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Brand Story, Messaging
Guidelines & Visual Identity
September 2014
W$at %ro&le's do (e sol)e#
Healt$*are is not o%en and *onne*ted+ Most do*tors
don,t $a)e t$e ti'e to really tal- and s$are+ a*$
*ountry $as a di.erent a%%roa*$ to $ealt$*are+
SRMO is 'a-ing $ealt$*are 'ore o%en and
*onne*ted )ia t$e glo&al 'eeting o/ 'edi*al 'inds
and $earts+
We &elie)e SRMO (ill trans/or' $ealt$*are &y
%ro)iding a disru%ti)e *o''uni*ation *$annel /or
&ot$ do*tors and 'ar-eters+
HA0"H1AR2 Healthcare is in transition globally. Disease states are more
complex, populations are aging, and the economics of healthcare dont or!.
"lobal healthcare encompasses #ast di$erences in %uality of care& the
healthcare system an indi#idual belongs to can greatly a$ect patient
DO1"ORS2 'ost doctors or! in isolation, and this is more true than e#er
today as or!loads increase. (hysicians often miss the opportunity to share
medical !noledge, inno#ation, and ne ays of doing things, from big to
small disco#eries.
)he traditional ays of disseminating medical information, hether peer
re#ieed articles, conferences, or clinical trials are too slo and becoming
obsolete as communication technology ad#ances. *rea!throughs in medicine
happen e#ery day, but they remain undisco#ered because doctors dont ha#e
e+cient communication channels to share their insights
,dditionally, -S physicians are under greater pressure than e#er to focus on
the business of healthcare instead of .ust being good practitioners. )his
results in an o#erstressed population of doctors ho feel besieged ith
nohere to go.
!HARMA13"I1A0 1OM!ANIS2 (harmaceutical companies continue to
ha#e a critical need to engage ith doctors. Hoe#er their traditional means
of engagement 0primarily sales representati#es1 is becoming less e$ecti#e as
doctors ha#e less time and interest to engage face to face.
SRMO sol)es t$ese %ro&le's+
S23'4 pro#ides doctors a safe place to share, learn, and engage ith each
other, ithout any fear.
S23'4 also pro#ides an altogether ne platform for our commercial
customers to engage ith doctors.
5e are an early mo#er in this space and must be the emphatic leader.
History2 6n 2012 S23'4 merged ith 5orld4ne. ,t that time the company
as operating as distinct business entities competing for brand attention.
SRMO the largest -S online community for doctors.
WorldOne, the largest global healthcare data collection company
)hese #arious brands and entities caused fragmentation and complexity
diminishing our corporate #alue and confusing customers. )he inter7
relationships beteen our brands as too complex for our sta!eholders.
)o years post7merger in 2014, e decided to explore our branding. ,fter
deep strategic research ith each of our audiences, e chose to gradually
transition from to entities o$ering products and ser#ices to a single
company o$ering unparalleled scale and #alue.
8oming under one single umbrella is the path that dri#es the most #alue, and
pro#ides the most simplicity for all sta!eholders.
We *$ose SRMO as our /uture 'aster &rand+ SRMO (ill stand
/or t$e 56 glo&al so*ial net(or- /or do*tors+
5hat happens to the 5orld4ne brand9 5orld4ne as founded in 2000 and in
14 years became the global leader in healthcare data collection. 5orld4ne
dri#es the ma.ority of our re#enue, and is an important brand to mar!et
research organi:ations.
5e decided that 5orld4ne brand ill represent a business o$ering of S23'4&
i.e. S23'4 intelligence as opposed to a stand7alone company. )he business
behind S23'4 ould represent products and ser#ices deri#ed from both
digital and so*ial a**ess to H1!s. )hose products today o$er insights,
data, intelligence as ell as access and engagement ith doctors and H8(s
around the orld.
So 5orld4ne, hich became S23'475orld4ne, becomes a business pillar of
S23'4& that of data and intelligence. 4ur data business is not disappearing,
in fact data becomes the underlying foundation behind many of our future
products. 6mpro#ed data mining technologies ill allo us to o$er our
members products that are more rele#ant for them, hile o$ering mar!eters
the ability to surgically target customers ith rele#ant promotion.
)he %uestion in our brand building path as ho do e get to the one brand
5e chose a transitional strategy and uni<ed S23'4 and 5orld4ne. )he
transitional strategy of S23'475orld4ne allos our complex set of
sta!eholders to become aare of the to companies, the rationale and
synergies behind the merger, and the path forard.
4ur current path is to become =all S23'4 to coincide ith our global launch.
4ur mission and #ision is the essence of our brand, our reason for being. 6ts
all about hy ere in this business.
MISSION 0hat e try to accomplish e#ery day1
)ransform healthcare by pro#iding physicians ith a #irtual safe ha#en,
to tal!, to share, to learn and to collaborate medically ithout borders
and geographies
5hen communicating ith our commercial audiences, e say that our
mission for them is? )o enable healthcare companies to engage ith and
deri#e insights from healthcare professionals, so they are better able to do
hat they are best at, ad#ancing medicine.
4ur most important audience is doctors. )hey are our members and ithout
them e ouldnt exist. )herefore, our most outard facing communications,
i.e. our main public ebsite, should spea! to doctors.
5e ill spea! to our commercial audience and other sta!eholders more
discreetly through less prominent online sources ith messages speci<cally
tailored to them.

Commercial Audiences
SRMO B sur7mC D noun 7 0atin /or2 *on)ersation,
dis*ussion, di*tion, s%ee*$, tal-, t$e (ord
4ur brand name re#ol#es around the ord *on)ersation+ 6f e had to pic!
to ords that e ant to on it ould be =doctor con#ersations.
)his simple concept, con#ersations 8 so*ial E engage'ent, the concept of
engagement, is the concept e#eryone ho ants to access and inFuence
doctors today is <ghting for.
"etting physicians tal!ing and engaging is %uite di+cult. *ut S23'4s uni%ue
strength is that its the one place here doctors feel comfortable tal!ing and
engaging in an authentic and natural ay. ,nd hen doctors feel
comfortable, they share medical thin!ing and thats ho medicine ad#ances.
2ngagement is important for intelligence as ell. '34s ant to !no they
are conducting research ith the most engaged respondents, as opposed to
fatigued digital panelists.
)he guidelines that follo are designed to position S23'4 as a single brand,
in other ords our end state, and sho ho the portfolio of products e o$er
<ts into the business. 6t is critically important for you to incorporate these
standards into all communications.
SRMO is t$e nu'&er one so*ial net(or- /or do*tors in t$e 3S 0the
most preferred and leading1, and is globali:ing.
SRMO is &ot$ a 9do*tors, lounge or $angout, here doctors candidly
share their true feelings about their profession and li#es, and a place here
doctors learn from one another by as!ing real life %uestions, ad#ice and
second opinions about medicine.
4#er the course of the a decade doctors ha#e built an important 'edi*al
-no(ledge &an- ithin S23'4 by #irtue of those %uestions and ansers.
S23'4 is the place for real li/e 'edi*ine. 6ts the 'eeting o/ 'edi*al
'inds and $earts.
S23'4 currently has a membership of 2@;,000 members 040H1 of -S
"H 4300 S"ORY2
S23'4 is li!e a cross beteen Iaceboo! and Juora.
0i-e :uora2
SRMO is t$e leading site /or
'edi*al *ro(dsour*ing+
Do*tors as- real li/e 'edi*al
;uestions and get real li/e
ans(ers /ro' $undreds o/
do*tors+ SRMO is a li)ing
&reat$ing and e)ol)ing 'edi*al
te<t&oo- and 'edi*al
-no(ledge &an-+
Doctors use S23'4 to collecti#ely
sol#e tough cases and get help
ith diagnoses, often direct from
the exam room in real7time #ia
their mobile. )hey do this for the
passion of medicine and for no
0i-e 4a*e&oo-2
SRMO is t$e 'ost trusted and %re/erred so*ial net(or-
e<*lusi)ely /or do*tors+ It,s a )irtual do*tor=s lounge+
5ithin S23'4, doctors are free to tal! openly and freely ith other doctors
about e#erything thats important to them, from the business to the
practice of medicine. 6ts a fun, safe, relaxing place here doctors can be
anonymous and spea! ithout fear of repercussions.
,nonymity is hat ma!es S23'4 di$erent from competitors and enables
doctors to engage.
)he enormous recent turmoil in healthcare and the changing role of the
physician has greatly fuelled S23'4s popularity. )his particular time in
history is hen doctors need a safe ha#en, a place to unite, to share, and
be heard.
other reason than to pro#ide help
and support to their peers.
5hen physicians feel comfortable
dialoguing ithout repercussions,
they as! for help, they share
!noledge, they admit mista!es,
and thus ad#ance the uni#erse of
medical !noledge.
Juora is a popular, crodsourced, %uestion and anser site
here members can pose %uestions, see! ansers and
collaborate on problems.
"$ey are anony'ous and *an say ($at t$ey really /eel2
K6 can spea! freely because 6 am anonymous. 6 do not ha#e to orry
about my ords getting bac! to a hospital administrator.L
K6 actually shared mista!es for the bene<t of my colleagues on
S23'4...but ould not ha#e done that if my employer or my peers
could identify me.L
"$ey get su%%ort /ro' ot$er do*tors2
K6f it as real life, ed all hang out.L
KDoctors donMt ha#e the time to come to a real doctorMs lounge any
4n S23'4 e can as! %uestions and share our li#es and frustrations.
5hene#er e feel stressed out, e come to get support and <nd it.
,ny time of the day.L
K3egulators are forcing us to comply ith rules and physicians hardly
get a #oice in these regulations. 5e are made to feel isolated and
alone. 6ts #ery o#erhelming for doctors and easily leads to burn out.
*ut, S23'4 is )H2 place here e can <nally tal! and feel li!e e are
not alone. 5e !no that e are all in the same boat.L
"$ey learn /ro' one anot$er and get real li/e ans(ers and $el% (it$
KNou cant .ust "oogle medicine. 5e ha#e to go beyond Kcoo!boo!L
medicine, and see! reasonable, experienced minds to thin! through
di+cult and di#erse cases.L
KHad 6 not read a post on S23'4, 6 ould not ha#e nailed the
K)hese days doctors are super busy and dont ha#e time to stop hat
they are doing and <nd a colleague ith the appropriate expertise.L
"$ey $a)e /un2
K'edicine is fun, hen its ithout the intrusion of multiple third
parties. 5e lo#e posting cases on S23'4..e get to practice medicine
e#en if e dont get paid for it.L
4un*tional, %ra*ti*al &ene>ts2
"A0K & 1ONN1"2 Dialogue ith your peers.. and ha#e real and open
con#ersations around the business and practice of medicine. Do it
anonymously. Spea! freely.
SO0V & 1O00ABORA"2 (ost patient cases and get help,
collaborate, learn from other doctors. Help your peers and build the
largest medical database of real life medical %uestions and ansers.
VO"2 8reate your on polls to ta!e the pulse of the community and
#ote on polls and issues of interest.
ARN2 2arn honoraria for your opinions
'otional &ene>ts2 Ho( does SRMO 'a-e
do*tors /eel ($en using SRMO#
Safe in a alled gardenO trusted en#ironment
(rotected #ia anonymity
6n a family or a fraternityO sorority, special
Iinding your tribeP<nding your people
(lace they can relaxO lounge
)al! freely, openly, honestly, they can #ent, blo o$ steam
6ts not .ust mePreassurance 0normali:ation1Pere in this together
Helping other doctorsO charitablePpay it forard.. 8ome together
around causes
Ha#e fun& practice medicine for fun #s <lling out insurance forms
Sel/?e<%ressi)e &ene>ts2 ($at &eing %art o/
says a&out do*tors and t$eir sel/ i'age
'odern ith the times.. in a social netor!.. tech sa##y
Qi!e to help other doctorsO charitableO responsibleO good
citi:en because collaborating clinically
6nternational global doctor
Dedicated to medicine& a+rmation of their dedication to
medicine as a practice rather than medicine as a business
(ure medicine& unencumbered and bac! to basics medicine
Our *o'%etiti)e ad)antage2
"o do*tors2 S23'4 is the number one site for rich and real doctor to doctor
con#ersations. ,nonymity is hat ma!es that possible. G0H of our doctors
choose to be anonymous.
"o *o''er*ial audien*es2 S23'4 has the highest engagement le#els #s.
all other digital and social channels. ,nonymity ma!es that possible.
Note2 5e di$erentiate our business o$erings& i.e. ho engagement and
intelligence products and ser#ices are di$erent, but that is done #ia other
communication channels.
"O A1H O4 O3R @"RNA0
Ho( (e 9loo- li-e, and 9/eel li-e, and 9sound
li-e, to t$e (orld
I/ SRMO (as a %erson2 $e or s$e (ould $a)e t$is -ind o/
,uthentic, real, honest
Iunny and cool, casual, charismatic, #ibrant and sometimes irre#erent
Human and sometimes #ulnerable
, global citi:en, socially responsible, collaborati#e
8ompassionate, trustorthy
Highly intelligent, inno#ati#e and inspirational
(roud to be ad#ancing healthcare and helping his colleagues
Social and con<dent
5hat do e sound li!e in print, in #ideo, online and in person9 4ur #oice
should reFect our uni%ue role as a global business leader 0professional,
straightforard, easy to or! ith1 and a trusted partner 0optimistic,
energetic, arm, empathetic, and inspirational1. (lease try to reFect the
brand personality in ho you communicate.
!0AS DON,"2
Dont hide meaning behind
cle#er ords or constructs
Dont rite or spea! in a ay
that feels dense or
Dont use a curt or cold
Dont use .argon or
Dont embroider or spin facts
"HA" W AR2
2asy to or! ith
A/or designers or anyone de)elo%ing
I'agesC Sy'&olis'C Meta%$ors t$e SRMO
Doctors lounge 0here doctors hang out in hospitals1
Sirtual teaching hospital
Sirtual grand rounds
Sol#ing pu::les
(eoples heads together
Helping hands
Hippocratic oath
Safe ha#en
8alm harbor
Sirtual doctors ithout borders
Relations$i% o/ SRMO (it$ t$e do*tor2
,d#ocate, best friend that stands up for you
Support group
Iemale or male but tends to be more male 0e ha#e @;H male
2;H female1
Nounger7 /;7;0 0a#erage age ;21
,uthentic, real O human doctor..0Hae!eye (ierceO House etc.1
Rot a happy smiley fa!e doctorT

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