbed the boomerang
generation, and many of them were forced to move back in with parents while in their 20s.
Then, born between 1980 and 1994 is generation Y that has grown up in an era of
technology. They have always known cable television, cellular phones, pagers, answering
machines, laptop computers and video games. Technological advancements in real-time media
and communication drive their expectation for immediacy. But, generation Y is most likely
unrealistic in their career. For example, they established themselves to at least some degree
through jobs, families and additional responsibilities of their own. Other than that, generation Y
parents have nurtured and protected them, providing for their every emotional, educational and
physical need and want. They have praised and rewarded their children for minimal effort and
have increased the expectations of school and community in educating, entertaining and
protecting their children. As a result, these young workers have high expectations of recognition
and reward from others with minimal effort on their part. This generation has close relationships
with their parents, often continuing to live with them and to be supported by them to some extent
as they enter the workforce. These young workers seek their parents advice and approval and
look to managers and supervisors to provide the same nurturing protection, advice and approval
as their parents have.
The first generation to be born with complete technology between year 1991 and 2000 is
generation Z. They were born with PCs, mobile phones, gaming devices, MP3 players and the
internet and materialistic. Thus, they do not know life without technology. They are often termed
as digital natives and are comfortable with technology. For example, they can email, text and
use computers without any problems. In addition, members of Generation Z can understand and
master advancement in technology. Unfortunately, this reliance on technology and gadgets has
had a negative effect on the members. Mostly, of them more rather stay indoors and use their
electronics than play outdoors and are active. They are leading a sedentary life that can result in
health problems later on. It is a known fact that this generation has it all time high in obesity.


Other than that, social media platforms are a way to communicate with the outside world
for them. They are not bothered about privacy and are willing to share intimate details about
themselves with complete strangers. This is done every day with Facebook and twitter and so
on. People are always telling personal information about themselves. Besides that, they have
virtual friends and for them hanging out with friends mean talking to them over the cell phones,
emails and text messages. People barley wants to talk on the phone. It's like the old fashion call
hey how you doing are over. However, at the same time, this generation is considered to highly
creative and collaborative and will have a significant impact on the way companies work when
they join the workforce. They wont have any communication skill they will just have technology
skills. In addition, they are true digital natives, comfortable with e-mail, texting and computer
applications. They are also able to grasp and master advances in technology more quickly than
previous generations. Unfortunately, technology has also contributed to this generation's lack of
interest in playing outdoors.
But, the nomenclature used to label various generations is not standardized because the
different researchers and consultants exploring and writing about generational differences have
come up with a variety of different names to label the specic generations. In addition, the
different labels has be given to various generations as well as the different chronological
schemes used to assign people born in any given year to one of the generations dened by the
sources listed in the rst column. Moreover, some authorities state that Generation Y were born
as early as 1978 (Martin and Tulgan, 2002), whereas others (Howe and Strauss, 2000) have
established a start date as late as 1982. Interestingly, both of these sources (Martin and Tulgan,
2002) dene the end date for generation Y as 2000. The focus of this review is on the three
middle generations which are generation X, Y and Z because members of these three
generations will be in higher education and the workforce over the next 15 years.
Now, we discussed the dynamic of career goals generations X, generations Y and
generations Z. The general traits exhibited by each group will be familiar when applied to staff
within your organization and understanding their character will help leaders become more
effective. In career goals, generation X prefers to the company loyalty is about as useful as a
rusty car with no wheels. Thus, they more prefer taking an innovative approach to generational
research. They were forced to watch their parents lose their retirement funds after decades of
loyalty to their companies and careers. In addition, generation X require independence to do a
good job and want to be judged on the quality of the work not the 9-5 grind. Other, generation Z
are known for valuing free time as a prize above all else. They will complete the task at hand


and happily return home to enjoy any extra free time available or to keep working from their
home office. This is in direct conflict with the other generations value of working sixty hours a
week to pay his dues and skipping lunch to get ahead, while expecting the same of everyone
else as well. Judging the work ethic of an employee is different today than it was twenty years
ago. No wonder, X generation are hard workers who want personal gratification from the work
they do. Because of, X generation stated that coming in early and staying late are no longer
clear signs of commitment to the company as a great deal of work can be done from home.
Then, in career goals of Y generation just want to spend their time in meaningful and
useful ways, no matter where they are. In other word, this generation feels comfortable in their
dynamic of career and workplace. More than half of Generation Y new graduates move back to
their parents' homes after collecting their degrees and that cushion of support gives them the
time to pick the job they really want. Taking time off to travel used to be a resume and today it's
a learning experience. In addition, entrepreneurship now functions as a safety net for this
generation. It is because, they grew up on the Internet and they know how to launch a viable
online business. For example, Facebook has begun in a college dorm room. With all these
options, Generation Y is forcing companies to think more creatively about work-life balance.
They hold word states that dont live for work but work to live. Other, Y generation set up their
career goals by strong sense of social conscience and purpose. It because, this generation is
more sensitized while growing up to the issues people around the world are facing such as
violence, disease, poverty, drought and lack of education. Thus, Y generations are aware of
diversity and think globally and balance between work and other parts of life.
Different with generation Z is more self-directed in their career goals and focused
achievement. For example, kids today have little need to await direction. They can access
whatever information they need relatively freely and that information is usually enough to base a
decision on. Where previous generations had to rely on a parent or supervisor to explain
something, generation Z is not bound by those constraints and can access the info they need
when they need it and get to work. In the workplace, they're going to expect flexibility. For
example, when baby boomers entered the workforce and working for the same company their
entire career was a barometer of success. Z generation is going to have little interest in being a
desk jockey for 40 hours a week. Instead, they'll view themselves as professional, permanent
freelancers. They will swoop in with their particular expertise or an expert in something and be
off to the next project. At least that's how they see themselves. Finally, they're going to be
smarter even than previous generations, argue some. Their ability to process massive amounts


of information quickly is actually preparing them to perform more mentally demanding jobs. In
effect, an entire generation is training itself to handle more complicated task.

Generalization is a dangerous practice at the best of times and can be misleading as we
tend to assign everyone we meet to a group and to regard them as the same. Generalization
about generations and their common features is part of the modern world. The generalizations
primarily relate to the economic, social, educational and cultural differences between various
age groups and how they have been affected by technology, the economy and cultural changes.
Due to the delayed retirement of the Baby Boomers and the earlier development and entry of
young people into the workforce into middle management positions, senior management may
have to deal with 4 or 5 generations in their work teams.
Some a generalization and recognition of their differences is required to manage these
diverse staff and to satisfy their requirements. It is also, to get the best from them and to retain
them. There is an endless debate about whether the generalizations about the differences
between these different age groups are simply related to their age differences or reflect real
variations in their culture, education, upbringing and environment. These comparisons are
probably not new as the younger generation in every society will reflect the changes in the
society, the culture and the environment. All of us are the product of our genetics and our
Generation X encompasses the generation born between 1965 and 1980. This
generation results from the declining birth rates after the baby boom years and has lower
numbers than the previous and succeeding generations. Members of Generation X are now 30
to 40 years old and hold and they hold mid-level management, junior partner and senior
associate positions. They witnessed the layoff and burnout of their stressed and over-worked
parents, and generally faced the workplace with different approach, work ethic, culture and
attitudes than previous generations. They are generally well-educated with many having
degrees and they are individualistic, resourceful, skeptical of authority and self-reliant. In the
workplace they focus on their rights and skills, relationships and outcomes. They often change
their employment frequently and may take on new career. They will readily leave a job if they
feel unhappy or are not satisfied. They also more to corporate social network, which are
commonly attitude that pervaded the 1980s and 1990s has, for the most part, generally shifted
as a result.


Even though a few people likely still are living the stereotype. They want effective
leadership and many complain about the mess that the boomers have left them regarding the
viability of the companies, businesses, and the general politics and social order. They also are
good investigators, utilizing the internet as the primary tool. They love interactive connection
with their friend and social groups and they rely heavy on the internet for research. They are
prone to plagiarism because they don't recognize the copyright of web based search results.
They are always short of time and you may have to work hard to get their attention. Television is
popular well utilized, but selectively in terms of program choice. In numerous modes this
assembly is the most demanding to come to as they are so engaged in all facets of their life that
information overload is a unchanging state for them. In many ways this group is the most
challenging to reach as they are so busy in all aspects of their life that information overload is a
constant state for them.
Generation Y are the young professionals in their early 20s that are just going into the
workforce. Generation Y is intelligent, creative, hopeful, achievement-oriented and tech-savvy.
Generation Y are the lucky ones as they are in an ideal position to exploit the pending
retirement of the baby boomers and they have superior abilities for the new internet based
jobs. Generation Y are more focused on their family and non-work lives. They desire
occupations with flexibility, telecommuting choices, with the ability to go part time. They are
generally optimistic, highly social and rather moralistic. Many people regard them as overly
ambitious and impatient and this may derive from they have given special treatment and
attention. They had the benefit of having fewer siblings to compete with and benefited from
economic stability and sustained growth in the economy in their formative years. Moreover,
Generation Y more too legal professional have a different vision of workplace expectations and
prioritize family over work. Family comes first, contrary to the wide-spread belief that Generation
Y are caught up in their own lives and interests, the youth of today are extremely family-centric.
Holding family values in high regard is a trait especially widespread among South African,
Indian and UAE millennial. Social networking sites and access to fast information hasnt made
them forget about what really matters to them, they just like to share it on Facebook a bit more.
According to the Visa Millennial study, 78 percent of Gen Y will take their family into
consideration for all major decisions. With 78 percent of these young ones determined to
provide for the elders in the family, the future seems shiny. And for all those skeptics out there,
heres another news flash- over 70 percent of working young adults are already contributing an
average of 14 percent of monthly income to their parents. This generation puts its money where


its mouth is. As children who are ten years into the 21st century, the children of generation Z are
far more verse in technology than previous generations. The oldest individuals who make up
this generation are only nine but they are on their way to opening doors never imagined. It is
believed by many that this generation will hold careers not even yet created and are currently
experts with face book, twitter, cellular phones, IPods, computers and technology as a
whole. They are very collaborative and creative. They will change the workplace dramatically in
terms of work style and expectations It is essential to engage generation Z while teaching as
they have been born into a technologically advanced world. In addition, technology is useful
and appealing to all learners.
Other than that, they still see each other at school, in the park, and at the shopping mall.
However the conversations they have at these places are no longer about catching up on what
has happened since they were last together. They already know what has been happening, to
those present and to just about all of their other friends. In the age of mobile phones, mobile
social networking, texting, photo sharing, and status updates, any big news in a teenagers
world is known almost instantly. This nearly constant connectedness to each other is beyond
what teenagers of previous generations could have dreamt of. Peer groups have always been
important, now they are important and always present. This level of interconnectedness will
shape the way this and future generations view relationships. It is how they connect with each
We all know that the internet is like one big window to the world. With Social Media, the
Web, and mobile technology young people are able to gaze out and see what is happening with
their friends, get the latest news on their pop idols, explore what clothes to wear, learn which
movies are worth watching, buy their favorite music, and arrange their social calendar which is
now a dynamic rather than static document. Unlike previous generations where much of the
engagement with the world was one of passive observance, these days teenagers take for
granted the ability to interact and shape the world while they are observing it. The internet and
mobile technology affords young people the ability to explore their still forming identities with
greater efficiency and on a greater scale than ever before. Once teens might only have been
limited to knowing a few other kids who embraced a niche look or hobby they were interested in.
These day young people can discover and connect with hundreds of other like-minded teens
from all around the world. So now the Indie chick doesnt only have some magazine photos and
one other person down the street to model herself on, she has a global community of influence
and inspiration.


Technology is a new invention from the robotic expert that always changes from time to
time. As the time change, technologies also change not little but advance during every time it
had been introduced. Technologies which become so advance sometime give trouble to the
oldest to adapt it in their life. For them, life without technology is better because they do not
have to bother to go to class with an expensive fee just to learn about technology. With the
advent of technology, we are able to distinguish between generation X, Y and Z significant
difference can be seen when the new technologies was introduced. For generation X, they are
less susceptible to electronic devices such as i-pads, laptops, navigators, and others. those who
are in their group X is the second generation born after World War 2 and this generation is
certainly not susceptible to technological innovations at this time. This is because they live in an
age where technology has not been extended. They prefer the old way of life and most of them
do not accept technological innovation.
For them, technology is troublesome and does not provide any benefit as many young
people see these days are preoccupied with their gadgets. Introduction of new technology is not
only sophisticated but not too compatible with cluster generation X. Generation X does not think
too much about technologies that are being or will be introduced. One of the factors for these is
age. They do not feel like gadget tool is a necessity for them. They feel easier to sit at home and
do household chores and to treat their grandchildren. They spend more time with his family.
They want to spend the rest of their lives with their families because they are no longer young.
They also feel that when they are young they have worked hard to earn a living, and now is the
time for hanging out time for family and loved ones.
Sometimes created technology encompasses all types of age but for generation X, all
the technology is the same. Their narrow-minded to say all that technology created just for
those who have knowledge only. They do not want to try it before making the perception. They
prefer the old way with the reason they are old and not able to wear sophisticated goods.
Although already explained about technology again and again, there are those among them
who still cannot accept it just because they thought they had that. Y-generation, the majority of
them has been exposed to technology. They are easier to adopt the technology in their lives
than generation X. Those in generation Y are who bore between years 1980-1992. This
generation is often associated with the lonely and still looking for their path of life. They are
always waiting for technological innovation because they wanted change regularly. They seek
perfection for themselves. This generation is also known as a rebellious generation. They often
feel dissatisfied and always looking for a change.


Generation Y advance their self with new technologies invented. They learned how to
use those gadgets and they are obsessed with it. They are involved in hacking and spamming
the computing systems. Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their
jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is
plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-
mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and prefers webinars and online
technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.
Meanwhile, generation Z is the generation that born with technologies. They are
expertise and their average age is 12 years old. This generation used to think that without
technologies, they cannot even live. They feel that technologies such as hand phones, I-pads,
mp3 and other gadgets are compulsory in their life. Even the parents are provoking them with
gadgets to make sure they do what they been ask too. As the result, generation Z has poor
interpersonal skill and not a good listener. They are too busy playing with their gadgets and stuff
until some of them are anti-social and refuse to meet other people. They not have a good
communication skill and lack of manners. They even been exposed to the wide world as they
are surfing the internet and they are watching the current issues and the bad side of others.
However, this situation occurs when parents did not observe their children and keep giving
everything they want. As the outcome, the Zs are pampered and easy to burst out their eager
no matter where and when.
Z generation is a generation who get less attention. They also belong to the less group
who get the love. Therefore, they spend time with the latest gadgets and technology. They are
more comfortable talking with electronic devices from communicating with humans. One of the
major advances that influenced this set of people was the increase in practical and entertaining
technology. Individuals born in this range of time grew up using the internet wireless range, and
video games and computers, which let them share and enjoy the songs that shaped their lives.
Zs generation always seeking for opportunity to make sure they get what they want and they
dont care about anything else as long as their needs and wants are granted. Same goes to
their demand on new technologies. As the parents, they should know how to control their
childrens wants and they must teach their children how to be patient. Parent should not give
their children too many luxury things.
As the sum of the third main point, the gap between generation X,Y and Z can be seen
through the way how they adapt the technologies. Generation X, they are not well exposing to


the technologies. People from Generation X grew up using VCRs and walkman to listen to
musicians and groups like Bon Jovi and Prince, and they saw the invention of the microwave,
which now is a staple household appliance. Generation Y, who are well exposed to the
technologies. Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better.
Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text
messaging rather than face-to-face contact and prefers webinars and online technology to
traditional lecture-based presentations. Generation Z, advance in technologies. One of the
major advances that influenced this set of people was the increase in practical and entertaining
technology. Individuals born in this range of time grew up using the internet wireless range, and
video games and computers, which let them share and enjoy the songs that shaped their lives.
In conclusion those three generations X, Y and Z are different such as their way of
thinking, their social life style and their ability in technology use. We know that Generation X has
been explored and expounded upon with two following generations now garnering sociologys
attentions. Generation Y, needs have not changed dramatically and that personal development,
appreciation and a sense of meaning remain important. Generation Z, born into a digital world
where always on social networking, on demand entertainment and touch screen were becoming
the norm. Although it is inappropriate to make generalizations about the individuals in each
generational, it is inevitable to recognize that those who are born in the same era have had
common influential experiences that predispose them to similar expectations, and as a result
such life experiences are what tend to distinguish one generation from another. A generational
group often referred those individuals who share historical and/or social life experiences. Such
experiences unite people of the same generation, lead those to come to share common values,
and a large number of them may then come to experience the world in similar ways.

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