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A Wh|te aper by exp|ore828



An exploieB2B White Papei

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This pioject tuineu out to be moie
complicateu than we evei imagineu.
Foi almost a yeai, we heie at
exploieB2B have ieseaicheu the
connections between SE0, social
business stiategies, anu content
maiketing. We conuucteu many
inteiviews with inteinational
expeits, uiew oui own conclusions
anu successfully implementeu
accoiuing stiategies into oui own
maiketing effoits.
This iepoit is oui wiap up - a
complete summaiy on what we have
leaineu fiom oui own expeiience
anu fiom the expeits.
We conuucteu inteiviews with
inteinational expeits on these topics.
We took gieat caie in selecting
inteiview paitneis, basing oui
uecisions not only on expeitise, but
on uiveisity. Among the inteivieweu
expeits you will finu establisheu anu
well-known maiketeis such as Lee
0uuen anu }oe Cheinov as well as
young anu successful entiepieneuis
like Social Katy. We inteivieweu
people who base theii caieeis anu
eveiyuay woik on the assumption
that theii theoiies about these topics
aie coiiect. The oiiginal inteiviews
have been publisheu on exploieB2B.
1. 1o put th|ngs |n
perspect|ve: What |s
"1rad|t|ona| SLC," and does
|t st||| work?
With the moie iecent upuates of the
uoogle seaich engine algoiithms
"Panua" anu "Penguin", SE0 expeits
woiluwiue have complaineu that
SE0 itself has become obsolete. This
is because uoogle has effectively
ieuuceu the influence that links to
the content have on the ianking of
the content in the seaich iesults.
0vei the last 1u to 1S yeais, link
builuing stiategies anu keywoiu
optimisations weie the piimaiy
ways of optimizing content foi
seaich iesults anu theie is no uoubt
that the uownianking of links fiom
link uiiectoiies anu aiticle pages
have hit the inuustiy haiu.
What we founu in oui ieseaich
howevei is not that SE0 is theiefoie
obsolete, but that most expeits agiee
that SE0 neeus to auapt to the
cuiient time. Content quality, social
iatings anu shaiing cuiiently
become moie ielevant.
In his inteiview with us, Lee 0uuen
explains how he came into the SE0
business in 1997 anu gives an
impiessive example that the cuiient
shift in SE0 is not the fiist time the
inuustiy hau to auapt:
l0: "Tbose were tbe Joys of tbe
Yoboo! Birectory, Fxcite, lycos,
EotBot, Alto visto onJ loter, poiJ
inclusion to lnktomi. SF0 toctics ot
tbe time focuseJ on oJJinq keyworJs
to web poqes, title toqs, meto onJ

An exploieB2B White Papei

Jescription toqs. We creoteJ lonJinq
poqes for eocb mojor seorcb enqine,
moJifyinq content onJ poqe formots
to increose tbe cbonces of ronkinq on
specific keyworJs for specific seorcb
enqines. Submittinq {onJ re-
submittinq) web sites to Jirectories
onJ qettinq tbem incluJeJ on Wbots
New review lists ottrocteJ troffic onJ
Foi Lee 0uuen, who has a long-time
SE0 caieei, this was the iise of the
SE0 business. Be was aiounu foi the
fiist, big shift in seaich that came
with the intiouuction of uoogle's
seaich engine.
l0: "6ooqle come on tbe scene onJ
SF0 focuseJ o lot more on links."
As Lee 0uuen aiticulates it, SE0 is
something that has been constantly
changing since its iise in the
nineties. The focus on links, which is
veiy often vieweu now as
"tiauitional SE0," was the fiist
evolution of oiiginal SE0.
While we uo believe that Lee
0uuen's explanation on the eaily
piogiession of SE0 is veiy valuable
to put things into peispective, we
will focus this iepoit on the moie
iecent histoiy of SE0 anu the
changes that came with the iecent
uoogle upuates. Kevin Cain
summaiizes the continueu changes
in SE0 stiategies:
KC: "SF0 bos evolveJ from beinq o
somewbot formuloic process into on
ort onJ o science. Becouse of upJotes
like Penquin onJ PonJo, tbe rules of
tbe qome ore in o continuol stote of
flux. As o result, you cont rest your
lourels onJ expect to qet results.
Youve reolly qot to evolve your
stroteqy os 6ooqle continues to
uoogle keeps iefining theii
algoiithms to tiy to get bettei iesults
foi the peison peifoiming the
seaich; eveiy once in a while
evolution leaps foiwaiu anu
maiketeis aie able to auapt to this
change. Kevin notes that these
changes aie something SE0s must
live anu come to teims with to auapt
theii stiategies. While Kevin accepts
this change, it has leau to some
fiustiation with othei expeit
"## $%%#& '"$()
Lee 0uuen is the CE0 of TopRank
0nline Naiketing, euitoi at
NaiketingBlog.com anu authoi of
the new book, 0ptimize: Bow to
Attiact anu Engage Noie
Customeis by Integiating SE0,
Social Neuia anu Content
Naiketing. Be's been citeu in the
New Yoik Times, Foibes, The
Economist anu The Wall Stieet
}ouinal foi his inteinet maiketing
anu PR expeitise anu wiites a
Social Neuia Naiketing column
foi ClickZ.
*#+,& -.,& '*-()
Kevin Cain is the Biiectoi of
Content Stiategy foi the Boston-
baseu vC, 0penview ventuie
Paitneis. As one of the fiist vC
fiims to mastei content-baseu
maiketing, Kevin anu his team
have ievolutionizeu the way vCs
cieate theii names thiough the
piouuction anu uistiibution of
optimizeu content.


An exploieB2B White Papei

optimizeis, such as Auam
AT: "Fvery new olqoritbm cbonqe, oll
tbe new mobile initiotives, tbe
locolizotion onJ personolizotion, onJ
tbe tiqbteninq of referrinq Joto in
onolytics oll leoJ me to believe tbot
6ooqle is octively tryinq to put SF0s
out of o job, onJ turn tbeir seorcb
results into sometbinq impossible to
influence in ony woy."
0pposing Auam's viewpoint is
}onathan uebauei who claims that
even befoie Panua anu Penguin, SE0
coulu backfiie on the optimizing
}6: "Tbe tbinq obout SF0 stroteqy is
tbot it con work in tbe now but
bockfire in tbe future. Tbis is not just
Jue to 6ooqles olqoritbm upJotes,
but olso from over-optimizinq
content. Content miqbt be qooJ for
seorcb, but borJ on reoJers eyes onJ
Be is also stiongly auvocating the
use of SE0 as pait of an oveiall
maiketing stiategy anu not as a
single tiaffic acquisition stiategy.
}6: ,SF0 still is voliJ wben useJ in
conjunction witb tbe proJuction of
biqb-quolity content onJ os o
tecbnique to improve otber
morketinq efforts. Wbot is currently
Jyinq is SF0 os o sole tecbnique for
Jrivinq troffic onJ profit."
/%.0 1234,5%62& '/1()
Auam Toikiluson is the vP of
0peiations at Customei Book, a
viial maiketing company that
helps businesses gain exposuie,
inciease R0I, anu cieate
stiategies foi customei

72&.89.& :#;.<#3 '7:()
Foimei mathematician, }onathan
uebauei, is the CE0 & co-founuei
of exploieB2B. As the main
business uevelopei anu pait
exploieB2B's maiketing team,
}onathan uses his scientific
backgiounu anu inheient
cieativity to piopel giowth foi
the social business platfoim.


An exploieB2B White Papei

}onathan's view of tioublesome,
ovei-optimizeu content is backeu by
uisele Nenuez, who also believes
that SE0 woulu have uone bettei
fiom the stait if the client, the
consumei, anu the content hau
gotten moie attention than uiity,
optimization tiicks.
6H: "Bock tben, SF0 boJ very little to
Jo witb tbe octuol site, it wos not
obout tbe content onJ -most
importontly- it wos not obout tbe
clients: every move wos plonneJ
boseJ on bow seorcb enqines workeJ.
NowoJoys, we oll know tbot tberes
no room for o stroteqy tbot Joesnt
toke into consiJerotion consumer
bebovior onJ tbeir neeJs, tbe
website's Jesiqn, onJ its precious
uisele continues with a waining that
summaiizes what a mouein SE0
consultant shoulu keep in minu if
expecting to ietain long-teim
6H: "As lonq os SF0s keep seeinq
tbemselves os JetocbeJ from tbe
biqqer morketinq picture, tbey will
keep follinq into sketcby metboJs tbot
miqbt brinq tbem sbort-term results,
but wont contribute to tbeir clients
}onathan even claims, that the
cuiient uevelopments within the
uoogle seaich algoiithms enfoice
something he woulu call natuial
}6: ,A qooJ frienJ of mine once put it
tbis woy: ,6ooJ SF0 is no SF0. l
woulJ repbrose tbot: ,6ooJ SF0 is
noturol SF0. Recent Jevelopments ot
6ooqle moke me believe tbot tbey
miqbt octuolly be of tbe some
Seaich engines aie built to give theii
useis quality content that matches
theii seaich teims - the main goal of
SE0 is to attiact moie tiaffic fiom
seaiches. Aftei all, was theie evei a
possibility of these two coexisting in
the long iun if they uiu not focus on
the same aspect of giving seaich
engine useis the high-quality
content they weie looking foi.
In this sense, the iecent iise of
online content maiketing seems to
be a logical piogiession in the views
of many expeits.
2. 1he kecent k|se of
Content Market|ng
With the help of uoogle's Penguin
anu Panua upuates, SE0 was foiceu
to evolve. Rathei than an emphasis
on keywoik placement anu page
ianking, content hau to be ielevant
anu useful. Such a piogiession maue
ioom foi the concept of "content
Content maiketing is the ait of
cieating anu spieauing mateiial that
pioviues some kinu of value to its
:,6#5# =.+.332 >#&%#? ':>()
uisele is a fieelance social SE0
consultant anu bloggei, coaching
othei bloggeis anu small business
owneis on how best to amplify
theii SE0. uiesele is the social
community managei foi
0pstieam Connections. You can
finu hei blogging at In Social We
Tiust anu on Twittei

An exploieB2B White Papei

ieaueis. The benefits of a content
maiketing campaign can uiffei,
though the most ielevant ones aie
successful in achieving:
@A B3.&% /C.3#&#66)
When youi bianu constantly
publishes high-quality
content that consumeis of the
content value anu shaie, youi
bianu becomes iecognizeu
foi this content anu its topics.
DA E#F2G&,8,2& 2H IJK#38,6#)
This is closely tieu to bianu
awaieness, if you manage to
constantly publish high-
quality content that
uemonstiates knowleuge anu
expeitise (as well as an
element of emotional
connection anu
enteitainment), youi bianu
will become iecognizeu foi
this expeitise.
LA M&;2<&% >.34#8,&G IHH#F8)
The inbounu maiketing effect
is a uiiect iesult of
establishing bianu awaieness
anu expeitise. You know you
have achieveu this when
clients anu potential
customeis ieach out, follow
anu contact you - insteau of
you having to spenu houis
colu-calling befoie making a
NA 13<68)
Stiong anu consistent content
maue ieauily available to
consumeis eventually
establishes a bonu of tiust
between the ieauei(s) anu
cieatoi of the content. }ust as
people continue to buy books
by authois they know - tiust
in the quality of the content
inspiie investment anu
OA I&8#38.,&0#&8)
People want to be
enteitaineu anu moveu in an
emotional way. Engaging
content allows you to get to
the heait of youi consumeis
anu to attain theii constant
What makes Content Naiketing
special is that (when applieu
coiiectly with a well-thought out
campaign) it hits a home iun in
teims of maiketing goals. Content
Naiketing possesses the ability to
ieach the iight people in the mannei
they want to ieceive infoimation, in
a way that benefits you. In Nichael
Biennei's woius:
HB: "Tbe ultimote objective of
morketinq: reocb tbe customer in on
inteqroteJ fosbion witb tbe riqbt
messoqes ot tbe riqbt time in tbe most
cost-effective onJ proJuctive woy."
>,F9.#5 B3#&&#3 '>B()
Nichael Biennei is the authoi
of BDB >.34#8,&G M&6,%#3, the
co-founuei of B<6,&#66 D
-200<&,8P anu seives as Si.
Biiectoi of Integiateu Naiketing
anu Content Stiategy foi SAP
wheie he is the founuing euitoi
foi the SAP B<6,&#66
M&&2+.8,2& blog.

An exploieB2B White Papei

Nichael Biennei accentuates the
impoitance of content in
ielationship to people anu human
inteiaction. This piocess, he notes,
inevitably affects the way we maiket
anu conuuct social business:
HB: "Content is tbe enqine tbot Jrives
tbe wbole mocbine. Content is tbe
cotolyst, or even tbe qlue tbot brinqs
people toqetber onJ binJs us tbere. lt
is in tbe stories we tell tbot ollow us
to beqin relotionsbips tbot bove tbe
potentiol to Jeliver reol volue to botb
Content maiketing has been a hypeu
topic in 2u12. While some maiketeis
woulu like us to believe uiffeiently,
content maiketing itself is nothing
new. But it is Lee 0uuen again, who
helps to biing things into
peispective anu points out that
Content Naiketing is one of the
oluest foims of maiketing itself:
l0: "BronJs bove been publisbinq
content os port of tbeir morketinq
efforts for over S0 yeors. ToJoys
online versions of bronJ content
morketinq ronqe from 6enerol
Hills Toblespoon to lifeTime
Iitnesss Fxperience life. Tbe foct tbot
SF0s ore qettinq into tbe qome now
miqbt seem like content morketinq is
on tbe rise, but wben you view tbe
worlJ outsiJe of just SF0, content
morketinq bos been risinq for o very,
very lonq time."
Lee's obseivation uoes not mean
that theie has not been change in
how maiketeis volue content in
iecent yeais. The meaning of
(quality) content has long been
unueiestimateu, oi as Lisa Baione
puts it:
lB: "Content bos olwoys boJ tbe
crown, but now its qot tbe respect to
qo witb it."
Lisa aigues that while "content" has
always existeu in SE0, consumeis
anu maiketeis iecognize the
necessity of making purpose the
chief attiibute if that content wants
to be optimizeu online. Foi a long
time the emphasis of online content
was not how useful it was, but
whethei you weie the sole (oi chief)
uistiibutoi of this content. In 2u12,
things finally changeu:
lB: "Weve seen o sbift owoy from
creotinq unique content to creotinq
purposeful content tbot will
contribute volue onJ benefit
customers for yeors."
What plays a huge iole in the iising
auoption of content maiketing
thioughout the maiketing woilu is
that it is applicable to almost any
inuustiy anu in almost any business
stage. Lisa Baione goes as fai as
pioclaiming that when you state that
youi inuustiy is too uninteiesting to
piouuce quality engaging,
enteitaining anu useful content, it
just means that you youiself aie
missing something:
",6. B.32&# '"B()
Lisa Baione is vice Piesiuent of
Stiategy at 0veiit, an Albany web
uesign anu uevelopment
company, wheie she seives on
the senioi staff oveiseeing the
company's maiketing consulting,
social meuia, anu content

An exploieB2B White Papei

lB: Comploininq your inJustry isnt
qlomorous enouqb for biqb-quolity
content instontly tells me two tbinqs
obout you:
1. You Jont fully unJerstonJ your
customers neeJs,poin points,wonts.
2. Youre borinq.
Tbe opportunity to creote biqb-
quolity content is tbere, reqorJless of
wbot inJustry you serve. ln mony
coses its not tbe topic tbots borinq or
unqlomorous, its tbe minJ creotinq
content orounJ it."
All expeits agiee that Content
Naiketing is not easy. 0n the
contiaiy, it is challenging to cieate
oiiginal, useful anu puiposeful
mateiial. In auuition, content must
have a compelling element about it
that makes ieaueis what to spieau
this mateiial. Spieauing the content
involves acquiiing ieaueis, followeis
oi fans.
Figuiing out how to piopel the
spieau of this content is what keeps
maiketeis employeu. But iegaiuless
of the inuustiy oi numbei of
followeis, the oiiginality anu quality
of the content aie what holu a
content-baseu stiategy togethei -
anu puts value in it. The peiceiveu
value of the content is what makes
the auuience iemembei the authoi
anu foiwaiu this content to theii
social anu piofessional communities.
Accoiuing to Lee 0uuen:
l0: "Content morketinq isnt just
obout oJJinq more content; its obout
creotinq informotion for o torqet
ouJience tbot bos o porticulor
purpose onJ intenJeJ outcome.
Content Jrives oworeness but olso
sociol interoction, customer
enqoqement onJ soles."
All oui expeits agiee on one point: a
mouein content stiategy can not be
limiteu to the cieation anu simple
publication of content, but neeus to
be applieu to a taigeteu, optimizeu,
anu social shaiing stiategy as well.
The goal is to cieate awaieness foi
youi bianu (no mattei whethei youi
bianu is a peison oi a company) anu
its maiketing channels. }oe Cheinov
puts this concept into wise woius:
}C: "lts oll obout qettinq JiscovereJ -
onJ qettinq JiscovereJ for topics witb
wbicb one wonts to be ossocioteJ. Tbe
primory oJvontoqe of content
morketinq, wbetber tbe tecbnique is
useJ for o corporote or personol
bronJ, is trust. By proJucinq
informotive, entertoininq or enqoqinq
content tbot Joesnt overtly pusb o
sole, tbe publisber estoblisbes berself
os o trusteJ resource. AnJ trust is o
morketers most precious osset."
3. Corre|at|on between
Content (Market|ng) and
We feel, that the connection of
content, content maiketing anu SE0
neeus to be fuithei investigateu
72# -9#3&2+ '7-()
Aftei implementing a highly
successful, content maiketing
stiategy at the maiketing
automatoi, Eloqua, }oe Cheinov is
now the vP of Naiketing at
Kinvey. A content maiketing
pioneei, he was nameu the 2u12
Content Naiketei of the Yeai.


An exploieB2B White Papei

befoie continuing. Simply put,
content is what you publish, while
SE0 is supposeu to biing visitois to
the places on the web, wheie you
publisheu youi content. 0n the othei
hanu, you can also place content on
highly fiequenteu places on the web
anu link it to the places you want to
get visitois to go to. The effect of
uoogle's latest upuates was, that
simply placing
content wheie
evei you
wanteu anu
linking it back
to youiself
uoes not woik
any moie.
AT: "No more
con you poy
someone in
lnJio to Jo bloq commentinq, forum
spom, spun content, or ony otber
spomminq tecbnique."
SE0 has evolveu anu with it has i ts
ielationship to content. If optimizeu
content is not of high quality - it's
optimization is iiielevant. Theiefoie,
online maiketing neeueu bettei
stiategies foi placement of content
anu content campaigns neeueu to
become moie oiganizeu anu quality
uiiven - anu this is wheie content
maiketing anu its iecent hype entei
the scene.
0ui inteivieweu expeits agiee on
the coiielation between content anu
SE0. Lee 0uuen again points out that
this coiielation is also nothing novel
- that stiong SE0 woulu always have
focuseu on content because a goou
SE0 stiategy also means that it is
well implementeu into othei
maiketing effoits.
l0: "lnitiolly, o lot of SF0-reloteJ
bloqs storteJ promotinq tbe neeJ for
more content tben better quolity
content. l tbink o lot more SF0s ore
now Joinq tbot. Eowever, qreot SF0s
bove been content focuseJ for yeors -
lonq before PonJo."
The ieality is
that SE0
shoulu nevei
have been seen
as a singulai
stiategy. It
woikeu foi a
time uue to
in the still
technology of
seaich engines.
l0: "SF0s ore writinq obout onJ
implementinq content morketinq
toctics, but lonq before tbe PonJo or
Penquin upJotes, morketers were
creotinq Jiqitol content onJ meJio
for tbe purpose of morketinq to
Yet, with the giowing amount of
(bau) content on the web, useis neeu
seaich engines to filtei iesults in
oiuei foi them to pioviue any
usefulness. Bue to the high-volume
of content anu olu SE0 tactics,
seaich engines (with uoogle on the
foiefiont) neeueu to auapt. }onathan
uebauei summaiizes:
}6: "PonJo onJ Penquin fine-tuneJ
6ooqle to put more empbosis on tbe
octuol quolity of tbe content onJ ore
tberefore o step in tbe Jirection of
mokinq troJitionol SF0 {more or less)
obsolete. Tbe troJitionol woys of
Social Neuia

An exploieB2B White Papei

builJinq, or buyinq links to improve
tbe ronkinq of o site, no lonqer work
to tbe extent tbey useJ to."
The SE0 inuustiy (as a whole) is
now foiceu to uo what Lee 0uuen
suggest it shoulu always have uone:
pioviue useful mateiial. Lisa Baione
uesciibes the usefulness of content
in ielationship to SE0 activities:
lB: "ProJucinq biqb-quolity content
neeJs to be port of your SF0 efforts.
lts not enouqb to creote o tecbnicolly
sounJ site onJ fill it witb meoninqless
poqes. Your site bos to meon
sometbinq onJ your content is wbot
you use to tell people wbo you ore,
qives tbem o reoson to core onJ wbot,
ultimotely, converts. Eopefully tbots
been tbe biqqest tokeowoy to site
owners tbis post summer - you exist
to serve onJ ottroct your customers.
Content is simply one of tbe biqqest
{onJ most cost effective) woys to Jo
Theie is a huge uisagieement within
oui gioup of expeits whethei SE0 is
changing to a point wheie it is
actually not SE0 any moie, oi if it is
actually becoming moie ielevant anu
necessaiy than evei.
Auam Toikiluson
thinks SE0 is slowly
tuiing into PR anu
AT: "Wbot works
now is oll obout PR
onJ content
Fventuolly SF0 is just
qoinq to turn into PR; it will foll out of
our vocobulory onJ simply merqe into
beinq nomeJ wbot it octuolly is riqbt
now: 0nline Public Relotions."
. while otheis, like Kevin Cain,
believe that no content maiketing
campaign coulu be unueitaken
without SE0:
KC: "ToJoy, os tbe number of people
in tbis worlJ wbo use 6ooqle outpoces
tbe numbers wbo Jont, effective
content morketinq witbout SF0 is
becominq virtuolly impossible."
Kevin then biings up the impoitant
point that with the iise of content
maiketing has come a iise in the
omount of content. Content now,
whethei goou oi bau, is always at
the iisk of getting lost in the noise.
KC: "SF0 is one of tbe most importont
toctics you con employ to ensure tbot
your content con eosily be founJ
online. Witb so mucb otber noise out
tbere competinq for ottention, if
people cont finJ your content quickly,
cbonces ore tbot tbey will never finJ
it ot oll."
Naybe it is Nelissa Fach, who
summaiizes the cuiient
uevelopments best, as she takes both
aiguments into consiueiation.
HI: "You connot be
successful witbout
content onJ SF0
combineJ. l know
tbere ore tbose tbot
qet o site ot tbe top
of poqe one witb
croppy content, but
tbey bove notbinq
in ploce for
conversion onJ,or
mointoininq o soliJ
ouJience. So, even if you qet to #1,
witbout tbe riqbt content you foil
}onathan seems to think that it ieally
uoes not mattei on how you view the
>#5,66. Q.F9 '>Q()
Nelissa Fach is the ownei
of SE0awaie, wheie she helps
businesses optimize theii
maiketing stiategies, exposuie
anu R0I by enhancing SE0 anu
SEN techniques.


An exploieB2B White Papei

cuiient tienu, as content maiketing
is just a cuiiently successful way of
uiiving tiaffic anu theiefoie follows
the neeu that SE0 follows as well.
}6: "Seorcb enqines ore mokinq
proqress in finJinq on octuol
representotion of quolity onJ interest.
Tbe current rise of content
morketinq coulJ be seen os o noturol
evolution owoy from SF0. 0ne coulJ
soy SF0 is Jyinq - or one coulJ
pbrose it in o woy tbot woulJ
procloim tbe empbosis on content
morketinq is tbe new form of SF0."
In this context, SE0 is not loosing
impoitance; it is meiely taking on a
new anu natuial shape.
Nichael Biennei again shows that
even the piocess of SE0 anu content
maiketing aie alieauy veiy similai:
HB: "SF0 forces you to look ot wbot
your customers wont, boseJ on tbeir
priorities, onJ in tbe terms {tbe
keyworJs) tbey use. SF0 forces you to
put tbe customer first. lt forces you to
look ot bow to onswer tbeir top
questions witb effective content onJ
in tbe cbonnels tbe customers ore
The uevelopment of SE0 anu content
maiketing has thus become ciiculai.
Stiong content neeus a stiategy that
involves optimization in oiuei to be
founu anu shaieu. 0ptimization is
only ielevant when that content
pioviues value foi the ieauei. Which
leaus uiiectly into the next chaptei -
how can the quality of content be
4. What |s good content?
With the focus on "quality" content,
what makes content "goou content".
The uiscussion of this topic is highly
ielevant, as content piouuction takes
time anu simply tiying out what type
of content will woik might not be the
best stiategy foi most. We will stait
with a quote of uisele Nenuez again
who gives us a goou staiting point as
foi what you shoulu aim foi in
content piouuction:
6H: "lf tbere isnt o cleor stroteqy
bebinJ it, content is just content.
lnsteoJ of oiminq for voque biqb-
quolity, l woulJ tbink in terms of
relevont, creotive onJ timely content.
0nce tbe content is tbere, it will work
os o cycle: SF0 will belp you qet tbot
content in front of tbe riqbt eyes, onJ
workinq witb qooJ content will moke
builJinq links eosier."
But what type of content is ielevant.
Wheie shoulu youi cieativity be
aimeu at. Any type of content youi
customei is looking foi, claims Lee
0uuen. Anu make suie you put it
wheie youi customei plans to look
foi it:
l0: "6o wberever customers ore
lookinq. Ior one seqment of
customers it miqbt be seorcb enqines.
Ior onotber it miqbt be sociol or
emoil. lt coulJ be on o toblet, mobile
or computer. Tbe content miqbt be
text, imoqe, ouJio or viJeo."
It is always uifficult to uefine "goou"
content when the type of content
(meuium foi uisplay), aienas anu
customeis have such uiffeient
motives anu aie each uiveise. But
what becomes ielevant is the
concept of content (ie-)uistiibution.
Bow shaiable is youi content via
social netwoiks. }onathan uebauei
points out that one aspect of quality
is making content ieuistiibution as
easy as possible on social netwoiks -

An exploieB2B White Papei

anu theiefoie cieating anothei way
of being founu.
}6: "Hokinq content eosy to reoJ,
interestinq onJ likoble is one port
[bronJ recoqnition]. Hokinq it eosy to
sbore on sociol plotforms is
onotber. Reputotion onJ trust ore
lorqe ospects of tbot concept os well.
lf you ore o trusteJ source, wbo qoins
o followinq tbrouqb stronq writinq
onJ informotive onJ likoble content
tbot con eosily be sboreJ - your
content will be founJ."
But this uoes not seem to be enough.
Stiong anu uiffeientiating content,
Social Katy points out, is even moie
impoitant as social netwoiks
become oveiflooueu with content.
Youi position neeus to be unique,
youi infoimation neeus to be special
anu youi style compelling.
SK: "Tbe sociol meJio lonJscope is
completely soturoteJ witb content.
lt's borJ to stonJ out from your
competitors unless you bove
compellinq informotion tbot qrobs
ottention. Bifferentiotinq yourself
witb biqb quolity content is key. lt
immeJiotely positions you onJ your
bronJ os o Jomoin expert."
Social Katy's uefinition of goou
content is stiict to the point:
SK: "We ore olso qoinq to see o
stronqer empbosis on keyworJ beovy,
relevont content tbot people octuolly
wont to reoJ. BronJs onJ tbeir
morketinq teoms ore qoinq to spenJ o
lot of time tbinkinq obout bow tbeir
content impocts SF0."
Naybe the teim R4#PC23% 9#.+PS
3#5#+.&8 F2&8#&8 89.8 K#2K5#
.F8<.55P C.&8 82 3#.%T uesciibes
goou content best.
Lee 0uuen concuis, effectively
stating that he anu his company
alieauy pioviue this type of content:
l0: "We Jont reolly isolote SF0
toctics but rotber oJJ SF0 best
proctices to content morketinq, public
relotions onJ web Jevelopment."
Anu continues with auvice to
geneiate this kinu of content:
l0: ".optimize for torqet customer
preferences tbot ore syntbesizeJ into
topics onJ keyworJs vs. just
optimizinq for keyworJs by
tbemselves. A customer centric
opproocb belps us stoy focuseJ on
wbots importont: ottroctinq onJ
enqoqinq buyers, not just ronkinqs
onJ orqonic referrol troffic."
Lee also emphasizes that stiong
content ielies on ielationships with
inuustiy influenceis anu maintaining
healthy communication with cuiient
anu potential clients. These not only
help piomote youi social channels,
they seive as iesouices that allow
foi ielevant links.
l0: "Witb our oqency ot TopRonk
0nline Horketinq, were still usinq
online PR, content, onJ bloqqer-
relotion toctics to win meJio
U2F,.5 *.8P 'U*()
Katy Lynch is a young,
piogiessive anu active social
entiepieneui. Bei company,
Social Katy, helps businesses
geneiate a thiiving social peisona
by uiiving theii online piesence
anu instilling a cutting-euge,
bianu stiategy.


An exploieB2B White Papei

plocements onJ links tbot come from
well-promoteJ, relevont content tbot
people like onJ wont to sbore."
While Lee's auvice is sounu anu goou
content is veiy impoitant, we have
ueciueu to enu this chaptei with a
woiu of waining by Lisa Baione -
goou content is not all theie is anu
technical aspects aie not yet
lB: "Content morketinq is port of ony
SF0 stroteqy. lt bos to be. But tbot
Joesnt meon tbot content morketinq
is oll tbot qoes into beinq o qreot SF0,
becouse tbots not tbe cose. You still
neeJ to builJ tecbnicolly sounJ
websites, you neeJ to unJerstonJ
your ouJience, tbere ore usobility
concerns - o site witb qreot content
but o broken cbeckout button isnt
qoinq to moke you ony money."
S. 1he Soc|a| Connect|on
8etween Content and SLC
The places you publish content aie
of gieat impoitance as they aie
wheie youi content becomes visible.
In the pievious chaptei we have
founu that one quality inuicatoi is
how shaiable youi content is on
uiffeient social platfoims - in this
chaptei we aie going to examine the
coiielation between Social Netwoiks
anu Content anu its implications on
SE0. Let us stait with a quote of Lisa
lB: "Tbe content youve creoteJ onJ
optimizeJ neeJs o {sociol) bome.
lJeolly, you know wbere tbot bome is
before youve creoteJ it. 0tberwise,
oops? ;)"
She elaboiates:
lB: "Bloqs onJ sociol publisbinq
plotforms ore occess points to your
customers. Irom o consumer
stonJpoint, tbey ollow you to qet your
messoqe out, connect in more
personol woys, onJ bove buyinq
conversotions in reol-time. Irom on
SF0 stonJpoint, bloqs onJ publisbinq
plotforms lenJ tbemselves to
importont sociol siqnols {tweets,
sbores, comments), fresb content,
links, outbority in tbe seorcb enqine
result poqes {SFRPs) onJ otber
benefits. AnJ tbots reolly just tbe
While the publication piocess touay
is still impoitant, it is only an entiy
point foi youi content to be
ieuistiibuteu. Social Netwoiks allow
the viial ieuistiibution of content -
anu apait fiom uiiving tiaffic itself,
this also influences SE0. Eveiy
Tweet, status upuate anu shaie
coulu influence seaich iesults anu be
iecoiueu as a social signal -
inuicating to the seaich engine the
impoitance of youi content.
Theiefoie you neeu to optimize youi
content foi social netwoiks - anu
tieat youi fans anu followeis to the
content they want.
Nichael Biennei makes cleai it is
impoitant to uelivei value to youi
fans (potential customeis) when
employing online maiketing
stiategies. 0nly then will you be able
to make use of the viial element of
social meuia.
HB: "Sociol meJio morketinq is
essentiolly wbot qooJ morketinq bos
olwoys been: morketinq tbot puts tbe
customer first onJ Jelivers tbem
volue. Tbot volue comes bock to you
in tbe form of soles onJ loyolty onJ -
even more importontly - referrols."

An exploieB2B White Papei

uisele Nenuez also elaboiates on
this point, stating that viiality cannot
be achieveu without cieating a
following anu continually builuing
on these ielationships. She notes
that even seaich engines iealize this
6H: "Seorcb enqines ore increosinqly
iJentifyinq outbority, trust onJ
populority in ossociotion to sociol
siqnols. ln my opinion, ocbievinq buqe
followinqs wont belp you boost your
ronkinqs unless youre olso builJinq
relotionsbips - tbots tbe stronqest
woy you con prove relevonce onJ
relevonce is tbe core of seorcb."
Lisa Baione points out that this
actually means to not just publish
content but to see oneself as pait of
youi own community: You have to
be in constant uialogue with youi
community, else you will not be
lB: "Bont qo in spomminq tbe
community. Become o member. Sbow
on interest in tbe community. AnJ
Jevelop on ouJience tbot octuolly
cores obout wbot you bove to soy {by
soyinq stuff tbot octuolly
motters). You moke yourself stonJ out
by Jevelopinq relotionsbips."
The social uata obtaineu by seaich
engines allows foi bettei iating
which content the usei actually
wants anu theiefoie leaus to bettei
seaich iesults, as }onathan uebauei
points out.
}6: "Sociol Joto meons we obtoin
stotistics on bow for tbe content
spreoJ, wbicb cbonnels proJuceJ biqb
omounts of interoction, onJ combine
it witb bow we observe our content
wos receiveJ omonq specific
ouJiences {...) ln essence, sociol
onolysis con be oJJeJ to tbe olreoJy
extensive omount of stotisticol Joto
tbot seorcb enqines proJuce to
qenerote relevont seorcb results.
{Tbis bos olreoJy bequn.)"
Piobably the best uesciiption of how
best to act on social netwoiks anu
how to theiefoie piomote youi
content, is given by }oe Cheinov. It
will seive as oui conclusion foi this
}C: "0sinq sociol meJio to builJ o
bronJ -- wbetber personol or
professionol -- relies on tbe some
funJomentols. Be tronsporent {but
not confessionol), positive {but not
qiJJy), bumon {but not frivolous),
supportive {but not ponJerinq) onJ,
most of oll, potient {but not lozy)."
6. Current k|sks, Cha||enges
and Chances
With the theoietical backgiounu
coveieu, we weie eagei to finu out
the expeits' opinions on the cuiient
situation anu the challenges faceu by
touay's online anu content
maiketeis, SE0s anu Social Neuia
enthusiasts. What aie the iisks, what
aie the chances.
While it seems that almost all of
them agiee that the highest potential
foi online maiketing lies in content
anu social meuia, one of the main
challenges they see lies in
oveicoming baiiieis in company
cultuie that limits the effective use
of both. It seems that even basic
unueistanuing of the stiuctuies is
still lacking in many companies, as
Bion Binchcliffe explains:
BE: !Tbe octuol issue is tbot mony
orqonizotions Jon't unJerstonJ tbe
[sociol network] meJium very well

An exploieB2B White Papei

onJ bove seen only incrementol
results. 0tbers tbot bove investeJ in
fiqurinq it out ore Jrivinq biqb-
impoct results incluJinq mojor cost
reJuctions onJ biqber customer
sotisfoction, beyonJ just tbe bottom
line benefits."
This is even moie tioublesome, as a
key point in an effective stiategy is
involving as many employees as
possible into it. Conceining social
meuia anu content, the employees
ieally aie the capital of the company.
BE: "Tbe sociol copitol of employees
collectively outweiqbs tbot of most
componies. lf componies wont to
enqoqe sociolly to Jrive morketinq,
soles, onJ customer core, tbey neeJ to
qet tbose employees involveJ onJ
enqoqeJ - in scole."
In accoiuance to this Nichael
Biennei points to the impoitance of
auiessing cultuie issues anu uefining
a company's social values in oiuei to
seize the oppoitunity that aiises
when company employees become
bianu auvocates.
HB: "Fffective sociol businesses will
bove tbeir leoJersbip first oJJress tbe
culture issues onJ to Jefine sociol
volues os importont. Tben tbey will
neeJ to prove tbot tbey meon wbot
tbey soy by becominq octive
tbemselves. Tbe next issue tbot
connot be unJerestimoteJ is of
employee enqoqement. lf o business
Joes not bove possionote enqoqeJ
employees, it will never reocb tbe
sociol business potentiol."
0ne of the gioups of employees that
aie haiu to involve in a social meuia
stiategy aie C-level executives, as
Nichael Biennei knows. As auvisoi
on content stiategy anu social meuia
foi SAP his job involves consulting
executives on this:
HB {0n reosons for low porticipotion
on C-level): ,Port of it is probobly
lock of skills onJ troininq. But l tbink
mostly it is feor of openness onJ
tronsporency. l once sow o CF0 write
o bloq post on website tbot receiveJ
bunJreJs of comments, mostly oll
positive onJ tbe CF0 never responJeJ
to o sinqle one. Tbis CF0 probobly
wosnt useJ to just onyboJy beinq
oble to comment or osk bim o
question. Tbis con be increJibly
borrifyinq for senior people wbo live
bebinJ o bubble of protection."
Nichael continues to point out that it
is the gioup of senioi employees
who coulu piofit the most fiom the
new kinu of communication:
HB: "Tbe upsiJe [of sociol meJio] is
tbot our senior people con bove Jirect
occess to customers on tbe front lines.
Tbey olso sbow tbe entire worlJ tbot
tbey Jo not live on o peJestol. Tbey
ore bumon, bumble onJ open."
As technology anu social meuia
cultuie aie evolving anu constantly
changing, one of the biggest
challenges foi companies is to keep
V,2& W,&F9F5,HH# 'VW()
Bion Binchcliffe is the Chief
Stiategy 0fficei at Bachis uioup.
Be ieseaiches, wiites anu speaks
aiounu the globe on social
business topics incluuing
stiategy, business
tiansfoimation, big uata,
analytics anu enteipiise


An exploieB2B White Papei

up. Change is not often intiouuceu at
this pace into coipoiate stiuctuie
anu companies aie unwilling to
accept this. Bowevei, auapting to
this new technology anu cultuie is
one of the biggest oppoitunities that
companies cuiiently have, as Bion
Binchcliffe anu valeiia Naltoni
BE: "Put simply, [componies] must
Jesiqn for constont cbonqe. Tbe poce
of tecbnoloqy is speeJinq up, not
slowinq Jown. 0rqonizotions tbot ore
not continuously oJoptive will foll for
bebinJ tbose tbot ore. Tbus, tbe
fromework is volotile, tbouqb tbe
mission of creotinq boppy customers
itself is timeless."
vH: ,lookinq ot it from tbe business
stonJpoint, you bove tbe opportunity
to keep Jeliverinq on your promises
onJ reminJinq your customers obout
it, builJinq relotionsbips witb
networkeJ inJiviJuols in tbe process.
lts not seporote from bow you Jo
business; its port of it. Tbere is still
enormous opportunity for B2B
While companies especially in B2B
have not yet founu theii uefinite
stanupoint on social meuia, this also
means that the enoimous
oppoitunities as eaily moveis aie
still open to most of them.
7. Act|ons to be taken to
move from bus|ness to
soc|a| bus|ness
Effective content anu social meuia
maiketing in a social woilu means
that all employees have to act
togethei. That uoes not just incluue
the social capabilities of employees;
}onathan uebauei makes it cleai that
a mouein maiketing stiategy also
incluues the woik of eveiy
employee. Content as a maiketing
tool neeus to be cieateu by a
consoitium within the company - no
longei is it enough to give it to the
copywiitei anu be uone with it:
}6: ,l currently see content morketinq
os o noturol proqression. Tbot meons,
l foresee on online morketinq worlJ
in wbicb morketers, experts,
copywriters, Jesiqners onJ stroteqists
work toqetber."
Nichael Biennei also sees integiateu
maiketing as the futuie -
thoughtfully hinting that these
stiategies have to be intiouuceu into
the specific company's value anu
iewaiu systems. Boes gamification
of these piocesses maybe have a
gianu futuie.
HB: ,[Componies neeJ] o volue
system tbot reworJs employee
enqoqement onJ employee use of
sociol tools to sbore tbeir possions -
wbotever tbey moy be."
Employees neeu to be guiueu anu
not left alone in the social business
X.5#3,. >.582&, 'X>()
valeiia Naltoni is a bilingual
stiategist with a host of thiiving
clients anu one of the top blogs on
business uevelopment. 0sing fast-
paceu auvancements of the
Bigital Age, she helps companies
woik thiough the complexity of
business tiaue, netwoiking anu
communication. valeiia helps
cieate an enviionment foi
financial success.


An exploieB2B White Papei

woilu anu companies neeu to
pioviue aiu anu tiaining about how
to act on theii company's behalf.
HB: ,Tbere neeJs to be o soliJ
troininq onJ enoblement
infrostructure. Too mucb time is
spent in Jiscussions on sociol business
orounJ tools. Tools ore sucb o smoll
port of tbe equotion. l tbink tbere
neeJs to be o system tbot proviJes
quiJonce on sociol sellinq, storytellinq
onJ personol bronJinq skills."
Anothei topic that the futuie holus is
bettei tiacking of the social
uistiibution of content. Neasuiing
wheie youi content goes to anu who
ieaus it is still one of the haiuei
tasks in Social Neuia anu Content
Naiketing - though Social Katy (in
uisagieement with Nichael Biennei
above) points out that the huge
amount of touays anu upcoming
tools constantly biing bettei
tiacking abilities foi eveiy social
SK: ,Tbe qreot port obout usinq
[sociol] tools is tbot olmost oll of tbem
bove trockinq,onolytics built in - so
you con eosily meosure bow well your
tweets, bloq orticles, onJ Iocebook
posts ore performinq."
Social Katy also points out that the
biggest challenge with the new
foims of maiketing is still to finu the
iight people to auvise anu supeivise
on these new stiategies: theie aie
too many so calleu expeits on social
meuia anu too few ieal social meuia
anu content stiategy expeits.
SK: ,Tbe Bl66FST cbollenqe l bove
foceJ witbin sociol meJio is birinq tbe
riqbt people for my compony. Tbere
ore woy too mony ,sociol meJio
qurus out tbere wbo try to position
tbemselves os experts. Tbe problem is,
tbese ,qurus bove obsolutely no
experience workinq witb bronJs."
It seems that social meuia in
connection to bianus is still too new
to pieuict the futuie, howevei we
uiu allow oui expeits a look into the
ciystal ball - with some suipiising
8. red|ct|ons for the Iuture
0ui expeits have also maue
pieuictions foi the futuie - anu
some of them might be haiu to giasp
foi otheis. }oe Cheinov foi example
states that in a neai futuie, the
inteinet will uisappeai in the minus
of most people as a place of
exchange anu will be ieplaceu by
Facebook as the piimaiy place of
exchange anu publication:
}C: ,People bote wben l soy tbis, but l
believe it elementolly: Iive yeors from
now, for most people Iocebook will be
tbe lnternet. lt will be wbere tbey
turn not only for sociol interoction,
but olso news consumption, proJuct
reseorcb, entertoinment."
}C: ,Weve flip-floppeJ our
relotionsbip witb news. We no lonqer
seek out news onJ informotion. ToJoy
news bos o woy of finJinq us."
Not all of the maiketing expeits see
the mouein woilu with optimism -
Auam Toikiluson foi instance sees
the iecent uoogle upuates as signs of
a tienu wheie maiketing becomes
unfaii anu iewaiuing the ones with
the biggest maiketing buuget. Be
assumes that uoogle's seaich iesults
will soon be safe fiom manipulation
- foicing maiketeis anu companies
to buy into the tiaffic souice of
uoogle Aus.

An exploieB2B White Papei

AT: ,Tbe mojor oJvontoqe [of 6ooqle
upJotes] is for morketers: lf you bove
o biq enouqb buJqet, you will win,
onJ no one con beot you. A
JisoJvontoqe for smoller buJqets is
tbot tbe ployinq fielJ is no lonqer
AT: ,6ooqle's olqoritbm onJ seorcb
results qet Joubly borJer to
monipulote,influence every 2 yeors.
AnJ tbis yeor morks tbe biqqest sbift
in tbot stroteqy by for. So in 2 yeors
from now, tbeir olqoritbm will most
likely moke SF0s obsolete."
AT: ,6ooqle benefits becouse more
people bove to rely on AJworJs to qet
tbe some kinJ of troffic."
While Auam Toikiluson points out
the negative effect foi low buuget
maiketing, }onathan uebauei
pioviues a moie positive viewpoint
this futuie holus foi the actual
seaich engine client, claiming that
the less seaich iesults aie being
manipulateu, the moie compelling
infoimation ieaches the eye of the
}6: ,Tbe better tbe content, tbe less
time tbe seorcber wostes Jiqqinq
tbrouqb meoninqless text. ln tbe enJ,
l believe it is tbe octuol reseorcber
wbo benefits tbe most - tbe person
sittinq in front of bis computer,
Lisa Baione agiees heavily on that,
seeing this as what SE0 shoulu
always have been about - focuseu on
conveision iathei than just
lB: ,lve enjoyeJ tbe sbift SF0 bos
token from tecbnicol-boseJ to
morketinq-boseJ becouse l tbink it
puts tbe focus on tbe riqbt porty -
customers, not tbe seorcb enqines. lts
obout unJerstonJinq wbo your
ouJience is, wbot tbey wont, onJ tben
settinq your business up to be tbe
onswer. SF0 is obout increosinq
conversions on your website."
The necessity of changing anu
auapting to these mouein maiketing
stiategies is well summaiizeu by
Nichael Biennei again. Customeis,
whoevei they aie, have been
bombaiueu with tiauitional shoit-
on-value maiketing slogans foi a
lifetime - they have hau enough.
HB: ,Host componies ore simply
promotinq tbemselves witb content
tbot soys, ,We ore tbe best. Cboose us.
Eere ore oll tbe reosons wby we ore
qreot. But we, os consumers, ore tireJ
of tbese self-servinq proJuct pitcbes
onJ promotions. Horketinq is obout
Jeliverinq customer volue, not obout
pitcbinq proJucts."
Naybe it is we, as consumeis, who
will piofit the most.
We woulu like to thank the expeits
foi giving such compelling answeis.
The complete inteiview seiies is
available on exploieB2B.

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