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Venue : Main campus of Open University Malaysia,

Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
Date : 14 March 200 ! "ri#ay $
Time : %&00 am to 12&'0 pm
1.0 Introduction
This fiel# trip an# the report are as a part of pro foma to fulfill the re(uirement for
su)*ect +,-T .'0 learnin/ strate/ies for #istance e#ucation& "or this semester, our
/roup has #eci#e# to /o to main campus of Open University Malaysia, OUM&
OUM is 0ell 1no0n as a hi/her intuition in Malaysia 0hich is #evelopin/ the
#istance e#ucation as a main learnin/ strate/y in learnin/ process& The Open
University Malaysia is the 2
Malaysia private university& The main campus of OUM
is locate# at Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur )ut there are more than 3' learnin/
centers throu/hout +eninsular Malaysia an# 4ast Malaysia&
5University "or 6ll7 is the 1ey 0or#s of Open University Malaysia& This
slo/an have the )i/ (uote that means e#ucation shoul# )e ma#e availa)le to all, 0ith
the concept anyone, anyho0 an# any0ay so every)o#y can /et the learnin/ process&
The first 8hancellor of OUM 0as the late 9:h/ ;atin <eri 4n#on )inti Mahmoo#
0as appointe# on 1. ;ecem)er 2004& On ;ecem)er 2002, ;atin <eri Jeanne
6)#ullah 0as appointe# as the ne0 8hancellor of OUM& =hile, the +ro>8hancellor is
9:h/& Tan <ri ;ato? 6@man Aashim an# currently, the Bice>8hancellor of OUM is
+rofessor Tan <ri ;atu1 ;r& 6nu0ar 6li.
2.0 Rationale
OUM 0as re/istere# as a hi/her institution on 2' May 2001 an# launche# on 2.
6u/ust 2002& The 23' of first )atch of stu#ents enrolle# on 6u/ust 2001 an# the
amount of stu#ents enrolle# is /ettin/ hi/her throu/hout the year& Co0, the stu#ents
enrolle# at OUM have /ro0n to 40,000 stu#ents& "rom the survey, almost %0D of the
re/istere# stu#ents are part time stu#ents such as 0or1in/ a#ults an# the ma*orities
are school teachers an# military personnel&
Ee/ar#in/ to the statement a)ove, the rationale for con#uctin/ a fiel# trip to UOM
a& OUM is one of the famous institute an# eGample of successful
institute 0hich is implement the #istance e#ucation
)& to o)serve an# learn ho0 to con#uct the #istance e#ucation
a& to o)serve the )est practices of the hi/her institution to #esi/n
#istance e#ucation courses in future
3.0 Objectie!
The o)*ectives of a fiel# trip to main campus of Open University Malaysia areF
a& to o)serve an# learn the #istance e#ucation teachin/ an# learnin/
strate/ies use# )y the lecturers an# stu#ents in Open University
)& to o)serve the facilities use# )y lectures an# stu#ents #urin/
learnin/ an# teachin/ process
c& to #ocument other o)servations in areas other than teachin/
strate/ies in #istance e#ucation
".0 Teac#in$ and Learnin$ !trate$ie!
There are various types of teachin/ an# learnin/ strate/ies to implement for
#istance e#ucation& "rom my research an# the #iscussion #urin/ the fiel# trip,
OUM has implemente# the strate/ies that calle# )len#e# learnin/ metho#olo/yF
:len#e# learnin/ is the com)ination of multiple approaches to learnin/& :len#e#
learnin/ can )e accomplishe# throu/h the use of ?)len#e#? virtual an# physical
resources& 6 typical eGample of this 0oul# )e a com)ination of technolo/y>)ase#
materials an# face>to>face sessions use# to/ether to #eliver instruction&
6 /oo# eGample of )len#e# learnin/ 0oul# )e to /ive a 0ell>structure#
intro#uctory lesson in the classroom, an# then to provi#e follo0>up materials
online& -ui#ance is su//este# early in the process, to )e fa#e# as learners /ain
eGpertise !Kirschner, 8lar1 an# <0eller, 200.$&
6t OUM, these com)inations of metho#s are use#F
".1 Face to %ace learnin$
"ace to face learnin/ is more concentrate# on tutorials& Usually, the
tutorial class 0ill )e hel# once per t0o 0ee1s )ut this is not compulsory to atten#&
This tutorial session are con#ucte# at learnin/ centers #urin/ 0ee1en#s or after
office hours& Tutorials 0ere con#ucte# 0here stu#ents have their opportunity to
physically meet their tutors an# #iscusse# their su)*ect an# their assi/nment&
<tu#ents also can atten# any tutorial class 0here ever heHshe )e&
".2 e&Learnin$
6ll UOM stu#ents are provi#e# 0ith the )lue print mo#ules an# learnin/
1i#s& The )lue print mo#ules an# the learnin/ 1i#s also uploa#e# into the OUM
server usin/ Learnin/ Mana/ement <ystem& myLM< or Learnin/ Mana/ement
<ystem !LM<$ is a 0or1in/ an# proven application pac1a/e use# )y stu#ents,
lecturers an# tutors to assist them on their learnin/& It is a comprehensive an#
fleGi)le e>Learnin/ soft0are platform that #elivers a course mana/ement system,
customi@a)le institution>0i#e portals, online communities, an# an a#vance#
architecture that allo0s for =e)>)ase# inte/ration 0ith multiple a#ministrative
=ith these accommo#ations, stu#ents 0ill stu#y accor#in/ to their time
availa)ility& <tu#ents can choose the effective time to stu#y either at mornin/,
noon an# lunch time or at the mi#ni/ht&
If the stu#ents face some #ifficulty re/ar#in/ their stu#y, stu#ents can sen#
e I mail to their lectures or tutors to solve their pro)lems& Lectures an# tutor also
post announcement an# <M< to stu#ent throu/h my LM<& <tu#ents also are
re(uire# to participate in an Online "orum usin/ Learnin/ Mana/ement <ystem
an# #iscusse# amon/ each others an# 0ith their tutors an# peers on their su)*ect
matters an# on their assi/nment& :ulletin )oar# an# chat rooms also availa)le for
#iscussion 0ith tutors an# frien#s& 6s a motivation an# re0ar#, the active
stu#ents 0ill /et eGtra mar1s an# eGtra information too&
".3 'el%&mana$ed learnin$ module
=hatever learnin/ styles apply )y the stu#ents, they #o not have to come
over for their tutorials )ut they still nee# to come for their tests& They learn )y
usin/ participatin/ in the Learnin/ Mana/ement <ystem an# usin/ their o0n
mo#ules an# learnin/ 1i#s&
(.0 I!!ue o% teac#in$ and learnin$ !trate$ie! at O)*
(.1 +ommunication bet,een lecture! and !tudent
Just li1e 0e have #iscusse# )efore, the communication )et0een lectures, tutor
an# stu#ents can )e face to face or *ust virtual communication usin/ e I mail, )ulletin
)oar# or chat rooms&
On I line meetin/ is more out /oin/ )ecause 0e #o not 1no0 )ac1/roun#
a)out others& <tu#ents can share an# eGchan/e everythin/ inclu#e a)out the stu#ies,
their family an# anythin/ else& On line communication also easier )ecause the
stu#ents can /et the fee#)ac1 imme#iately or at least the lectures an# tutor can solve
the pro)lem the neGt after&

(.2 *odule! - blue .rint
OUM pro/rams are #esi/ne# )y eGperts from the in#ustry, aca#emia an#
professional )o#ies& The important thin/ is all the pro/rams are approve# )y
Cational 6ccre#itation :oar# !L6C$&
The Instructional #esi/n an# technolo/y #epartment are responsi)ility to
#evelop the mo#ules an# learnin/ 1i#s& Mo#ules are 0i#ely use# )y the stu#ents,
tutors an# <u)*ect Matter 4Gpert !<M4$& The mo#ules are 0ritten )y the pu)lic
an# private universities aca#emicians& ;urin/ the #evelopment of the mo#ule the
instructional #esi/ner 0ill follo0 the 6;;I4 mo#el to ma1e sure the mo#ule is
effective to use&
Learnin/ 1its that are provi#e# to the stu#ent also is #one )y OUM itself&
6t I; #epartment, OUM has their o0n chrome stu#io for recor#in/ the 8;
course0are an# e#itin/ room to e#it the learnin/ 1i#s&

(.3 /!!e!!ment
Learns 0ho plans to earns cre#its in any of the courses must un#er/o the
assessment process& The assessment is similar 0ith the other hi/her institutions&
The stu#ents must #o their assi/nment an# sit their eGamination&

a. /!!i$nment
To /et their cre#it, the stu#ents must complete their assi/nment& The
assi/nment must sen# virtually an# the har# copy also& <tu#ents can sen# their
assi/nment throu/h e I mail& To /et mar1s an# ma1e sure stu#ents learns actively,
stu#ents also are re(uire# to ans0er (uestion such as (ui@, short essay an# soon
on line via myLM<&
myLM< is platform to stu#ent /et information, #iscussion an# somethin/ else&
6ll the assi/nment sen# throu/h e I mail that has )een set up at myLM<& The
a#vanta/es of usin/ myLM< are the lectures can set up the #ate line an# the
system can #etect the inactive stu#ents an# late sen#in/ assi/nment& Other
a#vanta/e of myLM< is OM4< !on I line assessment system mar1$& The
assi/nment !in the form of soft copy$ can )e /ra#e# imme#iately an# the mar1s
also can )e sho0 on I line& 6ll of this thin/s, ma1e the )ur#en 0o1 less an#
b. E0amination
6)out the eGamination, all the stu#ents nee# to sit for the eGamination to
fulfill the re(uirement an# a0ar#e# a 8ertificate of 6chievement 0hich sho0s
#etails of the /ra#es o)taine# for the courses& 6ll of them must sit the 0ritten
eGamination at learnin/ centers for three hours& "or forei/ner or local stu#ent at
the oversea, they also must sit the 0ritten eGamination at the Malaysia em)assy
for three hours also an# the em)assy must provi#e one proGy to 1eep an eye on
the stu#ents& The eGamination papers 0ill post to OUM usin/ courier to ma1e
sure the safety of sen#in/&

(." /cademic! 'ta%%
6ll the aca#emics staffs are have their (ualification to teach stu#ent an#
eGperience too& OUM also assi/n the lectures 0hose are 0or1in/ at respective
Tutors also have the (ualification& 6ll the tutors 0ill )e eGplain an# train ho0
to teach stu#ents on I line& Once a year OUM tutor have collo(uium 0hich the
events for the staff to share the teachin/ eGperiences an# some refreshment of
teachin/ metho#s& 6t the en# of the semester, stu#ents 0ill fill up the ru)ric for
the staff& The unsatisfie# tutor 0ill )e fro@en for the refreshment s1ill an#

(.( Di$ital librar1
Tan <ri 6)#ullah <anusi ;i/ital Li)rary mission is to #evelop a 0orl#
class #i/ital li)rary, to promote usa/e of #i/ital collection an# to promote (uality
services& 8ollection availa)le in the #i/ital li)rary comprises a 0i#e ran/e of
resources in printe# an# online formats& This li)rary has physical an# #i/ital
collection& <tu#ents of OUM can access to more than 32 000 titles from electronic
)oo1 ! e I )oo1s $ an# 22 000 *ournal titles from electronic *ournal ! e I *ournal $&
Other than that, this #i/ital li)rary also has collections of e I #issertations, e I
ne0s an# e I le/al acts&
6ccessin/ the #i/ital li)rary is easy& The stu#ents can access at anytime
an# any0here& Just lo/ on to the OUM portal usin/ your username an# pass0or#
an# you 0ill )e a)le use the Li)rary portal toF
i& search for printe# collection throu/h O+68
ii& use many self service features inclu#in/ loans rene0als,
reservation of items on loan to other users an# chec1in/ of items
on loan
iii& stu#ents also can re(uest the #ocument #elivery services an#
interli)rary loan services&
The li)rarians also offer the information s1ills 0or1shop re/ularly& The
purpose of this 0or1shop is to ena)le users to use the services an# resources
effectively, inclu#in/ the use of various #ata)ases an# online resources&
Eesearchers also /et )enefit of this 0or1shop )ecause it also /ui#es the researcher
to con#uct research in#epen#ently throu/h effective searchin/ strate/ies&
(.2 Ot#er!
OUM also provi#e other services such as iEa#io& iEa#io or internet ra#io is one of
the services provi#e# )y OUM to the pu)lic& 4very)o#y can hear this se/ment
throu/h internet& This se/ment is on air from % am to 1 pm an# continues )ac1 from 2
pm to 3 pm& +u)lic can /ain the information a)out OUM an# other eGtra information
from this service&
2.0 +onclu!ion
6s a conclusions, the learnin/ process no0 )ecome easy an# no reason to
stop learnin/& OUM has #evelopin/ the ne0 era of learnin/ environments& <o
every)o#y can learn 0ithout time constraint an# /eo/raphical pro)lems& The
pro)lems no0 is ho0 to mana/e the course from the )e/innin/ until en#& This is
)ecause the )est mo#ules can earn the )est /ra#uate& Ai/hly motivate# stu#ents
0ill /ain the 1no0le#/e )y learns 0ithout the enforcement of other factors )ut the
important thin/s is ho0 to measure the (uality of the /ra#uate& OUM also must
revise# a)out the stu#ents career an# the lifestyles after /ra#uate#&
3.0 Re%erence
i& 6)out OUM ! 0i1ipe#ia $
ii& ;iscussion #urin/ the fiel# trip

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