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Research the below terminologies, and prepare for discussion in next weeks lecture
Terminology Definition Source
Data Data is raw fact or observation, typically about physical
phenomenon or business transactions. More specifically,
data is the obective measurement of the attributes of
entities, such as people, places, things, and events. !e can
think of data as a "raw material" # it needs to be processed
before it can be turned into something useful.
$adomski, %dam Maria&
'())*+ ,-nformation,
.references and
/nowledge, %n -nteresting
0volution in 1hought2.
-nformation -nformation is data that has been given meaning by way of
relational connection. 1his "meaning" can be useful, but
does not have to be. -n computer parlance, a relational
database makes information from the data stored within it.
3harma, 4ikhil& '())*+ ,1he
5rigin of the Data
/nowledge !isdom
/nowledge /nowledge is information that is contextual, relevant, and
actionable. 7or example, a map giving detailed driving
directions from one location to another could be considered
data. %n up#to#the#minute traf8c bulletin along the freeway
that indicates a traf8c slowdown due to construction several
miles ahead could be considered information. %wareness of
an alternative, back#roads route could be considered as
Rasmus, D. !.& '()))+
,/nowledge Management9
More than %- :ut ;ess
!ithout -t,2 <ol. 1*, 4o. (.
3ystem % system is a group of interrelated components working
together toward a common goal by accepting inputs and
producing outputs in an organi=ed transformation process. %
system 'sometimes called a dynamic system+ has three
basic interacting components or functions. 1hese include9
-nput involves capturing and assembling elements that
enter the system to be processed.
.rocessing involves transformation processes that convert
input into output.
5utput involves transferring elements that have been
produced by a transformation process to their ultimate
1wo additional components of the system concept include
feedback and control. % system with feedback and control
components is sometimes called a cybernetic system, that
is, a self#monitoring, self#regulating system.
7eedback is data about the performance of a system.
>ontrol involves monitoring and evaluating feedback to
determine whether a system is moving toward the
achievement of its goals.
%shish /. Dixit& '%ugust 1?,
()11+ ,3ystem %nalysis9
Data, -nformation @
-nformation 3ystems2 <ol
-nformation system -nformation system has been defined in terms of two
perspectives9 one relating to its function& the other relating to
its structure. 7rom a functional perspective& an information
system is a technologically implemented medium for the
purpose of recording, storing, and disseminating linguistic
expressions as well as for the supporting of decision making.
7rom a structural perspective& an information system
consists of a collection of people, processes, data, models,
technology and partly formali=ed language, forming a
cohesive structure which serves some organi=ational
purpose or function.
5A:rien, B %. '())C+
,-ntroduction to information
systems9 essentials for the
e#business enterprise2.
Mc$raw#6ill, :oston, M%
1ype of information
% typical organi=ation has six of information systems with
each supporting a specific organi=ational level. 1hese
systems include transaction processing systems '1.3+ at
the operational level, office automation systems '5%3+ and
knowledge work systems '/!3+ at the knowledge level,
management information systems 'M-3+ and decision
support 3ystems 'D33+ at the management level, and the
executive support systems '033+ at the strategic level.
3helly, >ashman and
<ermaat& ' ()))+ ,>oncepts
for a >onnected !orld2

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