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1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable verb form.

1.- Where . ( you, to go) last summer?

2.- We.................................(to listen) to some music at this moment.
3.- She was very happy ecause she .......................(to pass) all her e!ams
".- #eacher$ % &ohn, ................(not, to 'orget) your homewor()*
+.- ,y 'rien-s........................(to 'ly) to .'rica ne!t summer. #hey ................(to oo()
their tic(ets three -ays ago.
/.- - We haven0t got any cigarettes.
- 1h, haven0t we? 2...................(go) an- get some.
3.- What........................(you, -o) yester-ay when 2 calle- you?
4.- When 2 was a chil- 2 ...............................(eat) ice-cream, ut 2 -on0t eat it any longer.
2. Write sentences by using the words in brackets .
1.- 2 earn very little. 2 love my 5o. ( ut) ..
2.- Sarah is very shy. She is sweet an- a goo- 'rien- ( on the other han-).
3.- 6earning a 'oreign language is har-. 2t is rewar-ing in the en- ( although)
".- 2 hate rainy -ays. 2 (now water is necessary 'or us an- the environment. (however)
+.- 20m tire- o' trying over an- over again. 20m sure persistence pays o''
(although) ..
( however) ..
( on the other han-)
3.- IN!""#$%I&! '"#N#(N). *ake the +uestions. he new information is
1.- 2 go to 6on-on every year because I want to learn !nglish. .
2.- We ta(e a ,aths test once a month.
3.- #he oys are watching & ..
".- 1ur -aughter nee-s ten oo(s. .
+.- 2 ta(e ,aths private classes on )aturdays .
".- N!$%I&! %N, IN!""#$%I&!. Write the negative an- interrogative.
1.- 7elin-a stu-ies physics
8 .
2.- ,ar( too( the us to school
-. .#*'%"%I&!
9 :armele; ugly; 6y-ia 7osch ( superiori-a- )
9 ,y -og ; thin; your cat (superiori-a-)
9. <ol(swagen ; a-; a ,erce-es (superiori-a-)
-.2 )('!"/%I&#0 ranslate into !nglish
9 =ew >or( es la ciu-a- m?s importante -e .m@rica
1. .#N,II#N%/)
1.%.- Fill in the blanks.
- ( Aenerally spea(ing).- 2' a ay.. (to e), he (to cry)
- >ou will li(e ,elanie a lot i' you . ( to meet) her.
- 2' you get up early in the morning, please, . (not, to ma(e) any noise.
- 2' we are luc(y, we .. (to win) the match.
We will e very happy i' she . (to pass) her tests.
- ( Aenerally spea(ing).- 2' you .. (to 'reeBe) water , it ecomes ice
- 2' you0re my 'rien-, . ( not, to tell) me lies).
- 2' the weather is a-, we , . (not, to go) camping.
2. FI// IN 3! 4/%N5) WI3 3! .#""!. &!"4 F#"*.
a) - Where........................... (you, go)?.
- #o the cinema. 2 want to see .merican 7eauty.
) She ........................(live) here 'or ten years. She loves Spain an- she is very
happy here.
c) 2' you want my a-vice, ....................... (tell) him the truth.
-) #om too( a photograph o' me while 2 ...................................(not, loo()
e) When ,arta came home, her oy'rien- .....................(go), so she coul-n0t see
') 2 . (go) to the lirary every -ay, ut now 2 -on0t go any longer.
') &ason is intereste- in ........................(stu-y) Chysics.
g) - 2t0s a little col- in this room
- 2s it? 2.....................................(turn on) the heating then.
h) ..............................(you, meet) any interesting people at the party last wee(?
i) When she ('inish) all her homewor(, 2 will let her go out with you.
6. .#*'%"%I&!) %N, )('!"/%I&!)0 :ompare the 'ollowing items$
Dore-o ;a-; =a-al
6i'e in Scotlan- ; e!pensive; li'e in Fnglan- (sup) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
)('!"/%I&!.- ranslate into !nglish0
a) 6a 'iloso'Ga es la asignatura m?s interesante -e to-as.
) Doerto es el chico m?s 'eo -e FspaHa
7. 'ut the fre+uency %dverb in the right 8osition
- #hey will uy this house ( never)
- We go to the theatre ( every wee(en-) .
- ,olly -rin(s orange 5uice ( o'ten).
19. .#*'%"%I&!
1.- ,arGa ; ugly; Flisaeth ( superiori-a-) .
2.- 7arcelona ; 'ar; IaragoBa ( superiori-a-) ...
3.- 6iterature ; oring; Jistory ( igual-a- ) .
".- 7erlin ; mo-ern ; Areece (superiori-a-) ..
+.- ,urray ; a- ; &ocovic ( superiori-a-)
6.- Translate: Este es el mejor diccionario de la librera.
11.- .#N,II#N%/ )!N!N.!)
- 2' you 'eel a-, .. (to ta(e) an aspirin
- #hey will live etter i' they . ( to get) a higher salary.
- ( Aenerally spea(ing) . stu-ent passes his e!ams i' he . ( to stu-y) har-.
- 2' my 'rien-s stay at home, 2 . (not, to go out ) alone.
12. .#*'/!! 3! )!N!N.!) ()IN$ 3! .#""!. F#"* #F 3! &!"4
$I&!N IN 4"%.5!)
+. 1. #he i-ea 'or the pillow su--enly EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (occur) to one o' the
stu-ents a'ier they EEEEEEEEEEEEEE (egin) to 'eel it was impossile.
+.2. #hey EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (o''er) a large cash awar- y a an(.
+.3. 2' they EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (not 'inish) the pro5ect, they EEEEEEEEEEEEE (not get)
the money.
+.". #hey EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ( wor() on it 'or aout two months now.
13. "ewrite these sentences starting as 8ro8osed.
a) :omputers have revolutionise- our lives
1ur lives
) %2t is not clear what the psychological e!planation is*, sai- #ora 7i(son.
#ora 7i(son
c) ,aintaining Social ties with people coul- e psychologically healthier.
1:. Fill in the blanks.-
-2' we win the match tonight, we .............................(e) the champions this season.
- Samuel woul- e very worrie- i' he ...........................(lose) his 5o.
- Knless you 'eel terrile, ..(not, ta(e) any antiiotics.
1+.- &#; '%)I&%.- :hange the 'ollowing sentences into the passive voice.
- #hey eat piBBa on Satur-ays.- ..
- #he company has o''ere- us a very goo- 5o (!2).-
- #he chil-ren are watching a 'ilm.
1/.- "!/%I&! ./%()!)
a) =uria, ....................... e-room is upstairs, isn0t at home now.
) ,ario, ............... .... gets up very early in the morning, is never late 'or wor(.
c) #he lirary .......................... 2 stu-y is very Luiet an- has a lot o' light.
-) She -oesn0t li(e arrogant people, ..................... 2 un-erstan- per'ectly.
12. FI// IN 3! 4/%N5) WI3 3! .#""!. &!"4 F#"*.
- ,y stu-ents use moile phones 'or............................(spea() 'or hours with their
- We haven0t got any cigarettes. 1h, haven0t we? 2...................(go) an- get some.
- &im is going to stu-y 'rom 3 to 1M this evening. So at 4$3M he ........................
- What........................(you, -o) yester-ay when 2 calle- you?
- #he house was very Luiet when 2 got home. 7y that time everyo-y.............(go) to
- When 2 was a chil- 2 ..................................(eat) ice-cream, ut 2 -on0t li(e it now.
14. .#*'%"%I&!) %N, )('!"/%I&!)
1.- Write sentences y using the instructions in rac(ets
Jawaii ; 'ar ; 1regon ( superiori-a-)
:1,C.D.#2<1 7ilao ; wet ; ,alaga ( superiori-a-).
#ranslate into Fnglish$ - Cienso lo mismo Lue tN.
- &aime tiene tanta cultura como .na
SKCFD6.#2<1 #ranslate into Fnglish$ Fste el sitio m?s 'eo -e ,a-ri-.
17. .#N,II#N%/ )!N!N.!)
- 2' 2 were you, 2 ...............................(to save) some money.
- ...................................(not, to ta(e) your car i' you go to town. #here is a lot o'
- What woul- you -o, i' your -reams ................................(to come) true?
- Knless she .............................(to wor() har-, she won0t get it.
2M. '%))I&! &#I.!
- ,ary has ought all our presents.
- &eremy will give us some in'ormation on the course (2 sentences)
a) .
) .
- #hose people are par(ing the cars on the si-ewal(.
21. "!/%I&! ./%()!)
a) &eremy, .................... ol-er rother is a pro'essional tennis player , is my 'rien-.
) #his house, ......................... has more than 2+ rooms, was uilt 2MM years ago.
c) 20ve 5ust hear- aout your prolems with 6eyton, ..................ma(es me very sa-.
-) 2 have 5ust met the girl ..................... phone- you last night.
e) ranslate into !nglish$ 6ara es la chica con la Lue vivo.
22. *#,%/).- !<8ress the following ideas by using modal verbs.
1.- Chil0s cat was (ille- yester-ay. ,a(e the -e-uction that Chil is very sa-.

2.- >our rother nee-s a lot o' money to uy an apartment. Aive him some a-vice

3.- 2t0s .nne0s oligation to stu-y every -ay..
".- #here0s a ig possiility that it rains heavily tonight
23. =(!)I#N).- Write the +uestions . he new information is underlined.
1.- 2 saw Caul three -ays ago.
2.- ,y neighour has een marrie- 'or 1M years .
3.- Jis wi'e insiste- on that ecause she thought she was right
2:. FI// IN 3! 4/%N5) WI3 3! .#""!. &!"4 F#"*.
1.- We.....................(not, eat) anything yester-ay ecause we .................(not,e)
2.- - What.................... (your 'ather, -o)?
- Je is a teacher, ut he.................................(not, wor() at the moment.
3.- #hey are thin(ing aout ...................................(rent) a car ne!t wee(.
".- #he ay -oesn0t cry much now ut she ................(cry) every night not so long
+.- 7ill -i-n0t have his car any more. Je .......................(sell) it some wee(s e'ore
/.- 2 ......................(not, -rive) very 'ast when the acci-ent.....................(happen)
3.- 2n 2M years 2 (pay) the mortgage an- then 20ll e s o happy.
4.- .s soon as he . ('inish ) his homewor( , he will go out .
2-.- .#*'%"%I&!) %N, )('!"/%I&!)
1.- Write sentences y using the instructions in rac(ets
- &uly ; hot ; ,ay (superiori-a-) .............................................................................
- . Seat ; a-; a ,erce-es (superiori-a-) .............................................................
- ,aths ; easy ; 7iology ( superiori-a-)..................................................................
21. ranslate into !nglish.
- Sara no es tan onita como DaLuel, pero Sara es la me5or hi5a -e to-as.
- Fsta es la tien-a m?s cara -e FspaHa.
22. .#N,II#N%/ )!N!N.!)
- Knless she .............................(catch) a ta!i she will e late.
- 2' you want to e my 'rien-, ...........................(not, e) so ru-e to me.
- What woul- you -o i' your -reams .........................(come) true?
- >our mother .............(get angry) i' you -on0t tell him the truth aout this letter.
- Someo-y else got the 5o, ut i' ,ar( ha- learnt Fnglish he........................(get)
- 2' 2 ..(to win) the lottery, 2..(stop) wor(ing. 7ut this is a -ream
26. '"#N#(N).- ranslate into !nglish
- Fllos nos necesitan y nosotros los necesitamos.
- .licia y Auillermo se gustan mucho..
- =os Luemamos mientras cocin?amos
- Ciensa en ella.
- Fllos coger?n su coche y ella coger? el suyo.

26.- F"!.(!N.> %,&!"4)

%? 'ut the fre+uency %dverb in the right 8osition
- #hey are sa- ( always)
- We go to the theatre ( once a month) .
27. ranslate into !nglish .- O :on Lu@ 'recuencia compras el periP-ico?

3M.- '%))I&! &#I.!

.) Some stu-ents have correcte- the e!ercise
7) #hey o''ere- us a 5o (!2)
#hey are 'i!ing the car at the moment
#hey may mil( the cows this a'ternoon
31.- "!/%I&! ./%()!)
%? Qill in the lan(s with the correct relative pronoun
- #he hospital ..................... DamPn wor(s is very 'ar 'rom here
- 2 -on0t li(e the -ress.................. she has ought.
- =uria, ....................... e-room is upstairs, isn0t at home now.
- ,ario, ............... .... gets up very early in the morning, is never late 'or wor(.
7) #ranslate into Fnglish.
- Flla est? muy triste y en'a-a-a, lo cual es muy normal.
- Siemens es la compaHGa para la Lue traa5o.
32.*#,%/).- !<8ress the following ideas by using modal verbs.
- >our 'rien- -rives very 'ast. Aive him some a-vice
- #ell your partner that it0s prohiite- to eat gum in class
- #ell your mother that she -oesn0t nee- to -rive you to school
- F!press the i-ea that you ha- the oligation to ta(e a ta!i yester-ay
- Re-uce Lue DaLuel na-a muy ien ( ha gana-o 1M tro'eos)

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