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II. The RH bill
a. Definition
b. Purpose
c. Result
d. Effects
III. The Critique
a. The presentation of the bill too remarkable yet too technical in terms of
b. The composition of the Reproductive Health Bill
c. The Churchs stand
d. The states standing point
e. The idea of the church and the state cannot be conformed
f. The idea of contraception not contraception but murder in a sense
g. The inevitable altering modern conceptual framework of life begetting sex -
h. The equality treatment men and women towards contraceptions and yet it
primarily focuses in the women because they beget.
i. The clear education towards the youth as early as possible regarding sex at the age
of discretion they should know that.
j. The really cause of population is uneducatedness and from that uneducatedness
there arise the unawareness of such and such unawareness there is this unwanted
consequences which they can lead us to self confusion and regret.
k. The government implementation the tolerance of such act even rooted in what
they administer.
l. The School
m. The Peers
n. The Family orientation
o. The Self
p. The Self manifestation and the rootedness of all such things the starting point of
such acts addressed in the self of the person.
IV. Conclusion
a. Status is not felt the feeling of reluctance progressive articulation of the bill it
was last year that the bill is opened to the public then what?
b. The church and the state must work together as they take an important role in the
world. The value of dialogue seeing the pros and cons
c. Everyone has the responsibility of their own disposition.
d. We have the eyes and hearts what is good. Tolerance is not the answer in such when
there are no more solutions.
e. We have the connectivity to work hand in hand to build the nation.
f. Eyeopener to the public to see what government provided a solution to our problem
of poverty and over population
g. They really observed, took a study and even worked hard to articulate these things.
They have the care and that is really given that is what they know about these
h. It is not the question of who is right or wrong regarding what is proper and just or
rather they might depict some kind question who is the most authocratic? The
church or the state? Who is the more powerful? The church or the state? It is
i. The people in this era really think. They manifest the vastness of rationality which
marks the unending capacity to move from simple to complex.
j. Sometimes we are forgetting our rootedness in what we believe in which
contextualize ourselves in Filipino God-believer.
k. The profoundness of the idea of Life which we value most.
V. Endnotes

I. Introduction
The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak Very often the condition of the body affects that of
the soul. If the body is unhealthy, the soul suffers. There is a wise Roman Proverb: A healthy mind
in a healthy body. It is not for us to run such unusual means and it will contradict the naturalness
of the embodied spirit.
- My Catholic Faith
We have different tribulations that arise in our lives. We cannot help but to find promising
solution to these. Sometimes, it will pave way to the scheme of losing ones self madly. I have
been experiencing such particularly in my chosen vocation. However, it will give me the idea of
compromising myself that some of the things that I think off are the best possible solution unless I
ever tried it. Looking at the statements above, it primarily depicts a significant aspect in which we
should boil down or go beyond what we really spot. We should go down to the roots and try to
examine, think, analyze and reflect as many as we can in order to see what lies beyond our
problems. It is easy to say but it is hard to do. In reality, it is very easy for us Filipinos to say
nevertheless we tend to back out because sometimes we are ningas kugoni What is really the
problem? Why the condition of the soul affects the body and at the same time when the soul is
affected the body reacts in different way?
In this way, we are trying to dig what is the problem with the Reproductive Health Bill.
The problems seem to be pregnant because we already have different crises that we facing or
available today. In Filipino Naku naman problema nanaman ito. Di pa nga nasolusyunan ang
mga bagay pagdating sa pamilya eto nanaman may probelema nanaman. This seems to be the
problem for us Filipinos to be more reluctant in things that we do. I do not generalize all of the
Filipinos but we all have the entire tendency to be subjected to that.
For my part, my position to the Reproductive Health bill is considered as a big opposition.
The so-called Reproductive Health Bill is not really an issue of faith or non- Faith but a political
one. Our church has nothing to gain by impeding this bill. Those politicians with ulterior motives
are so eager to pass this bill (that they even lambaste the church's hierarchy who only aims to
maintain the natural laws) because of the mortgage they will be entitled to withdraw, not because it
will be good for our country. Perhaps this is corruption. We should think but rally round some
instances why people do this and let us try to reflect but to envisage what is really the problem
what is the unseen problem. The media played an important role in this issue because they really
sensationalize things and the government used them to do what they want.

What are our Problems really?
Poverty, alongside graft and corruption, is one of the crises we face today. Many of us
linked poverty to our large population. But is the number of people really the cause of such
poverty? Is this situation causing the people to cease? Not to work? Unemployment? Or the
addiction to negligence. We must first root ourselves to the main issue why the Reproductive
Health Bill is trying push through. Over population is the main cause of poverty. Is it really the
main cause of poverty? There are some countries that would have a great population yet they are
very progressive. If the large number of people is the cause of our economic instability, why has
China, with a population reaching to two billion, have developed over the years? The large
population minimally contributes to our economic instability. But what propagates that instability
is the blanket of graft and corruption that has trapped us underneath.
Chinese are resourceful and industrious, while Filipinos are indolent and irritable in
general. This could be one of the causes why the gap between China and the Philippines increases
when it comes to economic stability. We cannot always say that a huge population is a great factor
that contributes to a nations development right? By some means it does; but usually it adds to its
We sometimes say that our leaders are corrupt and insatiable and so forth and how about
our fellow citizens our nations? Why are so many crimes in our country? Why are there
TERRORISM, gambling, car napping and hold-upping? Perhaps the reason why our country is
experiencing this is we are in the process of transforming our country into better country. We
cannot help but to think that this is our beloved country what is happening? Do I have the role to
change it? Not really in the sense of change but rather to help restoring it into the natural
Philippines ness.
We know its difficult to run a country, especially like the Philippines, but there are so
many who would like to have a position in the government. Do you think they are really willing to
mug the problems and to carry the burdens of our country; or they are just up to the money they
acquire when they really there for the position? There are hidden motives we cannot deny the fact.
A bishop from the CBCP said: government just need to give jobs for the Filipinos; allow
them to be productive. There are in fact so many opportunities in our country, the people only
are apt to overlook them (maybe they dont look for any?). Lets go back to china. In china, the
people work even for a small salary.
We should blame everyone for desiring it so much; not just the destructive population, and not just
our politicians. If all of us have that attitude, even if we decrease our population, our country will
still be in turmoil. Summing up everything, all of us are the culprits why are country is poor.
Nevertheless, POPULATION CONTROL IS NOT THE SOLUTION. The morality and virtuous
behavior of the people is the key
We have the responsibility in our fellow citizens, country and even in ourselves. We have
the role of enlightening ourselves in our problems not

It is for Filipinos to be enthusiastic to what they do at the beginning yet they gradually fades as the time goes by.
I have read this in the internet which concerns the his stand in the reproductive health bill.

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