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' I:
A nttit.F JtF.YIJ.;w OF Tin; UlllLL: tJ.,\S 01' WlllC'fl
T1rni::r: wonr.os: "THE wom.o 1'UA1' WAS," "r111
WOHl.!'l 1'11.\ 1 SO\\' 1$
' "Tiii> Wl)RJ,O TO C:O)ll-: ;''
\\'ITIT TUE F.YJDXCES Tll .\1' W10: All X<W
IX Tiff: "Tnm (If" r,' ' " ':
( :J.O:<IX<l Wftltl( Ot" TllS
':O!-'l'l.;J, .-\fJt;.
"A 111( I an.( S1J, o/J a uh,"f, dc11il, Nil 11,joJN Jiu douJ '"" 111/ v11tc
tl1' -"""' t1/ 1111111, J, a:n'ur "" his lunJ J:lll1ln1 o.nu11, nu.I ,.,, J:i1 lurruf 11 s ., "'"}
sl,J.f, : 111:<( lu 1J1nt 1.1f " " llu ,/t1uJ tlir:ul i11 ld1 1i, /:/, ,,,, //1t """'" 11n.I , ,-, !/Ji
rtn141'd!'-Rcv. xiv.
"Tl.t J.,,,..,.,,, ,, tlu ti:< xi.ii: 39.
C. T. RUSS}: tr .
L===========-===1=8-=. 7=. ============ ______ _J
In 111T1ri11..: lhi< 111.n!,111 Ille: pcopl. :ind ('hnl"l'll pf C:oc!, tlw\\rilcl', \\11111
ar k1111w!I d,'-;111;.; lib i111ld11tdcu"' r ... 111 a11y nf ii:- lhllll)!hl , ..
fric1uli 11f lh c.;a11c. is nw:uc 11f hi, i11altili1y rn 1t.> ju,lirc tn Liu.: j!r.:il
.. uhjtt'I< II. Ir 1111')' lll'C ol 1111,1/ v:1l11c, ll11:ir impullan<-h<1t1ltl l'll\' I
the imp c fr11i.111> 11! tl w a.i;cn!s IL-..I in their Au.I
Cirnl ill lo i-. i111i11it1 IO\t", c:t tL'<: that 1hc liouk Illa)' a<cu111pli,;lo ti"' ,, . .,,k ,,f
J.111li111; flit' l'h11rl'l1i111u1111: trntl1 tlw Bil.II plan 11f 1: .. 11.1111
''' "' Hiid 1111 I lat \l'.<I uf llw I : .. , ,wI .\);'I'.
Thrco W11rlll, . .
Comiug Jo'orl) Y1111,; of Tr1111hlc.
t:c\'Cll l I cntl.i 111 I !111111:.
)l111111<r 111 1h1 11f ('hrbt,
and .\n;;I, . . . . . . .
Tut: \\'um.11 1'0 \\\: 1\1111\\ E.wlo l>tlwr T luru
Tu K1:-wo11l! oir t:uo-\\'ill it he: :-C'" hy )l urcal,'
The !\:11111al :11111 tlu :5pirirnal
1'111 11 cJf ltctl111p1i1111, . .
.) umm: ST, '1'1ut\I., P1wH.\TlnK-'\'ill 11111 R11i11ts Ito llrn11i;l1l It> Ii'!
Di lJlu Iii
'l'i11tc.i of 1111 t : c11tilcs, .
Tim 'l' wt1 (.!ov 1:N.\1S'l':i, or, .fcndsh 1111d Guspc:I
The Juhiltc, . .
The lluly Ph1<'!!,

1ijnh, thu l' r.>phcl, . . .
Tiii! ll.\mi::.,,; Its and ils Eud,
The F i,c 1111!1 their Loculity,
A11:icl11 j,l,
The !:>1111 T n1111rwt;o1,
The Scc11 :-;1al:<,
The Sccn La.,l
The Church :11111 1hc \\'urhl,
A. P11ralilc, . . _ .
The Two Thou:;and Three H1111dr!!ll D11y.;

The Eastern Q11cslio11,
n11bylo11 1"111 11: 11,
Tho! Ki11i;1lo111 of Ootl,
Tile 'l'wo h'l rnc!I
P arnhlc: of the Tc:n Virgins,
The Sc\c11 Uhurchcs or Asi:1,
S11m11111ry, _
Note' on Chr1,nolo;,y,

l li\I
I Iii
and plan of reclcmptio11,
A folll'th world, or n fourth heaven, is nowhere nnmcd in the
Ilililc or nssocintcd with the past, pre1>011t., orfnt11r<.', of 111n11;l,11t.
three heavens and th.1ee c:wths, nre clistinct.ly 111entio11cu. J\nrl
in order to understand the fa11gnnl?'c of Scriptnre, these tlire<.'
worlcls must be recog11i zed.-N ot tli e hl'n vcn, enrth, nm.I hell, of
t.hc catechism; bnt the "orld that wns before the flood; "this
present evil world;" nnd "the world to come." Apd nil thnt
God hns revealed of mau or his destiny, is associated wit.h 011e
or moro of these worlds. Aud they follow each other; that is,
no two exist at oue nud the same time; hence the Bible is n pro-
gressive science.
1 the above is trne, the whole of Hevcbtion, when properly
ha11dled, will armngo itself into one grand system. And the do-
t.ails, instead of being n confused mass of facts, uomm:mclmcnts,
and promises, will prove snsccptiblc of perfect organization, ev-
ery part taking its true place. '
Ii one wonl<l but admit ihc truth of the above, :md it is sns--
tnined from Genesis to Hevelation, much of the obscurity con-
nected with tho pl au of sah' nt.ion would vnuish; and lurnnony
exist among t.he mnny apparently texts of Scripture.
Ench of t11ese three worlds is spoken of rn 2 l'cLcr 3r<1, n
distinct" heavens a.nd eait/1:" "The be:wens were of ola, :111il
1l1c earth, stnncling out of tho water, nncl in the wntcr; whcl'cly
the world t hat thcu was hein.t? ovcrllowccl with wn.lc1'
hut the henYCnR rrnd which arc ncno [clcnl'ly 1>pnkt11 of 111<
dis1.i11ct from the Connel'] hy tho same won1, :ire kept. in i;tol'<.' lttt
In lire . ... Ncverth<.'ltss, we, ncconling- t..o l1is lo11k f.1r
n ncu; l1cal'c11 :111<.l !l 11c10 earth wherein 1lwcllcth
{,-,,m<. Notwi1rhi;t,m1t1:ng thc11c \'nrio1111 worl(l"li nrl' 1<:1i1 1 ..
"pcl'ish," 0 1' "Jt:lSS nwny," this pla11ct is the uasis of :tll thnc;
passin(J away mca11ing 1wLhi11g more th:in :l chn11gc of clispcrn;a-
tion; l'l!I is provc11, not. c111ly by the facts conncctccl with the flood,
but :1lso by posit,i,c Scriptnre testi mony. At the fl ood the wa
t crs rose until the hills were covered, :incl then the mo1111t:1i11s;
nnd when the w:1Lcrs subsided, the I.ops oC the mountains and the
hills nppcarcd :lgaiu. even the trees were 11ot 11prootc'1, for
if tl1ey ll:t ll been tloaling 011 the water the dove could h:1.1e fo1111d
rest for the i;olc of her feet. Ancl when sent out thcscm11cl ti11rn
i;he rclul'llccl liraring an ol i rn lraf, plw:!.:cd o,ff,
so Noah knew
t.l1at the waters were 11bnted from ofI the enrth.'' 1f olinl
t.n'c lt:i1l been Hunting, the pl11cked-0IT lc!\ f would h:we hoen un
sign of the w11lers haviug nbatetl. 'l'hus it nppenn; th1rc 11ns
little or 110 chnuge of tl1e earth
or hcnvens, but sim('I)' a
dcstr11clio11 of lifr.. 1\ 11<1 yet the Jn11g11:ige
tnken ally, would
imply a tot:il n1111ihilatin11 of uolh hc:\\'cns :\lld 1:arth j and t ltl
one "th:it now is," is mentioned :is 011otl1r1 hc:wcns a111l e:irlh,
which, iu turn, is l.O "p:1ss away," not. with a great flood, but with
'' n gre:1.t. noise." _i'rnc,l yet the genernl tcacliing of Scripture is
that the "pnssing :1.wny" of tu is pl'csent. lt ctl\'l'ns :wd earth, j.,
only :i ch:u1gc of dispcnsnlion, nttc11tl c<l with grcnt 1wtivnul clc -
struct.io11. "Thou, Lortl, in the bcgi1111i11g hnst. lai1l tltc f onntla-
ti ou of the cnrt h, nncl the heavens arc the works of tlty
They shnll perish, but tbo11 rcrnuincst; they :ill sh:ill old :ui
cloth n garment, aud ns a vesture shalt thou fold them 1111, :\lltl
they shall be clta11gcd; but thou art the s:llnc, nn1l tliy rears shall
not fnil" ( llcb. J: Ill).
This is in hnrmony wiLlt Ps. 03: I, "The \\'Orltl is established
that it r.n1111ot be movC'd." "\V J1ilc t ltc c:irtl1 nmainet!t, scctl-
timc and hnr\'cst, col<l :rnd heat, summer nn<l winlcr, l\nd dar :rntl
n!ght shall not ccnse ;" aud "the earth nhicklh .forei:t:'I'." And
"tho rirrht.eous sh nil iuh_cri t the land, and <l well thrrci n fore\' Cr. "
The former <lispcns:iL10n w:is called "the old worl1i" (2 Peter
2: 5). J\nd this, tc the world that now is;" and that ll'ltich ii; lo
fol low, "the neto hc:i :incl new ;" or " worl!l to come."
TJJc order of s11cccss1on may be 1ll11strntcd to tha eye, thus;
There :ire :ilso thr<'e snbtli visions of Lho wo1 ld Lh:n now is, viz.
t he Patriarchal n.ge, ren.chi11g from the Hood t.o tho dc:nh of h -
cob; the J ewish renclti11g t o the death of Christ; nnrl the
Oospel nge, rcachmg to the finit rcsurrnction, ancl end of this
world. Tli cn foll ows "ag<!I! to come" {Ephc. 2: 7)); the fi rnt of
which is the mill c11ni:il age; or rnther the ngc of conqttest, fol' in
it Chri st is to "reign unt il he h:ts snbducd nil enemies; and death
is the Inst enemy that shall be conquered'' (J Cor. 15: 20).
Li t lic world th nt wns before the Hood, m:m was without law
or nationn.l go,cr11mcnt; nnd the result was utter r.orrupti on. Jn
the world that now a system of gradunl development ob-
tained. Under the patriarchal age a i cople were called out; af-
ter which," the ln.w_ was a schoolmaster 1,0 bring ns to Christ."
'l'hen the gospel wna given that t.lw" 1;cet1," witf1 the Great Cap-
taiu of om salrntiou, "miglit be mn1l c perfect t hro11gl1 Sllffering."
The "Seed," means one complete Uhrist; in other words, the
hencl and body; " Ile saith not, and Lo Sl'L (lii, as of many; but
os of one, And to thy Seed, which is Christ" (<.fol. 3: 1 G). "And
if y.c be Christ' s then are ye J\ bralin111 's i;cccl [uot see:c1s], and
heirs according to the promise" (,er. 20) . Thus t he nud
''' ork of the gospel is to perfect t his "seed," those who are to
take the name of Christ, nnd bl'coni c one with him. Aud this
ngrces with Acts 15: 14; " Simeon hntl1 ueclared how God nt tho
first did visit the Gcntilc!i, to t ake out of them n peoplefor Ms
name." 1\.ud this is the sole object of the gospel to t11e Gen-
iilcs; 11ot to convert the world, that work bel ongs to the millen-
nial ago, but to perfect the second .Adnm nnd the second Eve,
Cltrist and his wife. Arn) tho millennial nge is introduced by
the marriage of the J.,nm b; "J..1et us be glad and rejoice, and give
honor to him; for the rnnrringe of the Lamb is come, and his wife
hath made herself ready" (Hev .. 19; '7).
This 'vorld ends wit h the second coming of Christ and the res-
urrection of this "seed;" just this 11nmber who makeup the body
of Christ, " Christ, the fi rst frni ts, afterwards they t hat nrc
Christ's, nt his cominl?." And t hen it is, the work of the sal va-
t.ion of t.he world begrns .
.All that was l ost in Adam, is to be restored in t he second Ad-
am. Ancl this "restitution of nil things," begins only nt the sec
ond ndvent: "RcpC' nt ye. therefore, n.nd beco11vcrted, that your
sins mny be blotted 0111, when tho times of refre::;hing shall aome
from the prcsc11co of the Lor<l, n11d he shall i;c11d .I csus Christ,
whicli befo1e wns preached uuto you; whom t,hc he:wcn m1111t re-
ceive witil the times of rci;tit11tio11 of nll t hing:;. ; which God liaLh
spoken by the mouth of all his 11oly since the worl<l l>c-
gan " (J\ct.s :I: 10- 21).
1\ of itlT l11i11g1<, 111 11 :<1 i11cl11d1: of llt l:
whol11 a:; tl!e rcs11rrectio11 ilocsuotcvmnw111t>
1111til tltc end of Llii:; gospel age; and docs 11ot end mi iil "the
Lhousn11d years nn: li11ishcd ;" t herefore the resti tnt,ion l>clongs,
uot 1.0 t.hc gospd, hut 1.o the millc1111ial nge, nnd world to come.
A1id it is there we get our rcw:inl; "There is JIO man thiit hat,h
left h ouse, or pnrtnts, for the kingdom of Goel, who s hnll uot rn-
cci\'e mnny folil more in this t ime, null in the world to come, lifo
e1C'rlasti11g" (Lnkr I S: 30) .
The ki11g\lo111 of (.;od belongs to the wor11l to come, :111c1 is n
:;piritnal ki11gdn111; arHl 1.J1 osc who i11!1erit it nrc to !Jespiritu:il bc-
i11g!O. t'lirist, ltl'!Hl, \\:1s "p11t t o death in the fl esh, butq11i,:k-
e11rd hy the Spirit.." 1\ Jl(l the apostle nttirms, "Though we l1:1v t
k111Hr11 ( 'l1ri:-t nltcr 1.J1 e flesh, hcnccfortJ1 know we him 110111ore."
;\11d of t hu in Cl1rist, it is tl11y nrc "sow11 n n:1t-
11r:il [or n11i111nl] hocly; milled n spiritual uo<ly. There is 1111 :111 -
i111nl liody, antl there ii: a spirit11nl J,01ly . .A11d is w1iltc11,
the fir;;C 111:-in A1l:\m wn!' made a li,-ing animal; [iooul, in t.lii8 text.
J>Pr:;on j, 1.hc last Adam n quickening spirit. l lowbeit tlwl.
wni; 110L first which is spiritnnl, bnt thM which is au im:il; allfl 11 f,
cenrnr<is th:11, whi r.Ji is spiritnnl. 'l'he first man is of t he earth
c:irUiy; t.hc second man, the Lord from bcnven . .. No,1 this I
l.iret.hrcJ1, 1.J1 :it tlcsh nn<l blood ca1111ot inheri t the kingdom 0f
Goel" (1 Uor. 15: 44-50) . A spiritun.I body docs not meru.1 a soul
without :i. ho<l y. I knee, in tl1c state of cl en th, man lws no body;
for it is ouly at the resu rrection we get a s pirit.uni body. Ancl
i11 l Oor. 15, Paul clai111s that if t.li ern be 110 n.!s111Tcctio11 "then
1hey which nrc fa ll en aslll'Jl in Chri st :trc7>erislwcl.' 'Bntsomo
\\ill say, lluw am rhc ile:i<l rnise1l 11p? :\Ila wi t.Ii what bodies clo
l hey come" t Thc11 lie goes on to show th:i.t the in Christ.
arc r:1isc1l a spirit11ul body.
Altho11gh t he ki11g1lom of God is a spi ritual kingdom, it is lo
lie i;ct. 11p on t his c:lrth; n11tl we to pmy, "Thy ki11g-
d>111 c<1mc.,, 111. the of Daniel, four great empires, Bab
ylon, Grcc1a, a11d ltome, :ire bronuht to view :rnd
the fourth was to be di 1i(lcd i11 Lo teu p:uts, repf.escntetl l>y the
ten toes of t.hc image. Tli csc ten divisi ons of the ltoman em-
pire now exist :v; Frn11cc, <:: t'rmauy, Austria, Swi tzcrlanc1 Eng-
land, Spni u, l'ort.11g:d, Lomba rdy, and Raveuna'. Tlw
iaf:t three, being "1111 !lirl'e pluuke<l up" by the papacy. Aud
Nhc11 " tltu 111 orw "1m1 ii l'S the image, it iii on " the feet ai1d toes-''
Yiz. I.he of I h!' tlll pirc. Aud the expl:rnntio11 g i vc11 \11
t.h:1t" Jn tl 11! days of t.htse Ltcn] ki11gs slrnll the God of hcn1'.cn
up. a k i11w l o 111 >'hall 11 e\ cr nn1l it. f t.hut
t.l11s k111!-(d o111 of ( "" l I -" ha II hrc:l k 111 p1C'les anrl 1;011 s 111nt' :1' 11
'' '"'it <Ii II,,.,. ,. , f,.,, r r 1' I 11:111. 11 ). ,\1111i 11 1: (\ .
11: 15, under the of Llte scvcntl1 trnmpct, the ki11gcloms
of tl1is world become the kingdoms of onr J.,ortl. And in Dan.
7: 14, "One like the Son of mnn came in t.hc clouth of heaven,
and there was given him dominion, and glory, and n kingdom,
that all peQples, nati ons, :rn1l languages, shoul t1 Rcrvc him.''
Here u1 pc>sitiYe proof that this kingdom of God is not get np,
nor given to Chril!t
until ihc cud of this world, whe11 He
in tho clond11 of heaven. And He himself sn.ys "My kingdom
is not of this world."
'l'he kingdom of God being a apidtnnl kingilom; nnd those who
nre to i11herit it Jmdng spiritnal bodies; wl1en set up, it will he
diiitinct and separnte from the king<lom11 of this world. Under
the seventh tnunpet, the kingdomli of this world ;ire not i;nicl to
become the kin[Jclom of our J.,or<l; but tho ki11,11dom.s, in the plu
ml. "Flesh iincl blood c:rnnot inherit the ki ng:lom of God; nei
th er <1oetlt corruption inherit incorrnption." Jtis t.he kingdom of
God, set up "in the clays of these kings," which is to conquer nnd
bring the kingdoms of earth into subjection, nntil "all 1>cople11
nations, and langnnges, slrnll serve him," "nnd ltis will be cl oue
on earth, ns it is in heaven," n11c1 not the gospel of the ki11g1lo111.
This subjugation of the 11ations nlso nflinned in RcY. 17: 14;
"'l'hese [ten kings) shall mnke wa1with the Lamb, nnd theJ.-:m1b
el.mil overcome them: for he i11 Lord of lords, nnd l{ing of kings:
nnd they thnt are with him arc called, ancl clloscn, and faithful."
And in Iiev. 19: 19, it r ends, "I snw the hen st, and the kings of
the earth and their armies, gathered togcthc1 to mnke ioar ngninst
him that sat upon the horse, nnd ngaiust his army,,, "1VhnteYer
the nature of this" wnr/' it is certninly opposition by the
of the earth towards Cl1rist and those who nre with him. And
in no way can such language be construed so 1\8 to menn gospel
conversion, unless being cnst "alive intio n lake of fire," means
conversion. It is only" the beast, and false prophet," howc\'el'
who are cast into the J:i.ke of fire.
It will be remember1id th:i.t God hns promised the kingdoms
of this world to Christ;" Ask of l\Ic, nnd I shnll give thee the
heathen for thine inheritnuce, nnd the uttermost p:rrts of the
enrth forthy possession; and thou shnn break tbem with n rod of
iJon; thou. shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" (Ps.
2: 8). 'l'bis certainly docs not look like tl1c mi1'1 aw:i.y of tlie
gospel. And in Re\', 11: 15-18, we learn tllllt when the king
doms of this world l>ecomc the kingclomii of our Lor<l, "Tho n:i
tioos were an[J1y, nncl thy 101ath is come." Ancl in ch:iptcr 2:
20, 27, the same promise is matle by Uhrist, to hie people, to ho
fulfilled nt the end/" Ho thnt O\rrc:omet.h, 1\11<1 my wnrks
1111tn the encl, to him will I gi\'C j>owcr O\'Cr tl1r n:i tlo11s: n111l he
'j'JfR 1.'HRER won.TJ)l:!.
shall 1nl1 thcm1 with n Jocl of iron, :ind ns the vessel of :1 poL!cl'
i:h:dl Liter 1ic broken
T his 1101 f ospel c:onvcrsion, else lfo is simply promising hi ii
hricle th:1t, i she is faithful to the cud, she shall be permitted to
rnlc 01cr nnd <h;h herself in pieces. Nor is it the lmming of tl1c
wod<l, ns some suppoi;c; for in that cnse they would not rula ovar
1. li cm at alt. In Luke 19: 11-27
Christ snpports the s:ime irl en,
tl1nt the 7e(qniu,q nnd the gospel are distinct; nnd thnttl1c :1bovc
"rnling with n rod of iron/' mcnns 7eal i;ubjugntion. He g:we
1hc following;" BP.cause they t.ho11ght, heing 11car to.fernsnl e111,
thnt tht1 kingclom of Goc1 should immediately appear; He said
th<>refore, A certnin nohlcman went into n far country iorcccil'c
for l1imRrl f n kingdom, nncl to return. And he called his ten scr-
v:rnti;, :ind dclirnred them ten po1111ds, :md snid unto them, Oc-
cupy till I come. [Herc is the work of tlle gos pel, "Occnpy till
I come]. And it cnmc t o p:i:s;;, 1ohen ltc lw.d ?ettwnecl, undng 1c
rei\-ed thr. king dom.'' he fir;;t reckone<1 with 11i.s nnd nf-
tcrwn1cls excrcisc<l l1is .. ign po\Ver over his enemies. "The
Lord nt thy righ t hn111l shall strike throngh kings, in t,hc clay of
Jiis wrnth; he i;hnll judge nmong thchenthcm, heahnll fill the pl:t-
cr.s with tlcrid borlks, li e wo1111d the ltcad.'> ovcrm:rnr conn
1.ric1;" ( Ps. 110). Compnrc also Pr.aim 4G, nnrl 47; "l!or the
Lonl most high i!f t errible, lie is a gfoat king over 1111 the cart hi
he i;hnll subdue the people under 111s, nn<l the 11ntions 1u1der 011r
feet. Goel reigneth over the hen then: God sitteLh on t ho throno
of his holiness. Come, lrnholil the wor ks of I.he J,onl, ,vh:it d as-
olaticns he hnth mndc in Lhc cnrth; he mnketh wnrs to cease un
to t he ends of the C!trt Ii. Be still, nn<l know Lhnt l nm God: l
will be exalted nmong the heatltcn/ l will be exalted in the emth."
This work of 1mh<111i11g, nnd rul ing tJie nations with :i. rod of
iron, docs n<>t corumcncr., however, until t he sounding of the sev
euLh t.rumpet nt. the en<l of the g ospel nge; for unti l th:i.t time
the kingtloms o f thii; world r emain in possession of "the prince
of t.hiii worl cl ;" "whent nn.d tnres g row together;" "evil men nncl
i>cclucers wnx worse n111l worse," "and they thnt will li ve Godly
i;ltnll s11iicr;" "for ncry son that he lovetli, he cbastenetb."
'l'hn.t Christ anrl J1is saint!l nre event1tally to reign tlie emtll
is placc<l beyon<l nil cl ouht l)y compnring H.ev. 20: 4, and 5: io:
"Auel hnst mndc ns unto om God kings and ])licsts: andwcslwlt
rdgn on tlte emtli.." .And this. reigni11g is positivelr. nnirmed to
Le a.f?.cr the resurrection ; nnd m Dan. 7: 1:-J, 14, ns 1 to rn:-ikc it
dn11bly fllll'C, is thnt the rlomini<Jn over the nntious is
11 nt giYcn t.o Ohri>;t H11til he com<:s in t/ie c!o1eds of lieavm, whi1h
we k110 10 iii :it. f'lcn11t1 .Aml nnclcr the SC Yen th tnirn
prt, wlwn the i:nlnti; nn r(' w:irdrrl, the of thiR wnrlrl
J'JflJ,' 1'1IREE WORLnE.
uccomc the kiug<loms of ou1 J,ord nud of his Christ. Hence w i -
til that time, they 1cmai n i11 possession of those who :i re opposed
to ChrisL. And J esus noL only acknowledged the <le,jl to be the
prince of this wol'l cl, but posit irnly nfiinus, "l\ly i3 not
of this world" (John l 8 : 30). But the period of l1me during
which the seventh t rnrnpet is sounding, a period to continue yet
nearly fmty y ears, is a pi,otnl poiut, 80 t o spank, uet"een " t hi11
present evil world," nnt1 "the world to come." A11cl during thi s
transition period, t he kingdoms of this worl cl are t o pnss iut o the
J1ands of om Lord, but i11 the midst of such a "time of troubl e, "
nnd "angry nati ons," as this world !ins 11eve1 " rituessed; when
these kingdoms will he "dashed to pieces, like a potter's Ycsscl ;"
and t.be above Scripture realized, "God reigucth O\'er the heath
e11 (not over tbc immortalized bride of Christ J, Come, Debold tho
works of the Lord, what rlesob t ions he ]1ath mncle ju t,hc earth;
he m:ikcLli wnrs to ccnse unto the cuds of the c:1rt.h." Aud 1Qft.en
thi s sLnte of things obtains; to/ten " the kingdom ii; the Lord' s
nntl he is the Governcr among the nations," David says, " .All
the ends of the enrth. shall remcmbc1 :rncl tunt to the L ord; and
nil the kindreds of the uatious shall come nnd worship before
thee" (Pa. 22: 27). And there, in the mill cnninl nge, "Christ
rand his iiumort:i.l bride] shall reign until nil enemies nre sub
ilucd; and death [whicl11s not conquered until the thousand yenrs
nrc ended] is the last enemy." And the corwersion of the wol'ld,
clearly promised, will then be consummnt.ed.
The christian clrntch have been right in hclicving in the even-
tual conversion of the worlcl, no doctrine of the Uible is so cl ear
a.ud unmistakable; but they have failed to distinguish between
the work of the gospel of the kingdom, and the kingdoJU itscU;
the one being n preparatory step to the other.
Ii the reader will but tho natural and Bible outcome
of this progressive plan; that" tlie world to uorue/' belongs af-
t er the " world tJ1at now i s ;" th:tt the passage from t.hc one l o
the olhcr, is but a change of clispcnsnt1011, g1'eatcr t.han occurred
nL the first ndvcnt between t he lmo and the gospel, but. still only
i l ch:111gc of clispensnt iori from Lhc gospel of the kingdom to tho
kiugdom; n cha11gc invohing n rcs11rrcctio11; for, in Atl:nn
all tl ic, so in Christ, sh nil nil lie mn<lo ali vc, but every man iu
his own orcl or;" he will sec t haL ":i. res ti tu ti on of nil thin(!a,
whi ch n od hns spoken l1y t he 11\0ll l.h of nil holy
i; i11ce tl1c worlll bcg:111 ,, (Ac ts :i : 21 ), ill t\VL :i fo1 0cd clocLrinc
hnt a J l e will nl so RN thnt. :;s yd, 110 one r11t1 n 1l
tltc "wol'ld l <io11
or Lo c:om1:," 11 0 1' cnn 11 11 t.il <111e crnl i;.
, \ ud t hat tlt crd<tr<', :hv Atl:1111i\' is 1:11 1 1 .lt:<'/>: 11111 111!1
7'II.l!..' 1'11R.EI!.' lVO R.l.lJ.S.
when " l hl'}' that i;Jecp in the <lust of Lite earth, shall awake,
they enter 11po11 :i. fntnre lifo.
l'rob:11.io11 to :i. restored 1111111:111 family in the mill cunial age, is
not. co11sii;r.c11t, it is trnc, with tlrn idea thnt tl1e hc:l t hcn, nud ull
thcu11co111crte<l go to a place of torment at death; bntisconsis-
tent the stnt.e111c11 t so universal i11 t he Bible., tliat they arc
not d..:.ucl, liut sleep. 'Jhc til most unanimous testimony of Scrip-
t ur<', whrn one was i.. itl to die, was, that "they slept wi t h t heir
fathc.irs, nnd w(' re 1Hlried" &c.; "They that sleep m J esus, will
CJcytl bring with l1iru." And Christ said of more tha.n one who
w:1s buried, nr ready for buri al, " Ile is not ac.:ad, lrnt slecpeth."
This is wh:it the Bi life terms "sleep," but the1c is n death ; to
di1<li11guish it, it. is C;)IJcd the "seco1l(l death.'' J\ncl it is :i clear-
ly Scriptural position tltat no man can die the rnal dea th, wi th-
0111. commit t.ing thnt one llin wliiuh is" 11111.o <l cn.t.h;" "There is
:t sin trnto lle:tth ; I do 11C1t say that ye shall iu:"ay for it" (l Jobn
5: l G); :t. si11 whid1 1':1111 l'laims that one must "taste the good
wurcl of Gatl nnc1 the powers of the worl d to come," and thns be
l>ro1ight "to the knowlec1ge of t he tnrth; if such sin wilfully,
there rcmai11eth no more sacrifice for sin, but a fourfol lookiug
fo1 o f fiery i11dig11ati on" (compare Heb. G: 4--0
:mcl 10: 2G 27) .
A J csus s:iys "C:tn be forgi,en, neitlrnr in this world; neith-
er in the world to oornC'." But one must sin toiifttlly after havi ng
hcen brought Ly tl1c Holy Spirit, to the knowl edge of the truth,
l>efore they can con1mit the sin" t hat is uuto death.'' .But God
has declared t hat "Ile liave ALL men come to the kno1ol-
e<lge of the trnth." Hcfo.re the pl:t n of redempti on is finished
this will Le Goll l1:is promiseu a re.sunection to
all; and a uni \'Crsal 1esf.itutio1i; a11d tli:i.t ''All nati ons which thou
l1ast made, sliall co111e an cl worship before thee." Even the Sod-
011 1i tes arc promised a restitution back to their "former estate"
(Ezek. 16: 51i).
There is 11111ch pMil i\' e Scripture, to be adduced, to prove tllat
there i11 t,o be problltion in t.he millenninl 11gc, or world to como,
for nll wl10 h:wc not u cen brought t.o tile knowlc<lcre of the t1uLh
i11 this ll' Vrld, nntl com111ittct1 tho unpardonable ChrisL garc
hi111solf "11 r:iw;orn for all, to ho testifi ed i1i due time" (1 Tim.
:t: ti). tJod " is tli" f'avionrof :111 men, spec:ially of those that.be
lic1c" (1 'l'i111. J : 10). N1>t t,h:lL 110 s:wcs all men atemallt// Lnt
he will save nil ntl'11 frnm the l\llnmic fall. Every pori:.0;1 l!lust,
;111<1 will l ie s:\Vccl; that 001110 to the k11011'l cdg1J of tl1c tn1Lli,
nf 1l1c giwd 1111r<l 11f God :111d power of t he \l'Ol'ltl t o co111c;
:n1<1 hn\'C (/tr' ir htfore t.hcy t'ttn" foll :1way" i11lo
tlinl fr;1rl 11] \' 1111oli1 jo11 for which "I hl'l't: l'l'lll:t.i11C't.l1 111> more sat
"I hn,cr;wo111 by myself, the word is goHe out of my
mouth 111 rigbteous11css, and shall not return, Th:i.L nnLo mo etc1y
knee shnH ho\\, nn<l every tongue confess" (Isa. 45; 23}. Paul
iu reasoning" tlmt Christ lJOth died :\IJ<l rose, that he we
Lord both of tho <lend nnd liviug, For it is written, J\s l live,
saith the Lord, evc:y knee shnll bow to me, nucl every tougue
slinll confess to God" (!tom. 14: 11), is J>l'O\'i11g n resurrect.ion;
nud that all, both deacl aud liviug, will, in the day of j111lg111e11t.,
or milleuninl age, be brought to this good coufessiou.
If j t be nsked, 'n1y <lid 11ot God bring these extinct Hnlions tu
the knowledge of t.hc t.rnth l>cforo they foll nslccp, if ho evc1: i11-
tenclecl to do so? I answer, Go<l. hnving t.lrnt t.hl.!ro was
to be a second Adam, nnd n second Eve, the" wife" of this sec
ond Adnm (sec Rev. 19: 7); and that throngh this second Adnm
nll that wa.'l lost through the firl)t Adam shoul<l be restored;
has, thus fnr, been doing only a preparatory work. The ,lewi&h
supposed tho promise of God that "All the
of tho on1th should be blessed," t luo11gh the Seed of the womnn,
would be fulfilled uodcr tho la10; while the Christian oh11rch lrnve,
with ns little authority, clnimetl nll for the If God h:ul
satisfied Lhe .T cwish nntion, much Seri pt.ure in rein I ion Gc11tilQl'I
would have remained unful.fillcd. Ir God satisfies the 111?minal
Christian church, much prophecy irrecoucilnblc wit.It "the nar
1ow way," would reruai111111fnHillcd. But he has said t.li:it "He
will be for a stone of stumb!iJig to both the housci; o( Israel."
Tl.le snhation nnde.r the law, was for a clnss, and not for :ill
maukiud. The s:ilrntio11 111u1er the" gospel of the kingdom," il'I
for n clm;sl "the bride, the Lnm b's wife." Hence, the wny is 11ar
1ow, nncl.fcio tltere be iliatjindit. Ilcnce, "many arc en lied, n11d
few are chosen." Hence, "No mun cometh unto me except the
F:ithcr draw him.'
Rut in the kingdom, the waters of life will
lie hroa<l Rud deep; aml there, will the" Spilit, nncl tho bride
(Jome, :mcl whosoever will, let him take of the of life freely .'
.A!! the "marriage of the Lamb," and beginning of "Lhe res
t,ituLion of nll things," follows the second advent; tlic salvation
oi' the wol"ld docs not commence 11ntil then. lieuce, Christ snys,
"I pray not for tho world, but for them tbon hast givl'11 me"
(.I ohu 17: 9); am1 a1l<ls, (ver. 20), "Neitber pray I for (t.hc
twcko l :done, but fot them .. also which r;hnll believe on me
througli their worcl; thnt they all may be one, .. i11 us; tli:1t t.hc
wwlclm:1r belicYe Lhat. thou hn.st sent me." Noti ec curcfnlly the
llll':tlling; flr pr:1yi:, iwt fur I.he world, hut for his own, hii; bri tlr,
rt// t.hnt will hclicn through the wor<l of the t.wehc, t.hnt tlrey
rt// 11rny lie 0 11 0 him; "they I wai11 bc(1omc 0 11e;" !lllcl I hr m1 1
C'i111111f thio; my-;tic:nl 111nrri:1g<', ii: 1' thnt the world 11 mr l 1Pli11(.',
.A111l, lo sliow this the trne 01der, the mnniage i11 plnceil
nL ti10 t?llfl of the gospel dispcni;ntion.
1'hc positive proof th:i t there is a chnncc for tl10 t001"ld in the
millcnninl age, after this present lispc11!mtio11 cnCls; after tho
sceoncJ 1\ll:im nncl his" wife" nrc joiucd togctlier, is gathered,
first, from tho order of progression given in I Cor. 15: 45-40.
The npostle, be it remembered, is speaking not of the indivicl11n I,
lt11t of the 7ace of Adam: <t A11d i;o it is wTitten, The 1irst m:m
.\tlnrn was mn<lc n living i;onl [pc1son] ; the l:ist A<lnrn n qnick
(11i11g i;pirit. Howbeit that wns 11ot which fa spirit11nl, but
I hat whi ch i11 nnturnl [or nnirnnl]; nn<l nfterwnrds that whicl1 is
i:pirit11n1. The firi;t mnn is of the enrtli, enrthy; the second mnn
is the Lord from heaven. An<l ns we have borne Lhc image of
t.hc eart hy, we shall also bear the imnge of the heavenly."
The npostles reasoning is, thnt the first stng\l of tliis progres-
l'i\'C development of the Jmm:in family, fo to 1'cnr the imnge of
tho first mnn, mal e n11<1 fcmnle, for" they wc1e olle flesh;" nf-
t er they nrc lo bear the imngc of the "seconrl mnn," who
n li:o h:111 n
wife " who hccomc.q one with ltim. J\ nd to suppQsc
the npostle is Rpcnking of only the u scconcl man'' nncl hi s
simply the hride of Christ, is jnst ns absurd as to imppose when
i:penking of the" first Adnm," he meant only thcindiviclunl pair.
I le is showing tbnt the enrthy animal m:m, hcnvenly,
ma11, as God's trne order; and therefore, the work <.'f
the "first m:in," precedes t.hnt of the" seconcl mno.
And God
docs not perfect scpnrnte incliviclnnls, h11t workR liy
'While under the .T ewii;h <li11pcnE<ntion, not n Gent.ilo could be
siwed; :mu even the .T cw "could not. be mnde perfect, with on t
111;." Hence, "JJavfrl hath not Mcentled into the he:ivcms" (Acts
2: :14;) nor hns any mn11, "No man hnlh nsce11<.lcd up to hc:wcn,
lrnt ho thnt cnme down from heaven, even the Aon of man which
is in hc:nen" (.Toliu :l: 13). J\11cl the Rcoo1Hl .<\dnm docs not b11-
the t"c-generaLion of the" children of the kingtlom/' until t,he
"maninge of th"e Lnm b, when his wffe hath made herself ready."
J\s the 11at.11rnl r ()l" nni111:1ll mn111rns mnlt.iplicd nntl replenish-
ed the cnrth i so nll5o,
l n tl1c r e-generation, when the Son of
11i:\n 111.inll sit on t,he will He multiply noel
r"Jllc111sh the earth with :i spiritttal fanuly; u ancl n n:itiou shnll
be born in n dny.'
Ancl.thc evidence is conclusive, thnt wl1en
he i;i ls on the throne of Ins glory; when "t.hc ki11g1lom is the
Lord's, n111l he is the goYernor n111011g the m1 'J\ II the emlll
of the cnrth i;h:11l rc1J11cmhnr flllcl turn to the J,or<l; nncl nil kind-
n,ls of thr nnLi on1; sl1:dl come nn1l he fore th1e."
it i!'! 111ily whPtt hu in Ii iii glory, nnd 1l11ri11g lht i:c111 111ling
lf t.lw '"'Hll th trn111p
tli:il "the ki11g1lo111i; of 1his Wlil'ltl ha10111.e
7'11E 'l'JlRJr:Jt' ll'ORLDo.
1 l1c kingdoms of onr 1..onl (Hcv. J l: 15), :md he thus IJcco1ncA
the go\e111or lhe> !l:l.tions.
it is :tfter the mar
ri:ige oft he Lnmb; n ftcl" t Iii$ present dispensation is cnide<l: nnd
i11 the millc1111i:d age [1w "worltl to come"], th:tt Lho COJl\ersi cm
(,f t.he ioorld, is <luc.
1f Go1l li:1s been t.ry1:ng to s:wc the world before the
111an" and 11is wife were perfectc<1 [in to his own prc-
:ur:inged plan], he hns tnken n.str:tngc \\':\)"to do it. why, for
1111we than two tho11 s:rna ye:ns, rlid he let the lrnm:i.n family f!."
tl QWn in death denth reignc(lfrom Arlam to wit.Ji
110 effort to l1ri11g them to the knowlctlgc of t.l1e t.rnth? \Thy,
if he wM trying to 1c t.hc 10orl<l 11ndcr t.he Je1ofaA dispcns:itiQn,
cl id lie make it "1111ln wfu 1 to g.i ve the chi ltlrcn
s me:t dogs"?
\ Vhy sl1on1<1 Christ commancl his rlisciplca, "Go not in the wny
) f the Gentil es; !\lid into noy city of t.he ClltQr ye not.''
They were a yi11 g day l)f <.h y, nn<i if mocforn iclens UC (Yllf!, were
gQing t o hell, to etcl'llnl torment.; nn<l Christ, who WM about. tll
ghe his lifo for tlie world, would uot <1llo10 the" breacl of life"
to be giYen t.hem; nnd excused himself by Raying, "Ji'or I nm
sc.nt but to the Jost sheep of tho l1 ouso of Jsrnel."
If there wns to be no "restitution;" nnd thi!l life was indeed
the end of nil hope to the sinner, 1rnch :tpp:lrent i,11 di1Ierellc<! to
m:111's cternnl interest.s, conlrl i 10L he reconciled witli God's pro-
fci;sions of love to the w01ld;" :tll men,"" eve1y man thnt cometh
into t.he world," &c. Not n Gent.ile Ravc<l, or e,c11 nn effort in
t hnt. dirnctio11, unti l n pre:trrnngccl and definite point of ti me had
nnived; and yet God 110 respecter of persons: "Ancl when the
fnlneiis of time had come, God sent forth his Son, mnde of n WO
m:rn, roa<le under the l:iw, to redeem t hem thnt were under the
{a1oi" n11rl nntil the dny of P entecost, he mncle no prori!;ion for
any other class. Ile did not come, nt his first a4lvcnt, to llnve
the world; for he wns sont only to tl1osf! under tho l:iw. H e dill
11ot even 7Jray for tho world, "I pr:i.y 11ot for the worlcl '
(.J 0 1111
17 !l). He "thnthcmighttnstedenth
for cverr mnn; nnd "gnve himself n. rn.nsom for all; to ho testi -
fied iii due time" (1 Ti m. 2: 6). Ancl thi s " dne time," is nftcr
his Reeotld n.chent, an<l <luring the mcll enni!\l age.
The gospel is desiffne<l to reach only a class, "a 1oynl pricst-
hoocl, n holy nation; ' t.o become one with Christ; l;rnJy n won-
tlerfnl exaltation, to become part of tbe Gorlhencl; cxnllccl n.bo,c
nngels, pri ncip:i.litics, powers; "knowyenotthntyeshnll jutlge
angels"? But the gnspel dispemia t iou m11::; t encl , n.n<l n. nc10 or
1lcr of things comrncuce, hcforc the 11>orl<l cnn be rC'nchecl. ] Trre,
wr arc t.o i,,," a1Hl 11tr:rngcr1;,'' scpnrntr from t.Js e worl11.
l we :ire to 1111ffir, :111J olwy t.he tl111t 111., Tl1rr-. 1.lic
14 'l.'llE 'l'JIREE H'ORLIJS.
wny is narrow, "strnit is Lhe gate, nnd nnrrow is the wny, ancl
few them lie that fincl it.." Herc," many are called, 11.ncl few:ire
chosen;" wlte:it :ind t:trcs grow togetbe1; evil men and seducers
wnx nn<l worse; cn:n :is it wns in the days of Noah. II ow
tlwn c:111 "all lrno11- Lhc l. .. or<l, from tho lenst to the greatest,"
:wd t.he knowl edge o( thr Lord 001er the eart h, as tho waters <lo
Ll1e sen," in tlti"s di1qw11salio11?
\\' hen tlic "seooncl mnn," Chrjst :mcl his boc1y, are complete;
tl1tm. begins lhc proces::i of re-genernt.ion, n11d " the restitution
of nil things." " .An<l thou, 0 tower of the flock, the r:;trong
hold of t,he d:i.11gl1tcr of Zion, 11nto thee sltnll it come, even t.he
first dominion r thllt. lost by t.he Jirst .A<lnrn 1, nn<l the kingdom
shnll r.omc to the rl n11ghtcri; of Jerusalem (Micah 4: 8); the bri<le,
"the .T ernsalc111 th:it i;i nbo1c; the mother [in prollpent J of us nil.''
J<>c wns a p:irt of the l111111:in fnmily; :ind w:is" the mo.thar of
:ill living" [ e:t:(!l']lli11f7 hc:rstlfj.
Then. indeed, whC' n "takes to himself liis g reat po,rer
n11il 1'f'igni;," the 11ntions 1dll ho subduacl under him. Anil lle
will l'lllc tl1em with :i rod of iron;" nncl when thyjnclgntents are
ahrn:ld in the cnrth, tho i11l1nbita11ts of the ?co-rld will learn righ
t cousJ1c$s (lsn. 20: O}. And th is is the !long to be sung by the im-
111ort:1 lizc<l IJl'ido on the sl.!:i. of glass;"" All nations shnll come
ancl woi-ship before thee, for thy judgmcnti; :ire m:i.de manifest"
(H(' '' 15 : 4.). *
"Come and let ns rcnson together, s:iith the Lord." If God
has Leen trying to serve 1l'o,.ld d11ri..11g the gospel dispeus:ition,
l fo has made nsgrcnt n failure M tl11ri11g the Jewish age. And
if he was 11at trying to srwc the worlcl during t hcJewishnge, nor
for tlw t housnncls of years prior t.o thnt, if he did not then care
how m:u1y Jnunan bci11gs went to hell, whnt put the happy idea
into his hcnrt, e1en nt this Int.a day, to send JcsttS to suffer a.nd
try t o ,rwe a .fe1oi for unclcr 1 hc gospel, he claims bttt few," n:ir
ro11- is 1 he wny, nnd few thc1c be th:tt find it"? If it be claimed
t l1nt. pcrhnps there wns some way, before the first nclvcnt, for the
myriolds who nevc.r hcnr<l nf ::i Snviour, to ho s:ived then_it wns
a (: ntc.:1 riling to send. Christ; for no10 tll ere is 110 w:iy, "01
11n111r gi vc11 nmong meu, whereby wo CCtn be saved." .And -with
N?Lc. 'l'hc word ju_dgmen ts," in Itev. lG: 4, in the Greek, is
((l1ka.iom1t), nn<l means is so reudercd in most
cuses iu tlrn New 'l'csl1\111l'l1t.. /ln<l the Hebrewword occ:trrin"' in
h:J.. 21i: 0, (mis1111ahf.) hus prccisrly the !mrne menning. '!'he s7une
word in l's. 112: 1i '1!1! wi ll guide his 1tlfo.irs wi!.h
(111o.rg111, fl1nr.i:, 11.llove t.<?.xt.-; Me cq11h11.ll)nt to fln.y-
mg, \V"hcn Clmst i;n!tl('s tl11
o_f t.he eo.rth: when he is t.11e gov-
1:11or 1u1101115 t.hc nnti ous, the rnhu.l.ntnnts of !.he world will lcuin

nil the dark ages unclcr the papacy, there has uot been ouc rnilliou
in n lrnndrcd millions, since the gospel began, who hnve 1rnd any
knowledge of Christ, or the wa.y of salv:ition. lf nny man of
ordinary nbility could ham bceu in possession, for these eighteen
hundred years, of one bi.If the menus of llim, whose '
arc the
cattle upon n thousand hil ls, " he could have pbccd t he simple
story of the gospel before every human being on t.his eart.b.
ls God's nrm shortened that it cannot. save? Docs lie not care
for perishing men? Or peradvent.ure he sleepeth, nod must uc
nwakc<l; or on a jonrncy, and left the ctcrna.\ wel fa.re of his c1li il-
dren to a fc" church societies, l.rnstingtlJat tlLay will successful-
ly carry out the great plan of the redempt.ion of a l ost world.
e Gocl's wnys ltncqunl; or is it our theol ogy whi ch is une-
qual? It is true Cl1rist sent. his disriples with a world wide com-
mission, to gather out from nlJ nations a chosen people; but it is
not true that be commissioned us to send all others to hell. "He
that li cJic,eth and is b:i ptizad shall be saved, nncl he t.hat beli(!v-
eth not., shall be d::unncd" (Mark lG: 16). Tho Greek [katnkri
?10 J "damned," occurs eighteen times, in sixteen of which it is ren-
dered condemned. "Thcnnen of Nineveh shall rise in judgment
with thi s generation and shall [katakrino] condemn i ti because
they r epented at the preaching of J onas; and, behold, a greater
thau J onas is here
(l\Iatt: 12: 41). This lrnsno connection with
eternal torment, but menns that the repentance of the Niue,i tes
is n precedent which will condemn, or put to shame the noore
pentence of the Jews .. In the next verse, the queen of the south
JS to condemn that generation. TheJ ews condemned Obrist by
rej ecti ng hi m nod choosiug Barabbas. Many thousand men nnd
11orses, were seut to the condemned, in our late war,
being uufit for the service. And the great mass of mankind
will he condemned as unfi t for tho service of tile Master, in this
"11igh calling.' ' " Many are called, fe\v a.re chosen." lie thnt
believeth shall be chosen, he tbat believeth not, shall be rejected.
II the secoud Adam and E ve, nre t.o restore wlint was lost by
the first Adam, they must of necessity restore this reject ed clnss.
And there is to be not ouly a restitution, but a 1e-generation, or
rcprod ncing. Even the Sodomites, who nre held up, all t hrough
the 13illlc, ns nu cnsamplo of wickedness; and ''as suffering the
vengencc of ctc11:il fire" {J udc '1) ; arc to share in tl1c restitution.
" "When I shall bring agam their captivity, the cn ptil'it.y of Buc1-
om 1uH.l her danght.ers, nncl t l1e capt.ivity of Samaria antl lier
<laughters, then will I l>ri1117 agnin thccnpLiYiLy of thy capti 1cs
in tho midst. C)f Lhcrn .... 'I\ hen thy sisLcr, Sodom and her daugh
t crs, shall return to their formc1 ci;t,at.c; n11<l and lier
l1a11 ght"'S i;l1a II rctu nl Lo t/11rir r Vrllll'I" C':<t.:i t.11111 t ' 1 1 11 :111<1 th,.
10 'J'JIJ:: lVORJ.,J)S.
d;t11gh Lcrs shall 1d11r11 Lo your former estate .... 'l'hc11 thou shnlt
rcmcrn u<r thy wnys, :ind be whc11 thou s11nlt receive thy
sisters, thine cider, :111'1 thy yo1111gcr ;and I t11illgive th.em wito
r!teejiJ1 dat1r;lilcn;i' hut not uy thv coven:mt " (Ezck. lG: 53-61).
I,011g bofore this prophecy written the were sub-
merged 11 nder the dead i;ca; a111l if, in the res ti tu 1.io11 of nil thing!!,
tlie,I/ nro rest,orecl to their former cst:1Lo [::i nd if the above is true,
t hc>y cer tainly will be], why mnp1ot Ph:mwh :rnd his Egyptian
host also bcrestorcd? even if Goel clid rnise hi111 up, n.nd hardeu
his hen.rt for the cx-pres!-1 purpose "of showing- forth his power."
13ecause Go<l h:t11 "foreonlninetl n11d prede#inated certain meu
to destrnction, is uo O\'idcnco thnt they nm 11ot to share in the
fort.he cviclc11cc is co11cl11s;rc that, auch destructi on,
however st.roag the langunn-o used, hns only to clo with this Ad-
:imic lifo. Christ " insLc.tl for evc1y m:rn," Flmraoh ns well
as Moses. As the potter has power o\er the 1:lay
to make one
Ycsscl to honor, nml anoth1r to clisho11or, that. is, to 1Je usccl for
a less noble piirposc; so Goc1 has power to 111olcl the works of
Ms h:mds. But that tloes not prove that all who arc not cnlletl
to this "high cnlli11g in Chtist .lt.>sus,'
::ire Lo be tonneutcd to
nil eternity. 0 how lornulu is t.hc God of t.he niule; and how
hideous is the God of LhMlogy I
Elcctioll is n glorious doctrine; it is cl1oosi11g out :l few, to be-
come the bride, the spirit.uni mo Liter of ii re1hH'llled world. Auel
"we trust in t.he !iring Gocl, who is the Snviour of all n1en, spe-
cialty oI those that. bclic\'c." (1 Tim. 4: 10). Aud the fact that
"he gnve himself :unnsum for all, will be tei;tificd indite time"
(1 Tim. 2: G); n111l this dispensation is 011lynpreparntion, "th:it
in the ages to conic, he might show the excc1!di11g riches of his
grnce, i11 his kindness town rd us, through ChriRt" (Eph. 2: () .
There is 1\ second l{(c, ns well ns a" scco111l tlcath ;""As in Ad-
rim nil die; i;o in Christ shnll all be m:ulo alillr.i n111l if any man
rlie tile secollCl c1eatlt, will be because he cruc1'1cs Cltdst afresh,
after h:wi11g l>cc11 brnught to the kuowlc1lgo ti[ the truth. And
"for suc!t, there rcrnni11cth 110 more sacrifice, l>ut n fearful look-
ing for of fiery inclig11ntio11."
ln nil the there nro .bnt two or tlirel' pnE<sngca whi ch itp-
ptmr Lo coufhct.w1th t ltc!;o new.s, an<l they nr111iamblcs, given to
illiu;tr:lto cert.nm Lrntlis; and, like tho" J'lch 111a11 anrl Lazarus,"
r(!(cr to 11atio11s, or churchrs, !Jut. 11 cvcr to i11di1<l11:tla.
Lc!t it 011cc ho ad111ilt11l 1h:it there is t1> f,., 11 nstit.1tl.ion that
111n11 shcps i11 dl':1d1, lJnt. hi lo liro n sccmtd 1.i111c, t.hnt re-
g1111.:1atio11, or i:; as n11ivcrs:1l :i11 I. l ie icu of
tlll' first Adnlll, a11il (he wnys
t f Cw\ ti111 :d, :111d Iii:< f.,11rdi11at1n11:-i
:111d d11111111la1i u11s
2'1ll!,' TIJREE WVRLlJB.
only to this presc11t forfcite<l Acfamic life; aud toould have been
eternal i11 all their comicqueuces, had o ~ Clidst, when there was
oo nrm to 5ave, steped in, nnd as the second Adam, taken 11po11
himself to reproduce and restore wh:it was lost iu Adam. This
being true, the other cbss of texts have sorue meaning, Christ tas
tcd death for every man; he gaYe himself a rausom for allj J1e
is the light that lighteth every man tliat cometA into tlie toorld.
There nrc myriads of men who h:we come into the \\'Orid and
]>:\SSed out of it, who ne\er saw this light; "Ilow can they hear
without. n preacher; how can they prc:tch unless they aro sent"?
n11c1 if that text is trne, they must rcce.i ,e that light herecifler.
Some t.bink this is to good, that jf the thrcatnings of God's
wrath arc oonfinccl to this .Ad:unic life, that if Christ is to step
n1Hl restore, and give e\ery ma11 a fair ch:rnce; men will <mase
to. fear, nnrl a great i11clncemc11t to repentaucc will be lost. In-
riee<l, thon let us go back to '
pricsL, candle, an<l j>urgntory ;" ii
en-or is better th:m trnth, let tts have it in abundauce.
THE END 01" .rms WORLD;
t,hat i11
the encl of the gospel, :ind beginning of the millennia' nge
i.'1 ncnrcr thnn most men suppose; jucleed we have al ready enter-
ed the transition ]Jeriod, which js to be a "time of trouble, such
as ucvcr wns since there was n nMion" (Dnu. 12: 1). The evi-
dence of this will be given in n series of tracts, of which this is
No. 1. And also soon to be published in book form.
As tho "olcl world" ended with an almost entire destructio11
.of individual life, so naeiona.l life is to be destroyed in the encl
of this world. And it will Le noticed that, the clemmcin.tions
and judgments, every where point nt, Md are :ulJressed to
the natious; "Ancl the seventh nugel sounded, and there were
great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this worltl nrc
become the kingdoms of our Lord ant1 his Christ; and the nations
were angry, nncl thy wr:ttlt is come, and the time of the c1cac1,
that tlie;- should be judged.", . "The Lord nt thy right l1a11d
shall sLr1ko t.hrongh kings, in the day of his wrath; he shnl l j11<lgn
among the lie11then; J1c shnll fill tho places with thedcnd botlic:;:
he shall wonntl the Lends ovel' many countries" (l's. 110: 5),
A noise shall come even to the c111ls of the earth, for tho Lorcl
hath n contrnvcrny with tho nations, he will gi\e them thnt ara
wi okccJ 10 the sword. 13chold, evil shall go forth from nntiou
to 11<1liol1, 1111<1 t,ho slai n of the J,orcl Rh::ill be from one encl of tlic,
t!n rlh to lhc other e11tl of the r.arl.li. Thuy i;h:dl uot ho I amen Led;
11 or gathtntl, nor i.H1ric<l; they Rh:dl ho dung 11po11 tho grouud
(.J1re. 'lli: :'11 - a:l).
Bchol1\, Lhc (1:1y of the IArd cowetil.
1111'1 1hy p1il fl hall Le didtbl i1l the midst of t h ~ i .fol' l wl.::
J1JB 1'Jl1U.!.'H 1JTOBLDB.
gnLhl;'r :ill nnt,io11s against. Jernsnlcm to battle .... Theu shall t.he
Lortl go fotth and light those 11:.itions as wl1e11 he fought
in t.ho day of battle. And hia feet" shall stand in that day upon
tlie rn ount of Oli1ca" (Zach. H : 1-4). "\Vhioh go forth unto
tho kings of tho t11rth :1n<l of the whole world, to gather them
to the battle of that dny of God Almi ghty" (Rev. 1U:14).
I will shuke the heavens and the aarLh, nnd 1 will 0101throw
the throne of king<10111s, and I will destroy tho strength of the
kingdoms of the hcatlicn" (llag. 22). For my determination
i:; to gn.t.11cr the natio11s
t hot I may assemble the ki ngdoms, to
pour 11 pon them mine inclignation, oven all ruy fierce anger; for
:di U.ie c:\rth i;hnll be c1e1ourcd with the firo of my j ealousy. For
then will I tttrn th.c people a. p we l it.?t[JUaf!C, thn.t they may all
c:ill upon the name of Lord, to serve him with one consent
(Zrpli. 3: 8).
Bero nnd elsewhere, is proof in nbnndance not only that the
millrnnium is by the most terrible jndgmcnts on the
nations; but that ill co11seq11e11cc of these judgments, the vcople
arc t11n1ed to a plirc 1rorRliip. Aud this time of tronblc, jn the
whi ch " all the c:lrt h is Lo be dcrourcd with the fire of God's
jeal ousy," is, donbt.less, the.fire spoken of by Peter through which
tho worh.l is to pas!', at this next great dispcnsatioual change.
The world that wa11 before tlic flood, measured 1655 years.
Jn this worlcl, tl1e pat1;nrchnl :lgc, from the llood to the death
of Jacob, was 650 years; nnd the Jewish a.go, under the twelve
tribes, mc:lsnred 1845 years. Allc1 we have now been under the
gospel clispcnsntion since the crucifixion, in A. D. 33; makin<T a
peno<l almost equnl t.o th:\t of tbe Jewish An cl there is
Jack of e1idcncc thnt a of dispe11sat1on is at hand.
Ill the world to come, the fi rst, or millennial age, is to be a
1000 years; a11cl is introcllleed by the" time of trollbl e," so often
rcfcncd to i11 Soript.11rc. There is Yery conclusive evic1encc that
this time of trouble is to continue 40 years; and h:is Blreoncly com-
menced; :111d "m!!n'i; l1eart,s arc fhcginning already] to foil
them wit.h and for looking afler those things 10Mcli are com-
?ng on the eartti" (Luke 21: 2G).
Thc organizing of onpitnl ngai11st lnbor, the rising of the peo-
ple 1n self defense, the O\'ertbrow of lnw and order, the c:-isting
down of Lhc "thrones" nnd govrrnments, nnd "n time of tl'ouhlc,
such as ne,er wns since there w:-is n nation;" :-ire nli- clcnrly
foretold in Scripture ns events to precede the millennial ngc of
glory. And tbc signs of great events at hand arc so nppnrent
t.hnt all nre impressed with the <lark shadow of oominrr trou hlr.
The nationg are perpl cxe(l, and nre J)rep:uing for terrihll
stl'llgglc; huge engines of wnr arc bcin.,. mnltipliccl by bml n11(l
sea; millions of men nre under arms, still their n11mbers n1c
incrcnscd, while the people are becoming desperate nncl nl:mnc<l.
when the struggle ns soon it must, :i. ball will be set
in motion before whi ch "nil tile kingdoms of tl11:1 world, that arc
upon the face of the e:wth, 11lrnll he thrown down;" :mcl, ncconl-
ing to Soriptnre, one wil d scene of <lesolntion and terror will re-
snit. (This is the bati!lm of" fire" through wl1ich the world
to pass, e'er It enter thnt long pmmised nncl much desired ngc
of glory when nations shall "learu wnr no more".]
- 'l'ltat Lhe millennium j!! to be ushere<l in, or preceded, by the
most terrible and desolating Wllrs this world has witnes;;-
ed, is so clenrly revealed, ns to le:wo no room for the believer in
the Bible to call it in questi on. Many texts migl1t be olTcrcd in
proof, but :-. few will sufiice: "For they nrn i:pirits of devils,
working mirncles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth,
and of the whole worl<l, to g:it,hcr them to the bntLle of that grc.>nt
dny of God Almighty" (Rev. 16: 14). And in .Joel 3: the res
1.i tu ti<m of .I 11dnh and .T erus:i.lem is foretold; lJ,nd it is ad<led, "I
will also gnthcr all nations, and will bring them down into 1hc
vnllcy of ,J choshnph11t, an(l will plead with them there, for my
people ... . rrocl:lim ye this among the Gcnt.iles; p1epnrc war,
wnko 11p the mighty meu, let the mel1 of wnr drnw nenr; bent
your plonPhshares into swords, nn<l you r pruninghooks int.o
spcnrs ; let the weak say, I nm stroHg;, .. r11t ye in the sickle,
for the hnnest is ripe; come, get you down; for Lhc press is fnll,
t he fats overflow; for their wickedness \s p;rent. J\lnllilndes, mlll-
- ti l .. 11<1es in t he vnlloy of clecisiou, for t.hc <l ny of the Lo1'!l is ne:w .
. . . The Lord nlso sh:ill ronr ()Ht of Zion, nncl 111.tcr his voi ce
from .J crnsnl<'m, and the hc:n'clls :incl the e:t rth !!hnll shnke; lrnl
I he Lon.I wi ll lie the hope of people." And n.rc the nations
ntit prcpnrci 11 g for war, :u1 nc,cr ltcforc ? Hugo gnns nre boi11g
tlHalt.iplict l, somt of whi ch nrc 011p:l\1le ofproject.ing n tnn of iron
lhrong h t hr nir fnr 111iJc,,q; n11 rl ot.lt cr prcpnr:Hi1111s of r qnnll .1
\ :\sl ) l'Pf lll'l i n 11 Sj :t11d Wh C'l1 the 1'(1111' of tlll' l'fl lltli1t l'i':l<' I\ (!! i ls
highth, t he hcn1ens :md t.he enrl,h ll'ill indeed "slrnke,1
"but the
Lor1l wjll the hope of J
is peo
il1,." "I tl'end <)own the
people 111 m111e :inr1cr and m:iko t hnrn rlrunk, in my fury; and I
11 b .
' I " A d .
w1 !1ng 110\\n their i:trl'ng1 h t11 t li e c:i.rt i. .. nn. yet, notw1th-
st:t11dlllg these desol:lt.inu the Lord will not cast olI
forever, \for" he doth nlifi<'I. willi11gly, nor the cli il-
<lrcu of men." These j ti\l!Tm('nt:-i 1111 the world, like the chastise
rnent of l1is s:iinL.c; nre for their"' 1 11 t11:tl good; antl good is t o re
snit : ''For my is, 111 the n::itions, that I
assemble the ki11gdLll11$, to I"' "'' 11 po11 them mi11e inclignn-
tro11, even nil my ficrrc nni:rl! r; f,11 id I tho rnrth shall ho devoured
with the fire oi"rnr k:ili,
5\., }' .. r f/, rn will I turn tJio JJCople to
n pure luugu:itre, t li:)' m:\y l'.:tl! npon t.he n:-1me of J eho-
,ab, to serve l1i111 with

111s111 I" (Zeph. 3 : fl) .
Thus we lc:irn tli :it nftcr the i:r.r111 comC's the Rn111ihine. By
these jurlgmcuts, Lht> JlOO}'lc art! ,,,,.,,..,1 to" t:Cl'l"C' tlrn Loni wit.Ji
one consent. ' 'J\ tHl the knowltli: of the Lord shnll cover the
C!lrLli, ns the wntors cl .. ll1c !'l':l."
But 8cript.11ro 11ecd nnt UC' m11Hi1.li1cl 1.o pro\e either t.he finnl
corncrsion of tho wodil, or that. 111 wlt Cl') IWllrsion follows these
<1csQl:iti 11g j11clgmcnts (>JI t hi 11:1' "'111<; for ]WOJl hecy clenrly fore
tels n rcig11 of pe:icC' when "u:lt it:1 1<l1nll learn wnr no rnore.
.And until the of 1he grr:d .tny; 11otil the scones are p:issed
in which Gou calls upon t he uni i.i11.i to "Il rep:ire for wnr," they
will "Jc:1rn wnr." "Tho li ont fl ,111 raged, the kingt.1oms were
moved; li e uttered his Y<'ice, t.hP ,111rt.h melted ; Come, bcholcl the
works of t he Lcml wh:it he hnth ma<le in the enrth;
he maketh wnrs to' cca.c;e
to t.li 1 111ls of the e:uth" (Ps. 46) .
No one will cl:i.im th:1t thi:i i!-! 1drc:uly nccompl ished, 11ence, i t
lemains to be fnlfill c
1. Anil cl'rl ii11l y no one wi ll for n moment,
claim thnt the "desolntions mncl i11 I.he cnrth," by whi ch w::ir is
mndc to cense, is r;o.<1pel Heuce it is by these judg
:rntl th<: conq11C$t of the
: 1111111!1, and not: liy gospel conver-
1>1011, that the Jcigu of pence is f ,, ho 111
.At. the prese11t ti me the ki11g t1"1111i of this worlcl belong to the
by n Godgi \'en ri ght, 1111.I

<lo become " the
kmgdoms of our Lnrcl, and oI ltl. <Jhnst., 1111 t.1l the "times of
the Gentiles arc folfillcd;" nor wnr nncl oppres:;ioncense t ill
t.l11?1l,_f or Christ snp, " .T C' rus:-1)<11 t<li.all IJc f,ro1ldc11 down of the
Gentiles 11111.il the t imes of t.hc 1:.111.1lcs he fol!l ll ccl" 21:
21). [L!.!t 110 one tl1r "
im1;11 of the Centil es, ' for t.he
of t.he 0 r
tilt>i;" (l<r1111 I I_; t.hey. nre r11Lirely
d1st111rt; t he fornwr llll' :tfliti'' 1 lt11 Lime <111n11g wl11ch t he four
Ui>t1Lih ihlidn11. 'l\1 .. . 1 I '11'!-\ia, n l'l!(l in, 1rn1l Homr, nrc
to rul e 0\"1r ::i d lr .. :tcl

.I 111>1 :d11n ; lhn lntLt.r, Llw pe:riutl
which spans the goi>pel to the Gentiles nnd cc blind11es!l t-0 lsrncl.1']
'1'110 of the Gentiles br.gnn when tl1cdiadem wns remov-
ed f ram the l1ead of Zedekiah, the last prince of the house of Da-
vid; and terminate only nt, or <luri11g, the sounding of the scv-
e11th and last trump. And to Zeaekiah iL was snld, "0 thou
profane wicked prince of Israel , whose day is come; take ofhhe
dinilem, remove the crown; ... J will overturn, overturn,
t.urn it, nn<l it shall be 110 more till Ile come whose rigl1t it is, and
I will gi \e i t him" (Ezek. 21). cc And the aeventh angel sound-
ed, n11d there were great voices in hc:\\'e11, aaying, The kingdoms
o( this world nre bccoml' 'he kingdoms of our Lord, nnd of his
This interregnum in the royal line, from Zec1ekinh to David's
great Lord and Son, is the time during which these "four great
(Dan. 'I:), were to treacl dowJ1 the whole earth. But it
i!l 1tlmost e11tl e<l, as we purpose to show; the fonrth and last, or
Homan cnpire, having p:i.ssad t hrongh all its many elrnuges ex-
cept the one Jnst tlenth struggle, is now gircling up its loins, to
enter the :i1cnn of Armngec11lon.
The fou1th empire, 1epresente<l by Rome, wns t o pass through
mnny ohnnge.c;. It wns to exist fost ns n purely civil power. It
wns then to exist ns nn ecclesiastical power. It was t o be divitl-
e<l into t ell pnrti;, reprcseutcd by cc the toes of the image" (Dnn.
2), antl t.he " horns ofthe beast
(Dan. 7) . Jt was nlso to hae
"seven hencls" or governments. !n Rev. 12: its characteristics
ns a pmdy civil power, nre given under the symbol of "a drag-
on Jinving se,en hcntls nnd t en horns." Jn chapter 13, its lead-
ing characteristics as ii com pound of "church and state," arc rep-
resented. ln Rev. 17, i ts characteristics nre given as a dual pow
er, with church nnd stntc, "woman" and "beast," kept disti nct.
It is n foct. thnt the lloman empire, or civil power, while under
the domini on of the pnpncy, although held in abeyance by the
church, had a ,qepatate existence; nnd this dragon as we
shall see, is mai11taincd in the symbol to the end. The ecclesi-
clcmeu t also exists to the end. An<l so docs the body of
the heast nftcr its heads have fallen. And thus it i s the" grc:i.t
city,'' [t he fourt.h empire) is divided into "throe pnrls" (com-
pare Rev. 10: 13, 10); n. <l1 vision now b eing cons1unmnted. I re
fer to tho mo1111rchicnl, thercligious, and the republican clement.a
n( Europe. The monarchical, rnprescnts the imperial or " dnrg-
0 11" powC'r; the papacy, the rel igious clement; " the false proph-
et t h:it wrought n1irnclos" before the bcnst (Her. JU: 1a,
!111 <1 J !J : 20). While tho Tnternatio11nl, or republican clcmcut
" t he liorly of the bcMt;" or" the people!!, :lll1l mult i-
:11111 ttllti1111,. , nn1l on which the wo 111n11 sat. And
I/tis Lhir<l of the <'lllpir<', whc11 fully dcvclopecl, is to be a. /i cart-
111QnsLcl', or the" hc::i<:t," after its faRt hcn<l "is fallen (He''
l i: 11); j nst "hat Lite Commwie, 01 Internati onals profess to bo.
Tbe fourth empire is nl)t in prophecy 1mtil its con-
qncst of tho third cmpin
] lc11cc nnr go,ermncnts it lll:lyl1ave
hn<l prio1 to the foll 11f Ry ri a n11<1 Rgypr., :ire no part of the J1ro-
phct ic "seven." J\11th11ny c11111p1crecl Egypt nt about 11. c. 30;
rtL which time, :rn11 f, r 1101110 1.i111 r prc,i1rni:1, the government of
Home was n trinmYir:ito 11111lcr three dictators, or consul s; hence
we will c.all this firsl hcnd, (,'ans11lar. Tltis J1entl foll when An-
gnstus Ccs:i.r, one of the t.hrc<.>, clecl:irccl the empire inn. c. 27.
This sccoM1, tlt c I 111; 1rriat l1c>a<l, rcmai11cc11111t.il the empire was
hrokcn n p hy the Goths ::it nbon t. A. n. 4 'iii, wltt'n tho Oothic
king!! took possession of Rome. 'l'l1i'1 t.li inl or Ootltic l1c:i1l fell
in nnd Home W:l-" gin>n int o tlrl' h:\lll oft.ho p ,1pacy, which
t.hnl3 ht'C::tme the fon rt Ir lrcn1l f r0m 5:J 8 to l 7!J8; or for I 2UO years.
Alt.hough tho power of 1.h11 Jl O!' CS was only clcl r.g:i.to<.l; n power
confcnc,1 on them at the of one or more of "these tcu
who "C\re t o' and gin.! t heir power :rnll strcngtlr
11nto the hen.st, 11nt.il 1111? "nrcls of Go1l, the t.irne, times, nncl a
hnlf, were follillcd ;" st ill 1.hc Pnpal, wns tho ouly govcrmnN1t
li:'ning i t.s i:c::i.L nt R ome, from 5:J8, to l i08. This fonr th hcn<l
was " wo11n<lccl 11ntn .1eatl1 ., (He1' . 13: 3), when, in l 79S, n R e-
7;11b!io "'vas 11cclarccl; mnki ng fi fth h1:a<l of H.omc. Ju 1800,
pnpacy wns l'<'>'I Ort'll, n111l fl'1111 1 that 1i111c unt.il S<'ptcmhcr, 1870,
w:u; nnai n hc:i1l of Hnm{. Thici rcstonl p:\J':ii:y, ho11cvel'
not same :ts <luring tlw 12GCJ it was but an imngcofit.s
for111cr self; nncl in the prophecy, is call<:tl "t.110 imnge of the

ll c11 cc, we will c:dl 1.he In111ge l1cad.
D111511g t!tc existence t f thi.5 sixth he:i<l, or from 1800 to 1870,
tl1c "Jttcl rrmcn t " has l1r<.'11 cxcctttcd on tho "wonrnn" Ti cv. 17:
J ) . 'l'h:tt is, the ten horns h:l\'o hatccl the hnrl ot, rind have mncl e
lrc:l' cl csohLo 11:ikctl (vt' r. lG). 'l'h<iy ham tnkcn nwnr her
1lo111inion, and her proper Ly. ln Dan. 7: 20, m 1e
r1:ri11g t.o t!to snme power ns the" lit tle l1oru," it says,
j11ilgment shall sit., n11d they shnll tnkc :.\wn.y i ts clominion, to cou
"11mc nnr1 to destroy it unto tlie cml." 0lenrly showing the
j111lgmc11t wns to on t.hnt, power nn1l ta.kc :iwny its domini on
btif'ore the encl; nft.cr whi ch l hc executi on of that j11clgmont hy
n g r:Hl11nl wns t.o foll ow; nil of whi ch h1111 bc<.'11 ful -
iillccl 011 the pnp:Mw ""i n('C' 1 illR. 'l'his i;i xt.h hcn(l wont clown in
.. pt cmlim', l f: iO; ! 1111 <:1', 1111
pr<'-"('ll f. gl)\'Cl'llltl<'llt of 1<01111-, that
1111d C't \'i l'lc\ r J:111 :i1 111f'I, ""' SM' l'll lh 1111 '1
ltl!:V ELA'l'ION 17;
we will llO\V make the application of this prophecy iu detail.
"Come l1i thcr; I '"ill show unto thee the ju1lgme11t of the grea. L
bnrlot th:it sittcth upon many waters .. So he carried me away
in the spil'it, i11 to the willl c.ruess ; nrHl I saw :i. woman sit u11on a
sc::nlct colorcd beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven
heads antl ten horns'' (''ers. 1-3) .
John was thus carried in spirit from A. u. 913, down to where
was to lie execut.etl on the pnpncy, or from its
restoration in 1800, to lSiO, durini; the existence of the si:xl.!t
hend, as tl1e statc111 cnt in vcr. 10, llc11111111l s; because it is there
stthl, ".five :uc fnll c11, a11<l one is [the six.t h], nud the other [the
enth] l1as 11 ot yet come.
' And after seeing the visiou frorn
th:1t standpoint, the a11gcl says to l1im, "I will tell thee the mys-
tery of the 110 111 :in, and of tlte beast that; carrieth her, which
lmth the hc:uls, n11d the ten horns. The beast fthis fourth
empire] tbnt thou sawcst, teas Lns a civil power, or "beast], aud
is not [foT untl1
r I.li e papncy i t lin<l become n11 or-
ganization]; an<l sl.Jall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go
into perdition."
Yers. O, 10; "IIere is the mind whi ch hath wfadom; the seYen
heads arc seron mountains on which the womnn sitteth. Aotl
there are seven kings; five are fallen, nnd one is, and the other
is not yet come; and wheu he cometh, lie must continue a suort
spnce. "
These senn mountains, like other symbols in t11is ch apter, 11:\Yo
n douule menni ng; l st . they represent the" seven-liilled city/' and
thus fix tllc locality of the seat of the woman ns being t be same
ns the seat of the drngon (ltev. 13: 2). rhey also symbolize gov-
enuuents, 0 1 !wads of tire cmpiJe. And while the womnn was
said to sit upon Lhese seven mountains, which is literally true,
she is also sni<1, in the symbol, t o sit upon many 1oaters (ver. 1) ;
and upon the (nr. 3) ; which in Yer. 15, is expl:iincd to be
"pcopl CR, nm1 multitudes, nnd nations, and tongues."
Of these sc1e11 hcnCI:;, five hnd fallen. 'There can be no mis-
take about. the standpoint of tire prophet; it wns <lu riug the
time of t.llO sfa;t.h hcnd, 1111tl while the.fudgment wns b eing cxccu-
tetl on the woman. .And tlrnt thcso ten hornslta.ve hated
lot, nnd rnatle her dcsulato nncl uaked," during this present cen-
tury, i:; kuowu to all the world. And :tlso that the sixth head
u1 &ovcrnmenL of H.0111 e, cxiRLell from l 800 to 1870.
lrnru s111111lpoinl, lire ltacl fallen; and 011 c hacl 110L r1r
C'IJ llll'. ' l' lw ('1111.mlal', .li111wrinf, Gothfr, .l'u1>11/, a111l R111111lJ/i1,
h:1d f11 ll c 11 ; l h<' i:i 1.1t
or!'cl I li l[HH\1', 111 t I 11111,:111 of l he
'.? I
hcltl the; reigns c f 5orcmmc11t; :rncl the scvcnt!i, that tt111lur ,it. -
tor Emanuel, h:i1l not thc11 come. "And when he comcllr, ho
rn11:s t <.;011tinne a sliort space." Thil'I last governmc.nt has no1Y
cnntinucd as !teatl of Ron1c !liuce Septehlbcr, 1870; and t o day
more than 150 millions Cat.holies nrc biding their time, waiti11g
:wd lo11gi11g for the aulipicious moment wlten a blow cnn be struok
for its OYcrthrow; Yainly hoping for a rcstoratiou to I:.omc of pa-
pal soveraignty. 'Yhile the prophetic symbol demands, irot the
rcRtoration of pnp:tcy or nny other government, but tho' risi11g
of the itself, ?Cit/tout a head i in other words, the l' coplcs,
nnd nations, or hody of tl1e beast wilhout an orgauized goreru-
mcnt; M the next nm;e will show.
y er. 11. "An<l the oeast that ""ns, tnHl ii' not, C\"Cll he is the
ei9ht.h, and is of the 11e1en, n11d goeU1 i11 t u purc1ition.1'
I'his ci_QhtA, is ltearl, i;ince tlte bca11t. ltall hut seven. It is
the beast itself; t h:1l <m whi ch tli e wom:111 i:at; tl1c one having the
Sc\en heatls nrnl H
11 l111r11s, ns it is to he nfter its last hen<l
has fallen (sec n rs. fl, " I will 1dl tlicc the mystery of the
womn11, n111l of t.h" he:ii::t, that c:1rrieth her, which hath the seven
heads, antl ten ':Phc benst that thou suwest., was, :111d is
not." And hrrc, Yer. I J," t.hc IJenst that 1oas, and is not, even ltc
is the eighth, and is pf the sci:en." The 11atious on which the
womnu snt, have been "of t he seven;" and they do compose the
bod11 of the I.least ; antl 11rc already taking on n. se1iarate existence
as the Internaticms, or peoples of nil uatious,
The render cnnuot fail of seeing ('tUr present locality i11 the
world's history; nrHl t.hn.t we nr c on the of g'reat events.
Antl if lie will rcrl'l't. I.:1tk t o near the encl of tl1c Inst century,
may jtHlgc somcwh!lt of t.hc c1inractcr of the cvcuts whicl1 a.re to
foil ow the fall o( tit is last hcaJ of Home, :111cl the nsccusion of the
beast ont of tlio bottomless pit. "And they th:it dwell upon the
cart.It shall wonder, [whose names are not written iu tLe hook of
life, from tho foundation of t.ho world,] when tLcy liehold the
be:\st thnt was, nn1l is not, nntl yet is."
The state of chaos nnd r eign of terror in tk\t domouiac cqual-
1:ty, nnd :1theistic li/Jl'rl.'f, which dclugecl Fr:uwe i n blood, under
the Oommtmf'; wlt111 1rnc:lt monsters ns Dupont, Hobcspicrre, :inll
thei r class, coultl wil'ld Lhe g11illoti11e and ride the storm, is on-
ly a fai11t pi ct urc of tlw fully tlevelopctl co1t1mu11e, or hecidlC$s
monster. Tht! licni:: L tl1 a t :1sccm1et.h out of the lJottomlcss pit nnd
m:iclc war 011 "ill y L\\'t> ll'i t 11csi:;es" [t.he Old nucl tltc Nc1v1'esta-
rnt't1t 1, th t! l
' rc11 1 h rc1olutio11 in l 7!l:J c;, (H<' 1. 11; 3, 7),
wns t1w inf":uH:y oft his r<:111lo (,'0111mw1.c, 11ow t o be folly orga.u
i7.cd.. Tire out of Lit!! lioLL0111h1.;s pit, 11\ l':t!li11g only
l'rl'<'<I,, 111 front r1!11r rni 11 l. /\IHI 1.ltc d1a l':lt'l ('r 0 r ('Ulll -
cru1 l1e gnt herNl by whnL t.licn oceurre<l in Frnncc,
tlus <11[erencr, Lhc r.omm11n(' c::mw to Lhe 1mrfacc in ouly one 'lt
the ten clhisionR of tl1c empire nt that time, nncl was soon drive11
bnck; while now iL is to n 11ni1' ersnl scourge. Anil not.
only a.re" :ill the kingclo1n11 of the w0l'l<l that arc on the face of
t11e earth, l o be 1.hrom1 llown ;" bnt there. is to be want of em-
ployment, i;o tlant there slanll l>c "no hire for man, nor hire for
bc:ist" (Zech 8: 10}; the nntnrnl out.come of this growing wnnt
of confidence between man and man.
" 'ith Y<.'l'. l l; where "the benst goelh into perdition,
' the encl
i!'l reached. But it. will he Telllembcl'ccl t.lia prophet was taken
in spi rit, from t.lic isle of Pnt111os nncl the Tear A. D. no, down
the stre:nn of time Lo t.hc J11cZ1me11t on tlie woman, while he wns
the Yision; th11R J110st of it i11111e11tio11eil ns in the past. D11t
in the explanation, it.is noL so; with thnt, ne:irlynll is in the
future from 11. n. no. ''The lHm11t. that thou sowast" (vcr. B);
[in t.hc vision yon hnYc seen]. "The Inn homs which thou !lnW
est." &o. (rcr. 12). \Yi thout recognizing these two stnndpoi nt.s,
:\ll is confusion; hut if yon all ow, nio the text <lemnnds, that the
saei11g is do\\n t,hc /lt.re:un of ti rue to where tlie jntlgment is exc-
cntccl on the pnpncr, whi le the expl:u1ntio1! is 1.inck :itthe date of
the propbC'cy, :ill Is h:i rmony.
"'l'hc t c11 horns wl1ich thon hnve recei\'ed no kingdom
as yet [in the yc:ir !JO, the empire hncl 11ot been dividetl], bnt J'e-
ceive power ns kings one hour the beast. 'l'hesc bnve one
mind, :md shnll give their power nn<l nnto the benst.
These shnll makc wnr with th_c L:u11b" &c. (vcrs. 12-H).
Herc n r:ipi tl CYCn to the cn<l, is agnin given. After n
few centnries the empiro wns and these ten received
power ns kings one horn] hour;" that is a little season; rthe
snme worcl (ltora), is thus rendered in Pliilem. 15: "Ile therefore
clepnrted for a season l". H wns but a. V61'Y short time after the
empi re wns folly divided into its parts, ns nll historinns are awn re,
before "these ten kings" did become of one mind (tha t is, t hey
all bccnme C:itholic], nnd g:wc their power and strength to the
t he beast. Yer. 15.; "The waters thou sawest, nre peo
plcs," &c. Yer. Hi; "The ten horns which thou snwest, shnll
h:ite the whore, nnd make her clesoln.te nnd naked." And who
ao blind as not to sec it.s present fulfilment? Ver. 1 '7; ''For God
hath put i t into their hcnrts to fol Iii his will, nnd to ngrcc nud
give their kingdom nnto the benst, 11nt.il the words of God (the
l2GO ycn1s l shall be fulfi ll ell;" since which they havo made her
ilcsolnte. 18: "An<l the womnn which thon sawcst, is thnt
g1eat citr which rcignelh ()\'Ct' the king:> of the enrtlt."
Thus the nncl the explnnntion nro compl<>lc; n1111 OU\'
present cl_cnl'ly uefine<l. 'l'lie fourth empire hns Mme;
1l1ndcd rn to 1c11 pnrts; hec11 lost, or s11li111crrc<l nnlcl'
II M_} S'l' lmY, DAD1 Ll)N 'l'HP.G Lrn/\T. TllE MOTJJ Git OF HAR-
J,() l'S, AN]) 'l'lil.3 ABUMLNt.'l'!ONS OF 'l'lrn E:/\ lt'l'll ." And
_the bc:1st th:it tlton s:nrc!>t wns, a111l it> 11ot, !\na sltnll (lscc1Hl out
oJ t,llCJ 11ottomlcss pi t n11cl go into perrlit.ion." The 50\"Cll hcn4s
r.0111c, :mcl the" eightl1," tltc licnst it.RC' lf, 10it.lw11t n l1eall,
<rc rywhcre corning to t.ltesurfncc; !lS Reen in the I11tcrnat ionol
( 'rnmnune, lnl.>or org:inir.nt,ions, ext.C'nding OYCr nll
l';nts ?f t.hn worhl. .ln fact, tl1c body of t.Jic 1moplc e\crywlicro
;an lH'111g rnonldcd like f,hc pot.tcr'i; clny, :ind prcpnrcd for the
d1:1 th-st rngglc. An<l ::ioo11 tho ri ch mrn, who hare hc:i pel t rens-
11 l"<'!I together for the Inst llayf:, wiil "11-iep :11111 howl for their
1nii>r.rios tltnt shnll come upon them."
At the part.ial <lcYclopmc11t of t.his hcnrl!()R!l mo11i-:t,rr ncnr the
C' ml of the )nRt whc11 the st.rcctR of rn11 with gore;
Lhc li1ood of li<>r ric11, hcl'liohlc, nnd her hc:wt.iful; men l ooked
nn wit.h woncl er. Hnt uow, when "c11cn; n1n11' ;i h:uul shnll he
ngni11RL his brntlter;" :lll<l nll co11H<l c11 cc i1cLwcc11 111 :i 11 nnd mnn
shnll ltnYe foti::nkcn t,he earth (l\li unl1 i: 1-G) ; when" the thrones
:i re cnRt tlo,n1;" when !-aw a111l order ghei:; way l.>cforo Lhc mncl
pas!\io11R of the n1thl cRS mob; when want of work and hunger,
Rhnll (,nrn goo<l mcll to clc.111011:1; wltcn the coming time of troub-
le sh nil be iunngnratc<l; then indeed
they whose nrc
11 ot written in the J,nmb'11 book of life, from t.hc fonnthtiou of the
worlcl, shall wonder, when they br.hnltl the l1enitt th:i.t wns, nnil
1s 11nt, nn1l yr.t. is."
This time of tronhlc, nlrcn\ly beginning, is to to a migh
ty wiwe <luri11g the coming forty ye(lrs. lt."I measnrc is found
hr two prophetic 1>eriods, one marking it.<> beginning, the other its
end; which, for l:ick of space here, must appear in some 11t11re
No. I will only say, the seven" times of the Gentiles," or 2,520
yc:t t'S <luting which .T crusalcm was I.<> be troclclen clown of the
four Gentile king<loms, docs not encl for for1.y y<'nrs from the
hcgi11ni11g of the Jewish year commencing April Oth, 1875; as
may lie i;ccn bradding 2
520 to 600 n. o. Lhc ihtc of the begin
ning of their cnpLi \'i ty, :uul the t.reading nn<1cr fo<>t. of Jcrnsnlem.
Bnt kingdom of l-i 1>r1 is to be Rct up before. t.hc rhys of the
Oe11tilo1; c1Hl, for
in !. lie 1l:tyR of these kings shnll the God of
Ji c:l\'rn !'CL llp a Jti11grl om; nntl it shnll break in pieces nncl
stnnc all t.hci:c (lhn. 2: 44). An11 t.l1is l.>rcnking 111
piecc>i;, Lognt.ltcr Wt t.h the bnLl.Jc of the great, chy, n rr !'OlllC 0 [I.he
nf't.his fort.y yr.nr!I of troulilc; 1u1rl l')'ll!1hro11 i1.c 11-ith
Ht\. 1 'i : H , [t.c11 kingsl 1'l1nll m:1k1J w:ir 11 it lo th!I La111_b1
and lh' l.:1111h i-h:di '"'(' ri'n11u1 tf1lm." , \1111 Iii'.' 11 a1 io11c; w1JI
Lc ''bound for :i. th1111:1a11d year:<" 1111ucr the l'l!((l Chri l! t
n:< the
<lragon has liecn, in a very lit11lted se11sc, t\11(}er tho antichrist.
By com prtn:i11g Hcl'. 12: 9, an cl 20: l , it will be seen th:1t tlrn
"c1rngon called the Dtwil, n111l S11tf\11," :ue th1 !'rune in each; and
the " angi:l" of Her 20: wit It I.he gre:i. t. clia in, who hi ncli; tl1t! clrag-
on, reprcsent.s tl1c nnny uf \hrist., who subdue tho uatiuns an<l
" rnle them witl1 a ro<l of iron." "To bind their J,iugs wit.It
ch:iins, and their with fettc1s of imn; to execute upo11
them the jllllg111c11I wl'il ten. This l1onor hnth :i.11 hi s i;aint.s"
(I's. 140: 8). "'J'ltu s:1i11t.s sl1all jnclge the worlcl" (1 Col'. O: 2).
The bi11cli ng of the is a wc; rk of time, but will be co11-
snmn1ated l>y tl1 u c111I uf chis fort.y yc:irs; for t11cre, t he "times
of the Genti le:;" e111l.
- 1)-
Jl LL.YN l '..'R Of" 'i'JIE CO.MINO UF (;JIRL ' 1'.
'1'11E: re arc f.wo dnil!'CS of ill r cl:i.tio11 to the COmi11g vf
Ultrist whi c.:h Btcm r.ontr:ulitlnry; "Bd10ld, I cowe as a thiE:f;"
a11d "<..:omi11g in nil hi s glory."
A thief never co111cs wil lt :I "great so1111u of it trnmpet;" l>ut
secretly. Chri st went n1vny quietly, nud it wns nukuowu by t.l1 v
1mbelievi'.n;1; n11<l is to return "in like manner as they saw 11i111
go." Ile went i11 Lo " t.lic lfoly l ' lace" u11glorifiecl; and ten dayA
after, the lloly ::Spirit 1v:is giYcn: "The Holy Ghost was not J et
g iven; bec:ltlsc that .Tcsu& was not yet glori1iccl" (John 7: 30).
And ho comes bnok in like mcmne1. '!'his also agrees l-he
law; tho high priest on t he day of atonement e11t1wedthe taber-
nacle nn:irl l,lrnccl with those glorious linen gar111e11ts, c.:overcu
with gold, :11111 purple, n111l scarlet, and sLuddeu with twelve ki111h
of precious sto11(:s, nrn1le for Luauty autl for glory" (Exo.
28). 'l'hcse gni111c11t:;. put 011 after he e11tered, were to be wor11
only while i11 the holy pl :ce, nud he was to" leave them there,"
when J1e came 011t (Lev. I G: 23). Thus hecameont tt1l.[Jlori.fied,
ns he went in ; ii11cl i t is thus Christ returns, for uo part of tlie lnw
will fail of 11. fullilmcnt. Ile did 11ot go up to heaven iu flaming
fire; yet "If c shidl be rc,cn.l cd from hc:wen in flaming fire."
Again; Jl i1; sai11t.s arc sleeping in the dust of the enrth. A111l
yet we re:ld of "The c:o111i11g of 011r J.ionl J cs11s Christ 1oi.t1' o.ll
Ms suint.s." "\\' it.h tl:11 Lho11s:rncl of his sai11t,i;;" "The Lonl 111 y
God shall co11u:, a11tl oil t hy sni11ts with thee" (l Tltcs 3: 13; J uclo
14; Znc.:h 14: 5). (l':ii111., 111c:i ns Eloh-ILeem yelt-rag (God-seed).
And lJoth i11 1 lcbrtw nncl (; rct' k muans, the "holy' 011ci;;"
begotten hy the :ui<l liom of God; viT.. Ohnst :11111
i11s briclv\.
',,, 1i.il 11 f 1111 1( rnllt'<l Lite " Tltr h:1r-
, ""t. is Lia c111l of thC' worl d ; 1u11l i11 the t.ime 11[ hn n csL" &c.
(.:'l lntl .. l:J). )J ere w11 )cnrn t. h:i t t.hc gathering of the s:\iu tsittn
11a1t. nf the wor k of t. hc h a r vest. 1\ nll it is t.:ing ltt., i11 many 11l n-
tli:u 1 h<'ir l'<'ll nrr':!ct.iou occnrs only at t he r.orni11g of Clnist.
I lc1H,: r, if Ire is to come to lwn;est the cnr l h, to g-rithor his snint.s;
1111d i1< also 1.0come '1oith al l his sai nts;' then 11111.'l! ho two parts
or stagcs of !Jis corning.
\ \' i1.l1 thii; vir w, nlHl i t. seems t.hr.sc t wo cl:\:;;Rcs of
" Pl'if'l lll'C' ))l('O!lle hnl'll\CllliOU1'. ) fc COJIH'S l\S ll tJ1iC'f 10 h:tf\'(>:;;t the
1. 1r1h, nr gather his fiaints; null he ctw1ti: op<'11ly, 'dth nil hi ll
-:ii 11I!>, :t1Hl C\cry eye &hnll :;;cc him, :ift cr LhC' is cn1lecl.
I ( l'ltri% C<'llll'il in nl! hi;; g lory, 011 IP:niftg il1c lloly l'lace.
it w1111!1l he in d irect oppoi;it.io11 to l ht tr:1chi11g o.f 1h1 ll1w;,:tncl it.
ior hcnxcn nntl r;irt.h to j):tSR; thnn f"r jot 11f tl:e
:.1 11 tl1 f:1il. '' ThC' laying off o f t hose glorirrns p:nrm('11t.s
nncl com-
i11g (IS heioent in, was made n vrry ]'romi 11c1n 1 .. :1i11rc of the
:11 11n1 111<: 11 t . Hence J woulcl ask tliP rr n1l cr for his 0w11 11:.ikc
e:1111li1l cn0ug h to ad mi t t here nwy he morn in rcgnrtl t.o 1.he
111m i 11 t hnn t he one g r:w1l glorious 1)11 t for which 110 many
!t:t' c lo11kc<l.
Tlt1 l1 a1TC."t is a defi ni te pcrio1 l nf ti me call ocl "I.he! encl of the
wnrld. " Aud t he work of t he hancst i!l of nn entirely diffo.rc11t
11:it11r l,} from t.h:tt. of the gC1spel. 0 11c is sowing se<'cl , the otl1er,
fruit. One is clone by 111(' 11 , t.lie at.her, by Christ :lllrl
t he And a lthough both may be g oing 011 at the same
1 i111(' , r;l ill the work of J1arvest mui;t li:1,e a defi ni te beginn ing .
..:\ ttll as larrs a11<l wheat :ire t o g rm1 w1t il tho harvest.,
a 11d th(i harvest is t/1e ciul tN>rld l.11ion, :1gc), i l. foll ows 1;ltnt
whc111.lw hnrvest begin::;, n pcrio<l c:ill1:tl end o[ the ngc, begins .
\ ttd y(lt Lhe liviug saints arc not t. nken 11 11 1.il ncnr the end of t he
hnnl:st. And ns t hey are found in the mill, li cltl, :rnd becl, il is
wry (: d rlont the angels are invisible t.o them whi le gathering
the tans; whetl\C.r it be a longer or shor Lo r peri oci . And yet
i1otwit.hsLnncli11g Lhis, it is not out of chnrnr.t1 r t1) 1rnpposc, ns they
:irn clt ilil rcu of light, t ltnt t.lt e <lay of t.hc J1onl will not come on
llo!m 1111aw:irrs; lmt thnL t aking hcc<l to t he 1111re word o f proph-
t l1uy f' lwuld know t.hC'ir whe\C:t.houls :rnrl t.imc lf vi::; it:i Lio11.
l.lw d1u11.'JC from mor t nlit.y t n i11cn10r1,;di 1.y 1i01111::; in IL
1111111w11 t., i t <l<ws ltll foll ow alt t.hc work of 1,h(! lt:i rvc!< I. must; be
1:(111Sll11111l:llf'1l i11 i hr S:tllll' 1ll0111Cll l..
Jt is tWL 011r ohjuct 11ow to sho w tii C' lr,!!gl h of t.h(' h an cst; hut
l'i111pl_r t.hnt thtrt' is ::;nch n ii m<', :1t11l it. is lo l r:1tt:;;pi rc <l 11-
1i11g 111111' l:1lil\" 1; f tit( ,;;ii 1d.s. , \ ;11l (!t:11. wlcil t l 'liri!:;l ;11111 t he
' II '( d11 i111: ihr \\,,1k oil' ! hi,; tit \l' lldd ll'il l
l,,. i"ll" ' '! cc d , 1f ,1f111 i-: ''"II"' t1l' 111.f tJ, .. 1l 111nh 'ill "' ;ilki11!.!
liy fnlt!t, 1vill know tho time of Yisitntio11 u11ly hy the c1idl!11rts
clrnw11 from the Scripture.'!.
ls possible that a will let. prcj11c1icc, or preco11ccivcd
opinion keep him from an invcstigntio11 from a purely llihlc
st:u1<l poi11t, of so important n subject? Nomillttl cl1ristiani- 1vill.
.1\1111 Llteflrst house of Tsrncl sL11rnlilcd 01or thi8 vrry i:tmnhling
:;tone, viz. the fulfilment of Rcripturc!i in rcl:Hio11 to 1.ho co111i11g
of Christ, inn mn1111er they <lirl not :1111.ici p:lte. And J nm sat-
ji;fil.'11 t.lrnt you, who now holn th\11 p:1p<'I-, if you :ire not alrcrtd!I
interested, whether yon arc :t Preiiuyt.ctian, .Mc1.hotlist,
J\tl vent.ist, Catholic, or wh:H not.; aR yon arc pa rt of the Lao di e<:
an church (Rev. 3: 14), think that you :Ire ri ch, inn spiritual
sense, nncl will 11ot gi10 thcs<' things a f:iir i11v es tlg:1tio11. l\Inny
:tro cnllc<l, few nro chosc11. 1 f you :ire 1wL one of the chnsen,
soma excuse will be fonn<l; for his 11cr111in to come upon all the
world ns while "ye, brethren, nrc 11ot in clnrkuess thnt
1.h:1t<lny shouluovortnke you as n thid." The llihlc so cll.!arl y
t eaches that the m:iss of t.he cliristian world, :111<1 cspocinlly the
lca4ers, will Rtumble, that it. cnn11ot he nt herwii;c.
"Coming," often menus Jffe$e11ce; ""'hat be t.hc Rirrn of
thy coming, n.11d of the (harvest) end of the world" (1'lntt. 24': 3).
This word in the above text, is [paiousfo.], :incl means presence.
1t occurs in 2 Cor. JO: 10; "For hi :s lcttl'rs :ue powerful, but his
bodily presence fparoi,sin] is weak." And in Phil. 2 : 12; "As
ye have nl1rnys obc-yecl, not as in my only, but now mnch
more in my nbsei1ce." And 2 P oter 3: 4, in the Emphatia JJi-
a.glott reads, " Knowing this flrst, that in the 11\St of the DAYS
scoITcrs will come witl1 sooning, .. nnd snyi11g, vVherc is the
of his l'(J r from t.he time tbe fathers
fell asleep all things continue in this wn y from the beginning."
No one would be so simple ns Lo ask for a promise of his com-
ing; the Bible is full of snob promis<.'Sj and we shonld point to
J olin 14: 3, "If I go and prepare a place for yon I will come
orLo J\ctsl:ll, "This snmc Jesus shallsocorue,
i11 like manner as yebave seen him go.
They mightnot believo
i11 the promise of his coming, b11t 1.hcy 110 not Mk, where is there
s11ch n promise. But there :ire i;cnfT <'rs 11ot far from you
who ask,
with 'Vhere is I.here n pr<1i11i so of hi s p1cM:nce while ns
yet nil things co11ti11uc as they wcre from tho bci;inning. Aud
1his is jtist wl1aL so 111n11y nt'c !ffc11<l<'d nt, bc:mi.sc wo tench tl10
prosc11 cc of Uhrii;t, while as yet 'all tl1ings continue M they were.'
1\ 1111 yon wonlcl porhal111likc10 kuow where promise is found.
f 11 ill answer yo11. II al.t. 24: !li i .. nll(rnf 1ro111ii;eR: "Bnt
; p; t Ii \ ol:iyi- of No<' Wl'r1!, s0 i:li:ill 1.Jw 711111J11.<i1r, I prn:<111c<']
11f !lit :'i1111 ,,( 111:111 I'." Thny " ' 1n! l':ti11)! :ind dri11ki11g, pbnl
ing a111l lrnil,ling, nrnrrring, nnd giving in marriagn, :is t hey had
bl'Cll from the b1g in11ing, and knew not (nnt.il the flood came.]
They cl id kno,1, wht11 came; n11cl they will now know
when r>\ery eye i;hall ltcholll hi111. But hi s parow;ia is nowhere
t".i npnre1l to the flood, lmt"tothecl:lysofNoc,""the days that
were before the flood," whilQ the nrk was pn
1>:Hi11g (1 Peter 3:
20) : wl1ilc C\ crythi11g co111.i1111c1t as from 1.hu begi11111ng.
"And as it wnsin the 1l np nf Noe, Roc:hn ll itnli;o lie-in the days
of 1i1r Son of man,, (T.11h 17: 2ti ), fo tht <bys of Nonh, they
11 rrc f'l :111t.i11g nncl h11illi11g :unl knw 11 01.. ] f he i11dee1l co!nes t o
1 :i p 1 l1c c;i rt .h :m<l gatlH'r the fr11ii, before he comes with all
hi:-: gnldt11 grnin, yon 1,:u1 see how the nl11>1c cnn lie true, n11 d the
h11n1H enl hl.' forc t he worltl will :my tbing of it; :iU1l how
en" t hc> lfays oft.he f' o11 of m:rn,'' c:111 lie compnr-
1 ii tu the duys of while they were pla11t. i11 g :rnrl lmil
'1'1i,. 1l:iys of the Sou Clf lil:iu, is "lite time of ltcH"vc .. t; 1 he time i11
11 ltit1li he i$ prcp:u-inrr for the dC'Strm: ti vn 11 011 t1>llli11g ; when he
will lreacl the nlouo.
'l'!tc nuo1e ucing lnt<', you cnn sec. t hn.t a time '1tU,t come when
we iohnll he iit tlt!J time of haiv,.st :rncl the n11gclf1 g:ilheriug the
"l"hilclrcn of t.hc wicked one" int.o orgn11iimtio11s; whil e yet the
"children of the ki11gtl om" arc about their busi11css i11 the field
:111cl mill. And that tirnc J1as nlreacly commc11ccd, t,he harvest,
or end of the aion [age J bcg:i11 on thi:i tc11 th rl:\y of the scYca th
month in 1874. And t.his "Lime of hnncst," mca.'!urcs three and
n half years. If you nllkJ1ow we know this, I nnswer, by tak-
heed" to tlic sure worcl of prophecr, which shines ns a light
111 n cln rk pince."
If you desire to irnci;tigate, take some steps to t.hnt 01111; either
chtnin :111cl read all the evidences; or comc out from org:t11ized
"bundles," which arc c11<leavo1fog to scpurnt.e you from present
tr11th, aucl hear cnch one for himself. But if you haye. uo desire ;
no drawing of the Spirit, th:lt will cnal>le you to "search, as
men i;e:irch for hid tic:isnrcs;" and feel spirit1tally "rich," nucl
that yo1t noto hnve :ill that is neccs!;:wy, :incl "have need of noth-
i11g ;" I counsel yon t.o b11y eyes:tlvc; least "tAat day come up-
on yon unawares."
"Ye br11tlm:n arc Mt in that t.h:\l, cl:ly i:hot1lll overtake
!/OH ns n thief." But ye who Ray" where is the pro111-
ii<e of his 1 1csc11l'e? for :i 11 I hi 1w11 as they from
l1cgi1111i11.,L!," (Ire i11 d:irlrncss ; though yo11 hnv11 the Hound
N1111ti.fi.1:11lic11, or from nnr othr1 cnusc, feel that you nrc
" ric:h, :111'1 i11on:1scl in gnolll' i1:11c nccrl of
The t 1,:1 ri ft l'll r ltr11t hrl1110:1 i.11 ( 'hl'i;;l .. is 11ot"/i:r.fi11r1
fir 71ro
Jn:I \\ :dki ! .- . , ,hp li td 1i " f l t't C:H li 111tfl1 '. nd wl11Lh
er we aJo 11010 in Llic.> time: of hntTest, or it cl o!.'!l cmne for ten
tlJous:lll<l fC:\rs, WhC'll it <loM come; \\'hC'll this t.r:inl<ition period
that is to i;cparnte t he tares nnrl whc:i.t, nn<l 11!:her in the clcstrue
tion of t.he dny oft.ho l ,onl, cloC's come, the f.rne church will be
in. the li ght 011 tliat part.ic11l:i.r sul1jnc1,, nn<l Lil others iu chrk
ness. Else l 'l'ltr.$. 5: 1-r1, hns no nppnre11t mcnniug.
This hnnr!'t is the nnt.urnl 011 tc:o11w of the pnrablc of
the ten virgi1111; a11tl tlit.'y t.hat. :i1c l'Cn<ly will go in before the
others know n11y1hi11)! 111nre t hnn tllllL he is uenr. And believe
i11g him ncm-, in the i111111c<l i:i t.e future, ns so many do; with no
U<.'fi uite knowle<lge on !.he s11lijcct; will help yon ns it li el pccl tl1c
first house of JsraC'l, whcm thl'ir rnlibi cs t.n11(!'i1t thnt the time of
eomi11g dre w 11{:tr
"n11<l nll men were in expectation." And
they eontin11cd 10 think it nc:ir, 1111til their destruction came.
They lookt><l for lti1r1 tc' cnmo 011 1 of Bet.hlchem. Ilut the an
gel or"the ],or1l 1 urrw11 lti111 :i,;:i11o (,l) that he might be
cnllccl n N:iznrclll', \"011 :1rn l111ki11g fr>r hi111, not ns he went, but
in nll bis gl01y. Br 1:1d11I yrn 110 llOt i:t111n l>l c lJecnnse hc corucs
M he wc11t :l\\11r, n11(l the cnrth licfQ1c he makes the
open m:miiestnLions for which you l ook; :i.ml when too late, you
fi11d "the. hnrrcst is p.'lst, nncl the s11mmcr is ended, nnd your
soul not saved.'' A111l wi th the cl:iss represented in
Matt. 25: 11: "Aftcna1mls cnmc 11 lso the other virgins, saying,
Lord, Lord, open to 11 5.
Cl.irist nppc:irecl in \':1rio11s forms, :intl 011 various occnsions, dnr
ing the for ty dnys nftcr hiHcsurrect.io11, because he wnnted wit
uesses that he h:i<l rii;cn. But wlt cn he won Id "vnnish out of
their sight," they ro11l<l 1111t follow, or t.rnce his l ocal ity. But
11ou1 he hns n work to 110 11/onc, :i.nc.1 r equires no eye witnesses: " I
hnve trocldcn the aloncj nncl of the people, there were
none with me." During that for ty days he did :i.ppcar i11 those
cret cham1>er, "the doors being shut ." Ile also appeared in the
wilds of Galilen "nrnl there shall ye see him. " Dnt no10, "if they
eh:ill say unto you, l.>eholrl, he ili in the secret chamber, believe
it not; behold, he is in the desert, go not forth." Then he requir-
ed wil11essc;;; now lie \\' ill h:t1'(' nonr.: "Tho dnys will come when
ye sha.11 clcsirc to i:cc 1"\ 11 e 11f the d:iys of the Son of man, nnd ye
sltallnotsec" ( Lnkr "Fornsthelightninglhnt. cometh
011t of the enst, an cl Rh i11rd1 CYen unto tho wc!'L; i;o f'hnll also the
presence of the 11f m:i11 lie" (1\fatt. 24: 27). .And Lnke 17:
24, supports t lw rrouclerinr;; "Ji'or 1111 the lightni ng &c. so
sh:ill the S1111 ofmrmbr, in his dny."
S1)iritunl b11diN1 are rn111es<mtcd as as the Jight11ing:
"l bchcdd $:1t:Hl lir:-!Hning, fnll from lir.:wn11" (T, ukc 10: J'i).
"lli;; ('1,1111tcnnnrf' " ;1..: lik lil!litnin!.! C'f111t. ',:! -l !f\. f:110
n:; the nppcnr:i11cc of 1igltt11i11g" (D:rn. 10: o). "An<! l:i!:t .. of nil
ho w:i.sl)ccnofmenl;;o"( l Cor. 15: 8) . '11' hc11Pnul s:rnh1m tho
sltinin.'l wns so brighL t.hat, i:i!"'ht w:i::1clestroyocl;11nd yt'L " t.lt c
me11 Ll1:11. journ ... .J wil h him i;a 1r 'ho mnn." Thu clt:iriots o[ Jir{',
n111l ltorscs of lire rou111l nho11t Elishn were noL seen hy his scrvn11t, .
.Antl uccnusc <luring r.lw "dar:=1 of the Son of rnnn," Christ is to
he hero in his s11irit11nl h,xly; t o gnt.hcr hi s own; instead of prOY
thnt n1ortnls will sec him, e:rartl,11 t/w r1mtmry. For
n1lhQ11gh spiri t11:ll 1io1l ics n re represented ns sltini11g- Ii ke the I igh L
11ing; :-inrJ, pcrhnp!I, moving as the lightning; &till r.o mort:tl 01'-
cr s:i11 n glorifiecl spiritual body
wiLhont a miri olc. Norint1ccrl
one 1hnt w:ts not glorific<l. No sinful m:rn will c1cr him" ns
he is/' for "\Vit.hout holiness no m:in can sec the Lonl." J\11d
yet ho iH t.o reveal l1imscl f to I.ho worl<l "in thming fire," :ind i11
rnrions wnys. "llnt 1cc ;;!t:dl be lil.:c /iim, for 1N shnll sec hi111
((1 ltc i,9."
" J l e shall rlcsc<'11!l from hc:n-on with :u;hont., with 1 oio<>
ni l hr archnngcl :11111 t.ho trnmp of Goel."
The t rnmpctH nll ltn1c "voicC's" (sec Hl'v 8: 1:1)_ And th!'
?10i.qe, shout, voicr8, trumpat,q, &c. connt'ctrrl with the coming of
Chrii:t, :111(! tho cloi:ing work of tho gospt!l, nre n11c1 not lit-
eral 1111isc, or motnllic t.rnmpet.s ns under the lnw. "fict yo np n
in the land, blow the trumpet among tho nntions '' (J er.
fll : 2i), docs not mcnn metallic J\n<l tn suppose thnt
Ci11ist. and tho nngols nrc to get up an exhibition of thnt chnrac-
Lor, is simpl y childish. Tho angelic movement!! nncle1 the sci
nth irnmpet, nro its noisel ess as they h:i1c been n11<ler the nthcr
six trumpets; or, nR were the hosts t.hnt snrronncfoil Rlish:t.
The wny is 11arro1v ; even tho of Christ, nncl some of
the snyings of Pnnl are" hard to be understood," I'ctcr says;
:ind nrc designed ns st11m1Jli11g blocks.
Knowing the time is perhaps of no inport,n11cc in but
walking i11 the light is all important; nnd if yon arc in tlte ligl1t
you tcill know. "The, wise shnll nnderstnnd ;" nml the Ef.rle.sin. .
will know the t.imc of their" visitation," whntevcr your tc:ichcrR,
who nrc themselves in dnrkncs mny say to thecontrnry. '"fake
hcctl lcnst yow hear Ls lJc ovcrchnl'gcd wit.h tho c:ircs of this Ii fe,
:nu] so thnt 11ny cn111c upon you w1ri1ctcrcs."
"The Bridegroom r:1111r, :\ll cl t.hcy th:it, were rcatl y went i11
w!t.h hi m to Lhc mnrri:tcrr., :1n<l tho il oor 11'!\R a.11111 " Nowhorr. in
t.hc Hi hlL is I.here :i liinf thnt, the w11r11l, nr the Yirgini;,
.":ill ii1iwl il the mr,(l(.i11g (I f the Hrifl cgrnom nnd hi s
l liry 11:p La ken away noiRr.lc::;sly nml hy h:rnh, 1l11n11g th1
i1:1n1":, :111.J will 111! on!\ when" Tho J,nrrl ro111,,t.h with
\en 1 11 :111 .i of )ii < lo (lXrc:11t1' iutl rrmrat 1111n11 nit."
81\ TNT, r.md 1\ .N (i 11; I .
Tlte wonl trn11slnt.ctl a11gcl, in tltu i", [rtnf/c'l os); nwl tl w
wonl for saint, is The litcr:il for nugclos, is
.(\llll for hngios, [li.oly, or fiol!J01w ].
In the llcbrcw, the wor<l used for :i11gel, is [mal-ultc/\'] i t li c
lit. of which, is A11d Llic wol'Cl for sai11t, is f !/lutli-
sccd]; the lit. of which is God-seed. When t1l!c1l iii: :111 :1dj,
tlteworcl sai11t, is lit. /io/y , nntl is tltcn applictl to
t.hings ns well as perso111;. A11gcl alwny" :rnd
t.he character of t he nngel tlcpe11ds 011 wltose :rngtd li e is. 1f it is
nu nngel of Ll1e Loni, it. il'l g<' llL'r:ll I y ,.;o c<l; or i r i 1. iii t.hc De\'
il's nngcl, we nre i11formt1l of fout, 'l'li c Mme wonl is
whell spcnki ug of tl1 e 111cssm1r1m of $J111111iI , JJir:1111, &r.
Bnt the words for snint, r. 11d-.Mccl, or t lie holy rn11s, :lj'llicd to
1icrso11s, !\hrnys rcfors to U!i.rist, in 1.IJ11;;1- who n1e l'hri1't.'i;; tl1:it
is, those who" 11re r.ou11tc1l for t!io ;;('('!] , "Neitlwr wilt Lho11
tliiuc Uoly 0110 (t/li.(r/i.-.qi;ed; >':1i 11t ) I ll >'('I' c<1l'l'l'11lin11, Ps. lG:
10). "Gatlwryorn;r togt'lltcr; 1.hos(! tlt:it h:in.1
m:idc a covc11nut w1Ll1 111e hy ( l 's. IHJ: ') . the
word i-aiut when usetl ns an adj. j,, I I; Lhns, " l >Lspi$ccl
the word of the lloly One [kah-rfolish, Mi111.] of. Israel, I) (Isa. 6:
24) . "A111l the Lord my shall come, 1\11d all thc(!.:<eli-do/i$h]
with thee, (Zech- 14: 5).
Th ere is not a i;inglc i 11:-;tnncc ei Lher in the Old, or N cw 1'cstn.-
111e11t, of :rny word 11stcl for a11gcl , hcing t.r:111!<l a t.c(.l sni11t, or vice
ve-rsa; nnlcss it l>c ass11mctl t.h:it. 1.hc twu "!;:ii11t s," of D:in. 8: Ia,
were angels. But ns the wo1d I kr1h-do!tsh.] H:1 i11t, n1Hl 11ot. [m.al-
ahc!L] angel, is nsod; Enoch :1nJ Elij:ih :ire s11ggcsted. l ltlncc,
his appear ing" with all his 111 L<a11s with "the church of
the firstborn." "A111l when l le 1diall :ippJ.":lr, wo shnll ''Jl)ICar
ioith him." Therefore, he will 110t uc visible until tflO "ha.rvcst
is pnsti'' "a11c1 l1is s::iint.s, who have 111ado n covcnnnt wit.Ii him by
Rncrifice," nro gnthc1ed toget.hor n11t o hi111. Aud the Snriptuml
that we arc no10 in thi:=!" li111e oJ' harvest,'' is so :ibun<knt
t.hat those who nm inve.qti!Jttli?111 this sul1jcct, "can lift 11p their
hcncls, ancl look np; knowing their 1'l'tl1!lll['Li1)ll1rawoth ui gh. "
"Oomi11,r1," i11 .Matt. 24: :1, 27, :11, 30; an cl 2 Pct, :3; 4, iR (J>a.
?011 .. and 111 nans pr<.'!<c110c; :uul iR so re11<1t,rc<l in the
ic Diagiott: "What sh:ill lie tlw 11ig11 ill. th y 7ne,(mCe awl of t.hc
1111 of tlic 11 .. 1rlrl "? 1\1111 t.hc :111s 1r1r 1crnc :JI," A!i I hC' 1by:;
11f Nor, :'<O 1<h:1ll ali;o tho Jl?'BSIJllCt' of t.h(! of 11m11 l.1<'. ,. U111n-
1'al'C! nlso Luko 17; 2(i.
we know cnch otl1r r !11rrn ?
\\'hnt is ihC' f11l11n of lhl' rcdccmc<1? n1ul 111111 arc i.l1cy t,o pass
the cl:iys n11(l ycnrs of forl'\'C'r? J;; Llwre 11 0 due lo lhi: 111y;;1.my?
lJus Gort i11clcld 11:; i11 1hrknc;;;;, with 0111\ n 1111tl cfi11e'1
l10pu? No ot.l_1 er s11hjcct. has so deeply i11tcrcs1c1T mnnki11d in
nll n;; l.lw; of the future life. Hoth ln11g11ngr i;ong
liavr hcr11 cx h:111 stc1l in describing its iinngi11n1-r jo,,-c;:-
" W c ;;pc:ik of the realms of t.he lilc!>L;
()f I.hat COlllltry SO bright nnd SO fair;
J\11<1 oft :ire iti; glories
Hut what 11111'.;;'t. it be lo be t.hcrc"?
The ln<lian t.o rntclilnl c nf t.ltr lt:q11')' llll11ti11g
wlwrc the ho1111cllc;;s woocllnncl 1111cl lirn:1d J'l':tirits <lwtl lPC111 11ith
elem nnil l>ison. Tiu.' 1\1ul1n111111c<l:i11, nf 11 p11racli;;c uf l11n n11cl
i!C' l!>llal <lcli ght. Thc,13ucl tl hist, of pcrl'cd.1cst.; a J1 u:lYCll wh11e
hr will hC' nbsorhc<l into l>cit.y, :ind rcm:iin i11:1ct i,c,
n11cl inexpressibly hnppy. Hut the Glarii;ti:111 world dh i<lccl;
011C pn1't believe t.hcy :ll'C to unsk in t.hc Jll'CSt'll CC Of
Uod, whcl'e "t(lerc is folucss of joy;" but have no dl finil.e idc:i.
of their occupnt.iou; h ence tli ofr hc:wc11 :ipl'roximn.tci; sorn<'what
nearly to thnt of the Hniltlhist: perfect, lint 11ndcli1w<l hnppiness.
Tho other pn.rt of chri:::te11do111, i11el11ding l'rc-111illt1111ialisls,
Agc-t.o-como bclienrs, :ind :ill cl:li;!'ei; of J\dvent.ists, bclie\' C in
:111 (fric ultm l he:t\'(11, wlHrr "the right .ro11s :::h:ill i11l1C"ri1 t.hc
lrm.d, :rn<l dwell thcnin f(>l'('\'(r." .J\ntl 1111
M the rose; :t11d i11st.l:tl of f.hr sh:il I c11111 ( 11 p 1 myrtle;
:incl inst.cad of the thorn, sh:i.11 come HJ U1r !ir Lr<'<' and hox
t.<> l1ea11t.ify .the plni;c of his s:\llctunry. Th<'y :tlsn cx111t. t.11 h11ilrl
ltrmscs, nud inl1abit them; plant viucya1cls, nnd cat. 1111 !'rnil. Of
t.hc111, nnrl lo11g enjoy tlte works of t heir hn11cls ( li:!l. ti:i: 11-25).
These approximal.c in prin<,iplc more 11cnl'ly to 1h1 l'l' ol 11irrn's
ltc)a,en. \\'ho, being :i r:icc of hunter;;, h1, licn in a'" ' ""''' where
:di t.ho <lifli cut t.ics :ttHI cb11ge1'S of the c:hnsc will lo,, f11n1 e1 ban
isltccl . The Uhrisl.i:in, l1r.i11g, in the m:ii11, :111 :lt:"ric:t1lt um! race,
look for:\ hcnve11 whrrc' thorns n11ll a11d drought nncl all
t.lt r. cffrctR or tlH' <111.sc \\'ill Le rc1110,r.<l, n11d enry 111:111 prtmit-
.. <1 "t.o ;;it, 11111l cr !tis own viii(' n11cl fi g trer, with 1101lti11!! 111 linrt.
Titus ,,.,, Ji11d th rnlirrioni; rif I Ii(' worltl .Ji,icktl int11 i 11 11 cl is-
n I
l 111<t t:l:1ssts; Liu 0111' 1e:1c l1i11 g a "Jl iri1.11:d, 1.h1 ot l\C' r :i \1:111pnrn,
or matcrinl he:iven. And there iR mul'l1 i11 I he Bible whi oh fay.
ors both. 'l'he pr!lphcts clearly foret.111a 111:1trrinl heaven, nurl
:i high st:lte uf ngrioul tm-e for mn11ki11tl in the mi llennial ngc.
There is to bo "I\ rcst.illlt.ion of :ill things" (Act.a :l: l O) . 1\111
"As in .Ad:11n all die, so in Rl1:ill :Ill be 111:11le alive, but
every mnn in his own o.r<ler." Awl i11 llw :ill nntio11s
will enjoy to some extent , their own illl!ns uf li e:i ven. To il11111-
t.rnte: There is n distinct. promise for the So1lomilcs, cve1y 1111e of
whom were destroyed, that they shall l1c l'N>Lore!l to "their for-
111er estnte,
:rncl given to .Tudnh for da11ghLcrs by nnother cov-
cnnnt. (SeeEzek. 10: 51-61). H11tin th1nstit11tion
the "curse"
being rcmo,erl, the evil of thl'ir fonnrr estnte will m>t. be.
Hence they will enjoy, as "tl nnghtcr11 ,,r Judah," Lite high
ci:t degree of hnppi nc..o;s they arc c:1pnliil of :lf'prNinting. So in
the restitut.ion of etll

Lhc l11di:111 will l1 nst11red t.o fn',q for
mer conditi on, without. the edl; :11111 thus n1j"y to some cxLCnt,
his eirpeoted happy hunting grcmnI:>. l' rps11111d in j11st t.hil' wny
this mny sccin like n strnnge <hwt ri11r; 11111 :i of ali
thing11 i11 clearly promised, :uul is ncerp!Nl fully one hnlf of
the l'rotcst:int church.
As" t here is no kno\ldeil ge in tlic wit it.her thon go<>-"t"'
"nnd th:it Yc1y <lny, his t.l1oughts JIC' nslt;" :i.11 nntions will con;e
np iu the restitution, with the snmo itl ea.<1 thty !ind in this life
:wcl nt fi rst, kuow nothing more t.111111 t hey knew nt Lhe momeut
they fell asleep. Hence, they will com111c11ec with nil t.he hab-
it.s, good and bnd, with whi ch they llft thii:; lifr; nn<l wi ll require
to be ruled" witJ1 a rod of iron," 1111ti l they ":ill know the
J,onJ, from the lenst to the grcntcl'I ; for (:1111 has sworn," As
J li ve, saith the Lorrl, Every knN sh:11l how I n mc, nnd every
to11g11econfcss to God." llcn<w, fro111 lhe .lewil'h nntion, who
are promised n restittrtimrto l'alcstiuc, 1l!'w11 lo the lowest Hot.-
tu tot, they will, in the resLi t11 li o11
each an<l nil realize to some
cxtent, t.heir highest ir1cm; of hnppineRl! n111l hrn\'ln.
Hut t.here ii; a lingdom of hc:wen, nnrl n "li t.tl1 fl ock
:ire to inherit it, and become" :li:t th1 :111gtl11 11r c: o1l, nciLhcr can
tliC'y die nny more.
J\11rt nlLhough "\\' t t.rnst. i11 the li1ing Goel
11 ho is the 8:wiour of nil men, <> f 1 li11;;e t. hllt believe"
(l Tim. 4: 10); yet thi s special i;:i liatio11 to i111111urt.nlity \\':ts not
11111h11'Lno<l, or t:\llght, 1111clcr Lhe .1'cwi11h m11111111y; "lint is 11.0111
111adc 111:\11irl'11t hy of 1111rS:\\'in11r .Jp;;11 1> Christ., who
hath ali11lishc1l 1lc!'lt h, :u11l hnth lifl :w<I i111111ortnliLy to
light t l11111!.d1 the gn;;pcl" (2 Tim. 1: Ht) :'Ir<' I hry
11f who111 it j._ \\fitt<"ll, "_\n<l ll!'\st 11u11l1 11: 111110 1111r king
n111l prirst.><, irnd we sl1:ill reign ou the cart.It
' (He.\'. 5 : I 11). I'or
thr king1lom :11111 clominion nnd the grcn.t ne;;s of tltc kingtlom
11 111h!r Ll1e wl1ole hrn,c.11
sl1all bcgjvcn to people of 1.Jicsai11r.s
of t.hr J\lost J ligh; n11'1 :i 11 peoples, and nations, nntl h11g11nge:-:,
sl1nll scr\'c 111111 ob1y ( U:111. 7). lt !s to tM.s cl:iss in the \\'Orld
t.o come, :11111 1101 the 11ntio11s in the.flesh, to whir.h our quest.ion
refers. Shnll 1M know u:1ch other t here?
"llelovccl, 1101r nre wo the sons of Go<l, :111<1 it d(ILh 11ot. yet
!ll'f'l'nt wh:\L we slinll be; but we know 1.liaL wltc11 he slrn ll apprnr,
110 ;;linll he like him; for we shall seol1i111 nshcis" (I J ohn 3: 2).
This l><
c1n!; :'IL first to shut ont allinq11iry
ponr \\'hnt we shall he;" lrnt there is another pnrt of lliis ten,
"\l'C knoll' t,hal when he shall nppe:ir, we shnll he like him."
l lc:11cc, nil thnt. ii; revealed of him,' is just so inuch l'<'\'CHll'd of 011r
him Lo hr 1he gnrdo11cr. Fhc 11nL0 hirn, Sir,
if th<'H hast. hurnc l1i111 hence, tell me where 1ho11 l1111;L lnid him and
l will t:ikn him :rnay. .Tcsns said 1111to her, Mnry. She turnc<l
li crs<' lf saiu mno liim, Hn.bboni."
l>i<l .1es11$ know Mnry, a.11d Peter, and John? Then we shnll
k11011 11ur :;\[:uys, :i.no oitr brother .John. For 11<' :::hall be like
him; "n.ncl know as we are known."
"Bnt as it is writ.ten, Rye hath not soe11, nor ear hennl, neit he1
hnth enterotl the heart C)f nrnn, the t hings which Goel hath propnr-
cd for t,hcm lo\'e him" (1 Cor. 2: 0). Doc8 this mnke the
case clouhtful? l tcad on," Uut Goel hn.th rC\'enled them unto us
by his Spirit, which Rcarehcth n.ll thi11gs, ye:i, the deep things of
Goel, .. th:it we might know the t.hnt :we fnely gi1.'t1 1ts
of God" (verses 10, 12). Herc isn ccl'tflint.y t,hn1 l1hat we wi sh
to k11ow i, reueried; "and those t.hingl'i which an nrtnlc1i, be
1111to 11s n111l to our children forever."
Now comes Lhe question, llow shall we fi11r1 it? for truth ii; hid,
:111tl m11st be fo\lnd uy Sl'nrching cc :is for silver." The next \'erse
:111s.wcrn:" " ' hich thi11gs :dso wespc:ik [Lite things which nrc free
ly gi ,cu 11;; of UntlJ, 11ot. i11 t.he words which man's wisdom teach
eth, hnt wliiclt thr Holy fipirit to:\Ch<'Lh, cmn7>cl1'i11t1 spiritu.a
tltinf19 tl/ith spiril11(1 .. " I lore is t.h c rule; n111l we arc :iliout t.o np
ply th:it is, Lo cu111parc what is rovo:-ilod of Ohriiil and
gt'li;, wit.h the rii;c11 i<ai11t; uf whom i t iii \\'ri1.tc11, "t)own a nat.ura l
ltot1y; r:tisc1l a ;;i1irit11al lwr1y." But. loL me s:iy, if t.h<' rC':ldC':
Im." LradiLi011s so s:icnd t.o 11i111 1.lrnt. he is alrc:tlly tkl.t'rn1i11rli to
"PJI OI'\' llV<' rr 11c\1' icl1:i s11ggci<ltd; :1nt1 is 11l:1n11t'1 IMt. nun1111rsr
i;h111tld leatl to iipirit.11nli!'111, or 11rPi\tlf11I tliin;.t lir> h:11' 111tt.
heret.ofore believed, he hncl l:Ly t,lais and rend 110
more. For we shnll not 011ly ncccpL n11 I.ho Hililc teaches clfrect-
ly, bnt nil tlrnt cnu be.fairly decl11r;ed from the mo\' emcnts a11d
manifestations of both good anti avil spiri t.n:i.l Lcings; not-
witlu:;tn11ding it may cany us so for:is .Lo put Lo shame all pn.Ji;-
c11t spi ri tual ruauifostnLions, aud develop facts of the future life
of the saints, 1111pnralleled by the gol<lc11 drcnrusofEnstcrn genii
and fairy l:\llqs-Things hcyo11d what 1.he eye hath secll, tire ear
lteard, or the lrcnrt. of m:rn co111,;(i l'c<l.
Did the genii of tl1e lamp sup11iy till' t,nlrlC' :tt Bn.gtlacl with t ho
choices wi11 es? So Christ supplier! llrt tnhle :11 O:urn of Galilee.
was Allndclc11 trn11s1iortccl hy i11 risilrlt 11:11111:< t.o the palace of
the king? So Paul was caught nw:ty t.o t ire' thircl heaven. Did
the genii eu:tble .Alladclen to bintl 1.l1e l'ri11cc of Persia "ith cor1ls
of hemp? So Christ s:i.ys, " He _t.h:1 t kccputh my works unto the
end, to him will [ gi\Cl j)Ower OYC!r tl1c nation!<;'' nnd l's. 149:
8, n.dds, "To bi11d their kings with d1:1i11i;, n.11d t.beir 110\Jlcs with
fetters of iron; this 11onor hath nil his fi:l i11ts." All t.hnt Christ
or the angles hnve do11e 011 e::irth, arc hut fooLprints in a shin-
ing pathway i11 which the glorific<l will walk. " Ile that 1.ielie\'
et.Ii 0 11 me, t.he works th:\t 1 do slt:lll he: do nlso; :wd greater works
t hn.n these shall he do, because J g<1 1n1LO 111y I<'ntlter. "
Very li ttle i s k11ow11 of the nntun: nf nspiril.nnl body, "It doth
not yet appear wJrnt we slrall be." Hut we k11ow mnny t hings
they have doue, n11 d which, by cv111pnring spiri t1.al thi 11 gs with
spiritual, we k11ow the sitint.i> will <lo. f'J1irit11al beings can np-
pear as a flame of fit'e., ".Who mak(th his angels SJirits, a11d his
ministC\rs a flame of fire," (Ps, 104: 4 ; Heb. I: 7). "Aud the
angel of the Lo1'd appeard unto hi111 i11 :1 fl:w1e ot firn ont of the
midst of the bnsh,
(Exo. 3: 2). Christ also is t.o be revealed to
the world, i11 flnminJ? fire. J\11\l it c:1111c to p:i.i;s, .as they still
went 011 nutl tnlkecl, that, behold, t.ltt'rc 11 ppc:1rc1l a chariot. of fire,
nn<l horses of fi1:e, iinu pnrted the111 both ns11nclcr, And Wi sha
saw it, and he cried, My father, my fnt.hcr, the chariot of l srnel,
the horsemen thereof, (2 Kings 2: l 'l).
They c:111 be as t he lightning; '
I Ii.'> 001111L1'11a11ce w:is as light-
11i 11 g," (J\J:ttt. 28: 3). Seo rrlso J>:in. J(); tl. "For 11s t,he light
11i11g that lightencth out of the 0111 p11 rt 1111<1<1r hcave11 slt i11 eth to
tlte ot.hct J':'lf'L ltll(ler he:wenl s<i shnll al:::o the l-;011 of mn11 lie in
clay, 01' dn.ys." Tlti8 wore\ r /i.er'IJl.IJl'(I 1 """'/, ii; t.hc i<!lllll! in V<'l'.
.rn, "J\ R it W:11l i11 tire th ys of 'l\to1., !"11 shall ii :llso i11 I.ho /i1
mm1r. [11:i y, 1lays, or time] of I.he Sn:1 rf 111:111." I ic11ce
:<La11di 11g l 'li1ist. is to be" ;is t,hc liglil 11in.!.\"," 111 ltis 1hy, or tlayR;
yet, it. is to lJe "n.s iL wns in t he ilo.ys of Noe," when they pl u11tc!l,
and lJuilde(l , and kne111 n ut. .
The nppenril 1g n'< fire, &c. seems to be UieiI own pec11-
g lory, ns tlh'Y netunlly o.re ; o.n(1as71Je shn.11 see them whr11 we
nr<.> 111nde like thc111; but. t he world will never see t h em. A full
dr.scription of lh:. r,;lorili ecl. or spiritual bol1y, is i;ivp.n i11 Uun. 10:
G, O; 0.11<1 ltev 1; 12-lii; "Then I liCten up 111y eyc!3, "11d Iool<P1l. 1111<1
heholtl a. cerftLi n rnn.11 clothed in linen, whose loins with
line gold of U phu7. : his hotly wn.s like the beryl, ttnd ltis fa1!1> the
;ippr:i. rnn <:P. of lightning, nncl his eyes ns lo.mps of fire, n.ml llis;1n11s
n11d hi s fret li ke i 11 colo r to i1olisli e<l n.n<l t i 1e voice of his worcls
likr U1r \'l1i re o f n ll111llit.11de. Ancl ther e r Pmnined 110 strengt h in
1n1>; for my WI\$ t.urned in me in to con11ptiv11, A 1.,J rn iln.r
d1st:riptio11 is gi\'en of Ultrist's glorious b ody, i11 lle' '. 1: ancl \\'IHm
t hii; r.nrrn pl ion I !mt oti incorruption, we sh11 II 1'!'<' hi 111 as he is,
.'' f orWP!'>hlll l l>r Jike tiw." H11t the spi ri tun.1 borl y, t hon,dt ,:hi 11-
111)! " tlhO\'P. Lili> lil'igh tn<1ss of the fir11111.10en t." ciinnot h!' :-;eC!11 I 1y rnor-
taft- wiLhvut l\ l<fl'"'ial r e,cJntion; n.s is pro ,er1 by n11111p1ou!'
cr$ wlarrf' t hey l111\' e l1ce11 present:'" And Elii:hn. elf, n11d
Lol'd. I pray lhcl', 011r. 11 his eyes, that lit> 11111,v seP.. A11tl lit!? Lorll
ormnrrl t.hc f\yr.s o( th<! young m1\11, nml he !mw; nnt.i, bPholcl. t.l lll
111rn11t:1.i 11 wns full of h o rsPsof lire, n.nd chnriots uf fire io11111l11hnllt
1-:tishn," (2Kings1; 17), they notoJl rni11isteri11h i;piri l!'. ioe11t
f orLh to 111i1til'fcr 10 them tha.t shn.ll ba heirs o f sn.lvotin11," (! Cc-h. J:
71l [O whl\t liwk o f faith in the. climcl.l ! J "Ne\rert.h elei;s whrn t h "
S<J n o f 111nn cometh, shall h e fiud f11.ith on the en.rth" '/ Al ,;(I ill Lhe
or I>1Lni el
t he men thn,t were with him "sn w not tl1e 1i $1on."
:\nrl n.lthough Jes11sn.1111e11r<1 ill his presentgloriou;: uody to
it hurt t he C'yes o f no one else; fo r ' the men t ll at \\'ith
me so.w no mnn.'' And Christ is to be, not ns ho WM in !1\"sh,
out" llS the llrn.t. shinct11, if.re. $0 i<lut.11 t.hr Son of ll illll //e
i 11 his clu.y, or <7ri!IS," (Lu kc 17: 24). And men 1ue t o eo11t.inm to eu t
dri nk, ru11l 1nn.rry, nnd know n ot, even n.s t.hi>y 1l id in the of
>'on.h, l\nd J.JOt. " /Is itwns in the cln.vs of Noc, so i<hall it ue also,
in t.he dnys of t.h e Son of mru1.
Antf a.ltlto11gh lhnc i:; 11\'Prwhcal
mi11g proof from the Bi b l e, and given in tll eRe pn.ge:<. Ui n.t wi> nre
11ow i11 th<.> or end of tlie world; and that Chri st has actu
nlly come i11 pcm;1111, !Jut wiJI not be mani{P.sted 1111til t.ht> ltnnest;
is pa.<:SP.<1; yet so s trong are old thelogical i dl!a,'!
thn.t I. ho nomin11l
1'l111rch, n.11d especially those who b1wc the inost of t hC!se
n.11d nre, t,he refore, thorouglJly intl oct.rirll\.Led into t.h1
ill cu. t ho.t !presence], 1Jegi11s wit.h I. ho 1171f'n 11 m11ifest.a
t.io11s, inste11-tl o f tln1s (' ncllng, sure to st111111Jl11 anti li e s 1111 retl.
F:piritut1.l r n11 npp0M' n.s co111rno11 men wi th l1udi ei;,
tlid CJ1rist., n.ff,er II ii> res111-roc t.ion; aml ns nni.eh; 1111.ve al w11 clone
whm1, iustl!:ld of ap1wori11g iu t.hcirnc.tunl g-lory, t.11cyhnn 1q 1pc:.t.r
eel:\,.'\ co111u1011 1111>11. <...:0111pnro J>n.11. !l: 21, nnu 10 r..
'l'lwy will , wlan a11 >n1cri ng under 1Vt'ail 1at n ncl d ri 11 k i.ltl'
fnncl of 111ro11 ;-" J\11 "hilr they yot ht1ie,l'cl 111)(. for jeoy. ;111d wv11
clt r , J) 1\ Raid 1111IC1 tlH) lll, Jf1\Ye \'e h<'.rn UllV lll<'lt 1 1\nd ttn.\IU
hi111n. piro1r.1of l H'tilr<l (i;:h, Ar"l 11 1 l;.,,1; it.,
11111) dicl c11t. 11 .. rnrc t.lw111," ( Luke !?1; 42). An l so it. w11i; 1\'ll h Lhc
Lord, and the Lwo :i.ngcls:-Allfl Sarnh hast<'ll an cl s;ct before them
butt.er, nnc.l milk, :ind the dressed calf,:rnrl the cakes; a11d they
did eat. :ind talkecl with A braha111, (Gen. l !J : :1).
They will be nhlc to t.rnuspor t themselves frorn pince to place
indepeudent of physical lnws :- " The s:i.me day, n.t C\ eniug, when
t he doors were 11lmt, where the <lisciples were assembl ed fot fear
of the J ew11, came .J es1rn n 11d st.oocl iu thci r midst" (.Toh n 20: l !J).
".And after eigl1t cbys, ng:\in his disc.;iplcs were within, then ca111c
J esns, the c1oors being shut, and sLOotl in their 111idst, and s:\i<l ,
Peace lie unto yon" {nrsu 2G). '' A11il their cyes wore opened.
:u1d they lmew him, n.rHl l1c ' ' anishcu out of their sight" (Luke
21: 31). .
Sud1 wn.s ncvf!r nppli etl to t he moveme11l.R of .fesns
l1efore his crncifixi on, and is n!ied oniy in sprnking of
lielngs. \YJ1en the Lorc1 and the nngcls appNll'Nl to 'Ali111hnw:
Jfo liftecl np his eyes n11!l lookecl, and, I{, thrne men stood by liim."
He difl not.see them r.wm.in.?, npparcut.Jy, it was jnsL
at 11is side, they took 011 n visible form.
We o.Jso lenru in other plnces, thn1, shut clnor:o, or priwn wall s,
are no barrier to spirit ual beings. \\' li en the n11gel appcare<l f,o
Peter, notldng is snid of the priso11 lH.1ing hut !IS rctcr
cnrne out, "The iron gnt.e thnt lenclctJ1 unto t.hc city 011ened to
them of its owu accord" (Acts 12 : 10). Hence, even if doors
had to l>e opened for them, and cnn he made t:o ope11 nnd 11hut of
t lieir own accord, t hey could not obst.rnct their mo,emcnts.
is controry to physical l:\11", is cnll ecl mirnc11lo11s; but
these mir:i.cles mny be in strict acrorcl:rnce with the laws of
spiritual life. At least Cl11ist and the :mgcls exwciscd such pow-
er before his nsceusion My a11cl your Fat.her ; my God,
nnd your Goe}." And" the wOl'ks t.hnt I do sl1all yclo nlso;:rnd
greater works t hn11 t.hesc shall ye l<i, hcc:uH;e J go to my Fntlter."
I suppose the reader begins to think tit is is spiritualism; and
so it is, r<?al Bible spiritualism; a gliinps at the inner life of what
is in resen e for tile glorifi ed saint whc1l this mortal shall have
put on immortali ty; whi ch Goel has revealed hy his Spirit; not
in words wlti<:h m:u1's wisdom t.c:i clteLh, Lut whi ch the Holy
Ghost Leachctll, not. Ly pn1phec y, 111 n hy er:pi11in.'J 1111fulfillod
prophecy, hut liy compminf! spi rit.1111 ] 1,hi11g wit.It i- pil'iLil :tl.
Tltc11 yon may ask, II ow dncs Hi hlt: diITcr from
t.hc popular spi ri l 11:ilis111 of t he clny '?
l'i l c11iern spiri 1.1mli1;111, like 11111<h rn t ltt'nlogy, frncltcs tlt:iL all
tnt n ht<n111t !<piri l.11nl nl d t'ii l.11. \Vl1ilt t.lt 1 t: ililc LPrwhcs
11tnt. <II" h1 ll()r11 ,,r t li l i11 ortl('r 10 ht'<:n111t' :1 !'l'iri t.,
11:\1 hci11g:-" Thnt l\'hich is born of tlte lfoi:h, is flesh; awl \hnt
wltid1 i1; liont of Lhc- spirit; is !Opirit. " (.folt11 3: G). l f tltc i::Ottl of
1 It 11:1 t11r:1I 111:111 ii; burn of tltr ll csli, iL h:1s 110 chim t.o ::i. :<piriL1111I
Ii fL. If it is horn of I he Spirit, it will "inheri t Lht ki11g1l1rn1
of (;o.J;" for il1t I'(' ;1n 11\1(. the I.WO ki111ls (lf hi1ths. ((e11c<', 1111-
)(.'s!l :i 1n:1t1 i>; l111rn :1g:ti11, he c:t11 ncvcr l/(.lcome a spiriLtrnl hci11g .
. \11tl iL is ouly .spiiit1t11l l.wi11gii win ,n11 materialize thr111sc!lrs ;
;;:i11C<' :ill others an rtlri;arl.11 m:itcri:tlir.ecl .
. \ .(!'.:1i 11:-Thc llililr tc:ichcs tlrn.t aff.<.\rckath, 11i:u1 " .. 1111-
1il 1111 rC'>'>11rrreli11n; :rn<l th:tt ;;uch as ::ire Lo become spiritual lw-
i11!!-<, :ire" sown n 11:1t111nl l>ocly; rnisotl n ;;piritnnl body (I C<>r.
I'>: 41)). I lc:11ce; ii. ii; 011ly after the "rctlcmption of thl' l1111ly,"
1lit"111:111ifcstntin11 of I hcsc sons of Gor1" isrl11c ( l: orn, S: Hl-'J:l) .
. \ 1111 i11 thl ns111T1ctio11, 1hcsc hcco111e " :l!i tl1c of (io<l"
(.'1:11.1. 22: .10). 'J'htnforc only :lllgrls, or tho;;c \\'lio. i11 tli< l'l'"
1ITl''\lio11, :1n
111:11lc /i/;p. thtrn, 1.xi;;1, ns ;;11irit11:1I Mrn1-
1r11 !'1'irit.11nl 111:11ii fo;; 1:11io11 is thl'rcforo the ll'ork 11f t11lf/cf.<. J:ut
a" t htv ,.[,1i111 it Lo lie t l1c work of c1ccc:isctl l111m:111in , lht\ nn
lyi11g,"i1 r f:ill e11, n11gcl:<; n111l nrc, tltcrefor!'
:111d hc:11
tli1 s:inw nl:itio11 to Bible spiril11alis111 th:tL .J:i1111 cs:111t1 .l:1111lrr">
lid !11 :'ll oscs, "hut they shall proceclu no furtlwr: for th<' ir fol-
l.1 "-li:rll J,c 111:111ifcst 1111L1J nil men, crcn ns tlrnfrs :ilso w:i:s" (2 Tim.
a: !l). f1\w whL
11 Lhr ccm11Lerfcit is comp:\rccl with wh:'lt is rcrenl
.. it 11f thr gr11ui11c, its clmr:.ictcr c:111Le: 111n11cnpp:trc!llt to all.
",\11d lhc n11gcls tk1t kept 11ot Ll1cir liri:t ri;tal1', l111t left
tl1cir own 11nuitntim1
he hath rcserl'c1l iu cycrl11st.i11g ! 11gc
i 111;! J 11111ler tbrkncss, 1111lo tl1(! j111lt!111cnL of I ht gn:a l 1la y "
(.J udc tl). 11p:trcu not the ang,.ls thalsi1111ccl, lmt.r.:1sL tltcm
'low11 Io I tmtan10] hell the tcnot.s1 11111111.<ph.ffa; he11ce
tht l >l'\'il is call ed" the prince oi' the power of air;,'-a11<l
ill'li11ntl t l11111 i11t.o cltai11s Lo Le rcsernd 1111Lo j111lg-
111l'11I ,. ('.! l'l!lOr '2 : 4) .
. \ 11g1li.:, cir spirit11:il beings, ltave the power to :ippc:1r in <li f-
f'Nl'ltl f11n11s, as h:is l>cc11 shown. J lcncc, thc!'n f:1llc11
:11111:11 in the form aml clt:irneter rJf :my pcrsou Llt1y l'hC.1c11<l t.o
1111n!<111t .. :ts :i.s CltrisL could :tppo:\I' :is :i. ganl(rwr, sl1':1t1-
:.!1>1 , .,,. wirh 11i11-.wd li:111ds :i.11<1 i;idu.
That l.11C'.<:1 i;piril-s who d:iim to nprci:P11L dt<t::i st1l l111111:1!liLy,
"ni;1n1d 1111dcr td1:1i11s of cl11rlrncss," t hn :11l111iL.
/J11 i-k11 i>< I '11 li rst :uul forc111ni;l 1:.6nclil ion ;,r :ill r li t:r 111:111ifL's
1111iom., 1111r 1::111 they 111d11re lho fu ll g l:irc 11( a lalloll' 1:1111lle,
1111 1l11111gli pl:1<:otl i11 t.lic f11rLl11r101110r11fLhrn111111. ( ' 111\
1.!:111.f 111 1111 1111drr I.his 011 0 t'Cf: t.rit'linn of d:irk11ess.

I t is usel ess to deny their wonderful dcvclopmc11 ls. J\nd that
t.liey tTo 11ow mnterializc tltcn1i;clves, nnd nppcnr in tlHrnctu:\l like-
nc:ss of the pcrso11 they choose to represent, is plucc1l bcyn11tl all
rcn.sonnble c1oubt b_v the testimony of 11urncrnus nncl crccl iLablc
oye wit11csses. J\rlll that they will yet <lo still more wo11tlcrful
d1ing1', ns clnimed oy Lhcir ,otnries, we canuot <louLt. 'l'hnt
tlwy mny y<'t e:it nud drink, and tll\tS actually cons11111c foocl of
man, is not at 1dl improbable. Angels of lir;ht ha ve l:lO done in
forn1cr dispensations; :111<1 :i.ftcr the resurrection, the sai11Ls will
th us m:rni.fcst themselves. llcllcc, there is oHc aml 011ly one nb-
sol ute test by wliicu to determine their t1ue character,
That I.hey nrc all admit; nncl sorne of them claim to lie
11oocl spirits; but," by t heir fruits ye shall know tl1t111.
Ask a
li sh if it is a creature of the air, or of the w:i tcr. l\11!1 if iL liarl
t.hc gift of lm1g11agc, :i.11d shonlcl cl:tim to uc a ll ir!I of pn1a1l isc;
yo11 h:ive only to take it ont of its clement, to discover the frnutl.
" 1ty the i;piri ts" ! Throw back the shntters, open the douri;;
let iu the clcnl' light of clny; and if they a.10 i:: pi rits of' light, your
SCJW.ce will m>t be clist.mbccl. The a.ngcls of light :lf'peare<l to
J\ brah:im <I as he sa.t in the door of his Lent, in the !teat f1f t/1c cloy."
Bnt if they nie the spirits Goel has rcsenecl 1111tl er chains of dnrk-
ness, th('y will Le compcllc<l to retreat fro111 the light, cren as
vermin slink into holes under similar
No ration:il human l>ciug, except their deecl s arc evil, cnn clc-
sire tl1c fellowship of spidts of darkness. 'Thr.y a.re obliged to
have some li ght by which moving objects cnn be discerned, as :i
necessity to the spectntMs, we know; and so is 11 f1,.sh obliged
to have some :i.ir; but the line of demarcation uetween tlteir cle-
ment, n11<1 t he ligl1 t, is clcndy defined; and no one need a11y 1011
gcr be <lccieived, unless they love to bo led ca.pt.i\'o by spirits of
dn.rlrncss; for jnst in proportion to the amount uf light., "their
power of matcrializ:ition is diminished.
To say you clo 11 ot believe these are follou angels, <loes 11 ot help
1.he matter; you know they nre of tho darkness; n.1ul clarkncsi;
is twin to evil; nncl that nil the fonl s1>irits of carLh seek iti- cover.
1\ nc.l f,IJ nt JlO rcspcotablP. person likes to 'be found i11 thc.sc dcnR of
1lark11ess ; or with tl1c litl!ni t1ue tu:iL comes from snch a. fou11tnin.
As it is n c+o<l-givan rnlc to conipctrc wh:1t known of nugds
111irl spiri tua l thiugs, i11 orc1cr to lcnow '\yh:it he l1ns i11 Rt.Ore fur
the 11:1lnts, we gat.lieT, from all of the nLnvc, lirsl.; 1.h:11. i11
t.lw ollic<' of" kingi; n111l prici;ts, a111l rci g 11i11g 1111 the t:irth;
Hain!,.-; will lit and :qqwar 011 :111 or1lin:1ry like h11
111:111 l1d11gi< i11 t.ht 11<.oilli. 'J'h:lL tlwy will 0:1t, clri11k, :ind
:\ t Jcaiit tlit ,. wi II rest, even as Go<l rcstccl : " Let the R:ti n ts he
jnyful in g lci ry; let them sing nlou<l i1pon t heir heels. Let. the
hi gh pr:tii;vs of Goci be in their moutl1, and a t woedgecl sword in
thei r h:11111; to excC'nte Ye11gcnnce upon the heatli en, and pu11islt-
mcnts upo11 the people; 101Ji111l their kings wit h chai ns, and their
nobles with fetters of iron : t. 01 cxrcu te ll pon "them the j11<lg111crl t
writ t.en: this honor h:tlh 1111 his s:iint,s. Pr:li!lc ye the Lor d" (Ps.
HO: fl-fl) .
Tn 11111 11 ifostat io11s if t.hey t.:i.kc on n. roal body of Jl csh,
eating :1t11l d rinki ng is either a 11 ccessit y, or n plensure. For in
those c:t:o:ts where Christ or :rngcls ha\'c thus ni,aterializcd 1.hr m
and so rcrn:ti nctl for n co11sidernhle time, t hey have c:it and
1lr:111k; Pthrrwise tiwr ha"c not. the case of GahriePs
:ipprari11g to Da11 icI, 10 7,:iclrnrins, null Lo hlary. Also that of
) I :111nah -" 1\ nd th, :111gel of the Lord i::iid, Though thou detain
me 1 will 11ot o:it of hrC'n<l. . .. J\ncl t he a11gel dit1 wn1ul rou;:;.
ly. For it c:ime 10 when thil fl:i.me wc11 t np from off tl1e
:ih:tr, that tile of the Lnnl :iscenclNl i11 the flame of Llie ni
tar" (.J 11<lgcs 13: l\1-20). llcnce, t here is 110 l'Casou wii y resting
011 their rnny not he eit her a necessity, or plensul'(: . The
nhQV(' (CXI clenrl y pJnces t he ju {jl01',I/, !\lid a t, I.he t.iu1e he
ii prC'p:trcd to exeentc judgment on the niitions, when he iscallccl
npun t.o "si11g al oud 11 pon his betl. " Hence, it. appears their li fe
n11c1 e11joy111euts, :i rt! in many rcs1Je0Ls, to be similar t.o those in
the murtal state. this, including t.hcir power to. tilke 0 11 , or
put off :i. body of fit>sh, is no mor e wonderful t han is t he clrnnge
i1i:;clf from T]Jortali t y to immortality, which occurs" in ii morncnt,
i11 tlie t winkling of :i n eye, :i.t. t.lie last. trump." Am1 as ;rngels
cn11 nrnlr ri a.lize themsC'hcs, or pass off in :t ll:imc of fire ; we kJ1ow
thr suints will do tltci:e thi11gs; for in tlic resurrccLion, t.hey arc
w J,t "Hi> the ::rn gC'IS of God. '
The extcution of" \'e11ge:i.11ce," [ cl1 nsLisemc11 t] upon the hen
111111, n11d ji1tlgmcnt upon t he people &c. is explained by Lhc npos-
llc, a11d nlso by Christ. "Tbe s:i.ints shnll jtHlge t he worl <l" (1
C(r. I;: 2). " Ile th:i t kcepeth my works 1111 to the end, to him
will J gi l'<. 1 power O\'tlr the nnti ons; n11 <l he shall 9ule th< m with
a rod or il'On: nli t ill' vessels of n. JlOl,Lcr shall they l>e broken Lo
shi\'cr1<j even :is I har e recei ved of my Father " (Hev. 2:
\.Vi1h 1.lw tf ig 11 orm1t, ancl huat.l1r11, who
h;l\'I! g1111l' dnwu t" the grave wit.h li fe-lnng nf fi(1t( l':IS
1<i011 a111l <lcv l' nil of wl1n111 nr<' up just ns
1 IHy frll f,,r " the>'<: ii: no i11 t.hc l!l':l\'<' wliith
1r 1 """ _!!11!
111.:" t h" ,I' " i 11 l't.!IJHirn Lu L" "ntlud with a nul uf i 1'011 "
111.!:AVEN. Fi
11111.il Lite\ lca1'11 Lo lrnow tl1c J,onl, J\ls.11, i11 1l1t '' o f
:ill Lhc 11alio11s will Ji::nc to Le rcorgr111izl1l; !l 11c1 Jil'CS\! llt
g'll'Lll'Jl111c111"s :ind n::iLio11alities will be t111shc1l in pirocL>::- " 1\sk
of me, :rnrl I shall gi1c thee tl1e hc:ttl1cu for thi11 0 inlrnritcmr.:e,
nml t he uttermost ]':1rts of the earth ior thy '1'110 11
shalt break them with n rod of iron; L11 0 11 i;; hali. tlasli t.li cn1 in
pieces ns n potter's l'l:si;()[" (Ps. 2:) . "Auel i11 the clays nft.hcse
ki11gi1 [tho tl ividcd Homan empire] ishall the Gnd of hua1on set
up n ki11gclori1, nnd iLsliaJI brcnk in pieces nncl <'onsumc all thc:sc
(D:rn: 2: 44) . .
The Sn.inti.;, who n.re to lie kings o.nd 11110 11if1n m 1he
enrth, will not 1Je izhost.s or phn11t-0ms, but wlrn11 to np-
pe<tr u11cler "vu.ii" or Jl esh, will wo,l lc the earth in 111(> n1-el1t or da \',
ap11e1wi'n!J like mortn.ls, but wit,11 :i. mysterious po11cr, tlrnt <."ou iu
hurl destnwtion on an opposing host, evP.11 n.s tlr e n11gr,I o f the Lord
u,,.rt h rew ttn hull() red nnd four-score t.ltoui;nnd Syri:i oc;;, :\s they lay
e11cn111pN.l l>y deep finlilee. 'l'bis will indeed ht> h:l\i111; "powlr
o,er t.hP nutions; to hind their kings with cbn.in!l, und \,heir uolJles
with fetters of iron.
The" rn:inifestntion of the suns of God," nnd the o n
111itions, is not till I.he resurrection: "For c111111st cxprct n( i1111
of Lhe cren.t11re wn.itetll for the manifestation of nm son1' of Gn<l ..
And 11ot only they, but ourselves rdso, who h:11e t.hf! tlr:-; tfrnit1' of
the Spirit, even we 011rsehes groa.u wHhin 011r;;pJ\p.;, \\'niting t't>r
the Ml.option, the redemption of out l>o<ly," {Hurn . 8:). 'l'lw
urn (T.;tisi.s], i$ t.he s:imo a.sin ll(u.rk 10: l l:i, ''l'rrn"h LhP to
e\'ery c'l'eol11re;" 1111d men.us 11inn 1'.n the.flesh. 1101. taf.tlc" 11.s P.X
plain it. lt is then, ju the nge or world to come th1t t he rn1t(ure
will come to the saving Jrnowledgeof the truth:-
)3oc;1.11!<e i hP c.nnL
ure [klisisj itself shall be delivered Crom the> bomln.gl! of corruptio n
iulo the glorions libed:y of the chilclrPu of Gou, (1ersc 21).
1-l ow llhnll they be clothed? "Aml enteriiig in10 t.!11! sepulchre
they sn.w a yonng mnn on the right side, clotlw<l in n lorig
white g11rn11 nt." And of Urn a.ngel wl10 rollecl tlWI\)' t.hf' sf,one, ft. is
sn.id, ")Jis rni mcnt w:Ls white as snow." l>!l.ni el !law uno "olothed
ill li11cn, 1wcl his loins girded witbflne gold of Uph111.
' (; hrist, nlsn,
was see11 l.Jy .Tolm, cloU1etl with ngarment down to thi; foot., 0.1111
witl1 t\ gol<len gir<lle. J\11d out.he mount of trnuslig11rntio n his rni -
ment l1oct\Jl1e shining, cxceedlngly; white n.s s111,,1; St> M; 110 full er on
en.rt.Ii r.nn white thcrn. Then the snint.s will not mil )r rPc piirc foorl.
hnt. rn.i111e11t; how a re they to liesu11plied? J-lowdiu {'hrlst t.rl!t the
i::irrlc11cr's);11it.in wbioh he n.ppen.rd to 11.In.ry? H e l('ft l.hosr in which
fiii; eu,rthi\ botly lmll l>el! ll wmpcc.I, cn.rcfully fo ltlt?J up lei t.l1rs111Hil-
c hr!':-"'l1ake uo the>ui;lit whn.t ye sb:.ill cu.t, or whn.t . . vc Rlrnll drink;
or wllcr<'wi th:il vu s lmll IJ e clothed. 13ut seek lirst fli t ld11l!'cl11111 of
(iod, 111ul hi:-: right.eo1rn1ui;s; 1uitl t hese things i;hall heo i1iidrcl 1111
to yu11, '' Whnn Cll1i1-1t,wct11tetl wiue, heco11ld ll11n tic win!.!.
\\'IHu II ,1;11 \lc<l u fin: , n11d con.ls, m1<ltisli In.iii lhc rc<>11 '""! f\rencl
l1f' :<Jlltk" 111 111 it wa!< cl o1H'. "Auel without. hi111 In"'" '" lld:t!.'. 111:1111:
\,h11,I 1111' 111n.ch," ' ' Tl r 1hnt hPlievd.lo <>11 11w, 1111' 111111, .. llo11( l 1111
h" dJ 11 IK<1; 11,111l i;n:\.111r workR t.lmn t.11 ('i;r. shnll ho tin.
1rnA v1rn.
:-'0111c 11nYc supposud, from hn. U5 : 21, that the sai11ts;
wl10, Ji11Yi1tgrcccivel] UiJl'iSt, wit.Ji lJitil UC()lllll(l
:rnd kings a11c1 priests of the .\[<il'\t. High; :trc to "b11ild housci;,
plant. vincyanls, :11111 lung t11j ;y the w<Jtl.: of their lia1Hls." Evc11
tht> genii of t.hc wo1111rrf11l l11111p was uctt-ur tl11111 that. J\lladde11
cuuld 111i11e wit.lrnnt "/}llnlil!!f ,i11cyanls;" and the choicest
,inmls for his talJle; :incl C'\'c11 a richly furnishc<l pal:tce, built lJy
11111;cc11 lw.111lx, in a:::ingl_c 11igl1t. .And think yo.u t.l_1e heart. of man
has co11ce1vc11 ueuer- tlm1ys tha.11 whrit Gl)d h:is laid up for them
tha1. love hin1? Thi11k of with saw :111t1 chisel, framing
II hollSCj .\lid1:1eJ, SCLti11g Oll l grape \'illCSj nncJ, (be it SJJOkCll With
1tl'l'rr11r.r J. "ou r El rler Brother" doing t.!te heavier spading.
'1'11111 . . wc/1 is t.he lwa,cn for the glorificu s11i11ls, liclievecl by
the h;tlf 11f christen1lo111. hen1c11 110 better Lha11 is promised
th\ .Je11) iu the Hcsli. "Tilt c::1rth wns made for 11w11," aud the
111cek sh:ill inherit it; but. the. t.hu Elohecm sc,,![, nlthongh
rlwy t l1e ki11r1durn 11uuer t.hc whole hen,en, look for nn
"i11lwrit:111ce inuorrnpLihle, 1111<lcfiled;:reservecl in hca, en; ready
to he n1cnl(1l i11 the Inst time.>'
" If yt hnd fnith :is n grnin of must.n.rd seecl , ye rnighr. say to
this mn1111tni11, Be thou removed, and cast int.o tbe i;en; nud it
s h1Hilil li e 1lone," Hen now in this life. "f:i13ek first tlie kingdom.
of God, nn<l nll these tMngs shall lie added." Obrist bas prcpnr
('(] t.hetu :-" J 11 my Fat.lier's 11ou!!c arc mnny mansions; if it. w13re
1wt so l woukl hrwc toltl yon; I g_o to prepare a place for yo11."
These, arc :\lnong "the Lhings which are frccJy given ni; of Uo(l."
Shall we rct.a i11 onr lmmcm fceli11gs, so ns t.o. mingle, to :i.11 n.p-
pcnrn11ce a.s 011e of themselnis, with the :11Hl d1iuglilers of
"n rt h; who thus to uc lctl to a holier awl higher destiny?
\\"hen Mary arfr;cd nt. t.he sc1rnlchre t.hc two nugcls say
l1tr." \\"u111n11, .\Vhy weepcst thou? P.he said unto them, He
ca11i;c thoy h:i 1<' t;ikcn ;i w:iy my Lorcl, nud I know not where they
h:11c lni1l lii111. A11d turning l1(jrsclf, shcsnw Jesusstan<li11guy
her; n11d k11c,1 11 ot thnt. it. .lcsu!l. A11d li e sn.it.h unto her,
\Yliy 'll'l'Jl'SL t.ltun "? :iii though he knew 110L t.he
Klight.ei;t. c:ausc for her tc:i.rs. Butnfary, t.oo full to a11swcr, and
ytl. Rt.rong in her ifll'C a11d folt t.hat 110 t.ask W:\S t.oo ltr1rcl
l'or hlr, \i11rst. t111t. wit Ii, "Su, if t.hou hast \tome hirn hcnCl\ tell
1111' wlil're t.l1et11 li Mt. lai<l him, aud I will t.nlw hi111 away."
.\g-:ii11; wil-11 t.hc t.woo11 their wny t,11 J:111111:L11s, Christ :wll; the
-1 r:tl l!!l'r:- " \Y ha! lll:tllll(r or Cl )llllllllllit::il iurn; !ll'f' t l1<'"t' 1li:it. Y"
li:11'<' '11111 wiili :111othtr p ll'alk, 11 11'1 :1rn sn1l n? :-; p thl''; l'Xpl:1i11
:dJ :1Ji<11!1 ll!IC .,f ll'hidt \\';\<; :1 lll' ll J'hPt: 111il('illy
i11ch:cd hcl'orc Gol1 :mcl man; nntl how tl1c .lo\\'i: h:1d put hin1 tn
1\eath; :rnd th:it this was the thi.rtl day 6ince thtr-;c thi 11gi> Ot'<'111n1l.
.l c;. u.'I nil the while gravely listcui11g, to learn the p:ntic;1dnrl'.
".r\ud they clrew uigh unto the vill:ige
whither they w1nt, n11d
he mnde ns though he would gone furth er. But thay cou-
st.l'aincd him, s:i.ying, Abide with us; for the 1ln y is far Fpcnt: :rnd
lte went iu to t:my with them" (Luke 24: 28).
hy wns this, unless for our instruction? The deep
of God, t:wght liy the Spirit; nrc often found rc1e:iletl . not in
w,,nls, which men's wisdC?m tenchctl1; but. which the Spirit tn:wh
Pl Ii, comparing i;piritu:i.I things with spirit.ua]. ,
l':1e11 as Christ pnsse<l from this to another worhl, :\Jld
hn1c come n11d gone; so too the Rain ts Rhall t.rn.\"Cl'!c'C' l'p:lr.<', "n nrl
with lightning speed from star to star: or n:ilk the er11111
111orLals:-" Tlwy shall mount up as eagles; tl1ey run nrHl
rwL weary i they sh nil wnlk nnd not foint."
few f:lcts clrnwu from tlte many spirit.nril t.hing!' rt\calcrl,
:111 e11ough for us to gather a general idea nf wli:it 1,111r ful11rris
t.o lit'. "J\nd h:i.st made us 1111t.n 011r God king!\ anrl pficl'l!i, n11tl
11c sl1:i.ll r<:'ig11 on the cnrtl.i ." llencr, if you nre one of "tho
<nllecl, nnd chose11, and faithful;" it will be your work, 110L only
to 1ule tho 11:itions, and enforce obedi ence to divine law,
hut t.o exercise the gentler oflice oJ of the J\f(lSt 1 liglr
Gotl." But in your ministration to mankind, whether :ii:; j11'1gc
-"The saints shnll j1tdgc tltc world "-or :is friemi, compa11io11,
nucl g11ide:-evcn ns God was tt1e frieml of J\brahnm-yntrr ac-
tions will no more be clogged with the imperfcction11 of
fi you noto possessed such power it wonld make you misernbl <;
yon wonl<l l>t' conLinu:i.lly fr:irfol lenst you might err in j11dg-
tnl'nt; "but t hen you will know, as you are kno\rn ;" ancl like
the S:wiorr1', "need not tllnt nny one should t ell you ll"h!\t ii:: in
mnn ;'' he1ur, yon will net with decision and judgment.
carr be visible ns n11 ordinary mortal ; or yon cn11 he pres-
ent, and remain imisible. You cn11 1.ransport yourself fnrn Jllnce
to pince independent of pl1ysicnl obstructions. ThuR nll i:eorr:ts
will he l:\i<l open to your persounl iuvestig11tion. Yorr cn11 enjoy
intercourse with friends, p:Hents, or the chilrlrc; rr you h:we
ll' ft; with 110wer 11ot only to comfort, but to prntcrt.. J\n<l in
Lllis ti11w of t'. r<rnhl o, 11011 coming on the earth;" tho11gh pe11t.il -
r11ce walkdlt i11 ancl cJc.qtl'llctiorr w:ii;tl'lh :11. 11oondny;"
" 1u1 plague shall come nigh t11y dwelling; 011ly with t.hilll: cy11<
io h:11l tltorr hrhokl, ancl RN' the rownrd of tltt 1rnc;ked." Y ) 11 Rlrnll
!rink (1\ lrHt. 26: 20) of I.lie fruit of Llw l'irr", and yel ]'lnnt 1111
Y 011 shall h:Hc nunsions on the lirm ks of a river mnr-
gi11ctl hy fr11iLs of gnltl, 11ncl whispering my1tlcs. J\1l\l w:dk iu
1 l1c light of i;kins :til rlomllcss, save wiLh hc ro nnd them a roi:cnt c
hut', ni;, thrn11gh Lite years of fo:cver, shall l>e the tnlilct, of yo11r
ow11 hc:i.rL' (Hev. 2'.!; Js:i.- ClG: 13). 011 shnll b11t cal l, '"Nnv
l>crorc Lltcy c:;ill, 1 will :111:::wcr," :rnd cvcl'y de1:i1e shall he !mti!'lt-
You can :ipt\:ik, :u11l iL will he done; command, nod it. "ill
stnnrl fnst. "'l'hii:; honor h:uc nil In;; snints; l'rnisr. ye the Lonl."
These :trc the thi 11gs; :111d this n ! limps 0f wlint. iH in st(> re for tlic
body of Chri;;t; the who inherit .Lhc ki11gdorn.
- -o--
li"i/l it be seen O?/ f.
.. And \\'h<'ll hr. ll':ui dPrnn11dc1l or thr. rhn.risr.es, when the k.iog-
cl o111 o f (iocl i;l1011lll Milli', Ii<' nnswerr1l t.hcmn.ndsn.id, 'rl1e kingdom
c>f God con1eth 11ut. wit Ii olixrnaf.ion, (or mnri;inl 011twttnl show;
ll (i ther shn,11 thry !<l\f, Lo hem. cF". lo Ll1t're ! !tor, 1,ehold, tho king-
dom of <:iod is wit.hi11 l"or, 111ar2in] 111111111g you, (Luke 17: 20).
E1ery where in t.he 1lible, t.he Uhnrch, or people of God, repre
sent t-h e ld1111rl11111 of (i orl: "And ye sho.11 be unto me a king1lv111 of
pl'lr>St!', n.nd 11 holy rn1tlon," (li:xo. JO: li). And tbis promise to the
typicnl lsme. I ttnd kingclout; is to be fultilled t' the t111.achi11lre11 o f
the kingllom;-" And hn,<;t ml\de us unto ou.r Ciod kings n.ncl p riests;
nn<l we reign on the eurth," (Rev. 5: IO),
A complete ki11g1lo111 im orgnni1.ed powe1. The gos1;>el r.liurch
is not co111pldc, u.1111 Ch1ist makes it represent t-he kmgclom, in
nil his p1trn.ules. Uut it 011/y represent.<; it; ancl not nntil it shn.11 be
glori!ie.11, will it renlly hen. kingdom io the foll sense.
Lnnd mn.y be 1rn elr>111c11 t. Qf nn c::irthly kin{:llo111; hut 11 01.hing t.hnt
is of t.lic eitrth, will e1er be 011 elr>ment ur t.hc "hen.\'cnly
kingdom." lts lwal1/J/ will bl' 1i !;pirit11:il or h c(l.vl'\nly City. Anti ,
itlthough t.he ::ni11 ls who compose the king1lo111, will bl'\a,1wmn them,
still the worlu will not be able to point to u.ny locn.lit)r, or sa) Lo
hr?rt1, or lo thc>rr is the of God.
'l'll C! ki11gJ0111 or hen nm Lor cllltrchJ, is now likened to n. net in
wliirh n1e tlslt, hoth goocl and bad. Also to t.a rcs n.ncl when.t; wise
nnll foolish '"irg:ins; And in the h;irvest, be will gn.ther otfti of
his king(l om :tit things t lmt. olien<l; nnd thelll whi ch <lo iniquity; 1\11cl
cn..o,t. t.hcm i11to n. furunt'" cir fire. Then slmll Ute righteous shiJ1e
forth u.s tlrn sun. 'l'lwr, is the church will then lie glorified; nncl tho
k ing<lo111 m11n 11 i z1?1/, ori<1!t. up. (Cow pare Ill n,tt. 13: 28-'l:l; l)an.
2: 11. /\1111NlI.he11atio11s rlre now sub,jP.ct to the s piriL111tl powers
1ul<l rulE>.rs pf (l:LrlrnrM of I.his worlcl; so in world to
all proplus :LIHI 1w.lLl'l1ll t.he wl11l " hf'n,\'t
shall ser n'
thi!' ki11g1111111 or pri,.!'I" llt1t C.X<:C'pt ll 1111111 \It' ltnrn ug-:ii11; (hltt is
l11>1c11nros 11. i;piril.11111 li<i11,.:, he 011n11ot s1:e th' ki11gd,m1 of Uo11.
Tl1..: llihlr 1111 f'.h1,.: tlwt. the fallrn Hllr:"r>I<;, lil;,1' tbn of liC(lit,
rtn ,;pidt11nl 11111l l //r1111rr ' ' '''t'pl 11111lcr t.lt' <iNI
"i \'" 11 r<' si,ri d i1111 of ti 11rh11 ' ' "" 11111 le> I' wli i1l 1 l'i 1'<'11111s t lllll''-" I/Oil'. 11nl
thr "chy of thr Lonl" begau, they scern to hn1c btcn pcr111il.Lcr1
l rJ Lhemsch-es. The Bihlc nlso lcarltcs that the 1;se11
snint is to hen lcing. .I whnt n spiritn:il hocly is, 1l C1 t h
not. yet npprnr; only that Lh<'y nrc capable of clra11gcoi.
J1cc:111sc the saints nrc to !eig11 01er the nalions, mn11y seem
unable to distinguish between the kingdoms of earth, n11d tho
kingdom of Goel, .wuieh is to brcnk in pieces n111l co11s11111c thcn1.
Tho kingclo1n of Goel is a ltenvenl!I kingolom (2 Tim. 4 : l ll) i 11 ot
hcna11se of its locnlif.yj bttt because of its nature. iii
l'pi1it.11nl. "..:\ s is t he earthy, sucl1 nrc they nlso that nrc earthy;
n111l ns is the he:we11l.r, such nre tl1ey nlso that nro heavcnlr.
And :1s we hn 1e liorne the image nf tl1 e enrthy, we shall bc:1r
the i111nge of the heavenly (Lhnt is, be rnil!e<l spiritual
1\1111 this J say, hrethren, that flesh :incl blood ennuct inherit thr
ki11wlnm offiml" (1Cor. 15: 47-50). llence, the ttnn "l1l!n1e11-
ly k111gdom; i<i descript ive of its c/lflru.cter, nnd uot it.s lorn lit v.
The kingrlom of S:itnn is cnllerl n spiritual po\\er [kingd(>1n]
i11 lie veny plncrs" (Ephe. G: 12, mrf1i11 ).
IJow some men cA11 p<'rsistcnt ly wcrlook nil these sLalemcnt!I
in rel:itio11 10 t.lie spirit ual nature 11f the kingdom of c;u,J, n111l
mnintnin thnt is uothing more nor than nn enrtltly king'
olom, me. Jf they arc correct, why must 011e "he horn
ngnin, born of the Spirit," in order to sec it? lf it is :i li ternl
tlcshly king1lorn, "set 11p in the clays of these kings," n11<1 is to
"break in pieces :ind consume nil these ki11glloms" (Dan. 2: 44 ),
why cnnnol the heathen kingdoms sec it while it is qi.i11.q the111
wit.Ii a rocl of iro1i, and hrcnki11g them in pieces? (This 11ncst ion
is for such :is oppose t.hc Age to come. J\nd the following, for
such ns n1'C<'Jll. it.J. lf the kingclom of God is confined to finlei<
tine, 1111 so1m' helie\'e, will not. those in the fl esh who go
np to .ltrnrnl<'m from year to yenr, to keep t.he fc:u;t of L:lU<'l'll:t-
clcs (Zcch.11: 10) , see Lhc ki11gdom of God, withont being horn
from :1l1ove? Hut nU this con fnRion, n11d 111nl; i11g Lhc. 'cript11r<1<
cr,11t.l'nrli C'.t.11ry is qui Lo as rensQniLhlo ns ifi the kindnd iol cn of Lhc
i:lol'ilic1l s:iints, who :ire t.o "cq1rnl 11 nto Lho :11tgcls," :i111l
"like 1111 111 Chl'ist's glori ous borly," pln11ti11g vi11cyanlt<, n11cl
l.111i ldi11g 11011s1s. llnt yon rnny say, Lhey appaar :u; co111111f/ 11 mC'11.
f'o hn1c :u1frPls whnn t.huy h!'\\'C mn11ifcslu<l U11:msclrcs to
h11t. to im(ll'Ol'I' they will come clol\'11 Lo Lhe 1h11tlgery of n flesh
ly li(c i!' 111111 hPn Lm1ghL. ' \'hr11 they Rhall cnl<'I' Lite" lll':H"t11 -
ly :11111 arr" :ii; lite frnj!cl11 of they will Irr ll'ith
t lll' Loni, :1 11 1 him, IH' i'I. 1:11t the 1111 not i11hr1;1,
tfi1 l:111tl, 011ly 111 thr lm1:11l s111.<1 i11 which tluy i11IH'rit r1/f 1hi11!!"
l'ri1tt:1 ,\ ll1lt"L is IHir I.<> the crown of 1..-:nghncl; he tlo<!s not i11
1.hc! fo11cl; the 1om111011 peopl e i11hcrit t lcnt . . Ile inhcriLs tl10
ki11gdo111. "Tice shnll inherit t.hc lnnd," hut the Gotl
seed, tlil' an 1>f the f:nn ily, antl tnko t he king-
110111, n11d 1ht 111dler the whole hcavc11. " l311t
that tloe1< mrl jll'l'l lndc the iclcn tlrnL lhl:f nre of n hi gher order
than "t.h<: people$, nnd 11:tl ions, a111l ln11gnagc:s n who serve :rnd
ohcy. shall br :111cl pricsW;, both nn1 iMln1c-
lnrs, :incl n>nnkintl, 11nt fflncl, il' il1lir work-i; hop. They
haven rii::i;hl t<1 w1ltr thrcrngh !he gates ini.o 1.he heavenl y [spir-
it nai l who;<c 111alwr :1111 liuiltler is Goc1. Hence they
lrnilrf nn hro11 o;1l': tit ir nn prepared for them. And
tli1'1-: 1 lcr J.0111<: nf !he rcdt'emetlj "hnt wichvnt. arc dogs,
:11111 son{nr;., a111l wlinrrmongt>r!', nn<l 11111nlc.:rcrs, :mil itlolators,
:111rl who;.ntrc r Jn , ct,h :11111111nkl:lh :1 li t ;" n phin tkscript ion of
thn 11nl11r:1i liP:'\l't. 111 11 co l' rl e1111rn!'. J\11<1 Chris!, n.1111 hi: glorifiec1
sni11ts :ire 10 rult. l\l'tl ;:111Jj 11 1ratc 11a1io11s who nre
s111'(:cl frv111 Ll1l' 1\tl :1111i1 wnik in the ligllL of Lhe city; and
liri11g 1 lwir {/Im:; int n it. :is from time to tirnl', they shnll ht'
lnt <' il into tlr t h<a,111 ly king1l on. (Sec H.cv. 21 : 24; Hom. 8; 21) .
1r:1s a l._qic of the Christ, anrl t.hcy that :ire
Cnrist's. I lcncr he w:i.s both king [la w-gi1 er] :incl priest; and
hn<l r<Cl'<'SS w :111<1 mrrn, ns Christ a11tl his sai nts rire to ha,c
wl1<'n llf', t.hr mediator and l1i s "ho<ly," is "perfect.eel. \Vhc1\
:.'\Joses came from I.he presence of God, his face shone i-o t.hat
without :1 1:iil
th<' chil<lrcn of I srael could uot lichol<l it. Hnt
when he ,,c11t, i11 IJcforc t.he Lon1 the vn.il w:is bid :1sirlc 1111 ti l he
cnme ou1 .. 34 : 34) . This v:iil menns the flesh (Heu. 10: 20).
\ Yhen ]II oscs wo11 l<l come ont to t he people to exercise his oflicc
ns ln\\gi 1cr, j111lgc, or )'ricst; ho wore a vnil uec:insc t lwy e;ould
11ot. enc.lure tl1< !flory. \Vhen the "kings n.ud priests of G011"
shall go 11111. 11f the city !i ns no need of t.hc suu, 11ciLhcr
of tl1c rnvo11, t.n Rhi11c in it; for the glory of God tlid lighten it,
aml Lhc l ,:1111h 1.h(' light thercof,1' they will need Lo we:\ r n. r!li!;
"For if whic\h was clone awn.y was glori ous, mnch more thn.t
whi ch rr111:1irn; is g111rio11s. Seeing tl1e11 th:it we have such lw;1e,
we use g rcnt of i;po::ich" (2 Cor. 3; 12) .
In Lh< ma"i f11<1.;1 ti1111 of the sons of God to" t,hc crct1lnrr,,'' who
is wi thrmt. t.111 cily, tht'Y wi ll nc(ld to be 1111 1l cr !L vn.il 0f fl esh,
[I) t)hRCll l' C thcir j even :is Christ :u11l nngcli; 111:111i f1s-
t1:cl Lo 111 t 11. f>:111l could Hot endure l.O hcliQl<l tlic u11
v:ii lNl Nar.:1rP111; :1 11;1 Jl:micl aml .f ohu wCl'C! '1\'1' 1wht;l11 w1l , 11 11<1
licra1111 =" .j . : .. J 1111 11. ''lien pr n11it tl'<i L1) !<e< 0 111 ll'iLl11111I thi 1:1i l
HEAVI!iN. .il
nf fl cslt; '' 1\11cl tl1cro rcrnai11ed tlO st.rcngtl1 in 111 0; f0r HI) 1;111.tt
li11css w:1s l.11rncd i11 me into c;orrupt.ion" (Dan. JO; 8).
Sorne 111ny :<:ty, thii< i:; too much like spirj1.u:ili s111 ; we 11 ill lta1 c
11 0Llii11g to do wit.Ii it.. Do )'<Ht bulievc there :ire fallcu
as t.a11ght in .T utln n11<l l'ctcr? tli nt they arc the" spi rit.un i
nf the of I.his worl<l"? 1 f so, is it strn11gc t hcj' sltoul<i
1ct.ui11 some of their former char:1ctcristics nncl power? :5urcly
tltc tli1Ierr.nce bet.ween these lying spirits, bound nuder cltnins uf
dnrk11ess, nnd angels of light, is clear nnd well dcfinc<l. I l o you
b11lic\'C "the :ingels of God arc mi11ist.eri11g spirits: seitt /vrth t11
111 in ist ll r to thc111 tlrn t :>hn 11 be bcirn of salvation "? P1:rh:qs yu11
do not l.JclicYe we slinll be" ns tile angels of Gou;" " r:1i11cti u
spirituol lio<l y ;" "born of I ;"or tltat "t.hnt 11hi fd1 ii; l1t1rn
uf rho f'piril, is spirit." J'erhups you expect to kno\\' <.'hrist a!'!
he was 011cc kno\\'n, after tire Jl ci;h; n 1H1 think in-
herit the ki11gdorn of Uo<l, if Mood en1111ot. "Th:Lt whil'11 is li oni
if flesh, iii tlcsh ;" :J.11<.l thcro is not oue atom of f'c.:riptural i:upport
lo fa I' or such a d ew, rxccpt. nn dr:iw11 from tlu.' uppt>r1r-
i11r1 uf Jesus nnclur a 1nil of llcslt nftcr hi s rcs11rrcot.i1rn. J'lo-
scs. i11 t.lie type, nppemcd ttncll'r a mil, not once, or twice, h111, al-
torr.ys wheu he pn!:sccl fro111 the presence of tlic J ... ord, out 10 tlw
people. "AccC1r<li11g to thy faith be it llnto thee." "There is a
spiritunl bodr;" nncl 100 expect to be thns"' clotJ1cu upon;" :incl
have :\ rigbt to enter Lhrough the gates iut.o tho city.
"\Vh::it mnkes these things look the ruor e glorious, il' that they
nrc nhout to be l'Qn.Jir.e<l. For, though the sriint.s have liHe11 loug
slceping.i11 .J cs us; the rcsnrrcction morn is l.irginni11g t o dn wn;
mal the shadows to tlcc away. "Aud t11c pathway of 1.ltc just.,
which is as a shining light, tha t sbineth more and more unto the
perfect doy ;
' is, e1iclc11tly, in tlrisprcscnt truth, reeciving ilii
hnlo from t.hc grent fountain. 'l'hesc truths 11:1ve shown in 1.hc
p:rLhwny. of "the virgins," just :it. the time where tlwy wtri
due. \ Vitucss the midnight cry, the jubilee message, Lhc lnri-v-
cst mr,ssrrgc, nu<1 now the light is . shining on tl1e things "Eye
h:11.b not !'ce11, nor ca.r heard; neither hath entc,re<l the lt(n.rt r\I'
m:in; lint God lrath revtnlod th om unto us, by his Spirit; n.nd 11\L
iu ?001ds, but hy the lloly Ghost; comparing spi ritua l
wit,h Rpiritual." And t/ifa, togcf,hcr with all tin' other c1ille11-
ces, fn 11 y cou 1i n cc us tit n L 1.hc great cltan gc is at Ira ml, a ncl the
millC'1111i1u11 about Lo dawn.
"FM I.he crin1c!:I, c.x pcc.t.ation of t.lw crcn.t11rc wait.cLh for tho
rn:rnil'nslali1111 or Lf11 S<1 1t>l or Ci url. J\11cl 11nt Olli\' l,lt t' \"
lmf 1111
i- h cs n.hw, 1d1it lt '1111" 1 lte 1i1stf111its of tho Spi;it, w
fiuhcs groan withi11 011nrnlve'J,' waiting for Lhe adopti o11, LhaL is,
the rc<h111p1io11of1111r b1>cly.'' Jicncc 1.hisgll>l' io11s manifcst.atio11
110t due 1111til t.he ioai11ts, "Sown a nat11.1al l1ody, a1c raised :i.
ual l1ocl y.,.
nrn J\NIJ Sl'Ilt1TUAL.
l\lnny s1r111 tu thi11k that. a s11i rit11al l1ocly is not a liteial bocly.
111 other w11nl i<, tha t it i:- 11ot. a ?'l.!(/l u1111r . Literal, says Webster,
111en11s real; 11 nt . tiguratin or i11ct.:1 pl wriral.
( There i!< a rn11.11ral r:11 1i111aJl l1ody, aucl t l1 erc is a spiriwal
111 11 ,v, " {I t'M. J:;: -f-1). Dues a11r 111c suppose tltc aposLl e here
tc:whci; th11t thNc is a l'r.nl lJC>dy, n111l t-.11erc is a figu rat i,c or
mrl nplwrical liocl.r; 1111d :is ll'C ha.11; i>ul'll t lte image uf !,he rea.l,
\1e shall lic:ir 1l1e i111age of the 111etnphorie11!? One would sup-
p0se so n:11l, fro111 1,l11i r e:\1't'l'tli11g hli11d11css in 1ccog11iz-
i11g tLll)' h11t ll11 11at11rnl, or :1111111al hocly. They l'CClll fenrful lu;;t,
if the ic1c:1 he e11t1rLai11cd tlrnt Chrii;t. c:o111e:i Lhe second tinic in
:111y other t.l1:i11 n11 u11i111al body, it will lent! 1.n the rejcctiN1 of
:i l1t1rol r<'i::11r recti011
&e. \\.<' clo njct:t. !he i1lea of t he l!:li l\ LS
hl i11g rni,;etl ":1 i1nl11rn/, 01' :rni111al uody;" !\lltl if tlillt. ii:: reject-
ing a lif<Wa.l res11rrel:tiu11 of t he sai111., we m11SL plead guilty, nutl
beg to he cxcusec.1 sirn ply 011 t he gro1111tl Lhat t he Almighty has
snid," It ii:: rai$Cl1n1'piri:t1uil body."
N<n, will i;o111 e 011e inform rne why it is 1111script ural, or f::wati-
cnl to m!linL;1i11 1.h:1t Christ hns :i .91h-iwal hotly; :ind, ns t he
i:::1ints arc to he lil.:c him, that lltcy :ire r :iisell spiritual bvtlies.
JJ ec:111sc some i:cc1n to thi11k thnt n :;;piri tual botly i;; uo' t re.al, but
ii; only n mct:lphoricnl \Jody; and tlrnt no&hing is real except it
is" nf v:11tlt, c:ll'll1y,'' is Ill) rrnson why Llil>!le who c:iu dil'-
ccru spiritual t.hi11g1<, which the m1tur:il man cn1111ot, (:sec l Uor.
\!: 14.), :;lw11l.t re111 ai11 in darkuess. The two cases 011 record iu
\\'hicf1 a !>piri1.11:d borly io describetl, (Dan. IQ: Cl-, iuicl Hcv. I :
l :l-, represc11t n very 1ti l'.C of a holly, a11fl 011c whi ch Dan-
iol nppc:trcd to t.hi11k was real. . AnJ we hnvc t be promise of be-
ing mndu like unto hi s glori ous hody; :rnd t.h at :is we bonra
t.lio i lllnge of 1.hc en rt.hy; we sh:i ll nlso bear the i magc of the !ten v-
< 11 I ,r. Tlw 111:111 a11d his mcc arc of the dnst of the g ro11nd,
a11d 1.l1crcf1t'e, of rite tflrtlt. Christ :ilso took 11pun him 011r 1rn-
111re, tu work 0111 it pl:in li_v wlrich \\'C' cn11 l:tl; l' 11po11 11!' his 11n-
t11n; :111d :1:< li e lm.< horr11 t,.lic i11wgc of tlie c:11:1.liy; 11c sli:1ll :\I
1< heal' I Ii<' of 1 Ii,: " Y i:t 1 II'\'
k111111 II l hri .. 1 :11'111' tli\ {h;sh, li(fl CC'fol'lh k1111\\ ll' C lii111 110
11111 rc." j\fany seem t:<) think th:it l1cc:iuse nppcnnl u111ler
n uail of Hcsl1, after his rrs111Tcction, just ns til e Loni appc:ireil
10 J\hrnhnnt, that in i;omc w:iy thc>y arc Ln lrnilw hilrl f/ (/11i11 ar-
ter 1.hc !Jesh. The t1Jorld 111:i.y sec him t.hus; lint 10esl1nll i;ct him
11$ lie fa : and 11ot under n ,nil.
To tltc 11nL11ral n1:i11 ii. ii; rooli:<l111cs ... , neither CUii he 1111dcrsl:111d
Lhc of I he Spirit. l lc11cc, t.o tench that 011c who ii; born
of the.Spirit cnn come :11111 go likt: t.hc wi11'1; is fooli:::hno!<ll LO
r hc111. If they c:11111ot ri;ic nho,e t,hc Ocsh. how c:w t.hcy believe
rhc-11 t.oJcl of hc:l\'c11ly thi11gs? Uc1wc, the only c<HHSC ltft. fo1
Lhcrn, i!l lo cxpbin :i.w:ly Lliese \,cxtll.
\ Vlwn ii. snid
"This i;amc Jesns wllich ye hn,c 11 0\\' ""t'11
int.o lwarc11, sl1:ill so come, in like mnnner, ns ye h:1nJ :stt n hi111
g<lj" t.hc "11:1t.urnl rnnu" once fixc." his rniu<l on, noL tlir. .J t'1m;;
who wonlcl &111lrlcnly appc:ll' in their midst; :111<1 then rr.r1ish .ont
.,f their i;ight; :111d who wns mys11rio11sly ill\ isi!Jlc d111i11g most
of th:n forty chys of his prei<cncc in his 11pfrit.11a{. llody; bnL 011
.fos11s i11 the flush; forgtti11g thnl we :ll'(.i to know hi111 mi 111 01'<',
:1 ftc r tho The J cslJi; t hnt. wc11t all'n, wns t.hc 011 c lior11 uf
t.lte ::;l' irit.; n l1ci11g wl1 0, accon1ing to hii, wor<li:, ii< as ill\isi-
l1lc t o 111ort.:i l1', wit.liout a mir:tclr. , as is the wi11d. lf1 wnuld
suddc11ly appt':U' in their m\(lst, "Lhe rloors being shut:" :rnd t hc11
" 011 t of thei r sight." Nor cou lcl t h cy tel I "w lir111;c I Jc
came, or whit.her he went. So is every one t. hnt is born ci f th(
BpiriL." J'kis is the Jesus who :i.wny; a11cl who
:igni11 "i11 like> m:rnncr. Thern nre exper ts :tt e:i;plai11iu:1 way
Script ure, who cnn dii<pose of these things nnd m:i.ke tlicrn mc:lll
11 otl1 i11 g, l :11l111it; n11 u so they cnn nny ao<l nil Sct'ipL11rc; 1u1(r-
theless the wnnl of Gotl st:llldeth.
'l'o the muurnl n1n11, a spiritunl body me11ns nn c:irt.hy :111i111n!
Lo<ly witl1 1<pi1it., instead of l)Joocl, ruuing t hrough the 'dw;
nncl artcriciZ. And yet spirit is 11othi11g real, but r.1ct:ipl1nrk:il.
Tl11:reforc, :1 i:piriL11nl hcrwcnly body, is n fleshly ht1dy
with n fignrntil'C or mctnphori c:1l substitute for ulood. Tntl)' ii
wo11clcrful rl1l;covrry. Auel tlii., it seems, is 1.he highest ideal of
:t :;pirit11nl iJCHl}' to whic'h t.ht nnturnl ma11, nnnidcd lly i11i<pir:1 Lio11
c:rn 11(1'1" thl!l1 cn11 \\'l! Lnlk 1.0 Lli em of Ll1c ki11gdo111 of
Uo1l, which :i 111:i11 cnn1111t l><'l', 1111ti l he is horn of t.hc :11111
wllic:h will 1l11'l'<f1irc 1u1\'l' I' ht Yisiblr t.o thc Jllllll i11 Lite
" 111 ,i 1 11po11 1.lt1
thrnnc of' his f:tt.IH'r J)a\'i rl," 111 1111111
nw:111x a l <''-lil1 1rin11 <11' 1:-:ntcl i11 lltu lhslt, \l'il,h Cltri!=:t 1.x:illtd 111
011 :111 c a 1ilil1 1.l1r1111c 1,v1 :rn l'il rthl r .l t! n1:;i:ilrn1.
\\' li:11 1!1 ; i),. .. .; C:1I. I: 1111:111 ? i1 i!< 111 i:1 1 :1.
Sr' I H lTUA L.
J\hrnlin111 hnd 1.wu l'tllls, the one by :t l t0n1l111nid, the othtr 11y n
l"n.'<' w11n11111. \\.hi clt 1.hi 11 gs :ire :w allegory." ' l' h( cart.lil y
r11s:iltm with h\r rlti lln11, i11dn1li11ir t.lie ll c.'lhly kingclom of lhvid
wi th ;ill that pt'l'lni11cd t.o tltnL tli spe11s111.;011 , "Rt:rnds for
whid1is1\Io1111t Si11:ti i11 J\rnbin." Is Lite great plan of redcrnp-
tinu tn li:uk"anls? Is tlie kingdom of D:i.vill f or t he
Annointcd, !\nd whic:h i11 1roplt ('cy, alwnysmo::lllll Ch1ist t o be
:oet up :ii; n p:lrt of the llC'shly house? ls it Agar, the.! ol< inount
Si11ni i11 J\rnl1i:1, LIH .f(rm;:tle111 th:1t i::t i11 hn1Hhge, the chil<lrc11
tJ[ tlte.liu111lrnnid, wlin 1:lt:tll 11 0L hei r:.: wi1h thccliiltlrcn of tliu
l'rcc \1'm11a11, wh r1 :1rt I n constitute t he king<lorn? That typical
kingdom wns l,111 nn nllr!!M}" :1,/i(;1rf'.
or "l'h:itlow of goncl things
to co111 t , n111l l'oi11tll tn so1111thi11g1rtl, rir.. an hc:ncnly, "a city
whitd1 hnth I::; it. thcJi.fJ1Me, nr t.ht: tru'1, Uhrist is
going t.o 'f Tl11 Oc,:;ldy kingdom of thn.t Clld llispcnsa-
t ion wa::; just n::; t ntly aJi[111ia < [ t.lil' Lr11c ki11r;drm1, ns wns the
tnberna<:le 111:11fo \\"illt h:111cls. :i fil!nrc "nf the t.rn<: t:i.licrn:tclc."
Ultl .J enisalP111 l.C 110 1n tlo 11iL 11onli1., "Tims saith
the J ,11r1l, lfoh11lcl, 1 wi 11 bl'i11g ngnin the ca pti \' i ty of .lacol>'s tc11 ts,
noel Itani mcn:r 1111111 liis dwt.!lli11g places ; and the city sh:ill be
bnilt upo11 her old hl
:q1:0. 1 will m1dtiply them, nnd their chil-
dren shall be nsaf<t1''!/i111e.'' ".J\11(! Jcnti::l lemshnll bcinhnbited
ngnin in her own i11 J crnsa!em. There shall be no
more utter dcs1.rncti1111. bnt J l'rusnlcm shall be safely inh:ibitccl."
"Behold the d:iys l'Clmc, is:ii1.h the Lor1l, that tlie ci ty shnll be
huill to the Lord frlln1 1 he tower of Jl:l.nnncel mi to t.hc gate of
the col'll cr. The mcns111:i11g line shall yet go forth Qvcr against
it 11pon the hill Gnrcb, nml s hall l'0111p:u;::< :ibout t.o Goath. It
sh:ill bo hc)lr 1111 bo 1l1c Lon I; it. shall uot he pl nckc<l 11 p or th rown
<low11ft'tr111e1," ( Jer. al) . "Beltol d, f crc:itc.Jerusalem a rej oic-
ing, :tri<l ht r 11 cpple n j oy; .. . :ind Lh ey $hall build li o11scs, and
i11hnbi t t.hcm; nod they !\ fin.II pl:int vi neyards, and e:it. the fruit
of them," (ls:1. -1 5). "Thus s:i.ith the J,ord of hosts ; I w:i.s jc:i.l-
ous for Zion wit.Ii gnnt j c:dow1y; and I wns jealous for her wiLh
fu1-y. Tiius sllit.h lhC' Lorcl. L nm returned 1111Lo Zio11, nucl will
dwell i11 t.hc 111itli:t of .I trus:ilcm; a11<l .Terusal em shall be onlle<l a
of tn11.h; :111cl the mo1111t,ai n of the Lo1d of hoi; ts. There
shall yeL old 111c11 :111'1 nld 1\c.;11 d well i11 Lhc streets of .forusn-
lcm, Mll cnry 111:111 wi1 h his sLnff in hi s han<l "for \' cry age; and
thci;trcl'l!': ol' tlil' tii 1' l'h:dl \i{' full <If I.mys 1111d g irl!-1
playiug in LhC
t.hvrnof, (Z.1l l1. ": '.! F:). l'or hdr1 rc t.lw.c dayR, there was
1111 hir11 l' nr 111n11, nnr l1i11 fnr lw:isl," &n. JO).
Tl1:1l .I," '' '"""Ill 1< l11 l it nl111il1., :i11tl 111:1.!1 there is 110
l:wk of e\iC.lc: ncc. Auel that t,hcy will b11 il d li o11sc: , :rnd 1.Jant.
1i11c.1 :i.rds, bcyo11c1 qucstion. Dut. t.ltat this r cst.orcrl Jcrusalc111
with her olu rncu and <i lcl \\'Omen leaning Oil their stnllfor Hry
11gc, is t.hc king<lotn of Go<l , I do not. belicvo. Because
li:is promised grc>nt things for tlic .Jews, and other nat ions, i11 lite
restitut ion age, it 11ot that, the chilcl rcn of t.hc fl t-:; h
are to lie heirs of tlm kingdom. "1n that llny s hall Israel 110
thi r,l wi t h Egypt :111ll with Asi:yrin, e1c11 a i11the111i1J;q
of the land; who111 I.he J,onl o f host:; shall bless, sayi11g,
he E3,Yt>l my p1opl c, :uid J.\ ssyria the work of 111 y ha111.1:>, and !::;.
r:11.:l 111i110 ( lr;a. HJ: 2+).
T lwrc :lre ttoo .Je:rnsalcms; one st.an els for the homl111(tid; 1 hl
itlil!r for the f1c c wo111:\11. The t wclrn tribc:s, or J1:qncl i11
110 111:1l1 cr l1ow 11111ch Uocl 111ay do for them, st:rnd for Agnr; :1s
d11l':> ]Jrwi1l, a 111<ll'O t.ypc, stnud for Cliri;;t.
"They \1lii cll arc the chilci rnn of flcsll , these arc not. the
chil(lrcn of God: hut tile chilclrcn of the prornise nrc countctl for
flit "t'C(L" Fl<.!lll1 a11cl blc10tl cn11nol inheri t thr ki11g1l o111 of l: otl,
nci 1.licr dm h corm p1.io11 i11l1<1it. inconu pl io11. If the restored .J Cl\'
is 110L in lht.flt!s/1, hut. au ir11111ort,al spiri tnnl he i11g, t.ht11 hern:1y
i11li r.rit, the ki11gclo111, otherwise Il e c:111not. .Alt.hough Lit e
ly house of l!-:rn el are t.o be restored to thei r fonnrw csLnt.c, th:1t
former is M mut:h ve11eaLh the !.:i11_qdom, whi ch fl esh :111d
hl t.lod c:1n11ot i11hcrit., ns 011r present, position is l>eucnth th:it. of
the angel I uring ngnia thei r capti1it.y, 1.hc
capti,it.y of and ltcr :i11ghtcrn, nn<l thccnptivi Ly or
m:1.1i:i a111l her d:inghtl!rs, thou will l hriug again the e:1ptil j 1.y
of thy capt i vcs f .1 cr11salt111) in the Ill ill st CJ [ t,htm," I (i: 1a).
Tliii: is 11JltC11 a1Hl lww, tlic .Jews are to be restored. J\n<l ''I'll
reu11ilt, i-; t.o be tlic heacl qnnrtcrs of t he 11ntio11l', (Ztch.
14: Hi); :111<1 will belong 1.0 Chrillt, j nst :is nil oLhcr 11nt.i11111: i11
the ll esh will be subject Lo l1im. . But "Except :.i. m:t11 b1.: i1orn
o f water, ti11il of the S11iri1.
lie c:111not enter into Lite king
clc1111 of t;otl." J\ntl yet,, 011r .Age-to-come brnthren, oltl .lc-
111s:de:1n, t'l-'li11ilt., " Agni-," is to be the en pi Loi; :11111Lhc11:1Lionl'of
tlH cn.rLh arc t.o go t here fn11 11 year Lo yea.r t.O kct' P Lhc <Jf
1.alicrnacl cs, :111d lie p1111i sli ccl if they do 110L gl1, Thc. .J er11 sal<111
t.llllt. tlc!'ccnd;; frn111 hcil\c11, "the 1110Llie1: of ns nil;'' l.hc one J\h1a-
lookccl for, :1 11<1 t hro11g- h t,hc g:1tcs o f whi ch 11 00110 who li:ui
11411, ))(Jt'll htll'll o[' (.Ji.1 :->pirit /i:\ 11 l' lll.1'1', Ulld$ 11 0 place in !. hei r thn
oll!f.'" \\11:11 . .J .. es th is 1.11lk aho11L the t wo 011t r1
1111 1l1i ltlrc11 11f 1.hc 1,h( oLh(!r thc!'l' 1rho arc l1tr11
.. r 1111 "1i1i1 .. l ""l' iri1.ual IH1i liCsf' 111 li111; i i J.111 tl1<'
Pnc ol!l typic:d .I 1111:ml1 111 11f Palcs1,i11e, ll'hich is to r1' p1e:<c11t
j lt e real ki11gdu111 or ( :,111? , \ 111:u1 c:rn110L .w:e 1.he Lrue ki11g-
<1 om of God, t l1c Olll' 1Jf II' Ii i d 1 l>:l\e(1'i:; was Lite ty [JP., cxctpt. he he
born frum :iho,1; :11111 I hat ll'hich is \Jorn of 1.he is .<:pfrit.
Onr .i\ ge-Loc .. 1111 l1l'fI hrc11, :i1111ost to a ma11, seem incapable
uf rr1apl'Jing wit Ii 1 l11 .. ;i/rit111tl. Cnn it lie that nonn of 1.hcin :He
yct"'ucgor..1.c11 < f 1 h1 :-:pirit ? "The 111:111 reoei not I.he
1.hi11gs of t.IH! S11iri1
1 < i11i l: for arc foolish1w.o;.5 1111to hirn:
11ci thcr c:1 11 h" k 11 1111 1I11"111,_IJl'<'!111:<e t hey :ire 1')1i ri t.11:dl )' cl i1>1cn1<:d .'
Ca11 t.hey ll <l l SJ 111:11 1 h1 \\'hnl<' t f'lllll' of K c 11 'I\s1 :1111c1JL
toachi11g is :i11 :1d1:11u:1 fru111"thr 1111t.11r:il t11 t.11e:;piritu:ilj"Trom
the 11at.me t)f th!' li1!'t . \ 11:1111 10 that of r..he second? " fl owbeit,
that whi ch i.1;s11irit11:1I is 11111 lir<I, bnt tl1ntll'hichis nat11 r:i.l;:u1cl
tlt:\I. "hi <'h i;; ;:11iri 111:11. '' 011c \\'ho can nothing in
1.hc resti 111ti111 of iltl' kitt:.!.dJlll l'lf brad, buL wh:t L stam1s for
Agar, Lhc -l l.'ru<:ah1n of t lt1 fksh, a mere shadow, "or fi gure for
t.he 1.ime Lhc11 p11:w11t : .. j,: i111l ct'd m1:ibl l' t0 "<1iscrrn Fpiritual
" ' it.Ii t.l1C'ir \'il.!11..: ,,f I hl' agt to come, no wonderthose who arc
spiri i,unlly 111i11ll ccl a C'G<' }1t it. The New Tcst:J.menL e,cry
where tcachi11g t.hnt llll' kingfl<n1 of Goll is to be of a hi g her nr-
<ler t ha11 \\'as 1 hl' .. :irl lily k i11g cl om of fsr;lel; as much n.s the scc-
oml .. Ad:1111 is liiJ.rlttr 11 1:11 1 thP first; or as Christ is nbO\' e David;
that ll (lsh nntl hle>od 1n11111H i11heriL it; thnt except n m:w be horn
of the Spirit .. lac c:1111111t. c111 er into it; whil e to-come pe:ople
tench that t.hc rcst.oncl .J ew, con1crtccl to Ohnst, hutRtillin the
mortal fl eshly l'iL:it.e, 1ni.l/"f"11 ter the kingdom of God. And, in tbe
111ai11, co11stit111.c 1hr ki11g cl n111; the i1umort:il sn.ints bei11g nnly
one feature or i11 llw kinglorn. Thus putting new wine in-
to olil ll111 1 h1ir lmu les will burst.
Jesus n111l I.Iii 1"1 I l:icli1s t.hnL one wl1 0 is born of t.hc .Spir-
it c:i n no more hl S '"'' qf on<' who ii; in t.hc flesh, tha11 can the willll;
that the ki11gtlo111 ul' t !nd 1oi11r th not. with olJservatiou, or vi si-
lily; :in<l tlH11. :1 11 n111 111: h ti na agni11 he c:mnot sec it; a11d
u11ly tliosc wli o IH1:t1 1.110 i111:igc of the heavenly, c:w cntC'r in, or
inli frit it. J\ ru11' ""'"d or rc:>to1ctl .few, no more hears the im-
:tgc of the 111' hl:1,-1!1ily 111:i11, 1.lta11 docR a nwrt.al c/wistio11 .
So long as an lJr 1111 1arlh, eart.lty; 11 r it.li cr of t.hl111 l.':111
i111 11 tltl k:11.t .. 111. lfol wi1l1 the pcrfoct(l(l ; Lite
st<:oncl mn11, 111:1k :111.J rl' ll t:d", t 'hriRL 111111 hi !'l hriill', l'IHll l'lcle;
1 lt 1:n :1 :-111i:il 1r1Jrl> ,,r ntl1 111 p1.i n11; vi1. . Tiu rT1
ut111r., .. r
"11nl.11r:d rn: 111," will, : 1 h1 lw1' fl ll\ 1':< 111:1<. uro-. " l ie d1li\'l'n'il fr11111
tl1l lo11d :11 1 ,,f "11111-<11111 1:\lu l ltl
lil<:rl y of tlt l l'Pil''

<l Unrl.., That is, lio trn111'httd from !11(' earthly, t<> the he:wu1
1,- ki11::'10111. or l1L:1\c11l, .J ,rns!llc111. 'l'hc rcstorcc:l Jcws:i rc nnt
I ;,,,j, tit'}' :trc r'lu <'hildn.11 or ,\1.Jr:iha111 according to the

'i'lity wl1inh iirc th<' <:ITil.Jrr11 of tl1c flesh, these are n11t
t h<' cliit.lreu ,_.f Gorl ; h11t the childrc11 nf tl1c promi:;c :ire co1111:.
"'I for t.heiwcu, ( Ho111."0: S) . TIHreforc t he J ews, not bci11.,.
the trne h in:, will 11 Pl nr<'iYe tltr uor will (.hey
f 111 ki11g d11111: "Exc1pt a 111n11 he l1<1rn of water, and of the
:->111rit, /c,. 111111to1 c11 t1r inlri tlic ki11r1d1m of (i ncl.'' The kingr101u
,iJ !:ll wn-: t:1k(11 fr11111 t !i1:111. to hr gi ven tn :i rwople IJl'ingi11:
f .. 1tl1 lh t ltr-n11f Anr1 llii litll<.> hfJl'n of the Rpirit,
1 11:-d 1111111:1: Ji,.,J 1t"" going ft ' ha,c it, i11 of age tu
<IOll H' I
011e l.':rn C!Cl YC11 11ctl wit l1 t. hc Ol1l 'l'cst.!ln1c11t ed1lr.11rt
10 Jwvc 1l1al 111< t ltl the t.ypicnl ki11g11om of Da\id,
:11J<l IJN;hly israI, :m to represent the kingdom of God;
i111t. IJt 11111s1 i:1t 1n" or awar, nil the tenching of Christ
:111il Llw t{''P< I. Tht\ ki11!!'1n111 lf l>:ivi11 is to be rrst.ore1l ; 1111t
Daiicl 111 cn1 1.< l'liril<t; j11sr. :t!' tla .<:r1!tl 11f promise, st:111c1s
for ..-\11.J t hr king<lom of D!lvicl, wni: the ki11gclom of the
T,urcl, (i:"l' l C' linn. 2!1 : :i:1). <l oil's ki11gilnm given t.o Isra-
l'I i1 1 tlt1 ll c::l1, :11111 1rns t hrnwn 1low11. Hut is now to be to
t. h1 lritc .<:ttd; "t ii<' 11;1l.11rnl firi:t, n11(1 aherwnrcl s the sp1riL11:il ;"
is the order i11 wh ich t.he lfo1y Spirit. Leaches that the wl.iole plan
is l1lO\'i1t g.
A faiLh whid1 1::111gr:t!'f11nt.hi11g liig h<' r than a kin!?dorn in the
will, l rear, l':llli(' lhMc who Jl<lSSCJ'l; it., only to 1tsow11 IC\'
s 110 1101 !iring forth g r:i.pes." "But it sa.'JS Ile
i;hal l rci gu i11 11111111!. Z.io11, :11tcl in J cntsnl cnt, !llld bdorc his A11-
l' i<'11ts 'l'l'lle ! Anti so doci; D:iviil s:iy, "for my
111<:1t tJ11y g:l\u 111c 11:1111 ; :i11rl in my thir$t they g:ive mo vi11e
t ll\' [ll<!i>t.10 11 , i11 t.hc light of the gospel, whi ch brought
t11 light. irr111wrt.ali ty :11111 <'t,crn:1.l li fo, is, H{l w nrc we to interpret
Il ic> llf c:nd in r1l:1ti u 11 LI) l hc ki11gil om: Arc tli ey to be
J :dlillccl in 1 ltni>t' l111 rn of 1.ltc f1C' 11l1, or those horn of the Spirit?
I 0111 h1gi1111i11 g 111 t.l1i11k pe<1pk
:i11<l 111:i11y othrrs
:1111H1g Jrt-111illl''1111i:tlis. ts
do 110L lrnlit\e in a11ythi11r1 of :i spiritual
11:11 11re, " r lo:t\'\' tit< rnvst r1111olc r ompnhent.io11 of things of t.h:i t
" t rlr; Pi 1lt1 r that th1 s:i i11(. is r:lisc1l " n !'pirit11:d bod!f," or i11 thc
111' u:i l h1i11.t\'il, Ill' \'I'll 11 f t.Jw ll nly S['iriL it!'Jr lf.
I I. .,,11r 1111 hi;s 11f :1 g1tt-<'P1111 l11li1
1'1'l"', tlH ('}/7'i.9t11delphi<111.<.
' " 1 '' 'l'lil' ll il r :->pirit , Sii\' 11111-, i 1'111 :i 71riwi71ttt, or r-11
:1: "1 I 11 I ., '', :11:.i 1101 :111 1111 .. (li,:111'. I t. i-. 111"11' 11111
:::>Ol' l llS'l'lff.
l.c:,; I h:111 .. .-ltt:t.l'ilil y :" i1': lrtU!!ht. i11 CtllO of Lli(>il' li1111k1':, J)(I\\ lw
f11n 111t" W h:1t. wo1;der t !icy (lisccn\ 011l y n fu turc.
SOPI I lf:Tlt Y.
l':tlsc reasoning 1111 thi:i "lllttllrnl '' or animal plain, by
who c:n1rnotcli;:("t'l'll !:pirilll:il things; is laacli11g 11nrnyutl1<r, 1lian
i11to l will gi\'e n s:unpk C)f tli<'il'
11 :iy of reaso11ii1g-: The w1nls Satan, a11rl D1.:dl, says the 11h<11't'
l11iok, menus acc11;<1 r, nr achcrsary; ttnd arc 011 ly Jlililc
f nr si11. It a Bihlc sY11onrin for Rin that. cr111t L11ci-
r1l with th;! :111h:111ircl 11l1ont thc-l1o<l}; of Moses. "J\l:1ry," is
:c 111 for liilf r: tl'f/I): It Liu princi1ilc of thnt
I" k 1 o ht 1 hL ganlc.:11cr. "The ll'Orcls t.lint I sptnk, they
:er" t h:it a pri11ciple of po11C'r. Christ ii; L1t<' ll"onl,
(.l .. Jin I: J.1); i:rr111: \'hrist is n pri11cipk, :111tl not:rn e11Lity. l l o-
"l'iri1. f 7"11111111] j, :111 d0111l'nt. ,,r 1rn111r, t:fcc.;1.riciLr " C:rn!
: t 1i1it 11w11111o11 ... n:1n: <..: 011 is electri city .
. \ m:111 l11<'tllllC'I' nir <111:'111)-, he 1s :w ad1crs:iry, thrr" l'or0 h<.>
of1.,., 11rif 1xi;.;1, lit' il' !I syih111y111 of opposin11 Granting- th:it sill' it
:1 1., :"-the ))('1' il dvr.(cxist., willso111c1J( t hcsef30J1l1i st;.; 11l(':is0
1 Pl! "liar ltc' '1111/d h:1Yc been c:ill<Hl? If he h:icl been 11:imc1l
f',1,,., tl1"' ll'l)nld hnva insistad t.hnt he'was onl v n stout.
:':cta11 Is clC'i::ircd Lo hnve yo11, LhttL he sift. :ou ns wh..::1 f.,
('ltril'L. J\ pri11i:iplc <lcsirc<l to h:irn l'cter. lf Bible ln11-
g11ilgc 11crc <hy, rlc1':ig11co1l t.o he slinpccl l1y C\'Cl'f reailcr to s11i t
ihc;.;c llH'JJ might he 1'igltt.
There is tc11 ti Illes t.li c c1idcnce of the existc11ce of fallen n11!.(cls,
Cnmili:tr Rpirit s, "wil1ke1l spiri t..-; i11 ltciwc11ly pl11ce1':" rm:1n1i11l;
" l hr of LIH: 1lnrluw;;s oft.hisworld;":incl ofthcirdti<f, thl'
"1ri11c(1 of t li1 1H1w1r of the nir;" that there is of the
,,f .\ lii:h:it l t.11(' with whom t he Devil c1111 te11dcc1
t ltL hocly of l\111scs, (.liulo.: \l). And l,hc s:u11c kiud of
tl1:11 will rxpl:t i11 :L11:iy frrllcn i;pirits, ll'ill also explain away the.
!'xi:-1:i 11tt111f who arc" mi11 istc1Jing spi ri ts." A11gl'I rnca11s
a 1111:<sc11gcr nr St'rn111!., S:it,:t11 rnr:i11" :w :irhcrs:iry. J\11d lint Ii :in
:i i'plicd IC> 111Prt' 1 li:111 onlcr of hl'i11gs. 1 :till t h:111kf11I 1 l11y
d11 JJI t/r.<irc to 1ro1c 1lmt, :lllg<li: nre Jill'!'!' pri11ciplcs in 11:1L11J'l';
it 1n11d1l loll ;;111:h nn c:uiy , \.1lll if tJ1cy really set :1lolt
i1. :1..; 1 IH ( :1trisl:ulclphi:\1tS c]q, tli1'y t':r11 explain :111;1y Holy
1\r1 l 1l11.l 1<:\ 1111\ rrni-oning, t:11Ticd io ils con
1l11,j1111. 1 :111 :d;.;11 c>f hofli C'h ri><: a11.J Ll11 l"at.li l!r. ll1\\'
1ur1i111'11( thu11 li11;11 111"" tlw cpt11y, "\\"Ir,.., tl11 Kt11111 1' 111a11 <'lll l
i"I'. :!::di he li11cl f11i1lr 1111 tJ11
\':tl'tlr .,
OU'l'LlNK 50
l 'LA}I
An 0 uJ.line.
The vl:'lll 11 f l\:1.lvnt.jon is progressive, and h;1S rcq111rc1.l :ig\!S fvl'
iLs <le1 clopmc11t. 1\ ".$Clecl" w:i.s promised (<1e11. :J :)
it11d th:1L
promise was re11c1Hl to J\hrnhnw, "Now to J\hrnl1a111 :111<1 his
S1'<'cl were the Jlromiscs made. He saith 11 0 1., J\11<1 10 scc<ls, as f> f
rnany; but ns uf 011e, 1\ nil to thy se<'cl, ll'lii ch ;,- ChrisL . . . . .:\11<1
!f yu lie Chri1<1s then nru ye 1\ l) r:Ll1:11n's s.;crl (not RCl!ds), null
lwin; nccorcli11g to the promisC'," (C:111. 3 : 1 U. 20). " They whil'11
nn 1,he chi lllrcn o( the flesh, tlwsc :1r<' not I he chil(l rcn of (;oof;
h11t. 1.hc chilcl rcn of the pro111isc arc co1111tC'd f,,,. thesoe<l," (Horn.
fl: A) . lfo11cc, Lhe "seed
means, not Chris t :tll111 c, "t.hc lir.5l
liPrn from t.he clcncl,
bnt "the clnwch (lf tl w lirstl>orn " cc1111
te: Ohri11t nml his li ody. A11d not 1111t.i l t li c" mnrri nge
l 'hl'ist 111111 his bride nr!' rnnde 011e, will t he prr>1t1ise<l ":>c1d,"
which wns to hruise the :::crpent'R hear!, '11! ]irfcctetl. While
tli1 hlcsRi11g which is to tl ow to tl1c world th rough t.hnt H'l'' l,
"J 11 t.hy seed shall all the 11ntio11 s of Ll11 l!nrth lie hfessed" ((; 1 11.
!fl), does 11 ot t-.ome before its clevelnprntnt, hut foll oll's it .
The promise i11 1cl en 1ns ,r.ry dark, a rn crc germ of a grc:i t
I rec. Centuries p:issecl; n whole worl 11 were born a.11<1 t1ied, a11d
a ne10 world came into beiug before thnt promise 71C(la.n to he
1c11 lized. Theo it was renewed n.nd c11l:trgu<l wi th i1 li ttle i11crc:i ,-e
of light. Bnt not until the lnw w:i.s given from Sinni 1lid the
light begin to shine sons to point to the true $((1(1, and thell on
Ir through the d:wk inwgcry of types. why 1litl Ood )'er111it
011<! whole world, n11c1 mnny gener:lLiona of :1.11othcr, to go 11()\1'11
in tlc.ath wi th liltlc 0 1 no effort to bring them to a knowl edge of
r.hc 011e and only great plan of redempl.ion? "])eilth reigned
fro111 Adam. to The cxccpt io11s being Abel, Enoch, n11d
Noah ; Al.m1b:1111, Jsnac, antl J :icob. N ot.l! ing but the fact that.
them is to be a restitution, thnt ":is in Adum nll 1li c, i;o in Christ
,oliall all be tnallc alive,' ' can Mcount. for thi s :q1pnrc11 t 11cglcc:t
i11 Llic slo11' de1elup111e11t ot: a pl:tn for the sahati on of 111:wki11ll.
Uod'R lorn for the :ind t.l1e fact thaL h\ is no respecter
nf pcr110111;, cnn lie rcconr.il ecl lJy no other vit!''" Nl}r c::111 tho
-;(,at.1rnc11 Ls t.haL Ohri RL "taslo1l dc:LLli for en:ry 111:111 ;" thn t, he i1"
l hl' "truo light. t.hn.L liglitcLh trcry 111:i 11 Lltnt fl111ct.li in Lo Liiv
11111l ol," 111 lt:1n111J11i7.0<1 wiLh t.ht t h:i l ali noi..t. tht 'II
Ill'<' r:ii:t fru111 . \ rla111 t,I) )'Crisl1cd w itl 1>1 1l hl'i11g hr"ll!fli l
1., t lw k11 n11htl"' 11f t.hl' 1.r11 Lh. ,.,
t\11 OLr'J'LLNE.
J)urini; Lit e the w!tul c world,
that OJI(\ ll:ttinn. \\' CJ'(' ldt in d:.irkncsi:; anu i t was noL "hll'f11I I
t g i\e th<:m light. after Ids ncl vent, >vou ltl Chris t. permit
l1is cfoiciplci; t o go to the Ulcnrly l1ecn.11 sc t !Jc timr. tv
bt'lJin to M1xc Gtntiks had 1wt come. it can IJc seen, :i
rl cfi11ite plan \\'!\!> ho.: ing lle\lcl l"(lC(l; :incl t,hn.t plau is not yet com
pl ctc, since milli o11 ;;
during the go1>71et
cli ecl ll'i tlto11t l 1ci11?! tnlight.cne<l by "the t rno light
l1ghtet.h c1a,11 11111 11 1/,111 <' <1mcth into tire wurl<l."
" ' it hv111. ll l'l'"t.i1111 i11n "f nil who have thus diea, facts n111! l\ i-
hlc cn1111ot l1e iccoucilrd; for even if the gospel were to conti 1111 t'
until th e worl d';; c1i1pcrsi1111, t.hc dific11lty \\'ith respect t.o
d: tM wh11 co111 i1111n t t > .iil 1111c11lightc11cll, would ouly bo i11cre::1sc<I.
!3111 iu the ntl )'la11 1f re11cmpt-iot1, ns it. i11 rc,-ealed; t hese rlili-
culties find a sol11t.iur1. \nicn the "seed" is completr; wlit11
Cltri:;t. :111.t his arc pc1frcted; when L11e gospel to t.hc Oc11-
tiles, which wns '
1> tnkc )ul fro111 wnong t.hc people
J fi r 1111111c" (:\ ct:' 1.5: 14), is enc1 ct1; then all who ilnve dio.:11
in J\rlam will l>c ;dive 111 Christ;" and all t.hc 11:1 Lio11s wi1id1
tlio11 hust 111ntl t shnll co11H' nnd ;n)rship before thee;'> -" :iml 111
tliy Seed slt:ill nl l the 11nt ions of t.he eart.h be blessed."
'J'o pru,e :i rci;tit.11tinr1 in one cnse, of s uch nslinve clied in their
sini;, is Lo prove it. in (1l! c::iscs (only of tlrn.t cl:iss who, hn\'i11g
against the lfoly "sh:il l be forgiven 11ei thcr itt t.his
er ion (ngc), nor in the aivn t.o come." [Some t each thnt uonc who
die can Lr forgi 1cn i11 the ai.on to come]. This exccption:i.l
anvrng whom arc those wlio h:we pcrsec11,ted t.he s:i.111t1;, lire not.
ngnin 1111 t il Lhc aio1i to no111c ("the thon:mnd years") :trc cndccl. *
* ' l' l10.t fi cv, 20: I, Ii, refl,rs ton. 0.1111 11ot to o.ll mn.nkind, is
alrar ;or elsC' 110111 h11t m1irt)rs unc1er tl1egospol, will r eign with
, Clrrist. N('it.lwr "thl' l>c11.o;t.," rnferrecl to, nor i ts" imn.ge." existed
in I.he dny::< of J )1wi1l, pn.t rinrch;;. Antl surely t.hcr o.re not to
be 1'<'11Ja.nl1!t/. for not \\lrsl>ipirtg it_ Those of whom tlrnltevchtt.or is
t.lt ere t.lto ma.rtvr clmrch 11.1111 those who
pllt them t.n 1\io:i t.lt . 'fltt\ i t;;t of t hi s cla.ss liYe not ;:i ga.in &c.
Th<' word l1<rr ir:tllslnl.<!ll "rest," is the so.me n.s . t luit occaring
iu tltc \'Cl'l->1' 11f lltl p1'<1\io11s elrnp!cr, [rn111nontj; "n.nd t.llCl rcm-
u:uit. were shiin wit Ii tho ;;word of hir11 t h1d; Sl\.t ll[HJn the horse."
'l'ltoso wl 10 lt:ul \l'lir:'hip<! d the brir.st, nnd its i111:1.r;e, tu\d pnt to
tl rnt h God's :mints: tho 1.ln.ss referrer! to in 2 ' l'ltcs. 1: (J-11; t.he
I rn>1/111"rs:onu hetmycr of (lie hotly or Uhri st.; who, likeJmlns, would
h1t1c hl't 'll b(:t.t.C"t' olf hnll 11ot. "l.>crn li1>rr1 ;" tin's cl ni;:s, J11L'ing
cu11w in 1'11111:!1'1. willi . 1\1111 nppo;;c1l Um t.ru!.11; IJ:i.vr. no s l mn in tlte
If tl11 la11;,;11:.i;r. be JtHtdo t.o !111\'l' r
:ill 11 lio un lo li\1 a111l ni:!l l " 'itl1 Uhrl!!l, 1111\l it, tMt.n.inly 1!11rs rwt
i1l'l11d1 lh l'l'' 'l'h"l:-111111 '-Li11I:::
pcl ( 'lum.:h, how <.at11 the" re111110.11t," of wh u1u he tJ)llilks, u1eun 1111
the hu111an fa1r1ily? A.n.i to i11sist upon such n.Iorccd construction
ill oppusii.ioT\ to the whole te1111r of Scripture ill rehttiun to the work
11( re;:r.irntfon und jmlg1u..,11t . is not <lemnncled by tltu ln11guni;e.
That Lhc Su1lomitc" tlic1l i11 their si11s, 11011e will <1ue.<tio11; or
t ltaL thcr woulu li:wc rc)'enLetl, if tltey cou I.I !ta vc liad tltc chance
offcn.lll the J1
\\'S: "If :lte inigltty works wltiult h:11c Lce11 dt111u in
th ct\, ls:id bccit done in t;odom, they wu11l1l Ji nn rupc11Le1l long
!1go." But tlwy werr11l1lroycL1; 111)tm1c1,;c!IJ>l'11. ll 11Jt;u, there
i!' 110 r('mu:rnt. left nli1c ; ntHl if l'l'Ct thcy !'Ire rc;:tor.:icl, it must l>e
thCl'11e111ytlcnth. L1t, Go1l he 1.rnc, tho11gl1
thcol(lgr mny he fo1111d nt fn11lt. Ezek. lU; ('\l':1rlr 11nr ltls Llia t,
t.li(.')' arc f,n lJe l'l'Stllr('d tu tltcir former CSL:Hc, :llltl !!il'Cll lo .J 11
hh for cl:l nghtt1r$ by :l 11(w UO\'tn:ltlt. A11cl iu h11g11:igc ll' hi cli
,::11111111. IJc made to n1c:111 nny tl1ing else. So1ln111 :i1Hl her t1:111gh-
1<.r::. :5:uunri:i and her cl:iugl1t.C'l'S. :11111 .for1t!":ll t'1n n111l i1tr cln11gh-
Ll'rs, :11c nil (.I) he l11t1t1gl1t lrnc:k, 11vt t n :\1111
1he11 t.o lic:wrn or hell, bllt LO their "ji.;;me1 "./\nrl I
1nill qivr. them wito tlu!I (.J crns:i lcrn J for 11111. 11ot
liy t.hy co1e11:111t," (C:11ck. Ill : Iii).
Hcn<l Ezek. lG: 53-Gl, :111cl rnakc up your 111i11rl whether you
II' ill Lclicve it, or whether you prefer your ol11 tl1uology.
nrc Lli ose wb11 admit tlii s ticri ptnrc is l)ll t, c!:li1h t hat, it is
11 ot unt il after the 11 cxt nge is c11clccl thnt. the Sodomi tes :ll'C! to
hl' restored. J\1111 yet these sn111e th.cologinns ni ni11tni11 tlin1. 1.he
Jcios will lJe ni:torerl immrdiatcly :1ftr1 t hr second !ltlvenl of
Christ. That the J cws :1ro to lie restorc1l :it th<! cud of the
pcl nge, if ever, I fll'CSlllllC :ill will aalllit. That the Sn1l o1111tcs
nrc not yet restored, I neml not sLnp to prOl'C. Hllt. whnt l cnu
l'rove, is ti.mt
1dien Sodom 1111c1 lw1 rln11ghters shall 1ct,11rn to
1hcir former estate, tlum thott l J crns:ilem] :rn1l thy daughters,
shall return to you r former ostnt.c," (IJ:zc.k. UI: 55). And le:i.st
yt1u niisi ntcrprct it, rend also tile 5:.l rd vo,rsc: "\\"hem 1 hring t.110
l::tptivity of Sodom :111d li er daughters, .. thc11 ll'ill r uring the
t::1ptivit.y of thy cnptivci:, in tluJ midst of th.em." 'l'hcrc is uut
one rcstit11t.io11 [yet futu1c] promisc<l t,o Isrncl, dc::id or ;di ' 'e; n11d
whcm tit.cit tn111spirci;, Sodom will nlso lia\' C a nst.it ntion. And
ns ccrt:iinly o.s tlw .Tcwi; :ire to return t.o Pnl ts1.i 11 c inrn1c1lint!dy
afl-<!r t,hc clo;:c of l,hi l; prcsc11t. gos1wl i1ispc11;::1tio11, so certain is it
thn(," Lhe rest.it11t.io11 nf :ti ! 1.hi11gs," 11tgi11s :1L t h:il time.
'l'li!lt rest.ii 111.i1m of llrn is l'ro111 dea(/i is 11r1:1i11.
1111d liow :111y Olll', aflp1 rl':\di11g l'.r.1.f;, :l!l : r.:1 11 hnl<l lhl' 11u.<!'rii'
lnr:d lh:1l. t1uly thof'l< anwug 1J1lJc:11<; 11'1Hl :1nfl ri11y 11l
(1 11 ap111:1ri11g 11f (' Iii ii<t, arl t.11111 pur.1.(1"""" ' 1111 1111
1.01 l':qt. ol :.!:J, rend:-, " T herefore hid 1 my fauc from iltem,
:111.I g:l\'C tltc111 iut o the l1a11d of their enemies, so .fell tli1
y all by
th.1; ]\'ow l'catl \'Crs(.s 27, ZB; which eml tltuR, "But I
gnLh crccl them i11Lo Lhcir own laml, n11d hnve lc\ft 11rmc of
tliem :rny rnnrc there." First they :1.l'c scntLcrcd :i.ncl foll hy lhc.1
:;word in Lhtir enemies hnd; t.hcn lie brings them i11t.o Lhl'irowu
!nucl, :rnd 11n11c of Lhcm there; nud nlso i 11 t.he 37Lh clrnp
1.cr lw 11tnt1:; thn.L it ii; from the lt c lhem,
:111<1yet,111:1Jt y 1\ gc-to-cor11 c pcojtlC deny that any but, the li ving
:r will ('\'\II' ill !'CSLOrctl .
Will t-hc saints be brougli.t, to t1ial .'1
J 110 of is so lit t le n11dcrstoocl ns is
1.hnt of the ,j111ly111e11t. Pro hat.ion nud jmlgment, mean qnc 11 nr!
thC' s:11m; vir. . n. tiiol. l'robntion, s:i.ys 'V'ehster, is tlic uct o f
1110,ing; a t.rinl, or rxnminat.ion. In the .l\L E . Chmch, con-
verts a.re placed on pr<>bation; Lhnt. is, ou trial for six. 1nouth::: : :w<l
if Ll1cy pass through tl1is t rial successfully they are admitted to
full inc111bcrship. During this six months trial they :ire expcc-
te1l to lc:H11 t.hc ways :rnd doctrins of that church. The <lay of
jutlgmcut is the cla) 0f trial, or probation for eternal life.
" \ V c sh al I al I stnml bcf ore the judgment seat of Cit r is t. " T l 1at
is, nil urnnkipd must pnss through a tri al or t1robation under him,
in unler to 1letennine wi t h 1il1c111 the <Jnestiou of cLer11al life, l r
ct.crnal rlcRth. Christ himself snbmitt.ecl to a tri:i.1, won 1hc
victory> :111tl hccaruc the " li.rstliorn from the dead." Aud "now
l'! the jullg 111<:nt of tbis world; uow is the prince of this. worl1l
cast out. J\nd r, if I be lifted up will dra.w nil un to me, (.Joh11
1 '2: 31 ). The n:ck hen.: Cor Jud,r1me11t is the same word as in
11: 21, :11111 rl:tss of t exts; and evidently refers Lu Lhc
linnl n.1td 1lmisin jndg111cnt.
The final j 111lg1r11' nt 1if alt mankinJ, then, beg:rn with t.hc hc:nl
t>f t he Uhurd1; wlw, of conrse, pa.ssccl his trial
1\ ml thuR :1h11lishetl , or conqncrcd, dc:i.tl1; a nd commenced the vro-
whi d 1 :;h:1 ll cast. out Lhc pr ince of tli is worl d, or him 1,l111 L
l 1at h the JH>11cr of 1lcath. l'rior to this, t heir probat ion w:ts fo1
:111 c:1rtl1ly illltl\Ji1011cu, nn<l a. fl eshly kingdom; aud had uCl'll . a
trt.:il failttn . li11l 11<111; "I le sc111Jg forth j11dg111c11t rtri:ill 11111.0
" :.'ll); a1id llf1 :w1l i111111urt,nlity ILl'C Lt>11ght
L'' light. li s own s1wc:1l'xful prnuati1111.
1\l'IPi (' ltri:-1, l.111 1.1. pai:s t.hn111 glt ll w ! J1rnb:t
>1' I 1 1:tl 1 x '' 111 d111rd1 11(' l.ltl' Jiri>Lh1l111," ir '11>11.sc ii

.JUDG.l\rnNT. (l:l
whose hou,c;c :ti'\' ll' fl
if W<' h(llil fast t.li c co11fidc:11 cc :iwl the 1c
joic;i11g or the hopt' lirm unto 1.110 end," (Heh. 3: o). That. if
we pa;:s t.hc 1rial1111ccc:;i; fully.
Jlavi11g see11 tli:\L t,hc judgment. of thi s worlcl bega.11 with onr
Lonl; we II' ill now show tltnt the judgment 011 his ()h11rc11 al so
t.ra11i;11ires in lids ln ot.hcr words, judgme11t [not the sen
1.e11ce, but the 11uA1.J tr:ins1, ircs duriug probation; here 011 tlw
C' l111rch, heren f cr on the world.
"For the ti1110 i;i come [ s riys ] 'ct.or in hi:- first cpist.lc J 1.lint. j11tlg-
1111.111t. 111t1ii t begin :it t.hc honso of Uod; allfl if.first at u-s, what
i;hn.11 t.he end be of tl1c111 thnt obey not the gospel of Gou"?
J\s mcn11s t.rial, i t follo11s that wh!;!rc probation ends,
the j11clg111e11t. ends. "\\'i1.h the go.5pcl church it e111ls :it
n11cl wiLh the world will end with their time of trial.
The objection may be nrgctl t.hat jndgment after dc:ith:
"H fa npr,ointed \into man once to c1io, a1Hl afLN Lhat tho juclg-
mtnt .. " This is true only of mankind in general; hut the gospel
chnrcl1 is an exception. "V crily, verily I siiy 11111.o yon, Ile Lh:H
hc:iieth my word, and believeth on liim that sent me, liat.h ercr
!:isling life, :ind shalt not cume 01t is p11ssacl from
death unto life," (Johll 5: 24). The wMtl "j11<lgme11t," whi ch
in this text is rendered condemnation, is !crisis, the same ns i1l
lleb. 9: 27; nnd also in .i\fa U. 12: 36; t< Every id le word t.ha t men
shall Sj)c:i.k, they shall give an :iccou11t thereof in the cl:i.y of jndg-
mcnt" Pcrisis J; nncl clcnrly me:ms the final grcnt dccisi'\e 1hy of
trial. those who accept of ChriRt )1erc, hrwc their trial, or juclg-
mcmt in this life, n11d "IJn,c p:i:;sc<l from unto life," tb11tis,
the seoteuce of life is p ronounced, and they "sh:i.Jl not come
into jtt<lgrncnt," or another tri:1J; nre the words of the ])faster .
.Judgment is not exec1t1ecl nntil after the trial, but the t1iitl is
t.hc jtidgmcut, and wit.h t he sn.int ends nt dcntli. So that with
apostle he can say, " I hnv e finj shcd rny course; l liave kept
the faith; LI am noL going to another tri:Ll; I :un not going LO
jnc1gmen L; the sen ten cc of eternal 1i f c has been alrcail y n. w:mlccl)
a11J a crown of rightconsness is laid up for me, whi ch he, the
righLcous jlHlgc, shall give me at that <ln.y, :iud 11ot to me un ly"
&c. If sentence had 11ot been pronouncccl :i.t. tlil.l cn(l of l'anl's
anCI. he has yet to stnucl a td:d to dccitl0 whf't.hcr a
crown of ri ghtconsnci:s is hi cl up for hi111, t.hcn thu 1 foly
was prcmat.nrc in passing St1ntcuoc. ct Ile that. btlicvelh on him
that. sent me is pa,ssc1l from dc:i.Lli' unto life, nn<l 11o t c11111c
i11t.0}111lt1mmll," lfonc<' nil t.lw f 1J t nr<! for lh t !:a i11t ,
it.B tx1<:11ti1111, ( ll' I.ho l't'\'(iving' or 1.he l' CW!ll'll: "!"Ol\'11 :1 11!11.ll
r:tl hocly; raised n spiritunl body." vVhicl.i scco111l hirth, i.s the
<:'row11 of Ii f e; " 11ci l her can they die any more."
Th11s "the j11dgine11t of t his world," which.Christ s:ii<l hcgnn
with himsel f; who w:is tried in :di point.s; hns, 1;hus far, been a
1nobationmy t.rinl for life. And there i!l ab11uJc11cc of e, icl cnce
ihnL the grunt j11tlg1ncnt day is <le1<ig11c11 nnil set. npartexprcssly
for t he purpose of pl:n;i11g the 1oorld on ;i prohl\tic)11 or trial for
life. It is certnin of m:111ki11 cl, from i\d:1111 In the prcs-
l'11t time, hnvc nut. h:1d proh:t1iou in Christ, ihc 011ly 11:ll11e gi\' e11
111Hlcr he:wen or :tmo11g men, ''hl!rrhy they um;;!, lie ;;a\Nl. Aud
no one cnn escn.pe, either in t.liis nge, 11r next., of ;:tillldiug a
111olintionnry t ri al for his li fe nt Christ's t rihunal, "For to tltii;
c1Hl Christ. both died, and revivecl , Lh:it lcc might h\! Lo1rl hoth
of the rlcnd and living. For weshnll all [C1ithcr while liYi11g, or
nftur stand brforc t.he j11clg111cnL sent. of Fo1 it. is
writ.ten, As I Ji,e, sait.h the Lord, e\ery knee sh:'lll bnw to me,
and CYCl')' co11fcss t<J (Hom. 14: !i-11).
'' 1\lancl not nt this, for the hour L t.i111c J comC'I li, whe11 :ill t.hat
st 1't: in thcgm>es slinll hear his \'Oicc, nrnl slinll come forth; r,11cy
tlint have done good, unto the re::;u1Tcction of n11<l Lhey t lrnt
}1nn1 rlouc evil, 11oto the resurrection of jndgmant," (J ohn 5 : 28) .
[ICrisis, is tf1irl.y11ine limes, nn<l is the word
used when speaki ng of t.he dny of judgment; nn1l yet in this, nud
t1oO other cases it is, for no other titan a thcologicnl reason, ren-
{lcreu damnation]. cc I t is appointed unt.o 111:u1 once to die, nncl
n.11d after this damnation," (lf cb. V: 27); this is A:tmc
a11cl t.hc same rendering. i3ut our f,ord tenchcs in this, ns
in otlier Wxts, that 011c. class arc rnise<l t.o life, sentence being
:.iln:\1l y passed, so thnt they cc shall not. co11w it1t(1 jurlgment;
while the others nrc rnisc<l to proli:\I io11:try t.rinl. tr it be oth-
erwise, :1111! he has; 11 0 good fol' Llw111, 11111 t.hcy :ire rnii;c1l only for
pn11ishrne11t., how is i t that every ucou "wheLlter it, ho !JOO!l or
whet.her i t he evil, is to be ?cwardacl? " 11'/wsoaocr l t.his is a hig
word, anc1 takes i11 men of all clmrncters] shall girc you n cup of
water t.> lhink, in my name because ye bclo11g Lo 0hrist., ' 'crily
[ i;ny unto yon, 11cshnll not lose ltis rewarfl," (Mark 0: 41).
From t.he gcnern.l tcMhing of Scriptnrc it. rt)lJe:1rs !lint the pro-
l1:1ti o11 o( the nc.xt ;ige will dilfcr from that nf Lili!'. age. Here
it h:1)l hccn llll <lcr grnce, nn'1 e:nclusivd,11 [pt- rl1c ,, Cl111rclt or the:
lirstltl)r11. No rnn11 cmi co111e to 1111' cx<'t' pt. thC' Fa t.hl'r which
i<nnt, rlrnw him.'' Thl'se :irn juclgcd i11 ( 111111 hPncc rip-
1'<':\r 011ly l>y proxy. 'J'Ji:1(, r,liii; 110 11or. 11p1<:1r i11 j11!lg111c11t.
11'( !.11111r, for tli111>c who lil lic \'<' 011 him 11111 111me into
.JUDGMEN1'. 05
j1algment, lint ::ire pnssctl from dcnt.h unto lifr.." The scuteuce
of a crown of rigliteo11sness Jni1l 11p for thorn, is passed,
n11d it is to lie givc11 i11 t.J1nt cby. llut wit,h thr; \\'Orld it is
uot so. They rnnst a11swer for t.hcmsch cs, n.11<1 rccci,
0 n reward
for dced, whct.l1w it bcgoorl, nr ll'lwthcr it he evil. And
t liis incl ncles alt who :1 re raised to j11df1111c11t. J\ 110Lhcr proof thnt
thl: who n1c nrr 1111L raised 10 j11<lgmc11t. A
queer forgivu1si:, if we l1a,c Et ill t11 nnswer fur e\cry dec<l. Jn
tl 1e j11<lgmo11t of tltc 111111t/, 1.J11 y will he rcwnrllt>d for every good
deed tl1cy ever rlnuc i11 Lhcir life, if it \\":ts only the giving of n
uu p of cold water to help a 1lisciplc of Christ, ::is surely :u1 thry
will b<l rewarrle1I for LhLir evil deeds. And it is thufl, they cn11
now" make to thc111scl vei: friends with the mammon of m1right
. t!Onsness." For" he that ginlLh to tlit' pnnr. t<> t he Lorri,
and he will repay hi111 :wniu." ,\ 111 1 lw has appoiutccl a clay in
which these tl1i11g:!< will 'f,l' acl,imlitalt!cl. Hut their and
pnuishmcnt.s will he prnf'nrt i1111d, mt \.:; t.ltc 111ag11itu1lc nf the
deed merely, hy 11 riglitoons jndgr11r11t: "The serv:\llt
who kuew his lords will, nntl clirl it not, shall lie beate11 wit.h m:wy
stripes; while he who knew not, but c1i<l ccimmit things
of 11tripes, shall lie bent1"?11 wir.lt few." .\ 11tl
where tllora is nu
law [not even t.llat of co11scie11cs], siu is not imputed."
Iu this gospel age, t.herc is 111> law to 011e who walks not n.fter
tho flesh, hut aft.er the :-5pirit. Hnt i11 that ngc 1111111ki1111 \viii be
subject to law, n11<l 1wt, t,o gmc;c. ,\ncl those laws will he e11-
forcc<l wi th rigor: "Thou shalt rule them with.a rotl of iron."
'l'he age of judgment is: the time of sep1trnLion as l.11011gh t to
.view in lifat.t. 25: ;J 1--- ._ The sheep arnl gonts, of that par-
able refer to the good aud bad of th:i.t nge. Ancl those who are
finally saved \\ill surely i nhcril the kiug1ll lll. Tho i;ccne is nt
tlte time he sits 011 "the throne of his glory," nucl therefore at
the time "the kingc10111 is t.he Lonl's, atH. 1 he is the governor
among the natio11s." A11d Christ rei g ns d11ri11g the rest.itution
age which is n tlto11sn11cl years duration. "For he must reign till
ltc hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall
lie dcstroye<l is 1lc:1th." HuL this cn1l i!'l 110L rn:1che<11111ti l :ill class-
es arc raised; "For :LS in 4\-c..lam nil die, so i11 Christ sh:dl all l>c
made alive. llnt every mnn in his 0\\'11 orcl c r.
' Though the
aposUe gives the " or<lcr '
of the res11rrecLio11 mt! y Ro far ns ir.
rel:itcs to the Church of the firstbcwn, Hill 1.111! statement is, that.
nil arc to be r:ii scd, "then cometh Lhc c111l; whc11 he sl111ll hi11c
<lclirnrc1l up the kinghwi. J\ s 1rnc nrtlcr of the de:11l "Ji,c
not tlg:1i11 1111til tli c tl11111sa11rl vcr1ri; arc 111clc1l ;" 11' 0 k111>w wlt1t
.J UDOl\lEN'I'.
1 lt< "1:1111," nr w h i1il1 ht s pC':i.ks ii; clue, yiz. \ Vltcn :i ll the 1foatl arr
di;;1111;;1d >f, :111rl t hP c111l1111 y, do:1t.lt , is 11ostroyod. .A11cl as
1h1n c:rn lw 110 trial [or lifC', after Ll1crc is " no mol'c d<inLh, " iL
I 11!111w:-; d1nL prohntirm cml wit.It the t.housa11<1 years.
' l'lt crc is no Lhird ll.'ath 11w11tio11'cd; l1cnc:c we 111ay assume Lh:i t
m111 will 11 0L 1lie in 1 lt:1r age., 1111lcss they <1ic t.ltn "s1.:c:o11d dcnLlt, "
wliich is ct.on1:il. 'l'li1rc fn rc, :1;; Lhl'Y c' n11c lo 111:it11rity, Lhc goml
will lin J.r:111sb1.1ll, or" 1h li,cn1l f1'0m this h11 rnlage of corrnp
Li on, i11to J.h<' g l1ni1 111s lililr1.y nf Lho so11s o[ Uocl," wit.hout. t.nst.-
ilig dcnt.h; ai; we mny .wppose woulrl li:i\e obtni11cu, had man not
1l. Tit is 1 011' <1 b1.: a perfect rcstiJ,ution. "But th< si1111 er
being n lt11111ln:rl }'<':11';; olil, sl1nll lie :i cc:.: 11rsccl.1' 'l'linL in 1.he

whl'11 111e11 arc once 111a<lc nlirn in Ch1ist, they wil l no
1li1 in , \ d:1111. rr l'll'c Christ's work is made f>f noue cJfoc.:t;
l11tt llt l' tlie si11 whi r.11 is 11111 0 !\(:\Lh, i;hall die.
\\. hc11 all the hu111n11 fn111ily who )rnn lil'd i11 J\1hirn, h:t\'C hntl
)'roliat.ion f11r I hat is, li cc11 \1ro11g lt t 111 Christ':; tribnn-
rd, nnd 1.l1cr<: is 11 0 ot.lwr 11a111e liy whid1 they c:i.111Jht:ti11 lifo, t/um
lltosc who ha, c 'Cri 111mi1cd tl1e u1q1:1ril c111:tulo sin, i11 Lhis life, and
"Ii \'C 11ot n.g:ii11 until t.hc I ht1rn:antl ycar11 :irn c11(letl," arc misctl,
ancl, with the wtti ons wl10 :ire ll'ft, after the goo1l h:tve been
ta ken out, 11.re liro11gh1 to the fin:i.1 ei:ccutivc ju<lgrnont; :1s gi\en
in H.e1'. 20: !l, 10; " 1tid1 i:; t he end, Lo which Pnul refers .
. 11, t. o 15, is, l apprehend, n. mcrerec:ipiL.11lation of Lbc
wholc sce11c frnrn rlt u of the judgment., Hcv. 4: to t he end.
--o- -
Tell the whol e world tl1ese blcssetl tirl ings,
Speak of the t.i1nc 11f r est; Jhnt's near:
'l'eJI the l [>Jlri'!<l<f' d f)f C\"ry ll:tf in n,
.l 11ltilro1 11. ycnrs.
(,'hf'/ rlls- A 01011l':111d yet.rs ear t h's comi ng glory-
tlir dad ua.y so long foretold:
'Tis 1,h1 morn of Zion's glory,
I>< f1>1esu.w in t.i1nes of olcl .
WhnL if t !tr 1!1111cl11 do for"'
Il itl c t he l>i111! sky where uwrn
Swm tlw :<un of promiRc iriveu,
Hi.!'eS lo shi1H\ n. thousnncl
II ""I II "''' n.1;c.>i> or i:tlo,.y,
lh,;11 11>1 !!la d t.ilf11 wl11 n Cllri,;I. n.p111'1ns-
t Ii , for 11111 f11 il h o f :ul<'i111t wnrt.hi1,;;
t lh. f11r 1 !1111 rPi;!ll Y<'1tl'1< ,
AILho11gh I.here is no direct c'iclc11cc tli:it 31. thce11<) of six Lhmrn
n11tl vcars fmrn the cre:itiou of Alla111
the" sccollll" Allam i>houlu
uegi.11 the nc\\ creation, or rcs litutiou of nil things; i;t.ill there is
rn11ch i11dirl!l'l 1.tv iclc11cc. E11011gh
at least, to rn:ikc the s111JjceL
of' of the lrnm:in family one of greiit interest, to tlwse
wlto ! \ r(l i11,c:;tign.t.i11g t.lt c snujcct-mntter of this lJOok.
The <:lt ro1ll)logy by Usher, as founcl in the m:wgin or
11111 English Bibles, is on(' J111rnlrel and twenLy-four years too
short.. Thnt is, cl irccl; Script.ul'C cn11 be adduced ni,ing that.
1111mlJer of yc:1rs orcr and what is fonncl in hisclironology.
Fot i11ston<l of fonr h1111clrc<l anci fi fty ycnrs, he !{i\'cs
lrnt t.h ree hu11clred and fif1.y, for the time of the jndgc!', nn1i
slttil'fcns the reign of tl1c kings of .J 11clnh six: ycnr$
iu his t'fforl
w lmnnonize Lhe111 with the reign of the of lsr:icl: nnd
hegi11s :.ltc :<c,e11ty yenr::; oapLivity, or rnthcr, the scvtnt.y years
of cle::;ollltfon, whi cl1 the land was lo enj oy ht>r
(2 Ohron. 36 : 21), eighteen years before it. was Lhu::: ru:ide deso-
lnl.c>. Thnt is, in tho fourth year of Jchoinkim, instcacl of at the
(' 11 11 0 r Zeclekinh's reign, who W!IS t11e Jn.st king of J 11clnJ1. 'l 'ltm;, in
these \.!tree making the chronology 011e 11 1111clrt;ll n11cl
twenty-four years too short. Hence, althoug h nccor<l111g to
t.he si x t.11ousand yenrs clo not expire until A. l>. l !HH3
Lhc facts :1rc, that they enrlerl with the J uwish yc:ir whicl1 l1cgn11
i11 t.hc nutnrnn of A. D. 18i2, and we arc, therefore, alrencJy i11
"tlic great rl:ty of the J...orcl;" or, ::;even th t.housnJH1.
T11 the rcade1 of t.his book, I t>Cetl 11ot cl well on 1,h<' import.:111co
of 1111dtr;;t.1111<li11g Bible chronolo"Y Them:iss of t
viclc11cc which
synchro11izes with the foct that cilC six thousaml years 1Hcnl ready
c11tl<'d, i;; ahsolute1y startling, to one who will ta.kc the lronhlt>
t.o i11vcs1.ig:Hc. An11 ii the reader rc;ill y to kt1011 wh:H
tlH f)c ri 11turcs tc:ich in rcl:lt.ion to t he g reat evc111 s uf Lhc e111l i11g
of tlrn gJ!l)lcl, the scp:unt.iou of the" tares nu<l t.he wl1c!nt.," t.h<'
glorific!Hion of I.ho church, n11cl f'.lt O i11tmc.lnction Clf thcnnil!c1111i:1l
;lgc, lie 11111st \iccomc thoroughly ncquai11Le<l wilh Hil1lo chron
ll\1!.! Y.
::.: r1 111 H<'ecl make the excnsc Lhat. this ii; a 1l illi< 1111. -;11hjcd.
11 y1111 l':w 1cl!d :incl n<ltl up figurns, you c:111 111Hl 1 ri-: t:111d Ll1 is
111 ,,,1(! ::;11l1jrct just :ls well as the llrst hi sL<1ri:u1 I hn1 l'\'!'r li1c1l.
:\. 111:111 f"Hn, 111ll' 11111.!s nny 011e clah!l to nw:ls111c 1111 :ig: ,,f lhc
l111ma11 l :we, b!tCk of tltc hi storic ngc, only as he uraws his in-
forrr1a1in11 frorn 1.hc Hililc; and yon can re:ttl what that say$, jnst
:is \\"tll :1" C:tll J:isl111p Usher, or :rny person. /\ud if tltc
i11 the English to11g11e, are 11 ot lit for you torcstyotu
faith (rn, :-111<1 ' mm:t be i11tcq>rctcd 0111,y by those who ha,c a
tl1nrn11gl1 l hcolngiral c1lucat.ion, then t hcpJacc for you is in tl1c
Cai holic ch11n; h
si11ce th<'y, and they only, carry out the
!lhOn.! i<lc:1 Lil its f11l l :111.J lcgitirnatc conclusion.
(>nc C\'l.!11i11g ::pent 11 i1.h Bilile, paper nncl pencil, added to n
t li11rr111gh d1'lcrr11in:1t,io11 to know just what it docs tcn.c: h, will e11-
al11L1 y1111 tCI rn:1strr l he whole sul1ject, n11d mc3Surc for yoursC!Jf,
th< six 1lint1!'::\ml .''':\!:< to t.hei r tcnni11:1ti1m in 1873 ; n111l h,nving
<111111 t Iii-., >'H1 ll'ill lie able to 1111acrstan<l all the c,iclcncell 11ldch
1111)q: that Wt' arc 11 ow in I he 111i 1ls1, of tlte g reatest ch:i11 ges this
\l'trld l1 as l'''t r C.X]'tri('nr!l'tl si11cc J11 e11 we re upon the earth. J\
1111ll'11 ing of joy, a11l n night of weeping. "The 111oh1ing co111-
C'tli, :111<1 the ni!.!ht." The 111orni1w to t he oh11roh of t.lrn
lit':'t born lhc R11/.-,;,11, :11Hl :t 1ii1ht. of t,(I t.hoi::c ll'lto :ire
"h11t nut ol t hl king.Jorn, :is will bc7 according to Lhc
''"nls of t he ;\Juster. "The wise sh:ill 1111clerstnucl ;'' :wcl you
111ay be sure )' Ult cannot 1111<lcrst:t1Hl these t.hings, nncl t.he d:'ly of
the Lonl ll'ilt come upon you ns :i thi ef, :incl you will loose your
"crown," no m:11t.cr what your professions may be, unl ess you
:trc willing to make nn dfort nntl search for trnth as men se:wch
fo1 1\11<1nlsl.l 1nsse11s I. he spi ri t, 11ot, of the h::rnghty Ph:i.r-
ise(', lrnt of Lht.! littl..: uh ild.
Ir y u11 hn,\l tlte spirit of :i. li ttle chil d, y1111 will plensc get ll.
pii>cc of pnpcr, your Bible nncl pencil, a111l l1egi11 wit.h <Jm1.
5: a. Lei. me _yP11, 11 few uw11t.hs nncl "The hancst will be
pnssc,1, the !' 11111111t1 cudecl. " Ag:1i1J I 1>ay, t his <.: hronology is tbe
l111sis of :ill that. 1::1 11 t11row li ght on the prophct,ic $crip-
t.nrcs. II you once got i11t-0rcsLcd, the chnucc:> arc that you will
be !eel into s11td1 a ll ootl of li g ht ns you never dreamed could be
founcl in God's precious liook. "S:rnctify tltcm tlll'ough thy
f.rutlt; thy wC\nl I rn!.lt ." .
Yon wil l now l'ltnsr oegiu, pencil in hnn<l: "And Ad nm Ii ve<l
hu11<1 1:<'<l nrnl tl1ir1.y yr:us, :111d ht'gnt n ::;011 nn<l cnll cd name
((C' ll. [j: :!).
l'la<p I hii< 130 nt t.hc Hip, :111cl 111ar t.o 011e si rk of yo11r paper,
:1 11d 111 :1k1 ynur fi g111 pi: 111 11 :ind difitinc.:L, sn t.h:1,t Y"ll c:tn :ul il np
:1l1111u1nl1111111. \Yith 111,. r11111ai11dc l' of lil't' we hare
111ot iii'11!! l" do. ":\ 1!11 " " lit li\l.'ol nw lt1111drtd !lllll li \'C \'l'.Jll'S
111<1 E1111 .. ," (\ ,.,.,, (l J. 1' 111 tlii>i lfli.' 1111d11r i n11d
so on. .. A111l Enos li nHl ninety ye:Hs nnd beg:tl Cnnaan,' '
(,eri:c OJ . Sec nlso verses 15, 18, 2 1, 25, 28; nL which yon
reach the hirth of J\0:1!1. A111l Noah w:is six Jrnndrc<l yerirs old
to a (fay when the wal<' rsof the fl ood were dried up (Ue11. 8: 13).
l'l aco this i::ix hundred nt 1,hu l1ol. to111 of yonr col1111111
:111d n.Jd
1.hc111 "Jl lf yon h:tYc 111n<l u 110 nii;;t.:ikc, Lhe t.otnl will he 1 uor;
years from the creation of j\rlam to the clny the llootl
l'l11r.e thi5 IG5G off lly itself, :1s yMl will hnvon 1111mlicr of si 111i -
lnr t.ot:i ls, to nrl<l to it, to Mrnplcte the six thousand.
familin.r wi1,h fi g nrns will plln:-:o excuse this minute direction.
! am writing fo1 some wltu rt:']11ire it,J. The next, pc ri n1l frorn
th('. Jh111tl LO tlic cle:nli of' T!'r:1h, ;\\.irnham's fnthcr. .. Slttlll be
gnt Arphnxn1l two y1;11rR aft er lite lloo<l,' ' (Gen. 11: l o). Be
giu n new col1111111 with Llte '2 ycnrs. "An<l J\rplmxiul li,cd fi,c
and Lh irLy yenrs and \Jegat. (\crse 12). i1a1:e this 35
1111cler the 2; a11tl see vcrEcs J.I, lG, 18
20, 22, 21, 32. Tho tol1d
bf nil thrsr is 427 rcnr;:; from th\' Clood to the tk:itl1 vf ' 1'.:rnh.
Pin.cc 1.his u111kr t.hc HlfiCi.
At the dl'ath of Tcr:\h nil regular chrouology ceases 1111Lil tht:
gxodus from Egypt .. :111tl we li:Lrn to arri,c at iL hy a i>pLclll of
reasoning,'' compnriug $cript.11re with Scripf.lll'C." do not be
disco11raged; indirect. evidence is i::omctimes as slroug n.<; rlirel1t,,
whi ch, in t.he present case, I t,hi11k yon will be ready t,o mlu,1it.
Our 11cxt perio<l is oue of four h1111dred n, ud Lhirty years.
"Now the sojourning of tl1e children of Isrnel, who dwell. i11
Egypt, wns four hundred nncl thirty ycnri::. A11d it came Lo pass,
nt the rnd of t11c four hundred n.nd thirty yenrs, even the Rel f-
s:t inc ci:ty, it came to pnss, thnt all th r. hosts of t ho Lord wcnt
out from thela11<l of Egypt," (Exo. 12; 40,.tl). Il crc is nil the
d1 ro11 ology we have, to rench from the tlcnth of Ternh to, tlie
Exo<iui::, and, :ts you sec, tlierc is 11 ot one word :ts t,o where, or
when t.his fou r hn11drc<l :i1ul thirty began, while the d:ty it rnd-
c<l is very positively stnt.ed. lt is true .Abr:\ham's :igc is g i1cn,
n11 <l Jsn.ac's, 111111 .J ncob's, but t. lt crc it, stops. .T Cscph'i< 1gc, when
he rl ics iu Egypt,, is given, \Jnt hi s fat.hcr'r; :l!:rC, at bi rLh,
is not given so that 11 0 onu lie h:i.tl from t,li:i t. tlirectio11.
A11c1 n.t Lhc den.th of J OS(ph, crll rccko11i11g ceasou 1111 Li l t.hey came
out of Egypt. Honce, 1 hi s 4!10 is onr nnl y l1011r, n11d ,,.c will t.ry
whaL cr>111pari 11 g Scripture wit.It ::icl'ipt.111r l\ill do t,mrnnls r.o11 -
11('c1 i11g t lire:tk.
/\t the ckat.11 ,,f hi;; fath(\r Tcrnh, <1011 cnll ('fl J\hrah:11n i111.n
( 'a11a:111, a11tl m:i <l o him 1.llc prn111isc- t1f 1licla1ul-" \ l 11t<J
will , I ui,1 la111l," 12: i), nut! I.his <111r:1-rcl 11hp11
CllllWNOLOU \",
his fat her clil'd, (Act.i-:, 7: 4, 5). The pro111isc of the la11tl
wns the co1!m1111t: "which covc!ll:tnt he m:i.dc with Aurnha.111
nn<l IJj,:; O:t.th \lllLO, Js:inc, nnd confinnecl t!tc same unto Jncou for
a law, nnd Lo famt.f for nn c,e rlnsl i11g JJOssessiou, sayinr;: Unto
tl1ec will I gi vc the ln111J of C.:nnnan, t.he lot of your inlicritnncc,"
(Ps. 105; 0, 11). Tlii:< 1rnmise,madewhe11 Alw:th:nnca1ne int n
(;:rn:rn.11, w:is 11nt.111ly "1J1e covenant," ns you sec,Lut it was the
covcna11t co1dini1l'.J of in ( 'ltrist. "Now to Abr:lh:1111 ::111c1
his seP<l w..:1r t ht prn111ii;us 111n<l c; Ile i::n.ith 11ot, And l.o i;ccds ns
of Jn:\t1y, but. ot one; A111l to thy seed, isCh1U;t,
3; JC). Thl' \'Pl')' wonls 11se1l in Gen. 12: i, "Unt.o thy seed,
will l gi1e lnnd."
\Ye.i1:1n.' nnw l cnrnell that. the coYon:mL which wns co11ti nnc1l
of GIHl, i11 Christ., wn.s mnclc with ALr:ihnm when he c:irnc 0111,
into Cn11an11, n.1Hl nlso, th:n he cnme ont tLt !>he <lcnLh t> f his fn1.h-
cr Tarah. And it wns :it tl10 clcnt.h of 'l'erah our regular chro11 -
nl ogy i::toppcil. 1\ 1111 yct we hn,o thefilnLcmcnt i11 12: 41,
that. nt t.hc rml or four hnn!lrcd :111il t.J1irty yc;us, whi ch ycnrs
l1egn11 sv111e1,,/111e, thl.'y cnme out of Egypt. "Kow this I say,
r.hc co,cm:'ll1t Lhnt, wns co1dirn1ed before, of Goil i11 Christ, 1.hf'
l::tw, which wns four h1111clre1l :tnll thirty ycnrs afLcr, c:wuot flis-
annul LhnL it, sho11lcl make promise of 11011e dfoct,., (Gal. 3:
J7). llnrrnhl Vi ctory! The brench i:=: closed, nnd t.ho 430 hnre
n bcgin11ing, viz: where t.he 427 cnclecl nt the death of Ternh,
and you 11 0 1r hnvc> t.hc d1ronology nnbrokcn, from Adam, t.o t.hc
Exodus For the lmo began t.hc very night in
which they left. J
;gypt; iu t. he J>nssovcr, that glori ou!l feature
which poi11t.e<l to the "Lnmb slnin from the founcln.tion of t.hc
There arc diflirulties i11 chronology, as you r>ee; but, thus for,
t.he ::icriptmes h;lvc co111,aine1l, within themselves, the mea11s for
,e.rcnming t.lic111; n11d so it will prove to the end.
From J:gypt, to the crossing of tl1c .Tord:u1
was forty
:i.n<l from the crm;sing of the .Tordau to tlie division of tho
land, six yen rs. But of t.hii1 six years there is no <lfre<.:t mcas11rn-
111ent. Frum t.'hc sc11ili11g of the to the tliv)sion of the
lnuil, w:is forty-fil't ycnrn, (Jnsh. 14: 7, IO). That wo11ld lc:wc
one yn:11 to fill t i111c frnrn ll1:wi11g Egypt, to t.he sending of
1 lio "l'i l'li; :11111 it.1n11 l11 proven. to l1 :ivo been ll peri v<l vf tlrnn
''")'!':Lr:;. Thu': ' l'l1<y lt!ft ggypt on the Mtec11th day of the
l ir!<f, 111ont.h, (N11111. :{:J : :J). They sL:11to<l from $inni, for tho
\\'ild11111 :::!< 11f l ' 11r:111. l ll thr L\1'(
111.il'tli n f tli1: :l('Cl' IHI Jll(llllh of
th1' '!1:11111 ! y<: 1r .11'11r l1:t1i11J.! Fl!XJll., (N11111 . 10: 11 , l 'l). was
I 11)W.N 0 L()O \' . '; j
lrum l':Ha11 r.lic :-pies w<
rc se11t., (Num. 13: 3); a11ll ,fro1n l( n-
desh-lrnrn<>a, i11 Pnr:111, (K111r1. :rn; 8). Herc is one yc:ir, and
:rn 1111k11ow11 fr:\cti(111 of :i la:lwccn le::i.viag Egypt n11rl tlic
sonfling of the spies.
ll cnn be sho\n1 t.o li:we Ileen tMrt,i;- t1if;ltt yc:1rs :incl n lar,qe
frnctio11 of :1 year, hctwl'('l1 t ln! sending of the spies, and the cnll
<f the" forl\- 1 ca1'S i11 the wil<lcrncss." 13cc:tuse the t.ime from
lt:11i11g IC:itltsh, aft.er t.hc nl11rn of the spies, up t.o the day tlic5
pn!ls()d t.hrougli the co:ii:I of _,fonl.l, WM l/iirty-Cif;/it rc:trs, (Dc11t.
1: 14. Ji-:); :iml this 111n;; t 11:11<' l1ec11 mnny monLli.s ucforc t ill'
forty yc:lrii c1ulctl; si11ce ,\lo-;c5 was thc11 nli1c, :tm1 they l1a<l 11 <t,
:1s yd, conq11ercrl :i11y or tl1C' 11rrito ry g i1'('ll (1) t.110 two :rnd :.t-
haif tri\Jcs 01i t h:H sirll' o(' .1urcl:rn. llc11cc Lhcru was, first.: tli l'
frwt,11 1l11ring whi ch tho _WNO 14: 34);
:.hi$ Lhirty-eight. yo:irs; all Lh<' time they consumed in <:onq1H'r-
th(' 11.'lTi t.My on th:it !liLk <1f Jqnlan; (which W:l!l llCl;Ompligh-
11l l1rf11n tliL 1lc:1th 1;f the tl1irtr days th(:y were mo11rn-
i11g for (Dent. :1 I: fl), a11<l some liu le t.imc n ftcr th:il., he-
1 wce11 lllC! s< 111li11g of thr ;:pies, :11111 the crni;sing of t he Jonl:111,
or C'll d oft.he forty y<'an;. J !e11cc, although t.li c t.i111c from lca ,i11g
to the st
.ntli11g of I he spies wns n Ii We more Lh:rn 011c
yc:1r, i t certninl y wns consitl<!rnbly less tl1a11 two yen rs. And th is
fraction uf !\ rc:1r is not count ed because out. l.Jf the 1;evc11 frnc-
t.ions of years occurring iu t.he whol e chronology, they exnct.l y, or
al most. cxact.l y balance e:ich oLl!cr, 311(1 coulrl, Lhcrcfore, in no
w:1y mnke n cliITercnc:e of 011 c year, in the Lotal ont-come.
l l. 11ce, yon mny put t he 40 Yl'ars ir1 the wil 1lcrncsi;
under your
.i:JO; n111l tl1c () ye:us under Lhc 40, nnd you l inxc the chronology
fro111 Adnm to the cli\ision of t.he !:incl. "A111l when he had
royct1 nnt io11 s, he di l'iderl t.hci1 l:i11cl t.o them by 10t.
t\11<1 aft.er that he g:wc 11111.0 t hem jmlgcs about the space o(
four h11111lrC'tl a11d fi fty yc;i.rs, until Samuel, the prophet. An<l
nftcnrnrds t.huy n ki11 g ; n11rl God gave unto Lhcm Saul ,
11f l'iio, :\ 111:111 of t.llc tribe of Dc11jnmi11, by the space of
i'Mty A!1d whc11 he had rc-movcd J1i1r1
he raise.cl 111 1mto
l.h(\111 D:tYiil, to \Jc t.hcir king ," (Acts 13: l!l-22).
From 1.hr di1 isio11 of the l:irnl, t,o D:i. vit1, is :mother dark pince
in clironolc>gy, :is it. i:; l('fL i11 lhc Oltl Tcstn111 011L. For i11sLa11ce
"Sn11111l'l j11tlgcrl l sr:wl :tll t.11<' <h)'s l)f his life;" a111l yet. no
1nCoaSlll'1! of tliat t.i111c is l-{i 1c11 . Hn hero aro twn spri cc;: of time;
tlu firsl., from t.li e dil'i1>io11 of t.l1c 1:1n1l to 8 a 111110 l ; the
>pctrnd, frn111th:11, 1.1> P al'id; 111ul unl ess this i11 Ll1c- 11111 1111i1wn
.. r 111111 ti1111, Hilih d1rn11dog_1 i< i 111111rfoct., si11cc LIHr(I i;; nl<o-
lntcly llv otlt cr mca::ul'C cif Lli iii lv11g period tv he fo1111d.
1f it was C"rtuill chat it \\'flS tl 1e design of the to teach
d110111Jlo,r/!/, in tli r :il11nc lang11ngc of the npostlc, Llwrc wo11 lrl
he 11 c1 roo111 for douht., nnrl W(' 1niglit pass 011 without furl.her in-
Ycstig:iti1111. Hut 11ns tlfal t he desic:n of t he Spi ri t? l think it
can he prorc11 t.li:tt iL wai; . But :11; thTs period from the division of
the lnnd l.u D:llid, 111 r:i: l1cr tt1 t.hc forty yenrs gi vcn to S:uil , has
been nncl is oon!;iclcrNl t lie most. ohscnre nnd cl iHieultof any luut
of chni1wl ogy, it wi ll 1101. clo t.o pnss it O\' Ct' witho11 L collecting
nil the cwil<>11ce th Biulo fu rni shes for its rn eas11l'c111ent.
An<l fir::t, n,c; n , c ry irnpol'tnnt fact., I will state, thnt t.his ti me
from tloc 1]i,ision of tlic l:\ucl, to David, anrl that from thcco\'e
11n11t to tlir law, nm the only two pcri Mls left otiscu1c in the
chr(J1tnllgy of the Old Testr11nc11 t, n11d t l!C' only portions of ch10
nology i11 nil)' wny rcforretl to in the N!:W Test:irne11 t. \ fhy .did
thl' lipirit p11t it i11tn tl1e mnuth of thc apostle to nnme th:Hdcfin
it e pcrio<l in Gal. :i : 1 i? Ulcnrly licc:tusc chronology ,1011lcl
have been i1ll)ll' rfoct without it.. The snme fo111' lmnclrctl :ind
thitt y years: were ghcn i11 Gen. 12: 4 1, it is Lrne, but they were
g i\ c11 ill ::rnch n wa.1 thnt, tn all nppenr1111cc, they hntl no co1111ec-
tio11 with the de!lth of Ternh. llcnce, iL wns necessary for God
l O rcre!ll, in his ow11 wnv, it is trnc, but st.ill to reveal the
t.hnt they bcg!l11 ''"here the thre:1d w:is riroppe<l in Gen. 11; 32.
\Yhy did the Spirit cnnsc the apostle to n:unc these two periods,
the 0 11 0 of four hundred :ind fift,y, and the forty of King S:i.ul?
[The f11rt.y years iu 1,he 1l'ilclen1css is so oftC-n named in nll pnrts
of t.he f::cript.11 rcs, t.hnt thc fact of the a post.le reforri11g to it here,
or clsr.whcre. hns no such sig11ilic.nnce ns has t ho c>Lhcr two]. It
i!S trnc, the1 fonr h1111drecl and fifty years for t he judges, nre to be
fonn<l i11 Lhe Old Testament; hnt, ns in the other en.se, tlicy :ire
so givc11 :is to make it impossible to hnve determined that they
beg!ln, nr were to mensnre from the di vision of the lnnd,
the pl!lce where the chronological threacl ha<l been dropped,
wiLho11t thil' t.C>s t.i111011y from t,hc npost.lc.
The r.hro11 ology Hs g i' en in Lhe jnclgcs i11 ns follows:' Judges
3: 8, gives 8 years; verse 11
40 ycnrs; verse 14, 18 y.cars; verse
30, SO yc:i rs; I: 3, 20 yenrs; 5: 3 1, 40 ycnrs; 0: 1, 7 years; 8:
40 ycnrn; f); 22, :i y<!lrs ; 10: 2, 2:1 ycnrs; vers=t 3, 22 yc:irs;
ver:rn f:, 12: 7, (I years; verse!!, 7 y<'..;trs ; verse 11, 10
yr:i rs; l ' l
1'1'l' 14, F rears:; l:I: 1
-1 () )'C'!l l'Sj Hi: :J I, 2() years; I
I : l R, 40 y(11 ri:,u111for Eli, t.he l!l11L of t.lte j tul gcs, lieforc "S:1m
11tl 1.h1 1rnpl w1."
Th"M' all lgct lir 111:11;, :i tPl:d (,( <l lilly,.:1 r". B11 1 tl11 j11dg<t8
clid 11ot. :ill llf tlii.o !il'acc of time; tl1ey were merely i;cnL
Lm:ici mcr 11[ it. There were t.iu\es between the jnclgcs,
ll'heu their uncn1i1!t< nilctl; a111l parL of these nineteen peri111ls
11H:asun .. the l'lllc or those enrmici;. llcnce, 1':1111 could well i:ay,
"And after that he g:1 \'C to thc111 j 1ulfl'!S abo11t t.hespnccof fl)ur
l1t111 tlrctl a11J flit y yl' 11rs, 1111til S:i11111ll ;" :t!tl1011gh the time it.,;clf,
frllm tlle division of the land, hn<l 1een just t.hit number of
Yen rs.
J\ s this c:ilt'<>11olngy st:111ds i11 1.he Old Testament., thcro :1 rt"
thrue ditlit:idLiL""i one r1t the co111n1c11ce111e11t, one in the 111itl<lle,
1t11d 011 C/ at lhl c11' I of this four h11nilrecl :uHl lifLy.
BeLwcen {.he: 1li1isi11n nf the lan<l n1H1 t.he lirst eight ycnr.o.
(J 11<1ges 3: S), re is :1 hreak, n peri od crn-crcd by the !it.:llc
111 c11t fo1111d in J111lge.o 2: 7, lrnt h:i.ving 110 direct measure111c11I.
Then i11 1.h1 mirl1llc of this porio1l t.hnc is :i l:ip of 20 yen rs dur
iug 1.hc j11rlgcship of !':u11so11. time is gi,en, (.Tut1geF ill :
:l l). ns n part. t>f the rhrvnology, just. like all the others. Bul.
in a110Lhtr pl:w(, we learn .tint his ll':tS in or 1l11ri11l;
the forty yenr.o "f 1.he> l'hilistincs (Judges 15: 20), whi ch hllll
just 1Jcc11 cou111cd. And yet. it takes all thaL is given in J udgcs.
this 1,wc11 ty i11clutlt'<l, to make the 450 menti1med uy Pa11I. Thr
thfrd difHc11lr.y is with the Lerminn.o, "Until Sn.n11wl (.he
is u. very inclclinitc cncli11g. 8a11111cl wns with El i, the Inst j uflg,...
when a 111C'l'e chil tl; nnd he was cotcmpornry with king S:iul dnr
ing Tl early nll of his rcign; nntl even nnoin1et1 D:ivid ns ki11g.
But, 11 0t \\ithi:t.:111cling nil these ditncult.ics, we think the apostlt:
has used just t.hc langungc to set everything ri ght, counecting
c:1ch cud, nm! t:iliing out. tlrn t.:lngle in the mi <l1lle.
To my 111i111l; the fact that 011ly in this, :rn<l the oneof.lwr dini-
c11 l1. pl:i t:c. is the subject of chronology introduced in U.ie N<'w
TestauwnL, :ind that ll'itl1011t s11 c:h nssistnnce, we should h:we
hcc11 cutircly at fault, is-satisfactory evidence thn.t the
wn.s t,o imparL light, :\ncl I accept it ns such, with far more
t,h:w l could tnke Dishop Usher, or nny other chro11 ulo
g icnl writ.tr, who givC's these J3il>le tl1c go-by, Mi hl
i11g too 1li lli c11lt t.o ntastcr, n.nd t:ikc the cnsier comse of nppcul-
i11g to .) 01'1plt111', to hclp Lltem over these rlilliculties. For he
lmdonh llae.Towish sar.red books from whi ch to draw hi s inf<mnn
tion; 1uld he is so u11iversn ll y r.1\teless in n.11 his d1ronologicnl
111ents. thul if e101-, ls h e i11 il1Lr111ony wit.h his own Rcrip-
llir!'s. Fc>r i11i<ln1w!'; Ill! i;;Lys tl1e clai lllren of l .orn.el remninctl fur
I ilirty da"" nfttr t.luy lrft Ei;ypt, on !,lie shore>s of the Hell sc11 1,, ..
o,11>. Which i!l in direct opposilion lo the stntelllc111
111 gxtd flj I. 1\11d bis cliro11olug-y is genen1ll11 frculty.
The foll uwfog diagram will ill11sL1:aLe Llw \Vholc posiLiou, at :.
gll\nce: I
-Division or the lo.nd .
. ...- /I. brea.k.
yen re.
I\ Jnp.
Here the chronology stands,
just ns it is given.
We hnd r eached to t he divis-
ion or the lo.nd, with no bren.k.
Now follows o. period during
the rdn10.inder or t.11e life of
Joshua., nnd the elders who
outlived him, of the 1ueu.sure
of which the Old 'esto.111en tis
silent. Theo, after a. longpe
riod nnder vnrious judges, the
liip of, the twenty yen rs of So.111-
son occurs, followed by the I Mt
j11tlge, EH, tJ.iert king Snul, be-
fore we reach the time or Da-
vid, where the r egulo.r chronol-
ogy begius a.gnln.

Smuuel wns cotemporu.ry
not reckoned, uoth with Eli nnd king So.111;
nod nowhere is the nge o{ a.
11rophe.t ossoeinted with chro-
nology; hence Samuel's age is
not given. Although there fs
Dnvarl's reign.
110 doubt that coru;irlcr:lble time t ranspired between
the death of Eli :rnd the crowning of Saul. Still
there is 110 mensurcrncnt covering this, only :ls it is included in the
two spaces of time named by Paul, wl11clt seem to cover all
from the di vision of the laud until S:uouel, allcl. from that, to
David. Auel the tirno namcc1, four h11111lrcd nnd fifty,'' is ex
nctly what l'aul, wh<> was f:1111iJinr with the Scri pt1,1 res, must
found given in the .Tuclgct1, :is i t.<> measurement. Nor c.ould
he hnve been iguor:mt of the break cfori11g the life of Joshua, or
of the lap, during the of Samson. Auel yet be s:iys,
"Ile clhided unto them thcrr land by lot, and afte1 thnt ho gavu
nbou t the sp:.1cc of four ln111<lred :iml tifty yei1rs, ...
ancl nftcawa!cls they dcsircd a an<l anti lac them
the son of C1s, by t.he spncc," or m tlic i; puce, l the prcpos1t1on
"by" is not i11 t.lw originnl], "of f1>rty yonrs."
J ' lace the 150 ycars 1tJ1 (lcr the G j h11t thci for1.y years for :::i:tul,
wi ll he rcckrn1c1l the king!:, i11l.h<' 11cx1. pnrioil , ns follows:
10 J\ 01.i; 1:1: 22. ) J):i"id, tr>, ( 1 Ghro11 . 2!): 27.) Solo
Ill (\l ( !hro11. !l: !IO.) l: rliolioa111 , 17, ( l 'l : 13.) J\bijnli,
(!I l Y.
:1, (1:1: :.!.) Asa, II, (IU: 1:1.) J chuslt:111liat., 2fl, {20: 31.) .l clw-
r:i.m, 8, (21: 5.) Ahaziah, 1, (22: 2.) At hnlinli, G, (22 : 12.) .1 oash,
40, _ (24: !.) Amai.i:lh, 29, (26: 1: Uz?.iah, 52, (2G: 3.) .To
t.hnm, 16, (27 : t.) Ahnz, rn, (2A: 1.) HCY.ekinh, 20, (29: I.)
l\I:mnssnh, 55, (33: 1.) A mo11, 't, (33: 21.) J osinb, 31, (34 ! 1.)
.Tehoinkim,11,(3.G: 5.) Zcclekinh
JJ , (30: 11.) ToLal, li l!l
ytinrs. Pi neo Luis 513 1111dcr 1.J1e 450,
WiLh Lhe "end of the clcveut.h year of Zcdckinli, 1111to the
carryi11g n\,ny of Jerusalem cnpti,c," (Jcr. 1: :-l) , we reach Lhc
cnc'I of tlt c ki11gtlom. And it. i;; hero the clinclcrn 1rns rcmo\ed
to be 11<> 1norn u 11 til IIe comes whose rigl1 ti t is, (sec Ezck. 21: 25-
27). Then follows the serent.y years cii ptivity, or rather cl eso-
lnLion l)f t.he lnn<l, (2 Chron: 30: 21 ). l'lacc this 70 undcrt.hc 513,
nucl yon hnvc reached the clHl of i11spirctl chronology.
This seventy ycnrs termi11 ntcd in t.he first year of Cyrn:l, king
of to follill the word of the Lord uy J ercminh, (2 Chro11.
36 : 2 1 ).
At ;ihont. t.his poi11t of time the .Medo-P ersian empire takes its
place n!' the seco11d uni versa I monarchy, l3nby Ion hnvi11g been the
tirsL. Aud it wns at nbout t.his era, that history hns its birtli.
1'1ior to this, the most civili7;ed nati ons, Babylon nncl Egypt,
used 011ly hieroglyphics,:. method of picture writing by which
clntc:i anil clct.nils of l1istory could not. be recor<led. 'l'his, we
k11ow is tnui in relation to Egypt, nncl nlso to the Bnbylo11ians
or Uhaltleans, since specimens of the Chnldenn hieroglyphics :ire
now on exhibi tion in the Rri t ish musaum. But from the begin-
ning of the Persian era, I.he alph:1bet nnd n Wl'ittcn l:rnguage has
been u11ed by these 11nti011s. l lc11ce, as for bnck as the first year
of Cyrus, hisLOl'J is fnll and clear, while bcyoucl thnt, it. irnlllo
diatuly <lrnps off into twilight. an<l the dnrkncsR of fable. And,
outside of the Hebrew l:rngungc, Lhcre is no prcterision to :teen
rn.cy furtht> r back than the of N ebuchndne1.zar.
As Roon ns a .wri t ten word-language wns used. the date of bat-
tle!!, eclipses, &c., were recorded, from which fact it is now in
onr power t.o determine dates with aqsolntc accuracy. Ancl when
we cn11 hel p oursclns, God ceases t.o do for us.
Ji'ro111 the first yertr of Cyrus, or, indeed, from the first ycnr of
Nel>uchn.dnczi.ar, which wns nineteen yen.rs hcfore the
scvc111.y years c:i.ptiviLy of .J crusnle1n, . (sec .Jcr. 52: 12), there iR
110 (!RS111linl 1Jiffol'(!l1CC lrctwccn the uiffcrc11t cl1ro11ologic:d Wl'i -
1.cn;. The: first yenr of Cyr 1111 hci11g 11. n. 5:16, i11 which yenr the
!luvu11t.1 yr:11s 11tl1cl. l'l acc 1111cl cr Ili c 70, :1111! add 1872,
A. 11., :111d yo11 wi ll harn n total of Cl,000. Th1111:
1\ dnm to the end of the Ooo<l, 1656 years.
Flood to the coven an t
Covenant to the l:nv, 430
In the willlcr11ess, 40
To division of land, G
lJ n<ler tlie Jud gos,
U n<ler t!te Kings, 513
The captivity, -
To Ohnstinn era., - 636
This side of the Chl'ii:ti:\11 cm, 1872
Totnl, 6,000 years.
The six thous:111d years did not {111rl in I 872, but in the au-
tumn of 18i3. T hus: The seventy desolation of .Jcrnsalcm,
begn11 in the end of t.hc elevc11t h yenr of Zc(lekiah, as we have
seen, (.Jcr. l: 3). king Zedekiah, w:-.. s taken, and the city
Lroken up in the fourth or fifth mcrnth of his elevel1th ycnr,
{Jer. 52: 1-12); bnt the cities of Judah were to be desolate
"without nn i11hnbitn11t," (.Ter. 34: 22), which Reemll to be whnt
God meant, by "mnking the land desolate, that it-miglit enjoy
its Sablrnths," {2 Citron. 3G: 21). And it 1oa.s thus made deso-
late, nnll withont:in i11hnbitn11t, (Jer. 44: 2). When Zedekiah
was taken, in the fourth month, the ln1ul wns not desolrite, for the
Ch:ildeans left "certain of the of the land for vine-dressers
n111l hushnndmen," (.Jcr. 52: 16); and i;o loug ns they remained,
the prophecy was not fully 1r.et; for the land wns not yet en-
joying her Snbbnths; but soon nfte.t'. they nil left :md went down
i.!_1to Egypt, (Jer. 43: 5, 6) . .Aud this occuned in the seve11t!t
month of that year, (see the whole story ns told by' J cremiah,
begin11i11g with chapter 41). Hence, t ho 70 yenrs d<'.solati<rn, in
which the lahd cnjoyc1l its Snl.ibaths, did not begin nntil the
i;cvcnth month after Zedekiah was tnkcn. Nor did the 70 yenrs
desolatioii end when they reccivci.1 permission to return; fo1 the
land wns still dcsolnto until they actuall y got baclc again _it1to
t heir cities. 'l'his nl so ooc11ncd 111 the seven t h mont h of t.he first
year of Cyrus, the year 1.hcy stnrted to go I.Jack, (flee Eun 2: in
which he givcR the 1111111ber of t11ose wl10 went back; and it seems
t.l1cy got back so nR t.o ho in their cities ngni11 in the seventh
111011th; verso 70; n11tl 3: l).
J\s !.his Rcvc11t.y years clid 110L <'IHI 1111 ti l the RC\'C11th monLli of
year II. c;. !i:lG, it. rollows that fhc l11111clrccl :mil t.ltirty-r;ix
full years from 1.h:'l.t 11'011ltl noL end 11111.il Llic Acvcnth 111011!.h;
{.ll' wi sh 1.ime, whit:l1 ii'< :lhl' :'l. YR at :1J,1111L 1111 1111!.11n111al crp1i11ox),
<)f the year 01te of the Christian era. And 1872 years this side
vf the autumn of " n. 1, would end in Lhe autumn of '1873,
since one year from the autu_mn of " o. 1, would not encl until
the nutumo of A. v. 2, :111cl so on.
1t was in the auL11mn of 1873, the 11rese11t hard times, fi11nncial
t rouble, &c., &c., began, as all wilt remember. And there it
' the day of Lorcl " began. "The g reat day of the
J,.ortl is 11enr, it is near, n11tl hnsteth greatly, even the Yoice of
the chy of the Lord; the mighty man shrtll cry then bitterly.
That. clay is a lhy of wrath, a day of troll ble and distress," (Zeph.
I: 14). J\ncl this time of trouble wliic:h beg:\11 in the nufomn of
1Bi3, tl1011gh but n rippfc, is gathering henclwny, :rnd will en-
gulf all all order, all gon'!rnment, :<II socict.y; until nt
last., every man's 11:11111 will be ngainst his neighbor; n.nd there
shall he no pence, "and no hire for 111 :111, not It ire for beast,"
(Zech. 8: 10) . These nrethetnrnsayingsof God, and it is only
in the worcl of Goel the!>e grent events upon which the world is
c11tcri11g, find their t rne soltttion.
" And .Ternsn.lqm sho.11 be trodden down or the Gentiles until the
times of the Gentiles be full1Jled."-Luke 21: 24.
Though the enrth is now given up to the undisputed dominion
of the t he time was when God had a ki11gdom ori enrth.
" Ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, nnd n J1ol y nation,''
(Exo. 10: G). " And Solomon s:i.t on the throne of the Lord ns
king, i11stcacl of his father, David," 1 Citron. 29: 2:1).
thiuk to wit.hstnncl the kingdom of the J,,ord i n the ftands of the
sons of D:ivid," (2 Chron. 13: 8). Unt the J,ord permi tted hi s
kingdom to be 1111b<lue<l l1y the Gentiles. Zedekiah wns the last
of tl1e line of Dadd, wl10 reigned. nn<l from J1 is head the diadem
wns removed n11d tlie ki11gdom overthrown, b ut not fom\er. li'o1
it was snill lo him, "Thou profane wicked prince of Israal, whose
c.lay is come when iniquity shall have an end. 'fhns saith Lli l
Lor<l Go<l: lfo111ovc t he diadem, take off the crowu, tltis i:hnll
not lie the same, exa_l t ltim t hat is low, :i ncl abase him thnt is
high. I wi ll overt.urn, overturn, overturn i t; a11tl it shall be 110
111orc unt.il he Cdlltell wlwse ri ght it is, :m<l I will give it him,"
(Fwk. 2 1: 25).
l h1ri11g Lhii< i11tcrrcg1111m in God'1; ki11glom, bct.wcc117.e<lr.k ialt'11
and Lhat. 111' Clirist, Lite fo11r U111Lil c ki11gd1111s, ail forcLold
l1y l):111 i1I, H11hylo11, Uncia :rnrl Hnmn, ll'l'l'(t to
have their day. It was at the beginning of the seventy years
captivity of Jerugalem, that God's kiug<lom ended, the diadem
was removed, and :ill the carLb given up to 13abylou, f,l1e first of
thei;e four uni vers:il Gentile kingdoins. An<l t o Nebuchadnezzar
iL was said: "Thou, 0 king, art a king of ki ngs, fol' the God of
henveu hath gi\cn thee a kingdom, power, aud strength. and
glory; and \vhcrcsoever the the children of men dwell , the
of the fields, and the fowls of hen vcn hat h he given into thine
hand, aud hnth mntle thee niler O\'Cr them nil,'' (Dan. 2 : 37).
So long :is God liacl n11 organized kingdom 011 eartb,
t.here could be 110 universal Genti le krngdom. But when hie
kingdom was broken up, nnd he g:we nil to t he Gentilei;, "the
times of the Gen ti les ' bcg:111 ; nncl the times of tbe Gentiles
will en<l only when Goel sh:ill his kingdom and subdue
them. '
111 the <bys of these kings shall the. God of heaven
set np a kingilom, which shall never be destroyed; and it shall
break io pieces :rn<l r.011s11me nil these kinguorns, and it shall
stand forever," (D:in. 2: 44); is the language used in reference
to this second great cl1a11ge to occur nt the entl of tho times of
the Gentiles.
It is true the 1rnfiom1lity of the Jews was maintained until
afte1 the firi>t ndvent of Christ, for such was the prophecy, '"l'he
sbnll not depart froin .Tndah, nor a bwgivcr, (from_11ia
loins, lit. l, until shil oh come, and unt.o him shall be tlio gather-
ing of t11e people," (Geri. 40 : 10). A11c1 al though Jerusalem
was in the l1nn<ls of the Gentiles, :ind hnd been t roden do.wn by
them since its total by Nebuchadnezzar, it was not
;ntirely dt'st royed until after the nrlveut of Christ.
The four Genlilc kingdoms
a re call ed " four g r e n t.
bc.'\st.R t hat came np from the
sen., diverse one from n.nother.
The fi rst wn.s l ike o. lion, n.nc'I
hnd eagles wings; J beheld till
the thereof were pluck-
ed, n.nd it wo.s lifted up from
the earth, nnd mo.de to sto.ml
upon i ts feet 11.13 n mn11, 1lnd n
mnn's hen.r t wn.s given to it." _, .
This will be better untlei- ,
stood when we i::ec wlin.t Neb . ,.
ur.hntlnei:zo.r, t he ki11y of . . '
ylon llas l o 1111..c;!I t h ro11gh, . .. .........,,._"""' ,,
of t.ltc fn!11ily, i11 ....
1f.1; f1ill 111 11 I :>1-:11111 "':' -
An<l heitolcl nnother buo.st
o. second, like ton. benr n.nd it
raised itse!C up on one side,
o.nd three ribs in the 111outh of
it b etween the teeth of it: n.nd
they so.id thus unto i t, Arise
1u1d devour much flesh."
TWs one represent.s ?iledo-
Persio., and the "three l'ib::i, "
the three kingdoms it sttlldued
cou Id rcprc3ent Rome. And the lmm:m family were to be gi v-
co 11)1 to the contro1 of these bensts d111iug" the times of the Gen-
t.ii cs." Thnt is the nations nre compared to w11nt God, iu these
!;ymbols, calls cc wil<l beasts.'' And they hnvc glutted them
i;ehes to the full with wnr, blooc.1, rapine, nndmurder, which has
been their pastime, :ind their glory, until l1istory is one contin-
uous stream of the details of
man's inhumanity to man."
Go<l h:is chosen that this world's history, as foretold by his
prophets, shonlJ be pictured out by types. If.he would fortell
tl1e captivity of Jcrnsalem, lie bns his prophet portrny a like-
ness of t.he city, lay siege to it, eat his bread witl1 trembling,
and go through with :iii the paraphernalia ofa siege, e:tptivity,
If there was a Babylon, there mll!>t be n mystic Baby Ion;
n riverE11phrntes, also n mystic Euphrntes. A J crnsnlcm earth-
1}, has its antitypc inn heavenly, or spiritnnl J erusalem. J\n
earthly king<lom is followed by a heavenly killgclom
. which
"flesh nntl blooc1 cnunot i11horit.'
"Howbeit that which is
i;l'iritual is uot fi rst, b ut that which is unturnl, and afterwnrcla
t rnt which is sjiiritnnl.' ' Type and nnthype, runs tllJ"Ough the
Jaw nud the prophets," i;ee thou mnke everything after the pat-
tern shown thee in tlie holy mount.'' Abrnlrnm was a type of
God, and Isaac, the seecl of promise, of Christ; nnd
as God freely ofiercd his Son, so Abrnham offered his. J ob was
the type of tbe restitution, hence, the book of Job is fi r st 'a loss,
then a lo11g and severe tl'inl, endi ng with a complete restitution.
Nebuchadnezzar was a type of the natural man, the first Adam
nnd his rnce. Hence, :is dominion was given to Adam, it was
conferred on in nlmost the iclenticnl language
used to Ad nm. Oom plire Gen. l: 28, and Dan. 2: 25. .As man-
kind have degraded themselves t o the level of the beasts of the
earth, so Nebuchacloczzar h:Hl his heart cbnnged from mnn'e, au,d
n beasts heart w::is given hi m . .
In the type, Dan. 4:
1-Vhereas they commanded to Ieilve the
stump of the tree root, thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, af-
ter that thou shnlt have known thnt tbe heavens do rule." But
before he lenmed this lesson, he hnd to be driven ont. "They .
shall drive thee from rne11, and thy dwelling shall be with the
be.as ts of the field, and Jet a baa!ltS haart be gi vcn him, llll U let
i;e\!ell times pass over him." All thi:; c:m1e upon the king; bnt
at the <111<1 of the clnys, his 11nclersta11cli11g relurnetl, lii11 heart was
ag:ii11 cl1a11gecl , 0.1111 Jw ho11ore<l the God of heaven, and hiski11g-
d 1m wa!l restored wiLh :itldit.ioual 11injcst y :i111l glory. T he
"st.ump of the trco root.," w:111 left, that t.ho tree might sprout
again; that, is, that there might be a restitution of t.hc kingdom.
That root was t he li fe-giving principle .le ft t 0 the tree. Al-
though the l111man "trae'' has l.iecu cut do1rn,an<1 donth pa11secl up-
on all, yet tho tree root still Jivca, tt tl1c root and offspring
of David," is to Ile t he Lright a11 tl morning ancl as iu J\dnru
all die, so in Christ; "t.hc root out of dry gro11ncl,
shall all be
m:ide al i1
"!\110 the kingdom, and the g reatness of the king-
dom under the whole heaven sl1all be given to tho saints of the
Most Hi gh." An<l llH\ll will have his beasts heart changed, and
lenrn wnr no more.
Let seven times 1>ass over him, nntil he shall have learned
that the hennms do 111lc; :i11tl at. t be end of the days his under-
standing returned." 11"n1r. has its type :incl :u1tity1)c, like every
other part. 1f Got! wo11ld hn1e the chilclrcu of lsrnel wander
fort y years.in the wildcrnesg, he h:i.<i the spies wamlcring i11 thei r
11enrch of the l:\nd, forty clays. Tf I l e would h:we forael suffer
captivity three hundred :wd ninet y years, he h:ts the prophet in
the type, co11fil1rd 1.li:1t of days. "A clay for n ycnr,"
(Ezek. 4: 1-8). AIHl in nil symbolic Time, Gou has nyrauged
for a day t o represent n year, ns in the !le1enty weeks of Dan.
9: 24; the persec11lio11 of the church, (.Rev. 12 : 0,) ancl other
Seven literal or " t i mes" (IIebrew), passed over N el.lu-
cliadnezzar, and seven propltetic times or years, is the measure of
the "times of the Gentiles." "I will punish you seven times
more for your sins," (Lev. 26' : 18). As in Dan. 4, this period of
seven times," is four t imes Tepeate<l, (verses IO, 23, 25, 32), ao
iu Lev. 26, it is four t.imes r1?peaterl of Go<l's people, thus: "They
that hate.you shall rei gn over yon," (verse 17), which we know
was the Gentiles, nncl he would punish them" seven times," &c.,
in verses 18, 2 1, 21, 28. J\s in .Neb11chnd11ezr,ar.
rcpeatecl fo11r times it was the 0110 peri od of seven years, so iu
this case, these "seven ,t,in1 cs," are buL the one period of seven ,
propl1etic years. And it is a fact that J enumlcm has been t rod-
den down of the Gentiles ever since the end of Zpdekinh's reign.
But the lig t ree begins t o \Jtal, and there arc many i11clieatio11s
that the restoration of t he Jews will t1Qt be much longer clo-
Seven propl1etic years, l l clny for :i. year, represent 2,520 yenrs,
The :llllhority for 11!;in!' :'l <lay to n year, comes from
God himself ; thnt ia, ]J,. has 111n1lc the npplicntio11. Tlw Uil.ile
tenclies tn.tlis, not directly, u11L l.iy parnblrs, <lark !!:qi 11gs, rtn<l
syrnbols. For i11stn11("l' : W( are. i11(or111e<l i11 l>n1 1. 7, Lhat a
' when used as a symbol, represenLs a kiugdom. Now if
I find a "beast,, used as n symbol in the Bible, having two or
more horns, I have the right to a.ssume that those borne re-
present kingdoms, although in thnt particular case it might not
bo so stntc1l I grant you, that one who chooses to oppose,
and is only desirous of pulling c1own
and is not searching for
light h:is the privilege of dcmnrring, and saying, as it docs not
s:iy in this special case, tbnt tMs J1orn meaus a kingdom, he will
not accept of the application. But I care nothing for that man
or his opinion. I have founu a Bible precedent for sucl1 un in-
terpretation, an<l choose to accept it. Others will do as they
please. Now, I can pl'ocluce a God-given precedent, for making
n day stand for a year when it is associated with symbols. A
symbol is anything used to rep,.esent another thing, no mattc:w
whether it be a benst, a pictnre, a type, or a parable. The pnr
ticuhl' case to which I now refer, mny be found in Ezek. 4: 1-8,
in which case the time used to measure thesym"Qol, is sym-
bolic, nnd C.'\ch day, in such a cnsc, 1:cpresents a year.
I do not expect, nor do I desire to prove anything from the
Bible in such a way ns to con vincc a man agninst his will. God
l1imself docs not undertake such a work.
rYhen, in th.c book of Daniel, or the Revelator, I find eime
used to meai;.urc symbols, it be a "woman," a "horn,"
a: "beast," or nuy other thing, I have the right, from one God-
given precedent, to assume that the time is symbolic; and
if so, that a day r epresents a yMr. Then ii the facts of the
cn:;e demand such an application. I am fully warranted in ac-
cepting it.
Thnt Lhe "seventy weeks," or seventy sevens, of Dru1. 0: 24,
represent that mnny years, the fncts in relation to the coming of
the 1\Icssbh, clearly support. That the vision of Dan. 8:, wl1ich
is called the "vision of the evening aud the morning," (verse
. 2G), or tho vision of the" days," giving it tbe same rcnclerin?,
as in verse 14, "Until two thousand and three hundred days,'
(IIebrew, evening mornin,q, see margin), menns a day for a year,
is Relf-evident. The vision embrnces three empires, .Medo-Per-
sin,Grccia nucl Rome, and is called "the vision of tho days." [Tho
Hchrew worcl here is bolt-kar, a11d is the same in verses 14 and
%.] And D:uiiel called it the vision of the bolt-lccir; an<l when
:1..c;kcd how long the vi!:ion? the s:1i11 t ::i.nswol's: " 1111 ti l two thons-
and three hu111lred 11:ty11," a11cl n little something to foll ow,
1:1:-.: tlt1 clc:111si11g of the 11:11ict,11 a ry. Auel t his we k11nw, thnt a
l1t t lo 111111'1! than six. literal ycnni, hc;11'11 11 0 proport ion to the 11ur-
ntiou of whnL the visio11 embraces; a11tl as tlie ti111 c there is ust'd V
measure symbolR, wiity demands thnt tho ti1111t should be sym
bolio also.
Thirty days is the Bible measure for one month, Gen. 7:
11, 24, and 8: 4). The fount.nins of tho grent deep were broken
np on t he seventeenth day of tlte second rno11th, nnd the waters
prevailed upon the earth a huntlrcd nncl fifty day11 and the ark
rested, i11 these,enth month, 011 the seve11 t.cc11Lh dny. Ancl lhi11
one hunclred an<l fifty clays was e:<notly five months, thirty dnp
to the month. And in Hev. 12, the woman, [church], Oed into
the wilderness for 12GO dnys, (verse 6); nnd in verse 14 it is Cil ll
ed "a time, and times, and hnlf n time>." And in Rev. 13: 5,
the power from which she sufiered l1nd power t o continue" for
ty and two months." FurLytwo months arc three nnd a-hnlf
years, or "time.tj'' and 42 t.imes 30 nrn 1260. Il ence, as r.llrec
and a h:ilf "time:i," t.welve h11ndreCl aucl sixty ycnrs,
eo "seven times," represent twioe twelve hunclrecl and 11ixty, or
2520 years.
The seventy years capti\ity e nded in the fi1-st year of Cyn1s,
which was n .. c. 530. They therefore commenced seventy years
before, or u .. c. 600. Ilcnce, it )Vas in n. c. 000, thnt God's
kingdom ended, the dindem wns removed, and all the enrth giY
en up to the Gentil es. 2520 ycnrs from n. o. 000, will end iu A.
D. 1914, or fort.y years from 18'14; and th is fort y years 11 pon
wltich we ha\e 11ow entered is to lie such "a time of troubl e ns
never WM since there vas a nation." And during this forty
years, the kingdom of Goel is to be set up. {but not in the
fl esh, "the natural first and nftenvnrds the spintual)i" the Jews
are to be restored, the Gentile kingdoms broken in pieces" like
n potter's vessrl," nnd the kingdoms of this world become
the kingdoms of ou r Lord and his Christ, nod the judgment :ige
introduced. .
These nre some of the events t.his generation nre t o witness.
But the manner of nccomplishing nil these things, as well ns the
time of their fulfi'lmour,, nrc where the church are t o stnmblc
and fall as cl id the first houso of lsrnel, "Because they knew 11 ot
the time of their visitation."
The very .fact 1.hat .r erusal em hn!! been troclrl cn <l ow11 of t.hc
GentilCll, 1iea1ly all of tl1is years, a11c1 th:H Lhc
arc 1111mistnkalil l' that force:!' nrc nt work to prel'nn Lhc way for
their restornti o11, is or n powerful :1q.;11tnr11 L in fn rnr of
I.he con octness of t.lt e ii uo1c :rppli 1::tLi1J11. It 111 ay l11 11ni.J , grn11l-
i11g that in tl1c rn ni11, you arr: right., you clo 1wt. kwHr 111 1
8.f GEN'l'll,ES.
you mny be n fow yenrs, more or ler;s, ont in your calculation.
S11pposi11g I ndmit thnt, is that a good reason for you to tum
your back on the whole tliing, and again sink into the world,
nucl become ovcrch:\l'ged with the cares of this life?
llut I nm not willing to admit that this calculation is even one
year Not from dogmatism, for 1 am ready to admit that
my opinion, or my 1cas0Hing, may be ns faulty ns that of mnny
others; and if, in the rresent CMe, there WllS but t his one nrgu-
mcnt, I should say, it 1s q11ite pos.-:ible errors mny be found aris-
ing in some uncxpcctccl quarter. llut there is such an army of
ev_idcnce. l\lany of the nrgurncnts, JTIOSt of them, iudeed, arn
not based on the year-day theory, n11cl some of them, not based
even on die clwonolog.v; and yet there is a harmony
between them nil. lf you had solved :i. dillicult problem m
mathematics, you might rnry well doubt if you had not possibly
inade some error of cnloulntion. ilnt if you had solved that
problem in seven diifct'e11t ways, nll inclcpcudent one of another,
:i.11d in ench and every case reached the same result, you would
be a fool any longer t o douht. the accuracy of that result . . .And
tl1is is a fair ill11strntio11 of weight of evi<lence that eno be
hronght to benr 911 Llie trutl1fulness of our present posi t.ion.
Forty r,e:i.rs, or now,nbout t.hirty-eight ycars the times of
the Gentiles c11u, is none too much time, for the accom plishmcnt of
Lhe many wonderful events thnt must transpire during their con-
tiunance. U our calculation showed that they were to end this
year, or C\"en durin& this cleca<lc, doubts might well arise as to
tlte 17ossibilily of tins being true. lfot there seems to be time
enough, since evenl.s mo,c rapidly in t.ltis age of the world.
After t he saints nre taken, and the gospel, dispensation endea;
t.he ' fullucss of the Gentiles," who aro to compose the bride of
Christ, having come in, blindness i::; to be turned away from tho
Jews. " . .i\ncl God will set hii; hand a second time to restore the
remnant of lsrncl." But after this 1enmant, thnt is, the living
J cws of this gcncr:ition have made their way back to Palestine,
and the "waters of the Euphrates arc dried up,
that is, the
clLl"istian nations of Emope, the kings of the East, ancl of tho
whole world are to be brought up to Jcrnsnlem to battle,-nnd the
ci ty is to uc tnken, :lS clcscriued in Zech. 14. Then t.lie Lord
shall a11pear with all his s<Lints, nncl hiii feet shall stnnd upon the
mo1111L of Olives, which is a-half "mile Lo t.hc cnsL of .Jerusalem,
:111<1 overlooks t.he cit.y. J\1111 t.ltc wltn la:ivc l>ccn worsted
in the lmt.tl <i, will cry out, " Lll, is onr Oo<l 1 we have waited
for him, nud he will N:LVl\ "Tl1111 i;h:11l t.lin Lord go forth
ancl flght agninat t.hose 11Mio11s
" and Lhe battle of the great
of God Al.mighty lnkes place. This lilatc of thiugs, ho\vcver,
may not, :rnd eviclenlly will not, obtain for mauy years, probn
bly near the end of the fo1ty years. For the Lord will make a
short. work on earth wLen i1e Lnkes it in band. ''God cnme from
TeJ!lnn, and the Holy One from mount Paren. Before him wen't
the pestilence, and burniug diseases (margin) went forth nt his
feet. lie stood nnd nieasurerl Lhe earth; he beheld, and drove
asuuder the nntiolls."
After Lhe "seven last pbgues, in which is Oiled up the wrnlh
of Almighty God," arc poured on thi s generat.iou, n 111l the bnt
tie o f the g reat day is ended, the times of tl111 thrntilcs will ler-
mi11:1te, :rnd .Jcrusnlcm no be trnddeu dowu by its enc
inies. Then comes the co111pleL1ou of the rc.<;titution of, not a
"1cnuim1t,"butof "lhewliolehouscof Israel." "l3ehold! 0,
my people, I will open you r g raves nnd bring you up out of' your
g raves, and bring yon 111 to the land of I srael." The present
remnant. of the Jews, may go back in railrond cars, if they t ake
time euougll; but. when the whole bouse of Israel go b:ick, the
few railroads in the east will be of little account; and t hey will
go in litters, on and other swift bensts, and Le
helped in every wny by the Gentil es, who will then acknowl-
eclge thnt God is among them
(see Is:i.. 66; 20). And the Gen-
ti les will go up from yenr to year, to keep the feast of.taberna-
cles at J el'Ltsnlem. And I.be kingdom shall be the Lord's.
- --o---
.Tc1oish and Gospel .Di$pcnsalions.
A clenr and comprehensive Time _argument cnn be dr:mo from
these two dispensati ons. One being the exact cou.nterp::trt of
the other, by measuring the first. we a re enabled to g et the clur-
aLio11 of the second. And we shall show th nt Zion's waifnre
was t o be" d oubl e;" thnt is, in two equal parts, and thnt there
are two nations; the one representing the people and king<l om
of God on the pla11e o f the fl esh, and which was purely typi cal;
th e ol.her representing the people n11d kingdom of Go1l on the
pl:111 e of the spi rit, :111d is therefore in its J1!lt11re et ernal. That
Ill! the fi n;t, man, .Ad:un, was of tli c enrth, cartliy; so in the C'nlcr
or G11d, the seed, the pooplc, the ki11g<lom, and nil Llt :tt. JJCrlni ll
11tl tn 1.hL lii'l-L

of Ute earth, e:ir1.l1y. Tl1at n!i t.110
11ccond lll:lrl, Adam, is t he Lorc1 from heaven, so the seed, the
people, the kingdom, an<l nil that pertni11s to the kin"gdom anc!
t.he i11hcritance, are spiritual, or heavenly. '!'hat. one wns de-
signed ns a pattern of the otlier, "sec thou mnke eve.rytlliug nf-
Lc>r the pattern shown thee in the holy rnou11t," and what a wood
p:lttcrn in n foundry, is to a casting ma.11e with precious metnl,
so is the first covenant, the unLural, to the second covenant, t he
Hence, in one, we have the measurement of the
a t.lier.
i will state a few i11 whi ch the similarity is strongly
marked: 'l' he one wns from twelve tribes; the other from twelve
npostles. They were both children of Abraham, the one after
the flesh, the other after the promise. Ench lmve theit
wilrfore, the one witl1 flesh and blood, t.he otl1er against spi rit-
ual "\Ve war not agni 11 st flesh and blood, but ngai nst
spi rit1rnl powers in heavenly plnces." Doth are overcome and
taken captive, the one by J3:i.bylon, riml Lhu ot.!1er by mystic lfa-
bylon, the mother of harl ots. The one were children of the
eMthly, a11d the other of the he:wcnly, .J erusnlem. To oue
carue i11 .the flesh, "a bo<l y hast thou prepared rn0;" to the other
he comes in a spi1itnal body, for description of which see lte\",
l: 12. Hence, the npostle contd say, "yen, though we have
k11own Christ after the flesl1, henceforth know we him no more."
Both were to be a kingdom of priests; "Ye shall be unto me n
kingdom of priests, :md a holy unti ou," (Exo. 11>: 0). "But ye
are a chosen generation, n priesLhoo<l, a holy 11:i.tio11 ." "And
hast made us tLnto our Gotl kings nnd pri ests, and we shall r eign
0 11 the ear th," (l P oter, Z: IJ, :i.11<l Hev. 5: 10). Diel the first cov-
c11:wt have temple and sacrifices? so h:i.ve t11e second. "Ye
rd: o, ns lively stones a.re built u n spirltunl house, a holy priest
hood to olier tip spiritual sacrifices,' (! l'eter, 2: 5). lJid they
have the tabernacl e made wi t h hnncls? we also have one "not
1i1nue with hands." Did they have their holy place into which
the hjrrh priest entered to mnke the atonement? we nlso have a
High Y'ricst "who can be to11rhC'1l wit.lt the feeling of our infirm
itics," antl who entered in beyond t.be vail, "th:it is t.hc fl esh."
I nceuse was offered unclc>r the first coven:rnt; ":i.n<l he take
n ce11ser full of b11rni11g 1:o:i.ls {>f lire from ofI the :dtn1 befote
1.he Lonl, nnd his h:rnch r11ll of swcr.t incense s111nll, :lllct
bring it. wiL11i11 tli c 'ail; nllll he shall put. the incense upon tl1e
(in! l1ofo1e the J,or<l, thaL d<tlld nr tho ill <.:Cll!Sc lll:1.)' CO\'Cf tho
rntrcy Rent that is upon the l.liril, li e di e 1101., " (J.uv. :1Ci:
l'l). "t\1111 :11101.hrr n11gl'I 1a111P 01111 '<l.11011 :1 1 1.lu :ill,11r, li:w11lg
a golden censer ; an<l there wns given unto him much incense,
that he should oficr it ;vi th t.lio prayers of all sai nts upon the
golden altar which was before the throue. And the smoke of
the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended up before
God, out of t.he angel's h:111d," (Hcv. 8: 3). "Full of i11cense
beaten small.,, Long prnycrs made to be heard of men, '
their re,vard," and never rench that golden censer before the
_Each dispensation nho ends, nut. only with nn advent of
Christ,'but with a Jmrvest, (compare John 4: 35
and 13:
39). In the first harvest the reapers were men in the flesh, in
tl1e second J1nrvest "the reapers are the angels." Thus the two
dispensations are clonble, in every pnrt.iculnr.
PauJ mnkeR this clenr in Gal. 4: 22, "Tell me, ye that desire
to be uuder the law, clo ye 110L hc.'\r the law? For it is written,
Abraham hnd two sons; Lhc one by a bcin<l-maid the other by n
free woman. I311t. he who was of the bond-woman was born
the flesh; but lie of the free wo111n11
by promise. 'Which
.things are an allegory
for these arc the t.wo coYennnts; the oue
from mount Sinai, nrl1ich ge11clcrcth t.o bondngc, which is Agar,
.. nnd to the Jerusalem which now is, ancl is in
bondage with her cl1ildrcn. Uut .T erusalcm which is above, ls
free, which is the mother of ue nil. . . ., Now we, brethren, ns
Isaac wns, nrc the children of proinisc .... Nevertheless, what
saith the Script.mes? Cast out the boucl'.wornan ancl her eon,
for. the eon of the ho111l-wo111:111 shall not be 11eir with the son of
the free woman. So then, brethren, we are not cliild"ren of the
bond-woman, but of the free. f:;tnml fast, therefore, in the lib-
erty wherewith Christ. has mn<le us free, nnd not be ngnin 1mln11-
gled with the yoke of bondage." Israel nre tlic real
sous of tho l'eal faaac, the &eccl of promise. But nil t his, 011 the
plane of the fl esh, th'e liist Adam, ie but nn allegory. And flesh
ly Israel ne\er lias, :m<l neYer will, represent tho renl kingdom
of God, nny more thn11 Isn.'\c represented the l'Cal i;eell of pro-
mise. "The promise was 1111to thy seeo, 1ohicA is Clirise," snye
the apostle. So the liri1t covc11:u1t simply 1ep1csents whnt the
second is in reality.
These things being t.rnc, i1;1 it strn11gc tliat. God Lias crirrietl
these p:millcls a little further, nnd that the mau:>it.ra of the two
should nlso be equal? That there is no dfrect measurement of
the gospel 11gc, LcLwcc11 the lid11 of t.he Bible, we n.rc folly con
vinccd. fu ra<:L. I.he !;{OSpcl 1li11p111s:iti1111 is Lhrow11 i11
ns it ware,
in ll par<tll )I f; ii the ('.f1il<lrc11 or t.h11 llcsh hn1i11g fnilr<l,
e very thi11g in the regula r order of e>ents had stoppecl, unti l this
wouderfu l process of developiug a seed on a plane 11ho11ld
be nccom pltsliccl. Prophecy, in tl1e 0 1<1 Testament never spcnka
of :.100 ndvcnls of Christ; a ncl nlrnost alwnys, if not Invariably,
nssocintcs Lhe works of the first and the seco11<l t ogether, :is if
they were one 11.11 <l the same. Rend Isa. 9: 10. "For unto us a
child is bom, unto us a son is given, nnd the government shall
be upon hi s shoulders," &c. where i11 that., can the first nd-
1e11t, t o s11ffcr, n11d the second ad ve11t, to reign, and Llie long
years betwren the two, be tllstinguishetl? Rend Lnke l: 31-33,
" T hou shalt cnll his name JESUS, nncl he shall be great, and
sli:'\Jl r<.'ign over the lJonse of Jacob forcrer. '' \Vherc con Id
,lnry sec the whole gospel dispensation, between the begi11ning
nnd encl uf Lhnt sentence? Cornp:ire nlso li;a. G l: '2, :u1cl J,uke 4:
l!l. "To proclaim the ncceptnhlc yenr of the Lord, ni1d the <lny
of vengermce of 011r God;" at tho word "nnd," between "Lorcl"
ancl "thee," in the above prophecy, th.e gospel p:irenthesis
comes in; :ilso see Zech. 0: !l, 10. Jesus rides into Jernsnlem
on tho ass, li e Rpcaks pc:ioc to t bc hcnthcn, nnd hia dominion
is from sen to sen; all of which, except the riding into Jerusa-
lem, belongs. t o the restitution ngc.
F rom the above, mnny suppose tlint the reckoning of time
stopped between the two nclventi;, so far as prophecy i& co11ccrn-
ed. Ilence, they feel at liberty. to pince the Inst week of the
"seventy weeks" of Dan. 9: somewhere in the future, while 11d-
th nt sixty-11i11e of tl:osc weeks eu<led at the coming of
"l\Icss1nh the prince," when he came to his ow11
af ter the preach-
ing of John, aud c:rnnt the gospel nge a blank, n11d connect the
other week with the second ad,-ent. l3ut event., found
in close connection in prophecy, may, in the fulfillment, be wide
npart, tim.c cerises, either in prophecy or otherwise.
The gospel church is rcforrccl to in propliccy, if nt all, only in
types n11tl dark snyings, nnd nil the prnphecies co11cerni11g the
work of the first nnd tlt e second r.<lve11t, would read just ns
Rmoothly if the_restitution age, whcl) Christ tnkes the king1l om
n11d reig11s
lsnd followed the J cwish ngc., without the introduc
tion of a gospel dispensatio11.
God hns certninly promised n restitution nnd n glol'i OllS future
lo Israel iii the flesh; nntl It is only in the New 'l'cst:11nc11t. we
)('arn thnt these s:r111e propheci cs nrc nlso t.o lJc fullill1c1, ill a
!tigha1 se11 se, to spiril. unl l:lr:Ld. li'or thu c:l1ilrlrc11 of th1: pro111
ise arc 0011111.c<l for t l1n stc<l; "n11d tli c chi l<l1c?11 ,,r t.lt e IJ0111l
110111a11 11 r1t II<! l1 t: irs wit.Ir lit < child11:11 of ! 1111 fr<1 \\' Olll:rn,"
nevertheless there a1e gl'cnt rromiscs in stol"e for them; because,
like Ishmael, they Lhc seed of A bmhnm.
IL is between the cnsling off of flc!ihly Israel, and their rcstor:
ation, thnt the gospel dispensation l.o the Gentiles, to take l)llt
from them '' n J>eople for his 11nme
" comes in, '
I wo11ld nol
' have you.to be ignor::1.11t of this mystery, that blindness in part,
is hnppenetl to Israel until tbe foll11ess of the Gentiles be come
in.'' And here, during the period in which they were to be c:l.St
off, is where we find the mensnre of the gospel nge. F01 1.ilin<l-
11ess cnnnot ue tnrncd aw:iy from them, until the gospel to the
Gentiles shrill encl. .
"\Yhen they hnn received" clovble" for n.11 their sins, "their
appointed time will be accompli1d1ed, nncl their iniquity pardon-
ed." Double menus two Np1nl pnrls. :11111 if Gorl hns thus cli\'ifl
ed their chnstise111c11t
i::o that Lhe t wo pal'ts :ne distinctly m:irk-
ctl, ;rnd we can fiucl the 111ens11re of t.he first pnrt, of course the
length of the other hnlf will be delermine<l. "Comfort yr.,
comfort ye, my peopl e, sai1.h yonr Goel: spcnlc ye comfortnbly
to J erusnlem, and cry unto her Lhnt her warfare [mcwgin:, np-
pointetl t.ime) .is thnt her i11i'l11it.y is pnrdoned, for
she hath received at t he LorJ's hand, douLlc, for all her sins,"
(Isa. 40: 2).
From the begin11i11g of their history until tl1e coming of Shi-
) oh, or Christ, they he Ill n peculiar r elnti on to Gou. '"fhe scep-
shall not. depart from Judah, nor 11 law giver from bctweou
his feet, unti l Shiloh come." During the time Christ was in the
loins of .Judah, their relotion to Gou remained unchanged, al-
though they were continunlly being chastised. J311t when Christ
had come, offered hi111self to Aesldy lsrnel, nntl was rejected,
nod put to den th in the flesh," they lost that relationship;
since which he hns been lnk"iug out a people "for his nnme," by
a new process, begotten nud born of the Spi ri t, arid" not of the
flesh, nor "of the will of m:rn ;" nncl lsrnel iri the flesh !Jn!! been
utterly forsaken of God, nnd their ''house lefL unto them cleso-
Jnte." This was certninly the point in their history, for
from thnt day to tliis, their relntio1islnp to God hns remninccl un-
acknowledged, :\lld they, left to their l>lintlness, " until the full-
ness of t he Gentiles be come in."
The iclcn mny be n Iii.I.le sta rtling, but in the Rpringof 1876, n
11oint iii their histol'y will be renchcd when this latter half will
l>c ccp1nl to 1.he fornttr J 11 other the mcri.c:ure of tho
peri od (luring whic:l1 tliuy h('ld pcc11 linr rclation!;hip to Gv<l,
n11d I.he JllC:lllllrC of thi.c: ti1111 d11riug whi elt they hnvc
11LLcl'fy cast off, will l,11J e<JU:LI. lJouulc, lll C:.111$ two equal pnrlJlj
nncl in the spring of 1678, they will have received "dou./Jle for :di
their sins." Will not the comforting message then go forth?
, nnd tfte work of their rcstit.ntion commence?
This prophecy of Isaiah concerning the "double," or their
chn!ltisemcnt in two 1mrts iR 11ot alone; wo find it in J ere-
minh. And in Zecli:mnl1 we find the vciy dny lhc double., or !:\st
hat f licg:rn.
fn ,Jcr. 16; l 3 lo 18, there is n. clenr statement that Ito would
cnst them ofE "-10/iere lie toould not show them favor," wliich did
not occnr until they rejected thei r lllessin.h; nud is followed
by n promise of a. restoration back to thei r own land. "And fit,qt
I will recompense their i11iq11ity and their sip double," (veasc
18); nncl in %cch. 0: 0-12, the prophecy of ri<leing into
.Jents:ilem, nnd the statement occurs," even to-clny do T declare
I will render double nnto t.ltee," ('erse 12); a11cl it wns that very
dny he wept over the city, left 1.ltcir house <lesol:it.e, and t.lte
second half, which makes the donble, beg:111.
Tliese iire nll strong points, nnd t.o me they do not :ippear far
fetched; while the facts of their history, nnd the probaLilities
thnt they are on the eve of n restorntion to Palestine, also lend
thei r support to this view,
The argument from tho phrophecies leaves t.he last half of
this double period n blnnk; but there is n. second arg11me11t drawn
from the types in the lnw, which touches the gospel church that
was t.o fill this latter half, and mokes the .Tcwish and gospel tlis-
pcmsatious eqnal, not merely in dnrntion, bnt in nil those pnral- .
leis we have named. ,.-=---
If you nsk, cnn you prove your positi-011 so absolutely
thnt one who is opposed to the whole thing, will be compelled,
in his own mind, to ncknowJr<lge its trnth7 I answer, nol I ntn
not trying to rc:1.ch that class, but nm writing for who nre
for truth, nnd nro willing to eenrcll for it. in this di-
These t.wo covennnla were. rnprcsentcd by the two cherubim
over the mercy sent., each cherub hnd it.s wings extended so ns
to touch the wnlls of the house; that is, the one on I.he one 11ic1e
of t.lae mercy sent. hnc1 its 11i11g11_ extended fro111 the 011e wall to
the ccnt rc, .over the mercy sent; n111l I.he other, from the other
wnll Lo tl1e ce11tre, nnd foces were turnetl inwnrd 1.ownrd
1.hc 111crcy 11cnL. The .Jewi1<l.1 c<1Ye11:i.11L lookecl.fonocirt.l, in nil its
!\nrriliccs, Lo ehrist. The g<1sp<i l looks b:ic:k LO the Hock . from
wlumcc iL 11 11 11 hewn; n11<l Lhosc ohcruhi m \\'ere Lo lm "of c<pwl
measure :wd of equal sir.e," \!5: 22, nud l Ki11gs, 6: :.!3),
The mercy scat, where" 1 will meet witli thee/' (Exo. 25: 22),
reprcscn ts Obrist. The Greek for " mercy scat," is ltilaster.riun,
nnd occurs but twice in the New Tcst.111nc11t. ".llnd over it the
cherubim of Gold, sh:J.dowi11g the merny sent,'' (Heb. !): 5). Tho
other text is in H.om. 3: 25. "The rcdcmptio11 that is in .fosus
Ularist., whom God l1ni.h set forth to be n !tilasteerian through
faith in l1i s blood." The chernbi111 looked, the oue forward, u11d
tLe otl1cr back to the mercy sent; nncl we.k11ow tl1e Jewish cov-
enant looked fonowd, a11d the gnsvel buck to Christ. The clim-
nuim spnnncd tl1e house, tcrnplr, or church of God ; ancl we
1k.J1ow that 1.l11! church ovruplet.e, is to be rnnde up from the two
covcnauts; ":md thou shalt mnke them of equal mensure and of
equal size."
'iVe have not cxhnnsLcd the evl(lcnce to prove thnt these cher-
ubim represent the Lwo covc11nnts, or testaments, it is the snme
worcl; for to do so, iuvolvt.ls the intro1luctioo of the" two 1oit-
of Rev. I I , for which we lrnve HO space in this chapter;
but will add that t.he evidence from Lhis source, Urnt the t \vo
nrc to be of equal measure, is folly as strong ns from the pro
'pl1etic argument. -,
The mcas111e of the first clispc111rn.ti o11, under the twelve tribes,
was 1845 years, ns we will show. That dispensation begnn at
Lite death of Jacob, nurl ended at I.he death of Christ. }Jrior to
the death of Jncob, tl1e one-man age obtained; that is, one man
represented God's church. Abrnham was alone, as was Nonu.
IsMc wns tlte only son chosen; then .Jacob. U otil Jacob's death
his children were 11ot rccog11i?.cd ns tl1e twehe tribes of Israel, .
but simply ns the sous of Jacob, n11cl bretl1ren of Joseph . . At
his clcnth a ratlical olmnge occurs ... It is 11olong.er onemn11, but
the twelvo triucs of li;rn.cl, that rc,prcsent Gocl's people. And
they continued so to do until Shil oll'cnme, and with hi m, the one
man age began again. Christ n11d his body, "nil 111cmbers of
tlie one body," &c. Between t he death of .Jacob and the death
of Christ, e"ents occurred iu their history, such as the exodus,
the of the law, " which wa:i added l.icc:l\\sc of. transgres-
sion," their entrnnce into the promised land, cnptivi tics, &c.
no change occurred; the twcl vc trihes remained the twchc
trilic.ci, nncl t lt e representati ves o.f God's church, through nll t.l1cir
11ps antl downs. Aud on t.hc 1lc:tLl1 bed of .Jacob, it w:rn
iiaid, ' The sceptre shall nut depart fru1n .) u1hh, JlOl' rt lnw giver
from LctWl?Cll !iii: f11L, 11111il cvrne, ttncl 1111to' l1i111 sh:ill he
tht gaf.ltrriui; of thl f' COpl1\" (C:t?tl . 10). J\11cl ii wa11 t.111.'11
they were lirst recog11izcd in these words: "All these are the
twelve tribes of I srael," (verse 28). rrbe chronology from the
clcnt.h of is as follows:
The c:catla of Jacob occurrc<l 23!.! years after t he covenant was
made with Abraham; for at that time Abraham was seventy
Ii ve years olcl, (Gen. 12: 4 ). Isaac was born 25 years afte1:, or
when Abrnhnm was n h1111dred, (Gen. '15: 5). Isaac wns GO
old when .T:icob wns born, (Gem. 25: 2U) Jacob lived 14'1 yenrs,
(Gen. 4'1: 18). 25, aud 00, and 147, make 232. As from the
co,cnnnt tlie dny they left Egypt was 4:30 ycar:i, nnd from
the cove11:\llt to the dent It of J acob w:is 232 years, l11e time from
Lhe den th of J.:\cob, to the day they left Egypt, was l 08 years.
'l.'!te .Measure.
Frorn death of Jacob to leaying Egypt, 108 years.
111 tho wilclerness, 40 IC
To the division of the laud, 6 "
Space of ti mo for the judges, 450 "
U ntler the Ki11gs, - !i 13 "
Captivity, wl1ile the land e11joyec1 her Snbbaths, 70 "
To begi1111i11g of the Christian era, 536 "
To the death of Christ, 32 "
Total, 184.5 years.
Thie 32 years comes thus: Christ w:i.s crucified in the spriug
of A. o. 33, on the day n(ter the evening of the passover; nnd
hence, on the fifteenth day of t.l1e first month, Jewish ecclesins-
tical time; nnd as the ,Tcwish ecclesiristicnl year begins in tho
i;pring, IIe wa.s, therefore, crnci!led fifteen clays after
year, corresponding to A. 32, c1:ded. Jfonce, ouly 32 yenrs
nncl fifteen d:.iys, (Jewish time), h:tcl passed on this side of the
Christian era, nt his clcnLh. . There is good evidence that ChJist
was thirty i11 the nntumn of /\. n. 29, or six months before our
A. n. 30 l1cg:\ll. Hence, i n the spring of A. o. 33, he wns thirty
three ye,'l.rs ancl six months old.
It was remnrkecl in t he early pn1 t of t.his chapr.er, thnt the
Jewish dispensation encletl with n "harvest." "JJift up your
eyes nncl look ou the fields; for they nre wl1ite alrencly to har-
,est ... I scud you to reap thnt wltere(ln ye bestowed 110 labom,"
,t;c, A111l as proof that this hnrvcst wns I.Ill\ closing work of the
.J cwish age, anil bclo11gc<l exclnsi vcl y Lo them, we give Christ's
f.l'Sti11111qy that li e was scot" l111t .o t.hr. lost. shcnp of the ho11se
uf li:;1ad ;" n11tl furthc1, he woulcl 11 0L pcn11it. his IC re:ipcrs" to
1;0 to o(,lilr; "Uo 110L i11 I.ho way of t11( G111tilce, n11<l into
SADHATll. !)3
any city of the Samaritans enter ye 11ot." As proof Lhnt Lhis
age also ends with a harvest, I refer you to Matt. 13: or the pnr-
able of the " tares and wheat." "Let both grow togcLltcr until
tlte harvest" ... "Thn harvest is the end of the world.'' "Aud
in the time o( harvest .I 'viii sny to the reapers, gather ye
getl1erfirst the tnl'Cs."
A harvest is the time of gathering fruit, bnt work of tl1e
gospel is so1oing seed. Hence, you arc not to mistake, nn<l sup-
11ose t hnt the end of t he world, aion, or ngc, has been the gospel
itself. The.end of the Jewish world (aion), came nt Ll1e ad-
vent of Christ; "now once in the end of the wurld, (ngc), hath
he appeared .to putawny sin by the sacrifice of himself," (Heb. 9:
26); and the end of the gospel aion, comes at Lhe sccu11cl arlrent
of Christ. "\Vl1nt shall be the sign of thy comi11g, nutl of the
end of tbe world?" (Matt. 24: 3). "This gospel of the kingdom
slrnll be preached in all the world, ni; a 1oitness to all nn tions, nnd
tlwi shall the encl come," (verse H).
The har\'cst to the Jewish age, w:is the three nnd a-half years
of Christ's ministry; and the harvest Qf this nge is also one of
three years nnd a-half, to transpire rluri11g Lhc personnl prc::ence
of Christ; not in the flesh, but in the character, in which he
corn es to his "spit'itual A 11d 'all the <letnils of the clos-
ing up of that nge have their parallels in the closi ng up of this
age. And, as from the death of J :icob, to the death of Christ.,
was 1845 years, from the spring of A. n. 33, to the spring of
A. n. 1876, will be 1845 years, nt which time I.hey will h:we rc-
ceilrccl i double," and when bl indness qegins to be turned away
from t!tam, the fullnc.58 of the Gentile:. will have come in, :i.ud
the gospel dispensation close.
But we must now drop this subject, as two or three oLher
lines of argument must first be presented, before thi s part of the
" double'' can uc understood by the reader.
"Verily l an.y uuto you, till he:wen nnd enrth pn.ss, ooa jot or ono
tit.lie shall In no wise pass frolll the law, till all bo fulfilled, (Mntt.
G: 18).
Jn this :l.f'gumcnt we purpose to i;Jiow I.hat. the system of sab-
innngnmLcd ns a parL of t.hc law, arc not yet fullill ccl ;
1.haL t.licy poi11 t to t.hc grcnt jubilf!c, or rcsLituLio11 :igr. And
t lwt. ns t.ht'Y nrc 1wt yet. fulfillctl, Llwy pass 'l'h<
H"l('lll r1f (''l11111.i11g 1.l1c snl1\1a!.111\ a11 cl l.'n(d1 ,;11 r.cc.,rl i11g j1d1il1c.

w:ui a part or Lhc law; hence, thnt system of countin!l cannot
pa,s1> nwny "till all be fulfilled;" and that system of counting;
continued to t.1.ie present time, proves that the grti at jubilee, or
of re.'ltitntion of all things, " (Acts ii: Ill), began on the
OLii of /.pril, A. o. 1875. -
'!'he "tfoies of the restitution," mean the whole rc.'3titut.io11
age, which will ue at lca11t one thousand years, an cl l1ossibly three
hundred nnd sixty thousnnrl; nnd tho fact of then h:nrii1g be-
g1m, in vol vcs not.hing more visible to ns th:m the l, pres-
ence, of Chri!it.
an<l the progression of the worlc of the li.a1uest
of this ni;e, And as the coming of Chrh;t nnd the harvest of
t.his ngc 1s n preparntory work of the restit11tion of.nil things, it
follows thnt thtise two nges, must lap, one on the other, ns t he
lnw nncl the gospel lnpped, the first nrlvent. Since the work
of Christ wns both a closing work to the .T ewish ngc, and !l pre
p:tmtory work of the gospel. That. t.he .Jewish cl id 11ot cn<l
n11til Christ., who cnme to his own, l1a<I offered J111nself to I.hem
nnd hccn rejected, nncl fi11nlly left their house desolate, nil will
admit, Chri11t was "borq under the l:iw, circumciserl the eighth
<l:iy," and during hi11 ministry and their
linrvest," tnught tlicm
to keep the law; "The scribes and rharisees si t in .illoses' seat;
nil therefore, ,.vhntsoever they bid you observe, thnt obsorue (tnd
clo,'' (Matt. 23: 3) i ::md yet Obrist came, "vreaching t!tc f!OS
pcl,11 (.Mark 1: 15). Hence, you must not ue surprised if t.he
gospel nge, and the nge of the 1estitution also, lap n little.
Enoh feature of the law is that. to \Vltic)t it71oi11ts;
the mere keeping of it having nothing to do with its fullilrncnt.
For instance: If the Jews had continued to keep the fen.st of t.he
paschal lnmb down to the present time, that \'fouJd not Ii ave fol-
fillcd it; it pointed to Christ; aud must be fulfilled in him.
Some llnvc the iden thnt the lnw w:i.s all fulfilled at the first
acl,ent, because f)f the following:" Think not that I nm come to
destroy the law or the prophets; I nm not come to destroy but.
to fullil," llatt. 5: 17). J)ut he no more fulfilled all the lnw,
tha n l1c clid all the prophecies. He fulfilled nil conuected wit.Ii
the sacrilicc nncl Ahedding of blood, and nothiug co11ncctcd with
the /cing1lom. Even the p:i.ssovcr was fulfilled only so far ns the
slaying of t.hc lnmb; the eating of its flesh bas been going. on
nil through the gospel clispensntion; n111l the passover itse?f,
which followed the eating of t.hc fl esh nncl spri11kling of the
hloocl, (sec 11.:xo. 12: 1-13), is not yet fnllillcll; hut is to be, in thr.
ki11g<lo111 of Uo<l, (Luke 22: 15, 10).
tl1c law fullillC\<l i11 that, to whi<d1 it. pvinl.!1, n1Hl all of tho

ln w foresha.tlows IC goo<l t.hings to come," :iu<.l there is a salib:\tlr
of rest remaining to the people of God, the snbbntic system
which points to that which is to come, has not passed away.
Hence, we are 011 a sure trnck, and if we carry ont tbe system
correctly tp its fi11nl conclusion, we shall reach n true result, ni<
i;nrely that heaven nnd earth would p:ts:::, tlrnn this
aystcm of snblmtlis prnve defccti,e.
The Jews kept sLx kinds of snbbnths ; the seventh day, Exo.
a1: 15; I.Ire 7th week, Dent. 16: n; the 7 x 7 and 50th dav, Lev.
211: 15
which was the clay of Pentecost, nud wns fnlfilled.by tire
descent oft.he Iloly Spirit, Acts 2 :. They nlso kept a snbbath,
beginning 011 the 7th month, Lev. 23: 24; 1.he 7 tb year, Lev. 25:
4; nttd the 7 x 7 nod 50th ye:ir, J,ev. 25: 10. This l:i.st was a
IC jubilee/' which menns n reverti11g linck, 01 "In
the yenr of juuilec ye shnll return every mnn unto hill posscs-
sio11," verse 13. "I:epe11t ye therefore, n11cl be converted, thnt
yonr sins mny be blotted 011L, whc11 the timr.s of refreshing shall
come from the prcscllcc of tire Lord, m1cl li e shnll send .Jesus
Ch.rist, which before was prenchcd 1111Lo you; whom the hcnven
must receive 1111til the t irncit or 1escit.111.ion of nil things,
wl1ich Goel hath spoken by the JllO\lt,h of nil his holy prophets
since the woHd beg:rn," Aut!l :J: 19-21. It seems thnt these
times of restitution of nil tl1i11gs, have been spoken of by every
prophet, either directly or i ndirect.ly. B11t llid Christ i;penk of
this restitution? for Ito was ;i prophet; "nncl J es11s answered
nnd snid unto them, Eli:is truly 11hall first come and rei;tore nil
things," Jlfatt. 17: 11. 'l'hen there is to be n restitution of all
t!Li?ig.,j the Sodomitc.'3, lndinns, Hottentots, .Jews, in fact, every-
thing lost by the fall. "As in Aclnm all die, so in Christ sl1nll
:ill be made alive/' becmiso there is to be n restoration of nll
things. A11d so unportant is this restit11tion that Goel hns spok-
en _of it by every prophet since the world began. Ilut dicl Dan-
iel speak of it ? Yes; I answer. First, in the type. of Nebuchad-
nezzer, who was made to represent the restitut ion in nil its
phnzes. He lost his dominion, wns driven out with the beasts of
the field, nnd nt the nppointetl time hn<l n restitution of,nll thnt
he lost, with nn addition of glory nutl mnjcsty. DMiel nlso
spenks of this restitution of nll things, where he teaches thnt
"the kingdom is to be givc11 to the l'eoplc of the snints of the
most high;'' nnd thnt the lost dominion is to be thns restored.
Vi' nii .Toh n prophet? then he i;pcakg of t.lir restitution of nil
1.Jiingll. Arni 11aw? The whole book L1acl11i; n rc!';ti . 1.n1.i on. nor!
i11 syn1bols, pnrnules, nnd dark 11:1y111i;; a11tl Llin whole
OU SAUHt\'l'H.
book of Job is au allegory, teacl1ing, a of all things,
with an incrcnse of glory. Docs ht not Jose all that he has, and the
encl with him, was a" rcstitut.it>U of nll things?" llut Moses
wns a prop".iet, and has lte spoken of the res titution? Aye! and
in tones of t.hnndel'. A whole i-:1bbntic system org(lnizccl and
carried out to tench it. Head l Av. 25': where we learn that the
of snlJbnt.hs which culmi11:1ted in the jubil ee, le:icls to a
fu ll and complete restitution of hoth person and inheritance.
The lnw provicl ecl si x subbaths, tenni nnting in 11 jubilee or rcsti
t11Lio11 ; but bei11g only n shadow of good thi11gs to come, s11d not
the very snbstnnce, onl y pointed to grea t n11d final rcst,it.11
tlon, to which they failed of nttni11ing. 'flt etc fore, there remai 11-
et.lt a restitution, "and a kccpin)! of n sabbath to the pCOJlle of
God;" nnrl if we follow out i t.s we shall surely anive
nt t he substance.
The system of Rnbbaths was n l'ystem of mul tiples; The fiftietll
clny was rcnchccl hy mtiltiplyinf! i:aubaths; "-And ye $hnll
count 1111to yon from the morrow nfter the sabbath, from tile <lay
Ll1nt ye btought the sheaf of th1 wnve offering, seven snbbnths
shnll be complete; even unto th1 morrow after the seventh !;ab
bath, shnll ye number fifty day/\," L!v. 23: 15. Auel th!! jubilee
wn.s also thus reached; "And tlwn shalt nu rube .. sev3n sabbaths
of yenrs nn to thee; scYcn ti nws seHn years i nnd the spnce
of the seven sabbnths of years 11hnll be unto thee forty and ni11e
years. T hen shal t thOll cause the trumpet of the jubilee to
sott nd,'
&c., Lev. 25: 8.
The whole system of sabbarhs wns one continuous ro1111cl of
cycles, nnd multiplying one ir: l.1' nnother; and we have positi ve
instruction tk1t it poi11ts to so1111'thing' to come, in which it is to
be fullilled, and that it cannot t :lSS away until all be folfillcd.
He.nee, t hese snbbntic cycles 11111st in some way continue in ac-
t.ive oppernti on ; otherndse th11y have passed nwny; and passed
without a fulfilme11t. But AS t hey ccumut thus pass nway, they
do continue. Still it mny be 11:1i,l, neither Jew nor Gentile, have
rooognizecl them for ucnrly th1't'O thousand years. This is true,
nnd can bo explained thus: T his sy1>tem of cycles in Its very
n:ituro enlarges ; e1cn in its ty1i cal char:icter, the increase waR
from a cycle of 011a week up I' tl1;it of fifty yeMs; and while
Lhe smaller cyclcll wo11lcl he brought to their continual
noti ce, the larger ones would h, of less imaucdiate interest., nnd
the one of fifty ycnrs wo11!1l r:1ss over tho111>:i11cls, who would '
m,:vcr expect t1l SC'C it oom;11111111:itcd, nncl, although tbeir inherit
linl' e f:tfl ( n into tht h:i11dR o( tJH' )' Wllldtl
look forw11rd to restitution merely for their children. A
multiple or the sixth or nrti eth yen.r, into itself, is o.n ilu.-
mense cycle; o.ntl notwithsto.nding God hns promised to bring them
ba.ck to their. own lo.nd,
tho.t they shnll lie r estored to thei r for-
mer esto.te," &c. , &c., yet so lnrge hu.s been this cycle, that the Jew,
himself, h n.s lost his r eckoning, nnd in the ho.nlness of hi s h e:.ut,
forgotten to count. But though the wa.tch111 en hnve slept, He tho.t
keepeth Israel will not slumber. Hen\'en nncl cn.rth mn.y pa.ss, but
one jot of the la.w shall in no wise pn.ss, till a.IL be fulf1 11ed.
Though fifty times fi(t,y is o. large cycle, the restitution, spoken
of by the mouth of nil the holy prophets, the snbbn.th o( rest tho,t
re1ua.ineth to the people of God, will sur ely come; since this fea-
ture of the snbbatic law, mu!St ho.ve fi fulliltncnt; o.nd there ls
no other wa.y of conlinwi.n{J the jubilee IC they ceased,
some thousn.nds of yen.rs o.go, then the jit/Jilee cycles pn.ssed o.wo.y
without o. fulfilment. Dot they dill not pass n.wn.y, 110 mo.tte.r how
much men mo,y ho.ve been in dn.rkness. 'l'be inheritnnc& lost to the.
Gentile "beo.sts
of the eo.rth. ls to IJe restored, o.nd thegrea.tjul>l-
lee c.rcle lms been l'unning its rouud, and wen.re now, both the
fl eshly o.od the spirituo.l children, in the midst of the events eon-
nectied with its terminn.tlon. The "h:1.rvcst" o r the worlcl has come;
the t ransition period from the gospr.l to the "Limes of Hie r estitu-
tion.'' '!'he
fig-tree is putting forth leaves," o.11(1 the sh!ldow
of coming events cnn be seen l>y tho:;e who nre wnlki11g in t he light.
It does not seem to me possible tlmt U1e 'whole Dible h as llcen o.r-
rnnged so t hnt the Jnw, the prophetic numbers, n.nd the chronolo-
gy of the six thousand yenrs, shoultl ni l n.ppenr t o end just wham the
two po.rts or Zion's wo.rfo.re ho.ppcn to be eqnn.l; or even thn.t a.
plo.usible o.rgwnent could be found bringing n hn.imon fous ending,
Crom so mn.ny sources, unless there was some truth in these things.
Jf it be asked bow do you know t he sixth or flft ie.th yea.r,
should be multiplied Into itself, to rench the next gren.t jubilee, my
o.nswer I do not know it. 1 only know there seems to be no
other wo.y of contimin17 the cycles, which certa.inly were n. po.rt of
the lMv, nnd tho.t God ha.a a.rrn.nged the scriptures so thnt we c;a.n
t he s tart.Ing point; tha.t is, the cud of the In.st jubilee under tbe
fa,v, where tb.isgrea.t.cycle must bcgi11, if n.nywhere; o.ncl get it with
absolute certaint.y, on the so.me ch ronology thn.t brings every thing
else to this harmonious terrninn.Uon; n.nd o.lso, thnt a.re two en-
tirely distinct 'VlLYS !)( t rncing this reckoning through more thnn
three thousn,nd yeu.rs; o.nd by en.ch, the so.Ille dny
the Gth of Apri l
1875, is reached; o.nd I cnnnot 1.Jelieve such o.li $olute o.ccurn.cy coula
come by chnncei therefore, I hn.ve to believe it comes from God.
In order toge& our do.ta. for reckoning the cycles, so U10.t we cnn
11.clvn.nce with precision o.nd certn.in ty, we ho.\re first to determine
where the system o( saubnths to the lan<L o.nd where it end
ed; Ior where tho typico.I cycles ende1l, the o.ntitypicnl began, else
there-would be n brcnk
when neitl1cr would be in process. And
WC }tll.\'0 1i11thority for this s ince the 7 X 7 o.nd fiftieth day
wn.s so fulfilled. Although th<'- .i11/Hlces cen.sed
when they lost
tl10 title to their land, 1it nuout. t ime or this seventy yea.rs cn.p-
tivity: tho 61\Cl'ill co, t ho J>U.SSOVCI' , t he OITCi'illJ; or first Cru(t, &c. &c.,
wero 111n.in t1ii11ed until they wcro fulfilled, in Christ. '!'his explnins
why t he J ews were kept in the condition in which tht>.y could offer
sncrificcs for so many centuri es o.fter they lost their lnu<lcd posses-
sions. 1f the sacrifice hn.u e nded at the B abylonian mptivity,
they would hn.ve pnsse<l tiwn.y b efore they were fuHilled; since they
we re fulfill ed in Christ, t he great sat,Tifice to which they poin t.er!.
And ns they were a co11t.ioual seri ce, not merely coming o.t the end
of cycles of ti111e
they had to be kept up until they were fulfilled,
been.use hen.,en 11n<I earth could pass easier thn.n po.rt of the
lnw fa. ii, unt.il ii wn.s fulfilled. But when their dispensation was
1thout to en<l, nntl the lust lamb which Goel co11 ld re<'.oguize had
been s lain t.hcir h ouse was left desolate.. th e -rn.i l of the was
rent, n.nutl1e 1mtitypion.l L:u111.J "cried, It iii ftnisl1ed;nmt l.Jo1ved hi s
nnd gtt\'e U[l the ghost." And from hi s 1;111.rly ou
the ftrstcln.y oft.he week, the count.in!? the a.ntit yplca.l x 7, or lift.le-
th rlny h<'i<llll , II nu \\'llS COllS\l tnmnted in the <lP.scent. of the Holy Spir-
it. " Auel when r.he d1_1.y of P entecost wns (ully comP., t.hey were all
with one accor1l in oue plu.ae; n.nd sml cl enly there c11111e " sound
from hea ,-en as of u. rnshi11g mighty wind," ,e.vc. I Acts 2: 1). /I nd o.s
the of the fifti!1th rf.ay was fulfilled before llu>SI' 11y1.1les pnss-
ed 11w11y, we 11111stloolt for ancq_unllyperfect rulfi lrnr.ntor t.h( lnrger
rrcles: From all whi ch we gnt lltr that whe re the typr. .. '<r>s, tbe
n nt itype must begin: else t.be syst1:-m woul cl, for the t.in1e, r.n1<R n.way.
Hence when I.he t ypi<'nl .iullilee cycll'S epclc(l, the ant.it ypir.11.l 111usr
111\ ,.e bcg11n .
SpMk un to the chilflren oC Israel, n.nd sn.y unto t.hl'111. Wlirn ye
('.0111e in to the ln.nd wbid1 1 give you, then shn.11 the lrm.d keop a
i;ahbatll 11r1lo the Lord. Six years slmlt thou sow thy fiel1l , 11 &c.
(Lev. 25: 2). Here is wh ere the sn.bbatb.s 1-0 tho ln.nd begn.n, and
they were t-0 begin to count. t.he cycles. And thiR wn!I nt the cod
of tbe for ty years, at the time they cr ossed the Jordan.
JioYing lcn.rned when the syst.em benan our next i11qniry is, nl
what ti 111e did th ei r ln."t cycle t enuinn.te? ' Ne kilo"' t.hey
luwe not con tinued Uds side of the Bal>ylonfo.u co.ptivi ty. for it wn.s
l\t thtLt time Goel giwe n.11 t.11e ea.rth iuto f, he bo.nds of the uni -
verRal Gent.li e kingdo111, n.ud t hey stiJ I hold it. Hence, tlrn Jew hos
hail no r e.'ltitntion of hi s inheritance since then. J:lnt for t h is cn.l cn
l n,ti on it; is 11ecessa.ry to h::we !.he e:r;cr1;t year of thei r terr11i1mt,io11 .
. From ent.eri11i; t.lte lo.11Cl, co.ch forty-nine year$ wo11ltl co111plete one.
cycle, wJ1en tlie Jlftleth, or jt1l;lilee yl'!n.r, would be nd1,led. Thus,
ea.cu fifty years, wot1ld cover n. M.bbtLticcycle with Hs j nh il oe. And
M the time frOlll entering the la.od, to the cn.ptivity, WllS [see the
nh ronologyl !i years to d ivision of the lo.n<l; 450 for the spn.ce of the
juclge.s; 51il uml<'r M1e ki ngs, mu.lting 1i tot.a.I of !Hill years, we can
llOOn liJHl out. how llmny jubilees they hu.d. li0 j'.{OOS in 000, UJ times.
1ind l 0 yen.rs over. !J.'herefore, their lost j ubilee ended nineteen
yea.rs befor e the c.npth;t.y. And t ll is yon will find was A n111.rked
yea.i in their history, since it wn.s the /Jeyiwning of t ile currying
nwn,y (lf r.npthe by Nel.Jnclln.<.lnezr.n.r, who co.111c 1\./];ni nst
.fer usu le111 iu t.hc third yca.r of t he l'eii;n of .Tehoi11ki1t1
(D1u1. 1: l);
!Lt which Lime' n11.11iel 11110 IL lnrge purt of the nn,t ion wero l:fl.J'l'i ctl
n wn.y. Hut .l w11-s permi tted to r eign, hy tribut e.
A11tl 11,..o; hi' roig-11t<.l el even Ytlars, his l nsLuif}flt, n.11<l
wn11 l tl 1111\ lce r1i 11ctecn . ll ell(.:e, i t sce1ns Vod 1uu111itlt, 1l !.heir cup
SA B 13A'l'l f. t)!l
tivity to l.>cgi11 ns soon ai> the last j11liilec cndc<l. But
uot 1111til the \ear of Ntu11chn<lnczznr whi ch w:ts tht
elevc11tlt yen.r of ZcdckiAii, (.lcr. 5'2: 12.)
w:is lrmtl mntle dcs-
ol:'Lte so thnt it could cu joy the forctohl "sevcnl,y p!ars
of snh
baths. llere is one of the mistakes mntlc Ly Jfohop lJsher, in
his lk, supposing the scvcut.y ye:1r11 were simply;\
mcni;urc- of their captivif.?J, inste:Hl of the d<'solnLion of the ln11u
while it shonld enjoy its sabbnth11, very nntnr:illy l>egnn thi s
"i;cve11ty ye:irs," nt the time D:rni el null the greater pnrt of tho
1rnt.io11 were c:nriecl to Jhbylon, in t he fou rt,h year of .I ehoinki m;
:\lld therefore, eighteen yc:lrS tOO 80\ltl
Or cigh LCell years ucfore
the la.ml was mncle clcsolntc.
111 order to continue thcir system of j11uilct! c.yclell 1111til i ts
fulfilment, there must neerls l.Je a lnrger cycle, si11ce the
smaller ones lJn,e long siucc cense1l; nncl as t.hc fifth sabbath, C\1:
scrnnth yenr was mul tiplier1 into itself, 7 x 7, to bring them to
t.IH' sixth sabbath, or typical j11hikc; so there is no otller wny
to 1neasure the sr.vcnt/i, t.l1e final grent jubilee to whi ch
:ill the otl1ers point, hut to multiply thcsixt/1 Of jubilee sn.l.ibath,
into itself.
Fifty times fifty, is two tliousnn<I :l1Hl fir e IJ1111clr<'d; n11Cl mcai;-
uri11g from their Inst j11hilcc or 11inc1,ec11 year::; lidore 11. c;. b:Jll,
would tenuinaic in A. n. 1875. Hut it m:iy be 11e have 1io
posithe i11stnic.ti011 tu cnrry out this system of s:ibl>nt.hs to it.s
fulfllment. 'l'his I gr:iut ;, bnt, positive insLrnctio11 nlwa.yA ct.ids
\\ith the letter of the law; what the lnw teadirs, is somcthiug
beyond the mere lei.Lor. 'y c nil 1111dcrstand that. the slaying of
a laml.J on the evening of the fourteenth of the first mouth. was
designed to tench so111ethi11g l.J<'yonil the Jett.er; aucl that the
spiritually minded Jew was supposcc1 to see his l\Iessiah iu
typc11. Ilcre is just where the Jews f:lile<l. "The word prcnolt -
cd <licl not profit tliem, not being 111ixec1 with faith in t.hem thar.
heard ;ll cc So we see that t.hc.y could 11 ot enter in uccnuse of n11-
bdicf; Let us, tbol'efol'e, fear lest a promise ueing left us of Oil
tcring into liis rest any of yo\1 shall scc111 to co111e shorL of ,it,"
(Heb. 3: HI, n.nil 4: l, 2). 'l'hc Jew i11 his 1111bclief, saw only tho
lct.ler, a.nd nothing to whi ch the law poi11t.c<l. 1u otl1cr wortls,
lie 11:1 w nothi11g that., in nnd of it.self, w:i.s of auy v:tl uc. lle11t:t',
it did 11ot profit hill). And woulcl you, too," falhflertlicsnmc
t\xn111plc of 1211bclief ?' ' If so, you will, i11 the present case,l'itop
with t he typical j11bilccs. 1 r;liall look forward Lo wh:tt. those
cycles were 1l csigne<l t.o rr:11h; n11tl th11s "lnliour to c11
tcr i11to Lluit rest." .Autl, :is I am sme t,hc system of ju Iii Ices
clc:tignt:cl to tench the great tinnJ jubilee, or restiL1ttio11 of all
1.l1i11gs; aucl _also am sure the system. of multiples, which wns not
only n "Jot," I.Jut n \Jig p:wtof the l:iw, cannot pa11s away uni.ii it
is Ml fnll illuJ i I ;:;h:iJJ, n11fl do, plant my faith, not on the l:l\I t 1111t
011 11 linL tli c lnw.aVi( l the prophets te"cli. "lf ye love me, keep
rny commn11d111c11ts." "Search tlie Scripe1wes, for they arc they
that testify of 111e; :11111 they testify of him, not so much in Lhe
ns in their t 1ue 111enning. The lamb, t estified of Christ.
The jnltilce, or rcsLil.11tioH, testifi es of him, whom" the ht' n1 c11
111nsl rcctti vc 111tlil the times of rcst.itut.iou o( all Think
tHll thM uy merely honoring the nmne of Clffist, you can cuter
i 11w t.ltnt. rc;:;t, while ha rboring in )Our ltcnrt the very 1111lot:l ief
that Rliut. out t.lt e .Tc11-. It is not your church record, IJ111. Go(l'::.
11or, l thnt i;hnll judge you in the chy.
J\ <> 1.lic !:\st typionl jubilee emled 11i11etee11 ycnrs lJcrorc Lite
yenrs desolation begnu, you will rendily see tl1 nt liy
nllli11g t lttt I !l, iO nnd 5:10, t o , ... n. 1875, you get 2500, tlt c totnl
111 5fl ;( 511. J lc11ce
IJy !this argnnHmt, we bnYe alre:uly c11tcre<l
" tlw tin1cs of restitnti()Jl of all things," at which time tlte re
torn of <Jltrist is due. l<'or we learn th:u when Christ hnd as-
tc111dcd into the IIoly Pince, "the 11e:weo must retain him 1miil the
1 i111cs of restitution of n.ll things/' (Acts 3: 21). And if his re
t.11r11 is 1luc
the "hnn-cst" of the earth is due. "But ns tl1a
days of Noah were so shall the [parousitt] presence of the Son
of m:rn he," (l\fatt. 24: 37)
\\. c ltnd better not be too certniu thnt among nil the mist..-ikes
11f uotlt the Jew and church, f who were both to stumole,
" for he shnll be for a stooe of stuml>fing, and a rock of offence
to l otli the houses of Israel;" tha.t is, the house nfter tJ1e Oe:;h, and
t he house after the promise], ti.lat there lins been 110 mistnko in
1cl:1tio11 to the mttn11cr of his comiug now :is well as at his 6xst
ncl r ent. ,
Our next argument, or ns we will call it, the other half of this,
is 11r:1w11 from prophecy. For the law and the prophets are 0110
n11 d i11sepnrablc in spit-it. Ile.nee, truth iu nil those glorious sub
jccu:;, is double, or like a two edged sword."
When the :ibove nrgumeut, as drnwu from t.l1e j1tbilee
was first seen by the writer in the spring of l SH; it was not the
rcsul l of a long course of iuvcst.igntion, like 111 ost of these argu
111 t11Ls, lt11t of a sudden lw.ppJ! tho11gltt, or, liar! it been on so1110
rc co111111on theme, I shoul1l ha,c said
i11spirnlio11." But nt
t h 1 mo111 cnt t.hat t he idea occ111Tcd thaL frolll their !:1s t
I y1111nl jubil ee, to tire 11111.itypc, should _b'c a oyule of a wulLiple
of their largest ancl fa11t sabbn!.11; Lhc itlea nlso occ111rec1 thr1t ns
the" scve11ty years," commonly c:illccl Lhe captiviLy, ile-
signcd of God for the purpose or permitting the land tn e11jvy
i ts sabbatks, and that thei r captivity was only :t secomfary mat-
ter, not even measured by the "seventy years," si11ce Dnuil'I :tn<l
the greater part of Lhe 11ntio11
were carried away eighteen yea1s
before thesc\"Cnty hegnn. 'l'hc idea occurred, l say, tbat as this
"scveoty yen.rs" was "that t.be l:tnd might enjoy her snlihat hi:;,"
it ought to lie tho key to the whole snbb:i.tic system. 1 k11cw
God had said "tho ln11d did not enjoy her snbbnths while they
dwelt upon it;" nod thnt it had not enjoyed its 11nbbMh!l since
it had been "trodden down of the Gentiles." And yet
ci:iimcd that. it lta.d enjoyed them; Lhnt he lind n1ndc it.. d1JJ1.olc1le
till it had enjoyed them; n11d that he hntl mn<le it
enty years Io r thnt very purpose, (sec 2 Cb ron. 3C: 21). 11 ence.
the very n:i.lur:i.l suggestion, thnt seventy, sho11lcl in some way
lie a measure to the spitem of s:i.hh:ttln1 to tha lnn<l ; anrl the
question )'t'esentccl itself, will 1101. t.ltc Lime from
entering the land of promise, whore this system of 1;nl>l.J:Hhs bc-
(/Ctn, t.o ,\. n. 1875, prove to l>e just se1e11ty of these cyl'll's? I
was in the street, some distance from rny o!licc., when these two
lines of argument, IJoth ne11, presented themsel ves. 11 wns in
th(), cvcning
a11d, n1> I could not sec to add up the figures nntil
rcaclti11g the oftiee, I immcdin.tely tul'llecl my face homeward; I
wnlked fast,, but walkiug was too slow; I ran through theslrecLs
of the city, c:iger to get; to pnper and pencil; nnrl 0, the thrill
of joy wheu l found the result, viz: tha.t from their last ju bile(', ii
jttbilee of jubilees, or, on the other h:ind, seventy cycles, 111ens-
ul'ing from.where the syslem began, would in either case termi-
nate on the cnh of April, 1875
then some six months in the fnture.
T he great. Hood of li ght is now s hiuing 011 "the c11c1 of
tile world," was obscure at thnt time, nnd from tho forne of old
tradition!', I niturall y expect.cd more in the spring of 1875, thn11
these arguments warranted. I ndeed, l tlleu suppc>sccl the great
changes at haud, would, in some way, be carried out OJI the
plane of tho Hcsh; and that :lll t.he worlrl might see nnd knflw
what was going on; forgetting that "ai> it 11as in the <lays of
Noah, so shall it be also in the da!f:J of tlto Son of l\bn ;'' nn<l
1.1\at they 1rerc to go on plauti11g, building, and niniTyi11i;
k11ow not. -
In the par1. Clf this argument hnse<1 011 the 1:1.w, yon will
t.ltc cycles 1111 nil c:1rricd out in rx:tct. with 1h1 law.
'flint is, o:wlt of t.lwf!c fifty cycles arr. c1l111plNc, tin!
yc111s with tlieir jubilati year added . . But 50 x 50 woulc1 tlins in-
cl ude fifLy jubilee years; nml, as wo arc 111easuring to a jubilee,
Lhc l:i.r;t yen1 of the l:,,st. IHLy must be left olI, since the great jtt
bi loo inkcs the place of the Inst one; otherwise two jubilee years
wonftl meet; llntl thero is no case in the l:nv where two sabbnths
of the snrue nature come together. Indeed, in the fnlfiilmcnt
nt the first nclvcnt, t.he nntitypical Lnmb took the pince of the
typical J:\ml), 011 t.he e\cning of the fo11l'tee11th day of the fi1st
111n11th; n.ml thuir ~ y i L c m ended, :rnd they were rejected, firn
tt:iys beforu, or when Uhri!it rode into Jerusalem, the llny the
typical lnmbshonltl havcbeent:ikcnup, (seeExo.12:3). Jlcncc,
the beginning of Llie Jewish ecclesiastical year, in l 87 5, was Lhe
hegi1111ing of the n.ntitypical jubilee, or "times of restitution."
The ./ ewish ecclesiastical ycnr begins with the first new moon
nfter the spriog equinox, and by COJIBUlti11g an 1875 almanac,
yon will see that. this wns due Oil the Gth of April, t.he J ewisli
ycnr ending with the 5th. Unlike tl1isnrgumcnt whioh ie based
on 1.lie la1Y, the one we aro about to prcseut, bnsed Oil prophecy,
carries out t.hcsc cycles 11ot nccorcliag to tho hw, bnt ncvording
to ti.Jc actual facts i11 tbc case; since prcphccy describes events,
not. as t.hey ought to he, bnt as they actually arc.
So long as jttbilco yenrs occuned, these cycles were fifty years
t'ach; when jubilees ceased, the cycles wc11L on, having but for
l yn inc yeurs, (Lev. 25: 8), to each cycle. 1Ie11cc
we find the 1tine
t ct!ll cycles, which passed wliilo they were in possession of the
la11cl, have the jub1lce, or fi ft.icth year, ad clod; nn'l the fijZy-one
cydns, which lrnve passed since the typical jubilee ended, are
C) clcs of onlyforty-niue yenra eri.ch.
Seventy is the key; 19 and 51 make 70. Hence, from where
Lhc system Legan, we should tiud uiuetcou complete cycles, nntl
tlHy-one incomplct.e; :iud tbns co1111tetl, t.hey should meas-
ure from the end of t.hc forty years iu LllC wiJderness, when
they crosi;ed tho .Jord:in on entcri11g tho prorui1>Nl l;md, to Lhc
spri ng of 1875. T his is n. loug time, and if there are mislakes
in t.ho chronology, such nlJsolutc ncc11rncy ns is here demnndcd,
in order tbat tlic la" and the prophets shnll :igrcu, ought to de-
velope suoh mistakes.
N inc teen cornploLe cycles, or l 0 timer; liO, i!i 050 yc:irs. Fi ft.y-
onc incomplete cycles, or fi I Limes 411 is 24 on; nnd toget.la:r,
make :lH 9 ycnrs. llcuoe from entering Lhe promised land, which.
1rns i11 tho spring [on Llie te11Lh <li1y uf the {irRL 111011th, .Josh. 4:
I lJ I, to the 11pring uf A. u. 1875-thaL iR, Lhe c111L of 1874-should
J,o1 , H!l years. :->cc ch1'lrnology 011 1ngo 7G;
F rom the encl of the forty years at whi ch
eel Lhc land,
'l'o division of land,
Under the J nclgcs,
Under the 1\i11gs,
The enptiYit.y,
To CLristiao ern,
This side of the Christ.inn cm,
they cuter
l Sll
fl yen rs.
It will be noticed that t he six: thousand ycnr,r; of lhc chronol-
ogy, ended 1872 full years this sirlc of the Christia n era;
nml some may wonder why these cycles slionld not lerniinatc
11 ith the six: thonsal)(l. I nmnrnr : Go<l co11smnes lilllci11 all his
work; "And (.Jou m:lde the finunment, :rncl diridt'd tltc walers
which were 11n<ler tl1e firmament., from 1.he wntcrs which were
abo\'e the firmament. J\nrl the erc11i11g nncl the morning were
the second clay. 13ut, Lord, why 11 ot lia,e 111adc i t all the first
day?" yon may nsk. God is n Uo<l of or<lcr, :1111l t11e
might closit-e t liat all the prophetic pcriorls shnll term in ale 111 one
and tho snme moment, accornpnniccl with n crash of worlds nnd
a. wreck of matter, that is not hi s way. "The han-csL is tho end
of the world; anrl iu the time of harvest I will say to the reap-
ers, gather ye together.first t he tart's, nnd hi111l thcm in b1mdles
to burn." Again yon may ask, but why not g:itl1cr the" wheat.''
at. the same time? There ::i.rn no two prophct.ic peri(ldl! ending
at one and the sarue time. But. we arc 11ow in "the time of the
end," when Dnn. 12 : 4, is being fulfill ed, nnd the silnl of tlrnt
book broken.
The cnrcfol render will obserYe that as tlrni;r snhjects unfold,
t.hc lines are beiug dmm1 closer and uloscr. And if yon ha,,e the
.wilt, nud desire to walk in the you ca1111ot much longer
doubt tli:>t from a Bible standpoint, wc arc lil'ing ina grand and
gln1ious epoch of the world's hist.ory; no n time than the
chwn of that" Sabbath of rest t hat remninctlt to t ho people of
when the church, the 1cal body of Christ, wi ll be made
like unto his glorious body, ancl Zi on '' put on her be:wt iful gar-
ments;" u anti hast m::ulc us unt.o our Gotl and priests, nnd
wc Rhall reign 011 the cnrtli."' But rerncmhl'r l hr d1urd1
trne seed, arc to be i11 the li ght. "Y" 1Jrctl1nu are not in <lrtrk-
nr.ss that lhne day should overtake yo11 us n 1.hi:f." "F'1_1r s11relJ.
the Lord Gou wi ll do nothing, but he rc1cnl1
11i hi s i:crn.;ts Lo hi s
scrv:rnts t hr prophats."
idtl11 git thcrn is no prophetic period pointing directly to lite
second coming of yet the are 11ot wnn tiug Lo dc-
l<>rmine when lie wns due to leave the lloly Place, :m<l about tbc
time of return to earth. Hut his leavi ng the Holy l'hce:111<l
Iii$ return to e:>tth, nre not ncccssnril y due at tho same time.
011 t he otl1er hnncl, there is evidence tltat considernble t ime in-
t1.:rrt'ncs lictwccn these l'nmts. In Acts 3: Zl, we learn th:lL
"tl1e ltc.'l\'Cn must receive him m1ti1 the times of 1est it11tici11 of
nll tlti11gs," which hns been proven by the jubilees, to have be-
g11 11 April Oth, 1875; and we are now about t.o pro\'e Ll1nt he
nrnRt hnve left tile Uoly Place on the tenth d:iy of the senmth
111onth, occurring October 22nd, 1874; or six mouths before the
"t imcs of rcst.itutio11" bcann.
:\ oc.orcling t.o tlte law, 10: 2!1, 30), the a.tonement nrnRt
lH' made-t.h:\t is, or complctctl-on tl1c 10th <lny of the
RCl'l't 1th month; and t.ltis occurrecl once every year. "Bnt ChrisL
ii: nnt entered in to the holy pince made witb hnn<l s, tlJC figure
of the tTnc, but in to heaven itself, now to appear in the presence
of Gci<l for us; nor yet that he should hnve offered hiruself ofte11
as the high priest entered in to the holy pince e\cry yeat: with
the blood of others ; for t hen he must of te11 have suffered, since
tl1c foundation of the world. J3nt now, once in the end of the
worl<l [uion, or age] hntb he appe:ue<l to put aw:iy i;in by the
sacrifice of himself; antl u11to them that look for him, (to uo one
rise], iihall he appear the second time wit.bout sin u11to salva-
tion, " (Li eb. D: 24-28).
Herc, ni; " yell as elsewhere, the npost.le clearly shows thnt
Christ hns beei1 filling t,liis fc:iturc of the law, and the time, that
the fact that the must be made on the 10th day of
thC! sc1cr1t h month, is made more promi11ent in the law, is
any other feature of the atonement. And for the high priest to
hn10 attempted it on any other than t he 10th day of Lhcseventh
month, would have bee11 death Lo him. Hence, this "jot," or
rather t.h is prominent fc:\t11re
must lie fulfilled. Tlte events :1t
tl1e fil'st. :\d vent, the suffering of Christ on the exact time for t he
r;J:iying o f I.he In.ml>; tltc rciwrrocLion and the count ing off of
Lhc fifty clnyi; to Ll1c P c11 ll'CORt before the ll oly Spirit. was Rent,
:di 11101c t.lmt the ctcrncnt qf 'l'i111e is as cnrcfolly obi;crvcd in
Llll' fulfiiltnc11t of the hw, as ja u11y other part.
\\" lwtlicr Christ enLcre<I into tho lloly l' lnco OI\ the JOt.h dny
of tll\ r<r1l'11U1 mont.h, wt ltn.vc no 111c:\llS of k11owing. Ilisresur-
rcction nntl ascension, nc which time he c11tcrc.:d i11to Lht" t:>.Lor-
nnclc not mncle with linnds," was in the i:pri11g. Hut in th1.:Jittl-
tern. of the "there was n tnbcrnnclc 111:1111; the fi rst wherci11
t here wns a c:1111llcsti'ck', a111l the tnlJlc n11(\ th1.:shcw-hrcatl,11hich
i!I cnllc<l the s:incwnry. And al'tcr the sct1111cl vnil the taliern:i-
cle, which is calle1l i.hc ltolicst ,,f nil," ( Il ciJ. !I: 2, 3). J\114]
whether Chri11t cnt.crc1l i111.o the scco11tl, allll holic.st of :ill, Le-
fore the 10th day of the seYcnth 111 ontli, we have 110 m1::111s ul'
knowing, only for the high to hn,e 1lu11c 1011, wo11ld hnvc
l1rokc11 the law. But whether Christ c11tcnd 111 on the 1C1tli thy
of ti.Jc 1;e,cnth month or not, entl'li11!1 in, is not makin the
ntonc1111.:11t, which from the followi11g, appl':trs t11 rnc:111 ./ini1</t-
in!7 it: "1\1111 there shall be 110 111n11 i11 the tnlJcrn:u:lc of the co11
gregation when he gocth iu to rnnkc th1 nto11c111r11t in the holy
phct, until he cu11111 uut, um{ /,(Ive 111nd1, t/11 nlo111111e11t, ' ' (Le,. J 1;:
!'i). Ucncc, nccorcling to the la\\, nol one jot nf which can fail,
Christ mu1>t complete: the :ito11cme11t nml ru111,. u11t 011 tlit 10th
day of Lh<: i;cvcuLh month. And t.hc 0111 ncc11rri11g Octolotr 22,
1 SH, w:is the last. one prior to the llcgi11n i11g or the "times of rcs-
t i t 11 t ion," w lien tho hc:t ven could 1111 lougrr nt ain hi Ill. B11 l
there is :111other line of propl1ccy, 11.1:1ki119 lhl' nsurrcrli(ln :tlso
rluo, t o hn\'C cornrn euced in 1.liu i;prn1g ol JSi5. s11mc lift.y tlnys
before t.he "Limes of l'Csti tntion" bl'g:rn i from :ill of which cvi-
deuco, we n1e compcll o1l to believe thnt. Christ left the lloly
!'Ince, on t.he 10th d:iy of the seventh iuo11Lh occurring in Octo-
ber, 1874.
lfot, ns before remarked, his oomiug out nf tl1e 1 loly Place
and his return to enrt.h, m:i.y not be i1u111cclintcly rcl:tted.
ascended to heaven in th.c spriu"', nnd yet,, :11rording to the lnw
hei:;hould not h:tl'C c1-1tcred the Jl9ly l'lnrr, thnt the t:iberna-
de, llcvond t h<' second vail, until the time, and wonld thcrc-
fo1c wai t from spring to ::u1t.111n11. l:'o llll\\' hi<; coming ont of tl1e
"holiest. of u.ll ''was due in the :lllL11rn11of1 874, while hii;rctun
t o enrth w:ts n ot dua until the followin g spri11g.
In deali11g with these lofLy s111ij1cts it l1crn111cs Ill' t<> walk
cn.rcfully, :wd make. 110 statements hcy11111l whnL is \\ l'itlc11, for
we arc trcadi11g on holy g round. NC\'CrLhell'si:, "he Lhnt hath
my words, let him spc:ik my wonls" for when Gorl sct.s wntch-
rncu 011 the wnll s of .ion they 11ol holtl their pence.
\Vhe11 clai111ing that Christ has Clllll l ' lht' srconrl ti11lC'. we cln
1101. wish Lo h<' 1111tlcrsloo<l :is 1 ls:1t 111 is her\! w:dki111r
tl11 1:1r1h in nn 1art lily hrnly; i111l11.t
ll11n 1c; 110 )'l'O!I( tl c;1t 117.
l'<llllCS Lu the earth at :ill, n11Lil itc <' lllll'i: "w1tli all his
nt the b:nUc oft.be great day; and tlw:ti "his feet shn.11 stanc1 up-
on .t.he 01011111. of Olive!!." Hut, 011 the other bnn<l, wo clo not
wish to be understood ns claiming that be hns come only in n
sense. Jie bas lefL the e:trL11inn 11pi ri tual 1$ense,
"Lo, l a111 with you nlways, even to the end of the worltl."
" Where two or three arc met together in my nn.me, tlie?e am 1 ,
in t.hoir rnirl;;t.." HuL we wish to be understood ns from
clear Script11re e,idcncc
that ho has come inn spiritu:1l bo,ly, to
!ti church, who are to be maclo like hi111; as lit.er:illy ns he cnme
t.hc first. t.illl t: in a l1oly of flesh, to hracl i1t t.he flesh; nnrl th:'lt
t.hu gos1wl clis)'e11sation is as truly cm.ling, ns wns the Jcwi:<h dis
]H!l1S:\t.i{1t1, nL his first llthcnt. Tltc coming of the
' uay of the
the Lonl," n11 1l Cl1rist.'s comiug LO the 1110 1111t of Olive!'
nre not
the s:inic. The dny of the Lord comes, wl1en men :ire sn.ying
"f'C:ice :111d ;;afety;" lint when ChYist i:omes to the earth, it is at
ti.le Lime nil natiu11s are assembled against J erusalem to bat.tic.
There was 11c:11ly :i. pnrnllel case of n spi ritual being, hn.vi11g :\
11urk t.O du, anrl remaining 011 ear th for at the resLitution
of the .J ewish church from Uahylon, and Chri st is 11ow aho11t to
take his f'COplc out of "Babylon." Hend the ncc-0unt, ns givc11
iu n11n. 10: and b1.:i1w a prnphet, aud God clesigni11g to re-
cord the circu111stauce
Daniel permitted to.see ltim. "Then
I liftctl up mi11e eyes, nnd lookccl, a11d bel10W, u certai 11 man cloth-
c1\ i11 li11en, whose loins were girdetl wi th fine gol c1 of Uphaz.
Jlis 1.iocly was like the beryl, and his face as the apcamnce of
lir;lttniug, aud his eyes as Jn.mps of fire, ltis arms a111\ his feet
like in color to polished lirnss, antl the voice of his words like
1.he Yoicc of n m11lt.it1tde. .1\ncl I, Daniel, nlo11e saw the visio11;
for the men that were with me snw not. I.he vision, but a great
<Jlrnking fell upon t.hem, so t.lu\t they lied Lo bide themselves ...
J\ncl there remained no strength in me, for my comcli11css Wll.8
turned i11 inc into co11uption ... , And he said nnLo me, Fe:ir
not, Daniel, for from t.lt o first cfay that thott cli<lst sot thine heart
t.o u11c.1erst:rn<I, and to cha.st.en Lltysolf before thy God, thy words
were heard, and I :lll1 come for t.liy words. lJut tltc p1ince of the
ldn.1il01n of l'e?sia witltstood me one and t'l/Jenty clays; bnl: lo,
J\J ichnel, 011e of the chief princes came Lo hel p me; 1md Irr.
mainl!.cl tltcre 1oitlb tlie kings of P01sia.
' Again Daniel louses
strt:ngth. ".And there c:imo ngai11 :rnd touched tr.c, like the ap-
pc:1r:111cc of a man, and he sLrengthcncd me; :iud sai1l, 0, 1111111
greatly lwl1lvel, fear not; l>e stroug, yen, bcstro11g. And whl'11
ht liad i;pokt
11 111110 J strc11gt.l1c11ed. Tltet11lai 1l ho, k11011.
1ho11 for 1.ho11 lrnowcst] wherefore I con111 unto thl1e? Aud
11ow will I ruturn to fight with thu p1inceof :\11.t tlit"l'l'
nre n<H1c tlint lwhlcth with me in these Lh i11gs hut. Mi rlt:wl, yo111
fin tl1e first year of JJnrius, tl1e l\lcdc, 1wcn I stood
to confirm :m<l to stre11gtheu him."
In order t o get a clcnr ide:i. of the stat.e of t..h ingll, I will ob-
serve thnt this rer clntion wri.c; made t.o Dnnicl in "the tltil'<l ycn1
of Qyrus, king of J> ... rsin," ('ersc 1). That Dnrius, the
wns the fat.li er-in-lnw of Cyrus, ancl bntl reigned two years before
0yrns took the throne: hence, t..h is gloriu11s 1e1sonnge before
whom Dnniel hntl co11 t i11 unll y to IJe st.re11gthunc1l, in order t.o re-
tain tll() power to stnn<l, wns with Dnrins fhe years before ; he
wns also wi th Cyrns, who withstood him one :rnd t.wcnty dnys;
ancl nftcr making a Te\el:i.tion to Dnnicl, ha returns to fight wiLh
t.he pri11ce of P ersia; nno l\Jichael, IC the nrcltangcl,'' 11';\S his IJ11ly
Mten<lnnt. l!ead the llescrlptio11 of Cli ri!<t, IC he who was dead,
and is aJi,e for ever more," ns .Jolin saw hi111, (Be\'. I: 12), nnd
ytiu can h:wcl ly fail of rccog1ii?.ing t.hC' !<!ltrre here. I le
Ju id nside his glory when ho took upon hims<.'lf the form of n :;cr-
v::i.nt 1w<l bccnme flesh; but when he lwd confJ1tcrcd (loa th, he
toC>k \1po11 him the glory he had witl1 Father "bofo1r: tho
world wns." Hcnco, U:i.nicl :i.ncl John hoth saw hint; nntl tho
npostl e could s:i.y, "Yen, though we lt :t\'c kuown Christ. n[tcr 1.ltC'
fl esh, henceforth know we him no more." But how <lid he light
with Cyrus, and liow did Cyrus withstn11Ll him 110 long? Let
God be his 0\\'.ll interpreter : "Now in the first year of C')'l'Ull,
king of P ersia, thnt t.ha word of tha Lor<l spoken hy the mu11th
of J eremiah might be fnllilled, t he Lord stirred up tl1e 11pirit of
Cyrns, king of J'crsia, th:tt. he made a procb1'n:tLion,'' concerni ng
t.hc return of l srncI from Babylon, (2 Citron. 3Cl: 22). \Jynts
must be i:nbdued to r.ha will of God; the 1wo11hct llarl said that
he shall let Israel go, nnd God ha<l to bend hi11 will until he wns
in harmony with Lhnt prophecy. And man, hci11g :i free. al!cn 1:,
lrn.:i the will-power t o withstnnd everything but Lhe iniini te.
'fhjs, I apprehend, w:i.s thefir1htin!J that wa.s clone. "The wr!lth
of man sbrrll praise hi m, 11.nd. the remainder he wi ll 1cstrain."
But tha.t Cyrus or D:triull, saw that glnrio11s personnge, nn<l open-
ly and boldly wi thst.ood him until nssisL:inc1;cn1nc from !'llichacl,
the nrchangel; wh\ln Daniel falls :ts de:id bcfor<.! his presence, .
even when 011 a mi ssion of pe:tcc, of course no one could hclicrc .
. Spiritual beingll are nnt. \isihle to men in the flc::1h wiLl 11111L a
special rnvclation. Ilcncc, there is not the slightest i11turnl
ground LO OPJ'Ollc t.hC! fncL that Cl1rlst. is :ignin prcscrnt, and that
1\ficl!:1cl, his assist.:rnl., also ng:i in retnrned th 1.1:1l'Lh. 'l'ltc-
"ti111c of t ro11blc, n is nlrca1ly begun; t he times of rcRtituli ou
:il;;o h:lve conrn1c11ccd; n11d ngni11 Babylon is to be withstood,
' ro111c out of her, my people," to be nccomplisl1ed; ."and
nt d1:\L 1.irue :-;hal l l\ licl1:Lc.l sta1:il 11p, the g ren.t prince tli::it stn111l
nli for thy [Ihniel1s] people; n.ncl t here shnll hen. time of trou-
blc such a:; 11t1e1 was since there 11 a s a 11ntion; nml at that Lime
thy people i;liall be tlclivercd, :mil many that sleep in the cl11st of
tht !'!lrth 1<h:dl nwn.ke, (Da n. 12: 1)-
\\ 1 n n 1fonrl r i11 the m i.lst of these great nnd why
11w11 will ltI, pr1:j1rclic1? stnml in the way of thei r mve.c;tigation
11111dd SCC'111 wu111lcrful, if we tlitl not know tl1n.t no m!ln cnn
co nu ex1:cpt the Spirit, dr:i w him, n1Hl thn t "the wi cked shall 110
wirkedly, :ind 11011e of the wicked 11111lerstn1111.
IJ11ri11g his stnr on earth, t.hat. forty <hys nfttr hiR rcsurrcc
1.io11, ltis ll'hcrcnbo111.i:;, except :it tl1e few brief inteniows with
Iii!! di!lciplci>, wns ns unknown as at the present time; ann wlicn
he 1li<i :1ppc:1r to them, I unc1erst:i111l that. he :ippc:ire<l under the
nil of tllsl1. Bnt thnt not" he h:is no occasion to thus up
pcarj then he 1licl :t('pr :ir i11 the secret chamber, "the doors be
i11g sltut;" and in the wilderness of Gnl il ec, bnt now '' if they
:-;Judi say 1111t1J yon, bc.:lwlc1, he is i11 Lhc desert, go not forth; he-
holcl, lie is i11 the $Ccrtt cl1amber, believe i t not, f or ns the light
nin.<J, so sh:1ll the Son of mnn be," &c., Nor is there :i.ny cvi-
thnt we llhall sec him, 1111til we :\l'e like him, :111(1 "see biru
ns he is."
\\Tc no 'r pnrpost! to show tltnt the time was rlue, :m<l the1e
fore the .''(i;urr11tion llf'g:i11, in the i;p_ring of 1875. Not. the
rcs11rrcct1011 of the grent rn:iss of m:inkrnd, who n.rc to be ra1sc1l
in the witft Lite en.rthy, 11:it11r:if, or anim:il uo1ly; but the
resurrection of those who, "sown a nntuml body, !Ire raison n.
i;piri tunl holly;n a11rl therefore, :lS invisible to us ns the nngc\11,
or ns Christ himself. This is whnt we u11dcrst:u1c.l to uc the
" ser:onu birth," viz: :rn cntmnce into a.sccoud nntl higher lifo.
To RO s111n.ll a comp:iss ns thi s book, nn<l nt so bt.cn <lny, I call
11ot. i;top Lo syst.omatic:i ll r a.tt.ack every error.that ltns crept. i1110
t,J1c11logy. H11t in rcb1.ion to the i::cconc1 birth, will simply ob-
'l'hr Hlltlc :1ppl:1r11 to me to tench but two births. "Yer
ily, \' Cril y, l 1my 1111 t.o t.licc, except a m:in be l>orn again, he can
0 0 1 s<!U t.lt( 1'i11grl11111 of Hotl. Nicoclc11111s sniu unto him, ll ow
t :'lll n 111:111 1111 1111111 whc11 he i!l ol<l 1'? Tha t. the natur:i l birt_li, is
one of the two referred to, is unquestionable. Dut what fa tLe
other? The P,;rcat portion of t11eologians understand it. to hi ex
pcricncing religion. And wh il e :idmitting thnt this is a necC'ssit.y
ns n. preparati on, I feel certain it is not the "Sown !L
natural Locly,raiscd :i.spiritunl body." Thebolyofthel":ii11L, is
of t.he earth, earthy; and bears the image of the first 1\d:un; hnt
nt the resur rection, will be raised "n St>iritual bocly," l1cnri11g- the
image of the "second man, the Lord from heaven." "Tli:it which
is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that which is u01n of Lhc i<pirit
is spirit ;ll tind in Uie rcsurrectio11, being a" l1 ocl1;,'' pm y
what is it born of? Thnt the rcs11rreetio11 is n bfrth, pr111en
from the inct that the of Christ :1 lJirlh, "ll'hO
isthebegi 11ni11g, thefirst ... horn from the clcntl," (C'nl. 1: Jl';) _ He
was born of the fie-sh, ancl "bont from the clend," hc111:1, li e ll'ai;
"born ngai11." An<l ns he bore the i111:1ge nf the enrthy, at his
first birth, so from his resn rrcctio11, he has borne the imnge of the
hc:i.vcnly-not motall?/, but Arnl thnt we :irr not rcc-
og11ized as ueing born again, until we b ear the imairc ,,f lhc
spirit.ual, is cle:i.r from TI om. 8 : 29; "For whu111 lie cli rl fort'k11011
he di<l prcclesti11ate to he co11formc<1 t.o the image of Son, 1 hat.
be (t,he Sqn J rnight be the first-bor11 :.uno11g many brethren.'' "\11d
"As we have borne the image of the earthy, so (in the rcsu rrec
tion] we shall bcnr the im:i ge of t l1e
"Gennao," is rendered ber;at, or begotten, forty sc1cn limes;
nnd bor11
forty one times; ns in Matt. 2: 1; and Heh. J :. 5. As
the same word is usod for the uegi11oing :1.11<l th<:> c:lll!>ummation,
wo mnst learn which is ment, by the context.
'fhnt conversions is often referred to when spe:i.king of 1.l1e
seoond birt.h, T n<lmit, since it. is tlie beginning of that wurk, 1 i7.:
"Leing bcgot.Lct1 by Lhc i.:pirit.
A111l Go<l . who ''i;penk<'!li of
Uiose things th!lt nre not, ns t.ho11gli they were," oft c>n sp<'nh of
those things which nrc begun, as if they were already :iccvm-
plishcd. Bnt beyond all contracliction, theres11rrection is ri hitth.
Hence, if co11Yersio11 is al"o a birth, a mnn must li e born three
times in order to inl1c1it tho kingdom of Gotl. lfat wns
horn tbe sccontl time, and yet we can ha.rdly uc expectctl to uc-
licve that li e met wit It a change of lie:.i1:t, or was con1<'rt1'tl.
"l\farvcl not, that I i;:iitl 111110 thee, ye muf:lt be llom ag:ii11. Tlic
wind hlowet11 whore it li.<.letli, :rncl thou hca.reth the sou ml tlurc
of, but canst, not tell whllncc it con1cth and, whither iL g11tli;
(.fohn 3! 7). Oc111<', rtl-
wei;hal l f'rOvc 1.h:1t t.hu rcs11rrccti1111 is :tlrcacly c11111111e111l'd,
with this r l:1ss wlw a1c rnis1d " 1>pirit11al hvdic
s." h1n ii'
Scriptnre thnt they cannot be seen of mortal man. Christ, as
onr forcnmner, as the first-born among many brethren, pn.sscd
througit Rll the trinls nncl tile changes, even 1,0 tl1e second birth,
through which ll'e hnve to pnsi:, :11<1 nftcr !tis resurrection, illus-
trated j11!>t ll'ltnt, I nrn now 111nint.1ining, t h:tt n i:;piriwal being
c:in thus go ani1 come. Did he not nppenr in their midst, "the
doors being shut"? Did he not. "\':lllish 011t of t.hcil' sigh tr"?
Nor could they tell '-'whence he cnme, or wl1ither he went.''
J\ nd what I claim is that the rcsn1Tcctcd pr0phet, or satnt, has
the snrnc ]JO"' cr; nncl thnt if the necessity existerl 11ow, as then,
co11lcl as easily nppcm in nny l111rnnn form they chose. Hence,
if l (':tll pro\'e that tltc resurrec1io11 is 11ow <lue, nlth<'ugh it docs
l\C1t. nil occnr nt. 011e an<l the same time. but '" every m:in in his
uwn orilrr." the fnct thnl. they ha\'e not bco11 seen, hns no bear
lng 0n the 1rn!,jr<'-t. Of co11rse we clo 110:. expect the'' nn.tnral
rna11." :rn<l church is foll of thnt n1lll their prominent.
lnfty prof .. of Godli11ess. n111l whM they l1nve clone
111111 nrt> li11ing- for j cs11!1; and CIJrist says they will e\en make
that, claim tn him; "hnve we not do11c mn11y 1101Hlerfol works ill
tl1y 11n111c." 1 1;ny we <lo uot expect a11y of tltis cltiss to see or
bcJie,e these things; "for they nre to t.l1em." BnL
we tlo l)(?licl'e trnt hs arc the sift.in.!? truths of the
all\1 th:1t i11 tl1c pro\iclcnce of Ood, t11cy will rench
the" lilt.le tl o<-k," the spi ri tually mimlecl, and t.hns scpnr:ilc the
"tares from the wheat." All of which work un <lcr the snpervis
ioll o( thu angels, is LO be uoHe "in the time of Jmivest."
"Aud frnm tbe the rlaily shnll be taken aw:i.y and the
nbomi11ntio11 that mnketh desolate set 11p, there shall be a thou!l-
nn<i two hundred :11ul ninets <lnys. Blessed is be that wnitetb
:11u.l curncth to the tho11s:111cT, thrco hundred and five Ancl thirty
s. Uut go thott thy wny till the <.>nil, for thou shalt rest nod
st:1111l i11 Lliy lot at the and of the d<1y11," (D:tn. 12: 11-13).
The 121 Ii nf U:iuif'I opens wit.h the time of trotthlc, and the
ns111TN' lio11 of mn11y who sleCJl in the clust of t.hc earth, nntl the
:t111ir e LC!xt, \Jcyo11d n.11 question, to the rc;;urrcction of
lh11i ul thr 1rophct; :wd all of thnt cJa,5s, as every 111 n11 ii; to lJe
r:1iscd "in his own ohlc:r," bm1d or comp:iny. J\ml ;tltlwugh
"1hr worils were close<l 11p and sealell 11111.il 1.110 time of thcen<l."
(vr.rsc !l;) i;(,ill tliey were to be understood nL tlia npp"oint.cc! t,ime;
"l ht> wi1k1'1 Rhall rlo \\'ickcdly :ind none of t,ltc wicke1l !;l1:tll unc.l cr
i-1a11d, b11t. LIH.1 wise shr1ll 11nclerstand," ("crs\! lll). And I Rhn.11
l11a1. t l11 !>

rcs:i.ch tlti!> i;itl<' 11f lfrlJ. Hlh. 18'15,

111' 1 l11 1w1. :dna;ly C! 111lu1l. Hitt. 11f taking ll)I th( !'Ith-
jC'ct in all i t."\ connections, C!; pcci:illy 11 , l ehall l:Oll-
finc the in\' cst.igation prineiply t<J the mc:isurcmc11t of Ua
Christ refer:; to this a1Jomi1mtio11 ns yet foturo in his chy;
"'iVhen ye therefore, shnll sec the abomi 11ntion of clii:ol 11Li o11,
of the prophc
t, stand. in tho holy place [" wlio-
!HI rcadeth let !nm nnderstnn<l,' n c:\lttion that Lite 111 un11i 11rr is
deeper thnn at first appears), theu let. them Lh:1t he in J udcaflcc
11nto the mountains, ... for there shuJI tribul:\Li on
:is wns not Rince the beginning of tl1e world t (.I
no, nor e\cr shnll l.>e, (l\f:itt. 24 : 15-21), T 1J tl1 c s1q>t'I fici:d read-
er this m:iy appear to apply exclusi\e>Jy.to the of .J e-
r11snlem. Dut remember the c:iutiQI\ ChtiH !!i 11'" awl rcnl<'m-
bcr tcnehin&"s were "in p:unules :ind dark Pro-
phecy is m type and :intitypc. Cornpnrc wl1:\L is Fnid of
ll:ibylon 111 fan. 13:, and Jcr. 51 :, an<l rend iui npl'litntiuu Ly
.Tol111 t.hc Revelator, to r)lysti c Ifabylo11, taki11)! tli t'
from one to the other in tlic m:irgi11
l\ll (l yo11 will ll::1rn t l1:\t l:rn-
gungc is used to nllnppenmncc np:ilying !lirl'ctly i.o th1 type, l111t
of t,w<> lofty u no.ture to be tli ni; fulfil101l
a11<l rc>nlly l1t lcmg-
i11g to the nntitype. J en1s:den1 lout :t t.-pc, Hll nll c-
gory. TJiern w:is oo "hol y place," in whi,\h the> a li or11'iuru ir111 O(l nl(l
be set up, at the clestrnction of .J cr1111:ilen1. Uu.J h:itl left
tltcl r lt onsc desol:ite, aud the vai l of sepnr:ni crn ltrt1l bc:"Cu
rcmt from the holy pla.cc at the death of Gli ri io t. J:11t grnnt-
ing thnt the tabenrnclc within its wnll s had l1t>e11 t lie holy place;
the l<omnn nrmy did not enter it; t.he J ews set lire (1> the tem-
ple before the Homans entered the city. But you cn11 dis-
cern between the letter ancl the spirit, you will fai l hC' re.
"Knnw ye not thnt ye ara t!Je temple of the Holy Uhost." The
church is the holy place, the temple of God; n11il " the ma11 of
sin clitl irct into Lhe holy place, " Ritting in tltc 1r rn1.lc of C:ocl,
Rhowi11a- himself t.hnt he is God," nn tl " cx:tltin!! hi11isclf nhove
all t.h:i.tis called Goel. " P ope Gregorym:ii11tai111( l; :11111 lhc Humn11
Catholic church have ever clnimecl , "it is !Jirrn '" the 71on-
l tfl' to create God, the crcatvr of all t/ii.11gs, cmcl,!rl;r him
jicc fot sin." Aml i11 lhc mockery of the ''ho! y w:1fer,'
profess t o cnrry out blasphemous clnim. IF uot. the cre:i.-
tor grcntcr t,hen t.he thing cr e:ited?
'J'hP. nhomi11atio11 Lhnt mnket.h clei;olntc cnn lie lixtd 0 11 the
n orn:111 oh11n,:.h, ni; follows: The woin:in, l'it Lill!! >Ill the ct,
col orN1 h:i.vi11g RC\'Cll l1 cndi;, :111d t.(' n hcirm;,
Hev_ 17: ha<l t he 11n111e wril ttJI ( Ill il !'I'
.1\ nd tho Jfo111:111 Cnt.11Plic 1'1111rch, fill s pi t11ro N11 vlh<r
I l '.!
Iu.;s URRECTIO:tr.
chnn.:h was l'Yl' r hy t.hc grcaL Homa.n empire; "the peo-
ples am1 111111titut!cs, 1tn<l uni.ions, and tongues, on which the wo-
mnn F.ittcth."
A J1nrl oi
i11 Bihle b11gunge a church, tlrn bride of
Christ, 1r1nrrierl to the worhl, or a union of ohmch and sLatc.
TJ1e Hom:rn chmcli w:1s in this sense the first or mother chu'rcl1,
anrl she hns many hnrl ot <l a11ghtcrs, churcl1-state orgn.niza.tio11s,
whi ch hnvc co111 c out from lier. These harlot churches, mother
and cl:rnghtc rfl, llrO 0:11lu1l tlw "nborni11ntious of the earth, "
(Ht \', l'i: 5. This 'l':lli "dn111kcn with tho blood
nf the saints, n11d with the ulo01i ()f thl
lll:irtyrs of Jesus," (verse
ll) ; hl!1IC1', shl! wns not 0111.,- an alwir1i11ati<J11, lint "TIIE abom-
i11ati on that n1akt
th dti\nlate;" nr1rl when that w0ma11 took her
stnl "011 Ll1c tl1e lie:-ist," "setup." From
ll'hid1 l ime tlit'sc "dar,c;" m(.'a1<11re w the eml
Go thou Lby
,i:ir to 1.hc cud," i. 1t Ll1e "h:tncsl ;'
"for thon sbnlt rest, aJHl
stni1fl i11 tl1y lot al. thr-end uf
The taking hC'r i;cnt c111 the beast, l1opl ie!;, and fa1.:ts
f111Jlpon t.he YiCll', t.l1at the h<.'a.'it. wns more or less controlled 1.iy
I.he womnn. And it is 1\ cll k11ow11 tl1:tt. t.heHc11nn11 empire, once
:t purely pollt.ic:tl JHHl"t'I', hcc:1111e, to it certain -ex t.ent, :u1 ecckl'i-
asticnl powor,nn(l a.cknowlcdged the supr<.'mncy of the chnrcli; :n1d
that t.his st:'.lte of 1.hi11gs obt.alncd nl l th rough the dark nges. 13ut
uow the supremacy of the church of l{ome has ccai;ed to be t.hus
nck11owledgcd. Therefore, the wornan who was once seated on
the beast, l1as lost. her scat, n11d this pn.rt of the prophecy, at
len:<t., fulfilled. 'When dirl she tnke her scat.? Jlow long di(l
hole! it? and when was she unscntcd. ? \Yho is there a.t this
time tbnt. cl!lims Lc;i nnderst.and these nlr<.':\dy fulfillr.cl prophecies?
Not many! J\11cl yet God has ncrcr yet left himself without
witncsst's; antl t.hc light, lhc t.ruc light., h:1s always b<.'on in tllL!
the ch urch. Those teachers who :Hlmit they do11otunclcrsta11<l,
:i1e 110t 1.hc ones likely Lo impart li ght. on t.hesc things; and yet
the church of God nre Lo have the light,, "Ye brethren are uot iu
<larkncss thnt. th:tL dA!f should come upon yon M a thief.'' It
llucs not read: Ye brethren are sa goucl L11a.ti( you arc iu d:i.rk-
in rehtion to the corning of the cfay of tl1c Lonl, it will be
\\' Cll wit.II you. Here is the rock on whi uh 111a11y will m:tkcship-
wrcck. Yon drink L111tl. because good a11t1 earnest clirist.in11s of
gcncra1,io11s past., h:t\' <l lived and rlic1l wit,h no knn\\'lccl gc of
these it. C<l rtni11l y was well "i t h them, tl1:tt yon can
wa lk in tho :no<l old w;1y your fathers trod, :ind it ll' ill I.Jc well
"'i th yon. Tii l.'I'<<' were noL 1l11c in th"ir chiyR, hc11 cc, tl11y
DAN. 12.
coulu notsh:11c t.he rl'l'ponsibilit y of acce pting or rC'jccti 1l g them.
You are livi.ng when they arc :1 wescnt Lruth clue tel t lw cl111T-'c-li,nnrl
yo11 cannot sl1il'k the responsibili ty. or scale 011 the ln11n>ls
of yonr i:uhcrs. Tlicy !tad 1espo11sil.iil itics ym1 h:ivc 11 ot, wl11IP
you h:we your own resl'o11sibilitics, :ind must st nnfl or foll f01
Jn the appli cati on of n prnpheoy, tl1er(' is u11t mw
l:iko into account: Do the faet.s meet Lhe rcq11irr111cn1,!' 1Jf 1 IH
prophec)'? For iustn11ce: If a prnplwcy clcnrl y 1>clo11gs tn a
certain power, :111<l it,s mensure is: g in111 in '"hyF," :rnrl y<'t. it 11-
tp1iretl just many yems fulfill it, we nn ele:nly
in 1111clerst:mdi11g n "do!!" in th:it cn:<C' . tn io.1111linli?.C' n yenr. ,\ 1111
that. the icople of Ifomc :Hill Italy nck111111 :\111 11\1111iltl-cl
(O the Slljll'Cmaey of the pap:tl cltll l'Ch, lrOlll ,1. I. i\:ll;: IO l : n;;, j<:
charl y s11pportell l>y the facts o( 1'1-ii>r 111 :i:F. t hc
lt o1110.u chnrclt ncYcr held t..hc snpremary. Tltl' c;11<1k dtnrrlt
at C.:onstanti nopl c, h:ttl taken the leal, Fn for fro111 IH lli11g
i:u 1 rC'ma1;y in Rome, t.he papacy, for q )- y<'n I'S prior t.i 1 lw
al1ovc cl nte, was not thu nli ginn of Ilic rnli11g
rower or peO)'le of H n mc, since the 1;ntlts, who \\'Cl'C Ari1m.<,
n11tl " pposcd to occupiecl the p<'11i11sula of Jwlr.
i\ 1Hl it was not ti ll about the nborc dntr, thnt Bellisnrius. n
ernl of Jus tinc:in, the catholi c emperor of thC' cnst, biokC' li11ir
power in ltnly. Gil>bon
t Home, L011tlrn1 c-<litio11
1834, J>ngc
i Ol, says: "Hcllisarins entered Home Dre. 10th, :i:1d 11te
cii y after sfrcty yea1s scnit11de, wns rlel iYerc<l from the yoke of
the b:1rh:irians," "The Goths, hon eyer, ni::i:eml.Jl ccl 111 \'t1i;t. 111tt n
lie-rs for t..he defense of their country, nncl early i11 the!':pl'i11gl1c
sieged 1.l1e ci ty, whiclt siege wns maint:iinC!<l for one y<:ir :ind
ui11e d:iys," (page 'i 07) . "The Goths raised the sicge of Horu c
J\l:irch, :rncf the Gothic army, lntclr so stro11g, were nPw rl'-
duccd to the walls of Rnvenoa, and some fortrc!;:;cs, destit11lf' of
lTIHLn:i.I support." i\ncl niter giying some more of the clctaiis of
the lirenki11g of t.he Gothic 11owcr in Italy, he nt11li;, n;; n f:i ct. r>c
cuni11g u1 tbe midst of these t.ronlrlcs: "The }'rovi11ces o[ ltnly
h:itl cmbmced the pnrty of the emperor." '\Yhcn the ci, il po11--
er in Italy, embr:icctl. the party of t.hc emperor, who w:is fighl.
ing for tha c:i.t.holic ch11rch, they r cno1111c.ccl nri nnism, n11cl 1'\ljl
portod thu cliurclt of Horne. A11d from tha t. time until thespri11g
of l'i!J8, the people of g omc antl Italy m:tiutniucd their :1lll,!i-
an r.c th:it church.
The SCLl.i11g i1p o( that wom:in, or "ahnmi11:11 irrn," 1wt
Jl(ICCl'llnrily itnply :1 n<cci<;;ion pf ptWtr-. The cath11lic
I JJ4N 12.
princes of t.lieir own free set her up, nntl mai11tuineJ hc1 in
lier seat, the forruc1 "scat of tbo dragon." Papacy, for many
centuries, Jrnd no power only what wi1s tl1us <lelegntecl to l1e1 by
the" ten kings," t.ho c]jyjsions of the empire. "These have ona
111incl and shall give theii power and strcngLh unto tlie ucast,"
(verse 13). h is Lme the church element became so strong in
that iL "su bduecl three kings,"-Lom barely, Romania, nnd.
J{n,cnnn-nnd took t.hcir c,rowns, and hns since worn the three
crowned hnt. The proplrecy, hot.h in Daniel nncl fi.cvelation, cle
m1111<ls thnt this power should continue to hold,
times and
lnws/' 12GO dayR, 01 a" Lime, times, nnrl hnlf n ti mc,'
or" forty
two months;" nil of which arc usccl in Hcv. 12: n11d 13:, as 0110
nnd the same. In l 7!lS the time expired, the J 2GO ycnrs were
Anrl wl1at follows? French Revolut.ion
uy Christo
pho1 Kelly; Lon. Edit.ion, vol. 1
pps. rend: "The Ho-
rnnu repuulic was proclaimed on the 15th of l'cbrnnry, 1 i98.
The pope, laowcver, made one additional e[ort for the cootinu
mwe of hi!> tempornl cxistance, by sending nn emunssy to l3er
t.hil'r, who was e11campcd out.side the walls. Thcgener:d refused
to ndmit any othr.r deputation t.hnn Lhnt of the pcoplc of Home,
thus di::;sipn.ting the Inst hope of the holy fol.her. The :'t 1Tival of
the French army, and the p1ocl:lmation of the general, hud giv-
en the fatal blow to the papal sovereignty."
J>:rni el 7: 20, in rcforri11g t o tllis same power, Rn.rs: "A nu lle
slmll think to change times .and laws, and they shall be given
into !tis lia11d for n time, times aud the dividing of time, but the
j 1tclg111ent sl1nll sit, and they shnll tako nwny his dominion. to
co11s11111e nnd to destroy it uuto the end." Ancl how trne t.his
latter pnrt hns b.ecn fulfilled is known to all. Tlis rlvmini011
tnkcu nwny in I i98
wns restored in 1800, but in quite
another character, M " the ima.[Jc of the hcnst," nncl has since
been un<lergoing thi11 grndHnl consumption "11111.0 the and."
111 D:rnicl 12:, "the tima of trouble" is foretold, the cleliver-
encc of Dn11icl1s people, the resurrection of many thnt 11 lccp in the
<lust of the carLh; nucl nlso the fact thnt the hook wns to be
closed up nu cl scaled until tho "time of tlie end." Then follows
n question, "How long slH\ll it be to tbc encl of these wonders?"
(verse 0). And the answer given seerus to. hn.ve :\reference to
what wns to follow, the <1a.bomi11n.tion thn!, 11rnkcth <lesolntc;,,
the grent ocntrnl figure of the prophecy, both of Daniel nnil
J oh11 . D;i11icl hncl nlrcnd,r lcnrucd somcthi 11g of thi.s monstrons
11ight111:mi of the prophetic p:igc. For in t.he 'ilh ohnptcr, 1111-
clcr symhol of "t.lw little horn h:wi11g eyes, n11tl a n10ut.h, '
DAN. 1'2. 115
he had seen it wearing out the saints of the i\fosL High, an<l had
lc:nrnc<l that was lo cu11t.i11ue to hold "limes and laics for a
time, times., and tho di\'icli11g of time;" but "the j11dgement
sit a11d they should take nway its dominion, to con-
s11 111e and to destroy it imto tlt e end.
Ancl yet, notwithst:mding
they should tal{e away its dominion, he hnd lcnrncd that, the
l1:1111c horn should make war with the saints, :rnd 7Jrcvcril, up to
tho timl\ the saints took the ki11g1lnni. And the heavenly visi-
t or, holding his linnds np to hen vcn, "swore by him that Ji vcth
forever, that it slt:dl be for a tin1e, times, n11cl n-half, [ n. period
we now mtt.lcrstnnd to be 12GO ycnri;J, a11<l wl1cn he shall hn.Ye
accomplished to scatter Lhc power of the holy people, all t,hcse
t hings shall be finished," ( \orsc 7) .
The evidently extcndii t o the of the time of
trouble, which wns Ut e first.of the" wonders" named, :tud is the
0 11 0 which iuclndcs all the otli crs. ,\nd t.his "time of trouble.."
some thirty-ciflTltt ye.ars into the

eYell now; since
1t reaches to the end o the times of thcGcntdcs, or to A. D. 1914.
And with present light we cnn sco how comprehensive was the
answer to thntquestion. For in Zech. 14:
in the clay of the
Lord, after th:it day commenced, Gotl will gat her all n:i.t.ions
against J crusalem, aucl tho city sl1nll be t.aken, nnd a pa1t go in-
to captivity.
It is .Daniel's people 1cferred to in chn.pter 12, and to whom
tho scatteting applies. "At t.hnt time shall t!ty 71eo7>le be deliv
ere<l, every one found written in the book,'' (verse 1). Tbe at-
tcm pt hiis been maoc to npply this to t,he gospel clrnrch; but if
you look at Dan. 9: 2i, you may reacl, "Seve11tr weeks are de
termined npo1.l thy pevple, and upoa thy holy city."_ Tl1is cer-
tainly refers to the Jewish nation. If" thy pco1>le
' oi Dan. 9,
belongs to tbe J cws, it, is exceedi11gly nrbitrnry to say
"thy people," of bnu. 12:, has no reference to the Jewish na-
tio11; nor is tlicre t,hc least foundation for such a clnim. '
0110 found written i11 lhe book," clearl y refers, not to John the
Hcvelator's book of life, but to .Ezc:kiel's "writing of the lfouse
of l srnel ;" "a11d mine hnnd shall he upon t,hc prophets that sec
vanity and rliri11e li es; t.bcy shall not I.Jc i11 tltc ::isRcmbly of my
Jlcople; neither shall t hey be writ Len in the writing of the house
of hracl; 11c.ithcr Rh:\11 thoye11tcr the lnnd of IRrncl," (E7.ck. 13:
Anc.l not 1111til this prophecy nf Zech. H, is fulllllc.tl
1:lc111gs to tbe day of the Lord," will he have accomplished Lhc
of the power of t.hc IH>l_r people. D1u1i cl's people nrc
o!ilY people rcfcnca to tho Viel 'L'cstnment ns "the holy
llG DAN. 12.
people." J\ nd J cntsalem must be trod1lc11 rlown of the Gentiles,
until the times of the Gentiles be fulfillo11."
why cnnnot everyLody see thnt Lhc ti mes of t.he Gentile? ex-
tend f:ir into tho clay of the .J erusale111 is to Le
cd ancl Lnken uy thorn in the dny of tlic Lor<l; :ln<l half of the
oity is 1o go into cnpti,i ty, in t.hc d:iy of the Lord; nnd he will not
ha.1e accomplished to sc:tt t cr tho power l)f the l1oly people u11ti l
.Tcrusnlcrn ceases to he t ro<l<lcn 1lt1rn of tho Clentiles.
The nnswcr, in , er;;o i, did not. snt.i;;fy Jh.niol, for he coulrl not
"ndorstand it. And he put.8 the quc:;tion ill nhothcr form, bnt
is told to go his way, for tlic words nre closed up and son led, till
tho ((time of tl1c encl :" a11cl ii; fnrth1r i11 rorruc<l tl1nt. t.ho wi 0kcrl
shall do wickc1lly, n11tl none of the wicked i:hnl l nndcrl'Lnml, lrnt
Lite tvise shall understand. This wns e1p.1irnlc11t t.o that.
he could not be n11s11el'Cd iu wlwL he wished to k:10\\" coucerni11g
the scattcri11g of people, t.hl' Isr:id of I he flesh. But. n fur-
ther re,el:ition w:1s mn<lc tc11cl1ing ldm:u({. n11d ns we 11ow kno,,,
with tho light of the .Kew Tcst:1m<11t, :i. of whom he k11,.w
nothing, viz: The ttuc seed, nnd heirs of t.lic ki11gcln111. l"or
Gotl hns arr:ingod Lhnt the \\'i th A hr:ih:im, T:c;:iac, and
.T acob, n.rc to shnrc in whnt J)nni ttl's people, ns a n:ition, cn1111ot
hnve. For they nrc to" see Alwn.ha111, li:a:i.c, a11<1 .Tncou, and nil
the pl'Ophet.s in tho kin(l'<l om of Gorl, :incl they thcmsehos thrnst
out;" "for t.11e of the hond-womnn shnll not be heirs
wWt the children of the free womnn."
ith verse 10, :\lid onwnrcl, the prophecy hns rcnchcd tl1e f?OS
pol church; "the roynl pri.cstlwocl " nfter the or<lcr of lilclclnzc
clek. "Aud frorn tho tirnc tl1cdnily sncrifice;;l1nll be t:iken nwny."
[Daniel had bcc11 informed in Lhe ninth chapter, th:i.t soronty
weeks were nil thnt could be given to his people]. And the
:1uo111inntio11 thnt makcth <losolnt.c scL np, there shall hen thous-
:incl,11 &c. 1Ierc is n period Lo :i 11cw people. .For
with the e11d of tho dnily, or continmtl \\'hich 0011ld not
be tnken :iwny until it. w:is fnHillod, t.hC'. pri<!sLhoocl, :md even tbe
ltcirs!tip of Daniel's pcoplct was to cn<l. Hence, wh:l.t is saicl Lo
Daniel after the seventh verse, after ho says," I hc:i.nl, but 11111
<1c1stooCI not," is cquivolent to the foll owing : You h:we heanl
:tit t.h:tt cnn be re\' C:tlcd i11 rcfcrence to your people, "go thy way,"
sny no more about it., "the words are closed up an<.1 scaled till
tl1c: time of t.lie encl." But I will reveal to you whuL concerns
yourself. At the c11<1 of n definite nerio<l of Lime, you shall st:intl
in yom lot. And through the li gl1t given 1.Jy our S:n iour, 1oc
lcnro t!t:1t Gotl h:is en.st lot in wiLl1 Lhe children o( the
DAN. 12. 117
free womnn; an11 wlmtconcerns him concerns 11s. [The "en<l"
to which he isreferred, "go thy w:i.y till the e ncl," proves to be
the end, or "Lime of hnncst," of t his new people with wl1om
D:llli el's lot is cast]. From the time t he daily is taken away
:mu the abomin:i.tion you h:i.ve heard nbout, (see Dnn. 11: 31),
is set up, there shall be n thol!sn11a t,wo 111111drc<l nnd nineLy d:i.ys;
lJlessed is he t.baL wnil el h !\ltd cometJi tO the thousand t hree llllfi-.
dred and five :incl thirty dnys. For thott shalt stnod in thy lot
at the end of the dnys.
These peri ods etln no relntio11 to Daniel's people, btlt nre
the measure of the gospel ch urch, in the wilderness, and nftcr
its exit. T hnt the abomin:\lion that maketh desolate is the Ro-
man catholic church we have proven. .And that org:miznt.ion is
referred to both ns mnn :mil wom:tn; '
t.he man of sin," and t he
drnnkc11 womn11 , because of it.s don ble charact.er, chmch and
state ; and as such, was to hold" times nncl l aws'' for 1260 years.
and it is a historic fact thnt 110 g0Ycrn111e11t cstablislicd in
Home, except t he pnpnl, tlrnt wns ncocplcc1 by thc pcople, from
t he time the Gothi c power wns broken iu 538, until the rcpnblic
(If 1708.
It is t rue .T us tinean, the l:'mperor of the cast, after dri ving out
t.he Goths, which 11::is not fully tons11mmnt.ed until A. n. 553,
claimed to be emperor of Home, while permi ttiug the popes to
civil p0wcr in collecting their own r evc11ues, appornting .
t heir juclicinl ofliccrs, &c. 1t is also true, that at a later date,
Pepio of Fnu1ce,.claiiued and exercised more or l ess authority
over the papal power. And so, clnring most of that. 1260 years,
ha10 other of these" ten kings," or divisions oft.be empi re . . But
h will be remembered tl1e prophecy docs 11 ot dumnnd that the
papacy should be an independent power. These ten divisions of
the empire were ''.to ngree nncl give their power and strength
lmto the baast, un i.ti Lite words of God were fulfilled." And nil
the world know that. the catholic princes of Euro.pc, did main-
tain the papncy in Rome wi t h more or l ess civil power, during
tltat 12UO ycnrs. B11t when Luc time wns fulfill ed, they were to
ci hate t.he harl ot, o.ncl strip her, and make her desolate and nak-
c<l," and consume lier snbstnncc " nnto the end."
TLc exact lfay on which that. 1260 year period cudc<l, was
1"elm1:.i.ry 15t h, 1'7!>8. That was the uay the papal civil power
<J n<l ull, a11c1 the republic w:u; clccltircd from the capitol in l tomc.
l Soc auy his t.ury of tltc French re\' olu Lion]. ]Jut the exact tlntc
_or t.hu setting up of that, " nbominat.ion " i1; not so clearly mnrk-
c1I. St.ill t.11 c year 538 is cl ear! y marked as tho end of tho
J 18 DAN. 12.
(:ot.11ir 1>11\'e.reig11t.y in Home, not but wh:it they 111.ill st.rove to
rcgnin their IMs, until tlic death of .their hi.st king in 553; but
they Mrove 11 ns11cceRsfuJly, for rl11ri11g 11JI tltnt ti ftcen yenrs the
pro1i11ces of h:dy, who hatl cleclnr<.><l in fornr uf the catholic par-
ty, m:ii11t:1i11ed t heir :illegianco, 11ot11ithstnn<1ing Horne was sack-
ed some four or lhe timt:!I. Datiug from 5:l8, i11 rot111d numbers,
"the thous:111cl, three hnntlre<l andfhc and thirty .days," would
n::telt to " n. 1873,,as yon may i;ce l1y ntiding 1335 to 538.
ll ence, l Bi 3-t he year the six 1.ho11;;:111tl c11<l c1l, and the tl ny of
t hr. T,orcl l.cgnn-was looked forw:i.rd to wi t h mnch int erest;
;i 11 1l cwery part secrned to fit, From the time t he nbominaliou
wns "set 11 I'" or fl'(1m 5:18, I here shall lie :1 eho1wmd ye:\l's, wit h
1 wo hundred anrl. niucty adrle<l. Then a is pro11 01111ced
on those \\'ho 1rn1t :rnd come t o the thonsancl, cle:irly t.he snme
l hrN h111ulrcti n11cl five nn1l tliirty <hys. rrom 538,
:1 1000 n:!1ches to 153R, n d:kte clearly nrnrked in history, :is a
i;hortc11i11g of tlw days of trib11lation spok<.>n of liy Chril't, in
) I :i lt. 24 :. It 11:is in I 53tl, t he'' lioly l<.>:i gnc," li<.>t\\'Cen (.lie Arch-
liishop of Strn;;h11rg, tlw 1\l-chbishop of .)Je11tr., the Duke of Hn\a
1in, George of f;:ixony, Ilc11ry of Bn111s1rick, s11ppc1rt cd by F1:111-
cis of Fr:u1cc, I I cnry of E11gln11d, :rn<l other northern pm1ers-wa::1
for med, (sec Church by Charles Hnse, New York Eu., A. n.
1855, pngc 3!ll) . The object of this" holy lengue," wns to stop tl1e
papal pcri;ecuti on nnd aitl tbe 1eformcrs. Auel the end of the
two hunurec1 nnd ninety, nre' nlso clearly marked. I t was nL that
ti111e the ntlvcnt mo1crnc11t began, or a special 1.0uiei11g for the
curl ing of t.hc longer pcrio<l.
'rith present light we l1a,e learned that a round number of
yearn from 53R, wns 11ot nccumte enough to determine t.lie exact
cncling or those
Goel requires something more earnest,
:llltl tlLepcr tligging to get the exact truth. we hn.vc but one
nb!iol ute dnte from which to determine the ot.llcr two. 'f he end
o( the 1260 pcrio(I i;; fixerl t.o Feb. J 5th, 1708, beyond :ill CJllCB-
tinn. Feb. I 5th, 53R, wou Id be jusL J 2ll0 years, t he period t he
"al1011iin:ition <>f cl C'sol:i tion" wa11 to l1oltl "ti mei: :rncl lnws.''
But it. is mlt tn1Cl tliat it wns "set up," as earl y i11 !i3S Feb.
l filh. IL w:is not un ti l J\l:-trch, 538, t.h:\t, the C: otlti c power was
hroke11, and t.he nxnct cl:\Le of I.he set.t.ing up of "the abomiu:i-
tion,'1 or 1.lt c woman Laking her scat 011 t.he w:i;: when
"t h<' 11101i11cci: of l t,nly" cmhmccd t.l1c cause. Thnt.if.',
whr11 th1 1i1il pnwor 11f the Hom:in i;tahi; in t.l1<
ir :11ic,gi-
:111rc 111 lh<' <'lrnnh i :1f'l,y, wl1iclt. frn111 t h1 li t.!llL :1t1 t l1111i(.y we c:i11
f:!l.J, 11 : 1' 11f1fl11/ 1111t .11:11 :1f'tc1 . lth1 rx:td . 1lall' i" :1111 f!h,.11j .
DAN. 12. 1 1
1\1 Hl it is fro111 wlterc the :i.hornii1:'\tio11 wa.s "set itp," the t.huus
:i ud, three h1111drcd n11c1' live ::ind t.hirty cl:iys nrc to mensurc. If
, 1111 bt'fJin the 1335 yen rs one year later, of course tlicy t.crrninate
i1 yc:ir l:itcr. l311t the co11d1tio11 of the prophecy m11sL be :ulhcrecl
10. That powcl' wns r11ni11Lnin its sent I 2GO ye:.1rs, ::uid yet
Ill' know it ended Feb. 15tli, J 798; n1Jd that it \vns not set up in
fcb. 538. Still fncts n11d prophecy must (lgrec, 01 the :ipplicn
tiou of the prophecy lie giYen up. Tl1is dilcmrna. stnggcn<l me
nt to give up the npplicn.Li on of this prophecy, wo1ild hr to
g i,e 11p the pl:t in<.>s t fulfilled prophecy in all nnil
<loing that., \\'O might ns well gi"c up nil prophecy, nnil
mass o f the chu1'.'"rhcs, settle clowu nt ou1 cnse :inrl t :ik1> c111 1
d1:i 11 ccs :-.hollt the day of the Lord coming 011 us" as :i 11t icJ. ' '
But lht rl'\\':J r!\, if we "hold fast hi::; works t n the rnrl," is so
.f.(l'Cn t, rnul t.hc l.iss, if we "draw bnck," so infinite, tli:H J, for
ouc, <ltlrc 1101. ccnse my in1cstigatio11s.
On further se:irching I io1111tl just one Dihl o Jll'C'Ct'dl' nd1r .::ill
ing n period oi time n cl clii1it.e numlicr of y1arR wlt<1t it. "n:>
11c:1 rl.1 a yc:ir short, thus : "Zechkinh reigned clcnn yl'ars i11
.lvrns:dc1n," (.l e!'. 62: 1) . Zcdeki:ih did not reign i11 .Tcrni;alc111
hut ten yc:ir:--, tlirtc 1110111:.hs :rncl ni11e dnys, vcr::cs ii to 11 ):
1111<1 yet. t.l1c tltnL he reigned cleuCfl. yc:us is three ti111rs
repcat.ed-ht;c, and in 2 Ohron., :incl in 2 Kings. Auel the fnc t
lhnt. he clill 11 ot reign bnt. Len yc:irs and n. am:ill fraction of :i
year, is also three times repented.
Thc11 the :ippl icMiou ?f tl1e 1260 years, although th<'y 11cn
nQI. Ll1:1t, rn:w1 (ult is not weakened. And from 1 he ht'!'!
""idcoct\ we 1::111 get, 1.hc Italy <liu 11ot cl1angL' their
all egiance fJCl )ll the J\rinn to the Catholic clilU'ch for n f11ll yenr
nftc 1 the E'pring of 538. And tliis 1260 year period, c11di11g ns
it. cli <l, l?clJ. 15th, l 7!l8, w:i.s only 125!i years, autl sometlii11g: vf
nnnt.hc1 yc:ir: :i day or :in hour wi ll do; hut it must h:i' ' l' litt11
uw1e t.han I or it could not ho cnllc<l l 2GO. Dou btl1:i;11 t.lirr,
nn: t,lim;e \\'Ii ., glll ryi11g i11 t heir ow11 i1 1cli{fo1cnco to thtsc Bihh
truths, :111<1 !-ati;;ficd to w:ilk c:irclc$i;ly themschcs, will cnll thi::
close "spcci:il plc:iding," nod try to 1lii;pust nf t hl
wltole s11hjt-c:1. in l h:it lciose, off-band way. But whcu }':1111 fig-
nrcs <:lose," Tl1e promise was not '1 11Lo thy seeds, as of
hut. unto Lh) sc.:d,l' t.li ty 110 11ot. c:ilr it "special iilca<liptt."
J\1ca1mri11g frvm tl ic spring of 530, the 1335 yc:irs re:wli In 1114'
$pring of J!-; TI, Hut. t i10 <layR l'nulcl not <'11<l , ;ind D:111i cl n11'1 tl11
wli.11<' o1rc!(r
1' Jl'"'l'h<I-" h:11 l' a r1"<Hrr1di1111. unt il t.lio ' 'N .. I;'' f .. r
Ii \\\':\ ;,, t " ' _,. hi s till tht 1111." J\11<! ll'C li:iv1 c1tlw1 :ll,!!11_
DAN. 12.
menl s pro,i11g the end, or '
harvest," oould not be.qin untii (,be
tenth d:iy of the Sl!Veuth month of 1874. Herc was another di-
lcrnm::i. Gi,'e up tlte appli cation of the prophecy we could not,
nn1l y<.' t tl1osc "days must reach to thr end. Again we searched.
":!\Jore special plending," some may say. However, we fonnd
anot her precedent. Just one solitary case, where a similar li-
cc11cc ii; 11 scil to prolong a period of ti 111 t:. "Davirl rci gnc;d o\er
all l s r:1cl : nml tltc time that, lte nig11etl over J::;racl \\'!'IS fmty
?/f'rtr$," ( 1 l 'hr1111. 2!! : 2i). This i!l tl1rec times rcpcatc,1;
and the f:ict th:it he more thnn forty )enrs is three
timc::i repent.eel, n-. i11 2 Sam. 5: 4, :.. Then the 13:1:3 "<hys,'' be-
ginning nl111 1"1 :t .nar intc, 111:1y lie pr11lrmrr<l n11y part of nnoth-
er yenr. They 111nst not lie t:no full years, lmt ?lt(t'!J be 1335,
:rnd n11y fr:11ti1111 of annLl1er ycnr, :ind the Sc1ipt11rcs not he brok-
Pll . Ifrn<"l', tlll'_I' t:11 1 carrir1l beyond the 10th dny of the llh
1no11tlt in I, 1111.\ m!1y 111' prolonged c1cn t.o Feb. 1Hh, 1875.
w th1111t vilil:11.i11g Lhe nf the J'l'Ophcc., nml for this
t. hcrc is n cl<'!l r S1ript 11rnl nrg11111 c11t.. Bnt tltc "clays" hnYcc11 cl
c1l, t hey :tl'(I i11 Lht :u1<l 1 he interest whi ch attnchctl
tci Fch. l.Jtll, !Si;) , is :ilsv nn\1 is only 011c link of a ch:-iin
of cYiclence. 1\1111 1 h<> pn1of that I hey c11Cled on thnt clny
is 11 (lt now of snfli ci l'IH i111port:111cc t o <lcmnnd :i full cxpl:l n:lti l) ll
here. All th nt, i!-l of drnl i111pnrt:1nc.:c to Lhcse nr.7nments, is
show that tlicv rcnd 1etl t o the enll, or '
harvest' of tlie world,
on which 1\ fu"t.url' ('hnpter'lrill dwell more in detail.
"Behol<l , 1 will nn<l you Elijn.h the prophet before the greo.t u,ntl
drendf11I chn or tlw J,onl : and he slmll turn the hearts of the fath-
ers to the cliilurcn, n.1111 the haarts or the children to their fathers;
kst l como 1111<1 i:: 111i te Lhc cnr th with IL cnrsc," (Mn.I. 4: 4, 5)
The r.0111i11g or F.lijn.h must prcrede the tlt1.y or t ho J,ord: bnt his
work 111 U1nt. tlt:i.y. Jrs11s Sll>YS, " l: li ns trnl'y slmll ftrstcome
rrnd restore tLll (i\I o.L. li: 11). Anti t.he n;stitutirm. of o.11
things tloes not l1cf1i 11 1111W tlrn rct.nr11 of Christ" whv111 bhc he:wcn
n111st receive u11til the t imes of restitutiou of all (Acts3: 21),
l kncc U1e 1Nnk. of Elij1th c101'S 11ot begin 1111t.il tLfll'r i personal
n<lv1?nt or t.11 e r,ent that ushers in he day ,1r tbo Lor<!.
At tlw 11<ln'nt. ('hrh;t r:nnt', o:rit1nsihly, to ti>tn.l>l ish his
clu111 wit.11 t he ll<n11;e of I sm.cl. to wll v111 o,lv11c, he wns SC'!nt
Bui., " 111 t.11" tlity thy wn.lls aro to ho huilt , i11 dtty shall t.ho
1l1'< rN' hr f11r r.111.,\
111. " (Mi1:d1 i" ll). Tlw ki11i;d,1111 nf Got! was
T:dtrJl fr11111 tlw111, rtllll t Ii " 11fh1r h:tlf {lf Y.i ons Wlll'f(1ro! POllll'S in.
'l'ht "11all:< " tdl'rnd tu, wu..'<tl 11
ir snh;Lli L111 : tri llt:1t<11Ly shnll
ELJJ All. l:?I
tllls song be i11 Ilic ltrncl of Jud11.h; 'Ve ho.,e a, st.roug cit} : s:il
\'l\tion will (fod 11ppoinL for walls nnd bulwarks." But tltis will ue
r1'11lized 11111 iu Umt citr "wltiuh lmt.h foundntions."
111 the slin.tlow\ se11se in wlt fch the kingdo1n wns olTL'rcd to tho?
1l1il uren nfter tho.flesh, In just tho.t li111itecl sense, .Tolin t he
wn-=: the Elijrih. Ultri st iu i:prn.kini; of John, says, "hncl if ye will
,.,.,.,.il"e it., tltis is Elias wl1iclt wns for lo come," 11: 11).
I I ere it is th'nrly 111:11fo conditionul: If ye receive it, is I he
Elins; if 11<t, lie i!' nl)L the .i\1111 t.hcy tlid not rce1in! it,
lwt1C<', whru askc1l
"Art tho1t .Elias"? .John conl<l truly say, " l
11/11 1101," (.f<thll l: 21).
Th:tt [ 1 11:1111c!l nl"1' the same, one is from tile Jfourew,
:11111 tht\ oth(!r t.hl' C:1cckJ, 1rns only n mere type, :ind tlt:n the
!'rnpltccy 1lo1s nor 1ni11L tn lii111 i11 JU!rson, i11 clc:ir fro111 thl! fad
tl1;1l cr,11<liti111.1/1y . l11h11 tlie l:tijn!t. J\ncl }'l't .loli11, "'"l'11 if
thl'Y ltnl ncti r eI him, w:i:< still snn of Eliznlit!tl1. 1:111
hriel, in Lnke 1: I G, it clcnr; "Ile shnll go h<rore him i11
1111 i::piriL nnd 11owcr of Eli:ts
t.o turn t.hc bc:11'ts o[ tho fnt.litr!\

&r. J !enc<', the rcnl Elij:ih, whu, or whatc,-cr ho 111:1_r IJC., will
lw 1hc n11titypr pf Elij:ih lhe piopllC't. This, like n1nny oili er
p<"ints in t.hc le.Uar of the text, to tho type, :11111 in the
'Jlirit, or rrnl 111ea11i11g
to the :llltitypc. And it can l1c showu
that the "chnrch of the fir::iuorn,'' Uhrist nnd his body complete,
ii-: the tnH n111itypicd Elijnl1.
"Jle shall t.nrn thL' ltenrts of tl1e fat.hers to tJ1c children; nnd
the !tcnrti: of the chilclre11 to their fntlters; leFt. I come :u1d smite
lite cnrtli ";tli a cnrse.u Herc is the alternntirn, if t he El ijah
ffriugs nuo11t. this happy n.1111io11 of the family, a hlei::i::i11g rei::nlt.i:,
ll11t if he co11l<l, or sho1il1l fail, a!I Jolin the Baptist failed, Lhe11
a curse rrl'11lt. J\nd th:H this 1.11rni11g of the henrts; &c. rc-
l"t rs to somC't.hing mnrc th:111 t.he .Te11ish nn.Lion, il'l evitl e11t from
l l1c CXLCllt. or the ('l\l"S{', in C:\SC of fnilurc. But it is ll"rit1 cn, "111
ll1y seed sh:ill :ill the nntions of the e:irLh be lJlcsscd." lft!llC1

th<' real Elij:1h "i::h:1ll 111L foil nor be disconr:lgcd till he hat.It 11ct.
itt.l!.!mcmt i11 llu e:uth.

<ii ,J 1)(111 it """" said,
llnL T 1111to you Eli:ts come nl
r111cly, arnl lh,y k1ww him 11 ot, hut h:lvc do11e 1111to hirn " 'h:1tso-
,.,.,.,. tl1cy Likcwi,:c i::h:11l :ilso tho :->on of 111:111 snffor nf
\l.1111. (1\h1t I i : l'!:. But 10 thua11t.itypic:tl Elij:lh t.ltcy will not
lo :t.5 t.l1c,r list;" llC' !:'iLletli i11 Lite hea\('ns <>hnll l:\\lgl1: 1lt
1.111d,Rli:\ll ha1 c tl1t'111 in 1ltrisioi1, ... Y1>1. h:t\c I set my l\i11g
111.11 111y l:nly l1ill of Zi'll."'
,\ ., llH: is In in lhn f()dtl .,; tit h1111111:i
lllici it if! 1111ly 1 Ji rq11i;h I h1 '"'"'tit 1< t iP11. t l11d 1:{( / 111 ii 1/ !!tr 111 rtlt
r:LJ.J Alf.
111e to l>e hlcsRcd in J\hraham and his set>cl ; u.ncl this work o( re11tore-
l11:.r nll thi111.,'!I is the work: lt of nc<:essity, Umt the
Elijuh. u11u the seed.'' tire one nntl the s1t111e. And that Ult1'iJJt,
lteucl n.nd l>ody, the 011 e per foc:t, seed, i;i ::iloue competent for the
\\'Ork, ontl tluit it bd,,1117,q t o fllltl. no one r11t1 clou\Jt.. Hence, all
itle11s of ll Elijnh n rc from so111e or.her than tliviue
ori1fi11. "And the '""81 in the kingdom of hetwen [thnt is of that
l>ouy wh ich is to cn11 stitute the real Eli.inllJ is greater thau Jolln
th!' Bopfo;t."
Hut, it ht' nc:kPcl. Jr the rlturch, with Christ ns its
hend, i!i Ow rt>nl 1t11litypkal E!ijnlt, who is f() "turn the hearts of
the fallit'rs to the <hill lrrn; aad the children to thei r fnthe rs; ' ' and
"1estorc all ;, 11ot thn.t work IJciug ncco111plishe<l during
the g11spr-l I.rt. (;hrist nnswc r :-"Suppose ye t hn.t
I n.m c:omP. to 1w;l' e>n eon h l tell yon nay I IJut rn.l.her cl i
vii<iOll : for jrn111 lt e11r1_!111/lt t hll l'<' shnlt 1.Je Ovu in 011e house c]j\ided,
ng11i p!\( two, n11d l\\'I) ngnirn;t thl'('(::. 'l'he rutlter i<hall bll c1i-
\jd;tl t hP 111111 thC' !'Oil og:i.i111<t the fnthl'r. " llut \\hen
he h ns prrf1"'t.1l d111rd1. hr 1:nrnes not tn bring cl i Yision, 11ot to
sl!t. tlw fllthcr:< nnd rhahlrl'lt nt ,nrianre, so t hat" n,mnn'sfoes
he they <Jf hi!' o wn .. 1111! to i::pruk pence; "o.ml uf the iu
of liis i;-onrn111m, ruiI of pc1tce, there shnll l>e u o end."
.\s Elijnh \l' n!' a ,,( rhc' i::n:;pel church, t h!?reshoulcl be n l"Or-
resnontl on<' P, ni< th rr'" tt l wn ys IJe b rltwcen type and (l.ntitypc.
'Vns the church 111ch>w1l with th e power of rnfriclcs 7 " AllCl Bli-
jn.h snid, S1<e. thy Stlll lhcth." Has the goi:j>el ch11rcl! hccn perse-
cuted 1m<.I cc11111 ><ll,d (11 nee, \Jy 1L woman w 10 su.t n.s q11een, (Hcv.
lS: 7); nnd i l' C'n.l le<l ,J,1.l' hel. (l\eY. 2: 20)? "Then .Tc7.cbcl sent 1i
111<'ssengcr onl(l E:li ,inh. i:::tying, $0 let the gods do t o w e, o.nd more
11l so, if l rnnke 11ot tll) lift> M -0111> of t.Jiem. And when hesn.w that,
he a rosn nnd wl"nt for hit< li fe.'' flid t.he chnr ch, when fleeing from
the womn.n. fi11cl sht>lt<"r i11 the wilderness, "wllP.re they should feod
her n. Lho11saml t\,o l11rndrl'1l nnd Uircescore days? Then Elijo.h
cl icl n.ccording i o tho " Ord of l11I' Lord; .. . nnd t.hc rn.vcns brnught
]1i1n bread 1111tl flesh. i11 I he morning, nntl lJreo.d n.nd flesh, in tile
evenin:(' Wht'n tli f' <'hnrch c:une out of the "wilderness," after
her fligllt, di e! t,lw "famine, not o f bread, 11mof wn.ter, but for heo.r
ing the wor<l or th,, J .11 rl1
cen.se, by a copious outporing o( "the lat-
t er rain ? /Ind Lil e "'ortl o r the Lord cu.me unto Elijah, iu the third
)''!nr, (nt t.hl' 111cl of " f.hrec years o.nd sis. months," Jn.mes 5:17] say-
ing, Go show Lhyi;clr to A lmh. 1\111l I will i;end rain on tile earth."
Is the church tn I' ll (! cnrec r hy tro.11sln.tion:-" 13ehold, I show
you n myste ry; we :<hall not fl.II i;ler:>p, but we shn.11 nll l>e ch anged,
in n. 111omcnL. in lhf' I win kling o f nn eye, o.t t he Inst tn1111p.
' "For
tho <lend in Chrii:t. rise firl't, t h en we which o.r<' l\li\'C ro-
11min 11lmll lrn rn1111tlll up togetl11
1 wit h them to meet t he J,ortl
in the n.ir." "J\ 11c1 1 I l11111e to whcu tlw Lor<I wo11 ltl t11.kc up
l-:lijah into I' 11 wll i rlwind ; t.111\t Hlij1d1 wc11L wiLh Elishi\
frm11 Gilg:11 I." (2 J\ irii.:s '!; I).
Why 11 .. tro.nsl tdNl? lie wns no bctk r Lhl\n his fn-
r.lwrs, (I J\in::;i- l!I: 11' 11,., .,nr:<c hci11; '" t.ypim\I clmrn<1ter hP rnpro-
s111ti- l111 hncly cf( 'l:1it i11 nll it.fl h11111ilintio11, n11d f1111LI \' ict-ory. Hut

t lie pMnllel;; urc not cornplulo, when h e starts for transl nlion. His
111mc1111111ts fro111 Gili:,:n.I until he crosses the ,Jordan, hn e
t!wir e xn.ct p nmll els u11tl c1 the mi<.111ight cry mo>ernt'nt. tho on" in
whic h tho -church is rC' prPseutecl :1s going t.o meel, her Lo1d (Mott.
'.!'i ; En) n tlt c> 111eani11g oft.ho ntuues or en.cli point ,;sitecl
in which he slflrtes fro m Gilgn.l for Beth-el, n.n(] frt1111 Hr th-
1! to ,Jrricho, n11d tlttJl for .TC1nlcu1
c rosses the Jor<ln.n, n,nd s t ill
i.:n1;; 011. oil lHt\' (' t.l1f'ir nntit.ypu here, ln tbis rnove111cJ1t now e11Ll -
111i: wi1h i.l1P "hnn'C!st. 111c!';;age.
It li<<u not. follow llmt ltecnnse ct ll the church hn.ve r:ot t1lke11
j ltrt., mc not rcprci;c11tetl; crlt the church did not Ike in
1u the wilurnw:;f\ , Ancl oftcu a tuinority ill 1111tde to r epresent, the
111tolt'l, ns is 1lo11htlt;>.'\l' t.hr case in the parn,hle or tho "tim \'irgi11s."
'l'l1is 111ovc111 e111. is r1latC'd to, nncl we wig-ht al111ost sa.y lJnseu on,
lhn \'ery uupnpn lar At! \"e11t 111ove111enL or 1i;4:1.4. Since ltll Lhe ru lcs
,,r 1nt.erprclaUr,n r.hc11 n1lopte1l, o.re fully cn.nicd ont in this p resent
,110,e111 cnL Tile 4:j 111ova111ent. encling ns it did, in disnppoi11!11ie11t.
11 11<1 f11witicisu1. has l.Jcen n. great reproa.clL Pl'ior tl> tlmt, thr pl
111s in nil the chnrclio>s wouhl both sing nn<l lnlk of the second n.cl -
"'"l" Hut 11ow the hitre me11t.io11i11g of the sul.Jject is frownetl 11p-
r> 11. Tin's 111 o nrn1ent :otartetl SOlll(l ltrtecn ye;u's nrter, nntl ontof the
1 ny si11k C>f Lll!lt r!'pronrh: not nnly. iutlorsing the prophetic nppli-
1111 io 11s t.hen mnde, hut inllorsi.ng the movement itself, tLS the ful-
!i l111c1d; of J\Jar .. 2J; 1-5.
(iilgal UJeu.ns, "rolling 1\.wn.y the rnpron.ch,
(.Joshun 5: !l). With
1t.e e\itlencc now hefore us, we must bclie\'e thnt t.ranshttion
H nud, nssu111ing thnt f.hese arguments 11re t.rne, Will it not
1011 n.way the r eproach of tho '43 movc1ue11t? for if thm lili ed the
"nnditions of Mat. 25: t -5, this mo\e111ent, co111pJetes the pnndil r
.\ntl Lhe 1uid11ig-l1t cry mo,emc11t I.Joins; the one tlint emls with the
<0111i11g o f the Hritlegroo111. n.ntl t.hc "going in of those who were
rr1\ciy; " ought to be Ille nntityp!! of the t.r:i.nsln.t.ion scenes.
When tho Lonl would he st:uted fr<.J111 Gilgal,
r\ Jr Hethel wn.s the plf\ce where ,Jacob's !nuder stood; n.ntl

it-s name in of vision. Our obj ect-point.

wlJn:1 this 1110\em!'nt. !'tarted, wns lS'r.l; whe1c the six thcrnsn.111\
!:'!Hkcl. the dny or lite Lord begun, nm'! the :c<pccin.l light 11011'
on lha 1wt11.n or the closing e\'enls of tlienge, bego.n to cle
vrl ope. J\ntl we truti L t.hat this ladd1:: r, " rnst.ing on thn.t. phi1for111.
11ill st:i.11(1 srcure, 1111t.ll fhl) topmost round is scnled. Dut .Ucth cl
\\' 11.S scarucly nn,ch1d hy l>cfore the Lortl sent him to Jeri
1:lio; whiuh 111na11!I "his 11w11t.lt, or woon." J\ntl we 110.d l>uL
r,.1U!lt ed 011r uhj>'ctpui11t in '73, wlwn t.hc lightslionc on Ll1c e"illen
now gh..,11 i11 Ulis book, Llmt Christ wn.s due to lc:we t.hr
liuly T'l:tr.e nn t.ho "truth c111.y of the scvent.h month, " in 1874; to
"11ic h we irn1111tlinJrly l11:;nn tc1 look. Tlt1LI., answering to
ll'l"icl10, Lhc 1;rr1111d ollj1t'H>oint of
11111. '' Lwd s11id g-o 10 Jonlo.11. " /\11tl. wifhnut g-i1illg it 11p,
u uny 11ppart>11{ tli:<('.1 >11n1 1;0111 l' 11t, ht i<l11rk<l f111 .] <> rd11n; whi1 h ic,

l11m1' 11l. JI, 1111tn1tl .1 wt11t to, 1>111 1 11t11i11c.;
1111o11d 011(, 1111 th<' uthrr i1 ide. dn i<hocl. \\'lw11 w1 n111lt 11 l
h 1 111 11111!1 11f It!':' I. 1 ltl!I"" 111 t i111 t. !11r
ns lh< ligl1t on the J!l;J.'i Wt)'I'," 11howiui;- t.llll.L thry nulu IJe pro-
loni:r<l to Fcl>. l4Lh Jt!i:i, c.i,1111' out 1tt. f.lm.r lime. And nJso that l>e
tween Fcl;. J.1, where the would he due to comme11cc,
1111tl April 5ih, t he encl of tli e Jewish ycnr, nt which
ti111e the JulJilce, or " ti11ws of rcsti t.ution" Wf'11ld li1gi11, was just
fill!! <fop. Which rou 111 11oto1!c11 r ugnin uni ii I.he ue w muon should
co111 c ngni n on April ti rh, ntHl t h nt. .April l1t>k111t:r lo n lcap-
\ cnr. Whioh wo11l 1l rcl]n ire the r t.!t.i1111of1111ui y, 111n11y c ycles.
' 'l'he spe!'inl poi11t i11 tlti'!<ji}1y is tll(lt fro111 tltP.
or (.' lt rii:t, "tlH to t.he1lescPntofthe Hnly S(lirit, :the
c11111r.sl vf lhr i11t11rit:t11<'<', 11 111il the rctlclllptlon of the purcha.sell
possession " ( 8phn. I : I II, wns l\lso tifty !ln,yR.
we llid not ltok for frn,nsln.tion on t lt 11 1'1th of Fobru-
nry, we l.Jelicvecl t li e11. ai: now, rhnt tltr resurrect.ion l11.11n11 1lt t.hat
1.i111e, nml wit.11 onl.r or tl11 p rophrts, tl1e order t o which
llirniel IJ elnn(.!s. Hut tlitl expect, trn.nslation hcl11wm Umt, rmll
April (ill 1. H ence, with thosr two objectpoint.s in view when we
i:tr\l't1'd f\-11 11 1 tli e sc"rnth wnntl1 " o f JSu. t.hey 1\nswcr t o t.he pns-
i:n;:e hcl "''"' " t)le o f th" .J o rJnn. 1\11l1 ns we jvu rucy v11 a
Httl rurtJur. deli\"l!l"l'Jtre 111ny Cf)llle 11.ny tiJUf> l1etwer11 Lids nud t h e
111d r1f the" hancst,'' in JS ill. .\11d now, ns lhen, "the su11s of the
prnphets i:tall!I a/11 r (2 l< i11gs 3: -;,.
Thrse 11111y lc>nk s111111l, 11s inde<l they .are, n.ntl /1ulish lo
th<> world. /\ncl !"O dr1 111:111y of the lit lie d i>t.nils of t h e 11tw: why
sho11l<l Glirii:;t ri1lc into .lcr11sahm1 fhe 1lnys befvre Lht> pns::onir, iJt-
"tcntl of six 7 Why should he lJe l.Jet-myed 011 t1ie- -e,e11i11g of tJ1e
14t h of thr 11 rst 11101\t.h ? Go to P.xo. 12: and lcnrn why. .A ln.111 I>
wits t.nkrn up, and l la1111) wns !!In.in, at t hose set, tit11t1s. ryve
:intitype urn ll fcat.111e in 1dl of Goers work, even from tilt: i;ix dn.ys '
of c re11 tion, to t hP encl o r tlle great pl n.n; "For, saitl h e, See t ho u
mnke e \err t h inf! nfti>r the ]11tll11rn s h own U1ee i n the holy moun t ."
Tl IE lIAltVI!;ST:
]ts lJ11qim1i.11.(/ and Its End.
"Thr ha is t hi> r 111l of t h e world; a.ntl in the time o( Ji n.rvest
I will sn.y t<J t hn nn p1' r!l, Gat.hc r ye togethcir f11st Ut e f.ttrr!i :-111rl bi11d
thn111 in J..)umlks lo lt11r11; hut j:inth<'r Uie whcn.t intn 111y lmm."'-
l\fat.t. ta:
There Int$; n l1arvr,;L Ln !.Im .Jr wish :igc, to whi1:h 1\1 h:l1e :ti
rcra1ly Tcf1rnd : :<1111 tlt:ir. 11arnlil l1cg:u1 nutl c1Hlr1l ll'itli tl1crn,
duri11g Uh1is1's p1rn1)1l:d 111csc11cci and hence, conl.i1111c' d rluring
the Lhnc :111d :1 -lo:df ye:1rn (If hi;; minist ry. The of t.liis
go);p<'l 11).{I ' . 1rhid1 i.s ali;o l.hu l' IHl o f il,;{C, 1.llrl'l' :wil
rih:il f :is""" will show. J\1; t.hc harv1:);t. at. tl 1c fir.st, tttll'cllt
1l itl 11 ni l11 ;: i1111 111il <"hri!'I. 1:1111l', 1.li:1L htg-a n Iii !< work, for lie
dirl 11111 111 :11 .. in rlii " ''' II"'! u11til 11f'llr .J oh11\ h:q1li:>111. .\ <:t.s
' " 1111:< l1.1n ..... 1 ligi11" wit.Ii Christ's 1ns111cc.
THE lL\RVEST. 12.5
., Aud I lookc<l, a11u behcl<l. n white cloud, :1.11<1 upou the cloncl
one saL like nnto tlie Son of mnn, ha,ing 011.his hcnd a goltltrn
t:rown, n11d i11 liis h:111cl n sharp sickle. And :tnotherangel came
ont of the temple, saying, wit.It n loncl voi ce: 'l'hrnsL in Lily
Pickle, and rcnp; for t,\ic time is come for t.hce to reap, for tho
Ii arr est of the Ntrth is ri pe." ( Hcv. H : 14, l 5 ) . h is trnc this i:;
i:;yrnbolic l:\tlgungc, :mtl i;o ii< pnrnblc in 1ll:it.t. 13 :, but there
ll'C hnVu the t,; j.l:t11atit>ll tlt:\t l11C:\llS gathering the fruit Of the
gospel ngc. Tlit11 l' olloll'S nnot.hcr :rngel, who gathers the" clns
"'rs of Lhc YillC' r.f lliL' cnrtL," "aml cast them into t he great wi11c-
prcss of tJ1c wr::Lli nf (711\\ .
It. will he tl1crt on1cr ltcre, ns in all of works.
First, O!lO iik< t hl' :-;nu 111:111 "rc:ips the eart h.'' '"l'his is Lhe
11f him th:it 11w, tlirn c>1cry 011e which scoth the Son and le
liC\' CLh on him. 111:1.y h:irc c1cl'lnst.ing li fe, aud I will raise
11p nt tl1c l:l;::t rlay," (.Juhn ti : 40). Jt is the dead in Christ .. tltat.
hf' 11hilc angels 111'<' Lo g:nhor tho t:i. rr.s. "AI Lhungb a11
angel can noL wnkcn on<' i;lr.eping saint, or l.ning him from
lomu ; :i. l<'gion of :i11geli< cnnnot keep him thel'e."
The or<lcr of Lltc h:Hvcst can be gathered from Christ's te:ich-
i11g in J\l:i.tt. 13 :, n111l Ll1 is. "the l {.evelntio11 of J csus Christ.''
llore wr. liml rl1c harrcstb,!fins with Christ's own work.
" The dcntl in Cl1ris1, sh!Ll l rise rir1>L." And before " 110 who :i.rc
:1li 1c a11cl rem:iiu ,. suc taken, the " vine of t he e:trt h " is gat. h-
rrod, t o be c:ist into the wineprcss of his wrath. "I will s:iy to
tho reapers, G:\thcr re (.Ogl.!ihor.first t he t:i.ros, :incl bi!Hl them i11
l1111clles to hnrn." 1'1.1t11, :ift.cr the separation of t ho t:i.res a1Hl
wheat. is eomplote, the "whenL" is gaLhered-" caught np to
gethcr with'' the dea.tl in who have heca raised bcfon ,
mecL 1h11 Lord i n the :iir."
The abuvc being Lho order of events, it will be seen that the
harvest. coul1l noL ha,c hcg11n, 1111t.il Ohl'ist left t.hc Holy P lace;
which, ns h:i' been fi ii own in a former chnpter, was due on Lile
tc11th day of the :;c1cnth month, occurring in October, 1874.
This t h'.it t l1c 1111[ 11f 1111 11ion, :igc, w:i s <lnc t.o hcgiu in the
:iut.umn of 1Si4-, w:is n:1thecl hcforc the "time of the har vest"
wns seen. 111 t he c;h:iplor on t ho cfp1:ilit.y of Lhc two coven:i.nt.s,
it. lins bcc11 show11 1 lrnL tlit ti 1ne from the death of .J ncol>, to t.hc
<l cnt.11 of Christ
wa>1 I fi.1;; yc:u.q; nod Lhat the two co,ena11'ts, or
cl ispcnsn tio11!-;
were L.t, IH1 " f t'<J 11:d meas urn, :rn<l t.11 crefnl' c, from
t hu death nf to tht c11d of the gnsplI <lii:J>clls:ttion, 11111sl
111t:1:;urc l Slri yoa ri;_ ,\11 I [rnrn Lite crn('ifixi,,11 i;1 th <: year A. n.
Lu tho r- pri ng uf l>i7:-, wlll he 1815 years. Bu t. t he point f
wish lo show is, tl1<! parallels he tween the of the two
<lispensntions. An d, let it he rememhcretl, these nrg 11111cute on
the prophetic p eri orls, which tfolcn11111c tlJ,.;.l 1rulrms llntes,were
reached before the fnct was aeen Lhat t.hc lt11ruu11 hcltl any pl:\cc
iu t.he :urnngcmcnt. of t.hcse tirnc arguments.
As the first rlispcnsati o11 mcnsurctl 1845 yca1s. nll(l c11c1"<l wit,11
a harvest of t in-cc nn <l a-half the <luin.tion of Christ's min-
istry; it follows t hat froin whore thnt rfoipeui;:itinn under the
twelve tri bes begnn, t o where the harvest WM 1841 years
n.nd six months; to whlcl.i wr nrld t h<' three n11d n-hnlf ye:inJ of
that harvest t o ct1111plrtc> tl11 J<: 1;. ;\ow i:; it. 1wtnstrnnge
that ptctisrly tlu <>:1111r 11 lwnlcl occur
here? T hat is, from t he i<pri11g pf " n. where the clispensri-
Litl11 of the gospel to nll ll:'l liu11s uega11, t o the nut..1111111 of A. n.
l SH, the exact poi nt where t/ii.x sho11 l<I hcgi11 ili nhm l 841
ve:us a11tl six mo11 Llis?
This bare coiuci1lrm'e nlnnc, pc;iR<.ilily 111if!ht h:wc hnen n mn t t <'r
of acciclcnt, bu L w h1:11 a II Lill! 111 her p:1 r:d 11n mecl in the s11 b-
jecL of t.hc "Tw0 U1)1cna11l;::.," arc re11wmlierl'd, n11cl nl!10 I.lie
nh1111dant evidence there i11. th:it f.hey ?cc:re to be of "equal mens-
uxe, nn<l of equ:il sir.e;" to /Intl n contimirttion of such won-
clerfnlly exnct mcns111cn1ents, is m:itlicninticnl demonstration thnt
seems almost ine11istahlc. _1\ t> fro1n the 11pring of A. v. 33,, to the
:iutu11111 of 1874, is 18-l t yen.rs and a-half, so fro111 the autumn of
to the spring of Wik, ll'l1trc thn fnll ycnrs of the
gospel dispensati i>n 111d, i:- d1rl'c' :11 trl n-h:llf leaving t he
harvest of equal wi 1h the Hill of the Jewish clispcnsn
J\gain: 'fhirLy yrarc:i before t!tnf. harvest bcg:in, Ch1ist was
born. Prior t o dint C\'011t, there haci becu n. expeclnt,ion,
:ind as yon romeml1er, old Simeon had the w1 &ne1>s that. he should
not sec death t1ntil he had scrn t. hc Lorcl's a11oi11tc11. And tl.i erc
wns in Israel a <lccid1ll :i ch-111l 11101ernc11t, c11l111inn.Li11g in t,hc
liirLh of :ind the wise mc11 of the 1:ts t uo111i11g to worship,
&c. Thirty y ears IJc forc !./ti s harvest hcg:i n, Lhl! l'O had been an
a1lvent, movement. h h1:gan perhaps wit.It \\c<'> ll', wl10 pre:i0hed
t hrnngh E11ropc anrl J\11in, hut w:is mai1dy in tlii11 r.o1111Lry, ancl cul
111i11atc.tl in the tenth <lay 11f the 111011th I){ 1844, jnst 30
years prior Lo t.hc nut.11111n <if l SH.
Agai n: Aliont >;ix 1111111t.(1, pri,>r Lll tl1a t, harrr:>t , there was a
rnci<':11c Lo 11111k1\ 11 laili 1'1-.<t LP ls1acl, the co111111J.: nf
( 1 .. 11111: :SI). l.r1'111t' tl1is harYc1;t 1h< juJ1ilce
arg:11111:11ti; cam (lilt, ti 111;lJ,p 111a:1il'cst hi" (/w Israel," the com
T!ill llAltVEST l

- I
111g of l!Jl' Lime. Uow i t, thllt c'<'ry fcat11rc
or the 011(; lias its pnmllcl in t.Jic other, unless t.hey ill
deed, to lie" of cq11:1l rnensure, nnd of equal sir.e "? 1t will be
n.rricmucretl that the .Tell'> st.umlJlcJ at the mwm1Jr of Lite uom-
i11g of 1.lieir uf(Sliinl1. Tl1cy were cxpcctiug m1u1ifes.tntio11s of
411iLe R tlifforcnl cli:irr1ql"r, something ope11, grnn<l nnd glorious
011 the phne of Lhl ilcsh, nnd they land nl>un<lnnce of Scripturn
10 s11pport tlnir i1l c:i..". 1ven Gabriel's decln.ration to Mary, hnd
Ll1oy ha vo k 11111rn it, wo11 lll nnturall y snstni ned their conception
vf the chnract"'r of his nil vent. '"l'bou shalt cull his n:i.me .J E-
SUS, H c slrnll l ie gn:Lt, :llld shn II lie called the tion of the Higb-
1:st; nucl the Lrml 1;1Hl 1>hnll gire 1111to him the throne of bis
i:lL11er JJa ri<l ; 1111d hr shall reign O\'er the honse of Jacob for
c1cr, of his ki11_-;dom there shall lie iio end," (Luko l: 31-
This wns ju;:;t tho t.bny were looking for. Rut hon
could i<cr nny .. r lhis pictitrc fullille(l in "Jesus of N:i7.ar
ct h," the m:111 tf sn1 rows. 'He shnll l.>e great i" nncl yet
tcac.:hing to his 1fa<:i('les, l.>oth by precept nml cxumple is, " l fo
ihnt would be great l in the kingtlom J let him be the scn:rnt of
:ill." Their :\lcssiali \1:1;; LO come out of llethlehcrn, nncl yet the
Lord had Lhe infa111 carriNl to "th:it ho might
ho cn,ltecl n Nazurem'." And yon may follow the whole history
of the Nninrcne, nnd yon will scarcely find a single feature of
his life in which tl1r Jc11cotlld recognize his nlessiah. The fact
(Jf his lrn1ing power, was no proof of itself. .M.irn-
clcs were co111mon in th:it ilispens:Hion. Prophets, before Christ,
hau healed tlie i<iok antl rni1;ctl the dend. 11c11oe, they sturnblccl,
nnd yon cnn hardly wonder at it. lmleed, Goel spoke "in dark
sayings and pnrahl<?s, lest they should sec;" nnd there is to be n
J>arnllcl here. This 11ccond houst) is to stumble, antl for thcsamo
reason, vir.: Ul'Caai;c of the 111:innor of his coiuing. Yon may
smile iit :i111l i>ay, llc is comi11g in tho clouds of heaven, autl
every eye sh:1ll 1<el\ hi111, :ind Lhi 11k yon know all about iL. So
could Lhc Jew i>lllil, :uul imy, IIe shal l he g re:it, nnd shall sit up-
011 Lhc throne of hi:. f;i 1l11.:r l>:\\'id . .NevcrLhclcss, they stumulcd,
:\11d so this g1)11c1ation. H11L yon :ire :i. good ehnrcli moml>('r,
and honor tliL1 1rn111 c 11f Uhrii:1., and h:wo no fear of bci11g rcj ecc-
ccl. had tit! .1 (!11' any fear of being rejecLed. Jle fc:-11-
c:d Got! a11d hc11wnd l ht law. JJu L they were rcjccLccl as a bo1ly,
1111<1 !lO will IH: 1111 1hnrd1 >f the prcscnl cl:qr.
'l'hc1e 111
ru (;t!rl11111 pr.1l'li"c:ics hci11g f11rlillccl al , :11111 flnrin)!
Llicir ii:Lncst .. Tlrl' 111c1-. n1a11, l'hriHL .Jcs11i<, being did 1Ht
pron: l1irn he th1lir ;.\lci;siah. l h1t Lhore 11n.s nn im111encc army
of St:rit1turc fulfill ed j u,t 11t t.hnt 1i111r. 1'/wy fail1:d uf R1cing it ..
Thcrcisnn immcm:e nnayof I.icing fulfilled just 11uw;
hnt tlie church as n li<1rly, <1<>, :1ni1 will fail of i>cting- it; n.nd
they :ue just ns much in the <lark i11 rchtiou w thccvc11Ls of this
hnncst, as were the .Jcw11 :it tht C'n1l nf their :tgc. Hut if tl1c
cliurch, as n body, nre 1.0 eC1 mc :11111 fnil uf lrni11g sn1cll,
what hns the rrospcl 11ispt:>11<::11.inn amo1111t.u1i to ? lf the .Jewish
nnLio11 al\ :l bocfy
f:lilcd, 1rlt:11 cl id t ll e .h11 i:;h dii<pe11s:1tio11 .nmonnt.
tu? 1 will :mswer lmth ri11cst in11 ff: Th"r were c:ich a necessary
pnrt. of the pl:in for tlc1clt1i11g du l.ypi(lnl, n11cl then the
real "seed of the wnrn:rn" 1 l1:1L " is t Q ilnii"c the scrp:int's heatl."
"J\Iany arc c:tllecl, h11t f1 11 :111 1ho:<111.'' Dn ;011 w:tnt to share
in t he kingdo111? 'l'lie11 1 ltc n :irf' rC'spn11:.:ihil iL1 cs f1>r you
.1 111111 \ Vesley, or :111y of d 11 1
:1ily 1fol 11)t hn1c ; alHl
hC'111;c, for you to It 1c n.; NI rntst :i <'11 ri:<t.in n Ii fc ns (!id Joh 11 \\'cs-
ky, is not enough. Di.\ 1wl t lit gc11c r:11i 11 n or ,Jcw1;
on whom
t.hc l.'iHl c1imc- Lhe g11crnti1111 who s:1\\. 11r 111igli1. hn1c seen, the
f11llil111c11t of the :::;rriptuns rc11Ll'ri11g 111 the fi1st. :ullc11 t-hnve
1tiipn11i<ihili tics t.hcir foL11crs did 11ot lt:1xc? nncl were t.ltoy not
judged accordingly?
It is not the world, b11 t t ltc ch11rch, 11lto nrc g1tiny for being
in d:irkness in rcl:lt.ion to thr fulfil111c111. of t he great amount of
Script\lrc ccnlcri11g in this hnrl'cst.
You arc right in ex peeling Chri:;L Lo Mille iu the cloutls, open-
ly nnd visi.bly, so t.hnt every eye shall him. But yon n.tc not
ri gllt in rejecting nll t haL is to prcccd1: tltoso open manifesta-
ti ons. You arc right i11 cl:1illling t.h:t l li e comes in all his g loiy,
:wd with all his hvly angel::; but yo11 :tre wrong i11 dcnyi11g that
!tc comes ns a tlticf. You arc right in claiming that men will
cnll for rocks and mountn.i11s t.o hiile tl1clll from him that sitt.eth
upon tbe t.hrone. Y (1 11 ii.re wrong in d111ying tltnt in (.lie dnys of
t.hc Son of man, during his

his it will be ns it
was in the cbys of No:ih; tlt:it. mo11 an to co11Li1111e nL t heir ordi
11nry lrnsiness, buying, RclliJ1g, mnrryi11g.1, &c., cluring the" days
or t.hc Son of rn:in," j11s(, as tlHy 1lid d11n11g the <l:1ys of Noah.
The cl1ristin11 church is tcat:hing a grc:1t dc:il of truth, and so
1lid 1.hc scribes and l'ltaril\cc!'l, who sat i11 SC.'lL. liut whon,
in 1.hc fullne:;s of Li11w
it change of clispc11 satio1l was taking
)'iilta, they weic not. J>rtp:1rcd (t> :t!l v:111i.:u with the arlv:111ci11g
ligl1t of Uml'R won!; 1.li ci r fall. '!' he f:tcL o( ()hri:;L licing
tlun' i11 pc.nson, w:111110 u1 id111c\ to t.lw1 1. Thuy were ju<lgc\l bc-
r:11<>1 :::.c.,.ipf1l1'C! 1c;.1s l11i11y ,rl1(/i/lcd, and tiwy knew ii. 1wt.
Tl.ii': 12!1
:-50 t he cliurclt i:. g11il1.y to-11ay
hcc:rnsc the Scripluns :ire Ul'-
ir1.!.! folfilt (!il, and t.ht')' k11ow it nC/t. J\ncl, like the ,fows, upon
wliorn Go1l po111Nl out liis wr:i t h to the uttermost ; Rn tt po11 the
..!11istilm world, tl1c scvc11 l!ls t pl:ig1tcs, i n which is fill c-<1 up the
\\TaLli of Cocl, !lrc soon l.o l1e 1ourcd out.
Jl :l\c you 11ol 1101icc,} in the gl'caL m!ljniity of de111111ci!ltio11s
by ou1 Lonl, a11<l ah:o liy I lie :-ipostlcs. t.liat . t hey !lre !limctl at
chl'isti :111s. Those 1rj11ctc<lby h im, claim to ha"c <lo11e
111:'111)" wo11tlcrflll work.o in lti$ 11:i1ne. The worltl kt$ 110 such
1l:1irn 1.0 make. And with the :-ipnstlc, those who\\'('!'( hr:-i1ly,
hig: h-mindcd, stolTcrs, &c .. were l11ose h!1vi11g the for111 uf (; O(l-
li J\ fl 1 i 1 j,, t hl' l.:tll<l irl'!lll 1:/111n/t, the Inst tf 1.hc ;;e,e11
ih:\t lt:wc lilktl tilt' p111plictic page fro111 t.ho :l JIOSl11iic tlays Lo
tiil' Jlrl'Sl'lll limC', wl1u :i re of !ls Lcing "lilirnl nnd
11akcd," awl who :ire io Le i:puctl out of his mouth, (HtL 3: 14-

Tl1cn: ni1 1oth1r l':iral11l::: l1l'twccn th1 l'lllling of 1l1if: :'lgc :w1l
lil' nnc at 1 he 1i:.-L :111' t11t, that nlinMt wom1trf11i. From
Ilic cf tl ttir 11:1"\'l'st, w ll1ci r fiu!li a11d com1dclc clc-
:<1 rncLi o11 , IPr ty )'lnrs. Th:-it. is, from,\, D. 30, to A. 11. 70.
J;ut ns Christ lil'ga11 ((l prc:1ch ll'he11 11:'ls th.ircy, in tho :111-
11111111 of 11 . n. 20, iL was rc:lll y forty yenrs nnd six mo11 tJ1,, to tlia
1l('::: l rnrti1111 of .1 i11 ,.._ D. 70. From tho l1cgi1111i11g of
h:irvC'i:t, at thC' c11tl 11f A. J>. 11'H, to the encl of the Limes of
t he Gcnt.ilts, :11111 tflt,rdorc, 1.0 tlie end of this time of t.ronlil c
cQmi11g 011 1.hc lll'istitll 11:itions, i:: forty years- or, renlly, as the
lin1,est. l>c,!pn in t.l1c !lntnn111 of 1874, forty yen rs :ind six ino11ths.
And wlint 1s yet more wo11\lcrful, the first six monLhs of thnt
wns nl111usr :l l1l:t11k. Tito Lima for Christ Lo rc!l lly ue-
giu, w:i s nt, t he 1'pri11g pnsso1 er. 1I e11cc, at C:i11!1, of (;:ililcc, he
R:1ys : "J\I in1' hour li:1s not. yet coniC', (.J nh11 2 : 4 ). Aml next to
1tritlti11g k l l\)\\11 (.i f chis harvest u11i it t.hespringof 1875,and
lhc first six 111 nnLhs were p:issed. -
Ag:1i11: At. the first h:1ncst,/illc days ha"<' :i. pince. 'l'lmt is,
Chri st. rocl r i11i'l .J er11salo111 fiyc tl:iys bdorc liis dcnLh. Uon1parc
.f 1Jl111 12: ) l:111<l \' Cl':\C 1'.!. /\1111 it \\'!lS!ltl.hnttimct.licir fal.CW!lS
"''alc<1 nnd tltcir ho11s<' lcfL dr:so la Lc. There is n pcricHl of .ftv(J

rnatleo 11'(1111i11t>nl li er(' all'n. That is, hancst ended

lil'c cl:iys slwrt, ;;11 to ;:pc:1k; t.hii. one 1.Jcgius fi" e cl:tys c:tdy.
1"10111 \.lw ! (at.It of 1111 t he fiftcw1Lli day of t.hc! fi1 ,;t niont.h,
Ilic next (hy :11't1r Ilic J 7: 1 ), !(l ll1l' '<'lttli clay
f t he ,qfi1.,11l/i 1110111.!1 in 1Si'4, fi\'C 1l:lys of '11i11i: full Li111r
i:o:, l'n111 1111 fill1"c11tli d:1y nf 1.hc Hrsl. 11111 11tlt, 111 1111'.Ff-
tcenr.h of t111 aevc11tl1 mont.h, would :;ix foll month;,. But ns
tho high priest Je:we the hol _I' pince on the t<mtli 11tty of the i Lh
month,. Uc from hea,1 11; five days bcfo1e ti.le fiftcl!11th;
a11 wh(m going to J cr11s:i l1)111.
These pnrallelii Lct11'<!c11 tit <! tll'o clispcns:l\.io11 s, 1Jcgi1111i11g
with the twchc tribes, ancl thn tll'cllc npost.lcs, nucl crn<li11g \\' i t.Ii
nil the little clct:iil!> of t.hc hn 1 l' Cs t, ha 1c in t.hem n weigh 1. of cl' i-
<lc11cc thnt is 1111n11s11cr:tblt: ; :incl the fnC't that. this nge to e111l
with a. harrcst, is the wonl ld' Christ.. 1\n<l that tlu:
or "childn1t of 1.hc ki11(!1lwn," nrl' t.o continue nt their Qr1li11-
nry avocnlions through ti1c ti1110 nf the harvest; n11<l that when
taken, they :ire found in the rnill, field, &c., is nl!':o a clcarstato-
111c11t of our J,onl. And that t.hc> nngcls will ha"'.e hero
gathering" tnr1'I' i11 the whcnt is gntl.lcre<l,
is hi!! own stntr,mc111.
(On.ther ing the tarei; in h11r1dl,..s, i1< s<'pnrntiug t.he two cln.sses. Not
lit!' ral binding: ns i.:rui11 is bn1111d; Antl this separn.tion is now bP.-
ing consumntcd. \ \'here 1n pre:-e11 l comes, nil who nc-
ccpt it u.re drilco out from on .. ::111i1.!cl hoclies.; 1ind its n117insers nre
left t.o thcmst!lves. " l! rar ill" word of lhf' Lord, ye tl11Lt t reH1l1Je
at His word; your brt?lhrf!n tlmr h:Lt.cd )' Oil, t hn.t cust you out for
my name's Sct/.;e, sm'cf, let (fi e f,1,11'</ be {fl111f1iad: but /ws/iatl :ll'JlC:ll'
to yo1wjoy, and t!tey shall bl! crs/wmed," (Isa.. fiO: 5).)
The above no 00111ml'll f. \ Vh<- 11 he appears, t here must
bo those t wo
It docs not nppcnr to 1111 very fau:tt.icnl to suppose thnt
t.hc work of the har\'rst is n11 r.nscen work, aud tha.t those co11-
scio11s of its presc1wc, hrco1!1r so, by light cminat ing from the
Soriptures. And this is in h:1rn1011y with 1.hc spiri t of :ill that is
said of t ho cfa.y of the Lord as :l thief on one class, whil e
n11 other clni>R nrc i11 the light . " 1 low cls11 can the clays of t he
Son of man be, the d11y.i <!( _\ r11ch !' llow else cnn t he
of the Son of mnn ii<' ns tlH 11ap of Noah ? "Ent ns the cln.ys
of No:d1 wcrt1, so shall nl.0:11 1.lto parousia of t he Son of man
be,'' (i\J n.tt. 1?4: \V hy will 111011 lie1)0 tcnacicmsl y blincl, uc-
cnuRc i t i!! taught t h:it hr co111(1s i11 clouds :md :ill will sec
lii111, as t.o clc11y evcwy nlhcr f1:1tn1\ 11f lite :ul ve11t. C:u1 he 11ot
gaLhcr his 11 11 \iclrnown t(1 1.lrc worltl, and then come in :ill
his glnry, j ust :lR well ai; "1.1, .1it1lcl , t.liy ki11 g com<:t.h, mrck aml
lowly," co11ltl he fu lfillctl :11 lt>r Ll1c li arl'csf, nf tit.at :1gc? But
our co11!1ol:it.io11 i.q, " we hrivu 1.hii; !>l'nl ; the J .onl knowtt,h
1.hc111 th:it. l\l'l' hi!>;" :111.J I h:11 hdon 1 lw h:1rvest cnd!>,_CV<Jl'!f cltil<l
of hii<, will lie i11 t,h<' lig-ht. " Y1 l11'C 1l11111, nrc not in cl:irkucsR,
that. tltnt d:ly i;h1111ld c11111( i.111111 y.11t :1i: :i thiuf."
lONtWOMS. 131
'l'llb: Kl KUlWMS, .AND TlmIH J,OCALITY.
Hnbylon, Grcoia, Rome, nnr1 tho king11vm of
nod. The lirst. fv11r of these \\'t'l'C SCCll Ly Nebnchadncr.znr ns :l
beauti fu l image, wit.Ii head of golrl,hrcast. and arms of sill' er, hclly
:1ucl thighs of. uras;i, leg!' of iro11, foeL nnil toes of mixed iro111111rl
whi le the lifL11, the kingtlom of God, appeared to hi tn ns a
i;t,one, or barren mountain. D:rnicl also hnd a Yision of these fh:e
ki ngdoms; :\lid to hi111 the first four nppc:i.rerl ns wild hcnsts, n
li ori, b<.'at, Jeopard, aml tlw Lcrriule beast. wi th iron tect.h; whil e
the fifth nlo111 :'IJ1Jll'11l'ccl hen11 ti ful Lo l1im.
E11ch of Llwsc i11 t11rn, nra rc111csc1Hcd ns subd11i11g l.he whok
earth. Of the lir:;t, represented by Habylol1 nnd li er king, it wns
said: "Thou, 0 king, art n kilig of kiugft, fort.he God of hea v-
en hath gi\un thee a ki11gcl o111; n11d wheresOe\'Cl' the chil cfrcn of
rnen dwell, the of thc lielcl :md tliC' fowls nf lte:wcn, hntli
lie gin:n int o thine ha1111. :111d lmth mad(' thee ruler O\' Cr them
all. A111l aft.er Lhee shall nrise nnother kingdom inferior to
1,hcc, and a third ki11g1lom of brass, t.lint :;linll hcnr rule OYer nll
the cnrth; ancl a fourth ki11gdtrn that shall l.irenk in pieces nncl
subdue all thei;o." 'l'hcu he represents the God of heaven ns
seLting up n. kingdom which slrnll brenk iu pieces n11d consume
nll these kiug<lomi;, :rn<l it sli:ill st:rnd forever, (Dan. 2:).
" Of t,he first four represented by the fou r beasts, Sir l sn.:io
}{.ewton olJi;l!r>cs: "All t he four beasts nre still alive, though
thE.dominion of the first tlrrce be t:\ken awny. [This corresponds
witli 1).,,1.1. 7: 12, where, in speaki ng of t,hc dcstntc}tiou of the
fourth a111\ UJ.St, it snys: ''As concerning t,ho rest of t he l!ensts,
they bad their c1omi11io11 t.nkcn awny, yet thc.i r lives were pro
longed for a season 11110 1.ime." It al so agrocs with Dan.!!: 35,
11he11 tho "cl tone" emi,tcs the irnngo vii the feet :i.11d toes wbi cb
were of in.>u and clay. I' Theu wns the iron, thecby, t he braRs,
the sil ver, nud tho gold, broken to pieces together."]
"The 11 atio1H! of Chaldea and J\i;syri:t st. ill fir11t. beasL.
Those of l'\ludi:i. and 1'ersi:i arc i;till the seco11d hcast.. Those of
J\lacedonin, Greece, Thrace, Asi:i i'lli1101, Hpfa, :md Egypt, are
the thirtl benst. And Lhosc of Europe on this side, nro still the
founh l.icast.. Seeing, t.hcrc!fore, the hocly of t.he Lhird beast is
(\Onfiuccl t.o L11r 11 :1t.inns 011 tl1is si1k of t.he n r cr .E11J1hrntcs, :tllll
body vr 1>lic fuurt.h ht-:1$L tli<! n:l(,i11 111; (Ill I his :ii tie of Grr ccc,
\\'e nrn to l1111k fcJr nil Liu fvnr i11;1ds oi th11 thirci lu:i:;I 011
<idc t.11 1: E11phr:11.us, arnl f11r all tit,. ,;1, . ,.,,11 h'l'W1 tf li11.' iourt.h
l1tn8t :imc " !4 tlic 11at.i1111s 1111 t lii;: :-llc l.' r".,; 1111.J t\i( .... for!"
the lil'r.nki11g np of tl1e Oreck empi re into fonr kl11gdo111s, we in
elude 110 part of Uh:tldC'n, or J\lcdi:t J'e1si:1, in tJi c,sc ki11"-
do111s, brcaus<i they l1el u11g t.o the body of t.he firiit. t.wp
Nor do WC' reckon the' Urcck cmpirc, i::c:lted nt CQ11i<L:1111i11oplc,
among the horns of the fourth bcasc, bec:tnsc it lJclo11g1> L<J the
body of the t.hircL"
The above, by Sir Is:t:t <: Nc\\' ton, soun,I. A111l 111(11'Cl
C!spccinlly :'IS it ill supported by facts, well ns by
If tl1c first three hensi.s live until the fourth one i,:1 dl\Slru_rc<l,
and arc nil Logct.l1cr, :ts t he prophecy stall!s; :rnd re
Laius, each its ow11 iuclirid11:dity at, the time of tl 1cir dc:struu
tio11, neither of them r an hr11c been a hsorued or lo$t. in t.hl' ot her.
11cucc, :-ill tbe ri f thr fourth empire mu!'t be looked for
on it,s 01\11 territorr, :11111 1w1 1111 tlil' tr>rritc>11 ,,f thi vthcrs. The
"lion" did not bc(onw t h1 l1c:1r," nor 11:1$ t.hc t.rn11s-
fur111ccl into the fourth l1c11st: for 1.hc gold, the sill ct', :11111 t he
nrc nil found :i.i: irnch, nt Lhl' <lcstrnction of I. he im:1gc.
Those who h:in nut. notiet<l this pJsit i re st.att>111c11t iu these
l'rophccics, :1n1l Llrnt. ead1 :111<1 nil of thci-c "U<'asLs," Jin? :111'1
retain their clisti111't i11di1id11nlity t.o t.hcc1Hl , hn1c ;;11pposc1l that,
fi \'C of the horns of the fourth bca;;L lllllSt. be lookc:1l for On the
Grcci:tn terri tory. Jn other ll'Ords, that five of tlw horni; oft.he
fourth beast must be founrl growing ovt of the htJ:i.d of the leop,
an], or third lieas1..
This strangely loose idea nf the proplier.y, has come from t!Je
fact that. the i11rngc of lhn. 2 :, hns l wo legs ; an(l that. men h[[ve
been pl cnsetl to cnl I C:o11i:tnn1 inoplt> "eastern .. Hut
prophecy no when gi rcs the !<light.est intirnnt.iou of_ the fourth
empire being <liviclc<I i111.o two part;;; nor docs i(rcco<r11izc any
nrn.u1gc111c11 L. "The 111.S of iron," 1eprtiscnt fourth
r1npirc. Ju the i111ngc tif :o there_ two legs it is true;
hut. in the ltead of n rnnn there two eyes, and two can;
shall we, tharcforl', rlein:onrl :i rloubletli "ision of Jhbylon? On
Ll1e nrms of n rn:in t.hcrc :nr L110 h:i.uds and ten lingers ; Do we
look for so ma11y di l'i:<i1m< 111' 111 :'lleil>-P1:rnia11 t111 plrc? If the
t.wo legs rl cmnnd n d111d1lc di1 i:;i1111 oi' Lil(: fo1nth empire, Lhc
Lwo or l,110 lhi!fli-<, :ol:m dc111:111d 1111('!1 a dirii;ion of t.lic
t.hirJ empire. l' roph<c,1 n 1lonblc empire in .i\ ledo
J'cn;\:1, by Lhc uf t.l1C' in1:tgl'
1.ht RitlcR uf Lite hi::tr and t:hc
tw<> hurus of tho goal., (Dn11. 2: 7: R). ll ow is iL Lhnt. this
di1i::;i1111 M J:.11n1 is 111:1k l 1 :111po11r 111/y i11 Liw !!ncl d111pt<r (If
I ):111i1l 'f for t:crLai11ly Llitr" i:- 110 rnf1rt 1111u Lo ii. in eil11cr 11(' Ll1('
1iswn:< 11f !)a11id r .foh11 : wl1il1 th ( e11 an' 111adc w
appear in both the toes of the image, 11-nd the horns of tbe beast.
To call Constantinople Rome, iLUd talk of live on eaoh
leg, somH]s pretty enough; l.iut. n.,c; prop!tecy nowilere n!cognizes
a doubleHomnu empire, I tltiuk in npplying it,011rs:ifestcourse
is to keep to what the prophecy iti;elf teaches. Those who wait
until they see five of thC" hnrn11 of thc.fumt.h beast, on the head
of the tllird beast, h<.'.forc looking for the setting up of the fifth

will prol1:il>ly haYc n Jong time to wait.
'lhat l{.omc, and ltome rdonc, r<.'prcsent.s t.he fourth emJlire, is
nlso taught in the fact t.l1at all Llw "seven l!CIHls" of tbt> fourth
beast, had their seat. nt. Home, viz: The consu.la.r, or t1-imrivi
rate government, whi ch existPd in llome at the time it con11uer-
ec1 Grecia; the I mperi'.u.l, the Gotln"c, t.he P apal, the Republic
of 1708, the reswre1l pn pncy, l)r "Ima.r1c" of t.he forty nncl two
month beast, t.be present gonmment, under Vjctor Eman-
uel. These Sc\ eJ1, :i.rc t.ho "so\011 heads of the beu11t ;"and none
of them wel'e located 011 Greciru1, Pcn<in n, or Ohnl<lenn tenitory.
These fonr king1ln111s, 11ot only have their own iudividual a11d
but i11 the prophecy, each one is recog11izcd
as existi11g prior to tlie fall of its prc<lecessor. Thus, llnbylon
wns tbc first, but .l\ledi:1 nnd Persia were organized before they
conquered Babylon. Grccia 11:1s 11 11 orgn. ni:r.e1l kingdom before
it couquerecl Persia. nnme wns an organized kingdom before
conquerin!! Grecia. ,\nd in D:\11. 2: 44., after the fourth king-
dom is <liv'idc<I into tl'll )':lrts, ns t.augbt by the t oes of the iui-
al!e, anrl the horns uf lht> beast, which divisions are everywhere
Daniel noel nevclar ions called IC ten kings," it says: ".And
in the da.ys of thei;e kings shall l hn Gotl of heaven set up a
kingdom; nnd it !ih:tll lm!n.k in pieces and consume all these
kingdoms; and it 1<hall i:Lnn1l for l'1cr." ' l' lrns the same is said
to be true of tltl kingc10111 of Go1l, is true of the others, viz:
it. is to be scL up bqfine the foll of iLs predecessor.
Now, alt.l.to1wh \\'C folly e11rlornc Lite plain teaching of both
!he Old aml New Tcstninent, that the chnrch, or the people
of Goel, reprn,;111L t.lw ki11g<lom of God; Lhc first, or ,Jewish
house, reprcsc11t.i11g rhnt. ki11gdo111 on the piano of the flesh, nnd
the gospol chufl'lt, l111 .. ki11t;do111 <111 tht' higher, or spiriLun1 pln11e;
!<till, the ki11g1lo111 of Uo1rl1as hc.011 in a disorganized condition
since the end of Zc<lrki:d1 'i; nign, whern Gou said: "Take
olF the di:tcl l1111
rv111n\c t.ltt> crow11, I will overturn, O\'Crlnrn,
'.1 vert.11r11 i t., :11111 it, '>hall h1' 1w 111'11'.- 11111.il !Tc come whose right
tl is, aurl I wil l gi11 it. l1i111.'' :\11cl t. he: 11 iL 1.hab 1111ircr-
"'d clo1ni11in11 was gil't11 to lla l1yln11. 1 l1r fj,-,;r of f1llr
A N TJ OJI RI8 7'.
t ile ki11 gdo111:;. Ne1crthclcss
the ki11gtlo111 of Uocl ii; :ig:1i1to111'
"i;c(, 11p;" l.h:it is, organized ns ll rnling power, "in the r/(l!JS" of
t.hc lni;t pltasc of tbc Horna11 empire, nnrl hcf<irci its wnk of suh
jngntiion can
"J\sk of me and f gi ve thc1 the l1cal.h1:n for 1.hi11e inhcJi t
ancc, and the uttcn1w,; l parts of 1h1 r:irlh fc1r th,1 11oi;1<essions;
thou shal t 1ulc! 1.ht 111 wi t.h fl rod Ill" iro11; t hon sli :tli 11:\sh. Lhcrn in
pieces as a poltr.rs (l't<, '..':) . This with
Dun. 2: 4-l: "In of 1111:< ki11gs t hr. !i ncl of heaven
set up :i kiugtl om, :i11cJ ii. sliall f,1eul.: i11 7dcces n11d all
d1csc kingdoms." Not t he fou rt.11 kingdom only, 11111. "thr11 s11;LI!
t.\ic iroi1, t he clay, t he l1rnr;R, Lhc silver, nnd the g<1lcl. h e broken
to pieces together." But the loc:ilit.y o.f tho flft.11 1111 ivcrl<:\I cm-
pil'c, like each of the ntht>ri;, is to be on its f11r.11 t<11itory. Hence,
Llic apostl e crrnl<l " ' l'lt t Lt nl i<liall d"li, 1..-11i(' !' rnm c, cry
e,il work, :rnrl wi ll 11 1'f'!'1 n o 111 . I 1 liat i-< . kl'l' I' 1111 j, 111110 his
haave11ly kiugdnm, " ('..: Ti111. 1: 1,;) , 1\111 tl 11 l o rn1 h1,111c11l,t1,
simply mean;; s;1fri11111/; n11d l1l' 11 tr, nit i t,s loc;di-
ty, but only i\ s clrnr:rntcr, that it is n 1>1, nf tho enrtli, r.nrLlly.
" The kingdoms of tl1is wodtl nre i.o 1Jeco11l t' the ki tH! llnms of our
:tntl his Christ," n11d the kingdom t1f G11ll ii; i:, bo oycr all.
llut the kiugllom of God is ngnin to lie 011 t.lle plane of
t-hc fl esh, as u11der the ol d "'l'h(l 11:1111r:il first, and
nftcnvnrds Lhe spiritual." 111,1111>, 111e11 ll'i ll 1101 ":y, " It here,
or lo there,"" for t.lic ki 11L'.dr)J11 l f t: <id <:1)lll l' l li 11111 wit.Ii obser-
- .--o- --
ANTI('lfl{ JST.
"He is n.ntir.hrist., thnt. d,,ni<th th" F11t.J1rr 111Jol t hP. t-:on, '
(1 John
2: 22).
"The papacy ha!'! not deni ed tlie 1:xiste11ue of t he Father nnd
Son, therefore pap::i c;y is not I.he antichrist,," is the rcnsouing of
a class of Hihl c cxp1JsiLors, whoso uamc is lcaio11, llutwe shall
1>how most co11 cl nsi1 cly that" c.lc11yi11g the :rnd the SQ11"
c:tn 1111d tl ocs 111<":1n somet.hing q11it.e clilT<rc nt from tknying
1.hc:r oxist,011cc. IC They profo8s t h:H th<'y know n(l(]; but in
r.orks they deny hi111, beiug itb11111i11;ll1 lo :111d 1li 1111 h(dicnt, and
11111.o c-1c1y goid work ruproh:ite," J; lli), lino wclcnrn
thR.t men c:rn deny Goel, without. dcnyini.! his <\:\'istc11 cc. " 111
MOrks they dcuy him." "Then 1;:1 id .1 <1<11;; 1111t,11 his disciples, lf
:111y 11rnn ll'i ll c11111c nftc:- r me, Jct him deny hi111 s1:1," "B11 1. if n.11,v
f' l"l\ id<' tli
t for hii; !JWn, :11111 l'l'Jicially fo1 th M< M his 11 w11
house, Ile Lnth tle11il
<1 the faith." Denying, menus acting con-
tyary to; "Denying ungoclliuess :iud worldly lnsts," ii; li,ing a
Goclly life. lbs the" m:\11 of sin," he who ha11 ex!'llted himself
bove all that ii; rallLd or that i!i worshiped; he who hns np-
.. :icd torture, sword, llanw, an<l c:aptivit,y t.u all who hnve of-
fended him, Livld <n11un ry t.n, and opposed the t cnch-
11g of him who c;nid, "lo,,,. your enemies;" not c,il :"
"if they smite yo11 on tl1e utH: ll1l
ck, turn to them thu other
also?" if so he has tlr11it1l the :-:u11 . taken ,cnge:rncein
to his owu ha1Hlli"! 111111 hr d1:11iccl llim who "ven-
gennce is mine, and I \1ill rcp:iy, saith the Lord."
"Y c hnve hcar rl that nnLi oltrist i:;lmll come," sa.ys .John," even
now :ire there mnm anl ichrists." And ! ' 1111 l says: "'l'he m vste
iy of iniquit y d11L11 nlre:\(ly work, only he who i1ow letteth thin-
dereth] will !1i111l c r 1111 tii he be onL oft.he way; and then
shall that wiokc11 hc- r1vcnl<."1l, wh1111 Lhc Lem! i;ltall consume
with Lhe spiriL of lti;; 11111111h, 11111! 11 .. with the brightness of
his coming.'' Tlw <'i\ il j )il\1'1 1 wl1:tl h iuc1erc<l ; l>nt in pro-
cess of time the d111rc.:lt co11L1"1ol (f th e empire, nml Home be-
came papnl H.0111c; then" that wi cked was revealed."
That church h:ts claimed, nntl, to a certain extent, exercised
all the prcl'ogn.tivcs tlt:it Chl'ist tl imself i11 to exercise in his king-
"'hem tlJC church clement got the p owcr, an<l the "wo-
man" w11s seate<l 011 I.he" hcnRt :'' thnt beast wns said to be "in
ibe bottom loss pit.'' t.his heast, "having seYen beads and
ten horns," is the same as" the <irngon, having senm heads and
ten 11orns," of H.c.L And this beast is to ascend ont of the
uottomless pit; t.hat is, 111{.0W off. the control of the church, (He,r.
17: 8), and
go into pcnli 1.inn," just :>.s the" dragon," or nations
now controllcl hy ti"' n11 ii, whn iR tlw ' pri11ca of this world,"
:-..re to Ll1row off, or hr IPL loose frum t.hc control of at.
the cud of the tlt o:1sa11tl n11 rs.
"The dr:igon, of l\ tv: 12:, an<l the tlragou of Hev. 20:, ni:
clearly one a11cl tht H:lHH:. "And thegre:it <Jrago11 wnscns: " li t ,
tbntold sq.rpr11t cailctl t.hr Devil :ind (Rev_ 12: 9). "Am"
J saw :iu a11g1I com< <lnwn from ltc:i,ru having the key of the
liottomless pit., :i11d :1 ch:1i11 in his hand; :ind he laid hold
on the dragon, \hat old i:crpc11t., wlric-h is the Devil , :incl Satan,
:ind bom1d him a Yl!:1r:;
and onst hirn i11to the bottom-
lcsa p it,1' (H.cv. 20: 1, :i).
As the dmf1Ull1 I.he J10\\'CI' or t.hc 11ati011$ ltas been in t. hc
"bot.Lomlcss pit," 11 mlPr tlw so lhr 11atinn!l nr tn lie
s11 iJCl11ccl 1111tlcr lh< n::d !.."h ri::t . ":\,;k ,,,. 1111: and I Rhall gi' c
t.hco t.he lrn:ilhcn for Lhinc inheritance ;" :u1d "t.he of
this world become the kingdoms of onrLord." And 1t wilJ be
not.icc<l lhaL what is s:titl of the re:il Chri:;1,, ha.s, in partic-
ular, been conuLcrft:it ccl by the :wt iC'h rist .. "B<> wise 11ow Lht>re-
fore, 0 ye kings, lie instruct ed ye jndgts t 1f till serve the
J.ord with fear nnd rejoice with t. rrmuling. l\i."s the Su11, leas t
he l>e angry, and yn peri sh frnm the w:1y wh1'11 his wrath is kin-
dled bnt n. lit.Lia." ,\11d h;ts 1111! :wtihrist d1n1a 11<h11l t.he e:a11\r
homage of t.hc kiugi< of Lite r:\rt.fl't I Ir al i;o 1l cm:1wl ccl kisiws,
least they perish from the. wn.y whe11 hi ;: "'r!lt.h \\':t!l kincllcll btt(.
a little. As is t o be" 1\ing of ki11g;:, autl Lor1l of lords,"
!'O h:we the popes profoi;sed to he. " ,\nil on his hc:i<l were
m:rn.v crowns," (Hev. 10: 12). f' o too, till' popes wore the 1111111y
crowned hat. And as the sninl;:; arc tn lie "J\ings :ind priest,<>,
an<l l'eign on f,he enrt.h," the Homi!'l1 chnrcli has l'iai111cil that
ilignit.y for her pri tsLhn11c1. So perfN' I i" 1111 ru11 11 t1r fcit, t.hat
many hnYc. mistakc: n t. hc fol::e for Lite Lnir., :i nl rtnlly
the thous:111<1 year!' reig n of Ch1i st. :i nt1 th>' i;;ti11I.!> '" in lhc past.
But, t.l1ough the reign of ant.ichri::: t is nnr, th:it of the real
Christ is not yet.; for "when t.he kingdom is l ht Lnrtl 'i;, a11t1 he
is the governor arno11g the nati ons, nil c11di< 11f the c<1rt.lt
shall remember nnd turn to the Lord, n11rl rdl the ki1Hlrccls of the
nations shall come and worship heforr hi111."
"And the seven angels which hnd th" se,en 1.nunpct.s, prepnred
themse!Yeato sound,'' (Il.ov. 8: (J).
On the subject of the trnmpets, I sh::ill s:iy hnt little: not. be-
c:iuse the event.i;of cad1 trumpet :irr not dcfi11 ec1 in hi sLory,
but for want of Rpnce in the book. I sl1:tll co11fi11c my rern:irks
m:iinly to the sounding of the Inst thr(:e, a11cl rofor t.hC' reader t.o
the writings of Dt'. Clnrk, for the hisLnri cnl :ipplica.-
The 1>01111tl ing of t.hc. i.:even trniupets, I 1111deri; t,;111d to shadow-
f<rt lt the events hy which the cltJmini()n of t hi: 1:1xt of tho fo111
(lrrr til c kingdoms was to be broken, ornrthrnw11, a11d lin:tlly dc.-
stroy<>(l. Aft.er Oonstant.ine, the 110, crcignty w:1;: 1li,icled i11to
t hree hcur.c, the frcq11ont. use of tlw "a tli irdpart
of 1ne11,
&c., allucl ing t.o the third p:irt of 1.111: r:111pir<' which wns
tinde r t.lw "'t<111rge. J\11<1 hcrn \\' (' 111ay nnt.i11 th listinctio11 in
t 111 l:t11)-:' 1t :tgc nf t.lwi;e scourge:;, :incl tl11i::t \\'hi <' h :in lo come 1111-
'I'll TJN PETS. l 3'i
<lcr tlte "seven plag11ls. '' These arc confined t o n third,
while the plagues, whfoh :ire to li e uoiversnl, are to be poured
n po11 al( Lhe pro1hctic earth, instea<l of n third part.
Under the lst, i11d, 3td, :'Ind 4,th trnmpet!l, these scourges
were bought upon the two western parts of the erupire. Un
the 5Ll.J and (;th, thc1lu111i11io11 of !tome at the east, at Con
st:mtiuople, WM subl'ert.c:l. \Ylti le umler the 7th, great Baby
Ion will go uow11 tu l'il'r llO lll<ll'C, Lhe times of the Gen tiles
end, :tn<l "the ki11i:rclo111>1 of this worl<I become the kingdo1Ds of
th c Lord."
The first trnsopet wai: fnllilled by tht' events nuder Alaric, the
chief, who cornmcncerl t.hei::c scourges on the empire, and
styled himself" U1e sconrge of God." The secoud was brought
about by Gt.>n!'cri<.:, whose :tLL:trks were nrniuly from the shores
of .iVric:t, and ou the \\';lter. Tlte third, u11dcr Attilla, wlto first
nLLacked the empire iu its c:ist tru possessions, and then sucltlen
ly, like a f:ill i11g star, irl\ades tlie west. tlic fou1th tru111-
11ct, "a third part of vf tlil' 1<1111 w:is smitten, " and a tlur<l purt
of the empire was cxti 11g11islie1l ; :iud, by these four, t he empire
was broken iuto its t C'll frng111 c11L.c;.
The rem:il uing tru111('et.s. tltc 5th, l3tl1 aml ith, :ire called woe
trumpets j "\\'oc, W0l'
\\' OC to the in ha bi ters of tlie ear th, U)"
rc:ison of the other voices of t. he (.J'llm pets of the 'three angcds
which are yet to sounJ," (l<ev. 8: 13). The first of these was
nuder the t;:i,racens; the SP.COnd unde r the am medaus; and the
thiru and last is 1.he time of trouble Auch as never was since
there was a nation," at whi ch t.i mc "many that sleep in the dust
of tl1e eart.b sball awake." The measure of the lirst two woe
t rumpets, is given ill tlie prophecy, while the duration of the
t.hird woe or scn11th and l:tSt. ofthcscries, is t o befou11d
1'ndir ectiy, but. witlt almost equa l cerLainty.
T he fifLh Lrnlll)lct, and first woe, began under the Saracens
when Ot.hm:i11 lirst. inrndcd the Homan empire, July 27t.h, A.
11. 12\JO, :incl ended i11 .Inly, 1440, at which date the indr.pcnd
cncc of the oast.Nn poi:;sessiou of t.lte empire virtunlly passed
away. The dnLc of t.lw f:tll of Oo11sta11t.inople wns t.wo years
after, or in A. o. 145 1. But at t.he first nnme<l date, the erope
ror Gn11sw111i11e J h;a1;oz1s :1scc11 rl c1l the throne at Uoust;mt.ino
tlc, by nskiug anti (1ht.:t i11ing tire pcrnii s11i<i11 of the !'>ult.1Lu; and
th is exa<;r.l y 111cctfl t. hc c<Jmlitious of the prohccy, for the e111-
pi 1c of 1.h1 c:1Ht w:111 ""' ll uc cxt.trmi11:it.<:d 1111dc1 tl1at , but 1111
lc: r f11!1(1wi 11 g 1,1u11 1pc1.; :L<1, '' t.o 1.bc111 was gin!11 th;1,t t lil'y
l:<lioul tl 1101 kill," (\'('l'Sl' fl) . [Tlii,; bciug 11 sy111l>ol, is puliticnl,
l3S 7'R U11!P ETS.
nnd not. liter:il clcHtltJ. "!fat. that t.hey shall be torme11tc<l live
months." Five mont.hs is 5 t imes 30, or 150 d:Lys; au<l ns tlte
time g iveu to me:u;urc 11rm1.Jol11 is iLSclf sp11bolic, it mcnsnrcs
15U years.
D1ui11g this l50 years, Lhe Saracens runr<lercd, robuccl and
tnxed the people, while the government. nL UonsL:intinoplc was
too wenk to give protection; n11d yot tnxed nnd lpprcssec.l lht!
people for its own maint.cna11CL', 1111til nl l:i't, the pLr1plc cnnrcst-
Jy desired political dcatft, that Lltli r 41\\' ll g)\11.'llllllCllt might Ue
abolished, a11tl they uc permitted to ' ' l vrdy 0110 sC!L of 11ini;-
ters. "And in t.ltose days men sh:1ll seek clc:u.h, ;111cl i-hall 1ioL
it; nr1<l shall desire LO die liut d(at.h slr:dl ll1:c lro111 them,''
(verse G) . "011e woe is passed, an<l Lehnld, t ll'O lllore W<'CS come
htrenfter, " (verse 12) .
'l'hat the empire did not fall, l1ut tli:1t tit< chief
should grn11t to n chrii; r.i:rn 1.!lllJtcrur t o :isccr1d tlte
throne a t Constnnti11oplc, 1rhl!1t he had Lh power Lo prcniut it.,
seems sLra11ge until we look aL the Tht! c:'lH, haJ lona
been nrging the cliristi:u1 natious of to come to
n:scue, and sn vc Uonstautiuo}'le from tit! ;rnrl t.lic wc:;t-
eru nations were contiuually rn:1ki11g prn111iscl'l pf but
owing to home troubles deferred sl!ndrng it. The :::i:traccns,
drca.tling such interference from the chri stian n:ltions of .b: nrope,
were thus held in check. Httt the ti111e at h:intl when this
restraint w:ui to be broken through, wl1111 Lhl! four angels [or
winds) UOUlld in the great rircr .l!.tqil1r:1tc>-, Wl'l'C LO lie let loose,
viz: the restraint of the 11(1lit111 : t he waters of the
Euphrates," the waters on which the li:1dot,"-111ystic lhuylon
- " sitteth,'
was to be let loose or tnkc11 off fro111 the Moham-
medans, so tlmt the sixth tnun et
or dowufall of Uonstantino
pie and the east, might be ncco111plislied.
" And the sixth au gel sounded; and J It card a voice from the
fo1fr horns of the goh.tcn altar which is before r;od.11ayi11g lo the
sixLb angel whi ch hclu the trur11plt, Loose the foul' angels whi ch
are bound in t.be g n::i.t ri ver E11plir:1(.(t<. ,\ 1111 1.li c four a11gcls
were loosed, which were prepared for an l1111tr, :t11d a day; nnd a
month, nnd a ycnr, for t o slay t.l1c t lli rtl p:1rt of 111c11,'' (verses
13- 15) . .
Umler this Lrnmpct, not tormenL I.Jut dwth-political
deatli-jusL wha
t people ol' die cast. lt:itl ucc11 prnyrng for,
wui; LO lullow_ l'he J\1olm111111cll.1111s wtr" L11:d.1lc<l to 11!le :1.l1ovc
the who lt!SOllH' drciHl Lir e ehris(.i(m 11at.irn1s of' lhe WCSt Jr:td cX-
l'rcisctl U\' t!l' Ll1!!111, an<l U111s thl' 1 our " l1ou11J i11 L ur by J
T .R U.JlII' ETS. 130
t.he great ri, er Euphrntcs," were let loose. But I will 11gnin
refer the reader to the comrne11tiiry of Dr. Clnrk for the details
of tho application, deYoting the little space here to the invcsti
g:i.tion of the dnrntim1 of the trumpet. God bas chosen to re-
prcsen ta ycnr by t.wcl ve monLl1R, and a month by thirty days.
t\ncl ns in S.'fm.bolfo Time n day stands for n year, the measure
ment is as follows : , "An liour," is the Lwentyfonrtb part of a
cl:i.y; n.nd the twenty-fonrth pnrt of a prophetic ' dny," or 360,
if' 15 days. A "iltly," ir> one >" enr; a "month," is 30 yenrs ; a
" yrA-ir, " is 360 ye:rn;. Therefor.:>., Lhc !lixth trumpet soundefl
39 1yearsnnd15dnys; and com.mencing.fuly27th, 1440,should
l1:we ended August 111.h. 1840. In other words, the l'lfohnmme
nnn powers wi""1ich fill the sixth t r umpet, were to contrnl the
which fell uncl cr their <lominion, for Lhe al)o,e perion
of t.ime.
Those who will exnmiuc the Ameri ca11 Encyclope<lia or nny
of Europe, as Into as August, 1840, will find t he follow-
ing facts:
[n J\ ug ust, 1840, t.hc fleets of the Allies, knocke<l
at the door of the at Gonst:llltinoplc, and under t.lrn pen
alry of a bom\)(\l'Clmeut of t h() city aemande11 his signature to I\
paper which sl1011ld transfer the control of the empire into the
hands of the christ.inn nriLions of Europe. And that J>nper was
signed; since wltich Lhe "sick man" of t he e11st, has been nt the
mercy of the Enropenu powers. Tiencc, on that. very day, the
independence of the Turkish empire virtually ended, and the
sixth trumpeL ceased to sonntl.
"Tlia second woe is pnssed, and bcholrl, the third woe cometh
quickly; aud tho nngcl sonnned, and t here were great
,roices in heaven, saying, Tho kingdoms of this world :ire be-
come the kingdoms of our Lcml and oC his Christ; :ind he shall
reign forever nnd e,er ; and thcnat.ions were angry," (Rev. J l:
15) .
It will he noticed the sixth tnunpcl ended with t.ho 0th oh:tp
ler; ancl the subjects of 10th nncl p:i.rt of the 11 tilt chapters,
;ire in t roduced befora tlic sounding of the seventh Lrumpet is
described. This sccrnr; to be all in order, siucc the l 0th oh apter
ir; :i. prophetic hi st.ory of t.hc advent mess:i.ge, tha proolan1:ition
with whi ch tlw 7th to open. \ Vhil e the slaying of
t he Lwo wil.11es1ws of t hr t I th c:h:ipt(r, li:1rl it.::1 fulliliuC'nL in the
tcrril,lc sr.1'11c;; rif t,hn French nwolnt.ion of tho last century, tht'
1Jm:i11g f':tr(, of Wth' Hl lllt'r thl' lilh I ntlll(H' I..
lll CllLS ll'ii l lJ1tl11.\"J:.s :qJt:i : t.o 111 ust. for there-
is n weokncs., of human naLnre 11'it.h which they come in r.ontaot,
1iz : So long :'IS prophecy can be applied to men or events far
remote from our own times, anrl the facts of hist.ory an rl prophc-
ay are in li:1rrno11y, it is all right. Md cn11 he :i cccptcd. Rut ns
we 11pproach our own day, the bare suggcstio11 th:it 711ophacy
ca11 be fulfill ed by living men ancl events 11 ow prr;;cnt, is sc:o11t-
cd, and com1ir1ern<l almost sarrdigious; tl1r irle11 that 7noJJhery
con be fulfill cu i11 our uay ! And pra.y wh_r not? Jf 11"e are en
trring tli c day of the J,orrl , :11111 a ch:111gc of rlispcnsation is at
hand, instead of entertaining so silly fl prrjurlic:f', we shri11 lrl
rather expect the fulfilmen t:; to crowcl 0110 011 thr other in rnpi11
That t.he two Covo11:111ts, thr 0110 g1:i1cn on stone, and the
other on the fleshly t:'lblets of 1.lic hea rt ; the one 011 t he plane
of the fl esh, the 01.hcr on th:ll c1f the spirit , the ol1l :ind t he new
<' ovenant or 'l'e."t:'lmcnt; a1e t hr "two 1,,itneMes" of Chri:<t, is
plrioccl l1cyo11d nil doubt by hii< <>Wn wtrds. The 8cript11.re..
spoken of hy our Lonl wci-e t.he Old 1\
i-ta11w11t. No eit her was
in force and tltc di:<pe11sation nf tllC\ Spirit, nr new Cove>nn11t., rl id
not commence until t.hc day of N(rn hear 1he worrls
of the J'ilastcr: "I rcocire noL tei:Liu1 011 y from 111! 111. " l s Chri st
tl1c snme ycstcrdny, l Otfa.Y :111<1 fo rever i Then how shnll man
fill the picture of" lllY TWO (Rev. 11: 3) .
J esus names l1is two wit.net'sts; will yon t.nkc his worcl ? Or rlo
you prefer the silly int erprct:itions nf thr 1b y, l i.nt make tino
men, or bodies of me11, of i111port:rnce to fill that proph
ecy? Hear bis ow11 tc11timo11y: the 8C'RJI'1'UBEB,
for in them ye think ye h:1vc rt.r. rnal lifc, iuid TlfEr llrc they
t.ha.t testify of me," (.J ohn 5 : 39). JI ore is one, hut. shall
we find i ts mate? "John ben r witness to t.he t.ruth, bnt I ha.ve
a great.er witness t.han that. of .Toh11." J\11rl p t . lohn was the
"greatest born of woman." Where :ire 11chocatcs of two
11etsonal wi L11esses to find t heir mc11 r \.lwy e:'l11 110L be born of
1oomrm, aud yet. be Lhe wit.11 es1-1es t.o whi ch Chri1>1. r<'fcrs. " The
l VOBICS thnt I (lo, benr wi1.11css of me," (v<'r,;n :JG). Is tbe
"New tcstnmenL of his bluo1l," 00111irmcd by tlto deaLh of t.110
tcst.ator, having Jesus Christ. the chief cor11cr t:t.or1c, nnd Jcsub
Christ the cap st.one, a rccol'd of /i.iin :incl hi s workR? t hen it is
his scco11<1 1oit1111ss.
H1)1'. 11 il' of cu11rl'e n iiywbol, :111ll t hu time t.h:it i t
i11 sy111l.>11 lio. <t Antl Ll11!)' sh:ill )trO(llt<(:y :t 1.ho1111 :111d two Jinn
clrccl :111<1 1.11n1_.,c;cl)rc 1by1i, in i;:wkell)t,h," wni< folfi ll otl
tl11ri11g lh(' 1'2HO y<>nrR of lho oont.rol of l l1i1;
111:1n of 1-1i11,''whcn
t l.i cso two witt1esses 11ere Ly li!ft1L cn:ict ments, k ept from the
people, and under the 1:ii l of a deau langnnge. two ITTt-
ncsse::i pnt t o neath Ly n le{lal en:ictmen t , in that great
city "spirltiwfly called antl Egypt ;" nntl for three and
a-hnlf years, duri11g that g reat infidel revolut.iou wbi ch swept ,
over E urope ut the dose of the lilst ccnt.ury, they "ere nbolish-
eu by law; itlllllC\li:H.<! ly :iftcl' whi cl1 they were "exalted to
heaven. " The Bihlc stidttiC'>' 111' century, have
111ucle t11ern a liviug ainong ''nil 1copicl', and tongues,
Ind nntio11s, :llHl .>\11.l thl!ir r11rmics have beheld
D11ri11g thni, terrible rr-rnl 11 tio11 Ilic tenth pnr t of the
city foll, [that is Frn11cc, nut> o{ lhc "l1n "J, nnd in the e:irth-
qunke 1rcre l'lai11 of 11101"1; 1111111'.'s, t 1111trgi11J, sc1cn thoui:and.
All title::i, lwtl1 i:1 cll!lrc: h :inol wcrr- rNiacecl to dw one
common 11am1: nf citizrm,. "Tl1p !'l'c:oml w<)e is passed, a11d be-
ilold, I.he t.hir<l wn"' MmC'lh cptickiy; nncl the SP'l"enth nugel
so1111cled. '
Tltc 7th 1.rn111pc.:I h111im wit It 1111 pro<'l!lm:11ion that tl1c time
hns come; I.hut 1 he ki11gdo111s .of this world belong to our Lord
:tn<l his Chri st, n11d 111 i:< to reign licrc on the e:utll, for erer
and ever. Tli:11 prrH:lam:iti1111 l111i:: l1t'l'll i<cn1111li11g for tbc l nst 38
yea rs, n:id m:iuy nrP just. beginning Lo lrc-ar :ind believe it; that
fltc sain ts nre t<1 lw ki ngs and ricst.s, nlHl reign on the eartlL;
:ntl that when the kinguom is 1.he 1,urd'", all the ends of the
earth shall remember nn<l tun1 1.1) the Lord. And the Acl,ent
mo1emcm, 1w1,wit.l1Rt.a11tli11g :ill i1 s mistake:;, nil its errors of
juclgmc11t, n111l all it!! human ltns hcen fulli lliug this
pnrt of Lile scn:nth trnmpot. The reproac/1 wns because the
me11sngc itself, 11ccc1;s:11ily att:1Ck!l a <kep sontcd, antl fully be-
lieved Lhcologir.:t.l n'Vr. lf t!trsnintF :i re lol>c kings nnd pri ests
a11 <l reign <rn Lhr. erirth fvr1Jt'tJl
the doc.:trin<.' of dying and going
to eumc ot.J1cr wnrld for our rew:ird anil fntnre horue, is of coarse,
a11 error.
J Q :, i.< :1 prophd.ic history of tho tnl!ss:igc. The "open
book" i11the11nst:\ll!tl 111oplicci c,.. : " shut up the wol'ds, n11d seal
1 lte book even L> t.ltc Lime or tltc toml," (l>au. 12: I). The Ad-
l"fJllt dai1111!d 1 ltc "1 i11H' of Lit e c1111 "haJ come, :rnd th:it
the hook wa!' " ['<'11. Tl11 1atin:1 of' 1 he l1011k ran be undcrf.lood .
'' Thy w11rils 1r1rr i"11111l<l, :1 11d l 1li 1l l'at them; :iurl thy word
w:is n1110 1110 t,ilc joy :111!1rt:jl1i1.: 11>g11i 111y hl
' (.Jer. Hi; !ti).
:\11d (,o 1 h111>e wl11; krc tit<.' !1Jlj>l!:lrLr1t-: 11f 1111r Lord. the :1lt:'SS:1ge
was" swee t l1111u_1 ."' '1'111 li11t<'l'lll'S'i '' iiicii rrl!l!dll
nv 11.1<11 .-lt as k1w11 111 li l11r 11-;s nf the rlisn1 p11i;it-
142 TRUNP.
nic11L of the 1 Ot.h day of the 7th ino11th <f 1844. And tl tc Inst
\'ersc of Hcv. 10:, is 11ow bci11g fnlfillecl in this miduight cry a11cl
hancst message. The two mo,cmcnts, or messages, arc 11lso
given in lHnt.L. 25: the first 011c, in whi ch the virgins arc repre-
se11ted ns going forth to meat Ll1e 13riclcgnionl prior to the tlis-
appoiutment, is from \'ersc l to 5; n11d the lnsL, from verse 6 to
12. Thr. one was tn r nd i11 lhe of <lisnppointmc- nt,
lhe other in S\lCCCSS.
The sixth trumpet ended in Augus t., 1 :11ul lhr se1cnth he-
g:t11 to sound. J3ut the "woe," or ti111u of 1111cl er the
seventh trump. is prt'cedcd by t.hc prc1t'in111nt.ion with whi ch
t.hnt tn1mpctopcns. " And t,bcsC' n :nth nngcl sou11dcd, nn<l r.here
were great voices in hearnn, s:iying, The ki11j!tlo111s of this \Yorld
nre become the kingdoms of 011r Lord ancl of Iii." Christ., a.ncl he
shall reign fore,er anc1 ever." The w0nl litru rernlere<l "nrc be-
come," is ".'li11omia," anrl in ?lfnrk 1: 17, i;; r(' 11dtn1l "t<i bC'come."
" I will mnke you to bec<me fi shers of 111 e11." And in 1 Cor. 9 :
2i, "should be,
-" J;('stl mysel f $/iould bencn..Qt nwny." Hence,
the true rendering is, "the kiagcl oms of thi s world shalt be, or
:ire to become, the kingdoms of our Lord.''
The seventh trump is di,idcd into two pnrts; i11 Ilic first of
whic11 t.his closing mcssnge of the gospel was t o be g iven, whil e
the woe, t he time of trouble nncl nngry n:nions, the 1-cs11rrection
nnd rewards, belong nndcr the latter pnrt .. "ln the clays [years]
of Lhe voice of the serenth angl'I, whc11 ht shall li<>gin to sonnd,
the mystery of God shnll be fi11i shc1l," ( Hl'v. l O: 'i}.
Jl/ello is the word ht' re rcrnl ered "shall hegi 11,'' :\lid this iR the
only instance where it is transl:itcd O(Jin, or "i;hnll begin. " In
other cnscs it ie rcatlere<l "will," ' 'sho11ld
' ' or " shall." "Her-
od will Reck t he young child's life." 11 \nre, the 1.rne rendering
!ten" is," In tlte days of the voice of Lile SPVL'nth nngcl, when he
cill or shall sound, the mystery of God shall be The
of Goel is evicfoutly Luc goRpcJ; a peo-
ple lo l>ucomc sons by t.he prot'L'S!: of l11i ng hcg otten
nnJ born of the S11irit
!W thai Lhc 11 n.t.urnl 1>01111hi1) of the .Tew
was of no n11v:tutngc, :111<1 the nc11 ti leu11n sha re crp111lly wi1h the
.Jew. And t.hc npostlcs elnim to Le stewards of Lil<' myi:;t criC!S
ofUod, {I Cor. 4: I ; sce nlsoEph. 3: 10).
ThnL tlte a1lvc11t. proclnnrnt.io11 tv I.he 11pC'11i 11 g 111cs-
of thi <t tn1111pt'l 1 (Jlcn r. Tli0 wltoll 1111rdf'11 o r 1h:i 1
F.: 1gl"! IH'l'll tli:1t, l'hrii;t wns c0111i11g : lh:1t t.li u king-110111;; tf
1liit world 1r1'1'1 111 i11t o hii:; hnllllH. " HPhnhl, nn1 li kt the
.; II l f 111 !11! I 1111' w' '1 tli c d11U, J:< 11f ]i l':l\'1 11 , .. :t11tl d 1t1<: \I
'/'/.' r I/ I'. 1 ;1
gi1'1.'11 him domi11iv11. :t11d gliry, n11tl a kingdum. tl::tt all pr!olt.:o,
natiowi, :mil shC>lilil iil' rre hi111,'' (Uan. i: 13). \\"hat
i>' th:1t but the of this w1rld hcc.:omi11g kingdoms
of our Lord :iud his L'hri st ? J\ncl ii: it not at his co111 i11rr "in
t ftr. clouds'!( /1 .. 1nJ1m, ., :1i1cl lt' l as t he "mtw of soiTOn'.<,ff that
t l.l'$(' ki11g.111m.; br.1.'11:11e Tii t'Ol 111ust hc111l to S<:ripturc
or it, wil l Jllll\'C t o U' pm>r stuff . in t hl' 11:iy that sli:ill t ry crnrr
111:111 a work s11 a:< \J\ lin1."
\\'ith thiii lllCl'S:'IJ.!
l' 1h1 111.nn t.:1'.1 111' Uod wil l be fin i!'hctl,
:ts he hath cl ,cland t" ,, n 11111:< llH l'"'l'hls.
.i\1111 from
i\ugnst,, ISIO, to thl' ,:p1i11g I 1-.;-:<, ll' :17a11 1 n-half year;;, will
co11 s11mmnte thi;; p:11t .,r 1 lw w111 k. Tl1111 lrni k out for '' nngry
nnti ons,' ' :ui l thc 11ati n 11;< \\'r" :111"1'\'. 111.J rl l\ 11 r:11h i:< cnmC',
nn<l I he tirnr : 1l1e .J,. 1.f 1!.1 1, .. and that
thou n ward thy <in 11111. :111 l'l'<l ]lit,;, :rnd the snint:<.
:rnd thom that fcnr tl 1y 11ani,., !'111!11! a11d g reat, aud i. ho1d<lest 1.h>
stroy them t hat 1lestroy the ra rtli. " (n 1sc I S).
The ki ngdom,; uf 1 lti-< w1rlrl bcc.:mnc onr Lord'",
Cll lHJll C!< t. i f ii 1ra i1y :11. ,.,,,,, ., 1x11l11 11f t h1 11 at io11.'i to Chris-
t i:rnii.y, how i;; it th"y :ll'l' r1J fl'"': " l'hl'."C [tcu sh:ill
make war wit h lhc l.:w1h. " .. 1. Ii: 14). jc; 11ot con,crsion by
prcad1i11i.;. " J t li!.' k1:1!.\s of ":11t l1, :i11d their nr
:nies gathered tvg!l iicr, to rnnke war upou him th:\tsnt upon the
horse, nod ngnin"t army." i!> 11 ot n rcvi,nl or rt'ligion, bnt.t.he
bnt tle of the" grcnt ti:ly of G"vrl 1\l111ighty." \Yhy will n rlron
sy church slce:p 011 rh t crigr of n 1 0Jcn1111, :111 11l n11111 of sm0ot hly
g li ding into rl mii l('llllilllll, [.hat only to hP ii ro nght, QUOllt hy
tile ju<lgrnc11t of 1lir great tlay? \\' hal rHr tbc clinrnct cr o(
this war nncl couqut'!<t, 011c Lliing is certain, 1.li e oat.ions will be
n11 gry
and G1> l's ll'ntlh will li:110 come. "Hod cnmc from Tl?
rnan; the Hoh Ont' fr'<11h ,\l m1111 l':ucn; l! P nrnl mC':isnr-
ed the C' arLh; i 11 ucht.:ld. :1111! d 11 \o ns11111Jcr t.he n:1tions.'
boholcl t.ho 1101k;: of t ht l.n rd, \\'li:it clcsobtion,; he hath mnllc in
the eart. h; 111 h11:1kl't.h 1lt 1 l1ow, :1 11 1lcu ttc; tht.li c i>J1<.::iri11 1111nller;
he lrnrncth 1.li<' !'ltnriol in tiH lir... Bi: st ill :rnd k110 ,1 th:i t I :1 111
<;r>el ; I will li1 1x:d(1"1 :111111111; !!11 lw:1t l1111 ; I will he tx:t hl<l iu
lhr. car tli," \I';:. :Ci: .. 10) . Th .. scY!'llllt trnllJ'C'L from
: \11g. l SIO, 111:t il "1l .. 1i11H ,, f u .. uhlc,"drd:ryvf wr:ith
j i t. 111.f, w\ !1 t !,. lll l!f 'l' r I t h I : .. :111,j this
;',Jrty )'l'!IJ'!') ()f l'llfllj l ll':'; , !l l\.: il11 j',fllol' ll(J ,, >!Ol li!,\, (I, I\>] j;
:11 th r; cnl nl \\'i 1i<' L, J: a11\'l .. 11 1i1" , 1t1 . 11 1i. :o: . \" !:d:111 111,1; Ji.,
' !r:1gm1" ,h ;,,.1111.i : ii1a: ' . J, . 1 .. , wdid111.,I, 1::1i
' tJi,. 'Print'!' f' rt,: . \' :'!! o,'! 1' i '"
A SIIOU'l' .
" \\'lTH A t:illOlJT.
''With n. shout, with the 'l'Oice of Lhe n.rch11ngel, o.ncl wit.b the
trump of God.
-l Thes. 4: lG.
Here is the seve11th trnm1)et a11d all we have jn11t been speak-
ing of, brought out in a sentence. "The trump of God," is the
se,enth trnmp, as wu shall sbow. The "shout," is the same as
t the great voices," (Re\. 11: 15). with 11liich tliis trumpet op-
ens; nncl the voice of the archangel," is t.hc "a11gry n:nions,"
and "time of tronble."
llecause this is from Paul, the idea vbtni11s that it lie 11
simple statomentofliteral facts,e.asy to 11111lur;;laJl(l,:rnd many luwe
oome to expect a terrible viurntfon of tlw from im-
rnoi'tnl lungs, an actnnl blast from a lliller or perhaps golden
trumpet, accompani ed with a n1icc from the throat of ,\litllrncl
the nrchnngel, th:it \\'ill waken the dend. Hut it is t.he ''spirit.
of Christ that <hvells in you, which shnll quicke11 your mort:tl
bo<1ies," nod 11ot tbe blnst of a lrumpt!t.
In 2 Peter 3: 16, the npostle, a(ter <levoting the wlwl1' chnp-
tc1 to the evn11ts concerning "the day of the Lon1,'' ohscncs:
"Even as our be!Oved brot,hcr Pn11I, nlf<o, nccordiug to r.lw wis-
dom gi \'Cll unto him, hath writteu nu.to you ; M also i11 :ill his
epistles, speaking of these in which nrc llOll\e things hard
to understand, which they tb:it are unlenrned, and '111staulc
as they do also the other Scriptures, unto iheir owu destruction."
Then Paul, when speaking of the thi11g11 co11ccr11iug t hC' day of
the Lord, says things" Jrnrd to be1mdcrstvod." J\nll in Peter's
clay, and in fact un til tbc sevent.h trump bcg:u1 to so\111<1, these
things could not be nnderstoo<l. Hnt 11ow "the littl e book is
nnd "ho mnr l'Ull that reads."
' rlH\t the "trnmp of God,'' the " sc"c11t.h trump," a11<l t.he
"last trump," arc one anll tho same, can be pro\lcn th11s : !'1'be
word soluo, re11dcred trump and tl'lll1ljl(!t,, !.li e ll!llllC' in cacl1
cnRe]. "Hchold, [ show yo11 a rnysttry, \1' 1? 11 0L a ll sleep,
li11t we shall all be changed i11 n momc11t, i11 (.he 1.wi11kli11g of a11
I!)'<', :it t,he last \.rump; for the LnnupnL 11 ltall so11 11.J, :111<1 1 ltc deatl
i11 Christ, sh:1ll he incorrnptal>l c," &o. Herl' \\' I' lt:n11 that
1cs111Tcctio11, nnd Lhc ch:1.11gc occnr!l ":tL t.lt u l:1st Lru111p."
'l'lic wnnl "1tl " iR It ere t.l1 c Ramo :is i11 M:itt.. l :l: :.lCJ , :ind Hl, where
it. j:; l'CllHl (' l'I'.! in-" :\lid i11 Ut e ti111c of lt11rV<'RI., I will t.o the
1'1''1l''"":! i" l'llut ll it lrn in <!11cl of thir; wnrld ;'' we
:di h ch:t11gccl i11 i mo1nc11(., i11 1.111 1,wi11kll11.!!: 11[ :111 ";fl', in
11 1.- (1'"'11 1'-" i11 1.h11. }'rnpC> r r<:! J1d c1i11i;. ' ' !11 1/ir- ./1111, f til e
\oicc of the se,cnth angel," these things are t.o transpire. \Ye
h:t1"e lenrned th:u the res11 rrcct.io11 of the <l carl in Christ.o<.:-
cnrs "at," or i:n Lite" last tnirnp," and also t.ltat i t occurs" at
t.ho t.nunp of God;'' hence. t.hcy are one nutl the same. "For
t.!Jou shalt Ue reCOll11JCllSCd ttl t//e of the just}' (Luke
14 : 14). Then we aro lo he' J'ecompe11secl," or rewarded," at
the Inst trump," when the" resurrection of the jusc takes place."
:\nil the seventh angel so11111l cd
and there were great \oiccs,
and the nati ons were nngry, :11111 t.he t.ime of 1.lte dead t.hat they
si1 ould be j11tlge<l, nnd that t hon shonl clest r rnoard thy servants
the prophets, :111d the i<aiut ,-, n11tl them that fea: thy name small
ancl great." Then the St'1entl1 trump of J olin, :mrl the last t rnmp
nf Paul, are onennd t.he s:imc; one l>egius with " g reat 1oices
and t.he other with n "slto11t :" I.he 011 c is call ed "the tl'ump of
<i orl," an1l the otl1er the trnmp whidt i111 rod11r.c:: the ev1mts of
Lhc clay of the Lord. All Lhe trumpets are call ed the voices of
angcl::i. "\Yoe, woe, woe, to the i11hnl1itel':; of the earth by
reason of the other voices of 1.hc Lru111pet. of the thrl:'e angels
which :ire yet to i:;ou11<l :" ;lfidit1cl is t he :tl'Changel, (Jude 7 :).
Hence it is Lhc :nchnngel who attlnds on t. h<' evr;nLs conn!.' ct.ed
wit.h the !.rump of Goil, or seventh LrumpC'L. "Aud :lt that time
shall Michael stand up, that g reat prince th:tt fl t.andcth for the
children of my people, an<l there !'hall li e a time of tro11lile such
ns never was since wns a ll nLiu n, a11tl at t.h:tt ti rue Lily peo-
ple fDanieJ's people] l'ball be <JeJio;cred, nnU many thnt R)ecp in
t he <lust of the eanh shall a wake," (Dan. l '2: l ) . Then the arcli-
anael is conneci,cd ll' ILh the trump of God, n11d the "voice of
the nrchangcl '' is of the snme chnr:icLcr, as Ll1c ;oices of the
other, viz: the that hclong w that tn1111pec ; :rn<l Paul's
"harc1 to be uudcrst.nMl" words ar!.' explaining themseh es.
The blood of Christ "spcctl.:eth betLer Lhi11gs than that of
ALcl." .L\nd t.hc bloucl o( Auel "cried n11 to the Lord;" " Tho
hen venti declare the glory of God; day 1111to tla y u LLcrcth speech;
aud there is 110 speech or la11g11:1gr where their voice is not lt e:ird,"
(I's. 19: 3) "If t.hey will 11ot l.J eli cve thee, 11 either lrnrken to
the uofoe of the first sign, they will beli c\' r t he voice of t.he lnt-
sign,'' (Exo. 4: f!} . Indeecl, al1rtost cicryt hi ng is said t o
hrwe a voice, and th<.> t:ofre of theflo t ruinpcl.;i :ire cWNlLA. And
the voice of Lhe nrc.:.h:1 11 gel is the louuesL of any, fur it is those
of the llny of Uull Almi ghty 01cr wl tid1 11/icl/.(ld h:1s the
:i npcrv1si on. J\ ncl i;u Cli ri .5t iri t.lte michL of t.hr.se things
which arc aln:1tly tr:t11spiri11g; t lw l'rnola111:1f irnt; aud tli c t.i111 u of
l rem li Jc; w Ii ir. lt t <'(Jt'i/IPr co11Mitute (.he t11111111 r(( ()vd.
'Tha.t. I.he seven seals belong to t.lii,; t.imo of tronhlc, tlie time in
which Christ is conqncrir1g the n:i.Lio11s, ::1 11 cl nro, t.h(lrcforc, as
yet i11 the fnwrc, 1 t.hink cnu be clearly proven. Not a few Bi
hie studenl.s rlncc t.hr first. five,. and even n p:.it of the sixth, in
the ntlll will donhtlcss, st.a.rt back from t.his new iiosition.
But" t.o the lnw and t.lic tcst.imonr;" if we <lo not. pro\'co11r po
sit.ion, i t will 11ot weaken t l1c1 ot.hcr. But if the :-'C"ript.111es clo
tc:1ch t.hat. thl!y all holong to the day of wrMh, the truth is bet
tcr tli:i n even olcl nntl chorishccl irlc:u:1 opposrd lo S<:rip1.111e.
The lift.h d1npt.er is :tn introduct.i<rn to the np0t1ing of thn seals,
lln<l this song is sung lieforc the seal is opcneJ-'"l'lwu art.
worthy to tako 1.he book :w<l orcu tl1e seals t.liornc1f, (ver:o;c 0).
[ think t.hc co1111ectio11 is such t,hat 110 011c C:111 quest ion 1.hi11 .
. I ohn had wept. because 110 one was fo11111l wort.hy, or nhle to op
en tl1c book. But the Liou of tho tribe of .fochh, wns fo1111rl
wort.by; nnd they sing then bovc song, " Thon nrt wort Ii y 1.0 tnkr
t.hc book nn<l to opc11 the ><c:ils, f r;r th nu wast slni11 :1111! hnst re
'lecmed 11s Ly thy LloQd out. of c,cry ki111lrl'.'l, and to11g11c, mid
people, and natio11, and hnst made us 11nLo our Gorl kings nml
priests, and we shall reign on the enrth. " AILhcrngh eve11 Ls nrc
not riJwnyll recorder] in t,he onler of their folfi lrnent, st.ill it. is :i.n
;:itt.ack on the tt'ttlh of a prophecy to represe nt it in a wny in
whioh it cannot possibly lte folfillcd. lleucc, to rcproscntn cl:i.sii
saying that something is to be done, which they never can
i;ny until it is done, is a fal1<c rc111ci;tnlntio11. Therefore,
that song must be sung i\l:itt. 24: lI, ii; fulfilled. "And
t.h is gospel of the ki11gtlo111 shall be prc:i.chttl in all the worltl, as
n witness to nll nntioos, anrl then shall the enn come." Jf the
"'ospel of the kingdoru wns preached itS n witness ll) all nati ons
fi, tlte early dnys of the church, then the encl came at Lhat Lime.
If ri ot, the nboYe J;ong was not sung ciLhe1 onr., t"o, or five h1111-
clrctl yc:\ts ago; and t.he first seal is yet to opcued.
1\ gnin : '1
hc even Ls of the opening of 1.hc first seal, an icl c11-
1 icnl wit;h Lho:ie of Hev. Ill:, which occnr after Lhe rnarriago of
(.ho Lamli. The first i;c:il is, " I sriw, and bcholtl, n white horsr. ;
nnd he that, i:nt on him l1:ul n bow, an<l n crown was /.!ivc11 unto
him; nntl lie wen!, fort.h cm1q11 cring a11c1 to c:o11q11er," (Be\'. 6:
ii. :!" ow co111parl! ch apt.er I 0: "A11<l T sn11 hea1l11 111111Nl, antl
l11; holcl :1 while horse; :u11l he I.hat. s:tl. 11po11 hi111 w:H c:illcd l':iiLh
f11l a11d True; nntl i11 he tint.Ii j11cli;C' :1111! 111:ilrn war.
,\11cl f 1;111r Ch<' intcl I.he king1q1f lh< (':\l'lh):\111\ thlir:ir111iCf'
SEALS. 14 7
gather ed Logethcr, to make wnr :igni nst. him I.hat sat. upon the
hofl!>e, nm! agai ust his army. J\n.J the beast was tnkcn, and wit.h
him the false prophet., :ind hoth Lhe!:e were cast alive itlto the
lake of fire." This is cerLai nly \11 tl1e fot11re. Notice verse 15:
Ile uot onl y smites the 11:uio11s, lrnt he rul es them with a rod of
iron, o.nd treads the wincpress of the wrath of Almighty God.
l11 applying t.he finst senl i11 the pnst, it becomes necessary to
make the horse, the rirlcr, the wa1, the co11q11cring, &c., 111en11
ttncler ,qospel 7)reltchi11g; nml y<'L 110 oue tloes or cn11
rnake this claim for the 19th r.l1aptcr; and to npply the same
Hmbols to erc11 ts of an e11tirel1 di.ITcrc 11tnut.u reisu11warra11ted.
The fifth seal is the fln l) a71/}C1.rent. dillicnlty in the way of all
1hcse senls hal'ing an ea,sy and 11nl11ral applic:1lio11 to this time
of I.rouble and conquest of t.he 1mlirn1:;. But a ll di!licnlty cl\-e11
here disappears when 11-c Ilic fnct. 1.hat there arc t.110
classes of chrii;Lia11s; 011e t. u ha\'e "?111 nhu11dn11t e11tr:1nce ;" t he
othei to suffer :111(1 I.hey s:i,ctl "sons liy fire."
The 011 c
to escape all these t.hi11gs whi ch are comi11g on the cart.L,
an cl to stnnll hcfore 1 he of 111:w." The oLhcr class lo be left
i11 the mi dst of t hese tro11lilci;, and " [11 the darwlic11 t.he Son of
m:m is revealed, in that day he which shalt be 11po11 t he house
l>O}J, aurl hi 11 stuff i11 the house, let him come clo wn t.o take it.
away; ano he Lhat is i11 ficJcl , lot. l1im like wise not. return
bnck. Heruember Lot's wife. Wh(lsoerer shv.11 seek to save his
life shall lose it; and wlwsoevcr $/ie1U lose Ii.is lij'e shnll preserve
it." (Luke 17: 30). The former cl:tss t.o "go in to t he m:i.r riage;"
this latter clnss Lo I.Jc rcn1ly t.o open t.o hi1r1 "whcu he shnll re-
tmn from tho wec\<li11g." 'The fort11cr class to st:i.nd on tlic "sea.
of glass, bnvi11g tlie har ps o f God," the seven l:ist plagues
a.re fulfill ell , (see Re'' 15: I to the end) . Theot.hcr class are re
commer11le1l even 1111 tler the sixLb plngnc, to waLcli nnd keep their
gar ments, leMt, ti.icy w:i.lk nnkt\d, (chnpt cr JG: 15, Hl). And the
"uoming" of t,heir Lord, there referred t o, is " wl;cn he shall re
tnru from 1.he wedding."
\ Vith view, t.h:i.t. there i:s :i large class of cltristiuus who
1u1 to be left in th<' rnid:.;t of 1.rn nhlcR, cl11ri 11 g which they
wi ll lose their li,cs, "iu tl1t cl:1y wh111 8011 of mnn is reveal-
ed," &c., "ht tlrnt. !<hnll los;u liil' lift. "hall i;:iYc it," nml m:rny
scc111i11g ca11 lw r et1111cik1l; and lho loss of
life under the fifth ;;1:11 i!> all i11 d1a1:tc1.cr.
'l' hc t.h<>ir works li11nw1l a11d tl111111whrs s:1\1d "i:o ai1
by fire," while oth111s ''hall' a11 ah1111rla11t

i!' Ill!.'
whid1 Lil <ll'fll!llll I II u Ir all ii I: ( .ti h!ll ( (lie ;::1111t
cn t.r:rncc, cl1nnged in the same moment, n.n<l meet. Christ :u; his
hrirlc, the above would have but little force; nncl if it. is ;i. little
flock "ho inherit the kingdom, the " great cornpnny whi ch no
mall conlcl number," nppears out of character. The i;cvt'n last
p!ngues mnkethe t110 classes still more :ipparcnt as we shall see.
The conquest of tlic nations is compl cteil un1lcr the fi rst six
i-:c:tls, (sec chnptcr 10) , an<1 the sc1cnth is a time of sil c11 ce.
This synchronizes with Ps. 40, where, nftcr the desol:i.ti<Hl i! Goel
makes in the earth, hy which wnr is made tn cease, lie says: "Be
still and know that I nm Gotl; I will be exal ted i11 the t'arth; 1
will be exalted among the benthcn." An<l :i.gai 11: "Let. ni l the
earth keep silent before the T,or<l. " "And when li t' ha<l optned
t. hc seventh seal, there was silence in hc:i.veu about thf' spnre of
half an hour, (chnp. S: 1). A prophetic II.our, is fifteen days;
hence, "abou.t tl1e space of half 1111 hour,'
might, be
:\!though .John r ec:orrh t,hcsc not in c1J11sta11ti v1 onlrr,
hut. l.Jcgins :i. subj ect a11tl rnns it through toil.scud, aurl t hen hc-
gjns !male with anot.lwr subj ect ; i'ilill Lhcr<' arc oncasinu::illy suh-
iects i11 trorlucecl, whirh Sl'Ctll to hrc:i.k tliis orchr. '!'he 6th
seal cuds wi Lh tho chnpter ; then t.he 7Lh ch:ipt.er, rcla t.ing t.o
the senling of the t welve tribes of Is rael, is i11t.rod110cd; and Lhc
?th sen! .foll ows ; n11<l, in the clivision of chnptllrl>, i t hn.s becu
placed at. the head of t.110 8th drnptcr. This, at. firstsighL mn y,
:i.ppcar like confusion; hut it is for from that. The 144 tli ons-
an<l out of the twelve tribes of Israel, are ::.ealcd d1t. ri11!J the con-
yucst of the nations, and therefore, in this ti111e of trouble, n11d
while the first six Slnls :ire being oponccl. "And nL that time
shall .Michael stand up, the great prince that for 1.he
children of tlw [U:111icl's] people, and there shall be a time of
Lronhl e imch as nc1cr WM siuce there was a nati on, Cl'Cn to Lhiit
same time; aucl at. thrr.t time thy 71co7}tc [the t ll' c\\ c tribes] shalt
be <lcliveretl, c1cry one t h::it slmll he founcl writtou in the liook;
[the ll'riting of t.hc house of Jsrnol, E7.ck. 13: O] , nnl mc.uiy tll:tt.
lifccp in t,hc of Lhe c:i.rth sh:ill nwakc,'' ( D:rn. l !l : I. 2). Let
it bo noticed, hero nm t wo cl:isscs, "thy people, 111td m:i.11y t.h:it
!( t ho 144 t.ho11saml out of tho twelve tribes of [1; r:1cl arc dc-
livorc<l in 1,hc of Lhis Lime of trouble, Ml th1!y certainly
will lw, i t 111:1y lie how then :Ha the winds ltrld that thoy
"h111 t 11 ot I.he cnrth, tll'itlter t,hc !H!:t, nor 1lw 1111til thcsor-
1:11111< of ()pd are ./ f llllSll'Cr, wliatcver is llll\illll l;y the
1 Ii< s1:a, :11111 I h1 ln't's, 11H1 r Ii<' prol.et'I <cl, :111.l 1 he <'P:diu!!; of
.. !l
111<,: ,)l\\ S h1 l \\'Cll shu11lu lhC"Sl'l'l'll pl1tg11eS
be i.11 counm of fulfilmc11t 011 t,hl dwistiaii uatious; for it is 011
the "wnters of the Euphrates," or christim1 nntious, who have
supported mystic J3abylon, the judgments arc first to come. It
lllltl:it I.le rcmem bered that with the "time of trouble" on the ua-
ti ons, !llichacl, tlrnt great prince, is to staml np for the Je:ios/
" and nt. that time thy people slwll be clelivered." Tberefore, "the
wirhls" will l>e hclcl from blowing in certain. directions, until
" t.he serni.nts of God are sealcu in thci1 foreheads."
'I'lte serucmts of God, 1111d the bride of Ul11ist
are e"idenLly
11ot the snmc. was fnithfnl as a s11rwmt i11 his house;
anrl Christ as a Son oYer hii< l1ousc, wl w!!c honi<c arc ye," &c.
Tlic service of Goel is good; l.lut to lie" heirs" of Gou, and joint
heirs with J csns Christ, is Letter. The '
liriclu," becomes a part
of the Deity; begotten :rnrl born of tbc and with Christ,
i1ibcrits all things; they put. c>n Christ , hy being "lmpt.ized into
!tis 1iame," and nrc the cl:tss represented i11 l{ev. H:, as follow-
ing the J,amb "whithcrs1>c1c1 h<" gocth. being the first fruits
unto God and tho Lnmb."
Then it mny be :iskcd, who an.' Lite great multitude?
"Aud after this, I sn11 n grenL 1tllll lit11<lc," &l'.
(1ersc 0). ThCI
"many" of Dnn. 12: 2, 1 aui::wcr. " At thn t time tliy people sliall
be delivered; ... nud mqny that sleep iu the dust of the e:trth
sbnll awake." Under the law, erery j1t of which is to have n
fulfilment, there were t100 IJ:uvesl,o;; the.first was of the kind of
grain from which the first fruit!' were t,nken 1.0 "nvc before the
Lord nt the passover, and t l1is 11:1.<1 in the spring, (seo Josh. 3:
15, nnd5: 10). This witl1 its "first fruits," represents
"Ubrist, nud they that :ire Christ's :tt C(lnting." The other,
nnd great harvest or feast of in{latherin.q, wn1; in "tho end of
the year/' (Exo. 23: lG).
This" great multit.mle whirh no man could number," 1trc ce.r-
t.r1inly not" the little flock" who inherit the kingdom; uor those
who have found the ''nwT010 way," for ''/e10 t.here b(} that find
Nor yet :we they the clnsi< who arc "wiLh the Lamb;"
for they that are with him arc call ed. :i11cl an<! faitl1fnl
(l<e\. l '7: 14). Aud nltho11gh "m11.11y arc c:dlc11, f<M nre ohoR
cm." They must be reckoned 11 itl1 tl:c other w110 11re to
l)I' ready "when he i-lt:ill 1'1Jf11r11. fro111 tit( 1n<lili11g;" nnd nre
g:lt.licrud nfter the r<'L11r11 of t.hc ,J1ws. If t.ltl're arc two cl:isses
of t.hc livi11g gu1w1aLio11
wlicu tlic!c 1hi11g:; :irI' fulli ll l'll, t.hcre
rnusL nlso be thu s:uue two classes i11 their gra1 ns; aml 0110
to lw rai sed," !Jut every 111:111 in ow11 oril1r; .. 1,l1ry lll!lt :ire
!! at his 21u.1utuiu., hnl. not Hl 1 he moment.
I !-,(I
" And l saw n.notller sig-n in heaven, gren.t n.orl seveu
nngels h1wing the seYen Jn.st pla.gucs, for ill thenl i.- flllc<l up the
wnit.h of Go<l,
-ne1" If>: 1.
Tlicrc is n d:iy of wrnth in whi ch 111en nic t<J call for 111onn-
111i11s :rncl rocks to hide them from t.he wrnth of the Lnrnh ;
Lite grent. il:ly of his wrath is come, and who i:hnll be nhl1 10
!\Laud," (chnp. G: !G); :111d thnt these plaguci;, "i11 l\'hich is till-
ed t.p the wrnth of Go<l," belong to thnt day, is
The 101ath of the L:iml.>
n11d the gospel of grncc cn1111ot. be mix-
eil. llence, until the dny of i;ahnLion 11111ler f,h('

t.ho Chi)' of wrn thCUllllOL lJegin; and thnt. wrnlh is Cf)trtpl<te
i11 f.he StlU(m. plagues, "for in them,'' not. in one of t lilm, hut in
tht> seYen. "is fill ed up the wrath of Gocl." lle11ce
like the
sen ls, t..hey rdl belong 1111tler l:he lnLLcr h:df oft.he se1cnth Lr11m-
}'t>t., Lhc "Li111c of troul>lc;" n11<l nre t.l1crc forc
fllf.ure. For il iR
under Lhe Rcvc11th trnmpet., "the n:11,io111: nre n11gry, :11111 thy
1crrrtli is come."
By readi11g the fifteenth chapter yott may noLiec> 1.h:it
Lhe plagues are fulfilled, :i select compn.ny :ire rcprt>scnted a.s 011
n se:i of g lass, mi ngled with lire;" :rnd they si11g the song of
llfoses nn<l the Lnmb, nnd sny, "who l'hall not fcnr Lhcl!, 0 Lord,
aud glorify tby an me? for thou ouly art holy; for nil nations
shn ll come and worship l>efoi.:.e thee; for thy jndgmcn Ls :ire made
mnu.ifest." Herc is a company gnthcrcd 011t
who f.irf\1.ell whnt
the nations an! tn di>. \\' c :tlsr> k:irn t.h:\L the
plagues itrc fnlfill cd, the temple is filled with the glory of God,
"and no m1111 w:is able tt> enter into the tl'111plc
till the sel'en
lusL plngucs of the sc1en angels were fullillccl," (1ersc S).
The temple is the church, "know ye uot tlmL ye arc Lhe (,em-
pie of Go<l," {I Cor. 3: 1G) . Then the c/wrdt is to he " filled
wit.Ii the glory of God," or glorffie<l, bcforl\ thr.::w 1,lag11es nre
fulfilled; nnd not uni.ii t.hese pl:igoes, in whidi i:. lltlc1l up the
wrnth of Go<l nre fultill e<l, :ind the day of wrath 1:111ltd
can nny
more enter th:1t lcmple. "For I say unto you, 711111!/ i;hnll Rl!ck
LO m1t.rr in, anll sh:dl not. b<' :dile, when once the i\la.;l.cr of thl!
lwuse hns ri sc11 111' :1 1111 sh111 Loo the door." B1:1. it ,:.ay he nsk
rd, how flo you kr wll' thl' doCl r will lie open<itl i :1wi11()r
Lhc 1pry l:i11gu:-igc i111pli1s it.; 110 m:rn wa.s tt> ent.er, 1111til the
plng-u"s Wt!n ' fulfill ed, C('J'L11i11ly i111pli e:; th:-it wh lll 1.he day of
w1a 1h i ll 1!a' d111w will ng:i.i11 he op1nf'l, tl1a1 111111
! 111'. l k11 "" 1' 1i-: l":t '11<: 1i. 111: for

LhC! resurrectiou occurs iu this Lime or wratl1 ttnder the
:;c,enth trnmpet.; and uot ouly do "many that. sleep in the dust
fl[ the earth, nwake during this time of trouble; liut "t.he na
tinns were angry and thy 1onuh is come, and the time of the dead
th11t they should be judged." And under the 7th and Inst plague,
tltat. door is openctl ago.in, and, thank Gotl, a false t heology can
not close it. "And the seventh a11gel poured out hi s vial irito
1 he air, anrl there came a g reat voice 011 t of the tem1>le of heav-
t!ll, from the throne saying, It t's dvn11,- :lll<l were
and thunders, ancl ligl1tni11gs; 1111 l1 ll'llS a g reat e:uthqnak1!
... t hern felJ upon 111en n gr1;r11 hai l 011t of heaven," (versos
18 to 21). Now read the d osing of the 7th trumpet, nuder
whicu tho wrath of God comes, ( ch:i p. l J: 18, 1 0): " The na-
1.ions were angry, thy wrath is come, t.ho time of the clontl that.
they should be judged, nnd thnt i.hou shouldest rewnrd thy scr
\ants the prophets, and the sai11ti;, nnd them 1.hat fear thy name
small nnd Md shoul rlei;t chistroy t.hcm which destroy the
earth; nud tho temple of God was opened In hea\cn, and there
\\'ere Uf1/itnings, nn<l :rn<l tlm11./01s, and an eart.hqu:ike, aud
great h:1il." The voi ces, nod lightnings, and thunders, and earth
quake, and hail, at. t.he l\11ciing of t hc;;evcnt.h trumpet, aud nlso
during the seventh and b sl plague, :ll'e clc:ll'ly the snmc. And
the fact that the templ e wns sh11L prior t-o the first plag11c, ancl
not again to be opened tmt1:l t he sernn plagues were fulfilled;
and the statement. at the ending of t,heseventh t.rnmpet :rncl dny
of wrat.h, th:it it W:\S opened
synchronir.e iu Lime nnd place, too
t.:losely not to have reference to the same events. IIence, t here
is a day of wrath unmixed with mercy; a time when men will
call, and God will uot :rnswer. And all the world are to pa!!s
through tltis "honr of temptati on," whi le a class are to escape.
" Because thou hast kept the word of my p:iti ence, 1 also will
keep thee from the ho11r of tc111pLMio11 wbich shall come upon :ill
the worlcl, t.o try them that cl well u pon the earth." Th is is said
to the Philadelphia church, b11t, of cou rse is to tbo:;e will>
"escape nil t hese things which n1c coming 011 the ea rth, and riLancl
before the Son of m:i.11."
I11 "heavc:n," m:iy cn11sc:;o11lc. l.011t.11111lile; he11c(1, I rc111 :1rk. E,._
rry thing 011 the spil'it,ual plane sai<l to be in hcn\c11. "There
WM w:tr in hcn,(!11
i\ l ichad 11ntl 1111gd1> fo11gh 1., n111l the drn-
1;<>11 :in\] his 1111gll11. " Tld:-: ii; W!.l.rf:1rc; 1101,
neccssanly n wnrfnrc 11i i<pirits. "\\' c w:ll' nnt 11gni11st. flesh u11tl
hl oorl, hut. ngai11sL i;piritnnl IJ\\'1n; ir l'lntts," (iwc 111:i1'-
g i11). And "Lhc t.t:1111ilc: >Jf (>o.J i11 /, ,-,,1,11:11," 1uC":111s his spiri t.11111
tc111ple; nntl the kin,qclo11i of heaveu, means his spirit,unl kiug-
dom, whicb under his snint.s is soon to be estal>li!lhed over all.
"For to the angels hath he not pnt in subjection the world to'
Some of our fcllo,1 scn>nnts hn\c nlLtmpt.ed t.o lw:nLe these
phg11es, or the most of t,hetn, iu the past, but here is :t fatal <lif-
Jicult y 1 o such :m nppliontion; for nothing ean be more certni11
thnii thnt n o mau cn11 enter t he temple () ( d11rin:1 the
po11rill g out of the gevell last plagues. Hence, t.hey carltlOt oe-
!:( ill nnt.il "the door is shnt. "
The nature, and somewhat of the magnitude of pl:'lgues
tnny ue gathered from wbnt is known of t.he LrumpeL8, t.hey lie-
ing m:iinly in the past. Let the reader hegin wit.h i.hc fi rst
tr11111pet., chnpter 8 : 7, nn(l t he first pl:\g11c, r.hnpl cr JU: 2, 1111d
10111 p:ire t.henl, from the fi rst to the seventh; nntl kt1owi11g fiCJ111e-
Lhi11g of the terrible scomgcs on the world under those t ni111pC' ts,
ytlll m:iy 11111ILiply the scourge of the correi<po11<ling plng11c by
tliica. For wlie1e n tltinl purl of mc11, were slai11, 1.11r111c111,e1!,
&., under a Lrum peL, the plngne upon 111/.
f t will be seen, from chap. Hi: 15, that, 1111<lcr the 6th plagne,
before the temple is ng:iin to he opcucd, the clasi; wlio hnl'e
to pnss through this time of trouble, nnd who nrc to be ready,
when" tlic ir Lord slrnll return from the we<lding," nre encourag-
ed to keep their garments, least they walk naked. l3ut l cn11 im-
agine some askiog, Docs he come more f,il:in once? Y<'", I nn
swer; a dozen times. At tlHdirst .advent., the proph<'cy "Behold,
thy king CO?Jlet/1, llleek and lowly, ricli11g: llJlOll ill\

n11<1 neon
n colL, 1.hc fon l of :rn ass," was L'nlli ll ed after li e had ct>me, in
11in11y cli!Icre11t W:tY" A11cl now, nt his seuo11t1 :i<!Yc11t,, '"The
1Jricl egroo111 eiune :ir111 t,hey that were renrlywe11t in with him t.o
t.hc m:irri::igc, :111rl t.he door w:i.s shut," 25: 10). J\11d he
comes ag:i i11 when he retiwns from t he wedding." J\ 11d he
con1c:. /or his sni uts, nnd he witlt. l1i s i:ni111,s. Hut let 1111,
my uroth re11, "\\T:ttch ;lll<l pr:i.y nlways1 Lh:it 1rr. 111!1}' bt,
cd wo1thy t() escape al l thci>e things tbat Rlwll 001111 1.0 a11d
to sta11d IJcfor<:.> the So11 of nrn,u."
c:lrt hi!l ('lming judg111t11t5, :ts they ci10lo al l til t ('nrtlt,
The i::ig11 s n11 tl gr0:111iifg'!I p1n111isc(l, Lo p1<c01l" :1 bi rt.la;
nad liix in the ornmoli11g- tlt ro11ti< of c:iroh:
! lur 1;w1 111nrc lti11g 011 I Glory I g lory' l111lltl11j:d1.
r ::11r.1 ! ! lrnll<l11jnh; glory I glory! ltall1luj:1h,
i t1 ' ' ; . i-: nn.
Chri>,t. anrl thcnpostles, al most speak to the church
:wtl of t.hc worlrl; hence t.he person!l) prOllOUM ?/fl !lllrl yo11, refer
to the church, anrl tl1ey antl &!Lem, tot.he world; a11cl :ii ways
tht ye, or ym' refers, not merely to the i111livid11als before t he
i;penker, but to the Mltnle church. "Go ye i11to nll the world, :111<1
preach the gospel lo C\"Cry creaturn." "Lo, r nm wit.Ii you al-
ways, C\'en t.o the e11<l of the world;" clearly illustr:itcs the i,lca.
A11d t he a post.le, in addressing the chlll'ch, snys: "Tfoholil I show
!/01t a myster.<; ve sh:ill not nil b11t. ?l)C sh:ill all be clin11g-
e<l, in a moment, in the of :111 eyt, nt Lht rrump.''
Our Lord helcl no comm11nic:i1.101t wit.h t.hc world, nit hough he
sometime;;, hut rarely, nclrlrcsserl cYe11 tl1e Phririseci<;who were
11ominnlly the cl1ildre11 of the ki11glloni. "I hnYe thy
11amc unto the 111c11 t.hnt thou g:\\est me out of I he w1J rl<l. I
prny for them; I pray not for t.he worlr1, bnt for them tlion h:i$t
gi\en nie, for they nrc tliinc.'' "LTnto !/01' it is givr11 to km1w
t.he myst.ery of the kingrlom of God, unt 111110 them that :ire
wjthout, it is 110L gi,c11." Ile11cc, hi.;: cnn\1'r!<:Hion of the
world, but to the church. (f nke, for i11stn11ct, Lu kc 21 : 34, where
lJoth clnssts :ir<' referred to: "Take heed to lcnst at
any t ime youl" heart.s l>e overch:i.rged wit.Ii t.ha c:i.res of this life,
and so th:it <lay come upon you 1111aw:ires, for :is a shall it
come upon nil tham [the t.bird perRonJ t.hnt dwell upon the face
of the whole e:i.rtb; w;<tch ye therl!fore, that ye mny lw :ir.connt-
ed wort hy to esenpe nil these tliingA t.hrit nre eomini; on the earth,
and to stand before the Sun of rn:in." "Hut of the times and
seasons brethren, ye have no 11C!ed that I write unt o 11011, for
yoursel ves know perfectly." \ \'hat<l u we knnw T'nnl?
That whenever the clay of the J,onl come:<, the worlcl will lie in
darkness, !l11 rl be overtn.keu ns "for the wicked shall clo
wi<:kcclly, :111<1 11u11c of the wickctl :::h:dl 1111cforstancl. '' All(l whnL
more do we "know pcr(cct.ly "? Th:tt the cli111'C1l1 will not 1,e in
clnrkness, "for Llie wise shall un<lcrstn.ncl. " " Yoursches knoll"
per/ectly, t hnt, the <lay of t he JJorrl so cometh n.s a thief i n t.llC'
night ; for when they [the third pr.rs<'n] shnll sny pc:1.ce n11tl s:ifc-
ty, I.hen cometh 1rnJ1lc11 rlC's tructi on upon them, nml t/IP.!J sh:ill
not esonpe; liuL ,l/C hrcLl1re11, nrc 1111[, io <larkncsll t,h:1t rlwr da!I
should orertak<- Jf'llt ns :t thitf; ye fire all chihln11 of tlw :int.I
of t he d:1y," (1 Tl ws. 5:). The apostlL: docs 1wt tc:tc:l1 thnt. 1111
<'h1trd1 :Hcsn f/Oorl 111 :\t thr 1lay .,f lhC'. Lorl will a t>t r1.1rtakc
thc111 as a 1.hi1f. "J\ i11 the niyli1.," l"ll11l'i< wit.h.,nt
lfi4 WQH,LD.
seen hy his victims; ancl the point here, is Lhat the chnrch, he-
ing chilrlreu of the light, willknow
an<l nnderstancl thecomingof
the Lord; while the world being in darkness will not ancl
hence, will be overtaken ns a thief.
Ko one cnn fail to sec t.hnt in !111 these Script11rcs two olnlises
:ire representetl; and that upon one cl!'lss it comes 111irtwnrcs
\\'hilc upon the other class it does not come 1m!'l11nrcR. "l3ut
!UHi if that, evil servant shall say in his heart., Lord clclnyet.h
nis coming, the J;ord of t.11a.t servant. shall come i11 n dny he looket.h
not for him, nn<l in an hour he is not aw11re of, !'lnd shall cut him
nssnncler, and appoint him his portion with hypocrite!!." But,
Ll'lr1l, shall yon come on tho good servant in a clay be looketh
1101. for yon, nnd in n11 hour he is not aware of? Tlae worlrl
will not. sec these things, nor will the evil servant. Anrl mnn1;
in Lh:it. tlny, said Christ., will find out when it is a lit t.11 t.oo
when the hn11est is ended, nnd tlw cloor is shnt, :rnl sa,, "Lord,
Lord, ope11 to us." ' Dnt ns the dnys of No:ih wrrc E; shall nl-
so the ptcsm1ce of lhe S011 of nir111 be ; for :u; in the clays
were Lite flood, they were cntiug and drinking, 1w1.rrying,
a11cl giving in maningc, 11n1,il the dny that Nonh euterecl the ark,
1.111d knew 11ot until the flood came." Ilnd they onght to have
known before the flood came ? One ll'Ould think so from ti.le
language, "So shall also the coming of the Son of m:111 be." If
thi:JI ought t.o hnve kno"n before Noah went in, "an<i the
dour wns shut," sho1il<l 1ve not kno1v before t he dcstrnction
<oines. or nut until it come? 'Yh:it think you, re:tclcr? \Vith
t.hc day of thn Lord,
' i;udden lkstrnct ion comel.h." Shon Id you
fvllow thcircxn111pl1
":wtl know noL uni.ii it Or
yon tnkc lwod ' t.,1 t.hll ruorc 1'11l'C \\'Ord of prophecy, thnt. shines
as n light inn dark plM;e, until the dny dawn, antl the dnyst:t r
nriirn in your henrt,'' and thus wnlk in the light?" "Bnt of that
1!:1,, ancl of t,hat honr k11owcth no rnnn, 110 not the in hea-
w1i'1, neither t.hc Son, hut hiy Fn.theronly," is n!'cd to
l1ide bchiud, hy those 11'110 are 0011Le11t to be in but it
will not. serve you ; it teaches too 11111cli. "Of th:1t. d:iy :i11rl
hn11r 110 ma11 1;ftalt c11e1 knoll', is the w1iy yon wonld rC'ad it; tlicn
adl, noitlH'f $)1:dl SM1 Ol'er know, 11ntil il is cnns11mm:ited.
it 1.rachNI nothi11g of l,hc kind, nor IV:IS it clc.<>i !ilf'd l.o t11tch that.
t h.- 1l111 rrl1 wcre t.o he in 011 t.l1nL pnrl.ic11lar1rn11j crt., when
I he li11111 should co111e for th:il. knowlc(lgc Lo be 1l11c 1.0 the house-
h1il d. A k11011kdgc of thcsn things co11l1l hl' of 11 0 nd-
1 lo n11y liut gc11t
r:i tin11 who :ire t.n '"<l"'t'IPll('( thnm.
J: 1)<"1 ', it II !I" .: d11-<1d 11'1 :wd !<l;dud llfll (l th. I i111v 11( ('lltl."
2300 DAYS. 15fJ
1\ ntl Peter informs us that 1J0Ll1 the prophets a11cl I.he 1111gels tlc
:;ired Lo 1111cl crstnnd thu time iu relntion to tlrn two adreut.s of
Gh risl, t.l w "suffering of Christ , :wd the glory which should fol-
hrn,'' l11t it was withheld from tl.Jcm, (see I l'cter ll: 12); aucl
tl1cy were mnc]c to rninislcr, not to thernselrns, but to othcrR.
"Go thy way Da11icl, for the wonls are closed up nucl sealed 1111
t.il the ti me of the encl."
A tnii;hty king l:mnt forth his arwics t o dostruy n wicked ciLy,
which hu.d rohellrd ngu.inst his o.nthorlt.y, put w deatf1 111ruiy of his
:-ervants, o.ml hel<l others in cruel l..>0n<l1Lge. JJut, "'illing to spare
such a.s woul<l repent, lie sent his henLl tl witb t11e foll owing procln-
mntio11: The king is about to destroy tWs city l>y exco.\ations fill-
ed with powder, which, when exploded, will utterly extinguish tile
city and a.II within its walls. Let such, therefore, ns would escape
bu on the watcJ1; for when t.l1e excavation is uo111plete. a wl1ite llu.g
will be l1oisted, then know tbe destruction is near. \\'hen the
1Liines O.r:C a,LJ prepo.recl, U. retl Jing Will be hoisted for U 1Jrief Space;
let those who 11.re revil ed for the good king's su,ke, lift np their
heads and look up, for their rede111ption 11iglt. \Vhen nll
i!l ready o. blnck 1l ng will be miscd; Lhen fly to the en.stem gntc,
where 111eans for your escnpe will be pr ovl\led. Have n 11 things
n.nd tarrr not, ns you value life, for sov11 tile torc h will l>e n.p
plieu. Wht\t 1 sn.y unto one, I so.y unto u.11 for ye know
uot when the tiwe is. For of tha.t do.y thn.t llour luioweth 110
1110.n, no not the genemls of the n.rwy: }J11 t liod only. \Va (.ch, there-
fore, lest, coming sut.ldenly, it li11d you sleciirg. One .,,IJo belie 1-
ed the good king's herald ventured to nsk, How long shall it be to
the end of these things1 o.nd was told that it should be a certnfo
11uwbcr of days froiu 1111 e\en't to tro.uspirr. in o. book be
handed hlm; but it was closed up a.ncl sea.led until the tiine of the
end, when the wise should understand. "If Lherefore, thou sbult
uot \1;1atch, thou shalt not know wl11.1.t hou1 it will cowc upon thee."
(The herald, who was tli e king's son, theu went back from wbenoe
he cu.me.)
l\'al<;h, wllat for7 t he thoughtless b.rsW.nders enquire. For the
e:t71losion, to be sure! was the still rnore thou15htless 11.nswer. And
so the opinion got o.broatl, tho.t some d1y, toe city would be de
stroyctl; l>ut no one kne1\ when, aud the king's son "'111d express-
ly decln.red thn.& no one erer should know. until it ca we.'' -
. D1;1.ys, months, aud yeur:3 weuL by. The C'-itir.ens bec11111c nbsorbod
111 co.rcless plensurn, nnd (orgot Lheir dt1.nger. 'l'luy o.te, t he y drnult,
I.hey boughL, 1.hey sold, n,111.l all t.hing1l t:cntinnl'd as before. 'l'is
trne, it few who loyal lo tho lciug C\!uSl'd not to WfLl o h
11n,1 pra,y for <lolhorn11ce.
As t.i111e w111t tm the while U.11(1 thP """ w11!' lwh-t.,1l 11p,
but, soo11 disappeu.rcd, u.nd wus Iori;ot.t n. 'l'lto lfur;:; peu11lr 11 ho
W1re cm Utt wnM:lt, sn.w tlle!ie signs, 11110 Lite! 11\'l!lll. !1'()111 wlti1h
1'iv"11 by hrrnltl were to 111 Pns11n; so (.111y lJt!51u1 to
luuk 11p, 1tllu lift 111i Lhcir hrads, so p1u1ulu(! t hi' 1111:11 uf the
<;ity, tli1.1>t they calletl thew fools o.11d evil prophets, to make ao
much ndo 11,))out o. common flog; o.ud o.sked h ow they could be so
foolisli us to think tlley coulu know the t ime, whe11 the 11eralu had
S<Lid , long yeurs before, thn.t NO nto.n knew, not even lie himself.
And, stninge to so.y, 11iimyof those who profcssc<l L1>hcof the king's
party, when they saw tho.tit pleased tile clli7.ens, joi1H!<l with these
scoffers, tLnd said, They bo.d no <louut but. wl10.t the king would
some day destroy t.he city, !Jut, as to knowing the time, it wns iui-
potoi>ible1 the herald bnd "e.1'-p1'csslll suicl that no man C'l-e1 slloulrl
112011." When asked i i tbey ho.cl \l'l\lcl1etl Cor these events by wllir.h
the wise were to understand the time of theirdelherence, they suld .
. No.' like other peopl e they were wnt,chf11g for t.lle whea
we see tllal, "the will understand.
And so m:i.ny who were fearful of loseing cast, witil the cilizens
urew bn.ck, and no longer w1blked wiUl those who 1111.d become Lhe
despised of the whole city, but; snid, Go to, let us :i.lso build 11nd
nrgnniie ourselves inro bundles," a.nu we slmll he 1espected, like
other men.
Ast.be nu111ber of such n.a hclcl to t,bcir gnw lt>ss, tllei1
fait h grew stronger, nnd their ''igileo1,;c iucr.:nsld :<O 11111ch I he
111ore, lest U1ey should the l!lo.ok llog, wheu it to view,
u.nd so by not enduring to t.he 111(1 lose 1111.
Aftl!r o. long weary wn.iting tboir ey<?.s were greeted l.ly the wel-
l:Ontc sigJ1t. .No'v their heitr ts leaped for joy, they Juiew rlel iler-
ance wu.s o.t 111Lnd
nnd could see tlie cl:ty approaching: o.ud, n.<; tl.Jey
tied for l'P.fuge, e11rnestly entreating others to joio them, and seek
so.Caty frotn t he coming wra.tb.. A few 111.1.rkened; o.ntl l!y forsaking
1dl they h!1.d were j ust in time to snve their Jives. lJut others hen.rd
with scorn, sn.irl they ho.cl not seen the explosion, but were wo.t.ch-
iog 11ntl expecting i t Etieru do.y.
'l'he pilg-rims hurri ed on, nor st.oppctl to l ook !Jebincl them. Aud
as t.hey renclietl the en.stern gnte, souic were so far behiJHl thnt the
car, tlown !Jy tht! king's engineers lo hoist the111 out, lrnd just
stl\.rted, o.nd WtLs lllmosto11tor rco.r.11; lrntsome ju111prd iind c1il1gllt
by r.he rn.ili11g nnd fClot IJo:ird, and others by l.>it.a of rupo thn.t lmp-
pened to Ue hn11gi11g down j but those who h eld Oil with their
11a nds, hn.d t-0 dro11 1tll their prescious works, w.h.ich wer e uuroed,
ond so they sufiered loss, hn.ving to enter the king's presence n.1 -
most n:i.kcd. One }Joor lllo.n i11 his despern.te lenp to reach the co.r,
c;0-11ght l.>y one h11nd, but lost his wedding gnrrnent, n.nd yet h e
with the grtl.Sp of a tiger, n.ncl wo.s taken from the fire, thouqh
badly l!l.lorcheu; fur thr. fire uroke out before those who n.rrived 10
U111r. W\'.'rH f1iidy seate1t in the ca r; n.ntl the explosions were hen.rd
i11 llll J>Mts of tue city. Uren.t. clouds of dust were sceu to rise from
l he falling uui ldi11g>', whi le the fire lettped frooi point. to point,
withering all things in its p1Lth. 'l'housnndsof p<iop1e were r unning
hither 0.11<1 thi(.her, to the Jl:i.111eso.nd fa.llingbuiftliogs . .l).n<l
i;oon nl.>'t crowd tJnlllc ru1111i11g Lown.rds th a en.stern

,:till fit!lmn, n.1111 for lwlp. Some> with wilc1 hys-
teric would cu1111t thei r lieudl', ot.l1ers their good works, lloW
lhry h11tl lnH'll 11>1i/.l:hi11g fo r flii.\ 1\ll their li nis; n.nd liuwOHPn they
Ji11d wn Lh1: p1uple. 'l'll t1 u11i:wer t,o tlles1 cri es WtS
2300 DAYS. 157
what surprised me most. Not a word wn.s spoken, !Jut n. hissing
sound was heard as the 011.mes caught the eastern g11.te, for the roy-
n.J car had swung oleo.r, but insten.d of consuming it toolt the sbape
of words which were clen.rly seen in letters of On111e:
"And knew not UNTIL 11' CAME.''
- --<>-
'l'.HE 2300 DAYS.
There has been much speculntiou 011 the application of the two
tho11saocl nnd three hundred days of Dan. 8: 14. 13ut, belie\ing
a.s I do, tlrn.t they are e11ded
and tbai. all their power is iu the
past, I shall give but little space to their invest.igatiou.
The visi on of Dan. 8:, embraces tbree of the four Gentile
kingdoms, an<l doubt reaches to the encl of the "times
of the Gentil es." He11ce, Gabriel sayR to Daniel, "I will make
thee to know what shall be. in tbe Inst end of the indi?,nntiou,
for at the time appointecl the end slinll be, " (verse 10). l'lie end
here referred. to, is evidently the end of the iullignatiou, nnl! the
z:ioo days mensme only a part of the ,ision, because the answer
to the qncstio11 "Ilow long shall be the vision couccrniug the
daily s:ic;rifice, and the trnnsgrcssion of desolation, to girn both
the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot," is t.bus
answered : "And he said unto me, Unto t.wo thonsa11d and thtee
hundred days, then shnll the sanctuary be cleansed."
Tue 2300 "dap;," 01 years, have, wit.hout. carefull y noting this
answer, been supposed to embrace aU of the vision; and it is this
111ist:ike which has caused so much speculation in relati on to
their application during the last twenty or thirty years.
The argument proving that they ended something more than
t.h irty years ago, is simple nnd positive, as we will Bhow; but
1.he "days" do not cover the cleansing of the sanct uary; if
time is required for that work, ns every one can sne: " Unto
t.wo tbou1>:-mcl ::tml three hnudred <lays, then sli::ill the snnc
tuary be clcause<l."
1'his a111:;wer is much the the one of Dnn. 12: 7. The
rp1cstion Lhcrn wa.s, " How long shall it be to the und of the;;e
\\onders "? and the a11swcr was, "For n I inw, limes, aud a-h:i lf,
:lncl when lie shall hnve accompl ished t.oseaLter till' power 9 the
holy people, :ill these t.hings shall be fiuishc<l" 'J'he wonden
lhci re refel'l'cd to, were the "time of trouble, t.hu rcs11rrcction
&c.; nn1l with presc11t light., we 11ndcrst.n11<l t,h:lt t.hc definite
t lme in this case r enuhell to the cud of t.hc l '.WO years of papnl
1lri111i11i o11, :wd thcrcfoic c11t1c\l in 11111 tht l'<J111j'kt.io11 of
t.ho scaLLoring of Llic power o f the hrly 1'<'111('> wdl 11111 Im rntlcd
!68 2300 DAYS.
until the cn<l of the ti mes of the Gentiles, or in 1914. ..t\11d so
witl1 the 2300 clays; " lJ11 t.o two thousand and three hundrc<l
nnrl what i.s to follow, has reference to the cleansing or
the snnctunry.
"To g ive both t.lie sanctuary ancl the host to be trodden 11n-
der foot. " 'fhe host, of couri<c refers to t ho people, but whnL is
I.he sanctuary "'! His i>ornctltiug which has beeu t l'ocl <len undor
fool of the Gentile.s, \1e nnswcr. The IIebrew here rend.::rcd
i;nn1 t 11ary, is the same word ns occurs in Isa. BG : 20, where tlte
return nf the .fews in "litters, n11d 011 ltorsei:, and in cb:iriots,
:incl on s11i ft beasts, to my [sanctuary] holy mountnin Jerusa-
lc-m." And tbe treading down of the sanctuary, clearly refer;;
t.o wh:1L Chri st refcrre(l to when he i:ays, "Jeru.salr.mt F,.hail be
tro<lden do wn of the Gun tiles, unti l tho times of tltc Gentill.!s be
If tht- 2300 days do uot to tlie end (If t he iuuignnt.ion,
wh.1 werC' t.lt ey gi, cn i11 answer t.o t he question ? nrny be
:lilt! in res ponce I will nsk, if the "tittle, times," :ind a-half, of
IJnn. 12: 7, do not re:ieli to the elld of the toonrl<:rs, wliy
they giYe11 in answer to tliat question? Anrl, pcrhnps we can
answer: Llie " time, ti mes, and a-lialf," cmlcd in 1798, nt Lhe
t.nking away of the papal cl omini011, aod is oue of the gre.at
l11ndnmrks of prophecy. Tli e ending of the 2300 days, some
tl1ing ruorc thau thfrty years ago, is the g reat landmark by which
the t:tl'rying of the Ilride!>room hns been mnde to appear. And
the movement, with .t l1e messnge of the opening event.<;
of t.he ;;n"cnth trumpet., was based on that prophetic period.
The mistnke of the 1843 mo1 ement, was not in the argument
pro1ing that t.he " chys" ended t.hcre, bnt io assuming that t.iJey
co1ered all the vi!>io11. The tarrying of the J3ridegroo1n, the
/l(Trvost mcssnge, and the t wo pares to the sounding of the sciv
en th trnmpet; that is, t he v1oclamation of the kingdoms of t,his
ll' orld becoming kingdoms of our Lord, and the time of trou
hi e anc1 of Lite nations, were all overlooked. 1311t i t is
juFt these crcnts which shonld follow the ending of the 2300
d:1p, since th<'y nre directly co1111ect.ed with the cleansing of the
sanc tuary.
The 1843 argument, which I consider to be true in nil its r.s
sen ti al parts, wn.s that. tho visi on of tl1e 8th chtLptcr wns explain
eel in the l)t.li; and t.hnt the \'isiou "concerning tlte (faily s:icri
lice, aud l.11c trn11sgrcsi;io11 of desolation," ueccssa.rily refers, to the
.ltwR, r1s far as tihr cl:i il y i:;acrifl cos is concerned; nntl in D:111.
!I: 21, t:al11i el, wli '.I h:11l RJllH' ::trcci to hiut " in the ' 'illiun nt 1l wl1e
2300 DAYS. l b9
gionini:;, tbuL is, tbc vision of t he Sth clrnpt.cr, (sec verse 16),
refers 11i111 brick to th;tt vision, and sa.ys, "Seventy weeks are de
t e.noined on thy peopl e, nnrl thy holy cit y ;" i. e. seventy weeh
of the 'isiou of 2300 <lays.
' Seventy weeks," arc 490 dnys;
then Ht ci <lap of the '.!300 dntermincd on the J cws. And
\Yl1at. for? "'l'o 611is h I.lie transgression, and to make nn end
of i;i11s, 1111r1 to m:-ikc reconciliation for iniquity, and to i;eal
11p the vii;ion :ina the prophecy, and to anoin t the Most. Holy,"
(Mo verse 24). AU this, was accomplisl1cd in Christ's sufferi11g
and death. And as sc.vcntr weeks were determined on tbcm for
f.lle abode pw71os11
it is equivolent to snying, the.Tews, yonr peo
be kept toget her until the !il essinh shnll come and ac
l'Omplish Lite work for which he is to be sent.
1\now tlu.r eforc,
;111d nnderst:in<l that from the going forth of Lhe cnmm:i11dmcnt
to restore a11d "to ln1ild .lcl'll snlem, unto t.he ,'\ l ci:si:ih lhe -Prince,
<hnl I bc seven weeks, nnd t hree score and t wo ( , ersc 25 ).
That. ii: no weeks 11 11to his advent, lc:11 ing the 01.her one week fo r
ro111irming the covenant., whicb could uot. lw nf foroe, Paul tells
11;; , "until t.he <1eath of the testator."
The counection hctween thtl 24th nud 25t.h is alJ::olute
l' l"Oof that the se,euty weeks, the se,cu, t.he threescore nnd two,
and the oue week, are all the same peri od of time; "Seventy
weeks arc detcnuinecl on thy peopl e; k1101r t hcrefol'c," in con
of that," that i t Ehall be sc1on weeks," &c. [Of the si l-
ly applications made since those " d:iys" hn 1e ended, or within
1 he last thirty yen.rs, in which all con11ectio11 between the seventy
11ccks and the minor par ts which go to make up that number,
has been ignored, t.bus maki ng four distinct periods nil sepn.rntc
and in_clepcndent one of another, we ha Ye no space or desire even
to not1ceJ.
As the above six svecific purposes rmme1l i11 the 24tl1 verse,
were accomplished at the first adveut of Uhris t, the seventy
irneks determined for their :lccomplishment., of course ended
l liere ; and thus 400, of the 2800 clays, ended at, or about t he
t ime of til e crucifixion.
[Tltere is Rome oliscurity in relation to the endi ng of the last
" week." The '43 position was that Christ pr eached seue.n yem-<;
ri 11d heuce, t ho In.st" week" ended at. hi s den t h in A. D. Jfot
t hnt J10si ti on cn11not be main t.ainetl, siucc t he: cYi<lcncc is clear
Tie only prencliell three nnc1 a-half years, i t wonld appear

the last week of the .seventy did 11ot cud until the conver-
'(011 of Cornelius, t11<' fin, t GC1iitil c. lfot for Rornc l'l':tso11 Clod
all left t hi s one week l'/URCnrc; nnd n(l itlH1 th' Hihl e. v i hi stor y
160 2300 DAYS.
g iYe any further li ght oo that p oint. Hence, the exact da.te of
the encl of t ho 2300 days cannot l:>e det.ermined to within the ,
limits of three an<l a- half years].
As 4!JO years of the 2300, ended at or nbout the t ime of the
erncili.x.i on
viz: A. n. 3a, t h e eudi11g of ibe balance of the" clnys''
c:rn be dclermi11oa. {\JO from 2300, leaves l 810. Therefore,
1810 yea.rs after the c11di11g of ihe so,c11ty weoka, must mark
tlw erHl of tho longer petiocl; and 1810 adtled to A. D. 33, reach
to 1843.
J'his, t.ogct.li cr with the st.rong position that the l 260 days of
papal dominion ended i11 1798, was the basis of tl1e A<lrnnt pro-
chmatio11, t he opening message of the seventh trumpet, or the
"trump of Go1l ;" :11111 the 2300 " tlays," as a. prophetic period
monsnring 11 part of t lie visiOJl of D:111. S:, has Gervcd its pur
pose. A11rl, as t he reader ca.n sec, all that 1wrtainsoit.her t.!ircul
ly or incliructly, to the cleansing of the s:111ct. nary, 1.ielongs afte1
t.he days have encl arl.
'l'HE EAS'l'ERN QUES1'10N.
cnst.ern question, " from n. Tiible stn.ndpoint, is bnsed main
ly on Rev. 10: 11;
Antl the sixth angel poured out his via.I upon
the g rettt. rher Euphrates; and the wat.ers thereof were clricrl np,
thn t. t. he wn.y of t. hc kin gs of the ea.st migllt be prepared. A.nd I
!'1\\1 Lluee uuclen.n spidts, lilte frogs, come out of the mouth or the
drn,,.on. o.nd out or tho mouth o r t he ben..st., nud ont or the mout h
of the folse prophet; for t hey n.re t.he spirlrs of devils, working mir-
nclcs, whi ch go for t h nnto U1e of the en.rth, o.r1tl of U1e whole
w0rlcl, to gather the111 t o the battle of thn.t groat <ln.y of God Al
10i11: ht.y."
11 ere we lca.rn thu.t before the beginnin{l of the gn.lhering of the
I< ings o r t.lie eMt, n.nd of the whole 'vorld, to that bn.ttle, t he wn.ters
0f mystic Euphrn.tes 111ust be dried up. Hence, in order to inter
pret. correctly U1ese even ts, t he fust question to settle is who, or wh11.I.
hr" the
watcr11 Clf thG Enphrn.tcs"? The genenilly o.cccptcd int.er
prcnntion is tlrnt they refer to ti.le Moho.mwedn.ns; bnt J tliink we
Rhttl l he nblP to O\"erthrow this vi e w, whieh is bn.serl snfcLu 011 t hri
o t'ecpt('(l fMt thn.t lhe OLhnna.n empire i!> ref erred to under tho si x t it
i,n11npct, M "Lhu fuur :l.ngcls boun<l in t he grco.t river Buphr.a.Lcs.''
Hut by n rnfere11N1 to 1:38, it. nuLy be scou t.lmL n.lthough o.d
111 iWngo "thl! four fl.ngels l.>onncl in the g reo.t rive r Enplm1,Lcs," re
fer t o t he ll1nho11\medn.ns, o. far morn renso11able iuterprct.o.tion of
" //tr Bn11llrn.l1',\'," en.rt be found. ,
' l'hr. Grcak. herC' rcnclered in, in t li o 8uphrn.tlls, is one out of
f(l11rt.u<!11 diffMe11t words trn.nsln.Letl in: 1111d 111 H.ev. 1 : 7, t.he en.me
Wl'nl (''Jiil iR rP11<lrnd nf, - " i;lmll w1Lil The
wnnl 1:; 1d!';t\ re 111l1r1d l.>!'fflre,-" lle.(111r J'1)nti11:> l'il nt," (1 'l'im. Cl ; 13);
' ' Jl1f11n i wo or l'. hree witnossmi," &o. "The fonr n11g!' IS lJouud tie
Ct\use of [or l>efo1e] the greu.t r iver Euphro.tes, '' is cl eo.rly the tiue
rendel'ing here. lt'oi the o.pplicn.tion of the l!:uplira.tes to the chl'is
tio.n nations is in barmooy with every po.rt of the i.rophecy. 1f the
fo111 o.ngels, who were prepared for tin hour, and ;\. clay, n.od a.
won th, o.nc.l n ye:l.r, for to sln,y the third po.rt of wen, " refer to the
that in which, or because of wbich, they weie
bound, cannot refer to thcwselves. And it is o. well known fact it
was the ch.ristio.n powers who held the Mohammedans in check, so
long ll.:! t hey wc1e held; and the.t it we.s the decay of the flo11Jan
power whi ch en:lbleJ tllc111 n.t Inst to possess themselves or thnt
Lhi.rd u1 the empire, now cn.lleJ 'l' u1key in Europe. H they were
uo11nd uc<1nuse of the great river Euphrates, ru1d when, from in le r-
un.I stril e, the cb.ristio.n po"(ers coulJ no longer oppose t hem, " the
four nngels were loosed, " nnd i1111nedio.tely possessed the111sehei; or
t;onst-0.11tinople and the east; to \1ho.t can the waters of U1e Rophrn
tes refer, iC not to the cb.ristia.n nations ? Certninly no one can l.>e
so simple as t.o suppose tlle Mohn.wmeda.ns l>ountl themschcs.
LiLet'(\l l3abyl on was built upon literal Eu1ihrntes, n.nd is U1us
spoken of: " O thou thnt dwellcst upon 111a11y wn.lers, nuuntln,nt
in treasures, thine end is come," (Jcr. 61: 13); n.nd of mystic 13al.Jy-
lon it is so.id: l wiU sh.ew unto thee tlie j1tdg1HCHL of the ipeul
ho.riot thnt sittcth upon wany waters," tltev. l 7 : J). \\'hen l,;yrus
dried up the wo.ters of the Euphrates, by tul'Uiug the river Iro111 its
in o.ccordance with tl\e prophecy of J er. 50: 38, "A drought
1s upon her waters, and they slmll be dried up.'' Habylo11 fell. And
(iod has chosen to make liternl Da.bylon n, type of "13AilrLON
T.Hg '!'HE MO'l'HBll 01!' HARLOTS.'' "And the
W<iters wllich thou snwest, where the hnrlot sitteth, rue peoples,
o.ntl lJluJtitudeb, and na.tious a nd tongues," (Rev. 17: 15); o.nd as the
drying up or the literal Euphrates was the iniwedin.te cause of the
or ancient Babylon, so the drying up the w11ters of wy:;;tic Bu-
ptu:a.tes is the prel ude to the Io.II of Mystery, Ba.by Jon the gren.t, ''
tlte\1. l G: 12, n.nd l!l).
Mystic Uu.bylon never wru; suppor ted by tile Moharnmeda.0$;
hence, tbe drying up of their power c;onld lia.ve no rela.tiun to ber
foll while the drying npof the power of the christian nations. would
necessarily ca.use her downfall.
Ago.in: The waters of Euphrates a.re to be dri ed 11p, "to pre.pa.re
tl!e wo.y or the kings oC the east." and
tbe kings of the ea.st" o.re
111ostly Mohamuiedo.ns. Jn Ezek. 88:, where the prophecy or the
gathe ring to this greo.t bat tle is found, be names -Pe rsit\\ Bthiopin.,
and Libynr, as u. pa.r t of those who come Lo the ba.ttle. And these
nations tile very ones now occupying Egypt, l'ales tine, n.nd the
en.st, and Q,IJ w1ese nn.tio11s 1ire Mohu,1mne<la.ns. IJut the grca.t 1.>M.-
tlc docs not ot:our 1111til a(Ler tile return of thc Jews. Anll tLuy
urc to cl well snfcly i11 "unwall ed vil lrtgell, in Llie lnud Llmt: is
\Jrouglit back fro111 th< swurcl in the mo u1Hai11s of 1srn.cl
" (lll!\?
EY.ck. :rn: 1 l, 14). Then " Tognn11ali of the 11 >rt h p:i1ts," whi ch
}11Jssil1l y 111ca11R H ussi:\, " n111l Go111cr n11il 10:111 y people, r11ul l'c1"
sia, J: thiopi:t , ;111<1 Li hy:i, wit/; tl11:m,'' nrc 1.0 <' Piii !! 111'
UIJ J!CVJ1lc J1wacl, 1\8 11 cl uu<l to ll<l\'ur the h111d ;" it :-:hall i11
t.he laLte1 days, a11d I will bri11g thee ngaiust my land, that th(!
heathen may know me, wlien I shall be s:wctified i11 thee, 0 Gog,
before their eyes," (verse 16). How then, can H.ussia till this
prophec_y, by comiug up against the Mohammedans: Rince it i11
":i.gainst my people lsrael," that they a.re to come? " For r will
gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle."
The followi11g e,e11ts 11111st trn11spire before Lite bcgi1111i11g oJ'
tl1is gatlieri11g, viz:
The .!llohu1111ncdans must vne:nc Palestine, and thl! ,J ews re-
turn, ::tettle there, and c1 well safely; and when the gathering for
Ll1e great b:i.ttle docs take place, l{11ssia, if it is re1H.::sc11te<I liy
"Togarrn:tl1, of the north parts," must come up in company witlt
the l\Joliammedn.n pcnrnrs of t.he cast, and aga inst" my people
Israel." llc 11cc, Hussin attacking Turkey, can ha1c no im-
mediate co1111cction with "the battl e of the grcn.t da.y of God
But l>efort a.ll this, tl 1crc is 11 ot 011ly the return (If tl11 Jews,
bnt the <lryi11g up of Lhc waters of E11phnitcs. Hence, it is !he
chri1; tia11 nations of Europe, and not the J\fol111rnmcd:1n uai.ions
of t.hc cnst who nrc to Lu crushed. Ritt. where is tl1c power to
1;ome from, t.O dry up Lhn.t grc:lt river? civilized nr1d war-like
Europe coulfl witbst:u1<l n.11 the kingdoms oft.lie world without,
any unus ual effort; and it is not God who will interfere; "Suro-
ly the Lord God will do not.hiog but he ltis secrets to his
servauts the prophets;" and the prophets tell of his interference,
only when the great g:ithcring is completed, nnd J erusalem js
taken. Thou "Lhe Lord my Hod sh:i.ll come and nil the s:ii nts
with tbee." And the Lord shall go fort h ::uld light ngninst. a IJ
those nati ons, as whe11 he fought i11 the day of hn.ttlc. (Zech.
14). 13ut the waters o( EuphrnLcs :Lrc to be dried up, Urnt the
way of the kings of tlic east [not the north] may be pre-
pared to come to t.hat battle. .
J\11d tlint grent. city was ili 1ided into throe parts, nnd I.he
cit.ics of tli e nntipns fell. This is how t hl! wat.erR are Lo be
dried up; by a trin11e struggle among tltemselue.;, 11ot by H.ussia
t:iking ()onst.anti11oplc. ThnL grc1tt city t.lrnL rcig rwt.h over the
king1; of t.lie en.rth ( He\' , 17: 18), represcu tcd for 12GO ye:us
b.(pap:il Ho111 c, is 1.hc fou r th empire. Antl thi13 fo11rt. h B.011Jn.1r
oliri sLian empire, is Lv l1C (Jivi<l cd int.o t.hrce part.s. 111t-
clNi11 spirit.s c:urrc out of tltc r11 ontl1 of the dr:tgc.> 11. :in<l OllL C\f tht:>
:11011111 1d' tlw hl:1i; 1, nnd 0111. of 111011t.h 11!' the l'nl::1: prl1J>l1et. "
l'ilf! ilraf/Vl/. is Lflc 111011:trr. hi td clt111c11I. vf Lite empire; t.ltr /i111!1l iR
tlrnt 11 whic:h 1Ju
wo111a11 fl:\(,; thr- .f't1$e Jl1"0)ll1ct it' 1!11 rrligioull
I t;J
or pnpal elcmen lj untl nlthongh this division is cio11rly llisccrniLle,
it is to lie full y cons111itm!ltcd only u11dcr the sixth nna seventh,
plngucs. lJcncc, the bnttlc of the great day cannot come thi s
of the se>enth plngue. Ani.l it takes 110 prophetic eye to
sec, i11 such a triune <livision, the men.ns for "drying np" the
power of ehrlst.inn Europe, since the st.rcngtl! of tl1e three par
tics nre so eve11ly l.>:tl:111ce\].
The Ottoman e1111 irc filbl its place iu propliecy nuder the
sixth trunipcl., :lltcl hc11cc, has no 111orc prophetic importance
t.h:u1 h:1.s Uhnldca., l'ersi a., Greece, or nny ot.her of the nations
'''hf) have stoo1l for a brief space in the fro111., acted tl1cir part
in the world's <1r:1111:1, :ind tlien passccl c111t of sight.
The present [ 1877 J eastern question may, nwl doubtless will
Le a link among t he events which shall opcu the w:i y for the
r ct11rn of I.he .Jew, s i11ce the division of the spoils of Turkey iu
Europe will probnhly h:ist1m the "drying Uj1 of Enphratcs."
But. 11cyo111l this, it can have no prophet ic sig11ifioance; and ccr-
tai11 ly no i111mc1l iate co1111cctio11 with t h<' liatt.lc <> f Armageddon.
--- 0---
AnJ J hen.rd a.not.lter Yoice from heiwen, imyin!', Conie out of
li tr, 111y people, thn.t ye be not pn.rto.ke1s of 'her si11i;, ancl that ye
rc>1ei ve not. of her plagues." (Rev. 18: 4.)
Hnbylon is the r eligious element. of t he fou rth e1npire, and as
pop(.7l Bame, has for many centuri es rcpresentc<l tbal. empire.
l lc11cc it is cnlled "that great city that r eignei.b o,er the kings
of the eartl1." But lieyoud all tJ11 estio11, i t refers to n11d em-
br:1ces all t he c:hurch-stnte orgnni7.ntio11s of tlw christi:rn
nations. To hecomc n part of the world is opposed t.o the
re ligion of onr J,onl .Tcsns Christ. "llnliyion is fn llen, is fallell ,
that g reat ci1.y, bcc:111se she made all nati ons clrink of t he \\'ine
or the wrath of her foi-uication)) (chap. 14: 8). F'ornic;ition
here mcn11s lhe 1111io11 of church and st:i.tc, and the fall of llaliy-
lol1 i11 the tlissol1ttio11 ol I.hat uni on. In other words, i L is " tho
hl.!ing Lhrown from "the beast. " " 1 1;:\ w a woman
upon n scarl et color ed beast full of uanHs of blnsphemy,
hnving i;cvt111 hcnd1; n111l ten horns" (lie,. 17: :l). l"hc is now
falling, but. not fallt:!I. T he uni on of ch11rcl 1 aud i;t:itc is now
in 1irocos11 of disaol111.i o11 over n.11 f)f wlrnt has l't'Jll'CScnt.cd the
fo11 1th empire; l,int. thnt sep:i.rn.t.ion is 11 0!. :1ceo111plished.
\Yh'c11 the ci ,i l po,,er rcfu!ICI! nuy longer t.11 carry the church,
Bal1yln11 will h:1vo fa!lcn . Hence, t he foll of iinbyl on, nnCi tho
16.J. nABYLON.
t1 cli,isioo of that great city" is oue and l,be same. Ancl just so
fast as this triu11edivisio11 between th1: 1110111ucltial, t.he religious
a11CI the rcp11blic:i11 element.ii of tltat great empire pr(lgr<:ss, just
so fast the fall of Bnbylou progress. .U111. it is only untler
Lllc scvcnth :mt! L11i11 co11s11111111:itiun to In: roached.
(See Hev. lG: 17, J!J.) .....
The icle:i that :l <:h11rd1 hccorn.ing corrnpl rnn 111rcsent toe
fetll of Babylo11, h:is 11oilhcr Scfrrtnre nor comnio11:<c'11se in it.s
f<l\'or. Now here is t1 ilabylou the great, t!tc 1r10Lher of h:ufot.s
and the abominations of the earth,'' reprei>ented as being any
thing but n harlot, and it is the fnll of 1Jabytc>11, and not the
church of God that fled into ti.le wilderness bccomi11,9 Babylon,
which mnst lill tlris prllphcoy.
J\s the fall 11( 1bliylon ii: not rlne nntil tho "grl'nt city is
<ii 1idccl,,, 11 1111 I h:tL is cou1>11 1r1111at.1d 1111d<'r the sere11Lh
plngne, it follows llt :\l. the third 11H:<s:tgc of " ( '0111e oat
of her, my 11e1J1le" i:< not due till Ll1111. I l11n:c, the 11uc:;Liou
nl' to who" my iioople" arc, JH!rti11c11t.. Tlw Lwelrc
t.ribes of l srnel are a(W;'l.fS referred LO as "rny people." 1\ n<l
t.he twehe t,ribes are to be deliverell d11ri11(! tlris ti mo of tro1tlJle.
"At. tllat time there shall be a time of s1.ch as
was since ti.lore wris n nn.t.ion, and a.t that time t.hy [Dnuiel 's]
people s;hall 110 delivered." "Abs! for that chiy is great, so
that none is like it; it is evon the t.imc of J :wob's tronble; but
heshnll besavedontofit" (.Tcr. :JO: 7). l'\citlt(rof theaborn
can refer to ti.le bride of Christ, for it. is uot Lite t.i111e of her
tronblc; she is Lo be "acoo1111tc1l worthy to escape nil these
things, and t.o stnn<l l1rfnrc tltc Sou of mnu."
The J ews arc Ghrist'i: 7>cople, but not his bride; "He came
to his own au<l his own received him not; nud he told them
Uiat they should see bim no more "until thu.t tloy when they
11/talt sa.y Blessccl is lie thnt cometh i11 Lhc 1111111<' of t.he Lord."
(:\fnLt. 23: 30). They were cut off, :\llrl 1.he ki11g1lo11t of God
tnken from tham; an<1 tnkcn from them fon\' 1:r, cxtept the
fow, who like l'a11l, lm10 h<:r. 11 graftcll in :1gai 11 during the
gospel. But 1.here :11c 111ru1y nml f;lorious p111111isc11 11 U1c. ll eshly
house of hr:1tI. Their blin<l11csii has been t l1t: of tLe
Gentiles; "but :1s to11chi11g the olcctio11, they :1n l>ci111etl for
the fo.tho1'i; s:ikc; for 1.lw gifts n111l caltinl-{ Cif c;o1l :11'!.' wit hout
npcnt:\llcc." i\ntl they :ue rcprescnL t.hc t1vthly bouse,
\01,;uLcd a.t. old .J ern:snlem, cve11 :1s Lite "ch11rolt of t.ltc Ii l'SLuoru"
arc to represent t.he hc11venly house i11the11ow, or ::ipirit.ual Jcru
The people called out of Babylon w tlSt re for lo the> .r ews, we
think, because they are to be gnt. hered out of :iJI uations, and
restored to their own la.nd, while tlie to be t.nken in
the twi11kling of nn eye, from the mill , t he field, and any nnrl
e\ery pince where they may Lappen to be. And the call ont of
B:i.bylon cloes not appear to rncnn rn ercly n pitrif)!in[J of them
selves, since they nrc to come out, lest tlrny should partake of
her simi. The real bride of Christ never has, i11 any moral
sense, been in llaby1011. "I pray 11 01. t.ltat th on shoul rl st take
them out of the worlrl, but thnL Lho11 slioul1lat keep t.litm from
the cdl." And in the h:i.ncst,, it' is the wMk of angels, to
gn th er fi1st the ta.res ami bintl them in h1111<l l!'i;. II cnc:r. " Come
out of her, my people," cannot in any sJ1iri1wtl, 0 1 litl' l'lll s1.ms1\
apply to the christian church, but dors most certainly appear
reasonable as applied to tbe J ews, when the Lord shti ll set liis
hand again second time to gather tltem from all nat.ioni;.
Compare our te:\ t with l sn. 48 20, n111l J er. 51: 6; " Flee 011 t
of the mirlst, -0f lhbyl o11, and deli1er Cl' ery man !iii; sonl; he
not cut off in her ini11uity.'
"Comu 0 11L of her, my pC'ople, .t.hnt
ye receh<1 not of bcr plngues." Tit is would nppear to mnke
t.he ret urn of Lit e .Jews tlne only wbeu the seven last pl:igues
- arc fulfilled.
1\nd nt thnt time th y peopl e sh:11l be c1cli\'ered,
nnd many that i>leep in the dust of the earth sl1all awake." This
al so with J ob. 14: 19.
Oh, that thon wouldst
hide me in the grave, thnt thou wonldst keep rue secret. until
thy wrath be passed, that thou wouldst 1tppoint me n set time
and remember me. . . . Thou shalt cal l nnd I will answer
The resurrection of the rust.i bution clas.q, those who "shall
stand upon the earth" in the latter day, in their flesh, aua see
God," is thercforn not dne 1111 til the day of wmth is passed.
while the dead in Christ wli o :ire to be raised .piritttal bodies,
is due before the day of wrnth.
Tho wrilel' does not forgot that u11f11l!ill cd prophecy cannot
be :lj>pliecl ill rletnil. lleocc, the return of the ,J ews, ana the
resu1'1'ection ' of this secoml class, mny not be :is yet fully nndcr
stood; but there arc Scriptures which appear Lo make tlte rntu111
of tl1e Jews to begin tir e Ji, iug .J ews of this ge11cratiu11
who are call<.!d "a ant1 nftl!f' tlwir rnturn J1m1salcm
is surro1u1dccl th<! city is tnkcrr, :rntl one-half go into c:ipt i"i ty,
(Ree Zech. 14), thcu th11 l;11nl iut er[<: rcs ;>11 <l s;we$ t hem. Ancl
yet ",Joru1:mlctn llll lSt be t101]du11 rl owrr or 1.ho 1111 til
the 1,inics of Lh<.> Gt' t1 Lil lS :ll'O ful lill cil ; ' lrC\ntic, trol'hfon dow11
until A. n. I 014, when Llie dny of wrnLh will he passed, a11<l
Lltc n11d return of Lh e " whole houso of lsrncl" due.
This would :ilso !<_rnPhro11izc witli t.he Ly)ic in Egypt. For it
will be re11wntl 1crc.J, ii w:is irJ the midi;t. vf Llro alnrrn c:rnse<l by
tli e scve11Lh :11111 J>la,!!;ne. ''" the tl1at
Ll11:y were cnllc1l 11ll nf l:gy)'t. " J\cc 111di11).! 1.0 1 ht cl:iys yr
t he 00111i11g out of the l;11 ul of J:gyJ'l , will I sho\\' unto him
111nncloug the 11at.io11s shall sci n11d li e111tf\11t1Hlc<l at
nll thcir might." (:\ li<:ah 7: 15) .
'l'rnly we arc on 1l1c eve of grcaL c Yc llt,c;, Tho of the
earth is ripe; the time of troulilr is liegiu11i11g, nn<l t.he fullil-
mcnl. of prophcciei; nre crowtliug one upo11 :rnothr r, n11d s1:<: ne.s
arc Lo lie c11:ictc1l <lu ring- the eomi11g t hirty-Sc\'Cll years, trrril1le
hcYon<l nll thnt hist.ory ever ,-ct rcM11l o1L But lei the
lit.tic Orick who nrc thr ''chil1ln1111r'tlr1 lay," :11111 arc w:ilki119 i11
t.hc light, li ft up thcil' h1:1t li<, :11111 " wa t d 1 :111t\ pr:1y, t.haL Liley
m:iy Le n11c()11 11Lcd wnrtl1y ti) rc;n11 all tl1i11g:;, :ittd to
stand before the of M :in."
- --0---
THE rnNGDOJ\ 1 OF (_; QD.
The A1hcnt ists, or ns t.hcy al'c cnllcu, "the worltl
hnrncl's," lr a.vc run into m:ir1y errors ht' cnnse Llwy fail to Jiscorn
t,hc trne ch11rnet.er of the ki11g1lo111 1> f C:nd. Everywhere, boLh
i11 the Old nnd New Tcst.nmcnl$, the t'ltnnh, nr penple of God,
represent his kingcl om;-
Ye i:h:1ll 111: 11111 11 :t ki11g<lo111 of
priests; and a holy 11:i t i11n." ..:\ 111l t'hrii;t i11vnri:1uly mnkes the
gospel chnrch, tlw gC101l :rnil hail, t he kingdom. The
killgdom of hca\' Cll is like LO a. 111.!L wlii c-.lt men cast iut.O tJie
liCn, :rnd bro11 ghL forth fi sh, both good :111'1 \,:111. The kingdom
wns like11 ed t;o a th:it sowed good sc1:1l, nncl a.notAe1
i;,owcr, [,h ut, sowed had seed. lL \\as likc11c1l to " Le11 Yirgins,"
!ht of whom were ''rise nnd TI\' r:i foolish.
The fact that the kingdoms of t his world :1n
t.o hccomc the
kingdoms of our l ,onl, :1ntl Lh:H he i:; 1.1> "rnl1 tl11'tll with ::i rod
of iron," until \'\'try knee Bhali hnw; an<l th::it tlw s:rints lihnro
t.h:rt powel' with lii111, n111l Lakt thr ki11gll11111
1111d possess the
ki11g<lom u11<for t,hf' \\'hole hua\'<.'n, <locs Jl<I 1r(1 \'C lh:tt Llw king-
110111 of Ci orl will lie 1u1 t11rLhl y ki11g1lo111, cir 1 lrnt "fl<.'s h :i111l
ldond " C!Lll inht'rit. i t.. Lf our hn1f'11t111 ll'hc> :ir11
l'Crh:q,:; j11srly,
rallcil 111alt'7'itl/ ii;t .. <, woul cl h111 lif'I, thc.:ii \'\' I'S from th1 11:1t 11r:d
to the spirit uni, l hry migh t sec 1.h:tt" th1.' ki11gclt1111 nf' (' :111
be a spiriLual kingdom; a.nd that n.11 who inherit it cnn be
'itHal bei11gs, t born of the Spirit," :i.1111 yet mingl e uudcr n mil
of flesh as the angels have done, with t.he nati ons over whorn
they are to be kings and priests, while Lh ey themselves are nn
entirely distinct onler of hci11g, vi ;;ihl1? to hum:mit,y only wh<; n
nndcr the vnil of llesh. Thi:; is G11d's order for the whole hn
man family, wit.h ccrtniu excepti o11s, of such :1;; <lie t.he "seco11d
or eternal death." First., the nawr:tl, Ad:1111i1\, > r c:trthly mn11;
second, the spiritu:d, or heal'cnly man. "J\111! :ts i;; the earthy,
such nre tl1cy that nre e:irthy; lllltl n..ci is thi: hu:ll'cnly, snch arc
they that are hc:weuly." "That. whid1 ii.< b1m1 of the :;pirit is
spirit.; and that which is born (lf th(: lkRh j;; And tl$ t.he
saint is to be "r:iiscd, a spiritunl {)r1dy," that hody is "born
of the spirit." Unbelief will not i111.ernq1t onlur, but it
10ill en.use tl1 ose who indulge in ii, to come short of nltai11iug t.o
that life. On the 11nt11rc of the kingdom of Gotl, our agc-to-
come brethren are as far from tho tntr.h :is nre those who nre
called" world burners;" they sec n0Lhi11g hut what is of the
earth, earthy; t.he cultivation of l11111l
the lrnillling of hot1sr.-,
&c., &c.; just what is promised to tlte rcstorcil .Jew, who they
themsefres admit is to ue iu t.ltc 1ltRl 1. ll enc:c, wltnte,er con-
fused ideas they may ha,e in rcg:inl tn Lhc sai11ts bei ng mnde
like unto" Chnst'i; glorious lioily.''- for <lesuript.io11s of which,
see B.ev. 1: 12
and also Paul's experience; thci r thcol'y makes
mortals and irumortnls, the rcstort!d ,J cw, 1111'1 t.he glorified
imint, both together, to l>e in, n11cl i;li:ire in the king:llom of God,
thus mnki11g corrnption to inherit ineo1T11p1.io11. And there is
11ot one particle of light i11 their writings whi ch cnu clear their
theorrof tnis of the spiritual :111l the rrntural. Jforwe,
all spiritually minded men hn1 v lwcn r.0111('<llrd to reject t.he
ago- to-come rlootriue. And yet t.hey ha rr su 11111c h Scripture to
maintain the fact of an age-to-come, that they feel strong, in
all their weakness.
Alt.IJ011gl1 tbc ch11rcT1 in it.s mort.nl sl.nte rcprm;ents the king
<lorn of Goel , tl1at. kingdom is not. "set up" or orgnnir.ed. "The
natural lirsh n11<1 aftcrwnrds the spiritnnl." ll rulcr t,he. oltl CC'\'
ennnt, while nil was on the pl:111c of the llcsl1, 1.hc fl <.>shly church
was :in oroanizccl ki11gtlom. But 1111<lcr 1.hc g11sp<.>l; the kiugdoru
of li c:wcn is likened to a nphlcman who <;11111111ittad certai n
t.l'lli;ts L() his l'e1v:mts, ancl wont i11t11 a far c<1 11 11try to l'coeivc a
kingdo111, and t.o rc1.11rn. l lo11cc, " th y ki111rd o111 <:111tc n means,
ki11gdo111 lie !'(lt llJ<, or <rgn11i7.Cd as :i puwcr. But it
IK ll ol LO Ill! VII t.h1
}1J:L11 e ()f t.hc. tlO>ih, whi ch wn11l 1l be goiug
llo11ce Lho kingflom is 01gcmi?.t>.cl, only when" t.lii!i
mort:i.l sha\I hnva puL nn immortality." " I le Llr at kccp<'Lh 'l!Y
'""orks nnto tlrn f'ltrl, l1 liim wil l [gin? power over Lhr. nil.I.ions,
nn<l he shnll 111/r 11.,,111 with a ro<l of iron; ... 01c11 :is my
Father t.ri11!11 tn 111 <'. " Antl thii- end doc!' 1101, 11wn11 loath,
for nt wo do 11111 gc-t l'nwcr n, cr t,!11? 11ntin11!'.
If 1.hc rrntl 1r t l1r 11w i.Jc:i nf the king1l11n1, t.lmt. 11011', in
its prcp:uatory 1,.; r11cs.:-11lel l1y tlir 1h11nlr. i11 nre
found both goo\J :111'1 h.11l;nnd thnt wlicn 1hc kingl1tlll 1.; set 11]1,
or organize<l on t.hc i::pirilnnl plane, the lla<l will he eradicated;
nnd that at 'the c;ccvnd ad r ent of Christ .. -whcu "tlre
nol>le111n11 rNnrns "-he is pn.i pared to u11clcrst:u11t" so1nc of thr
c1cnts of the /w,.;est.'' upou which we ltnVe now w1tercll, as
hrought Lo ''icw i11 tlte !'arable of the "tares and the< wht:tt,''
(2\fat.L. I:!). "Thr firltl the \l'Or!J; thr goo<l i<rtd arc the
chil<lrc.11 11( tlw ki11crl 11111: tli1 l:t1ts :t n ! t.h1 1liil ol n11 of 1.h1!
wicker! 0110 ; Ill( h:r;.,.,.!'I j,- the 1t11<111r d11 laic111J ag1-, :11111 tlte
renpcrs :ire the :rngdi: . . .. In lire c11d 11f t.his tire :-- 1111 <1f
n1nn shnll i;c:ntl forLh his :\11gcls :rnci gathe r 011L of his ki11!,!d11111
[oli nrch] nll things t.hat. offc11cl nncl 1,hnm which do ini_q11ity , a11d
l'h:ill c:ist. them Into n f11rn:icc of fire; then shnll the righten11"
id1ine fnrth !lS the suu in tho ki11gdom ("church of tlie lirst.
born "J of t.heir Father."
JHnny suppost: this involves the burning oft.he world, uccausc
he. gnthcrs ont of bis kingdom nil things th:it ofil'11d. It is t.he
laics he out of king<lon1. Tht jidd i:s the 1oorhl
(kosmos), worlci nf m:111ki111l; n11 1l the sood is t1tJ1rn in their
hearts. Butt.ho t:1re!< :ire nnt the world; thC'y :ire t-IH' c: liilclre11
of t.hc wicked 011c, while the world of mn11ki111l, 1h1 Auamic
family, nre the sons of God. "\Vhich was the son vf ficLh,
,,hich was the son of Ad nm, whi ob was t.hc i;ou of A clt1m
11\e:rns the .first m:in, the n:itnrnl, and .T rsus <JhrisL was "t,he
.r:c1m1fl 111:in," not the ton t.hous:indth. Aud A<lwn, as t.he
c:irthy 111:111, with Iris race, is ns trnly thr son of God a!' is
Ghrist, the lw111c11ly man. J.lw 1.1,o nrrl<rs, first the
11at11ral man, a11d nftcrwnnh tho spiriLunl 111:111.
If t.hc rc:ldcr pref en: t.o cl1:111ge both the of t.hc par-
able, :\ll<l the iutcq>rl'l.:1t.ions of Christ, r:\Lhcr tha11 1.11 nnouocc
his previous i1lons, I t::lll 011ly say I l\111 11ut. for such
111e11. The world rirc 11ci1.l1tr wt.rat. or l !lrcs; they simply
111nt.crial, :is gron111l in 1rhich l>nlh good and l>ntl i:cctl 111:\y ht:;
s1wn. 1 l oncc, :di that 1.lio work of the hnrl'cst fl<:111l!1tels., is t.o
g:ithtr n11t. of the m.;iny who 1111,c been md!trl, 1111.!Pr 1!11 gos
pc!, the b:id "fish," tltc "foolish virgius," tlie "la.re:i,
nud t.ben
to glo1ify the sauctified cburcl1. And let C\' ery one rcrueml>cr
ti.lat those who are in darkness, in relati on t.o the comiug of the
"dn/' of the Lord," tohen tltat da.y comes, will lie O\ertakeu ns
n thief, and nre therefore not, " the cliildrcn of light," whatever
mn.y be their professions as to godliness; or as to what they
hnve done for Ohrist.
- --o-- -
"I beheld another benst coming up out of the earth; and he had
tw oboros like a. Ja1ob, and lie spoke o.s a tlrn.IJ<>n." (Rev. 13: 11.)
I understnnd this represents the two Nllpoleonic dynasties.
Ancl that "the benst" of Hcv. 13
Jpwi11g se,cn l1enrls nud ten
horns, refers to papal Home, nncl the i1na11e of the beast (verse
14), to papacy, as it has existed siucc iti; rest.oration in 1\ia1ch,
1800. Pa.pncy bns filled a large place in the world'i: history,
and it I.ins been the burden of prophecy to show its various
characters. It has been portrayed as a tooman, because of i ts
ecclesiastical character; It has Ueen l'C)!l'eSeUt.ed 118 I\ "beast,"
or "born," holding times au.cl laws, for forL.y nod two mouths,
or l 260 yenrs. .And Daniel says, "I beheld, nncl the snme
horn [uot withstancling the judgment snt., nud they took away
its dominion] made war and prevailed, until t.he time came that
tbe saints posscsed the k inguom (cornpnrc Dan. 7: 2 1, 25, 26).
Hence, if not as the forty and two month beast of Rev. 13: 5,
still it must. exist. iu some character to t11e enu of the times of
the Gentiles.
As the representative of the Homa11 empire for 12GO years
it held great power; but since its cl o111i11i o11 w:u; takeu away in
1798, though making grca.t prctcntiow;, it, h:ts r<.: nlly been only
an image of its former self. The firgt ueast of Hev. 13; was
the Roman empire iu t.he peculiar r.haracter it 11cld as pnpal
l <omc; and w!iile the papal government represented one of the
"seven heads." Iu 1798, tltat head " 'nil wo11111l Nl no to deatli
(verse 3). llut shortly after" its dcatl ly won11d was healed,"
n.nd papacy was restored, but in n new cl1:iractur. These are
of the present ceutury, which of course cannot be denied.
AR tho beast which l1ad the wound hy the sword, and did livo
(verse 14-), wnl' the forty nnd two months l)lmllt, thn.t is pnpal
Home iu the cl.larncter i t. fill ed for tl1:lt. f' Cri od; so " the im(l.!f6
of the benst that hn<l a wounc1 l>y the sword a11tl did lire,"
must be somct.hing similar to ll1c olcl papa.I and yet n
something whi ch lacks it11 vitality. And we cn.11 shnw Lhal. 1.h<'
papacy 11as filled tuat picturr..
Thr two!horncd Ll'ni<t 11as to "i:;:LV to them that dwell "1"
lhc earth, they should make a1i imnge to Lhc beast. wlti rh
lin<l thc wn111al hy the r;1rnnJ and dill li1 c. And he li:irl
to life I.I> t hat imttgc" (1crRc 14). The first Napoleon dt tl
say t.o the cardinals of tlt c clmrcli of Home, restore t he p:11
Alt(l tliosr thirt yth-c 1,;ardinals met :tt Yl'ni cc in J\ lurch, 1m1tl,
1ui1l l')cctorl a new pope, unc1er whom they ruorga11i1.cd. And t.hc
ly11as1y gan thnt im:ige li fe; rcst11rrd thi:: JtitJ:i<\:
Lo l{ome and maiJ1Lai11ctl it there, n uicrc imagr,, n, :1 i;tmk 1
poliry, Lo n11pen::;e 1hc cnthnlic world. ,\ ml Ll111 !'l'i;oml 111,111, M
second Napoleoni c dyn:i sry, also supported tl1at i111:1e.- 1111(11'.:110
it lire, by keeping his !roof's in Homr. until :tl11111t 1t1t t.i11w hr
himself foll at Scd:111, in Sc)llC'mltcr, l87it. ,-\11d whrn Lil(' 1. 11 t
horned bcni;t conl<l uo longer give it llfr. tlw i1n:1gc fc ll t Hl
cc:tscd Lo he :i or g<hcrnrnc11t of Ho11H. Tli<'R< nn _:di
facts of t,hc 11rcse11t century. .Aud now W\' i f thi1< 1111-
nge of Lhc o d fortr and two months bc:i.st Jin;; 1h111 '' h:11 r lw
11r<1 phccy <leclareR he wns to Jo, and j_f so, mr n rn:t y RJWt: trla1 111
:1rguC1 agniust thii; posi tion, b n t they c:rnnot 01rr1.Jirow fac: l1.
"That he should both spenk and cause t hnt a,; m:rny ai; ,,.,.,,i.1
not worship tbe image of the beast shoula be kill ntl" (rrnw If).
Thi11, and what follows in Ycrses Hl aucl 17, is wha.t. the fo11 111c
wns to do. Speaking, like nll the rest, is n i;ymhol. " I bcJ 11 ld,
t!ten, bec:rnse of t he Yoicc of t he great wonls whir.h the lt 1:n
i:pakc" (Dnn. 7: l 1). Hr turning to D:inirl, t.Ju: rc:uler 11 111
fi nd this spaaldn!J is nftl'I' the Anci ent of- Da y11 ('(1111Cf; , artnr (.he
"judgmcut wns 11ct, :\11 0 the hooks were opc11 c11." J\ nd p:1f
has yet :i grc:it future during this coming timo vf tn111blc,
is t o l>o the last " to drink of the cup nt the Lol'cl'i; h:rn<l." ' 11'.e
cl111rch of Home, witl1 her bnrlot, :it'c 111 yst1c
Bahylon, of which old lhbylon wns the type. Turn t.o .Tcr.
41, the p1'ophecy which .J ohu the H.cvel:itor npplics to tn
lbbylon, anti yon will fi ncl t.lt:i t lhbylon is there cnlled ":->hc-
sh:ich." .L\1111 this n:11nc occurring l>ut onr.r morr in all 1.he
Bible, is Councl in ,J er. 25: 20, where is t l1 !tn 1.hc l:i..'il lo
fall in the t.imc of tl'011hlo whiclt reaches" t" :tll tltr kingdo1?s
of I.he world whicl1 :ire upon the face of th\ cnrth.'' l fo11:I', in
triune RLrngglr hct l\'ccn t.he monnnhial, lh: rC! pllhliw.111 :1nd
tlw rdigious clcmc11L11 of the c11:pirc, 1.J1 c will Ii<; the
hHL to .fail. And it. is this same powr r, 1.hc "Iii 1.lc of
Dan. 7, the change whi ch c:uue ol'er it. in 11t1e. w)Jt ch is
li l
image of the beast," aud re1Jresentf J3ahylou, or shcshacb.
The image of tl1e bca.5t was to botli speak nncl cause tbnt as
many as would not w01:ship tbe image of the hcast should be
killed. If this killiug is a symbol, we 01111 sec how it. has been
fulfilled. There aro two kinds of symbolic deaL!t, \iz., politi-
cal a_nd ecclesiastical. Tho image of the beast ltas excommuoi-
cated, or caused to suffer ecclesiastical death, more tl1an a httll
hundred millions of the catholic world. Nearly all of Italr,
DoUingeT, a11d a large part of Gerrnany, as well as many of the
cntholics of Fmnce ; in foct, all who woulu 11 ot accept of his
infall ibility. Tile UHh and 17Lh ver:::cs arc yet in the future,
and belong after tlw "Ancient of Days comes, and the jutlg-
ment sits, and the books are opened. 1 Leheld, tlten, becirnse
of the great words which the liorn i;p11kn; J beheld 11otil the
beast was slain nnd his body given to Lli c burning flames (Dau.
7: l l; see also Hev. l!J). "'l'hese bot.It [ thC' and false
prophet), were ta.ken a\jye and cast. i11to a lnke of fire, burning
with bnmstoae." And after the sainlR arc delivered, and on
the sea of glass (Rev. 15: 1), t.he plagues nre poured out on
them that worsllip the beast "and bis iru11ge '
(see chap. 16: 2) .
Hence, the "image CJf the beast" is yet to hol<l a very prominent
place int.he coming" time of trouble."
"The two-horned bcnst comes up as a lmnb and speaks as a
The two Nnpolconic dynastiefl came up in each case
as repttblics, aud soon changed into imperial governments.
' Ile exerciseth all the power of t.he ftrac beast before him."
Nttpoleon bad kings nn<l emperorfl 1111clcr his inlinence, and
divided up nearly the whole of Europe, making one brother king
of liolland, another of S1)ain
and himsel f elnirned to be king
of Rome, &c., &c. And he caused the people of the Romao
earth to worship the first, beast, by put.ting rlown that infidel
reign of terror, nnd restoring the papal 1eligion. 1t Those mir-
acles he had power to do in sight of the beast" \Vel'e, ''saying
to them that dwelt upon the earth they should make an
image to t.he henst, :rncl Il e had power to give life to that
the twoh<lrnecl l1en;;t whi oli gave life Lo the image of
the beast, has passed away, while Lhe fntfle hns yet a great
:uid t.enible future licf11rc it.
I can see !tis co111i11g judgments, as (,hey ui1de all the eartlt;
'l'hc signs aucl groa11i11g1> prn111i1-;cd t o proul'll(l a sc:eorul birt.J1.
! 11!:ul 1igltLoous sni 1Lc11co, i11 t.lr l' crnmhli 11g tllt'oncs of e:u'Llt.
0111 Goll is marching 011.
I 7'l
"Then i;hn.ll 1 he klt11{1l om of he:wcn be likened l.o ten \iq:;ins
which took their Jn1111 s nud weut. forth to 1J1cct I.he l.Jritlegroom. "
l i\Iutt. 2ii: 1).
In this paraLl c Lhe 1<p1d:tl 111 H' (!111t 11L pri<)r tu the coming
nf tJic bridegroom Slt fort.It_ X oticc tl1e l:111g1111gc, "7'/t<!'ll
i:li:t ll I he ki11gdom of hc.mven be likeneu ;"it is 11 01. now, hut at
snmc fiiLn rc time iL i:l1all be likened. \Vhil c C\' CI')' ot.her para-
ble is in 1ihc prcseui. tunsr., this st:rncls alone as tl1e 011ly cxccp-
1 ion. "The kingdom o( heaven is li kcued 1.0 :i sower;" the
"kingdom of he:\\' cn ill likened t o a 11et;
"die ki11gclom of
Ilea vc11 is likened to n 11oblc>ma11 ;" to "three 111cas11res of meal ;"
to fl" grain of lllllSl:tl'd i::te.J," ,\;c., ,\;c., :tl ) in t hr. prci:cnt tellSl',
:\1111 all i1pan t.hc l!OSJH1l di;:pensation. Hut Llic> 0111: of Ll11
ten Yirgi11s, if ui;ecl t he proper la11g11:1gt', lo be ful -
fill r. d nt tlir ei111i11g "f t.h1 g<:<pcl. Then 1d1:11l 1.1i .. ki11g1lom of
be likc11 e1l I.ti t.111 \'i1g i11s who took their l:i111ps und went.
for1.h- to meet the hridcgroom, 1111d were clisappointc<l, for he
Larrits, ancl thc5 sl nml.Jer and sleep. Another cry i!' macle, "Go
ye 0111.. to meet. hiru,'
and in accord:mce with that Cl"!/ lie comes,
:rn<l they that were rea<ly go in witJI him to the m:irriagc, :ind
I he rloor is sln1t. "Strive to enter in; for [ s:ty onto you,
many shall seek to enter in :i.nd sh:ill not be nhlc, when once the
master of the house h:is risen up arnl !'!hut 1.0 t.hr. 1l oor."
It is well k110w11 that. 1lt1Ti11g the rn's1:111. ccnt,11ry t.hcrc ha.<1
bc>cn a great athcnt 111 0\' cmcnt. Co111mcnr.i11g 111rhaps wit.h
W0lf, who preached i11 Europe ancl Asi a, but cc11t1ri11g mainly
in this N>t111 try in what is often called the 1110\' e ment,''
which culminntcrl 011 Urn tcuth clay of the seventh 111 0111.h of
I And we purpose to show that in this special mo\emeut
the alwn! parnble began to be folfillecl.
The face that tliero has always bncn more or less cxprrtiition
of t.he coming of Christ., <luring th e whole of hill absence,
1lors 11ot, milit.nte ngni11st applicaLio11 , :is \\' ill he !lce11 when
all I he> <lctaili; nre to appear.
In the first pl:i rc, it is ccrLain such a 1110\'l'111c11t. is rcprn
:;cnl ctl in this 111111;t occur prior the sceo111l nthc11t.
'flint i!:t
there mt1l:t lw going forth to meet th1 lirid<gronm,
followed hy a di sa ppoint ment, for he is :1:; Lnrry-
ing; 1.11111 w1other "going ont,, t o lll U(L him, whil'l1 Lo l'lltl
\1 il11 o;ul'Cl!$S. /\II t.his parabl e clearly liri 11s 11111 ..
h1 l.:i kcm hy some to n._full npplic:Hion of 11 11
ihe details of a pnr:ililc, n.s ma11y have been tnugl1t Llint 1rnrn-
hlos 11,re givcw to tench 011e, :ind only ouc lcadi11g i1l c:1. Hnt.
it will be obscno<l tln\L wherever Jesus explains a panible, lie
ail1'ays rnnkes every p11rt haven full application. Sec hi11 explan-
ation Of the" t.iues ;rntl the wheat," Lfw sower UJ the W(lysiclc,
&c., &c. .A11d in Mark 4: J3, he 111:.ikes the parn.bl e of the
l!OWcr, which i1; so full of details nnd so perfect i11 il,s npplicat,io11
t.he sample by whi oh alt parcd;lcs :uo LO be exphi11ol. J\11cl
he sah1 1111t.o them, I\. now ye not this p:Hnhlc 1 :i.n<l how the11
will ye kuow ::di par:iblcs 7" Then he cxp\:ti11i1 tire s1111 cr, the
seed, the waysi<le, the good gro11nrl

thoms, the birds of the air, &c., making i11 the explanntion n11
application of evci"JI thought e.xpresscd In the 1iarablc. Can w1
do better than te follow his instrnctions, i11 1111derst.:111rlir.g "all
"p:lrnblei> 7"
'fhe force of the present :i.pplic:i.tion of t,his of tho ten
virgi ns will be seen by e1ery reader, I thi11k, whtn the dct:ii l;;
1ire all brought out.
The ::;ubj cot of this parable i;; t l1c contin11ation of the subject
of 1Uatt. 24, the clhision or the clrnpton; bring nnly t.hc
work of the printer.
In Matt. 24 n COllllC\Ct.ecl rwophoc.r fro111 Lite Orst Lo 1.hc sec-
ond advcnL is given, aml of course embracing more or less of
the evenLS associatecl with the clestrucr.ion of .forusnlem. But
we shall not give a dct.nilcd application of thi1> chapter, our
object bei11g mcrrJy to show the locality of the pnnthlc with
which the next chapter O)'ons. After a reference to the wnrs
and great ti111c o( troubic 011 t.he s11ch ns never wns
before er shonlu Le again. he gives the signs which arc to pre-
cede his advent, such as the d:u-kening of the sun, falling of tue
stars, distress of uutions with perplexity, &c. ' ' lmmedintely
after the tribulntion of those days shall the sun he darkened"
(verse 29). Ju nnot.her place we have given the reasons for
believing thM this "tribulnt.io11" 1111dcr tho abo111i11nlion that
was to 10nke dcsol:ite, refcrii to the pcrsccutio111111nder the papal
church, and which almost c11tircly ended during t.he cightceutb
ce11tury. "l1nmcdintcly 11ftcr tiho tribulati on of thoi;e days
shall tbe s1111 he rl:trkcnod." This has been appli ct1 t.o the dnrk
day of May IUth, 1780, which has perhaps ncnrly passed out of
the melllory of most l)f those now livi11g, but \l"ns a household
wonl fifLy yc:wi :1gu. "A11d U1c stars shall f:lll from heaven."
This wns follillNI i11 Novu111l1ur, 1833; tlte jll't111 liari1y of which
will sl.ill 1Je in the memory of some of my readers. ",\nd the
! 71
Tim \'IH< ' INS.
Jl')WCl'l' of the lwa\'CllS shnll be shnkcn," we 11u1lcrsLn111i to lit 111
t !Jc i111 mccl i:1l c f1tll11'1', :t ncl tftnt it refers tO the f/ l'l' C1"!llll Cl1tS Of
tlic c:tl'lh. Tlte11 foll 11ws the <lccl:t ration, " so lil'1wi se y1i l Ll 1e
church J wlictl ye shal l u c thN<e tM11gs, know t hnt it, or he. is
ncnr. \ ' cri ly, I s:iy t111tn y.111. gc11 crnt.ion f who
s hall 11 ut J':ll'l' a w:ty till all thi11g:o 111: fn lfill eil "
('crsc !l3) . I n1r1 11 .. 1. uxplai11i 11g thi s to ll Hl'I criti ci sm,
httt t>impl y sl1owi11 g 1.ltu view we cnt.crlai 11 nf thMe c1c11t.s whi ch
h>nd to t he s uhj1ct 1J f t his :\rticlc.
The 24t h chapl ur ba,i ug brought 11s 1lowtt to t iil! last
nt i1111 , the one tli nl wns to sec t.!1c sirr n!!, :uHl ll l'IJll whic.: h th e
c11cl wnl' cu111i11g, he says" 'l'lie11," nl. time, "i-hnll t.hu
kingdom of lt ea\e11, Lit e clturclt, he likened t o lc11 1 irgim: who
wok tli ei. lnmps :111<1 wen t fort.It to meet, t he bl'idcgroou1
fi \' c of tlt eUt w .. r wi1-1._ :11111 li n J ll"l' l'C'
The lan171 i)< 1hc J\ il,lc ; " thy word i:-. a l:illlJ' "' my feet."
111 t he J\,J,c11t 11 11ffcll11:11 t. u f lli c <:t!ll l.ury. :1111! whit-li
<.: 1tl111iw11.ctl in I 1, t he re lta)< IJC'cll s11t: h :i of Lhc
:-;r ripL11n:iR :is nc\cr has Leen k11own i11 any ot her gc:11cr:1tio11.
This 111igl1t. to some exten t be acco1111ted for, f n11n t.he faut
t hat Qthcr gcncr:i tions hnvc 11 0L l1ad Ute Bible as :i lir'11se-
hold book, uut t.lte nccoun t ing for th ill or for t he darkening of the
snn or fal li ng of t he stars hns no l.J c:i ring on th eir nppli cn-
ti on. Tltc questi on i s, H :ive t.li e facts rnct the co11diLi ons Qf
I he prophecy? l fos t here been, during this !!l'1t ernti o1t
whu hnvc scr 11 t hese sig ns, n mo1 cm(tt t. ,,f thi11 ki11il? Eve ry
one ii;i 11 wrc or f:u11 il i:1r with t h<, hi11tory of the :u!lc111., or
Mill er 11101e1:1 c11t, ns i t i s r :l!J,,11. 'rhnL t here \\"!I (' :i wonrlcrful
sf' archi111! 11 f t,h{' :-;cri ptun:s on t.hi s pa.rticnhr s ubject- a going
to 111cct tho briclegroom-fc>llowecl liy disapp11i nt.mc11 t., COii
fusi on :wd fannticisrn. T h is much, at least, will Im admitted
l1y :tll , whet her fri en<ls or enemies of that movenw111. Aud this
nll Lh l pnrnbl c, from t he first to t he lif'h 1erse, tl cm:i. nds ; :i
goi ng 0 11 t to meet hi m, a clis:i ppoi nt111r 11 L, for tho britl cgroom
foll owed hy n Li 111 c in wb ich the) :ill a nd sleep,
cw wcn1 i n ,1\ 111l this very nl\l\'1' 111 0 111., n11tl tl11.?
p11i11 Lr11 cnt which hns ftl lowcd, l.J tought. i; 11 clt rr pnil uh 1111 t.he
s11ujcct 11f R< 'crnul advC' nt of Christ, th:11. tl1c l>:m m1nti on-
i11g of i1. is rec:1i1ecl wi t lt cold disllppro l" :d i n :tl 1110RL e very
1 lrnrc lt in tlw land.
' ' J\ ncl '1i lo tlH' hridcgroo1t1 t :ir riccl , th1'y all H11cl
,:f,pl , :rnd !L .111<1.niglit there :\ rty lhhnl .J tli1 1.ri1fo-
J.! r11 om 111111cth ; go )' C 1111 1. LO t >WCt. l1i11 1. TJ.c,1 :ill 1 lil,;r 1irgi 11r;
TEN vmGINS. l 7ii
arose and trimmetl their lnmps, And the foolish snid unto the
wi!le, Give 11s of you r oi l, for our lamp are gone out."
Many arguments nre given in 1,his book proving t lwt we are
now iu the tin1e of hence, tbnt C..:hrist bas c(1me the
sccon<l time and tbM he was dlle in the autumn of 1Si4, his
(lppea?in[J in t.he clouds being fowre. From the se,._
enth month in 1844 to the seveutlt rnonth in 18i4, was thirty
years. The firsL movement to view in this par:tblc,
nncl which was to end in disappointment nml the tnl"l'ying of
Lhe brid(!groo1u
ende<l in 1844. And nil the evit.lcnctis proving
that Christ due in 1874, also prove that this 11i g ht of tarry-
ing was one of just thirty years. Hence, if this parable ifl to
be accurately applied in every det:iil, ns Christ /limself has
tanght us to afivly the mid11igiit cry (",\nil ut micl-
nir;ltt there was n cry mn.de "), shoulcl h:wc .fVteen
years after the 1844 disappoint111cnt, or in the midtllc of this
!light of thirty years. Now, whether it wns nocidc.:ntnl, or !!O
overruled, this preseut 111ove111c.nt, un.se<l on these a1g11ments
proving thnt ho was clue in 1Si4-, begnu juiil. nl th:it point of
t.ime; that is, fifteen yenrs nftcr 1844. ll cnce, wa hare to be-
lieve the mi<l night cry hns been giveo, nnll tliaL the parable is
now nearly complete.
No one c:in rend this parable, in the light of present trnth-
tli:i.t is, tl1at we nrn at the cmd of the gospel not see n
fitness of the parable to these tioo the first
tho tarr ying, and therefore ending in <lisappoi11trne11t, the sec-
cmcl or midnight cry, coding with the coming of the bri<legrnom.
Anti even tho division named in the parable, nnd while they
wern gone t.hc bri (!cg1oont came, n.11cl they that were rcndy weut
in with hiJt\ to the 11111.tringc, :rnd the door wn.s shnt.
en.me also the other virgins, saying, Open to us.
all have :i fulfilment, since one p:i.rt of those who hnve repre-
senterl this movement fail of seeing tbe light in t.liis latter
messagt:; in other words, ,.cmain in clarkncss, as t.o the evi-
dences of hiR Qoming, ::ind turn away from the invcstigat.ion of
tlrnt which first lud to go out to meet tlie bridegroom..
How the prophecy could, in this respect., li:1ve :L wore parfeot
fulfilrncnt, we cnunnt imagine. .1h1d even something of the
manner of coming is implied in the fact I.hat tlie foolish
virgins nppcnr not t.o haye known when the lnitl egroom c:i.me,
since 1.hcy were :ibst:nt..
lu I.he :q1pli<:n.t.ion of n prophecy, we r1o not it to take
1111ch n t:hnrncter thul. those who nrc irwli11ctl to OJ"IJ10Sei c:in llncl
11ot!1i11g to sny ngainsL it.. If it is fulfilled in a1wh aw:t)' tl1ai;
011e who is t1yin[J Lo sec if it will fit, can ace thnL Lite IncLs
nn<l Ll1e propbecy harmonize, Lha.t ii> the most we h:tvc :L right
to expect. There was 1101 011e single prophecy fo![jlfccl nt the
first ncllcnt, in such n wny thnt its opposcrs coul1l t:ike 110
cxccpLion to it. i \11<1 yc1. i 1$ fri<1td/; "ugh t to Le :dilc to sec a
cnmplete nnrl lituc,;.c;. ?\ow, if :rny one 11ill tt\kc
I.he po.o;itlon thnl this .Aclvent mo\cmcnt hns l1ccn Lh1i cuuntcr
p:in of this pnrnblc, aml try :1tH.l sec if the 1843 morcmc11 t
pri(>r to the tlisnppointu10nt, docs 11 ot fill the i >n raul e, fr1111\ \'erse
I to 5: :.inu if- this lasl movement, which ucg:in in rniddlc
0f this thirty yuan! of tarrying, cnn 11ot l>e made to fill Lite lat-
t er p:irt, we think thty will IJC' successful. J rlo not me11n to
tlt:11 if )'"It pntr1id Lt take a fritn<lly l'ic>w 11f tlwse
things, while yet really iu he:H't oppt1!'i11g t h<n1, you wil l 110 able
to sec. If you Ion' the ;ippe:irin:; of Cl1ri!'t.. you ca11111>t help
il'ishh1[1 (.hat "ere lnw, ll'lttlhcr t.hy r1n-, or 111H..
1\ow. 1.hc11, hegiu i11 tltnt w:1y, hoping th:it Ll.iey :ire 1 rnc,
then a111l you will not hare Icing 10 w:iit l>eforc seeing
lighL :i11<l heau1.y in these t.bings.
"Antl heing Lurned, l seven gol<leu condlesti<lks; nnll i11 tbe
mi<lsL of the seven candlesticks, one like 11ntcl lhe Son of rn:rn.
Anu he lmd in hls right hnnd se\'en stur;:. . . 'l'hc mystery of t,he
!'<'\'en which thou Sll.\l'l'S.l in 111y ric;ht llond, nnd the scren
golden candlesticks: The seven stars 111e thP nni;cls of l.lrn seven
churches ; a1Hl the :;olden l'nmllesticks o.re the sercn
churches." (Hov. 1: Ill, 20.)
'1'111! sc\en clrnrchcs of Asia, whose names arc men-
tioned in ...-crsc 11, were obscure, nn<l judging by the wri1.ings
of the apostles, did not compare with the churches of Jern
Home, Cori11Ll1, Gnl:ltin, Tltessalouic:i, &1;., &c., nud
y eL they :ire used LO all that the "scvc11 i::pil'it11
which n1c bcforo the throne" llllcl t he "i>ovcn gul<ll.'n caulllc-
stic:ks rcpruscnted. J\ud we shall 1ind the n1cnni11g of Lbcir
1wmes bear a rcl:ltiu11 to the seven stages t ltroiiglt which
the gMpel diurr.li has pasf;C<l; and thnt in this Ry111boli1' proplte
y llHy were chosen mere I y :\!' of the gospel
,i:;cems mure 1 ha11 prnb11IJle, l1cca11sc uf exccetling
given to them. If Lite spiri ts of m1<l
the l'l'\'t n c:i11<.l lcst icks, nre to l1c confi11cd to the i;evcn
lll!'ral of Asin, what dicl, and do 1111 tho churches of
other parts of the world amou11t to? . Nothing, we may a11swer.
Tho sevcu golclcn candlesticks which 'vere Lefore God iu the
temple, were the fountain, or source, of nil tlrn light of the
holy place. And aa the gospel clrnrch is now Lue tern pie, t he
seven li teral churclrns of Asin have been n poor source of light.
t-0 the christian world. .But the book of Hevel:i.tiou is n
prophecy, and not n literal epistle; and these "seven chnrches ''
embrace the
' things thon hast seen, and tho tl1i11gs wltich arc,
and tho things which sltnll be hereafter" (verse I !l), nnd
therefore represent the whole gospel clrnrch, which hn11 prissed
t hrough seven phases corrooponding t.he meaning of the
n:unes of these successive seveu, (and also in n certnin sense
by the particular cLaracLcr iu which Chrii:;t, its hend, is made
to !LJlpenr as each phase of the church is cJc,clo1cCI).
Tlie seven 11am88 which represent t.hcsc sc,en phasr!l of t.lte
gospel church, are: 1st, which mcnrni, "chit.'f, rlcsirn-
lile,'' and the first or apostolic ph:isc of chrii-tianir.y;
the 2tl, Smyrna., menus, n "sweet otlor,'
a11d reprel>:C'lltfl the
church i11 the first pcn;ecu1,io11 1111 tfor t.he H1)111a11 crn1perors,
before the corrnption nnd "fnllingnw:iy" of whi ch l'nul speaks,
vegan; the Sd, J>er,qamos, menus, "clevntccJ," a111l rdf'rs to the
phase of tho church at and after tlie co11vcrsi o1l of Co11i;t:mti11e,
whoo tho self-exaltation, corru1>tion and falling away begnn;
t.he 4th, 'l'liyatira, means,
sn.crificed," and refers to that phni;c
of tho church wbcn tho 'woman fled into the wilcl erncss,,,
whore she wns to be fed of God; the 5th, Sa,clis, mcan11, "that
which remains," aud refers 1,o the church just prior to the great
reformation of the sixteenth century, at a time whC'11 Lrue piety
had been almost extcrmi aated; tbe 6th, l'/1iladefp/1ia, me:ins,
''brotherly love," and refers to the reformation church, from
the cbys of Luther to the beginning of the "timt: of the end,'
or 1 'i98; the 7th, La.odicea, means," juclgment," and refers to
1,he church of the" time of the end," whic.11 includes tltc sound-
ing of the seventh trumpet, with its advent procl:imat.ioc, its
time of trouble and clay of wrath; its reward of prophets, ancl
saints, an rl those tllat rear his n ame, small nucl grenti 1111d dc-
strnctio11 of those who destroy tlto c:uth.
The mens111cment of each of the seven phnscs of Lhc r.burch
have bce.11 aho11t as follows; 'l'lic first rcnchccl to abont tlw
cleath of Jolt11, Lite 1:1St of lhe u.poi>tles; LhC' seconcl, him tlie
bogi1111i11g of the sccvn1l cent.nry Lo the of l
Li11r in A. o. 3LZ; tho l hircl
during t he fnl liug 1111 ny
am! prior
to the fleeing i11 to the near the \Jeginning of the
!:ixtb ccnt,ury i the fourth anrl (ljZh, from t.h:it to the reform:i-
tiou; the exact line of dcmarkntiou not lJci ng so clearly drnll"n
bt.!twecn these two, from 1.hc f:t<.:t thnt the former represents
tho church in its s:ierilico of life and property, and the 1:1.tter
th\! little remn(lnt, after it:o; almost. complete extonnination, the
ch:111ge from the (Ille to the other J.eiug n gradnal wo1k; the
i;ixth, frolli the l>1'gi 1111i11g of th(' :<ixtccnth century :wd tho
rcfnrulnLion, tv t.J.ic llcgi1111i11g of t.lac "time of tlte end;" llio
i>ewnth. from the l1egi11ni11g of l-lrc nillcLcenth to tire
-LHt11!f ti}> <1[ tl1c ki11:;dlilll of God, or glorilication of the church,
whi t h, if it c111hrnccs !10th those who go in to t.hc rnarri:i gt,
:1nrl those who arc 11 ho..? rendr "wl1c11 he sl1:1ll rctlll'tl from die
wc1lding," won\cl nl'l':1r to n ::1tlt to tl1e end of the sounding of
tir e sevent.h t.1u111plt. The lilllt <"J>acc left. iu t.Jici-e pages for
t.his 1mhjccL will not pur111 i t fnll :1pplicat.i v11 of l.l1c hi story of
the church cl11ri11g it" !W\"Cl1 ph:"tsci-. to tl11: prophecy. " 'e r:rn
0111_\ gil'C n hint. ns it. were, for the guiuancc of tlie reaclcr.
l' lc11i;e 11 otr t.hc charnctcr Uhrist gires to himself whi le
n<liln.:s!\i11g the: firsc or :ipostoli c church. "These thi11gs s:1ith
Ile thnt hol1lc:1.h the i:c1e11 i;tnrs in his right h:ind, ll"ho w1dkcl h
in the midst of the scren golden candlesticks : I know thy
worb, nml thy lnbor, and thy patience, and how thou canst noL
bear thcru wltich are c1il, and hast tried t hose which s:ly they
are apostles, null are not, a111l h:rnL fo1111 'l 1.hc111 linrs,''
Then corupnrc t,hr. n('c:o1111t :is-gin11 hy Paul of their bborn, t.hc:ir
pa t.icncc., th<1ir their jlO\\' Cr of clii;ccrning spirits, &c.
lint c1en Lhat. highly l' X:'lltctl c:h11rd1 ;\t lasL losL its first lo1e,
and Gud ti1tir candlestick, to the second and lowtr
condition. The power of miracles passed away. (If there lie
prnphcsy (thnt is, the gift of prophecy), it shall fail." While
l) nJy faith, hope nn11 ch!lri t y abide."
Again, notice t.hc chnracter of Christ !lddressccl to the chul'Ch
of upon whom cl enth !ltHl prrsccul.ion !lnt1 poverty ltn<l
come (verso 0), " I k11 ;i 11 t.hy works, aud Lribul:1tio11 and poi
(but. thou art ri ch). Persecnt.ion alw!l.ys p11rilics the trnc
uh ikl of (l11il. " I k11c1w t. hc hlnsphcmy of tho:;c whi oh f>:l)'
t.ltey :ire J cwll, (uot li teral .Tews, hut "l:;r:1r.liks iuflcecl .
a11tl nrc 11 ot, bnt are the of S:it!l11, The
sy111l111I!> of " .Tow" :111'1 "sy11:1gog11c of f:;11t:111" occ:ur :1is:1i11 i11
Lo the J'hil:tdclphia cl111rch, and dearly rrt'crs to Ll1<
I rtll' :111cl 1 he f:ilsc, those 1)olongi11g to ()hfi:;t, arid thcltc
ing tv :1111.ichi-ist.. " JI1 t hat. hath all U!lr, h.:t hi111 hoa1 wli:it tl tl'
Spirit saith uuto the churches," that is, a.II tlitl clnoclics of thnt
second plinse. They were 1m1Ieriog death, bnt nrc c11courr'!;cc1
that they shall uot bo hul't of the scco11d death. witl1 the
third, or" Pcrgnmos church, they hnvo r cnchcll the t ime of Co11
stanti11e's conrersion, when the power of tlic empire wns m:llle
to .church, and Christianity uegin to ;t!'Sumc
the d1gn1ty of c1vtl vower. .And you will 11otwe the charnctcr
of _him who addresses tlJis o)rnrclt. "Th(/H! things saith he
wh ich hath t he sharp sword wit.It t\\o ctlges: I know tliy work:-;,
:ind whoro thou dwellest, even where Sntau's sent is.'' That is,
i11 the seat of the "drngtin " cnllcd "the tlc\il nn rl Snt:111 '' or
l 1 I
111 . ot 1cr words, tl1e seat of empire. How 'pc.:rfcct and appro
pnate is this, whe11 addressed to the chdi:ti:in cl1urd1 of 1.hat
d:iy; nnd how meaningless i t would be, if :1ppli c1l 1t1 t.111 litLlc
church in thc> village of Pcl'gnmos, in Asia, where ll11 "ilragnn,"
01 fourth empire, never Jiau its sent. .
"Aud nuto t11e :rnrrel of the churol1 of TliyaLirn, wrile.' '
This chnrcll has to forsake all nnd fi ec i11t o t he
"These thiugs saith tho Sou of Uocl, who Ii nth eyes liku
u11to a fbmo of fire, tin<l 1Jis feet like fine lnn$i.: .
' 11c cn11
follow Lhem iu :t.11 their w:u1dcring, 110 mntt<:r how
wi.Jd and dre:l.ry the mo1111tnin pnsscs mn.y be. " [ know thy
works, and charity and service, n.ncl fai th, nml tlir patience,
and thy works, and the l;u;t to 110 more th:1 1t tho first.'' At
such a crisis, works, feeding 1,hc hungry nud clothing the nakml,
would be a prominent "Notwithstanding I hn1e a few
things against thee, bccauf'e tho1t suJiereEit tbat woman .Jozcucl
which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my
servants ti> commit foruioation, and to ent things !illcrilicac1 to
idols. Aud I gave her space to repent" (verses 18 to
That wom:rn Jezebel was clearly the drunken wo111a11 from
whorn they Bed. l n their grc;it t roubles, driven Lo the mou11L:tins
with wil'es :ind el.iildrcn suffering cold nncl lt1111gl'!',. mnny of
t.hoso who linu fled, wern scclllcc<l i:)nck by o!Iers of life>., prop
crt.y and position, in t.hc earlier days of theil' flight. "He t.haL
h:itu iin en.1, let him hear wha.t Ute Spil'it saith unt.o the
cit urnhci;;" Lh:1t i:i, a.ff Lit e ch 11 r:.:hes of thnt. :i ge.
"Aud u11 Lo I.he n1wcl or Llw churnh of wrl t.e. : 'l'lwsc
1.Jii11gs saiLh Ito thnL 1, hc scvc:1.1 ::ipirif.!; of (_loil, :t1Pl 1.111,
'l'v :1 church nlinost ext.111t\t, "bub tc11 11:1111 cH 1(11 111
S: trdis," hnw r.0111 forti11 g t.o ft.<!1 th:iL he ll'lio hl
ld all t llP
i11 hi i; h:1r1d \\':I S l./icfr pr11t.vctor. Hnt. f\tl lunJ! wi1 li 11t 1t
the li ght, t-ltt! Hihle l1:11dly sl'cn, living "ilin l y liy
t1:Hlitio11 :111rl 111cmory of wh:i.t t.he christin11 church should be,
110 wo11dcr they were :dmost spiritl1ally tleatl. "Be wnt.chfnl
:i111l the t.hiug:s wl1ich re11mi11, that. nre ready to
!lie; for I linYc; fo11111l thyworl:s perfect before God" (chap.
!3: 2) . "1\ncl to the angel of the church of Philnclelphia writ.c:
Tl1ese: Llii11gs saith he thal is holy, he that is true, he thnt hnt.h
r hi' key of lhl'i,1, lie lit at ope11et,h nml no m1111 shutleth, nnd
a11cl 110 111:1 11 01<'11ct.lt : l know thy works. lkhold T
Jt:11e: "Pl bl' fun t.hce nn open cl uor, n11cl 11 0 111nn ('.:\11 i;hut it..
B1ltuld I will make tl1cm of t.lte: sy11ngof>He of Sntn11
whicb say
lhcr nre .J<'w", a11c1 arc 1101., lrnt 110 lie; belwl<.l Twill mnke
llwi11 tv come worship before t hy feet., nurl Lo know that I
hai l'.' lon11l thee." Tlic door of the refonnnl.ion opened,
n1ul 110 111:111 co11 lcl sltnt it. The l3ible bega11 to he pnt into
t.ltc hunds Of the jleOpll', nno f.hnt \\"Olllan .}(';Wlitl !"Oll}c] not
i::top it. J\1111 lo11g ucfore Lhc t11tl of that ]>hn:;o pf I ht cb11rch,
thin of S:11a11 hn(1 i111l1:l'd hlc11 co111pcllcrl to uo"' at.
t111 fcl'I of the rcfon11n1 io11 church. Yfl10 docs not know thnt
t.lw r<'formers 1h> wn (' 1 cn to this of the <lays of .Toh11 \\'os-
!cy, were 1:1 rnest rind <levoted servnnts of Uotl? "llccnuse
t.ho11 l1:1SL kt' ilL tho wor1l of mr pntiencc, I nlso will keep thee
frorn the hour of tcinpt:tt1on which shnll come upon all the
Lo t,ry them thnt dwcll 11pon the earth."
"And 111110 t.ht nne-el of the chmch of the Lnodicen11s write:
thi11gs sait.h - the nmc11, the fniLhful a11d t,rue witness
14). 11r 11111krs,tn11cl t.1) lrn the lflse phase of the
church; "lll'il htr w>l .J 1111r hoc'> This is the church tliut is to
be "spcwc1l 1111 t. lf his 111 011th." It is t he church ltpon wl1om
t.hc "l11ln1 nf r 1i:1I is comi 11g;" the one that is to be weighccl i11
the lrnl:rnc( anti found w:rnti11g; the generation who :ire to stum-
bk, :is di1l the gcnerntion of Jews, who saw the firRt ndveut.
his t.r11c th1 i:1;nrch of this present century hns done mnny
woncl urrul things in nnd for Lhc name of Christ., and they
ha1c, tlte l3ihlc rrnntLcrcd the wc)J'(l of
far :111d \\'idc. B11L how ll'llC it is Llt:i.t t.lic cnrncst pcr-
so11al pi ct.y 11f 1.Jw rC'formcrs has :tlmosL clisappcarcll from tlic
clrnruh. And .11t t.hcy arc, i11 their own cst.irn:it.ion, "rich ri11d
illC:l'l!:llWcl i11 /!uodi::, :lllcl hnve need of l10l,hi11g.'' f 1fo l\Ot 1efor
Hl 111uc h lll 1lt 1 r:11 111011cyed wc:Llth :uul Lite well or.,nni7.CU
rn:l<! lii111ry nf t h11 chu n.;h, :1:> Lo th1!ir sati!ilictl Cecli11" they
11:1 V(: f/'l!l/i 111m1gh i a nil dint the tirst pri11ciplei1 of
of l'hn . .;L 111'1! s11 ll i

t In carry t lh'lll !>:\ f(!J f tlmrngh, wh ff c yet

1nr\ :!1sl> L :1 1111 111 11 opposcil tv the groat tlisp(!usatio1111I truth
desig11c<l for this geucrntion. The Lru111p (If t hid is sou11di11g,
the C\'c11ts of the grent <lay arc upo11 us; :1111! insl t..ntl of tlic
church being to go bnck to n fow of tlll' lirsl priuci-
plcs for the sake of Lhey shoulcl be 111lvanci11g i11 light
Rnd truth so rnpidly thnt lnggnrd!! shoulcl be left far ltl'liinrl.
"I co1111scl thee to buy of me gold tri ed in the fiie, th:1t tliou
mayest be rich, nn<l white rnirne11t, thnt tlw11 111:1ycst he cluthe11.
As 111:111y as I Jo,e I rebuke :111d chnsten; l1t.: ;walnu:<. tlwrcfurc,
nn<l repent .... Ile t.hnt hatb nn car, let hi111 lir:11' wh:tl thu
Spirit saith to tltc ch11rches."
Conli11i11g one'sclf to first principlc.t, m C\'en In thr mu!'l CC1111 -
prel.Jensi \e crtJccl, must necessnrily stop nll ruh-1111"151'; in Ll1e
kuowlcdge of the truth. Supposing your crrt'< I 111 hn\'c br en
made in the fifteenth century, n11cl you 11111\ l11 lt1\ ' I' :tnnhinrr
outside of, or beyond th:it creed, yo11 cc:i1;c l u l.w
There can be 110 doubt th:it e'ery creed fro111 1h:1t 11f the
Homan Catholics, 110 the lnst :ind lens of 1 he S<'t' L!',
have in them mnny of the first princi plci; Qf cl11 istia11i1 y. They
hnvc ench nud nll fenced ofI :i little of the" c:h i11i11:: J':iLhwar "
in which tho mnu of God is to wnlk. lint 0110 wliu i." 10 ,,.;,Jk
io that pa.tliwny which is to" shine more null rnOrc 11 11to the
perfect day," must step over those fences with lit ti<' r<'gnrcl
for them, ns for any other obstl'uction in hi s p:itli. If I a111 a.
Presbyterian, n Baptist or n l\lcLhodist, :L11Cl l f\11<1 thnt
word is more benntifnl, and Lbe pl:i.n of redemption more com
prehensive thnn tbe fr:imers of my creeu thcu 1111 dcri-toorl i t to
be, why mny 1 not n<lvn11ce, nnd Uius grow in Lhc knowledge of
the trnth? i:ibottkl. man sny LO me, "Lhu<i far i;lrnlL thou
go but no further?" l t is the word of Goel, n11il not. my fellow
man thnt is t.o ju<l"e me. Thnt there is 11ce1l of n11 ;1chn11<'<' i11
the k11owle<l"c of
the first principles of the gMpcI, we cl t1 not
hold. But ,:e <lo hold tliat if tin! d:.t\1' 11 of tll<.' 111illc1111ium nt
band, nnd is to be i11trod1tce(l wo think the Bihle teaches, b\
a time of trottulc as 11c1er wns siucc t here was :\ 11ntio1i;
hy the rcsurn.cti o11 of m:wy t,h aL sleep in t h<: dus t of tile earth,
by the scco11u coming of Christ, :111d tho bcg11111ing of n rcstitn
ti on of nil lhi11gs., :11ul these things :I.I'll already 11po11 1H1,
t.he true ch11rclt must. keep pn.ce wit h the advnn1: i11g light, or lie
left in tbrkncs:1. llcru.:c, the c1>11uscl to I.my " tycs:d\'t, I hat
thou 111aycst sec," i!' 11 ul out of pl:icc when to thi!'. tl11
Luocli:::c:\11 d1111 ch. AR mn11y ns 1 Jo,c l rch11kc :111d cl1:i -lc11
7.calous, t hurcfun: :111cl repcut. Behold J >1tnn<l :11. 1 lw 1!001 :111il
God':=: wonl cltarly tcnches tl1at th plnu of rcdernpt.i1111 is ;i
progrc.c;.c:i,e work-no(. only in i11t.li,i.l11ul experience, but in the
de"cloprne11t of the ra(:c. "The law was a i;chool-ma!lter 1.0
bring us Lo Christ,," ill11$tratcs one step in t he progrcs:>. J\gilin,
we :1rc LaughL that di ere is the 11:11.ural, 01 Ac1amic 111a11 , :u1d
Ll1ere is tlic' spiriL11:tl, or ll1::t, culy rnnn. " 1Iowl1eit that whi ch
is :=:piritunl is 11ot first., but that which is natural nnd aHr.rnarch
tliat which iR :=:piriLUa l." ll encc, UlirisL is called the stcond
m:i 11 Ad nm," (.he liri:t 1\d:un n11d his race being the nat 11r:il
nnininl m:111; the Ad:irn nnd hi:;; race nrc the spirit.11:\I.
J\g:\in, as the firsL Adam 11:1s u11itcd t.o n wife, who ltt!C:\me
"thc mother of nil Ji,i11g-.'' :=:o t.l1c f>1cornl J\cla111 is t.c> ha\'c n
1rifc: "Let 111< lie gbi1 nut! rejoice, a11d gi,e ho11fJI' to Jii111: for
the 111arTi agc of t ht L:1111h is romc, arHl his wife hath uiade her
:=:elf rt'ndy" (He1. J!l: i). Tho time was when Lilia sccrned to
hn\c but lilt.Ir 1n c:111ing, l>11t :rn a p:irt of the grc:lt plnn it
hcOC'llll<!X :111 import::utt trul11. ; \ s the wife of t.hc "firi;L rnnn ''
is tlil' 11at11r::il rnol her f)f t.hc race, so the wife of t.he "1'\'C011tl
J\ <lam" is to be the spirit.ttnl mother. Thi!'! is absol11LC srrip-
tnrc tt:: 1C' hir1g, n11<l i11 accordance with it we learn tli:tt Clirist
"w:is the first. born nmong m:i.ny 1Jrcthrc11." ..\ncl as the t11:1n is
t.he hcad of tlie wom:111, so Christ is Lltr: lt c:i<l of the d111rch
(the l.irirk), "wlro (Christ) Lhc the first lt ttru from
the tlcacl; t.'1:\L ill :ill things he might. the pree111i11l'11ce"
(Col. 1: l tl).
lf Llw :tl1111 t' i!: r.lic Lnw order of pmgression the Hilt le should
t ral'-11, that. 1111Lil this '' marringc," tile "weddi11g,') &c., to
whieh ChrisL !>l'J ofwn refers, is uonsnmm::i.tecl, the S(<:Olttl :rnd
grcnt :=:ll'JI i11 the nrl\'n11cc1ncut of the: humnu f:tmily, from the
rn1turnl t n I.li e m:lll, docs beg in. An<l this being
true, I.ht' plan of rcd<!1nptio11 oannot, 1w1oh the iaorld, 1111til the
perfcc1 i1111 11 f lhc sc1,ond 1tla11 and his wife" Therefore \\'(1 find
lira(. l!lirii;t. did nol pr:iy for t.bc wor1!1, b11L 011 ty for Lho"c the
l':uher h:u.l :irr.11 hi111." "1 pray for t.hum; 1 not for
t Ill world." :\ nd this sce111 s t.o he in nccorilaucc wit.I fncts
of (;ool'>< .i .. :drng willr ll\\
1:wc, Irorn J\1la111 t.u llic 1m;H<:11t t.in1c.
i\ 11 1 is 111 orc: cr. rt ni n t.lia11 t.hn.I; t.l 111 s far i1c hni; 11111 beon
tryi11g tn 11;11c hu111:1 u f:1111ily :is a l l(iforc th1 ll votl
111:101 !11'1 wirliout l:i.11 ''clNtt h rciguccl f'rt1 t11 1\ 11:1111 to
.\l c,:1s." 'J'liix W1111ltl 1d111r11;t :1pp
:1r ;1s ir h:id, f11r sume
1 t" .. ' ' I, d111n :1lt'1l I 11 1111111 a fair l.ri:il of his n11:11 J'll' Cr!'
SU1Hl\IARY. 183
when left. entirely t.o himself. Then, u11 <l<:r LhL' disl'e11s:uio11
of the l:iw, man is again put on trial, and proved t o be
weak to stand the test. "Sin re\'i \eel, and ( <l icd," s:iys Lhe
K ow, let t he render take a glance :i.t aH those fou r Lhousand
years n11cl more during which, from Adam to l\foscs' dt:?nth li cit]
almost universnl swny, and from 1\Joses to Christ, few, O\'Cll of
the .Tewish unti ou, were liroughL to :i. sn.Ying knowledge of <iotl.
For Lhe law did not g ive lifo, and all other 1rnLions 11 ero left
totally ignornnt of t.bc w:iy of life; :tncl tell me if n niHitutiou
of ::di things is not dem:wded, in onlcr that Go1l s11usta11
tiate tho fact that lt e is 110 respecter of pcrso11 s, :1ml sn
the world tltnt he gave his 011ly begottC'n Son. that whosoever
hclievcnh in him shuulcl not. perish, lint might h:iYc t'l'el'ln&liug
lifc? not that he. so love1l one spet:ial gc11cl'!lti on, or 11 J''"'t of
t.hc world, those who happe11ecl Lo live after 1hc first foul' t hou-
snn<l years; lmt tltc wuit(l of mnuki11tl.
Sorne men arc fcnrfnl of lcLLiug rnnson be brought i11 to play
whih:i i11vestig:i.ting Gocl's revealed plans. But such men are
mere sla vcs of fear. 'l'be great Father ifl not a \'C'rsc t<i nil exer-
cise of that reason he Jins irnp:utcc.1 t o us. Nor wi ll ,o; l:tl'is h fear
e\er open tire doors of t.he kingdom to nuy man.
If. God's plan is as t.he gospel amrms, first. the un.t.ural, arrd
aftcnr:ir<ls the spiritunl, we can sec why he shonld lut 1.hc u:i t-
ural man ha\e his day, since, "As in 4t\d:1111 nil die. so in Ohrist
shall all be made alive." And we cau al so sec why Christ is
called r.ho sceorrJ Adnm. Because he is the begi1111i 11 g 01 head
of the human family, as i t. is to be when i t takes on the last
nud liighcr fortn of existence. The whole Biule s11st.ni11s thr.
fncL thn t Go1l bas a system or order of pl'Ogrcssion. ' ' !:icl' thou
make everything nft"r the pattern shown t hee i11 lhL holy
mount." lf lie wonld have a Sabbath of rest for man, he ha.'!
type pointing to that Sabbath. If he would have 0 hri st die,
that he might g:lin t he victory over death, he ltas a t ype of a
lamb sl:li 11 from the fo11ndntio11 of the world. If he would have
a seconil Acl :un ns head of :i spiritual race, he will have 1\cln.111
for t he hencl of the race of mankind. If he w1111lcl give
to the second J\cl:un n wife, as the spiritual mother of :1 S)'iritu:il
race, he givr.ll to the first Acl:im n wife t o be the nntu rnl nrot her
of the 11:it.11ral race.
We cn1111ot 11mkc or m:-ir the pl:rns. of Uo1l , b111. take
k11owlcdgc of them as rl've:dc1l. Not. a sl11gle i111livicl11:d 111' Lliu
Adami c r:\\'o conltl cxi11t until aff,cr I.lie nrnniage of th lirst.
J 84
f;Ul\ 1.!'111\HY.
A.Jam, f<u n<>L :1 i;i11glc indivi<lunl of Lhc rnoa of scconrl
Arla111, cxccpti11g the lirirlc, ca11 cxiRL on tl1nt higher plauc of
life, u11til the mnrring<' of Lhc sc1,01tl J\clam.
'l'hnt t.ht! mnrri:ige rcbt inn w:1;; in;;titnl.ctl ns a type of tho
marri nge of Christ, in Lhis l1ighl r sc11 $c, i11 111 n1le to appenr in
m:111y i11 5: '23-3'.l. ct And they
twn sh:tl t l,t! 011< lh!sh. i;; a 111 p;t.ery; but I speak of
Ohl'i st :111<1 t.l1c t'. lilln:h.' ' The s:in1e i1l ea is also tnught in 1\fal -
achi 2: 14, 15, wl1trc the marri:i,ge CO\'C11:rnt. ii: i111,rotl11cc<l n111l
thu reai:cm for it .. " l)id hl 1101. make one [LhaL is in the begin-
ning)? a111l wherefore 1111c? Thri t hC' mi ght. seek n Goclly $CCd,
or mnrgin, a seccl of c:od." In nt.!101 wonls, n i;econci Adnm
rwd /ii,, 11Jife. "For th(' r.l:il1l r(11 of ihf' prornisc rt.lint is, the
goi::p('I church] arc Cll""'"'' f'ur t,hr SL'"1." 1.hi11gs :ire :is
clenrly ttrngllt. i11 the !'cripl 11r1s. :1s t lw f:tcL t.hat there is t.o be
::i fnturn n1HI high1;r lif,.. I 11111'1, llt'XI l ('I t he <l oath :u11l rcsnr
rcctin11 of Chnsl, wlt il'h 111nk1s n t't,,qt.it.111.icrn of nll who hnve
tli ccl in Acl:un :i possil1ili1y
the m:uringe of the Lamb is the
most inql()rtant. c 1c11l i11 the whole pl:\11 of redemption. .Ahd it
w:1s for t.h i!l one sole 1urposc, the development of the "church
of th<> first born, " or bri1lc of Christ, t.hat the go!':pcl di spen
s:ttio11 was i11Mit.11t,etl. J\11d Jesus ct lnicl aside the glory he had
with l he Father before t!te worl1l wns," 111111 tvok 11pon him the
form of n sen:1.11t. 1111'1 Lhnt }l(' by n death
and rc!rnrrccLion, hc1'11111t t lw lin;t fr11its of t,hem that slept; nnrl
thus in :ill t.hings ha11 tin prN'mi11cnce, as the hcncl of thi s
g lorious onlor <lf l>1i11g. .\ wl hil' is the next in order;
an1l he11 cr. i;l11
is r:d hil "t hl cl1:11rrl1 of the firsLhorn."
J\ resLit111 io11 o[ :111 who h:i.ve died in J\dnm doeR not neccs
i>:1rily i111ply the ctr.rnal snhati o11 of nU men. llut it imply
t.h:i.t all nrc Lo hn1c opport11nity to obtnin eterunl life,
which t.hc Bible lcnchoR uoL the case in this life. "llow cnn
they hen r wi Lho11 t a pru:ichcr ? how cnn they preach unless I.hey
:uc :<ent ?" 1Jc11ce, if t.l1eru is n11 e i11di vicl11al in nny p:ir t of this
world Crom J\tl:rn1 t.o Lhc prcs<.mL time, who h:t.'3 died wiLhont
h:ivi11g t.hc go11pti l :11 HI tl w 11:1111c of .J esus prt!nc.:hc<l to him, 1.h:tt
man has had 110 npport.1111it.y us yeL, of obt.ai11i11g cterunl li fe.
Antl that. t. h!' great n1ai111 of l1:wc h1111 t.hus i;hul.
110 i11tl'llig1:11L 1111l11 n111 1kny ; :111d to rcjccL t.h1! fact of n. <( rci;\.I
t11tiv11 or :di t.hill!{S," n11tl that, llS " in Atlnm :ill die, so in Christ
:111 he m:1rlc ali11-," is 1.0 deny both Lhc j11i;1,ioc of G1ltl and
lh 11111.l1rHlnesi1 nf S1:rip1.11n). H is fur t.his that" the whol<!>
<l':tt ' " 111111 tr:l.v:lifeth in pnin t,1,gcll":r 11nt.il now."
Tt is fort.bis, the "muuifcst:itiou of the sous of Gotl," that tlic
i. earnest expectntiun of tho creation waitcth. the
t'rcntion itself, also shall I.Jc clclivcrctl from the bonrlage of co1
rnption iuto ll1c glorions liberty of the children of God."
Jn die restituti on ngc when the hridc of Christ is glo1ifil1l
" like unto ChrisVs glorions botly," (" n11d hast ma<lc us unto
crnr God, kings aml pdcst.s ; n11J we -t:ill reign 011 thu c:.i.1tli;
"for unto tltc n11gch linth he not put in subjection the wol'ld to
l'l rnc, wltcruof we speak;") 1hc11 it is thnL the "trcnt.nrc ''(not.
prench tl1e to every creut111e,'' docs not mr.an tlit
lower sh:tll he clcli r crcd from this bondn?,e of corrup-
t ion, into the glorious lil>erty of the sous of Goel." J'hc11 it th:n
"the f;pirit and the bride will say, Come; and let him t l1at is
athirst come: n11d whosoever will, let him l!tkc of the w:i.tcr 11(
life freely." Then it is thnt t he kuowlcclgc of 1hc LM<l sh:ill
co\'er the t:irth, ::ts the waters CO\'cr the sea.
Ts 1.hcre 1111y creed, or prcn.chiug,. which can he more clcnrly
l't1)1portcd from tltc word of Go<l, or hns n hctl cr f11tnrc for the
world, t.ha11 this ? I:; there n faith i11 which offer!> n
rn ore glorious fo1,nre to t.hc church, ti.Jc bride of Christ 7 ls
t here a hope lrnscrl ou the promises of God, which so
11ifies the lovo of God as docs this \rhcre is it lacking?
Docs it roh Goel of auy glory? Does 1t cas t n i<hntlow over t.l1e
future of the redeemed? 011 the other foa11d, docs it not pro\'e
God Lo be Lite loving Father he ltimsdf claims to bt!; t,lint he
!'O loved the 1oorlcl thnt. he gave his only begot ten 8011; n111l
t hnt Christ tnstcl den th for every mn11? A11d yet there n scw-
ond and et ernal t1cnt.l1 for tho!ie who, lt:tvi11g t:ist.ed t.hc good
word of Gncl :i.11<1 the powers of the world to come, shall, nftcr
th:it, sin ll'ilfully :iu(l crncify Christ afresh. Aud to tl1i11, all
Lhe so11s of c; oa coulrl ti:iy, Amc11, "True and righteous are thy
The nbon: bci11g the true Bible theology, the ach'entof Chri$t,
"whom the 11111st receive tmtil the timci; of rest.it11tion
of all bccomcR a glorious :mcl much longeil for crcut.
Aud hence, all that the Script11rcs tea.ch on I.hat subject shoultl
lie eagerly so11i;ht for by crcry one whose heart is in
wit.It the lore of Gotl n11<l Lhe plan of reclcimption. Auel as each
of these :wgnmJnti< prnvi11g that the marringe. of the h1mb is
about to be co11s11mm:ite1l, 11.rc i;cc11 n111l npprec1:ttc<l, the heart
C1f every true christ.ia11 thrill with joy :i.t the bare possi-
bility of i;11 glorious n. con:>111n111nti on. Oocl hclJl the selfish, gro-
vcdi11g h(\:trl t.lmt c::rn11ot bu intcrcstClcl i11 s11hjccts like these.
180 SUilLMARY.
The evidences thnt t,ltc <.'lld of the gospel :igc has commencecl,
:mcl tlt:i.t. mnny of t.hi11gs a.re about to be realized; arc so
full clear and n11111c:rcrns t.lrnt e\ery person who thoroughly
investigates tlic is irrn'iistibly com inccd of their truth.
And 0, what. a thrill of joy is felt by each heart ns evidence
after evidence, nn<l nrgnmcnt after argument is comprehended.
Those who h:wc one<.: t.ni; tc<l of these t hings can only wonder
tlint nil the christinn wnrlrl cannot be i11d11ced to hear inves-
ti gate.
Clonr proof cnn uc founrl t.h:u the six thous:i.n<l years from
J\dam :ire ended. Ht'1:n11i:c rnnny good and great men h:i.ve
dilforcc1 011 the chrQllfllog_r of Lite lliblc i11 ages pnst, is no
prnof that "hen Lhnt lifo,!'111 is clue to the chnroh, it will not be
forthcoming. \\hat if !>11d1 111<.'11 l1Cwe dilicrcd; if certain Scrip-
tures e:in he P.0 pul. tnJ.!Plltcr 11111n, ns to clcur up points of ehro
11 ology hit.hcrL> and yon cnn rend and see it for yo1t7
"ill you <lis.rcgnnl l ht' c\itlence because olse bns
not seen it. l1t'fore? J-. LIHrc uo God nt the helm? Can you
11ot helic\c that at the right time, the ri ght truths can be
found? yet you :11p noL asked to believe, only so far as
yon can sec for yoursrlf thut it is hasrd on God's word. Turn
again to pnge sixtyst'vc11, a11cl gi ve the chronol ogy a careful
invel>tigatio11. True, 11c
lo not know there is no mistake in it,
nor do Wt' J1rt'tc11cl t !.11 1r. thnt any of these arguments nre
tl'ue; it is .f11it.h
not by which we arc t.o walk. Goel
expects 11 11 tn :wt 1111 t i111:'11cl'. " Fait.11 is the c\idcnceof tbiugs
11ot seen," :t rtd "f:ii1h (ornes by heari11g, nn<l hearing by the
worcl of Goel. " How is it 1,hat so m:iny great liucs of argn-
ment, the ehrouol11gy. the j11hilec cycles, 'the cfa.ys ' of Dan. 12,
the exact cqn:ilit) of thr J ewish aud gospel dispensations, and
' ' t.Jir tilllcS of t.hl' Gc11tilv11," n. 11 work iu, one with so
harmoniously, n11tl :il110 in t< ll Ch r crfcct harmony with the signs
of the time:;, t.l1c perpl cxit.y o the n:i.t ions, l.ll c unmistakaule
of :i t.i111e of tro11hle imelt as never waa si 11 ce there
was :i. 11:Hi<1n? J\re rht:i:c t.liiugs, tnkeu as arc <lirectly from
the "I.me R:lyi11g-s of (;ocl," t.o be put dO\\'ll as t. he fooli1>h imng
iu:it.io11s of a f:111:1ti c:d hr:1i11, :i.ncl disrcg:udcd? Or, "shall we
heed to the 111010 word of prophecy, as nnto :i. ligl1L
shi11i11g in :1 clad< plan Y"
In t.hiii ch1011olo).!y, 1v,
ry ycnr given i11 t he Bible is used;
11<Jt.li i11g 0111 :wd 1111t,lii11g is adrlcd. If more ti11\e Ji:is
tli:111 (!od rl'\' t1ilct l, 1.l1c11 Lhc six Lho11 snu1l ycnrs
f11rlht1 liai;k i11 1liv p:1st.. I [ I) is nhlc dl' cci1c
l S'i
us if he so choose; u\lt M so large a part of Llielloly Scriptures
arc dc\'Otcd to chronology, f unn11ot believe iL is left

or in 110 obsc11re tt way that t.he real trnth cannot he fonntl.
But as iL i:; by faith we arc to \\'::tlk, that i t :;liould be
so given as to require nll the collateral cvitlcncc <lmw11 from l be
hnrmony of tl.ac prophetic periods bnscd on it, to strc11gthen
our faith, is what we ought 1.0 expect. For i11s tnncc,
this chronology, as it Rtands rcconl ed, has cc1tni11 cnm-
puratively obscure places, over which the mcnsure c1f the
time is given i.11 an indirect m:mncr, a11d must be at. by
compariug Scriptme with Scripture, t.hus i11trodnoi11g the ele-
ment of human reason, nnd is therefore 11ot so nbsol11te ns a
plaiu "thus snith the J_,ord." But when, nft.cr the nnre-
ful invest.ignLion, we find 11 0 Scripture hy which it mny lie
ch:luged one siuglc year; and tl1cn li11'1 that :iii L11c proplt cLic
periods, as applied 011 lhc b!sis of this chronology, nrc 1th!;ol11tcly
hn rmonious, one with nnr')l.hcr, the evic1cncc of the Ll'll th fnlness
of the chro11ology, lhns supported, is rdl we can rcasonnbly
expect, so 1011g ns we :ire to w:llk by faith, bnsed on our best
ende:1xors to JiJ1d the tl'llth. '.J'hnt men who do not unclcrstnutl
the intimate relation of these argurnouts, c:i.11 find wh:i.t, to
them, mny nppcnr like unsupported parts, we do not que:;tion.
lf the subj ects adv:rnced in iliis book arc worth anything, they
are worthy of a full nnd exceedingly carcfnl investigation. Anti
without such uomplete knowlerlge of erery p:wt., no man is pre-
pared to oritiui!!e. Uenoe, although some 10ill thus criticise,
others ought not to be clcterred from investigating for t.hcm-
scl ves, because of snc:h criticisms. even t hough they cnme from
those in wliom we nre wont to place groat confidence. Ood
dcm:rnds from every verson t.hnt they lean on his word, :11H1 11 ot
on the nrm of flesh. And although we mny now trnst t o onr
so-called spiritual achiscl'S, instead of investigating for n111
selves, and all mriy nppenr to be well, the time is just rtt lsn11tl
whcu we shall 1'egrct it. "Cursed is every one who
11is trust it1 man, n11<1 lea11ctl1 011 t.hc :irm of flesh."
.Uo not ruisuotlclstn111!; tc:wlscrs arc sent of God, :i.nd we :i.rn
to prolit by t.hoir inst rut\liun. "How cn11 tbcy hear willsout ll
prcacber ?" Uut, :iftcr lin:tring, \\'C must go to the" l:iw nut!
to the tcsti 1u0ny.'' Chri sL's two wit.ncsscs," and if they S]'cnk 1101.
in accordance witls tl1cs<:, i t is becau;;c there is 110 light in them.
"Let iw man <leocin.1 yon; for m:i.nr will come ii! my name,
A:Lying, J 11111 LLl1c 111ot1th piece of) Ch1ist..'' J\nd this warning
of our Snviour nronlra ng;ti1111L enry one wl10
to j)rcach the "Prove !Ill' things, a1111 liold fast that
which is goocl.' Ilcnt'C', we ask you to give these subjects a
careful invc!itigation, clc,ni<l of nll prejudice.
Turn to the rh:trf, nn1l 1'1111 yo11r ore (lYer tbc t !llce worlds:
the one before t.he flood, this "present evil world," nnd the
"world to conic;" then nt the di ffore11t ngcs. Every one
knows thnt wh:H little there w:i.s of a church, or people of God,
was rcpresC'1Hl
d by one man during the c1nys of the Patriarchs;
nud by" the twelve t ribes," nu1l then by the gospel
ohurcl1; nml that tltlJe is n mille1111i;il nge of glory premised,
when "the king<l o111 is the Lord's," in wl1ich all t,he en<ls of the
earth shall rcrnrmbcr :wd turn 1.0 i.l1e Lor<l." Cnu you ngt F.ee
tbut thus !>prencl 01n as n m:rp heron yon, the mine] easily grasps
the subject., in nll th(' Ynrin11i; pha;;cs of the g1ent pl:'ln. "\Vrite
the vision, :11111 111nkn ii j'lain on t:iJ,Jei;, thnt he 1J1ny run that
rea1leLh iL, " dews iuilttd l1l'i11g- it tlow11 t.o onr rasy cornprel1en-
sio11. SimJ>ly lo11ki11g al our own immcdinte snnonndingA, nncl
noL coruparing with scripLurc," hns mnde us unrrow-
mindecl . Bub Lheo 111ore <' ulnrged Olli' views, t,hc more is the
bonndlel's !1)\'e of Goel made to nppc:t r. ![ow is it so m11 cl1 lnr-
mooy found in t.hcsl' ,nriom; arguments, if they arc not trne?
No one can thnt., taking it for ,qrat1ted Lhat. t.his chronolcigy
is true, the fact. Lh:n from the time the snbbatic syst.em begnn,
on entering the lnncl of Cnun:ur to Lhc year 1875, l1cing just the
measure of Lhe sah11nti(' $Jl'lem, \\'hct.lier reckoned as a jubilee
of jubilccs-50 where the Jn,st typical jubilee
ended, or cy1!1:;, as they h:H'e nct.ually transpire(]; 11ine-
t.cen, teillt. :1 j11hilPt', 111nki11g n 1.otnl of 950 yCJl.rs; nnd fifty-one
withotit n j11bilcc yc:1r n1.tnchecl, or 51 times 4!'1, making n total
of 2400, sho11 lcl in cnse t.cnnin:Hci11 I S75 ;is some evidence
that t11e rcst.itutitm to which I.hey point. is not far iu the future.
An<l :igain, I he fntt there is what :i.ppe:.i.rs to be ole:i.r
Hihle that. Llrr: represented liy the "twehc
tril.Jcs of l srncl," and !lii<111 usatio11 of tho gospel, Ot' twelve
11u:r 1: to he NJll:tl, :rncl that, acconung to this chronolo-
gy, these :tl'<' Jtl'J\\' equal, just when t,he jubilee
cyules nru c> 11 t - j 11st, when d:.ty of tl1e J,onl" is due-is
cc.rtn.inly :i sLr:tttgt oi11cicl cmce, which, coming <tS it docs rlircct-
ly from t.he Hihl c, is worthy of more th:t.n a mere pasi;i11g
Lhonght.. A11!l ngai11, nil c:i.11 fiec t.h:i.t. we aro entcri11g
Br.range !\1Hl 111111s11al ti111os; tli:i.t. tl1cne i11:1. forelJoding of troul1le.
Aud the HilJlo rlistiu.,;t.ly tcnches that thii:; :tge is to l!ucl with
"distress of 11:it,i011ll," ! rnr11's lwnrts faili11g I.hem with fear, ::iml
for looking after Lhosc things which are-coming on the c:irtl1,"
a "1mivel'f;:il time of trouble,'' t11e falling of the tbronci:,
The u11rnher fmty whi ch is a V<'l'Y prominent period ns C(ln11ectecl
first with the floon (Gen. 7: 17); second, with the
i\Jount Sinai n.11c1 i'lloses ; thir<l, wit.11 Elijah, witls Christ., an <I
with the clestrnction of .T from tlie beg iuning of Christ.'s
work, or from ' J>. 30, to A. o. 70, is ngnin made to 11ppe:ir just
at this point? The Reven prophetic times of tlte Gentiles, or 25-
20 yenrs,isn long period, and without t1011bt Legan where Goil's
kingdom, in t.hc line of David, ended, at the beginni11g of the
seventy years cnptirity, or 11. c. 60Ci. J\ ml :i s from where Ilic
h:1rvest Of ti.Jc ,7 (.)Wish age ueg:in, to ,\. II. 70, WUS f ort!/ ycet.n SO
this ye:trR, or the "times of 1,J1 e Oe11 ti lei;,
ninch from JJ. c.
GOG to A. l.>. HI 14, or f(lrty ycms lieyoncl l 87 4. J\ nil the t.imc of
trouble, conquest of tl1e natiOll!i', nnd C\'Cl1tS connect.eel witlJ the
<lay of wrntL, havo 011ly :irnple time, <h11j11g tl1e b:ilnoce of this
forty yeari;, for 1,hoir fll I fi I men t.. .
We the followiug l.icc:111se i t has llccn so perfectly
fullilled. Every positi on 011 the prophecies helcl by Bro. i'tl iller
has l) ecn nttackc1l during the "tn.rrying o f the Hri<legroom,''
and while t.hc "virgins nil slumucred and slept." Ancl yet e,ery
one of those applications hnve of neoesi>ity ngain been incorpo
rated in t/iese 711ese11t and t he unsket, enlnrgcd nu<l
rearranged, clocs iudced "shine brighter tha11 before":
"I dreamed Lliat Goll, by an unseen li::md, sent me n curiously
wrought casket, :ibont ten inches long by six square, made of
cl.Jony nntl pearls cnr.iously inlaid. 'l'o tho casket there wns a
key nt tachcd. l irn111ediately took the key and opened ti.Jc cas-
ke t, when, to my wonder and surprise, I found it filled with :ill
sorts :ind sir.cs or jt'1rnlR, cliarnonils
prccioui; stones, and gold
a.nd silvt11 ooi11 of <:v(rv cli111e11sion and value, bC>uutifnlh :tr
ranged i11 Llt cir Rc\'(' r:i l pi':lc\.tS in the c:i.skct.; nm] thus :trran"gcd,
tl1ey rcflc< tcd a light :111d glory C(jll:l ll ed only uy the Hlll.
(These j cwds arc Lhc beautiful truths thC! ope11 caskcL unfol <lucl
to hi s sight.)
" 1 t.ho11 g bt it. wns my d nt.y 11ot 1.0 enjoy this wonderful sight
aio11e, it!thougJi my hc1wt W:lR OVC!rjoyed aL tho
hca.ut.y nrnl vniue of it.s nontcmts. I therefore placed it 011 n
uc1Hie1'-t.:1bln in my room, :.111cl g:i.vc out word that all who had a
100 A UH.EA.l\I.
desi re mi ght come and i;cc Lhc most glorious nnd bri.lliunt sight
ever !>CCII UY 111:1.11 i11 this life. .
"The pc.oplt began t.o come in, at first few iu hnmbcr, but
increasing t.o n croll' d. WJ1cn Ll1cy first. l1111kt!d ir1to the casket
t.J1ey wonl<l wor1rkr anrl sii cr ut for joy. Hut wh1n the speota-
t.ors incrc:ii;od every nuc 111mld l1cgi11 to tronble the jewels, tak-
ing them out of Ll1e r;:isket :111<l scattering them on the table.
"l bcgnn .to t.lii11k the 1>1rncr 11oulcl rcq11ire t he casket and
jewels :i iz:1in at. 111y h:iucl ; and if T s1dforeu them lo be scattered,
I coul1l rH:1c1 platc tl rn r11 in t heir places in the casket ngain as
before; anrl fcll I 1;lwulrl never be able to 111ect the nceonnt:i.-
bilit.y, fnr i t wo11l 1l !Jc i111111 ensc. T then hC'g:rn to plen1l with
tht' people 11 1\ t \.tl h:111<ll1
lho111, nor t:i ke thc111 out of the c:isket;
bHt tilt more I pll:iil, 1 h< mo1p t.lwy ;-:rn<l 11011 t hey
Seemed to l'('a1ltr 1hl'fll :iJI OVl'r IJi e l'O(llll, Oil the fl oor, au(l On
e very piece II f f11 r11 i I I\ l"l' ill I hi! l'l\Olll.
I tlie11 saw t.lrnt a111011g the ge1111i11c jcweh :111rl coin t hey had
scattered a.n inn11mrrnhlr q11:rntity \l f spurious jewels :incl co11n-
t.erfcit coin. I was highl y iuconsed nt 1.hcir b:ise conduct and
ingratitutle, and rl'.' prO\' l't1 :111d repro:ichcd them for it; but the
more I reproved the :uore they scattered the spurions jewels
and false coin among I.he genuine.
"T then became vexed i11 my Yery sonl, a1Hl hcg:ll\ to use
phpi11a] force to push l hem Ollt of 1.hc 1'00111 / but while f Was
pn!;hing out (lilt', three 111ort .wo11lt! cut.er, nnd bring in di.rt, and
sh:i\'ings, anrl l'nnrl, nn<l :ill i11:ir111cr of rnbbish, until they cov-
erccl cnery 1111e (l f the trne jewels, diamonds and coi11s, which
were :ill excluded from Fight. Tbey also tore iu pieces my
cnskct, :ind scatl.cretl it :i.1no11g t he ruLbish. I thought no m:i.n
regarded my ROITOW (Ir my anger. I becnmc wholly discour-
aged :111d <l isheart cm1l , :111<1 sat <low11 :111t1 wept." (Vvhcn the
18 44 1.iiiw pas"crl, ho w f)(!1fcctly was this fullilled.)
"'While I wns r,hus wrepi11g arrd mo11rui11g for my great loss
and :wco1111t:ihilit.y
1 n111<n1ucrcd God, nucl c:m1estly pr:i.yed
t hnt. he wo11l11 scull 111 r hl'lp.
t lrnmcil i:i.l.tl y the door opened, nnrl a. man enLc1e1l t.hc room,
when the fH' opit :ill ltft. it; :wcl he, having :i <lirt-bru1d1 in his
hanrl, opened Lhr. nrnl heg:i.11 to brush the dust nnd
rnbbish from t.hc r onm. " I urir.<1 tu trim to fol'l1car, for there
wcrr s1rn1e prc1io11s jcwcli> sc:attcrccl :inwng I.he rnLhish. "He
t.olcl me to 'fo:1r 11 01.,' ror hu wou l<l .. tnke c:irc of t.hern." .. Then
whi le ht lin11<h<'ll t '11 '1111<1. :11111 I'll bbi&l1, f:r.l sc jcwols nutl
tcrfci t. c(1i11, :di ros(.' :111<1 went. 011!, of I.ho window llko
NOTES. 191
a clo11<l, 111111 the wind cn.rri ecl them aw:iy. Jn tho l>111H le I
clos<.'11 my eyes for !i moment.; when I opened tJ1cm, the 111bl1iidJ
was nil gone. The pr<'cious je 11cls, I.he rlinmoncls, the gol d nod
silver cu'i11s lay sc:\LLcred in profusion ull over the room.
" Ile then placed on Lho ta hie ri caskct,
much l:1rgcn nnrl mnra
bo:i.ntiful Lll:rn the- former, awl gntlt erctl up the jewels, the dia-
monds, thn coi ns, by the ltnndfnl, and cnst them iut.o 1.hc casket,
t.ill uot one was left, nlthough some of tho clinmonds wcro uot
biggct t han the point of a pin.
"Be thr.n call ed upon me to' come and scf.'I.'
"I loCJhtl int o tho cnsk&t, but my eye!l were cl:w.7.lcd witll tl1r
sight. 'l'l1<>y with ten times theil' former glory. I thought
they hncl ucc11 scoured in tho snucl by the fret of wickC'il
persons who h:11l scattered nud tr11<1 them in the duiit. ThC! r
were in -Ocn11tifnl orcfor in tlic caske t, every one i11 its
without. auy vi siul<.' pai11ii of tho mau who <:nst tlicr11 in.
I shouted wit.h voiy joy, a11tl t lin.L shout awt)ke me."
Like every other trnth, l!iule cl1ronol ogy is so given t hnt. good
nnd, lto11est men cn.n exception, o.nd be in doubt, in mnny
pnrt.s, 11.S to i t:; nelun.1 measurements. For instnnee, it is so clcnrly
put, not in n.ny one sW.tc111ent, but jn o. connected chain of state-
ments, Iroa1 Adn111 to the end of tlte fl ood, to the very dny
the wo.ters were dried up, wllS llii'H: yen.rs; tlrn.t no doul>t cn.n
rernn.in o.s to t hn.t 111e11..,nrcmc11t; nntl yet, t here is a. wn.y to reckou
the time so n.s to mnke it l\J:?t>Cnl' to lle one year l ess, rind to contrn-
diet all this com1eote1L chu.in of clear 1mripture stnternont..'I. And so
we find that n.ltuost eYc1-y subj ect in t.he Bible is miide obscure by
i:uch <lJJJHJ.renl contradiction. 'l'o l cll why this is so, woulcl be to
tell why God chose to speak in "<ln.r k sayings nod pn.ntblcs, thzit
seeing they might see nnct not percehe.'' We s uppose these
were :<o ordered, Lh11it Bil>lc truth might be understood only n.s it
been.me due; 1lt1d that. then, the circumstances nnd surrou11di11gs
would be imch t hi lt t hese obseme u.ncl n.ppo.rently clashing state-
ments might be rnn,oe clenr to the children of light, and yet rcml\i n
cl1U:k to those who 1wo wlf hou t, n11d "unto whom i t is not gi.,.en l o
know the. of t h c ldngdom o! God."
From to I.ho 1.icgctLiug oC Metln1selo.h wns 687 yen.rs, :tntl
t he full age or l'l1tlt11sclilh is given ns 960 years, which, tog-ether,
mo.ke JG[i(i, the ti1nc from Acln1.u to Lhe end of the flood. Aml the
tlood was on the en.rth one year, J:wl<ing one rnonth n.nd sevcuteea
<lays, n.nd .Non.h rernn.incd in t he cwk two or t hree 1110111 hs lllore,
beforo the g round wa!' <liy; 11J1d !ltethuseJn.h, not I.icing in the nrk,
mw;h hM'C <li<'d l)(!fore ur 11,t t he ti 111e t he ll oo<l begn.n.
Hert! is nn 11.;1pn.n111/, "''e1sii;ht., 01 con t mtliction. l3nt. t.hc r,. j:;
lii;-ht. fr<Jll (thl'!r Script11rrs by which f,ltis ctu1 be r eeo11(il i:<l; f<lr
102 NO'l'E!:i.
we Jen.r11 tl.lr1.t when n mn.n hn.d entered ou or con11oc11cc1l nnothcr
rPnr, Lhac reiir 11rn.y l)o co\1ntcd o.s po.rt of his nge. And J\lethuso
lnh co1dd certainly lmve entered 0110 month nnd sc,cntcen days,
into his nine hundred llnd Fixt.y-ninth year ; :uul cts his full
n!;e was no pn.rt () ( the chronoloi:y. n r; ri:aler dl'l{rc;e of nccurncy
1.h:w is ousto111n.ry in Uie Uiule in glvinl{ wu. 11 ot 1le11mnried.
Hence, !,here is no difficulty in reconcili11g this 1Lpp:u-ent discrep-
Note 2.-'fhc ne xt chronologicnl cliffic11lty of this chnri\Cter is in
r el;Lt.ion to the 1\1'.:C of 'l'era.h, at the l) i rt.I\ or A lirnhu.rn. "And
'l'crnh lived SC\'C'nly years nn<l begn.t A IJram, Nall<Jr o.nd Hn.rn.n"
11: 21i). Now there is al)solute proof tlmt 'l'ernh, Aliru.hn.m's
fnl.her, died before AIJrnh1m1 came i11to Cnnann 7: 1). And
lhrrn i'i nlso proof that Al.Jrn.htW1 tn111c int o C11 n:1111J wh en he wn.s
75 years olcl {Gen. 4-7); and yet Terah diecl 1Lt, the of 205
\'et1.rs. Therefore Abrn.hnm wa.s not born uni.ii Terl\h wa.<i 130 ,en.rs
old. Wh:it then can l>e done wit.h t.hl' .st.n.1c111(11 1 0r C'll.' n . 1 i : 26?
J o.nRwcr, Ilecnnse Abra111 iR n1111tr<I lir!;r tl(ll'" 11 01. pro,e thnt he
Wtl.S the first burn, o.ny more thnn in lhc l":t!i1! ur ".!111111\l n11tl Eiu1.u,"
cir ' ' .Ephrnim 11. ntl Mn.nnsse h. " iri hoth of whi1'11 t hr _\"<Hlllf.'Cr is t he
(irst nniue<l. Nor tloes it follow, fro111 fht' 11l.J11\'C 11,xt, that Terah
b1gat all three sons nt the snme ti1ue; but IJlcrely thut. he wn.s
when he begat the first !Joni. :\ rmrnl111l 1110,1' he founcl
with Noah: "And Nonh was live hundred old, nncl Non.h
SheJn, Harn and .fopheth" (Gen. ii: 32). No:th was (;02 wb.en
he l.1egn.t Shern, ro1 he W(IS riUO to a flav Whldll tl1a l1001l endctl (see
Gen. 8: tB); :ind two yenrs o.fter the flood Sliem WWI '100 <Gen, l L: JO).
Note 3.-'l'he next to which we call n.ttent.ion fs thn.t of t he
"sojoul'n i,ng of the children of lsrnel" 12: JO) , "Now the
. i;ojonrning of t h e cbildr.en of I srael, who 1lwelt in was fonr
!lundred n.nd thirt.y ycnrs. " 1 twill be noticed Urn L 1L does not sn.y
they sojourned in Egypt '130 yenrsi but tile (If thn.t peo-
ple, who dwelt in Egypt, wns tbn.t rnnoy years. '"l'he c!tildren or
the Slw1e ns "the house or lsrarl" "or the family of
1sr:i.el," and tlle house or family of lsrael clearly e111braces the
(rztfu;rs us well n.s the sons; n.nd tlle house of l s rrtbl, tho.t is, the
Jsru.til in t.be Jlesh. as clear ly embraced Abmhum., Isnnc. n.nil J CLCob,
as it \lill Reu.l>en, u.nd Judah. And the whole house oC
l st-ni!I, hoLll fat,hers :i.nd children, is evidently the meaning here.
,\nd A bmm commenced tJw.t sojourning, n.ncl even coiu111enced it
in Egypt [see Gen. 12: 10).
'rhe text in Gen. Hi: 1:1, " Thy seed s ho.ll be n, strnnfcr in n. lo,nd
tl1:tr. is not thci1s, n.n<I sho.ll scne thcui, <\.lid t11E>y sl11S1 afflict t.1Jein
1 our h unclrcrl veMs, " docs uot plove tba.t they w1re nJ.llfolerJ, o.l
thn.t time, :.tny iuorc tl\n,n thn.t they were ill E!J!!lll n.ll U11.1.t t.iu1e. I
t1rlu1iL thnt it might so n.ppenr from the r011<lcri11,. or this text.
But thel'e nrc other scr iptures 1vJ1ich Corl.lid Ll11Lt ' ' itw of it. The
400 cover the ti1t10 Lhey dwelt in u. lan1l lha.t, was not theirs,
11ml all:'o tho senin.i:;- n.111.l the tdTliction. 'l'll rl"e posit,ive proof
t.ll1Lt Lhcy were in Egypt only 215 years, nntl Liu.Lt J oseph !i,ed 80
yo;trs a.fte1 he been.me go,ernor. cintl tlmt thoy ct.Ul11;! tlie1n
11nti1 lifter the <leaLh of Joseph. Hence, tho b:gypt1ons d1u noL
NOTES. 1 !l3
rdT)ict. them for quite l:JO yenrs, but the 1.11Jo,'o t'xplo.ins it 'J'hcy
s0Journc1l, served, 1111d were n.nticted, 1\IJ toget.hcr, 400, or in: lud-
Al>ralu>.w's sojourning, 430 yen.rs, before the fro!u
Egypt. 1f oue co.n see only the letter, 11ncl not the rea.I 111ca.n1ng 1n
.. the t;hildren or Jsra'!I , II then I wm refer t.o )
0.111. IC Le11i could
p11y t.itbes to Melchl1.c<Jek, while in the loi n;i of J\ brnhu.m, t h en the
c/tild1en of l sra.cl coul<l s1Jj1llfrn, in hl s toins.
Noto 4.-Tbe next di!Uuult.y to which I would en.IL
attention is found in 1 Kings, li: l, where the tirne from leu.viug
Ei:;ypt to the fou r th year of Solomon's reigu i:! given l\S 480 yellrS,
while the from the book of Judges umkes it 580 years,
a discrcpa.ncy of just one hunured years. After len,ving Egypt,
there wrui n.11 u 11questionnl.lle period of .iu i11 the wilderness,
and 6 morn to the or t h e lo.nd, 1111ild11g 40 yen.rs. Then,
skipping t he judges, there rl re 40 for Sl\ul, 40 for )Jll.l' id, ltnd for
Solo111on's r eib'TI, mo.king sJ yeo.r.s, wuich, wilh t.he 41l, 11rc J<JO years
to be t.n.ken out of thfs 4ti0, as l!lentioned i11 l\ingi;. ,\11d 130 from
480 leaves only 350, as the tiule for the j1,1d/,?e1<, i11Kt<!1ltl or 4:i0. ll t!re
is certainly ll discrepancy o f jhst ur1 llurirlnll ycnrs l>etweeo the
time M given in tho .l\i111<;; n11d the ns givl:!n in the Judg:es.
Now, the is, \V 11ich is The ti111c ns gi \en in t h e
Juclgea is in 11inetcc11 periods UJn.king n. lot.al of dr.O lse<! page 72,
llottom parl\grn1ihj. A. 111isto.ke of IOU rears these ninel.een
short periods, woultl make sad haxoc with t he boot\ of Judges;
t hey would have to be shortened so111t)tl1i11g uic r li ve yeiirs
e1lcll, or n number of them struck out entirely, while a<l ruitling
tlle single mistake or 480 for 580 in lhc Ki11gs will set it
H ence, even handed, between the statement in t,Jie J<i11:s nnd tho.t
in the Judges, the evidence is aJtogether in f1wor of thr} t.irno :is
given in the Judges being right. Hut we nl1;n h1we th<' testimony
or Pn.ul to support the time n..'l i11 1111i .J 11111;\'s. 'J'llrce hu11-
dred and fiCt.y is not ' ' 1Lbv11t ,;p:u:c vf four li u11d red and nrty
yen.rs" [see Acts l:S: 20].
The chronology conH'S down from ,\dam, b\" the liun Lhrongh
which Christ tle:;centl ed. And h en ce, through I.fie li11r or the kings
of Judahhu.s given in !st n.nd 2d Chronicles, which is n.ri 11nbrnke11
line. W ile the kings of Israel have no co_onection wit.It. chron? l
ogy. They_1vere n. broken Jioe, not o! the hnenge or _David, beg1n-
omg only m the dars or Rehoboo.m, n,nd full of rnten eg11u111!!,
terminating long belore the captivity or J erusalem. 1t is true t h e
reign of t!te kings o( Judah are given 1st n.nd 2tl but so
blended w1U1 t ile broken n.nd irregular !me of tbe longs or Jsmel,
Lho.t no r eliable chronolo"'Y cn11 bo mn.de 011t from t.hem . . lleuce,
God SMV fit to have the true cluonological line recorded l.ly itself
in the Chronicles of the kings of Judah, where there is no irregu-
larities, or breaks; while there n.re mn.nv positi,c ch rouologictLI
errol's in the book of Kinss. F or instnnce'; i n 2 Kings 8: 2<i, i t sn.ys,
"Two o.nd twenty yenrs old wo.s Ahn.zil\h when be begnn to
n.nd in 2 Ohron. 22: 2, "1"07ty and two Ve!us old WM AIJ1tzill.h when
he begnn to reign;" and 111 Kin"s l!ei: s '' J ehoin.ehln was r.igltteet
yen.rs old when he began to reig1):" nnu' in 2 Citron. 36: 0, ".Jeboin
eWn WM ef.ght yearo o1d whe11 l;e begnn to r eign.
J\go.i11, in 2
Kings 2;;: 8, "In tbe lifth rnont.h, on. the s11va11.th dn.y of the 111 ontli
... ca.me Nebumradnn. t:npt.afo of the i::-un.nl, ... i11to J er11sale1u
while in .Jer. 62: 12
it rcn.th, "Now int.he fifth month, ist t.he tenth
tlo.r of the month .. .. C!l.lll e Ncbor.o.ro.dan, cn.pt1lin oC the gu'1rd,
in lo Jerusalem. "
l 111ention these things to show that tbe ch1onol11[J!I of the books
of Kings is not r elinule: it is o.t ' 'o.ri:l.nce with Jeremiah, wi tb
the Chronicles of the kini::-s (If .J.udnh, wiLh i.he book or nn<l
with Paul. And hence. the or l Kings !I: 1, may 111lstu.ke
one figure, a/ow for a /i'Ve, :LS eo.sily.o.s in 2 24: 8, eighteen
iihould be given for eight .
.Note 5. - 'l'he next. we will mention is in rel::ition to the ftrst
yen.r of Cyrus bei ng 13. C. :i3G. '.!.'he only tlttu.ck ever mo.de 0 11 tbis
is by o. cert.a.in class o r Ad,cntists. And presuming foll
into the ho.nds o! some of tucw, l will give n little spa.cc to o.nswer-
iog this objection. .
The !net tlmt the first year of Crrns ll'il..'> R 0. li36, is ba.sed on
Ptolemy's en.non, supr,orted b y t,hc cclipi;c11 l.>y the dn.tcs
ol the G1ecian n.nd I c>rsiiln have l>ccn rct; uln.t ed. And the
n.ccnmcy of Ptolemy's canon is rww by nll the scientific
n.nd Jitera.t"y world. Henn', fro1u U1e <l:Lys oi Ncbuchndneiw.r to
the Christian en.i., there is but. one chronolog-y.
The o.ttn.ck tnnde on it expositors of Dnn. IJ: is, tbn.t ::is
from the "going forth o( tbe. cou11nn.ndillent to restore nnd to build
Jeruso.lem unto Messiah the prince, " wo.s to be "weeks,"
or 4.83 years, therefo re fro111 the Ii rst )'ear of Cyrus to Christ
could be but 483 years. J\nd this does indeed look plausible n.t
first sight. Hence, notwithstnndini;, the facts of hfatory, regu.la.ted
by eclipses, prove the ftrst ycnr of Gyrus to be p. C. 630, yet if they
clo.sh with the prophecy, the Dible student would na.tl1rnll:v
give the preference to the prophecy. llut llerc is where they
stumble: "'l'be commn.ndmcut to rest.ore and to build Jeru-
salem, " did not go forth in tho days of Cyrus. For though be
mo.de suc11 11. commnn<lnirut,, it wns stopped o.nd did not go into
ecrect, norwns Jcnrnalc111 rlll.rnilL, :iccordmgtv Eirao.nd Nehemiah,
until some fifty or tnorc yen.rs o.fter Cyrus: And the QO?'.nu foi'lh
oft.he eommo.od1ueot, wns its into e.!fect. Let me illustrate:
Lincoln issued o. roclnu1:i.tio11 tlunng our late war, for t.ho eman-
cip:ition of the Negroes. '1'110.t procln.mn.tion was written, nnd
discnsscd, nnd for many weeks was reltdocd in Lite co.binct of the
President, but l\t J:i,st i t went forth, bo.ckcd by t.ltc armies of t.hc
United St.-:i,tcs. \\Then cl id tlmt co111mand mcnt. rro fortll ?" Not
when be 1irst prcpn.recl it, 1 nnsw,:r, for it rcm:i.inr.<1 inel' t in his
cabinet for a time. 1Jut it wc11tfortJi when given Lo the o.rmy, o.nd
it bcgnn to go into effect.. t:lo tbc decree of Cyrns, n.ltuougll ,
issued B. G. 5:16, did not r;o forth until the days of B1,rri. a.nd Nche-
1nio.h, but lay conce:i.lcd fo t he t.rca.sure house of the of
Persin (ace Ezrn. G: HI]. ll cncc, though fro1u the ti me of the yoi1LO
.forth of t.lrn.t comrnn.1llltncnt., nnt.o t.hc Prince, wns seven
n.ml thrcct:corc nncl two weeks," il docs not prove lliat !ro111
t.h! lfrst yo:i.rof C11111s to 1hr. w;u: onlyIS:l yen.rs, 1L11d lhero-
forc docs noL wcnl,cn ihc r.hro11olo:;:r of PLolc1uy
s ca.non.
The reader !.;; pcrltnps more tlmn h:df convinced that
Lhiugs arr; true; and lhnt we nre indeed nt t.he end of the gos-
pel nge. And the <pwstion presents itself, What shall we do?
Believe, I nnswcr. Not without being convinced; but look care-
fully ngnin nt. nil Lhc evidences, and if, nft<'l' a fnll investigation,
the arguments appear Scriptural, lny 110!!1 of, nnd uclieve
Holiness, or sanclification to God, is tl1c result of faith.
them through thy truth ; thy word is truth." And
"without holiness 110 mnn shnl! see the Lord." Under the gos-
pel, "faith is coon tcd for rig!J teonsncss." ] n otl1er words, faith
the tree, nnd works is the fruit. A mnn will net in ac-
cordance with his faitl1 ; for instance: if n merchnn t, fo1 good
and sound rJ?tiSons, believes that cotton goods will be worth fifty
f1cr cent. morn next month tlrn.11 they nre now worth, he will llOL
nuxio11s t.o dispose of his stock at present prices, uut rather
to replenish it. While if he Las rntisfactory evidence tliat cotton
g?ods will fnll lifoy per ce11t...1!c:xt he will. 11ct in quite n
d1f!crent manner._And so f1uth brmgs forth fnut.
The opinion widely oulni ns, anc1 is on lhe increase, lhut it
mnt.ters belictc, so long as yon arc good; that n
few of the first princi11lcs of the gospel, n<ldcd to good works, is
all' that is necessary. And this is the stone over which n\en are
to stnmble. "Many shall say unto me, iu that dny, Lord, Lord,
ha;re we not done mnny wondel'ful things in thy 11ame." 'hey
l'cgret having done; so little fol' J esus yesterday, but promise
great things to-morrow. It is cert.'linly nght to dcvot('. all to the
ca1:1se of Christ, but be carefnl yon do not exalt'11Jorks instead of
faith; and forget that it is fnith, and only faith, which, under the
gospel, is counted for righteousness. No matter how much you
may do for Christ, he will ignore the whole of it, unless your
fo.ith is righL; ''without faiLh, iG is impossible to" please God."
_Not merely faith in some one or two features of the gospel, but
fu.it.h in his word. lt was faith which eavr:d: nnd his spD-
c'ial work was the fruit of his special faiLU.
Good works may flow from a b<.'ncvolent heart, entirely inde-
pen<leut of faith towards God; :i.nd will Le rewarded when
ever.v w01k, '' whetht'r it be goocl, or wlieLhcr it be evil," is re-
W:Ll'ded in lh<'- rcslil ution iigc. .But for tit is "lligh calling in
Christ Jesus," faith, fnll :tnd complete, in each and every pre-
scnt truth which God <lcsi cru ed for the church, is a necessity.
For inst:ince: Supposing lliin_gs nrc now trnc, Lhlt the h:ir-
vo:,;(. of' Ll1 n ngc lias co1nc. and I lie day of the J1ord is rcal-
1" .... ..... ..... ; ,.,, l h1 ,.1,11nll :111 fr lit in I.lie li.!!111 .. sn lli at "I/wt
day" will not come upon Lhcm 1rnaw1wcs, au<l the world arc to
I.Jc in darkness. 'Ehis 1wcsaut gene1ation of uhristiuus, Llie 1\uovc
b<:ing truc, are supposed to have light lhu.L L11Ll1lr, Knox, 01
Wcsley dicl not 111nc, jnst ns surely as th.-1.t Noah was recluil'Cll
to hnve u fuitb that. E11 och 1lid han. 'l'hc foitl1 of Bnocl1
coultl not. have saved Notd1; uor can I.he f;Lith of n \Vt'sley opeu
the door of the lo 011(; i11d1ri1l11al or Ila is ge11r.rution, up-
on whom Lue clay or l hc Lcrtl i::1 comiug. Tu believe on the
Lord J esus Christ, is l0 l.Juil<l 011 thi.: rnc: k, an<l will save a man.
llut there are two cl11sscs, t.he Oll i', iLlt.hough building ou the
rock, tire to snfler lo pitss thrnugh lla is lcrrible ordeal; "the
hour of tempt11Lion wh iclt is lo Lry rill then\ tliut dwell on the
carlh ;" they arc to '' stt ffer loss," to " lose thei r life," 1mtl to he
saved" so ashy fl re." 'l'he ot11er li;we an 11b1rndunt entmnce,"
"escape all th(lsc Ll iings wl1id1 nrc coming on the earth, ancl
st.u1d before the Svn or m:m:' Ona class, while holdiug
tbe first principles of the gospel, " I.Jui Id wi I It hay, wood, and
stubble;" the 0Lhe1 wi th " gold, auil prcC'ions stones."
B1tilding with "hi1y, "'<'Cl!l, 1\IHl st!lbl1I.:," 01' ' ' gultl, silver,
and precions stoll cs," tl1 pcinls 11 11 t,li c chan1cter of his
faith. And th(! c1it.l c11cc is SCI clca1 that Lhe bl'ide, the
church of the first-born, those who nre lo siL with Christ on his
throne, und "jndge the 1vorld ;" uri: to Ii!! ill ll1c 1ig11t in rnln-
tion to the coming ol the c1ay of the: Lord; thnt nre tl1e
clnss who have nlways ltec11 in adrnnce, and held lhe trut)H!
which correspond wif.h the "gold, iiilver, 11nd precious stones,"
seems too clenr for any 011e to willin[Jl_11 turn their back on what
the Scriptures tench, 11s a<llrnncc<l lrnlh.
Those who think lit at f.lil Ii in 111h:u1ccd Lrnll1 is of lillle or no
consequence, n11tl that if 11 111an is good it matters not what he
believes, builcl on th1: }l:\ralile of .Mat.t. i5: 31: " Inasmuch us
.Ye have clone iL lo ul\l' of the least of these, my brethren, ye lrnve
done it unto me, cntur inlo tile kinguom prevared for you," &c.
But the nbove clnss arc l1ro11ght rnto .i11(lf/'Tll811t, and nrc sav-
ed in restitution ; while the churuh of the first-born
11ot into judgment, t krisis), but l1111e pnssecl from death
unto life." Tn the s:dvafion is to be of worl;s, as un-
der the law, clo and lin; and "whcu the Stm of mnn shall sit
upon the throne of his glory,'' his bride wi ll also be on that
throne, for " the s:ii11ts shall jungc: the worh1 :" and every good
deed, and every evil deed of snch as nre 1Jlo11glit into ju<lgmc11t.,
will buve their reward. An<l 111a11y at the J>rescntdn.y 11rcco1111t-
ing themselves in with lhe class wl10 arc lo be rcwardedfw tltefr
goo(l works. But rewanl of good 'vorks has no pince i11 this
"high cnlling." '1'11 such "it is 110 longer of works, Lntof faith."
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