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Nama Maba : Ratnasari Dewi Ayunani

Nama Tunas : Pulmonology

Hypoxia is a pathological conditions where the whole body (generalized
hypoxia) or just some part from the body (tissue hypoxia) become deprived of
oxygen concentration below the physiologic level even the perfusion of blood tissue
is normal. Hypoxia can be happen because of the deficiency of oxygen until the
level of tissue, so the cell doesnt get enough oxygen then it will disturb the cell

Hypoxia can be divided into 4 groups, Hypoxemia (deprivation of oxygen in
arterial blood), hypoxia hypokinetics (hypoxia that happens because of some
obstruction, and hypoxia hystotoxic (a condition when there is enough capillary
blood of tissue, but the tissue itself cant use the oxygen because of cyanide
poisoning, and it will make the oxygen of vena increasing because of the blood that
come back to vena)

Patophysiological of hypoxia in the condition of losing consciousness for
example during the anesthesia intake, the patient that having some traumatic because
of some disease, then there will be muscle relaxation include the tongue muscle and
cardiac sphincter, so if the patient is in supine positions, it makes the end of tongue
fall into posterior that will occupied the inhalation path. Then the relaxing of cardiac
sphincter, make the things inside the stomach will go back to the oropharynx
(regurgitation). These things will become a threat or the obstruction of inhaling path
from a solid aspirate then a liquid aspiration from pneumonic aspiration, because in
this condition the reflex of coughing is already gone and that can be lead into some
worse condition that requaires further managemet. Thenn it would become a greater
problem if doing the wrong management to.

Clinical manifestations of hypoxia are the reduction of the cell function. If
the source of hypoxia is an aspiration failure or infarct myocardium, then all of the
tissue will affected, and the death of cell can be happen. Besides that, the increasing
of heart rate, increasing of aspiration frequency, muscle weaknesses, and losing
consciousness also the clinical manifestations of hypoxia. And then for cyanide
poisoning, there will be a feeling of choke with the increasing of aspiration rate then
run out of breath, then for carbon monoxide poisoning there will be some increasing
of aspiration rate with a ringy (something like ringing) feeling, and then for tin
poisoning there will be stomach cramps, hyperactivity, anorexia, tin line on gum,
and muscle cramps.

There will be also a complication like losing consciousness in a long period
or comma and will become death if the cerebrum hypoxia happens in a long period.

For the hypoxia management, increasing of oxygen saturation that inhaled
from oxygen mask or mechanical ventilator, then for cyanide poisoning doing nitrate
and natrium thiosulfate therapy will do, then for carbon monoxide poisoning some
hyperbaric (high pressure) oxygen therapy will do, and then for the tin poisoning use
emetic for stimulate the throwing up feeling in severe poisoning.

(1) Carolyn M.H., Barbara M.G., 2009, Gagal Pernapasan Akut, hal: 563,
Keperawatan Kritis, Pendekatan Holistik, ed.VI, Vol. I, EGC, Jakarta.
(2) Guyton, 1994.,Pernapasan, Pengangkutan Oksigen dan Karbondioksida di
dalam Darah dan Cairan Tubuh,Pengaturan Pernapasan, hal: 181-207, Buku Ajar
Fisiologi Kedokteran, ed.7, Bag.II, Cet.I., EGC, Jakarta. (3) Daniel B. Hoch, PhD,
MD. 2010. Cerebral Hypoxia.
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001435.htm. Diakses pada tanggal
30 Agustus 2012 Jam 00.20
(4) Elizabeth J.Corwin,BSN,PhD. 2008. Buku Saku Patofisiologis. Jakarta : EGC
(5) Asmadi. 2008 Teknik Prosedural Konsep & Aplikasi Kebutuhan Dasar Klien.
Jakarta : Salemba Medika

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