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SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the "Philippine
National Police Refor an! Reor"ani#ation Act of 1$$%".
SECTION &. 'eclaration of Polic( an! Principles. It is hereb(
!eclare! the polic( of the State to establish a hi"hl( e)cient an!
copetent police force which is national in scope an! ci*ilian in
character a!inistere! an! controlle! b( a national police
The Philippine National Police +PNP, shall be a co-nit( an! ser*ice
oriente! a"enc( responsible for the aintenance of peace an! or!er
an! p-blic safet(.
The PNP shall be so or"ani#e! to ens-re acco-ntabilit( an! -pri"htness
in police e.ercise of !iscretion as well as to achie*e e)cienc( an!
e/ecti*eness of its ebers an! -nits in the perforance of their
SECTION 0. Section 1& of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb( aen!e!
to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 1&. Relationship of the 'epartent with the 'epartent of
National 'efense. The 'epartent of the Interior an! 5ocal
6o*ernent shall be relie*e! of the priar( responsibilit( on atters
in*ol*in" the s-ppression of ins-r"enc( an! other serio-s threats to
national sec-rit(. The Philippine National Police shall7 thro-"h
inforation "atherin" an! perforance of its or!inar( police f-nctions7
s-pport the Are! 8orces of the Philippines on atters in*ol*in"
s-ppression of ins-r"enc(7 e.cept in cases where the Presi!ent shall
call on the PNP to s-pport the A8P in cobat operations.
"In ties of national eer"enc(7 the PNP7 the 9-rea- of 8ire Protection7
an! the 9-rea- of :ail ;ana"eent an! Penolo"( shall7 -pon the
!irection of the Presi!ent7 assist the are! forces in eetin" the
national eer"enc(."
SECTION <. Section 10 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb( aen!e!
to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 10. Creation an! Coposition. A National Police
Coission7 hereinafter referre! to as the Coission7 is hereb(
create! for the p-rpose of e/ecti*el( !ischar"in" the f-nctions
prescribe! in the Constit-tion an! pro*i!e! in this Act. The Coission
shall be an a"enc( attache! to the 'epartent for polic( an! pro"ra
coor!ination. It shall be copose! of a Chairperson7 fo-r +<, re"-lar
Coissioners7 an! the Chief of PNP as e.=o)cio eber. Three +0, of
the re"-lar coissioners shall coe fro the ci*ilian sector who are
neither acti*e nor forer ebers of the police or ilitar(7 one +1, of
who shall be !esi"nate! as *ice chairperson b( the Presi!ent. The
fo-rth re"-lar coissioner shall coe fro the law enforceent
sector either acti*e or retire!4 Pro*i!e!7 That an acti*e eber of a
law enforceent a"enc( shall be consi!ere! resi"ne! fro sai! a"enc(
once appointe! to the Coission4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That at least one
+1, of the Coissioners shall be a woan. The Secretar( of the
'epartent shall be the e.=o)cio Chairperson of the Coission7
while the >ice Chairperson shall act as the e.ec-ti*e o)cer of the
SECTION 3. Section 1< of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb( aen!e!
to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 1<. Powers an! 8-nctions of the Coission. The
Coission shall e.ercise the followin" powers an! f-nctions4
"+a, E.ercise a!inistrati*e control an! operational s-per*ision
o*er the Philippine National Police which shall ean the power to4
"1, 'e*elop policies an! pro-l"ate a police an-al prescribin"
r-les an! re"-lations for e)cient or"ani#ation7 a!inistration7 an!
operation7 incl-!in" criteria for anpower allocation7 !istrib-tion an!
!eplo(ent7 recr-itent7 selection7 prootion7 an! retireent of
personnel an! the con!-ct of ?-alif(in" entrance an! prootional
e.ainations for -nifore! ebers@
"&, E.aine an! a-!it7 an! thereafter establish the stan!ar!s for
s-ch p-rposes on a contin-in" basis7 the perforance7 acti*ities7 an!
facilities of all police a"encies thro-"ho-t the co-ntr(@
"0, Establish a s(ste of -nifor crie reportin"@
"<, Con!-ct an ann-al self=report s-r*e( an! copile statistical
!ata for the acc-rate assessent of the crie sit-ation an! the proper
e*al-ation of the e)cienc( an! e/ecti*eness of all police -nits in the
"3, Appro*e or o!if( plans an! pro"ras on e!-cation an!
trainin"7 lo"istical re?-ireents7 co-nications7 recor!s7 inforation
s(stes7 crie laborator(7 crie pre*ention an! crie reportin"@
"1, A)r7 re*erse or o!if(7 thro-"h the National Appellate
9oar!7 personnel !isciplinar( actions in*ol*in" !eotion or !isissal
fro the ser*ice ipose! -pon ebers of the Philippine National
Police b( the Chief of the Philippine National Police@
"2, E.ercise appellate A-ris!iction thro-"h the re"ional appellate
boar!s o*er a!inistrati*e cases a"ainst policeen an! o*er !ecisions
on clais for police beneBts@
"%, Prescribe ini- stan!ar!s for ars7 e?-ipent7 an!
-nifors an!7 after cons-ltation with the Philippine Ceral!r(
Coission7 for insi"nia of ranks7 awar!s7 an! e!als of honor. Dithin
ninet( +$E, !a(s fro the e/ecti*it( of this Act7 the stan!ar!s of the
-nifore! personnel of the PNP -st be re*ise! which sho-l! be
clearl( !istinct fro the ilitar( an! reFecti*e of the ci*ilian character
of the police@
"$, Iss-e s-bpoena an! s-bpoena !-ces tec- in atters
pertainin" to the !ischar"e of its own powers an! !-ties7 an!
!esi"nate who aon" its personnel can iss-e s-ch processes an!
a!inister oaths in connection therewith@
"1E, Inspect an! assess the copliance of the PNP on the
establishe! criteria for anpower allocation7 !istrib-tion7 an!
!eplo(ent an! their ipact on the co-nit( an! the crie
sit-ation7 an! thereafter for-late appropriate "-i!elines for
a.ii#ation of reso-rces an! e/ecti*e -tili#ation of the PNP
"11, ;onitor the perforance of the local chief e.ec-ti*es as
!ep-ties of the Coission@ an!
"1&, ;onitor an! in*esti"ate police anoalies an! irre"-larities.
"b, A!*ise the Presi!ent on all atters in*ol*in" police f-nctions
an! a!inistration@
"c, Ren!er to the Presi!ent an! to the Con"ress an ann-al report
on its acti*ities an! accoplishents !-rin" the thirt( +0E, !a(s after
the en! of the calen!ar (ear7 which shall incl-!e an appraisal of the
con!itions obtainin" in the or"ani#ation an! a!inistration of police
a"encies in the -nicipalities7 cities an! pro*inces thro-"ho-t the
co-ntr(7 an! recoen!ations for appropriate ree!ial le"islation@
"!, Recoen! to the Presi!ent7 thro-"h the Secretar(7 within
si.t( +1E, !a(s before the coenceent of each calen!ar (ear7 a
crie pre*ention pro"ra@ an!
"e, Perfor s-ch other f-nctions necessar( to carr( o-t the
pro*isions of this Act an! as the Presi!ent a( !irect."
SECTION 1. Section 13 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb( aen!e!
to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 13. G-aliBcations. No person shall be appointe! re"-lar
eber of the Coission -nless4
"+a, Ce or she is a citi#en of the Philippines@
"+b, A eber of the Philippine 9ar with at least B*e +3, (ears
e.perience in han!lin" criinal or h-an ri"hts cases or a hol!er of a
asterHs !e"ree b-t preferabl( a !octorate !e"ree in p-blic
a!inistration7 sociolo"(7 criinolo"(7 criinal A-stice7 law
enforceent7 an! other relate! !isciplines@ an!
"+c, The re"-lar eber coin" fro the law enforceent sector
sho-l! ha*e practical e.perience in law enforceent work for at least
B*e +3, (ears while the three +0, other re"-lar coissioners -st
ha*e !one e.tensi*e research work or proAects on law enforceent7
criinolo"( or criinal A-stice or ebers of a !-l( re"istere! non=
"o*ernent or"ani#ation in*ol*e! in the prootion of peace an!
SECTION 2. Section 11 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb( aen!e!
to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 11. Ter of O)ce. The fo-r +<, re"-lar an! f-ll=tie
Coissioners shall be appointe! b( the Presi!ent for a ter of si. +1,
(ears witho-t re=appointent or e.tension."
SECTION %. E.piration of the Ters of O)ce of C-rrent
Coissioners. Ipon the e/ecti*it( of this Act the ters of o)ce of
the c-rrent Coissioners are !eee! e.pire! which shall constit-te
a bar to their reappointent or an e.tension of their ters in the
Coission e.cept for c-rrent Coissioners who ha*e ser*e! less
than two +&, (ears of their ters of o)ce who a( be appointe! b(
the Presi!ent for a a.i- ter of two +&, (ears.
SECTION $. Section 12 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb( aen!e!
to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 12. Teporar( or Peranent Incapacit( of the Chairperson.
In case of absence !-e to the teporar( incapacit( of the
chairperson7 the >ice chair shall ser*e as Chairperson -ntil the
Chairperson is present or re"ains capacit( to ser*e. In case of !eath or
peranent incapacit( or !is?-aliBcation of the chairperson7 the actin"
chairperson shall also act as s-ch -ntil a new chairperson shall ha*e
been appointe! b( the Presi!ent an! ?-aliBe!."
SECTION 1E. Section &E of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. &E. Or"ani#ational Str-ct-re. The Coission shall
consist of the followin" -nits4
"+a, Coission Proper. This is copose! of the o)ces of the
Chairan an! fo-r +<, Coissioners.
"+b, Sta/ Ser*ices. The sta/ ser*ices of the Coission shall be
as follows4
"+1, The Plannin" an! Research Ser*ice7 which shall pro*i!e
technical ser*ices to the Coission in areas of o*erall polic(
for-lation7 strate"ic an! operational plannin"7 ana"eent s(stes
or proce!-res7 e*al-ation an! onitorin" of the CoissionHs
pro"ras7 proAects an! internal operations@ an! shall con!-ct thoro-"h
research an! anal(sis on social an! econoic con!itions a/ectin"
peace an! or!er in the co-ntr(@
"+&, The 5e"al A/airs Ser*ice7 which shall pro*i!e the Coission
with e)cient an! e/ecti*e ser*ice as le"al co-nsel of the Coission@
!raft or st-!( contracts a/ectin" the Coission an! s-bit
appropriate recoen!ations pertainin" thereto@ an! ren!er le"al
opinions arisin" fro the a!inistration an! operation of the Philippine
National Police an! the Coission@
"+0, The Crie Pre*ention an! Coor!ination Ser*ice7 which shall
-n!ertake criinolo"ical researches an! st-!ies@ for-late a national
crie pre*ention plan@ !e*elop a crie pre*ention an! inforation
pro"ra an! pro*i!e e!itorial !irection for all criinolo"( research an!
crie pre*ention p-blications@
"+<, The Personnel an! A!inistrati*e Ser*ice7 which shall perfor
personnel f-nctions for the Coission7 a!inister the entrance an!
prootional e.ainations for policeen7 pro*i!e the necessar(
ser*ices relatin" to recor!s7 correspon!ence7 s-pplies7 propert( an!
e?-ipent7 sec-rit( an! "eneral ser*ices7 an! the aintenance an!
-tili#ation of facilities7 an! pro*i!e ser*ices relatin" to anpower7
career plannin" an! !e*elopent7 personnel transactions an!
eplo(ee welfare@
"+3, The Inspection7 ;onitorin" an! In*esti"ation Ser*ice7 which
shall con!-ct contin-o-s inspection an! ana"eent a-!it of
personnel7 facilities an! operations at all le*els of coan! of the
PNP7 onitor the ipleentation of the CoissionHs pro"ras an!
proAects relati*e to law enforceent@ an! onitor an! in*esti"ate
police anoalies an! irre"-larities@
"+1, The Installations an! 5o"istics Ser*ice7 which shall re*iew the
CoissionHs plans an! pro"ras an! for-late policies an!
proce!-res re"ar!in" ac?-isition7 in*entor(7 control7 !istrib-tion7
aintenance an! !isposal of s-pplies an! shall o*ersee the
ipleentation of pro"ras on transportation facilities an!
installations an! the proc-reent an! aintenance of s-pplies an!
e?-ipent@ an!
"+2, The 8inancial Ser*ice7 which shall pro*i!e the Coission with
sta/ a!*ice an! assistance on b-!"etar( an! Bnancial atters7
incl-!in" the o*erseein" of the processin" an! !isb-rseent of f-n!s
pertainin" to the scholarship pro"ra an! s-r*i*in" chil!ren of
!ecease! an!Jor peranentl( incapacitate! PNP personnel.
"+c, 'isciplinar( Appellate 9oar!s The Coission shall
establish a foral a!inistrati*e !isciplinar( appellate achiner(
consistin" of the National Appellate 9oar! an! the re"ional appellate
"The National Appellate 9oar! shall !eci!e cases on appeal fro
!ecisions ren!ere! b( the PNP chief7 while the re"ional appellate
boar!s shall !eci!e cases on appeal fro !ecisions ren!ere! b(
o)cers other than the PNP chief7 the a(or7 an! the PeopleHs 5aw
Enforceent 9oar! +P5E9, create! here-n!er."
SECTION 11. Section && of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. &&. G-aliBcations of Re"ional 'irectors. No person shall
be appointe! re"ional !irector -nless4
"+a, Ce or she is a citi#en of the Philippines@ an!
"+b, A hol!er of a asterHs !e"ree an! appropriate ci*il ser*ice
SECTION 1&. G-aliBcations Ip"ra!in" Pro"ra. The Coission
shall !esi"n an! establish a ?-aliBcations -p"ra!in" pro"ra for the
ebers of the Coission in coor!ination with the Ci*il Ser*ice
Coission7 the 'epartent of E!-cation7 C-lt-re an! Sports an! the
Coission on Ci"her E!-cation thro-"h a !istance e!-cation
pro"ra an!Jor an in=ser*ice e!-cation pro"ra or siilar pro"ras
within ninet( +$E, !a(s fro the e/ecti*it( of this Act4 Pro*i!e!7 That
those who are alrea!( in the ser*ice fro the e/ecti*it( of this Act
shall ha*e B*e +3, (ears to obtain the re?-ire! !e"ree or ?-aliBcation
co-nte! fro the ipleentation of the ?-aliBcations -p"ra!in"
SECTION 10. A-thorit( of the Coission to Reor"ani#e the PNP.
Notwithstan!in" the pro*isions of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 on the
or"ani#ational str-ct-re an! rank classiBcation of the PNP7 the
Coission shall con!-ct a ana"eent a-!it7 an! prepare an!
s-bit to Con"ress a propose! reor"ani#ation plan of the PNP not later
than 'eceber 017 1$$%7 s-bAect to the liitations pro*i!e! -n!er this
Act an! base! on the followin" criteria4 a, increase! police *isibilit(
thro-"h !ispersal of personnel fro the hea!?-arters to the Bel!
o)ces an! b( the appointent an! assi"nent of non=-nifore!
personnel to positions which are p-rel( a!inistrati*e7 technical7
clerical or enial in nat-re an! other positions which are not act-all(
an! !irectl( relate! to police operation@ an! b, e)cient an! optii#e!
!eli*er( of police ser*ices to the co-nities.
The PNP reor"ani#ation pro"ra shall be appro*e! b( Con"ress
thro-"h a Aoint resol-tion.
SECTION 1<. Section 0E of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 0E. 6eneral G-aliBcations for Appointent. No person
shall be appointe! as o)cer or eber of the PNP -nless he or she
possesses the followin" ini- ?-aliBcations4
"a, A citi#en of the Philippines@
"b, A person of "oo! oral con!-ct@
"c, ;-st ha*e passe! the ps(chiatricJps(cholo"ical7 !r-" an!
ph(sical tests to be a!inistere! b( the PNP or b( an( NAPO5CO;
accre!ite! "o*ernent hospital for the p-rpose of !eterinin"
ph(sical an! ental health@
"!, ;-st possess a foral baccala-reate !e"ree fro a reco"ni#e!
instit-tion of learnin"@
"e, ;-st be eli"ible in accor!ance with the stan!ar!s set b( the
"f, ;-st not ha*e been !ishonorabl( !ischar"e! fro ilitar(
eplo(ent or !isisse! for ca-se fro an( ci*ilian position in the
"", ;-st not ha*e been con*icte! b( Bnal A-!"ent of an o/ense
or crie in*ol*in" oral t-rpit-!e@
"h, ;-st be at least one eter an! si.t(=two centieters +1.1& .,
in hei"ht for ale an! one eter an! Bft(=se*en centieters +1.32 .,
for feale@
"i, ;-st wei"h not ore or less than B*e kilo"ras +3 k"s., fro
the stan!ar! wei"ht correspon!in" to his or her hei"ht7 a"e7 an! se.@
"A, 8or a new applicant7 -st not be less than twent(=one +&1, nor
ore than thirt( +0E, (ears of a"e4 e.cept for the last ?-aliBcation7 the
abo*e=en-erate! ?-aliBcations shall be contin-in" in character an!
an absence of an( one of the at an( "i*en tie shall be a "ro-n! for
separation or retireent fro the ser*ice4 Pro*i!e!7 That PNP ebers
who are alrea!( in the ser*ice -pon the e/ecti*it( of this Act shall be
"i*en at least two +&, ore (ears to obtain the ini- e!-cational
?-aliBcation an! one +1, (ear to satisf( the wei"ht re?-ireent.
"8or the p-rpose of !eterinin" copliance with the re?-ireents on
ph(sical an! ental health7 as well as the non=-se of prohibite! !r-"s7
the PNP b( itself or thro-"h a NAPO5CO; accre!ite! "o*ernent
hospital shall con!-ct re"-lar ps(chiatric7 ps(cholo"ical !r-" an!
ph(sical tests ran!ol( an! witho-t notice.
"After the lapse of the tie perio! for the satisfaction of a speciBc
re?-ireent7 c-rrent ebers of the PNP who will fail to satisf( an( of
the re?-ireents en-erate! -n!er this Section shall be separate!
fro the ser*ice if the( are below Bft( +3E, (ears of a"e an! ha*e
ser*e! in 6o*ernent for less than twent( +&E, (ears or retire! if the(
are fro the a"e of Bft( +3E, an! abo*e an! ha*e ser*e! the
6o*ernent for at least twent( +&E, (ears witho-t preA-!ice in either
case to the pa(ent of beneBts the( a( be entitle! to -n!er e.istin"
SECTION 13. Dai*ers for Initial Appointents to the PNP. The a"e7
hei"ht7 wei"ht7 an! e!-cational re?-ireents for initial appointent to
the PNP a( be wai*e! onl( when the n-ber of ?-aliBe! applicants
fall below the ini- ann-al ?-ota4 Pro*i!e!7 That an applicant shall
not be below twent( +&E, nor o*er thirt(=B*e +03, (ears of a"e4
Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That an( applicant not eetin" the wei"ht
re?-ireent shall be "i*en reasonable tie b-t not e.cee!in" si. +1,
onths within which to copl( with the sai! re?-ireent4 Pro*i!e!7
f-rtherore7 That onl( applicants who ha*e Bnishe! secon! (ear
colle"e or ha*e earne! at least se*ent(=two +2&, colle"iate -nits
lea!in" to a bachelorHs !ecree shall be eli"ible for appointent4
Pro*i!e!7 f-rtherore7 That an(bo!( who will enter the ser*ice witho-t
a baccala-reate !e"ree shall be "i*en a a.i- of fo-r +<, (ears to
obtain the re?-ire! e!-cational ?-aliBcation4 Pro*i!e!7 Bnall(7 That a
wai*er for hei"ht re?-ireent shall be a-toaticall( "rante! to
applicants belon"in" to the c-lt-ral co-nities.
SECTION 11. Selection Criteria In!er the Dai*er Pro"ra. The
selection of applicants -n!er the Dai*er Pro"ra shall be s-bAect to
the followin" ini- criteria4
a, Applicants who posses the least !is?-aliBcation shall take
prece!ence o*er those who possess ore !is?-aliBcations.
b, The re?-ireents shall be wai*e! in the followin" or!er4 +a,
a"e7 +b, hei"ht7 +c, wei"ht7 an! +!, e!-cation.
The Coission shall pro-l"ate r-les an! re"-lations to a!!ress
other sit-ations arisin" fro the wai*er of the entr( re?-ireents.
SECTION 12. Nat-re of Appointent In!er a Dai*er Pro"ra.
An( PNP -nifore! personnel who is a!itte! !-e to the wai*er of the
e!-cational or wei"ht re?-ireents shall be iss-e! a teporar(
appointent pen!in" the satisfaction of the re?-ireent wai*e!. An(
eber who will fail to satisf( an( of the wai*e! re?-ireents within
the speciBe! tie perio!s -n!er Section 10 of this Act shall be
!isisse! fro the ser*ice.
SECTION 1%. Re=application of 'isisse! PNP ;ebers In!er a
Dai*er Pro"ra. An( PNP eber who shall be !isisse! -n!er a
wai*er pro"ra shall be eli"ible to re=appl( for appointent to the
PNP4 Pro*i!e!7 That he or she possesses the ini- ?-aliBcations
-n!er Section 1< of this Act an! his or her reappointent is not b(
*irt-e of another wai*er pro"ra.
SECTION 1$. The 8iel! Trainin" Pro"ra. All -nifore! ebers
of the PNP shall -n!er"o a 8iel! Trainin" Pro"ra for twel*e +1&,
onths in*ol*in" act-al e.perience an! assi"nent in patrol7 tra)c7
an! in*esti"ation as a re?-ireent for peranenc( of their
SECTION &E. Increase! G-aliBcations for Pro*incial 'irectors. No
person a( be appointe! 'irector of a Pro*incial Police O)ce -nless4
a, he or she hol!s a asterHs !e"ree in p-blic a!inistration7
sociolo"(7 criinolo"(7 criinal A-stice7 law enforceent7 national
sec-rit( a!inistration7 !efense st-!ies7 or other relate! !iscipline
fro a reco"ni#e! instit-tion of learnin"@ an!
b, has satisfactoril( passe! the re?-ire! trainin" an! career
co-rses necessar( for the position as a( be establishe! b( the
An( PNP personnel who is c-rrentl( occ-p(in" the position b-t lacks
an( of the ?-aliBcations entione! abo*e shall be "i*en three +0,
(ears -pon the e/ecti*it( of this Act to copl( with the re?-ireents@
otherwise he or she shall be relie*e! fro the position.
SECTION &1. Section 0& of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 0&. E.ainations of Policeen. The National Police
Coission shall a!inister the entrance an! prootional
e.ainations for policeen on the basis of the stan!ar!s set b( the
SECTION &&. Section 0< of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 0<. G-aliBcations of Chief of Cit( an! ;-nicipal Police
Stations. No person shall be appointe! chief of a cit( police station
-nless heJshe is a "ra!-ate of 9achelor of 5aws or has Bnishe! all the
re?-ire! co-rses of a asterHs !e"ree pro"ra in p-blic
a!inistration7 criinolo"(7 criinal A-stice7 law enforceent7 national
sec-rit( a!inistration7 !efense st-!ies7 an! other relate! !isciplines
fro a reco"ni#e! instit-tion of learnin". No person shall be appointe!
chief of a -nicipal police station -nless he or she has Bnishe! at least
secon! (ear 9achelor of 5aws or has earne! at least twel*e +1&, -nits
in a asterHs !e"ree pro"ra in p-blic a!inistration7 criinolo"(7
criinal A-stice7 law enforceent7 national sec-rit( a!inistration7 an!
other relate! !isciplines fro a reco"ni#e! instit-tion of learnin"4
Pro*i!e!7 That ebers of the 9ar with at least B*e +3, (ears of law
practice7 license! criinolo"ists or "ra!-ates of the Philippine National
Police Aca!e( an! who possess the "eneral ?-aliBcations for initial
appointent to the PNP shall be ?-aliBe! for appointent as chief of a
cit( or -nicipal police station4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That the appointee
has s-ccessf-ll( passe! the re?-ire! Bel! trainin" pro"ra an! has
coplie! with other re?-ireents as a( be establishe! b( the
Coission4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rtherore7 That the chief of police shall be
appointe! in accor!ance with the pro*isions of Section 317 para"raph
+b,7 s-bpara"raph <+i, of this Act."
SECTION &0. G-aliBcations Ip"ra!in" Pro"ra. The Coission
shall !esi"n an! establish a ?-aliBcations -p"ra!in" pro"ra for the
Philippine National Police o)cers an! ebers in coor!ination with
the Ci*il Ser*ice Coission7 an! the Coission on Ci"her E!-cation
thro-"h a !istance e!-cation pro"ra an!Jor an in=ser*ice e!-cation
pro"ra or other siilar pro"ras within ninet( +$E, !a(s fro the
e/ecti*it( of this Act.
SECTION &<. Attrition S(ste. There shall be establishe! a
s(ste of attrition within the -nifore! ebers of the PNP within
one +1, (ear fro the e/ecti*it( of this Act to be s-bitte! b( the PNP
to the Coission for appro*al. S-ch attrition s(ste shall incl-!e b-t
is not liite! to the pro*isions of the followin" sections.
SECTION &3. Attrition b( Attainent of ;a.i- Ten-re in Position.
The a.i- ten-re of PNP ebers hol!in" ke( positions is
hereb( prescribe! as follows4
Chief fo-r +<, (ears
'ep-t( Chief fo-r +<, (ears
'irector of the Sta/ Ser*ices fo-r +<, (ears
Re"ional 'irectors si. +1, (ears
Pro*incialJCit( 'irectors nine +$, (ears
Other positions hi"her than Pro*incial 'irector shall ha*e the a.i-
ten-re of si. +1, (ears. Inless earlier separate!7 retire! or proote! to
a hi"her position in accor!ance with the PNP Sta)n" Pattern7 police
o)cers hol!in" the abo*e=entione! positions shall be cop-lsoril(
retire! at the a.i- ten-re in position herein prescribe!7 or at a"e
Bft(=si. +31,7 whiche*er is earlier4 Pro*i!e!7 That in ties of war or
other national eer"enc( !eclare! b( Con"ress7 the Presi!ent a(
e.ten! the PNP ChiefHs to-r of !-t(4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That PNP
ebers who ha*e alrea!( reache! their a.i- ten-re -pon the
e/ecti*it( of this Act a( be allowe! one +1, (ear ore of ten-re in
their positions before the a.i- ten-re pro*i!e! in this Section
shall be applie! to the7 -nless the( shall ha*e alrea!( reache! the
cop-lsor( retireent a"e of Bft(=si. +31,7 in which case the
cop-lsor( retireent a"e shall pre*ail.
E.cept for the Chief7 PNP7 no PNP eber who has less than one +1,
(ear of ser*ice before reachin" the cop-lsor( retireent a"e shall be
proote! to a hi"her rank or appointe! to an( other position.
SECTION &1. Attrition b( Relief . A PNP -nifore! personnel who
has been relie*e! for A-st ca-se an! has not been "i*en an assi"nent
within two +&, (ears after s-ch relief shall be retire! or separate!.
SECTION &2. Attrition b( 'eotion in Position or Rank. An( PNP
personnel7 ci*ilian or -nifore!7 who is relie*e! an! assi"ne! to a
position lower than what is establishe! for his or her "ra!e in the PNP
sta)n" pattern an! who shall not be assi"ne! to a position
coens-rate to his or her "ra!e within ei"hteen +1%, onths after
s-ch !eotion in position shall be retire! or separate!.
SECTION &%. Attrition b( Non=prootion. An( PNP personnel who
has not been proote! for a contin-o-s perio! of ten +1E, (ears shall
be retire! or separate!.
SECTION &$. Attrition b( Other ;eans. A PNP eber or o)cer
with at least B*e +3, (ears of acc--late! acti*e ser*ice shall be
separate! base! on an( of the followin" factors4
a, ine)cienc( base! on poor perforance !-rin" the last two +&,
s-ccessi*e ann-al ratin" perio!s@
b, ine)cienc( base! on poor perforance for three +0,
c--lati*e ann-al ratin" perio!s@
c, ph(sical an!Jor ental incapacit( to perfor police f-nctions
an! !-ties@ or
!, fail-re to pass the re?-ire! entrance e.ainations twice an!Jor
Bnish the re?-ire! career co-rses e.cept for A-stiBable reasons.
SECTION 0E. Retireent or Separation In!er the Prece!in"
Sections. An( personnel who is !isisse! fro the PNP p-rs-ant to
Sections &37 &17 &27 &% an! &$ hereof shall be retire! if he or she has
ren!ere! at least twent( +&E, (ears of ser*ice an! separate! if he or
she has ren!ere! less than twent( +&E, (ears of ser*ice -nless the
personnel is !is?-aliBe! b( law to recei*e s-ch beneBts.
SECTION 01. Rationali#e! Prootion S(ste. Dithin si. +1,
onths after the e/ecti*it( of this Act7 the Coission shall establish
a s(ste of prootion for -nifore! an! non=-nifore! personnel of
the PNP which shall be base! on erits an! on the a*ailabilit( of
*acant positions in the PNP sta)n" pattern. S-ch s(ste shall be
"en!er fair an! shall ens-re that woen ebers of the PNP shall
enAo( e?-al opport-nit( for prootion as that of en.
SECTION 0&. Prootion b( >irt-e of Position. An( PNP personnel
!esi"nate! to an( ke( position whose rank is lower than that which is
re?-ire! for s-ch position shall7 after si. +1, onths of occ-p(in" the
sae7 be entitle! to a rank a!A-stent correspon!in" to the position4
Pro*i!e!7 That the personnel shall not be reassi"ne! to a position
callin" for a hi"her rank -ntil after two +&, (ears fro the !ate of s-ch
rank a!A-stent4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That an( personnel !esi"nate! to
the position who !oes not possess the establishe! ini-
?-aliBcations therefor shall occ-p( the sae teporaril( for not ore
than si. +1, onths witho-t reappointent or e.tension.
SECTION 00. Section 0% +a, an! +b, of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is
hereb( aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 0%. Prootions. +a, A -nifore! eber of the PNP
shall not be eli"ible for prootion to a hi"her position or rank -nless he
or she has s-ccessf-ll( passe! the correspon!in" prootional
e.aination "i*en b( the Coission7 or the 9ar7 or the correspon!in"
boar! e.ainations for technical ser*ices an! other professions7 has
satisfactoril( coplete! the appropriate an! accre!ite! co-rse in the
PNPA or e?-i*alent trainin" instit-tions7 an! has satisfactoril( passe!
the re?-ire! ps(chiatricJps(cholo"ical an! !r-" tests. In a!!ition7 no
-nifore! eber of the PNP shall be eli"ible for prootion !-rin" the
pen!enc( of his or her a!inistrati*e an!Jor criinal case or -nless he
or she has been cleare! b( the PeopleHs 5aw Enforceent 9oar!
+P5E9,7 an! the O)ce of the Ob-!san of an( coplaints pro/ere!
a"ainst hi or her7 if an(.
"+b, An( -nifore! eber of the PNP who has e.hibite! acts of
conspic-o-s co-ra"e an! "allantr( at the risk of hisJher life abo*e an!
be(on! the call of !-t(7 shall be proote! to the ne.t hi"her rank4
Pro*i!e!7 That s-ch acts shall be *ali!ate! b( the Coission base!
on establishe! criteria."
SECTION 0<. Section 23 of the sae Act is hereb( aen!e! to rea!
as follows4
"SEC. 23. Retireent 9eneBts. ;onthl( retireent pa( shall
be Bft( percent +3EL, of the base pa( an! lon"e*it( pa( of the retire!
"ra!e in case of twent( +&E, (ears of acti*e ser*ice7 increasin" b( two
an! one=half percent +&.3L, for e*er( (ear of acti*e ser*ice ren!ere!
be(on! twent( +&E, (ears to a a.i- of ninet( percent +$EL, for
thirt(=si. +01, (ears of acti*e ser*ice an! o*er4 Pro*i!e!7 That7 the
-nifore! personnel shall ha*e the option to recei*e in a!*ance an! in
l-p s- his retireent pa( for the Brst B*e +3, (ears4 Pro*i!e!7
f-rther7 That pa(ent of the retireent beneBts in l-p s- shall be
a!e within si. +1, onths fro e/ecti*it( !ate of retireent an!Jor
copletion4 Pro*i!e!7 Bnall(7 That retireent pa( of the o)cersJnon=
o)cers of the PNP shall be s-bAect to a!A-stents base! on the
pre*ailin" scale of base pa( of police personnel in the acti*e ser*ice."
SECTION 03. Section 20 of the sae Act is hereb( aen!e! to rea!
as follows4
"SEC. 20. Peranent Ph(sical 'isabilit(. An o)cer or non=
o)cer who is peranentl( an! totall( !isable! as a res-lt of inA-ries
s-/ere! or sickness contracte! in the perforance of his !-t( as !-l(
certiBe! b( the National Police Coission7 -pon Bn!in" an!
certiBcation b( the appropriate e!ical o)cer7 that the e.tent of the
!isabilit( or sickness ren!ers s-ch eber -nBt or -nable to f-rther
perfor the !-ties of his position7 shall be entitle! to one (earHs salar(
an! to lifetie pension e?-i*alent to ei"ht( percent +%EL, of his last
salar(7 in a!!ition to other beneBts as pro*i!e! -n!er e.istin" laws.
"Sho-l! s-ch eber who has been retire! -n!er peranent total
!isabilit( -n!er this section !ie within B*e +3, (ears fro his
retireent7 his s-r*i*in" le"al spo-se or if there be none7 the s-r*i*in"
!epen!ent le"itiate chil!ren shall be entitle! to the pension for the
reain!er of the B*e +3, (ears "-arantee! perio!."
SECTION 01. Section 01 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 01. Stat-s of ;ebers of the Philippine National Police.
The -nifore! ebers of the PNP shall be consi!ere! eplo(ees of
the National 6o*ernent an! shall !raw their salaries therefro. The(
shall ha*e the sae salar( "ra!e le*el as that of p-blic school
teachers4 Pro*i!e!7 That PNP ebers assi"ne! in ;etropolitan
;anila7 chartere! cities an! Brst class -nicipalities a( be pai!
Bnancial incenti*e b( the local "o*ernent -nit concerne! s-bAect to
the a*ailabilit( of f-n!s."
SECTION 02. Earl( Retireent Pro"ra. Dithin three +0, (ears
after the e/ecti*it( of this Act7 an( PNP o)cer or non=coissione!
o)cer a( retire an! be pai! separation beneBts correspon!in" to a
position two +&, ranks hi"her than his or her present rank s-bAect to the
followin" con!itions4
a, that at the tie he or she applies for retireent7 he or she has
alrea!( ren!ere! at least ten +1E, (ears of contin-o-s "o*ernent
b, the applicant is not sche!-le! for separation or retireent fro
the ser*ice !-e to the attrition s(ste or separation for ca-se@
c, he or she has no pen!in" a!inistrati*e or criinal case@ an!
!, he or she has at least three +0, ore (ears in the ser*ice
before reachin" the cop-lsor( retireent a"e an! at least a (ear
before his or her a.i- ten-re in position.
SECTION 0%. Rationali#ation of Retireent an! Separation 9eneBts.
The Coission shall for-late a rationali#e! retireent an!
separation beneBts sche!-le an! pro"ra within one +1, (ear fro the
e/ecti*it( of this Act for appro*al b( Con"ress4 Pro*i!e!7 That the
appro*e! sche!-le an! pro"ra shall ha*e retroacti*e e/ect in fa*or
of PNP ebers an! o)cers retire! or separate! fro the tie
speciBe! in the law7 -nless the retireent or separation is for ca-se
an! the !ecision !enies the "rant of beneBts.
SECTION 0$. Creation7 Powers7 an! 8-nctions. An Internal A/airs
Ser*ice +IAS, of the PNP is hereb( create! which shall4
a, pro=acti*el( con!-ct inspections an! a-!its on PNP personnel
an! -nits@
b, in*esti"ate coplaints an! "ather e*i!ence in s-pport of an
open in*esti"ation@
c, con!-ct s-ar( hearin"s on PNP ebers facin"
a!inistrati*e char"es@
!, s-bit a perio!ic report on the assessent7 anal(sis7 an!
e*al-ation of the character an! beha*ior of PNP personnel an! -nits to
the Chief PNP an! the Coission@
e, Ble appropriate criinal cases a"ainst PNP ebers before the
co-rt as e*i!ence warrants an! assist in the prosec-tion of the case@
f, pro*i!e assistance to the O)ce of the Ob-!san in cases
in*ol*in" the personnel of the PNP.
The IAS shall also con!-ct7 ot- proprio7 a-toatic in*esti"ation of the
followin" cases4
a, inci!ents where a police personnel !ischar"es a Brear@
b, inci!ents where !eath7 serio-s ph(sical inA-r(7 or an( *iolation
of h-an ri"hts occ-rre! in the con!-ct of a police operation@
c, inci!ents where e*i!ence was coproise!7 tapere! with7
obliterate!7 or lost while in the c-sto!( of police personnel@
!, inci!ents where a s-spect in the c-sto!( of the police was
serio-sl( inA-re!@ an!
e, inci!ents where the establishe! r-les of en"a"eent ha*e
been *iolate!.
8inall(7 the IAS shall pro*i!e !oc-ents or recoen!ations as
re"ar!s to the prootion of the ebers of the PNP or the assi"nent
of PNP personnel to an( ke( position.
SECTION <E. Or"ani#ation. National7 re"ional7 an! pro*incial
o)ces of the Internal A/airs shall be establishe!. Internal A/airs
Ser*ice shall be hea!e! b( an Inspector 6eneral who shall be assiste!
b( a 'ep-t( Inspector 6eneral. The area o)ces shall be hea!e! b( a
'irector while the pro*incial o)ces shall be hea!e! b( a
S-perinten!ent4 Pro*i!e!7 That the hea! of the Internal A/airs Ser*ice
shall be a ci*ilian who shall eet the ?-aliBcation re?-ireents
pro*i!e! herein.
The coission shall establish a rationali#e! sta)n" pattern in the
Reor"ani#ation Plan as pro*i!e! for in Section 10 hereof.
SECTION <1. Appointents. The Inspector 6eneral shall be
appointe! b( the Presi!ent -pon the recoen!ation of the 'irector
6eneral an! !-l( en!orse! b( the Coission. Appointents of
personnel who shall occ-p( *ario-s positions shall be a!e b( the
Inspector 6eneral an! shall be base! on an establishe! career pattern
an! criteria to be pro-l"ate! b( the Coission.
SECTION <&. Entr( G-aliBcations to IAS. Entr( to the Internal
A/airs Ser*ice shall be *ol-ntar( an! s-bAect to ri"i! screenin" where
onl( PNP personnel who ha*e at least B*e +3, (ears e.perience in law
enforceent an! who ha*e no !ero"ator( ser*ice recor!s shall be
consi!ere! for appointent4 Pro*i!e!7 That ebers of the 9ar a(
enter the ser*ice laterall(.
SECTION <0. Initial Appointents to the National7 'irectorial7 an!
Pro*incial Internal A/airs Ser*ice O)ces. Initial appointents of the
hea!s of the o)ces in the Internal A/airs Ser*ice shall be a!e b( the
Presi!ent -pon recoen!ation b( the Coission. Thereafter7
appointents an! prootions to the Ser*ice shall follow the
establishe! re?-ireents an! proce!-res.
SECTION <<. Prootions. The Coission shall establish the
prootion s(ste within the IAS which shall follow the "eneral
principles of the prootion s(ste in the PNP.
SECTION <3. Prohibitions. An( personnel who Aoins the IAS a(
not thereafter Aoin an( other -nit of the PNP. Neither shall an(
personnel of the IAS be allowe! to sit in a coittee !eliberatin" on
the appointent7 prootion7 or assi"nent of an( PNP personnel.
SECTION <1. Career 'e*elopent an! Incenti*es. +1, Personnel
of the Internal A/airs Ser*ice shall in a!!ition to other allowances
a-thori#e! -n!er e.istin" laws be "rante! occ-pational specialt( pa(
which shall not e.cee! Bft( percent +3EL, of their basic pa(. This pa(
shall not be consi!ere! a forfeit-re of other re-neration an!
allowances which are allowe! -n!er e.istin" laws.
+&, IAS ebers shall also ha*e priorities in the ?-ota allocation
for trainin" an! e!-cation.
SECTION <2. Recor!s ;ana"eent of the IAS. 5ocal Internal
A/airs O)ces shall be responsible for the aintenance an! -p!ate of
the recor!s of the ebers of the PNP within their A-ris!iction.
Dhen a PNP personnel is reassi"ne! or transferre! to another location
or -nit o-tsi!e the A-ris!iction of the c-rrent Internal A/airs O)ce7 the
ori"inal recor!s of s-ch personnel shall be transferre! o*er to the
Internal A/airs O)ce that will ac?-ire A-ris!iction o*er the transferre!
personnel while copies will be retaine! b( the forer Internal A/airs
O)ce. In cases where a PNP personnel has been relie*e! of hisJher
position an! has not been "i*en an assi"nent7 the Internal A/airs
O)ce where the person has been assi"ne! last shall contin-e to ha*e
A-ris!iction o*er his or her recor!s -ntil s-ch tie that the o)cer or
eber shall ha*e been "i*en a new assi"nent where the recor!s
will be forwar!e! to the Internal A/airs O)ce ac?-irin" A-ris!iction
o*er the PNP personnel.
SECTION <%. Incl-sion of S-per*isors an! S-periors in IAS
In*esti"ations. The ie!iate s-perior or s-per*isor of the
personnel or -nits bein" in*esti"ate! -n!er the prece!in" section shall
be a-toaticall( incl-!e! in the in*esti"ation of the IA to e.cl-si*el(
!eterine lapses in a!inistration or s-per*ision.
SECTION <$. 'isciplinar( Recoen!ations of the IAS. +a, An(
-nifore! PNP personnel fo-n! "-ilt( of an( of the cases entione! in
Section 0$ of this Act an! an( ie!iate s-perior or s-per*isor fo-n!
ne"li"ent -n!er Section <% shall be recoen!e! a-toaticall( for
!isissal or !eotion7 as the case a( be.
+b, Recoen!ations b( the IAS for the iposition of !isciplinar(
eas-res a"ainst an errin" PNP personnel7 once Bnal7 cannot be
re*ise!7 set=asi!e7 or -n!-l( !ela(e! b( an( !isciplinin" a-thorit(
witho-t A-st ca-se. An( !isciplinin" a-thorit( who fails to act or who
acts with ab-se of !iscretion on the recoen!ation of the IAS shall
be a!e liable for "ross ne"lect of !-t(. The case of errin" !isciplinar(
a-thorit( shall be s-bitte! to the 'irector 6eneral for proper
SECTION 3E. Appeals. 'ecisions ren!ere! b( the pro*incial
inspectors shall be forwar!e! to the area internal a/airs o)ce for
re*iew within ten +1E, workin" !a(s -pon the receipt thereof. 'ecisions
of the area o)ce a( be appeale! to the national o)ce thro-"h the
O)ce of Inspector 6eneral. 'ecisions ren!ere! b( the National IAS
shall be appeale! to the National Appellate 9oar! or to the co-rt as
a( be appropriate4 Pro*i!e!7 That the s-ar( !isissal powers of
the 'irector 6eneral an! Re"ional 'irectors as pro*i!e! in Section <&
of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 shall reain *ali!4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That the
e.istin" A-ris!iction o*er o/enses as pro*i!e! -n!er Rep-blic Act No.
1$23 shall not be a/ecte!.
SECTION 31. Coplaints A"ainst the IAS. A coplaint a"ainst an(
personnel or o)ce of IAS shall be bro-"ht to the Inspector 6eneralHs
O)ce or to the Coission as a( be appropriate.
SECTION 3&. Section <1 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. <1+a,. Citi#enHs Coplaints. An( coplaint b( a nat-ral or
A-ri!ical person a"ainst an( eber of the PNP shall be bro-"ht before
the followin"4
"+1, Chiefs of Police7 where the o/ense is p-nishable b( withhol!in"
of pri*ile"es7 restriction to speciBe! liits7 s-spension or forfeit-re of
salar(7 or an( cobination thereof7 for a perio! not e.cee!in" Bfteen
+13, !a(s@
"+&, ;a(ors of cities an! -nicipalities7 where the o/ense is
p-nishable b( withhol!in" of pri*ile"es7 restriction to speciBe! liits7
s-spension or forfeit-re of salar(7 or an( cobination thereof7 for a
perio! of not less than si.teen +11, !a(s b-t not e.cee!in" thirt( +0E,
"+0, PeopleHs 5aw Enforceent 9oar!7 as create! -n!er Section <0
hereof7 where the o/ense is p-nishable b( withhol!in" of pri*ile"es7
restriction to speciBe! liits7 s-spension or forfeit-re of salar(7 or an(
cobination thereof7 for a perio! e.cee!in" thirt( +0E, !a(s@ or b(
"The Coission shall pro*i!e in its ipleentin" r-les an!
re"-lations a scale of penalties to be ipose! -pon an( eber of the
PNP -n!er this Section.
"+b, Internal 'iscipline. On !ealin" with inor o/enses in*ol*in"
internal !iscipline fo-n! to ha*e been coitte! b( an( re"-lar
eber of their respecti*e coan!s7 the !-l( !esi"nate!
s-per*isors an! e?-i*alent o)cers of the PNP shall7 after !-e notice
an! s-ar( hearin"7 e.ercise !isciplinar( powers as follows4
"+1, Chiefs of police or e?-i*alent s-per*isors a( s-aril(
ipose the a!inistrati*e p-nishent of a!onition or reprian!@
restriction to speciBe! liits@ withhol!in" of pri*ile"es@ forfeit-re of
salar( or s-spension@ or an( of the cobination of the fore"oin"4
Pro*i!e!7 That7 in all cases7 the total perio! shall not e.cee! Bfteen
+13, !a(s@
"+&, Pro*incial !irectors or e?-i*alent s-per*isors a( s-aril(
ipose a!inistrati*e p-nishent of a!onition or reprian!@
restricti*e c-sto!(@ withhol!in" of pri*ile"es@ forfeit-re of salar( or
s-spension7 or an( cobination of the fore"oin"4 Pro*i!e!7 That7 in all
cases7 the total perio! shall not e.cee! thirt( +0E, !a(s@
"+0, Police re"ional !irectors or e?-i*alent s-per*isors shall ha*e
the power to ipose -pon an( eber the !isciplinar( p-nishent of
!isissal fro the ser*ice. Ce a( also ipose the a!inistrati*e
p-nishent of a!onition or reprian!@ restricti*e c-sto!(@
withhol!in" of pri*ile"es@ s-spension or forfeit-re of salar(@ !eotion@
or an( cobination of the fore"oin"4 Pro*i!e!7 That7 in all cases7 the
total perio! shall not e.cee! si.t( +1E, !a(s@
"+<, The Chief of the PNP shall ha*e the power to ipose the
!isciplinar( p-nishent of !isissal fro the ser*ice@ s-spension or
forfeit-re of salar(@ or an( cobination thereof for a perio! not
e.cee!in" one h-n!re! ei"ht( +1%E, !a(s4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That the
chief of the PNP shall ha*e the a-thorit( to place police personnel
-n!er restricti*e c-sto!( !-rin" the pen!enc( of a "ra*e
a!inistrati*e case Ble! a"ainst hi or e*en after the Blin" of a
criinal coplaint7 "ra*e in nat-re7 a"ainst s-ch police personnel.
"+c, E.cl-si*e :-ris!iction. A coplaint or a char"e Ble! a"ainst a
PNP eber shall be hear! an! !eci!e! e.cl-si*el( b( the !isciplinin"
a-thorit( who has ac?-ire! ori"inal A-ris!iction o*er the case an!
notwithstan!in" the e.istence of conc-rrent A-ris!iction as re"ar!s the
o/ense4 Pro*i!e!7 That o/enses which carr( hi"her penalties referre!
to a !isciplinin" a-thorit( shall be referre! to the appropriate a-thorit(
which has A-ris!iction o*er the o/ense.
"8or p-rposes of this Act7 a Hinor o/enseH shall refer to an( act or
oission not in*ol*in" oral t-rpit-!e7 b-t a/ectin" the internal
!iscipline of the PNP7 an! shall incl-!e7 b-t not liite! to4
"+1, Siple iscon!-ct or ne"li"ence@
"+&, Ins-bor!ination@
"+0, 8re?-ent absences an! tar!iness@
"+<, Cabit-al !r-nkenness@ an!
"+3, 6ablin" prohibite! b( law.
"+!, 8or- shoppin" of -ltiple Blin" of coplaints. Dhen an
a!inistrati*e coplaint is Ble! with a police !isciplinar( a-thorit(7
s-ch as the PeopleHs 5aw Enforceent 9oar! +P5E9,7 no other case
in*ol*in" the sae ca-se of action shall be Ble! with an( other
!isciplinar( a-thorit(.
"In or!er to pre*ent for- shoppin" or -ltiple Blin" of coplaints7 the
coplainant or part( seekin" relief in the coplaint shall certif( -n!er
oath in s-ch plea!in"7 or in a sworn certiBcation anne.e! thereto an!
si-ltaneo-sl( Ble! therewith7 to the tr-th of the followin" facts an!
"+a, that he has not heretofore coence! an( other action or
procee!in" in*ol*in" the sae iss-es in other !isciplinar( for-@
"+b, that to the best of his knowle!"e7 no s-ch action or procee!in"
is pen!in" in other police a!inistrati*e !isciplinar( achiner( or
"+c, that if there is an( s-ch action or procee!in" which is either
pen!in" or a( ha*e been terinate!7 he -st state the stat-s
thereof@ an!
"+!, that if he sho-l! thereafter learn that a siilar action or
procee!in" has been Ble! or is pen!in" before an( other police
!isciplinar( a-thorit(7 he -st -n!ertake to report that fact within B*e
+3, !a(s therefro to the !isciplinar( a-thorit( where the ori"inal
coplaint or plea!in" has been Ble!."
SECTION 30. Section <& of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. <&. S-ar( 'isissal Powers of the National Police
Coission7 PNP Chief an! PNP Re"ional 'irectors. The National
Police Coission7 the chief of the PNP an! PNP re"ional !irectors7
after !-e notice an! s-ar( hearin"s7 a( ie!iatel( reo*e or
!isiss an( respon!ent PNP eber in an( of the followin" cases4
"+a, Dhen the char"e is serio-s an! the e*i!ence of "-ilt is stron"@
"+b, Dhen the respon!ent is a reci!i*ist or has been repeate!l(
char"e! an! there are reasonable "ro-n!s to belie*e that he is "-ilt(
of the char"es@ an!
"+c, Dhen the respon!ent is "-ilt( of a serio-s o/ense in*ol*in"
con!-ct -nbecoin" of a police o)cer.
"An( eber or o)cer of the PNP who shall "o on absence witho-t
o)cial lea*e +ADO5, for a contin-o-s perio! of thirt( +0E, !a(s or ore
shall be !isisse! ie!iatel( fro the ser*ice. Cis acti*ities an!
whereabo-ts !-rin" the perio! shall be in*esti"ate! an! if fo-n! to
ha*e coitte! a crie7 he shall be prosec-te! accor!in"l(."
SECTION 3<. Section << of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. <<. 'isciplinar( Appellate 9oar!s. The foral
a!inistrati*e !isciplinar( achiner( of the PNP shall be the National
Appellate 9oar! an! the re"ional appellate boar!s.
"The National Appellate 9oar! shall be copose! of the fo-r +<, re"-lar
coissioners an! shall be chaire! b( the e.ec-ti*e o)cer. The 9oar!
shall consi!er appeals fro !ecisions of the Chief of the PNP.
"The National Appellate 9oar! a( con!-ct its hearin"s or sessions in
;etropolitan ;anila or an( part of the co-ntr( as it a( !ee
"There shall be at least one +1, re"ional appellate boar! per
a!inistrati*e re"ion in the co-ntr( to be copose! of a senior o)cer
of the re"ional Coission as Chairan an! one +1, representati*e
each fro the PNP7 an! the re"ional peace an! or!er co-ncil as
ebers. It shall consi!er appeals fro !ecisions of the re"ional
!irectors7 other o)cials7 a(ors7 an! the P5E9s4 Pro*i!e!7 That the
Coission a( create a!!itional re"ional appellate boar!s as the
nee! arises."
SECTION 33. Section <2 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"Sec. <2. Pre*enti*e S-spension Pen!in" Criinal Case. Ipon
the Blin" of a coplaint or inforation s-)cient in for an! s-bstance
a"ainst a eber of the PNP for "ra*e felonies where the penalt(
ipose! b( law is si. +1, (ears an! one +1, !a( or ore7 the co-rt shall
ie!iatel( s-spen! the acc-se! fro o)ce for a perio! not
e.cee!in" ninet( +$E, !a(s fro arrai"nent4 Pro*i!e!7 howe*er7 That
if it can be shown b( e*i!ence that the acc-se! is harassin" the
coplainant an!Jor witnesses7 the co-rt a( or!er the pre*enti*e
s-spension of the acc-se! PNP eber e*en if the char"e is
p-nishable b( a penalt( lower than si. +1, (ears an! one +1, !a(4
Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That the pre*enti*e s-spension shall not be ore
than ninet( +$E, !a(s e.cept if the !ela( in the !isposition of the case
is !-e to the fa-lt7 ne"li"ence or petitions of the respon!ent4 Pro*i!e!7
Bnall(7 That s-ch pre*enti*e s-spension a( be sooner lifte! b( the
co-rt in the e.i"enc( of the ser*ice -pon recoen!ation of the chief7
PNP. S-ch case shall be s-bAect to contin-o-s trial an! shall be
terinate! within ninet( +$E, !a(s fro arrai"nent of the acc-se!."
SECTION 31. Section <$ of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. <$. 5e"al Assistance. The Secretar( of :-stice7 the
chairan of the Coission or the Chief of the PNP a( a-thori#e
law(ers of their respecti*e a"encies to pro*i!e le"al assistance to an(
eber of the PNP who is facin" before the prosec-torHs o)ce7 the
co-rt or an( copetent bo!(7 a char"e or char"es arisin" fro an(
inci!ent which is relate! to the perforance of his o)cial !-t(4
Pro*i!e!7 That "o*ernent law(ers so a-thori#e! shall ha*e the power
to a!inister oaths4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That in s-ch cases7 when
necessar(7 as !eterine! b( the Coission7 a pri*ate co-nsel a(
be pro*i!e! at the e.pense of the 6o*ernent. The Secretar( of
:-stice7 the Chairan of the Coission an! the Chief of the PNP shall
Aointl( pro-l"ate r-les an! re"-lations to ipleent the pro*isions of
this Section."
SECTION 32. Creation an! 8-nctions. The PNP shall establish
woenHs !esks in all police stations thro-"ho-t the co-ntr( to
a!inister an! atten! to cases in*ol*in" cries a"ainst chastit(7
se.-al harassent7 ab-ses coitte! a"ainst woen an! chil!ren
an! other siilar o/enses4 Pro*i!e!7 That -nicipalities an! cities
presentl( witho-t policewoen will ha*e two +&, (ears -pon the
e/ecti*it( of this Act within which to copl( with the re?-ireent of
this pro*ision.
SECTION 3%. Prioriti#ation of Doen for Recr-itent. Dithin the
ne.t B*e +3, (ears7 the PNP shall prioriti#e the recr-itent an! trainin"
of woen who shall ser*e in the woenHs !esk. P-rs-ant to this
re?-ireent7 the PNP shall reser*e ten percent +1EL, of its ann-al
recr-itent7 trainin"7 an! e!-cation ?-ota for woen
SECTION 3$. 6en!er Sensiti*it( Pro"ra. The Coission shall
for-late a "en!er sensiti*it( pro"ra within ninet( +$E, !a(s fro
the e/ecti*it( of this Act to incl-!e b-t not liite! to the establishent
of e?-al opport-nities for woen in the PNP7 the pre*ention of se.-al
harassent in the workplace7 an! the prohibition of !iscriination on
the basis of "en!er or se.-al orientation.
SECTION 1E. A!inistrati*e 5iabilit(. An( personnel who shall
*iolate the establishe! r-les an! re"-lations re"ar!in" "en!er
sensiti*it( an! "en!er e?-alit( shall be s-spen!e! witho-t pa( for not
less than thirt( +0E, !a(s an! shall -n!er"o "en!er sensiti*it( seinar
or trainin"4 Pro*i!e!7 That an( personnel who *iolates the r-les ore
than twice shall be recoen!e! for !eotion or !isissal fro the
SECTION 11. Non=prohibition for Prootion. Nothin" in this title
shall be constr-e! as a restriction on the assi"nent of policewoen
to other positions in the PNP nor shall an( pro*isions of this title be
-se! for the non=prootion of a PNP feale personnel to hi"her
SECTION 1&. The pro*isions of the secon!7 thir!7 fo-rth an! Bfth
para"raphs of s-bpara"raph +b, +1,7 Section 317 Chapter III=' of
Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 are hereb( aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"The ter Hoperational s-per*ision an! controlH shall ean the power
to !irect7 s-perinten!7 an! o*ersee the !a(=to=!a( f-nctions of police
in*esti"ation of crie7 crie pre*ention acti*ities7 an! tra)c control in
accor!ance with the r-les an! re"-lations pro-l"ate! b( the
"It shall also incl-!e the power to !irect the eplo(ent an!
!eplo(ent of -nits or eleents of the PNP7 thro-"h the station
coan!er7 to ens-re p-blic safet( an! e/ecti*e aintenance of
peace an! or!er within the localit(. 8or this p-rpose7 the ters
Heplo(entH an! H!eplo(entH shall ean as follows4
"HEplo(entH refers to the -tili#ation of -nits or eleents of the PNP
for p-rposes of protection of li*es an! properties7 enforceent of laws7
aintenance of peace an! or!er7 pre*ention of cries7 arrest of
criinal o/en!ers an! brin"in" the o/en!ers to A-stice7 an! ens-rin"
p-blic safet(7 partic-larl( in the s-ppression of !isor!ers7 riots7
lawlessness7 *iolence7 rebellio-s an! se!itio-s conspirac(7 ins-r"enc(7
s-b*ersion or other relate! acti*ities.
"H'eplo(entH shall ean the or!erl( an! or"ani#e! ph(sical
o*eent of eleents or -nits of the PNP within the pro*ince7 cit( or
-nicipalit( for p-rposes of eplo(ent as herein !eBne!."
SECTION 10. Section 31 +b, +<, of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"+<, Other Powers. In a!!ition to the aforeentione! powers7 cit(
an! -nicipal a(ors shall ha*e the followin" a-thorit( o*er the PNP
-nits in their respecti*e A-ris!ictions4
"+i, A-thorit( to choose the chief of police fro a list of B*e +3,
eli"ibles recoen!e! b( the pro*incial police !irector7 preferabl(
fro the sae pro*ince7 cit( or -nicipalit(4 Pro*i!e!7 howe*er7 That
in no case shall an o)cer=in=char"e be !esi"nate! for ore than thirt(
+0E, !a(s4 Pro*i!e!7 f-rther7 That the local peace an! or!er co-ncil
a(7 thro-"h the cit( or -nicipal a(or7 recoen! the recall or
reassi"nent of the chief of police when7 in its perception7 the latter
has been ine/ecti*e in cobatin" crie or aintainin" peace an!
or!er in the cit( or -nicipalit(4 Pro*i!e!7 Bnall(7 That s-ch relief shall
be base! on "-i!elines establishe! b( the NAPO5CO;@
"+ii, A-thorit( to recoen! to the pro*incial !irector the transfer7
reassi"nent or !etail of PNP ebers o-tsi!e of their respecti*e cit(
or town resi!ences@ an!
"+iii, A-thorit( to recoen! fro a list of eli"ibles pre*io-sl(
screene! b( the peace an! or!er co-ncil the appointent of new
ebers of the PNP to be assi"ne! to their respecti*e cities or
-nicipalities witho-t which no s-ch appointents shall be atteste!4
Pro*i!e!7 That whene*er practicable an! consistent with the
re?-ireents of the ser*ice7 PNP ebers shall be assi"ne! to the cit(
or -nicipalit( of their resi!ence.
"The control an! s-per*ision of anti="ablin" operations shall be
within the A-ris!iction of local "o*ernent e.ec-ti*es."
SECTION 1<. A-toatic 'ep-tation of 5ocal 6o*ernent E.ec-ti*es
as Coission Representati*es. 6o*ernors an! a(ors7 -pon
ha*in" been electe! an! li*in" ?-aliBe! as s-ch7 are a-toaticall(
!ep-ti#e! as representati*es of the National Police Coission in their
respecti*e A-ris!iction. As !ep-ti#e! a"ents of the Coission7 local
"o*ernent e.ec-ti*es can inspect police forces an! -nits7 con!-ct
a-!it7 an! e.ercise other f-nctions as a( be !-l( a-thori#e! b( the
SECTION 13. Section 3& of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is hereb(
aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. 3&. S-spension or Dith!rawal of 'ep-tation. Inless
re*erse! b( the Presi!ent7 the Coission a(7 after cons-ltation with
the pro*incial "o*ernor an! con"ressan concerne!7 s-spen! or
with!raw the !ep-tation of an( local e.ec-ti*e for an( of the followin"
"+a, 8re?-ent -na-thori#e! absences@
"+b, Ab-se of a-thorit(@
"+c, Pro*i!in" aterial s-pport to criinal eleents@ or
"+!, En"a"in" in acts iniical to national sec-rit( or which ne"ate
the e/ecti*eness of the peace an! or!er capai"n.
"Ipon "oo! ca-se shown7 the Presi!ent a(7 !irectl( or thro-"h the
Coission7 ot- proprio restore s-ch !ep-tation with!rawn fro an(
local e.ec-ti*e."
SECTION 11. Para"raph +a,7 Section <0 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 is
hereb( aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"SEC. <0. PeopleHs 5aw Enforceent 9oar! +P5E9,. +a,
Creation an! 8-nctions The san""-nian" panl-n"so!Jba(an in e*er(
cit( an! -nicipalit( shall create s-ch n-ber of PeopleHs 5aw
Enforceent 9oar!s +P5E9s, as a( be necessar(4 Pro*i!e!7 That there
shall be at least one +1, P5E9 for e*er( B*e h-n!re! +3EE, cit( or
-nicipal police personnel an! for each of the le"islati*e !istricts in a
"The P5E9 shall be the central recei*in" entit( for an( citi#enHs
coplaint a"ainst the o)cers an! ebers of the PNP. S-bAect to the
pro*isions of Section <1 of Rep-blic Act No. 1$237 the P5E9 shall take
co"ni#ance of or refer the coplaint to the proper !isciplinar( or
a!A-!icator( a-thorit( within three +0, !a(s -pon the Blin" of the
SECTION 12. N-ber +0, of Para"raph +b,7 Section <0 of Rep-blic
Act No. 1$23 is hereb( aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"+0, Three +0, other ebers who are reo*able onl( for ca-se to
be chosen b( the local peace an! or!er co-ncil fro aon" the
respecte! ebers of the co-nit( known for their probit( an!
inte"rit(7 one +1, of who -st be a woan an! another a eber of
the 9ar7 or7 in the absence thereof7 a colle"e "ra!-ate7 or the principal
of the central eleentar( school in the localit(."
SECTION 1%. The last para"raph of Section <0 +b,+0, of Rep-blic Act
No. 1$23 shall be aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"The Chairan of the P5E9 shall be electe! fro aon" its ebers.
The ter of o)ce of the ebers of the P5E9 shall be for a perio! of
three +0, (ears fro ass-ption of o)ce. S-ch eber shall hol!
o)ce -ntil his s-ccessor shall ha*e been chosen an! ?-aliBe!."
SECTION 1$. Copensation an! 9eneBts. Para"raph c7 Section <0
of Rep-blic Act No. 1$23 shall be aen!e! to rea! as follows4
"+c, Copensation. ;ebership in the P5E9 is a ci*ic !-t(.
Cowe*er7 P5E9 ebers shall be pai! per !ie an! shall be pro*i!e!
with life ins-rance co*era"e as a( be !eterine! b( the cit( or
-nicipal co-ncil fro cit( or -nicipal f-n!s. The 'I56 shall pro*i!e
for the per !ie an! ins-rance co*era"e of P5E9 ebers in certain
low incoe -nicipalities."
SECTION 2E. 9-!"et Allocation. The ann-al b-!"et of the 5ocal
6o*ernent Inits +56I, shall incl-!e an ite an! the correspon!in"
appropriation for the aintenance an! operation of their local P5E9s.
The Secretar( shall s-bit a report to Con"ress an! the Presi!ent
within Bfteen +13, !a(s fro the e/ecti*it( of this Act on the n-ber of
P5E9s alrea!( or"ani#e! as well as the 56Is still witho-t P5E9s.
;-nicipalities or cities witho-t a P5E9 or with an ins-)cient n-ber of
or"ani#e! P5E9s shall ha*e thirt( +0E, ore !a(s to or"ani#e their
respecti*e P5E9s. After s-ch perio!7 the 'I56 an! the 'epartent of
9-!"et an! ;ana"eent shall withhol! the release of the 56IHs share
in the national ta.es in cities an! -nicipalities still witho-t P5E9+s,.
SECTION 21. Re?-est for Pre*enti*e S-spension. The P5E9 a(
ask an( a-thori#e! s-perior to ipose pre*enti*e s-spension a"ainst a
s-bor!inate police o)cer who is the s-bAect of a coplaint lastin" -p
to a perio! as a( be allowe! -n!er the law. A re?-est for pre*enti*e
s-spension shall not be !enie! b( the s-perior o)cer in the followin"
a, when the respon!ent ref-ses to hee! the P5E9Hs s-ons or
b, when the PNP personnel has been char"e! with o/enses
in*ol*in" bo!il( har or "ra*e threats7
c, when the respon!ent is in a position to taper with the
e*i!ence@ an!
!, when the respon!ent is in a position to -n!-l( inF-ence the
An( s-perior who fails to act on an( re?-est for s-spension witho-t
*ali! "ro-n!s shall be hel! a!inistrati*el( liable for serio-s ne"lect of
SECTION 2&. Transition. The pro*isions on the reor"ani#ation an!
the ci*iliani#ation of the PNP an! the !e*ol-tion of police capabilities to
the local police forces shall be e/ecte! within three +0, (ears after the
e/ecti*it( of this Act.
SECTION 20. R-les an! Re"-lations. Inless otherwise pro*i!e! in
this Act7 the Coission in coor!ination with the Philippine National
Police an! the 'epartent of the Interior an! 5ocal 6o*ernent7 shall
pro-l"ate r-les an! re"-lations for the e/ecti*e ipleentation of
this Act. S-ch r-les an! re"-lations shall take e/ect -pon their
p-blication in three +0, newspapers of "eneral circ-lation.
SECTION 2<. Appropriations. The ao-nt necessar( to carr( o-t
the pro*isions of this Act is hereb( a-thori#e! to be appropriate! in the
6eneral Appropriations Act of the (ear followin" its enactent into law
an! thereafter.
SECTION 23. Repealin" Cla-se. All laws7 presi!ential !ecrees7
letters of instr-ctions7 e.ec-ti*e or!ers7 r-les an! re"-lations insofar
as the( are inconsistent with this Act7 are hereb( repeale! or aen!e!
as the case a( be.
SECTION 21. Separabilit( Cla-se. In case an( pro*ision of this Act
or an( portion thereof is !eclare! -nconstit-tional b( a copetent
co-rt7 other pro*isions shall not be a/ecte! thereb(.
SECTION 22. E/ecti*it( Cla-se. This Act shall take e/ect after its
coplete p-blication in at least three +0, newspapers of "eneral
Appro*e!4 8ebr-ar( &37 1$$%

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