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Hydro Tasmania Standard

Title: Health safety and

environment (HSE) induction
Version 2
HSE team
Date Created: March 201
Manager! Sustaina"ility #
March 201
March 201
0602.1 Health safety and
environment (HSE) induction guide
(evel 2)
!ate" #arch 201$
Health% Safety & Environment ' HSE (nduction )uide
(evel 2)
Revision 1
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Each of us needs to understand and apply the
principles of good safety and environmental
management in our daily work. I hope you will
carry this commitment to safety and sustainability
with you both on and of the job.
*hief E0ecutive .1cer
Health% Safety & Environment ' HSE (nduction )uide
(evel 2)
Revision 1
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1+ ,elcome
1.1 2ur3ose statement
1.2 .45ectives of the health% safety and environment (HSE)
1.2.1#odes of delivery
1.2.2*om3leting the induction
2+ HSE -vervie.
2.1 HSE 3olicies and commitments
2.1.1Hydro -asmania values
2.1.2Health and safety committment
2.1.$Environmental 3olicy
2.1.6Sustaina4ility code
2.2 HSE management system
2.$ *ardinal rules
2.6 7reaches and disci3linary action
+ HSE a.areness! training and com/etency
$.1 HSE training
$.1.1First aid training
$.2 Hydro -asmania induction levels
$.$ Site access
$.$.12ersonal 3rotective e8ui3ment (22E)
$.$.2Ha9ardous and restricted areas
$.6 High ris; licences
$.< HSE communication and consultation
)+ 0egal and other re1uirements
6.1 Health and Safety
6.1.1egally de=ned >or;3lace roles
6.2 Environment
6.2.1Environmental im3act assessments and management
2+ Ha3ard identi4cation and ris5 management
<.1 7asic ris; management a33roach
<.2 Ha9ard identi=cation and ris; management tools
6+ 7itness for .or5
6.1 +lcohol and other drugs
6.2 -ransmissi4le infections and diseases
6.$ ?or; hours and fatigue management
6.6 Smo;e free >or;3lace
Health% Safety & Environment (HSE) (nduction )uide
(evel 2)
Revision 1
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6.< .ccu3ational health
6.<.1#anual handling
6.<.2Electromagnetic =elds (E#F)
6.<.$#anaging em3loyee health and >ell@4eing
8+ -/erational controls
A.1 ?or; 3ermits
A.1.12ermit to >or; (2-?) system
A.1.2E0cavation% drilling% civil >or;s
A.2 Energy isolation
A.2.1oc;ing rules
9+ S/eci4c ha3ards
B.1 Ha9ardous su4stances
B.1.1*hemical handling
B.2 Ha9ardous environments
B.2.1Safety signs
B.2.2?or;ing alone% or in isolated or remote area
B.2.$?or;ing in or near >ater
B.2.6?or;ing at heights
B.$ Electrical safety
B.$.1Electrical >or; com3etency re8uirements
B.$.2ive >or;
B.$.$Electric shoc;
B.6 -ools and mo4ile e8ui3ment
B.6.1*om3ressed air safety
B.6.22o>er tools
B.< -ravel and trans3ort
B.<.1(nternational travel
B.<.2!omestic travel
B.<.$Road safety
(+ Management of contractors and su//liers
C.1 Hydro -asmania res3onsi4ilities
C.2 *ontractor D su33lier res3onsi4ilities
10+ :ncident management and emergency res/onse
10.1 (ncident management
10.2 Emergency 3re3aredness
10.$ (ncident and emergency res3onse e8ui3ment
11+ ;otes
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Health% Safety & Environment ' HSE (nduction )uide
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1+ ,elcome
?elcome to the Hydro -asmania )rou3Es health% safety and environment
(HSE) induction (level 2) guide. -his induction must 4e com3leted 4y all
Hydro -asmania )rou3 em3loyees and any contractors or su4@contractors
3erforming >or; on Hydro -asmania@controlled sites. -he Hydro -asmania
)rou3% here@after referred to as Hydro -asmania% includes the entities
trading as Hydro -asmania% Entura and #omentum.
1+1 $ur/ose statement
-he HSE induction guide is designed to 3rovide information to em3loyees%
contractors and su4@contractors of Hydro -asmania. -his guide descri4es
the minimum HSE re8uirements to 4e a4le to >or; on our >or;sites% >hich
have 4een designed to esta4lish consistent safe >or;% and sound
environmental management 3ractices >ithin Hydro -asmania.
-he information contained in this guide is sourced from Hydro -asmaniaEs
Health% Safety and Environmental (HSE) #anagement System.
+ll Hydro -asmania )rou3 em3loyees% contractors and su4@contractors are
re8uired to com3lete this induction and a site@s3eci=c (level $) induction
as a minimum. Further training may 4e re8uired to >or; in s3eci=c or
ha9ardous areas (such as 3o>er stations% s>itchyards or the -asmanian
?ilderness ?orld Heritage +rea).
1+2 -"<ectives of the
health! safety and environment (HSE) induction
-he HSE induction has three main o45ectives"
1. -o outline the uni8ue health% safety and environmental as3ects and
im3acts of Hydro -asmania >or; sites and activitiesF
2. -o introduce you to the safety and environmental 3lanning tools and
3rocedures used at Hydro -asmania.
$. -o ena4le you to meet your res3onsi4ility for managing the health%
safety and environmental im3act of yourself and others on the
>or;siteF and
1+2+1 Modes of delivery
-his induction can 4e delivered using several methods% 3roviding the
com3etency of inductees can 4e eGectively assessed. E0am3les of
delivery techni8ues are"
-his document and the assessment are >or;ed through face@to@face
>ith the trainee(s) at an agreed timeF
-his document is studied 4y the trainee 3rior to arriving on siteF an
assessment is then arranged as 3art of the on@site induction 3rior to
the commencement of >or;F or
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Health% Safety & Environment (HSE) (nduction )uide
(evel 2)
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*lassroom@4ased training and assessment.
Hou >ill 4e assessed on your understanding of and your a4ility to use the
availa4le health% safety and environmental resources. -he assessment is
com3etency@4ased and you must achieve a mar; of 100I to successfully
com3lete the training.
1+2+2 *om/leting the induction
2roof of successful com3letion of this induction is re8uired to >or; for
Hydro -asmania and you need to ;ee3 a record of com3letion >ith you at
all times >hen >or;ing at Hydro -asmania =eld sites. -his may 4e a
validated training record in an +ustralian Electricity Su33ly (ndustry
2ass3ort% a validated Hydro -asmania induction card% a co3y of the signed
com3etency assessment. (n addition an electronic record of HSE level 2
induction is maintained 4y HR.
,3on successful com3letion of the HSE induction assessment and 4efore
you can start >or;% you must also com3lete a formal site s3eci=c induction
(level $) >ith the Hydro -asmania re3resentative for each site that you >ill
4e >or;ing on. Hou may also 4e re8uired to sign on to a Hydro asmania
!ermit to "ork. (f you are unsure a4out >hether you need to sign onto a
2ermit to ?or;% as; your Hydro -asmania re3resentative.
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2+ HSE -vervie.
2+1 HSE /olicies and
Hydro -asmania is committed to ensuring our staG and contractors have a
safe 3lace to >or;% and strives to achieve 3ositive outcomes for the
environment and community. ?e o3erate a Health% Safety and
Environmental (HSE) #anagement System to hel3 us meet our vision of
Jno harm to anyone at any timeE and our commitment to sustaina4ility.
.ur HSE #anagement System su33orts Hydro -asmaniaEs"
.ccu3ational Health and Safety *ommitmentF
Environmental 2olicyF and
Sustaina4ility *ode.
-hese documents set the 4usiness e03ectation for HSE 3erformance and
are 3u4lically availa4le on the Hydro -asmania >e4site
2+1+1 Hydro Tasmania values
Hydro -asmaniaEs cor3orate values under3in the >ay >e do 4usiness%
including our a33roach to HSE management. .ur values are"
?e 3ut 3eo3leEs health and safety =rstF
?e 4uild value for our 3artners and customers through innovation
and outstanding serviceF
?e 4ehave >ith honesty and integrity=
?e >or; together% res/ect each other and value our diversityF
?e are accounta"le for our actionsF and
?e are committed to creating a sustaina"le future
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2+1+2 Health and safety committment
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2+1+ Environmental /olicy
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2+1+) Sustaina"ility code
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Health% Safety & Environment (HSE) (nduction )uide
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2+2 HSE management
Hydro -asmania has an integrated Health% Safety and Environment (HSE)
#anagement System that meets% and is certi=ed to the international
standards .HS+S 1B001 and (S. 16001. -his HSE management system
ena4les the organisation to manage its HSE ris;s and im3rove its HSE
3erformance. (t is a 3ractical system >here 3eo3le% com3liance and
eGective ris; management 3ractices aim to deliver our visions of Jno harm
to anyone at any timeE and Ja sustaina4le future through res3onsi4le
-he ?H&S *ommitment and Environmental 2olicy reKect the rules
governing the >ay the 4usiness addresses health% safety and
environmental management. -hey are overvie> documents
detailing Hydro -asmaniaEs commitment% o45ectives and
res3onsi4ilities to the health and safety of 3eo3le and the
sustaina4le management of the environment. -he ?H&S and
environmental 3olicies are su33orted 4y the Hydro -asmania Health
Safety and Environment (HSE) #anagement System% >hich sets out
the 4usinessEs o45ectives for HSE management through a num4er of
HSE Elements% as outlined in the HSE #anual.
-he 16 Elements set the criteria or standards for ho> the 4usiness
is e03ected to manage HSE. !eviation from 3rescri4ed elements
constitutes a 4reach of a33lica4le 3olicy% e0ce3t in emergency
situations in order to 3rotect life% serious asset damage or
environmental disaster.
Hydro -asmaniaEs HSE 3rocedures are designed to meet the
re8uirements of the Elements. -hey e03lain ho> s3eci=c >or; tas;s
can 4e underta;en to eGectively manage the HSE ris;s% in alignment
>ith the HSE Elements and 3olicies. HSE forms% chec;lists% registers
and reference documents% associated >ith each 3rocedure% aid the
im3lementation of the HSE management system.
-he relationshi3 4et>een Hydro -asmaniaEs 3ur3ose and vision% codes%
3rinci3les and values% HSE 3olicies% HSE Elements% 3rocedures and
su33orting documents can 4e de3icted as follo>s"
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2+ *ardinal rules
-he cardinal rules a33ly to all em3loyees as >ell as e0ternal contractors >or;ing
for Hydro -asmania on Hydro -asmania controlled >or; sites. -he cardinal rules
/o 3erson shall attem3t to o3erate an energy isolation% dissi3ation or
restraint device >hich has 4een loc;ed or tagged.
/o 3erson shall >ilfully sa4otage any 3ro3erty or infrastructure 4elonging
to% or under the control of% the cor3oration.
/o 3erson shall >ilfully 4y3ass any safety interloc; unless authorised to do
/o 3erson shall carry on any =ghting or horse3lay >hich could% or does%
give rise to serious in5ury to 3eo3le or e0tensive damage to 3ro3erty.
+ failure to com3ly >ith these rules >ill result in disci3linary action and% >here
a33ro3riate% dismissal or cancellation of contract.
2+) >reaches and disci/linary
Hydro -asmania e03ects all em3loyees and contractors >or;ing on Hydro
-asmania@controlled sites to com3ly >ith our HSE #anagement System. 7reaches
in HSE 3rocesses may result in"
1. *ounselling
2. ?ritten >arning
$. Final >arning
6. -ermination of em3loyment or contract.
Signi=cant 4reaches can result in summary dismissal or termination of
em3loyment or contract >ithout notice.
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+ HSE a.areness! training and
Hydro -asmania re8uires that all >or;ers are trained and deemed com3etent to
3erform their >or;% including managing the HSE ris;s. -raining and induction
re8uirements and chec;s are in 3lace to manage com3etency.
+1 HSE training
+ range of HSE training is availa4le Hydro -asmania em3loyees and contractors.
-he s3eci=c ty3es of training re8uired de3end on the 4usiness division% role and
HSE ris;s associated >ith each >or;er. -he HSE training re8uirements register
3rovides information on training re8uirements 4y role% as >ell as descri3tions of
the HSE training units and information on ho> to arrange training.
HSE training to3ics include% 4ut are not limited to"
HSE inductions
HSE assessment and 3lanning
HSE incident management
S3eci=c ha9ard training% e.g. '
o *hemical handling
o .il s3ill res3onse
o *ultural heritage
o ?or; in the -asmanian ?ilderness ?orld Heritage +rea
o ?eeds% 3ests and 3athogens (=eld hygiene)
?or;3lace health and safety com3etencies% e.g. '
o Hydro -asmania 3ermit to >or;
o *on=ned s3ace entry
o Heights safety
.ccu3ational health and ha9ards% e.g. '
o #anual handling
o Fatigue management
o !efensive and oG@road driving
Further information a4out HSE training is availa4le through the HSE intranet
+1+1 7irst aid training
+ current =rst aid certi=cate is mandatory for Hydro -asmania em3loyees and
contractors to >or; in the follo>ing areas"
Field@4ased areas% including 3o>er stations% remote areas% outdoor >or;%
>or; in or around >ater>ays% construction sites and maintenance
o Em3loyees @ level 2 D senior =rst aid.
o *ontractors @ level 1 D a33ly =rst aid% ho>ever there must 4e at least
one level 2 =rst aid 8uali=ed colleague on site.
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.1ce environments% including Entura and #omentum o1ces and the
Ho4art o1ce"
o +s de=ned 4y role and 4usiness unit.
+2 Hydro Tasmania induction
Hydro -asmania has three levels of induction. -hese inductions are designed to
ensure all >or;ers understand the re8uirements and o4ligations >hen >or;ing for
Hydro -asmania. -he evel 2 and evel $ inductions are designed to ensure all
>or;ers understand the HSE ha9ards and ris; management re8uirements for
Hydro -asmania in general (evel 2 induction) and the s3eci=c >or; site (evel $
-he induction levels are"
(0evel 1)
(ntroduces all Hydro -asmania em3loyees to the organisation% including
relevant information on Hydro -asmania values% 3olicies and e03ected
conduct. *om3leted 4y all employees and 4y those contractors re8uiring
unsu3ervised access to Hydro -asmania 3ro3erty and information systems.
:alid for duration of em3loyment.
safety #
(0evel 2)
(ntroduces all Hydro -asmania em3loyees and contractors to Hydro
-asmaniaEs health% safety% and environmental ha9ards and management
re8uirements and the HSE management system. (t outlines the o4ligations
and res3onsi4ilities of all >or;ers to a33ly the HSE management system.
:alid for t>o years from date of issue.
(0evel )
S3eci=c to each Hydro -asmania% >or; site% this induction introduces all
>or;ers (em3loyees and un@accom3anied contractors) to the site% including
the s3eci=c ha9ards% controls% emergency 3rocedures and 3ro5ectDtas;
s3eci=c safety re8uirements. Re8uired for each site >here >or; >ill 4e
done% it is conducted 4efore starting any >or;. +ny 3erson on a site >ho is
not evel $ inducted >ill 4e a33ro3riately su3ervised.
:alid for t>o years from date of issue.
+ Site access
-o access Hydro -asmania sites% >or;ers are re8uired to have com3leted the
relevant levels of induction and 4e granted access through issuing of (! cards
and D or registering their attendance (contractors).
(n addition >or;ers may also re8uire"
+ 3hoto (! tag for use on tag 4oardsF
+n understanding of the sco3e of >or;s and 3hysical limits of the >or;
First aid training"
o evel 1 (a33ly =rst aid) minimum for contractors.
o evel 2 (senior =rst aid) for em3loyees.
+ valid construction industry >hite cardF
Hydro -asmania 2ermit to ?or; training"
o Hydro -asmania instructed 3erson ((2).
o Hydro -asmania 3erson in charge (2(*).
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++1 $ersonal /rotective e1ui/ment ($$E)
+ll 3ersons on Hydro -asmania sites must com3ly >ith 22E re8uirements.
#andatory 22E re8uirements for Hydro -asmania >or; sites and sign 3osted
areas (e0cluding o1ce environments and sites not classi=ed as construction
areas) are"
Hard hatF
Safety glassesF
High visi4ility clothing (long sleeves and long 3ants)F
Safety 4ootsF and
Hearing 3rotection and gloves carried and used >here re8uired.
/ote that the minimum e8ui3ment listed may not al>ays 4e ade8uate for the 5o4
and additional 22E should 4e used 4ased u3on 5o4 s3eci=c ris; and as 3osted in
the >or;3lace.
22E 3rovides essential 3rotection against in5ury and illness and as such it shall 4e
;e3t in a clean and relia4le condition% free of defects or damage% and 4e ca3a4le
of 3roviding the necessary 3rotection. +ny 22E that is degraded% damaged% >orn
out or other>ise in disre3air shall 4e discarded and re3laced. +dditionally% the
follo>ing safety clothing re8uirements a33ly"
oose 5e>ellery is an entanglement ha9ard and shall 4e contained or
ong hair including 4eards shall 4e safely containedF
ong sleeved shirts and 3ants shall 4e >orn on >or; sitesF and
*lothing shall 4e 3ro3erly =tted and fastened at all times to 3revent
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++2 Ha3ardous and restricted areas
-here are additional s3eci=c training and a>areness re8uirements for access to
Hydro -asmania ha9ardous and restricted areas. Restricted areas are sites that
are ;e3t secure at all times for safety and 4usiness ris;% including 4ut not limited
2o>er station 4uildingsF
(nta;e structures (e.g. inta;e gate 4uildings% hill@to3 valve houses% dam
?or; sites >ith a 2ermit -o ?or; in 3laceF and
.1ces and amenities.
Hou can only access a restricted area if you have 4een authorised. +ccess to
these areas is controlled using loc;s and ;eys or electronic s>i3e card systems%
and entry conditions are strictly follo>ed. -his may include a site s3eci=c
induction% signing on to a 2ermit to ?or; or 4eing accom3anied at all times.
++ Visitors
:isitors may access 3ermitted areas on Hydro -asmania sites% 3rovided they are
continuously accom3anied 4y a suita4ly accounta4le 3erson.
:isitors are re8uired to register their attendance and may also 4e re8uired to
>ear a visitors tag in Hydro -asmania o1ces.
+) High ris5 licences
+ll em3loyees and contractors 3erforming >or; activities re8uiring a high ris;
licence shall hold a valid licence for that >or; activity and 4e considered
com3etent to 3erform the tas;. -he licenced 3erson shall carry their licence >ith
them and 3resent it on re8uest.
-he main ty3es of high ris; licences re8uired for >or; >ith Hydro -asmania
*ranes and hoists
!ogging and rigging
ScaGolding >or;
For;lift o3eration
2ressure e8ui3ment
+2 HSE communication and
Hydro -asmania shares HSE ;no>ledge and e03erience through a range of
methods% including communications sessions% training and a>areness 3rograms%
electronic communications and =eld@4ased safety and environmental advisors.
?or;3lace health and safety information is commonly shared through Jlocal
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safety teamsE% >ho coordinate health and safety communications and initiatives
at Hydro -asmania site.
.33ortunities are 3rovided for em3loyees and
contractors to raise HSE issues and concerns and to
3rovide feed4ac; on Hydro -asmaniaEs HSE
3erformance. -he 4usiness currently follo>s a
structure >hich 3rovides resources to 3roactively
engage em3loyees and managers in HSE
management. +ll grou3s across Hydro -asmania%
including contractors% have the a4ility to address
HSE issues at their level and to escalate any issue
through 3roactive communication lines using line
-his can 4e done through a num4er of avenues
HSE ha9ard and incident re3ortingF
Site or 3ro5ect tool4o0 meetingsF
Environmental or safety re3resentativesF
ine managers and 5o4 managersF
Safety or environmental advisorsF
-eam meetingsF
)rou3 meetingsF
!e=ned HSE meetingsF and
E0ecutive safety meetings% chaired 4y *E..
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)+ 0egal and other re1uirements
Hydro -asmania meets or e0ceeds legislated >or; health and safety and
environmental management re8uirements through our staG and contractors
im3lementing a33roved HSE 3rocesses+ll em3loyees and contractors shall 4e
a>are of the HSE re8uirements that are relevant to their >or; activities.
)+1 Health and Safety
-he "ork Health and #afety $ct %&'% sets out the legal duties that em3loyers
and >or;ers have >ith regard to managing health and safety in the >or;3lace.
Section 1C of the act outlines the em3loyerEs duties and states that an em3loyer
must ensure% >here 3ractica4le% that"
Em3loyees (including contractors) at >or; are safe from in5ury and ris;s to
+ safe >or;ing environment is 3rovided and maintainedF
Safe systems of >or; are in 3laceF and
2lant and su4stances are maintained in a safe condition.
Hydro -asmania must also 3rovide reasona4le information% instruction% training
and su3ervision to ensure the em3loyees safety.
Em3loyees% including contractors% are also legally re8uired to ta;e reasona4le
care for their o>n health and safety and for the health and safety of others%
including com3lying >ith any direction given 4y an em3loyer or their
re3resentative >ith res3ect to health and safety matters.
)+1+1 0egally de4ned .or5/lace roles
For the 3ur3ose of Hydro -asmaniaEs HSE #anagement System% the follo>ing
de=nitions shall 4e considered to re3resent and 4e in line >ith the de=nitions of a
2erson *onducting a 7usiness or ,nderta;ing (2*7,)% as descri4ed under ?or;
Health and Safety legislation
-?cer: a 3erson res3onsi4le for ensuring due diligence and that the 2*7,
com3lies >ith legislative re8uirements.
,or5er: a 3erson >ho underta;es >or; activities >ho is res3onsi4le for ta;ing
reasona4le care% o4eying HSE instructions% co@o3erating and ta;ing care to >or;
in a safe and environmentally@sensitive manner.
+ >or;er is any 3erson carrying out >or; in any ca3acity for Hydro -asmania
)rou3% including em3loyees% contractors and su4@contractors% em3loyees of a
la4our hire com3any% out>or;ers% a33rentices or trainees% >or; integrated
learning or >or; e03erience students and volunteers.
*om/etent /erson: + 3erson >ho has% through a com4ination of training%
education% assessment and e03erience% ac8uired ;no>ledge and s;ills to
correctly 3erform a s3eci=ed tas;.
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+ com3etent 3erson is res3onsi4le for assessing the HSE ris;s and revie>ing the
eGectiveness of controls for a >or; activity they are 3erforming or are
accounta4le for% >ithin their area of com3etency.
)+2 Environment
Environmental legal res3onsi4ilities and re8uirements e0ist under a range of
State and /ational legislation% including the Environmental !rotection and
(iodiversity )onservation $ct '*** and state legislation around 3rotecting
threatened s3ecies% 3reventing 3ollution and managing >ater>ays. !ue to the
com3le0 nature of environmental legislation% Hydro -asmania has esta4lished a
team of environmental s3ecialists >ho can 3rovide information and advice on
environmental com3liance re8uirements that a33ly to s3eci=c >or; 3ro5ects or
-he ty3es of activities and im3acts that must meet environmental legislative
re8uirements include% 4ut are not limited to"
$revention of /ollution: 3reventing emissions on to air% >ater and soil%
o #inimising smo;e% dust and any other air@4orn 3ollutantsF
o #inimising the ris;s of >ater>ay contamination through chemical s3ills%
including oilF
o #anaging soils% e0cavations% stoc;3iles and 8uarries to minimising the ris;
of erosionF
o #inimising >aste 3roduction and ensuring that >astes% in 3articular
controlled >astes% are dis3osed of a33ro3riately and in accordance >ith
legal re8uirementF and
o #inimising noise 3ollution.
$lants and animals: managing threats to Kora and fauna such as"
o 2rotecting threatened 3lants and animalsF
o 2reventing the s3read of soil 3athogens and >eedsF
o .4taining 3ermits to clear vegetationF
o .4taining 3ermits to survey or sam3le 3lants and animalsF and
o /otifying the relevant authorities of 3lanned im3acts on 3lants or animals%
such as draining >ater>ays.
*ultural heritage: managing historic and a4original heritage values%
o +rranging a4original heritage surveys for 3lanned >or; >ith ground
o .4taining and com3lying >ith 2ermit to !istur4 re8uirementsF and
o 2rotecting identi=ed cultural heritage values and com3lying >ith heritage
management 3lans.
$rotecting ,orld Heritage values: com3lying >ith all re8uirements for
>or;ing in the -asmanian ?ilderness ?orld Heritage +rea% such as"
o )iving the re8uired noti=cations and o4taining relevant 3ermitsF and
o (m3lementing the agreed environmental control measures.
(n order to ensure com3liance >ith environmental legislation% all em3loyees and
contractors must com3ly >ith the Hydro -asmania Environmental 2olicy and the
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re8uirements of our HSE management system% o4tain any relevant environmental
3ermits 3rior to >or; starting% and see; advice from relevant e03erts as re8uired.
)+2+1 Environmental im/act assessments and management
!e3ending on the nature and scale of >or; an environmental im3act assessment
(E(+) may 4e re8uired. *ontrol measures to manage the ris;s identi=ed in the E(+
are documented in an environmental management 3lan (E#2). +ll Hydro
-asmania em3loyees and contractors shall com3ly >ith the control measures
listed in the E#2. *om3leting an E(+ >ill also assist >ith determining the
re8uirement for regulatory a33rovals% licences% 3ermits% etc.
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2+ Ha3ard identi4cation and ris5
-he sorts of HSE ha9ards 3resent on Hydro -asmania >or; sites varies 4et>een
4usiness divisions% >or; locations and 3ro5ect ty3es. #any of our >or; sites are in
remote locations and su45ect to e0treme >eather changes.
-he electricity generating 4usiness 3resents high energy ha9ards at many
>or;sites that must 4e >ell managed and com3ly >ith legislation and the
re8uirements of 4eing 3art of the /ational Electricity Su33ly (ndustry. Hydro
-asmania has develo3ed and im3lemented s3eci=c >or; 3ractices and
3rocedures to control these ris;s and facilitate safe access to our generating
3lant and e8ui3ment.
+s the largest >ater manager in +ustralia and a signi=cant land o>ner in
-asmania% Hydro -asmania must manage environmental ris;s associated >ith our
activities. -hese ris;s include >or;ing in the -asmanian ?ilderness ?orld
Heritage +rea% managing >ater>ays% 3rotecting threatened 3lants and animals%
managing vegetation% 3reventing 3ollution and 3reventing the s3read of >eeds%
3ests and diseases.
For Entura% HSE ris;s can vary greatly de3ending on the customerEs site and the
3ro5ect re8uirements% as >ell as the legislative re8uirements of the 5urisdiction
>here the >or; is carried out (including international 3ro5ects).
?or;ers must also 4e a>are of and manage o1ce@4ased ha9ards% such as 3oor
house;ee3ing and ine1cient resource use.
2+1 >asic ris5 management
Hydro -asmaniaEs HSE ris; management re8uirements are determined 4y the
level of ris; involved. Ris; is a 3roduct of nature of ha9ards and environmental
as3ects% the location% com3le0ity and duration of the >or;% any simultaneous
o3erations in 3rogress% and the si9e and ma;e@u3 of the la4our force% as >ell as
the com3etencies of the >or;ers involved. +s a minimum% all >or;ers are
e03ected to adhere to Hydro -asmaniaEs HSE systems and 3rocesses.
(n addition to com3liance >ith legislative re8uirements% including duty of care% all
>or; activities conducted under Hydro -asmania direction shall have ris;s
managed to a level as lo. as reasona"ly /ractica"le.
HSE ris; management at Hydro -asmania follo>s the hierarchy of controls. -he
hierarchy lists the methods of ris; control in order of eGectiveness. Hydro
-asmania re8uires that eGorts are made to address the ris; eGectively as high u3
the hierarchy as reasona4ly 3ractica4le.
Eliminate: >here 3ossi4le the ha9ard should 4e eliminated (or reduced to
a level as lo> as reasona4ly 3ractica4le) 4y altering the 5o4 design%
methods% location or other 3ossi4le change. ?hen it is im3ractical to
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eliminate the ha9ard% >or; do>n the hierarchy to identify >ays to reduce
the ris;s associated >ith that ha9ard.
Su"stitute: re3lace the ha9ardous com3onent% 3ractice or su4stance >ith
a less@ha9ardous alternative.
:solate: 3revent access or e03osure to the ha9ard through the use of
3ersonal isolation loc;s or other access or o3eration restriction methods.
Engineering: alter the 3roduct design or >or; environment to reduce the
ris; associated >ith a ha9ard (e.g. 3utting guards in 3lace).
@dministrative: develo3 safe >or;ing methods% im3lement 3rocedures%
deliver training or other measures to im3rove 3eo3leEs management of the
$ersonal $rotective E1ui/ment ($$E): >ear the a33ro3riate 3rotective
e8ui3ment to reduce the li;elihood or severity of in5ury. 22E should 4e
considered and used as the last line of defence against in5ury.
2oor house;ee3ing is a safety ris;. *leaning as you go >ill mean that all >or;
areas can 4e ;e3t safe. .G@cuts and >aste materials shall 4e dis3osed of in an
a33roved manner and no >aste should 4e allo>ed to 4ecome air4orne or unsafe.
2+2 Ha3ard identi4cation and
ris5 management tools
Hydro -asmania has a range of tools availa4le to hel3 >or;ers to accurately
identify the HSE ha9ards associated >ith >or; activities and to eGectively
manage the associated ris;s. !etailed information on ho> to use these tools is
3rovided in the HSE #anagement System. + selection of these tools is discussed
Strategic Health! Safety and Environmental Ais5 management: -he
o45ective of the strategic ris; assessment 3rocess is to highlight signi=cant
4usiness ris;s and to ena4le 3rioritisation for strategic 3lanning. -he strategic
ris; 3ro=le drives HSE 3rograms such as training% auditing and com3liance as >ell
as 3rioritising 3rograms and 3ro5ects for im3rovement of HSE outcomes. Safety
(m3rovement 2lans and Environmental 2lans are e0am3les of strategic HSE 3lans.
,or5/lace ha3ard register: Hydro -asmania has develo3ed a >or;3lace
ha9ard register for the ma5ority of our >or; sites. -he ha9ard register assist in
identifying HSE ha9ards% ris; levels% control measures and remedial actions for
s3eci=c Hydro -asmania sites and assets.
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-his register is to 4e used 4y >or;ers to identify ;no>n ha9ards and should 4e
considered in any ris; assessment 3rocess% such as -a;e <% Lo4 Ha9ard +nalysis%
Environmental (m3act +ssessment or Safe ?or; #ethod Statement. For most
>or; activities% one or more of the follo>ing ris; management tools >ill need to
4e used in con5unction >ith the -a;e < 3rocess to manage the HSE ris;s.
Ta5e 2: -he -a;e < 3rocess shall 4e used to identify and assess 4asic HSE
ha9ards throughout a 5o4. -a;e < chec;list 3ads are availa4le to assist and
3rom3t you through the 4asic ris; assessment ste3s.
Bo" ha3ard analysis (BH@): + LH+ is a documented% tas;@s3eci=c ris;
assessment% used to systematically analyse the ste3s of a 5o4 to ensure
reasona4le and 3ractica4le measures are ta;en to control the associated HSE
ha9ards. + LH+ is the main ris; management tool used at Hydro -asmania as is
re8uired for most =eld@4ased >or; activities. Hou must carry out a 5o4 ha9ard
analysis if"
+ -a;e < identi=es the uncontrolled ris; level to 4e greater than lo>.
+ 3ermit to >or; (2-?) is re8uired.
+n a33roved LH+% Environmental #anagement 2lan or Safe ?or; #ethod
Statement for the tas; does not already e0ist.
Environmental :m/act @ssessment (E:@): +n (E(+) is used to document the
environmental% social and cultural heritage ris;s associated >ith a 3ro5ect or >or;
activity. +n E(+ is re8uired for any >or; activity that involves a de=ned
environmental im3act activity (see HSE20$01 ' Ha9ard (denti=cation and Ris;
#anagement). Environmental (m3act +ssessments (E(+s) must 4e conducted or
revie>ed 4y 3ersons >ho are com3etent in the relevant su45ect matter% for
e0am3le% a 3erson >ith e03ertise in environmental management% Kora and fauna
assessments or heritage management. Environmental #anagement 2lans may
4e incor3orated into HSE #anagement 2lans 3rovided su1cient detail is retained
to eGectively manage the ris;s.
Safe ,or5 Method Statement (S,MS): + S?#S is a detailed descri3tion of
ho> a s3eci=c tas; is 3erformed. (t is re8uired for any tas;s that involve high
ris5 .or5 activities% as 3er the "orkplace Health and #afety $ct %&'%.
Tool"oC meetings: -ool4o0 meeting are mandatory 3re@start meetings held
4efore >or; commences for each day or shift% at the 4eginning of a ma5or 5o4
tas; or if there is a change to 3lant% 3rocess or materials. *ontractors are
re8uired to attend all Hydro -asmania tool4o0 meetings for the 3ro5ects or sites
they are >or;ing on.
Safe act o"servations (S@-): + S+. is intended to reinforce 3ositive safety
4ehaviour% identify any ina33ro3riate safety 4ehaviours% agree on modi=ed
4ehaviours and 3revent in5uries and 3ro3erty damage. -he S+. 3rocess involves"
.4serving a 3erson 3erforming a >or; activityF
Engaging the o4served 3erson to discuss the activityF and
!iscussing any relevant health and safety issues or concerns >ith the
HSE management /lans: (t is a re8uirement of Hydro -asmania to use HSE
management 3lans for all ma5or shutdo>ns% 3ro5ects and s3eci=c 5o4s. Either a
com4ined HSE management 3lan% or se3arate safety and environmental
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(including cultural heritage) management 3lans may 4e develo3ed. -he
management 3lans e03lain >hat the HSE ris;s are and ho> they shall 4e
managed. -hey are living documents that are revie>ed throughout the 3ro5ect
and u3dated as ne> ha9ards are identi=ed% as ris;s change or as 4etter controls
are identi=ed.
+ll management 3lans shall 4e revie>ed 4y relevant HSE e03erts and a33roved
4y Hydro -asmania line management 3rior to starting >or; on the 3ro5ect or 5o4.
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6+ 7itness for .or5
(t is your res3onsi4ility to ensure that you are =t for >or;. Hou are re8uired to tell
your su3ervisor or Hydro -asmania re3resentative if you are un=t for >or;. -his
could include 4eing ill% in5ured% using medication that may im3air your a4ility to
>or; safely% 4eing under the inKuence of illicit drugs or alcohol% 4eing tired% and
fatigued or having 3ersonal issues.
6+1 @lcohol and other drugs
Hydro -asmania is committed to 3roviding a drug and alcohol free >or;3lace to
im3rove the safety and >ell4eing of all. +s such% all >or;ers (em3loyees and
contractors) are re8uired to"
Have 3ero 4lood alcohol content (7+*) in the >or;3lace% including o1ces%
>or;sho3s% 3o>er stations% construction sites and Hydro -asmania
;ot 4e aGected 4y the consum3tion of illicit drugsF and
/otify their line manager and colleagues of any 3rescri3tion or general
medication that could aGect the a4ility to drive% o3erate machinery or
com3lete tas;s safely.
Hydro -asmania conducts drug and alcohol testing >here such testing hel3s to
manage HSE ris;s. ?or;ers are re8uired to ta;e 3art in testing as re8uested 4y
Hydro -asmania management. *ontractor 3ersonnel are re8uired to consent to
Hydro -asmaniaEs testing 3olicies as the commencement of their engagement.
Hydro -asmania is committed to 3roviding education on alcohol and drugs for all
em3loyees and 3rovides assistance to any em3loyees im3acted 4y alcohol or
drug 3ro4lems through the em3loyee assistance 3rogram (E+2).
+lcohol and drug testing may 4e conducted in the follo>ing circumstances"
+ 3rogram of random testing may 4e im3lemented in any Hydro -asmania
>or;3lace at any time% on any em3loyee% contractor or visitorF
Follo>ing a serious incident or near missF
:oluntarily self@testing your 4lood alcohol content 3rior to >or;ingF and
J*ausal testingE as re8uested 4y a colleague or manager if there is
reasona4le sus3icion that the re8uirements have 4een contravened.
6+2 Transmissi"le infections
and diseases
+ll >or;ers have a res3onsi4ility to hel3 3revent the s3read of infectious diseases
in the >or;3lace. /ormal hygiene measures should 4e used at all times"
*over your coughF
?ash your handsF
Mee3 your distanceF
Mno> the signs of the KuF and
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Stay at home if sic;.
6+ ,or5 hours and fatigue
Fatigue is a 3hysical condition that occurs >hen an individualEs 3hysical or mental
limits are reached and can 4e associated >ith 3hysical e0ertion% mental e0ertion
or inade8uate or distur4ed slee3. +s >ell as contri4uting to reduced 3erformance
and increasing the li;elihood of >or;3lace and vehicle accidents% fatigue can also
lead to long term health 3ro4lems. #anaging fatigue is an im3ortant com3onent
of Hydro -asmaniaEs overall a33roach to ensuring =tness for >or;.
Hydro -asmaniaEs fatigue management 3rocedure shall 4e follo>ed% >ith fatigue
to 4e considered in the 3lanning stages of all >or; activities% es3ecially >here the
s3eci=c tas;s may accelerate fatigue (e.g. >or;ing in a hot or cram3ed 3osition%
driving% or >or;ing using high ris; 3lant and e8ui3ment).
Hydro -asmania has esta4lished a reasonable working hours guideline to hel3 to
manage fatigue"
,or5ing t.o hours /ast your normal .or5 day: discuss your =tness
for >or;Dtravel >ith your manager to change the situations you may =nd
yourself or your >or;mates in '
o Sometimes 5ust the conversation is enough to =nd a solution or chec; that
you are o;ay to continue or to 3ut control measures in 3lace to hel3 you.
o Sometimes your 5o4 manager or line manager >ill challenge >hether the
>or; needs to 4e com3leted 4efore you get some rest.
,or5ing four hours /ast your normal .or5 day: discuss your =tness
for >or;Dtravel >ith your manager further to ensure your safety comes
=rst% even if there is the 3erce3tion or feeling that >e may 4e letting our
customer do>n '
o Hour manager shall conduct a formal fatigue assessment to measure your
fatigue levels and ta;e the results into account >hen deciding if >or;
should 3roceed.
o Hour manager shall see; a33roval from their manager for you to >or;
4eyond 12 hours in any 26 hour 3eriod% if your fatigue assessment
indicates you are =t for >or;.
,or5ing "eyond 1) hours: >or;ing 4eyond 16 hours >ithin a 26 hour
3eriod may only 4e 3ermitted in emergency situations% >ith the a33roval
of senior management. + fatigue management LH+ and formal fatigue
assessments are re8uired.
-hese guidelines a33ly to contractors >or;ing on Hydro -asmania sites or under
Hydro -asmaniaEs direction% as >ell as to em3loyees and% >here a33ro3riate%
formal strategies shall 4e develo3ed to address fatigue related ris;.
6+) Smo5e free .or5/lace
Hydro -asmania is a smo;e free environment"
Smo;ing is not 3ermitted in our >or; 4uildings% facilities or other enclosed
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o -his includes o1ces% motor vehicles% >or;sho3s% underground 3o>er
stations and mess rooms.
Smo;ing is only allo>ed in designated smo;ing areas.
-o4acco 3roducts shall not 4e sold in Hydro -asmania >or;3laces.
6+2 -ccu/ational health
Hydro -asmania >or; sites may 3ose s3eci=c ha9ards to >or;er health and >ell@
4eing. ?here such ha9ards are identi=ed% Hydro -asmania im3lements control
measures to manage the ris;s and 3rovide a safe% healthy >or; environment that
hel3s our em3loyees and contractors remain =t for >or;. Site s3eci=c ha9ards
>ill 4e communicated at the site @ level $ induction.
6+2+1 Manual handling
ifting and moving o45ects incorrectly% including 3erforming re3etitive 3hysical
tas;s% can lead to in5uries. +ll >or;ers shall ta;e care >hen handling o45ects to do
so in a safe manner. -he 4est >ay to ma;e manual handling safer is to redesign
the tas; or >or;3lace. -here are a num4er of >ays to do this. ?here 3ractica4le"
Eliminate unnecessary handlingF
#odify the tas; to use mechanical handling e8ui3ment or tools such as
levers% hoo;s or cro>4arsF
,se multi3le 3eo3le or team liftingF
#odify D disassem4le the o45ect 4eing handled so it is easier to hold% or
#odify >or;3lace and >or;station layout to reduce stoo3ing and reachingF
Ensure >or; surfaces are at the correct heightF
Ensure that all heavy o45ects are at >aist level >here they can 4e handled
Reduce 4ody movements and forces such as t>isting% reaching and
2erform 4asic stretches 4efore doing any unusual 3hysical activityF and
Ensure ongoing evaluation of 3hysical tas;s.
6+2+2 Electromagnetic 4elds (EM7)
-here are a num4er of electromagnetic =eld sources at some Hydro -asmania
>or;sites. -hese sources are all signed and a LH+ shall 4e used cover all the >or;
in these areas.
Signs are 3osted for all areas >here the magnetic =eld strength has 4een
assessed as a4ove <% 000 m)F
Signs have 4een 3osted as close to the source of high E#F as 3ossi4leF
Each sign refers to a s3eci=c source of high E#F (e.g. e8ui3ment% 4us4ar%
ca4le)F and
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*ardiac 3acema;er signage has 4een 3osted at all sites >arning that
Jmagnetic =elds e0isting in these 3o>er stations may adversely aGect
3acema;er o3eration and could 4e ha9ardous to healthE.
+ll >or;ers shall com3ly >ith any signage and not interfere >ith
telecommunications or radio e8ui3ment.
6+2+ Managing em/loyee health and .ellD"eing
Hydro -asmania maintains a range of 3rograms to hel3 em3loyees to manage
their health and >ell@4eing. !etails of these 3rograms can 4e found on Hydro
-asmaniaEs intranet and include"
-he Healthy Hydro 2rogram% >ith services including"
o Health assessments & =tness 3rograms
o ergonomicD3ostural assessment
o :oluntary medical or #uscularDs;eletal assessment
-he Em3loyee +ssistance 2rogram% 3rofessional con=dential counselling
services for assistance >ith issues including"
o Emotional stress or an0iety
o Relationshi3 3ro4lems
o +lcohol or other drugs 3ro4lems
o ?or; related 3ro4lems
o )am4ling 3ro4lems
o )rief and loss
o Financial or legal 3ro4lems
6+2+) Aeha"ilitation
Reha4ilitation is the 3rocess that Hydro -asmania 3uts in 3lace to ena4le
em3loyees to return to full health and meaningful% 3roductive >or; follo>ing an
illness or in5ury. .ur reha4ilitation 3rogram covers in5ury and illness that is >or;
related as >ell as non@>or; related situations >here an em3loyee is 3revented
from >or;ing or from 3erforming all the duties of their 3osition.
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8+ -/erational controls
8+1 ,or5 /ermits
Hydro -asmania uses a 3ermit to >or; system to manage s3eci=c ha9ards and
>or; activities. -hese 3ermits are issued 4y Hydro -asmania. -he ty3es of
3ermits in use include"
Hydro -asmania 2ermit to ?or;
*on=ned s3ace 3ermit
*oncealed services 3ermit
Hot >or; 3ermit
!iving 3ermit
+dditional 3ermits issued 4y e0ternal authorities may 4e re8uired to 3erform a
s3eci=c tas; or a33rove a 3ro5ect. -hese include legal and environmental 3ermits
and a33rovals.
8+1+1 $ermit to .or5 ($T,) system
-he 3ermit to >or; is the over@arching 3ermit used to manage HSE ris;s on Hydro
-asmania >or; sites. -he o45ectives of the 3ermit to >or; (2-?) system are to"
Ensure safety of 3eo3le.
2revent harm to the environment% e8ui3ment or other 3ro3erty.
2reserve our ca3a4ility to deliver to our customers.
-he 2-? system is a33lica4le to all >or; 4eing carried out on Hydro -asmania
o>ned andDor o3erated 3lant and assets. (t follo>s fundamental ha9ard
identi=cation% communication and ris; management 3rocesses.
Em3loyees and contractors >hose >or; activities may re8uire a 2-? shall
underta;e Hydro asmania Instructed !erson +I!, training. -hose in charge of
>or; underta;en under a 2-? shall underta;e Hydro asmania !erson in )harge
+!I), training.
8+1+2 ECcavation! drilling! civil .or5s
Hydro -asmania >or;sites have ca4ling and 3i3ing installations that are not
immediately a33arent or visi4le such as =4re o3tic ca4les and unmar;ed
services. *ommonly called concealed services% the 3recise locations of these
installations shall 4e identi=ed and clearly mar;ed to 3revent damage during
/o e0cavationD3enetration shall 4e 3erformed on site 4efore an a33roved
concealed services 3ermit has 4een issued% con=rming that all such installations
have 4een identi=ed and >ill 4e 3rotected. + LH+ andDor Safe ?or; #ethod
Statement shall also 4e used in con5unction >ith the concealed services 3ermit.
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8+2 Energy isolation
-he isolation 3rocedure is designed to 3rotect 3eo3le from une03ected
energisation% >hich is the start@u3 or release of energy% >hile they are >or;ing on
3lant. +ll Hydro -asmania em3loyees and contractors >ho >or; on e8ui3ment
that can 4e energised shall 4e instructed in the use of Hydro -asmaniaEs isolation
3rocedure and issued >ith 3ersonal isolation loc;s.
-he isolation 3rocedure covers the three categories of isolations used 4y Hydro
%irectly controlled isolations: >here loc;ing and tagging is not
o +33lies >here isolation% dissi3ation or restraint of energy sources is carried
out 4y 3hysical removal or se3aration of 3lant com3onents%
o each >or;er can ;ee3 the means of isolation% dissi3ation and restraint
under continuous o4servation and control% and there is no 3otential to
interru3t 3roduction.
$ersonal isolations: >here it is 3ractica4le for an individual to 3ersonally
isolate% tag and loc; out the 3lant% and that 3erson is com3etent and
authorised to do so.
o Each 3erson shall loc; every device used for isolating% dissi3ating or
restraining energy on the 3lant% if the device is ca3a4le of 4eing loc;ed.
o -he loc;ing shall 4e done >ith red 3ersonal
isolation loc;s.
o Each 3erson shall tag every device or other
means used for isolating% dissi3ating or
restraining energy on the 3lant >ith a correctly@
com3leted 3ersonal danger tag.
o Each 3erson shall then verify the isolation is
eGective 4efore commencing >or; on the 3lant.
Erou/ isolations: >here the Hydro -asmania asset o>ner (or their
delegate) selects and designates an authorised issuing o1cer to 3lan and
carry out the isolation and restoration of the 3lant once >or; is com3leted.
-he authorised issuing o1cer"
o (denti=es all 3otentially harmful sources of energy.
o 2re3ares a schedule of plant operations that >ill documents all o3erations%
de@energisation ste3s re8uired to ensure the safety of all >or;ers.
o *hec;s and con=rms all isolations have 4een correctly 3erformed and 3lant
is safe 4efore giving the authority for >or; to start.
8+2+1 0oc5ing rules
+ll 3ersons re8uired to 3erform isolations shall underta;e Hydro -asmania
(nstructed 2erson training% including detailed instruction on Hydro -asmaniaEs
loc;ing re8uirements. -he ;ey rules for isolation loc;ing and tagging shall%
ho>ever% 4e understood 4y all em3loyees and contractors. 7reach of these rules
may result in disci3linary action.
+n isolation 3oint shall not 4e o3erated% nor an attem3t made to override
or tam3er >ith an isolation 3oint that has 4een secured 4y a 3ersonal
isolation loc;Dtag or an isolation loc;. -ote that this is a )ardinal .ule.
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Each 3erson >or;ing shall loc; on using their 3ersonal isolation loc; 3rior
to starting >or; and remove their 3ersonal loc; once they have =nished
>or; or are a4out to leave site.
)rou3 isolation loc;s shall only 4e 3laced or removed 4y a com3etent and
authorised issuing o1cer.
-he o>ner of any 3ersonal isolation loc; shall 4e easily identi=a4le to
another 3erson.
2ersonal isolation loc;s shall only 4e 3laced or removed 4y the o>ner%
unless the loc;Dtag removal 3rocess is follo>ed >ith due 3rocess and
+ 3erson shall not lend their 3ersonal isolation loc; or ;ey to another
oss of a 3ersonal isolation loc; or a ;ey for a 3ersonal isolation loc; shall
4e re3orted.
.nly loc;s that are a33roved 4y Hydro -asmania that meet the criteria of
the isolation 3rocedure can 4e used.
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9+ S/eci4c ha3ards
S3eci=c ha9ards >ill 4e identi=ed as 3art of the ris; assessment and >or;
3lanning 3rocesses. ?here a Hydro -asmania 3rocedure e0ists for managing a
s3eci=c ha9ard% that 3rocedure shall 4e follo>ed.
9+1 Ha3ardous su"stances
+ range of ha9ardous su4stances may 4e encountered on Hydro -asmania >or;
sites% including% 4ut not limited to"
(ndustrial chemicals
.ils and other 3etro@chemicals
Sul3hur he0aKuoride (SF6) gas
*are must 4e ta;en >hen >or;ing >ith ha9ardous su4stances% including follo>ing
the relevant HSE #anagement System 3rocedures and other ris; management
/ote that no e03losives can 4e 4rought into a Hydro -asmania >or;site or used
>ithout the a33roval of a Hydro -asmania re3resentative in accordance >ith the
seismic survey 3rocedures.
9+1+1 *hemical handling
.nly a33roved and registered chemicals and dangerous goods can 4e used at
Hydro -asmania >or;sites. Safety data sheets (S!S) contain all the relevant
information on a chemical% including"
-he ha9ards and ris;s associated >ith chemical use
any 3ersonal 3rotective e8ui3ment (22E) re8uirements
Storage and dis3osal re8uirementsF and
S3ill and emergency res3onse information.
-he S!S shall 4e ;e3t >here the chemical is stored and 4e consulted >hen
conducting a ris; assessment and develo3ing a ris; management 3lan for the
9+2 Ha3ardous environments
9+2+1 Safety signs
Hydro -asmania >or; sites contain a range of 3otential ha9ards. Signs are used to
communicate critical safety information and shall 4e com3lied >ith at all times.
Safety signs identify recognised ha9ards and give im3ortant information that you
shall follo> for your safety and the safety of others.
*olours used in safety signs for the occu3ational environment (+S 1$1C) are"
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Red ' 3rohi4itive.
7lue ' mandatory (regulatory).
Hello> ' ha9ard (>arningDcaution).
)reen ' emergency information.
+ll 3ersons on Hydro -asmania sites shall com3ly >ith the information 3rovided
on safety signs.
9+2+2 ,or5ing alone! or in isolated or remote area
?or;ing alone is de=ned as an em3loyee >or;ing or travelling for >or; on their
o>n and >ithout routine interaction >ith other 3ersons. -his may 4e due to the
timing% location or nature of their >or;.
+ remote area% 4oth in +ustralia and overseas% is Jan area that is remote from
others or isolated from the assistance of others 4ecause of the time% location or
nature of the >or;E. +ny situation >ith an emergency res3onse time greater than
$0 minutes should 4e considered remote.
+ll 3ersons >or;ing alone and D or in remote areas must com3ly >ith the relevant
HSE 3rocedures% including"
odging a =eld schedule >ith their designated contactF
*arrying a trun; mo4ile radio or satellite 3honeF
Follo>ing the chec;@in 3rocedure documented in the LH+F
*arrying a 3ersonal =rst aid ;it >ith essential items and medications for
the 3lanned >or; and to treat any ;no>n allergiesF and
*arrying an emergency 3osition indicating radio 4eacon (E2(R7) or a
geogra3hic information system ()(S) trac;ing device% if re8uired in the LH+.
Failure to follo> the agreed chec;@in schedule >ill trigger the missing 3erson
res3onse 3rotocol% >ith the level of res3onse escalating until contact is made. (f a
3erson has not made contact 4y C 3m they >ill 4e o1cially re3orted as missing
to the 3olice service and their ne0t of ;in noti=ed.
9+2+ ,or5ing in or near .ater
+s a minimum a LH+ shall 4e com3leted 4efore >or;ing in and around >ater%
addressing the ha9ards involved in the >or;. + Safe ?or; #ethod Statement may
also 4e re8uired if underta;ing construction activities in or around >ater.
-he ha9ards involved >ith >or;ing in% on or near >ater include% 4ut are not
limited to"
2ollution of >ater>aysF
S3read of >eeds% 3ests and 3athogensF
E03osure or hy3othermiaF
*ollision >ith 4oats and infrastructureF
Sli3 and fallF and
Snagging and entanglement.
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?eather and >ater conditions shall 4e revie>ed 3rior to commencing >or; in
>ater% and >or; 3ost3oned if >eather conditions are unsuita4le. + certi=ed
co0s>ain shall 4e on 4oard and in charge of any 4oat and is res3onsi4le for the
safety of all 3eo3le on 4oard.
9+2+) ,or5ing at heights
Hydro -asmania has develo3ed a >or;ing at heights 3rocedure to manage the
ris;s of >or;3lace falls. +ll >or;ers% >here there is a ris; of falling 1.B metres or
greater% or >or;ing >ithin t>o metres of a live edge or 4rittle surface"
Shall 4e trained for height safety and com3etent in the height safety
systems unless control measures can 4e used to 3rotect the >or;er from
the e03osed edge or 4rittle surfaceF and
Shall com3lete a LH+ and a >or;ing at heights chec;list.
9+ Electrical safety
Electrical ha9ards are 3resent on many Hydro -asmania >or; sites% such as 3o>er
stations and s>itchyards. Hydro -asmania has a range of 3rocesses in 3lace to
manage the ris;s associated >ith >or; around electricity.
-he common electrical ha9ards and causes of in5ury can 4e categorised as the
Electric shoc5 causing in<ury or death: the electric shoc; may 4e
received 4y direct contact% trac;ing through or across a medium% induction%
or 4y arcing.
@rcing! eC/losion or 4re causing "urns: the in5uries are often suGered
4ecause arcing or e03losion or 4oth occur >hen high fault currents are
ToCic gasses causing illness or death: 4urning and arcing associated
>ith electrical e8ui3ment causes a range of gases and contaminants to 4e
3resent. *om3ounds ranging from o9one to cyanide and corrosive acids
can 4e 3resent as >ell as ris;s such as lo> o0ygen content.
9++1 Electrical .or5 com/etency re1uirements
+ny 3erson >or;ing on electrical e8ui3ment must 4e deemed a com/etent
electrical .or5er 4y Hydro -asmania. + com3etent electrical >or;er means"
+ licensed electrical 3ractitionerF
+ 3erson holding a restricted electrical licenceF or
+n em3loyee authorised under Hydro -asmaniaEs electrical safety
management system (ES#S).
+dditionally% all em3loyees underta;ing electrical >or; shall 4e 8uali=ed in lo>
voltage (:) rescue and resuscitation (*2R) and underta;e refresher training
annually. Em3loyees shall maintain a co3y of evidence of com3etence >ith them
>hen signing on to a 2ermit to ?or; (2-?) involving electrical >or;.
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9++2 0ive .or5
?or; on live (energised) electrical e8ui3ment shall not 4e underta;en >ithout a
ris; assessment (e.g. Safe ?or; #ethod Statement) a33roved 4y the a33ro3riate
.1cer or their direct delegate.
)enerally% live electrical >or; is deemed an unacce3ta4le 3ractice. -he only
e0ce3tion is >hen the electrical >or; is necessary in the interests of safety and
the ris; of harm >ould 4e greater if the circuits and e8ui3ment >ere de@energised
4efore the >or; started. (n this situation% the >or; shall 4e carried out in
accordance >ith #odel ?or; Health and Safety Regulations 3art 6.A% +S 6B$6 and
>ith a33ro3riate safety measures% >hich includes a safety o4server >ho is
com3etent in 3erforming the 3articular tas;% and is com3etent in electrical rescue
and *2R.
9++ Electric shoc5
Hydro -asmania em3loyees or contractors e03eriencing an electrical shoc; shall
receive a medical e0amination. -his a33lies at all Hydro -asmania sites% including
those >ith contractors managed 4y Hydro -asmania.
(f a suita4ly 8uali=ed 3erson can determine 4eyond dou4t that the shoc; >as a
static electric shoc; or an E0tra o> :oltage (E:) shoc; a medical e0amination is
not mandatory% 4ut can 4e 3rovided if >arranted. ?here there is dou4t as to the
nature and severity of the electric shoc;% a medical e0amination is al>ays
9+) Tools and mo"ile e1ui/ment
-ools and mo4ile e8ui3ment include items such as 3o>er tools% gas cylinders%
lifting e8ui3ment (e.g. for;lifts and mo4ile >or; 3latforms).-here are s3eci=c
ha9ards relating to the tools and mo4ile e8ui3ment used on Hydro -asmania >or;
sites. -hese ha9ards shall 4e identi=ed through the 5o4 ris; assessment 3rocess
and suita4le controls 3ut in 3lace.
?here relevant Hydro -asmania 3rocedures e0ist% they shall 4e follo>ed to
reduce the ris;s associated >ith tools and mo4ile e8ui3ment.
9+)+1 *om/ressed air safety
*om3ressed air can ;ill if it enters your 4ody" never direct com3ressed air at
another 3erson or any 4ody 3art. ,se only a33roved =ttings and cli3s in
accordance >ith manufacturers s3eci=cation and use the a33ro3riate 3ersonal
3rotective e8ui3ment (22E). +lso% alert others in the >or; area 4efore o3erating
com3ressed air e8ui3ment.
?hen you have =nished >or;ing >ith high 3ressure e8ui3ment% de3ressurise all
=ttings and hoses. +ll >or; on 3ressuri9ed systems shall 4e controlled 4y a LH+.
High 3ressure gases and Kuids can 4e found in some >or; areas. Hour evel $
Site induction shall identify these ha9ards.
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9+)+2 $o.er tools
+s a minimum% Hydro -asmania re8uires all electrical e8ui3ment used on its sites
to 4e com3liant to the +ustralian Standard +SD/NS $A60"2010 in@service safety
ins3ection and testing of electrical e8ui3ment. (ns3ections relating to
construction sites can 4e found in +S $012"2010 Oelectrical instillations@
construction and demolition sitesP. (n addition to this"
2eo3le shall 3erform 3re@use ins3ections on all electrical e8ui3ment 4efore
use and again after% 4efore returning the e8ui3mentF
+ll electrical tools shall 4e connected to a residual current device (R*!) to
3rotect against electrical surges or shortingF and
+ll electrical e8ui3ment that is not in test date or damaged shall 4e tagged
out of service and removed from use until it can 4e tested and tagged 4y a
com3etent 3erson.
9+2 Travel and trans/ort
?or; for Hydro -asmania may involve travel% including driving to remote
>or;sites% travelling interstate and travelling overseas. 2rocedures are in 3lace to
manage the ris;s associated >ith travel and shall 4e com3lied >ith 4y Hydro
-asmania em3loyees and contractors travelling on our 4ehalf.
9+2+1 :nternational travel
-he ha9ards associated >ith international travel vary e0tensively de3ending on
the destination and the nature of the >or; to 4e done. ?here international travel
is re8uired for >or; 3ur3oses% Hydro -asmania em3loyees shall follo> the
international travel 3rocedure and ensure they meet the follo>ing re8uirements"
Lo4 ha9ard analysis com3leted% assessing @
o -he ris;s associated >ith the 5ourneyF
o -he ris;s associated >ith >or;ing in the destination countryF
+33roval given 4y the level 2 managerF
*all@in 3rocesses and emergency res3onse 3lans develo3ed and a33roved
3rior to de3arture% and com3lied >ith once in@countryF
+ny re8uired vaccinations or other medical re8uirements identi=ed and
administered% 3rior to de3artureF and
?here 3ossi4le% see; the advice of other Hydro -asmania em3loyees >ho
have visited the intended destination.
?or;ers travelling overseas shall monitor in@country conditions closely% revie>
and u3date their tri3 LH+ as the situation changes and notify their ine #anager
of any health and safety concerns. ?or;ers shall not com3romise their safety or
the safety of others. ?here concerns have 4een raised% >or;ers shall >ait for
Hydro -asmania to 3rovide advice or 3ermission to 3roceed.
9+2+2 %omestic travel
!omestic travel% including travel 4y road and air% may 4e re8uired 4y Hydro
-asmania >or;ers. -he HSE ha9ards of travel >ithin +ustralia may include"
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-ri3 duration and fatigueF
Road safety and driving ha9ardsF
Remote and isolated locationsF and
+ircraft use% including light aircraft and helico3ters.
+ll >or;ers travelling on 4ehalf of Hydro -asmania shall com3ly >ith the domestic
travel 3rocedure. +dditionally% those travelling to or through remote or isolated
areas shall follo> the remote area and >or;ing alone 3rocedure. -he ris;s
associated >ith other ha9ards% including the mode of trans3ort% shall 4e assessed
as 3art of the >or; ris; assessment (e.g. Lo4 Ha9ard +nalysis).
9+2+ Aoad safety
!riving is a signi=cant safety ha9ard for Hydro -asmania. -o minimise the ha9ards
associated >ith driving"
Hydro -asmaniaEs road safety guideline shall 4e follo>ed 4y all em3loyees
and contractors.
*hec; over the vehicle 3rior to de3arture% ensuring it is =t for 3ur3ose%
including the >eather and road conditions and in good >or;ing order
including the chec; of @
o -he >eather and road conditions.
o -he vision is uno4structed and >indo>s are clear.
o -he tyres are in good condition and suita4le for the e03ected conditions.
o -he fuel ty3e is ;no>n and there is enough fuel to reach a suita4le service
o -he load (if any) is 3ro3erly loaded and secured.
o -he e8ui3ment re8uired for the conditions you are li;ely to encounter.
!rivers are re8uired to"
o #anage fatigue 4y ta;ing regular 4rea;s to rest and >al; around.
o Follo> the Hydro -asmania fatigue management and ma0imum >or; hour
o #aintain a 9ero 4lood alcohol and drug level at all times.
Follo> the road rules and drive to suit the current conditions at all times
o Slo>ing do>n in >et conditions.
o ,sing defensive driving techni8uesF do not drive aggressively.
7e a>are of li;ely ha9ards you may encounter 4y"
o ?atching for animals at da>n and dus;.
o ?earing sunglasses to minimise glare.
o ?atching for 3ar;ed vehicles in tourist areas.
o 7eing mindful that logging truc;s and other heavy vehicles >ill hold to the
middle of dirt roads.
o (f travelling through remote areas% es3ecially if out of normal 4usiness
hours 3hone chec;@in is re8uired.
o Re3ort any defect noted >hile o3erating a vehicle and correct any unsafe
conditions 4efore further use of that vehicle.
!o not use mo4ile 3hones or t>o@>ay radios >hen driving unless using a
(luetooth headset or in@car hands free ;it (>ith 3hone caddy) 4y"
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o +iming to 3ull over to ma;e or ans>er calls% even >hen using a hands@free
o /ot te0ting% using 3hone data services (e.g. emails) and other>ise
handling your 3hone.
9+6 Ergonomics
Ergonomics is essentially a4out the 3rocess of designing or arranging the
>or;3lace so it =ts the 3erson.
(f you e03erience discomfort at your >or; station% des; or other location% s3ea;
>ith your line manager and re3ort the sym3toms early. Sym3toms may include"
decreased range of motion
deformity or s>elling
decreased gri3 strength
loss of function% e.g. cannot close hand
3ersistent num4ness
4urning sensation
3ain and tingling
cram3ing and stiGness.
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(+ Management of contractors and
Hydro -asmaniaEs HSE re8uirements for contractors and su33liers are determined
4y the level of ris; involved in the >or;. +s a minimum% all contractors and
su33liers shall adhere to Hydro -asmaniaEs HSE systems and 3rocesses and meet
the res3onsi4ilities and re8uirements descri4ed in the Hydro -asmania 3rocedure
for HSE management of contractors and su33liers. *ore HSE documents%
including this 3rocedure% are made availa4le to contractors on the Hydro
-asmania >e4site (>>>.hydro.com.au).
+ll contractor and su4@contractor 3ersonnel >or;ing on Hydro -asmania sites
must also meet the re8uirements for site access.
(+1 Hydro Tasmania
Hydro -asmania re3resentative is res3onsi4le for esta4lishing and managing the
contracted D su33lied >or; and managing the associated HSE re8uirements% in
accordance >ith the 3rocedure for HSE management of contractors and
su33liers. -hese res3onsi4ilities include% 4ut are not limited to"
Ensuring that the HSE ha9ards have 4een accurately identi=ed and the
ris;s fairly assessedF
*on=rming that the nominated controls are ade8uate to manage the HSE
*hec;ing that all control measures are in 3lace and functioning 4efore
>or; commences% including that any training and induction re8uirements
have 4een metF and
#onitoring the HSE 3erformance of contractors and su33liers% 3roviding
feed4ac;% advice and su33ort.
(+2 *ontractor ' su//lier
-he contractor or su33lier has HSE duties and 5oint res3onsi4ility for the safe%
environmentally@sound delivery of the contracted >or;. -he contractor D su33lier
is also res3onsi4le for"
*onsulting >ith Hydro -asmania to ensure the HSE ha9ards associated >ith
the >or; have 4een accurately identi=ed and are understood 4y all
relevant 3artiesF
Ensuring the >or; is delivered as 3er the HSE management re8uirements
identi=ed in the contract documentsF
*om3lying >ith Hydro -asmaniaEs nominated HSE controls% including
inductions and com3etency re8uirements and 3roviding co3ies of any
re8uested documentationF and
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2roviding HSE oversight for the contracted >or;s% including su3ervising
contractor >or;ers% monitoring HSE ris;s and controls and res3onding to
any HSE incidents% ha9ards or near@misses.
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10+ :ncident management and emergency
10+1 :ncident management
Hydro -asmania ta;es its commitment to 3rotecting the health and safety of
3eo3le and the environment very seriously and 3laces great em3hasis on
re3orting and learning from HSE incidents% including 3otential ha9ards and near
misses. Everyone% including contractors% has a res3onsi4ility to re3ort any safety
or environmental incidents to their line manager immediately.
+ >ritten incident re3ort is to 4e 3rovided within 24 hours of an incident
occurring% using Hydro -asmaniaEs (ncident /oti=cation Form or online ha9ard and
near@miss re3orting. -hese re3orts are entered into Hydro -asmaniaEs incident
data4ase for investigation and re3orting.
Mey 3oints to remem4er a4out incident management"
+ssess the situation and% >here 3ossi4le% control or contain the issue '
o *onsider your safety and the safety of others =rst and 3rioritise avoiding
ris;s to lifeF
o Follo> the relevant emergency res3onse 3lans for the site you are >or;ing
o Ensure the site is 3reserved and undistur4ed as far as 3ractica4le so a
3ro3er investigation can occur.
?here there is a ris; to others or of further s3read (e.g. oil s3ills to
>ater>ays)% raise the alarmF
See; hel3 to manage the situation% if re8uiredF
/otify the +rea .>ner or Lo4 #anager a4out the incident once it is safe to
do soF
Follo> directions 3rovided 4y your manager% emergency services and D or
HSE advisorsF
*om3lete and su4mit a detailed incident re3ort to the a33ro3riate ine
o +ll incidents of a moderate severity or greater must 4e re3orted to the ine
#anager immediately after the situation has 4een sta4ilised.
o +ll incidents% ha9ards or near@misses must 4e re3orted >ithin 26 hours.
Re3ort all safety andDor environmental incidents% near misses% ha9ards%
environmental incidents% non@conformances% o33ortunities for im3rovement% all
regulatory 4reaches and any other HSE issues ' if you are unsure% al>ays re3ort
10+2 Emergency /re/aredness
+n emergency is any un3lanned or a4normal event in a s3eci=c location that
demands immediate attention% usually 4y team mem4ers on the s3ot. #ost
emergencies do not result in a crisis (an event that has ma5or actual or 3otential
long@term conse8uences) 4ut do re8uire e1cient and eGective res3onses.
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Emergency incidents encom3ass any situation >here"
(n5uries have 4een% or could 4e% incurred to Hydro -asmania 3ersonnel%
contractors% visitors or mem4ers of the 3u4licF andDor
-here is 3otential to seriously damage the environment (e.g. oil s3ill to
>ater>ay)F andDor
2ro3erty damage has occurred or 3ro3erty is 3laced in 5eo3ardy of damage
(e.g. 4ush=re).
(t is a Hydro -asmania re8uirement that that a33ro3riate emergency res3onse
3rocedures are develo3ed and can 4e 3ractically im3lemented >hen an
emergency situation arises.
+ll Hydro -asmania >or; sites develo3 emergency res/onse /lans that
guide >hat to do in case of an emergency and emergency res3onse
information is 3rovided to contractors as 3art of the site (/evel 0)
+n emergency information manual is 3rovided at all Hydro -asmania
3o>er stations containing all the relevant information on 3otential
emergencies and res3onse actions for that site.
-hese manuals are located near the entry to each 3o>er station and can 4e
accessed 4y all >or;ers on site% including contractors.
10+2+1 Evacuation
Each site has its o>n evacuation 3rocedure detailed in the site emergency
information manual or dis3layed on notice 4oards. -he site (level 0) induction >ill
cover the uni8ue evacuation 3rocedures for that site.
10+ :ncident and emergency
res/onse e1ui/ment
E8ui3ment for managing HSE incidents and emergencies is availa4le at most
Hydro -asmania sites. ?here e8ui3ment is not normally ;e3t on site% relevant
e8ui3ment shall 4e trans3orted to the site and ;e3t there >hile the ris; is 3resent
(e.g. during 3ro5ect >or;s). Emergency and rescue e8ui3ment shall only 4e used
4y 3eo3le >ho are authorised and com3etent to use the e8ui3ment.
-he incident and emergency res3onse e8ui3ment 3rovided 4y Hydro -asmania
7irst aid 5its F First aid ;its are ;e3t and maintained at all ma5or Hydro
-asmania sites and in all Hydro -asmania vehicles. Re3ort any items used
from the ;it to your ine #anager to ensure the ;its remain accurately
stoc;ed. -he site s3eci=c (level $) induction includes the locations of =rst
aid ;its.
7ireD4ghting e1ui/ment F =re e0tinguishers% =re 4lan;ets and other =re@
=ghting e8ui3ment is ;e3t and maintained at all ma5or Hydro -asmania
sites and in all Hydro -asmania vehicles. -his e8ui3ment is 3rovided for use
>here necessary to 3rotect the safety of 3eo3le and allo> evacuation until
the Fire Service arrives.
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Health% Safety & Environment (HSE) (nduction )uide
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Revision 1
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S/ill 5its F ;its for the containment and clean@u3 of smaller s3ills are
3rovided in all 3o>er stations% la4oratories and other areas >here s3ills
commonly occur. Mits are s3eci=c for the ty3e of su4stance s3illed (e.g. oil
and 3etrochemicals% H+N*HE# chemicals) and it is im3ortant to ensure the
correct ;it is used.
S/ill res/onse trailers F mo4ile s3ill containment and clean@u3
e8ui3ment for larger oil or chemical s3ills in -asmania. -here are t>o trailer
ty3es" an initial res3onse trailer for containing the s3ill% and a clean@u3
trailer. -railers can 4e collected >hen a s3ill occurs% or 4rought on site for
ma5or >or;s or 3ro5ects >ith a high ris; of s3ills.
-il recovery e1ui/ment F e8ui3ment for containing and recovering large
s3ills to >ater>ays is held at strategic locations across -asmania.
(nformation on ho> to res3ond to incidents and emergency situations% including
=re% Kood and oil s3ill res3onse 3lans% is found in the emergency information
manual or emergency information 4oard at each site.
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Health% Safety & Environment (HSE) (nduction )uide
(evel 2)
Revision 1
*+,-(./" /rinted document is uncontrolled $rint %ate: 0'0('201)
11+ ;otes
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