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Common Connection Codes

A connection code is a code that is added to the closed log message to provide additional information related to the connection
closure. Common connection codes include:
A1=Client aborts the connection.
B1=Corrupt BER tag encountered or BER tag is longer than the nsslapd-maxbersize attribute value. For further information about
this configuration attribute, see "nsslapd-maxbersize (Maximum Message Size)".
If BER tags, which encapsulate data being sent over the wire, are corrupt when they are received, a B1 connection code is logged to
the access log. BER tags can be corrupted due to physical layer network problems or bad LDAP client operations, such as an LDAP
client aborting before receiving all request results.
B2=BER tag is longer than the nsslapd-maxbersize attribute value. For further information about this configuration attribute,
see "nsslapd-maxbersize (Maximum Message Size)".
B3=Corrupt BER tag encountered.
B4=Server failed to flush data response back to client.
P2=Closed or corrupt connection has been detected.
T1=Client does not receive a result within the specified idletimeout period.
T2=Server closed connection after ioblocktimeout period was exceeded.
U1= Connection closed by server after client sends an UNBIND request. The server will always close the connection when it sees an
UNBIND request.
LDAP Result Codes

LDAP has a set of operation result codes with which you should be familiar. The following result codes may be generated by the
LDAP server:
Table 8-2 LDAP Server Result Codes
Result Code Meaning
0 Success
1 Operations error
2 Protocol error
3 Timelimit exceeded
4 Sizelimit exceeded
5 Compare false
6 Compare true
7 Authentication method not supported
8 Strong authentication required
9 Partial results and referral received
10 Referral received
11 Administrative limit exceeded
12 Unavailable critical extension
13 Confidentiality required
14 SASL bind in progress
16 No such attribute
17 Undefined attribute type
18 Inappropriate matching
19 Constraint violation
20 Type or value exists
21 Invalid syntax
32 No such object
33 Alias problem
34 Invalid DN syntax
35 Object is a leaf
36 Alias dereferencing problem
48 Inappropriate authentication
49 Invalid credentials
50 Insufficient access
51 Server is busy
52 Server is unavailable
53 Server is unwilling to perform
54 Loop detected
64 Naming violation
65 Object class violation
66 Operation not permitted on a non-leaf entry
67 Operation not permitted on a RDN
68 Entry already exists
69 Cannot modify object class
70 Results too large
71 Affects multiple servers
76 Virtual list view error
The following result codes may be generated by LDAP clients:
Table 8-3 LDAP Client Result Codes
Result Code Meaning
80 Unknown error
81 Cannot contact LDAP server
82 Local error
83 Encoding error
84 Decoding error
85 Timed out
86 Unknown authentication method
87 Bad search filter
88 User cancelled operation
89 Bad parameter to an LDAP routine
90 Out of memory
91 Cannot connect to the LDAP server
92 Not supported by this version of LDAP
93 Requested LDAP control not found
94 No results returned
95 Additional results to return
96 Client detected loop
97 Referral hop limit exceeded

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