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Morning Consult

National Tracking Poll #140905:

September 2014
Crosstabulation Results
This poll was conducted from September 21-23, 2014, among a national sample of 1673 registered voters.
The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of
registered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual house-
hold income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of
error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points.
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 65 22 9 3 1 1673
Male 68 21 8 2 1 780
Female 62 24 10 3 1 893
Age: 18-29 48 34 13 4 2 268
Age: 30-44 64 23 9 3 1 416
Age: 45-64 66 21 9 3 0 631
Age: 65+ 77 15 6 1 1 357
Ethnicity - White 65 22 9 3 1 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 54 30 11 3 2 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 67 21 9 1 1 215
Democrats (no lean) 69 21 7 3 0 666
Independents (no lean) 63 22 11 3 1 481
Republicans (no lean) 62 25 10 2 1 526
Liberal (1-3) 68 23 7 2 0 450
Moderate (4) 59 25 12 4 0 468
Conservative (5-7) 70 20 7 2 1 641
Northeast 65 23 7 4 1 305
Midwest 68 20 9 3 0 395
South 60 26 11 3 1 622
West 72 18 8 2 0 351
New England 73 18 4 3 2 87
Mid-Atlantic 61 25 8 4 1 218
East North Central 71 19 6 4 0 270
West North Central 61 23 15 1 0 125
South Atlantic 58 25 11 4 1 334
East South Central 57 33 8 0 2 108
West South Central 65 23 11 1 0 180
Mountain 72 15 8 4 1 113
Pacic 72 19 9 0 0 238
Protestant 68 24 7 1 1 430
Roman Catholic 71 21 5 3 0 431
Ath./Agn./None 58 24 13 4 2 368
Something Else 62 22 12 3 1 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 69 21 7 3 0 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 63 23 11 2 1 1031
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political oces?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 65 22 9 3 1 1673
Income: Under 50k 59 24 12 4 1 725
Income: 50k-100k 67 23 8 2 1 550
Income: 100k+ 73 18 6 1 1 397
Educ: < College 61 25 11 3 1 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 70 20 7 2 1 371
Educ: Post-grad 81 13 4 2 0 202
Military HH 68 20 8 2 2 312
Not Military HH 64 23 9 3 1 1360
Urban 65 22 9 2 1 410
Suburban 67 20 10 2 1 901
Rural 60 28 8 3 0 361
Tea Party - Supporter 64 25 8 3 0 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 65 21 9 3 1 1211
U.S. Right Direction 67 23 7 2 1 557
U.S. Wrong Track 64 22 10 3 1 1116
Obama: Approve 66 23 7 3 1 724
Obama: Disapprove 65 22 10 2 1 892
#1 Issue - Economy 64 24 9 2 1 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 64 22 11 3 1 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 63 27 7 2 1 197
#1 Issue - Health care 60 25 11 3 0 206
#1 Issue - FP 80 14 5 1 0 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 64 23 12 1 0 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 67 22 7 3 1 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 64 24 9 2 1 799
2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten o on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Registered Voters 33 67 1673
Male 36 64 780
Female 31 69 893
Age: 18-29 39 61 268
Age: 30-44 39 61 416
Age: 45-64 31 69 631
Age: 65+ 27 73 357
Ethnicity - White 27 73 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 43 57 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 64 36 215
Democrats (no lean) 59 41 666
Independents (no lean) 24 76 481
Republicans (no lean) 9 91 526
Liberal (1-3) 58 42 450
Moderate (4) 37 63 468
Conservative (5-7) 14 86 641
Northeast 32 68 305
Midwest 30 70 395
South 29 71 622
West 45 55 351
New England 30 70 87
Mid-Atlantic 32 68 218
East North Central 34 66 270
West North Central 21 79 125
South Atlantic 30 70 334
East South Central 32 68 108
West South Central 27 73 180
Mountain 37 63 113
Pacic 49 51 238
Protestant 27 73 430
Roman Catholic 35 65 431
Ath./Agn./None 37 63 368
Something Else 35 65 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 33 67 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 67 1031
2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten o on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Registered Voters 33 67 1673
Income: Under 50k 32 68 725
Income: 50k-100k 31 69 550
Income: 100k+ 38 62 397
Educ: < College 29 71 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 38 62 371
Educ: Post-grad 46 54 202
Military HH 32 68 312
Not Military HH 34 66 1360
Urban 47 53 410
Suburban 31 69 901
Rural 22 78 361
Tea Party - Supporter 22 78 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 37 63 1211
U.S. Right Direction 100 0 557
U.S. Wrong Track 0 100 1116
Obama: Approve 68 32 724
Obama: Disapprove 6 94 892
#1 Issue - Economy 35 65 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 44 56 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 20 80 197
#1 Issue - Health care 36 64 206
#1 Issue - FP 24 76 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 24 76 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 29 71 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 33 67 799
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Registered Voters 14 29 19 34 3 1673
Male 14 31 20 32 3 780
Female 14 28 18 36 4 893
Age: 18-29 14 38 22 23 3 268
Age: 30-44 15 32 18 31 3 416
Age: 45-64 16 25 20 35 4 631
Age: 65+ 10 27 17 45 2 357
Ethnicity - White 10 26 21 40 3 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 15 34 24 22 5 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 42 13 3 5 215
Democrats (no lean) 30 47 15 5 3 666
Independents (no lean) 6 28 21 39 7 481
Republicans (no lean) 2 8 22 67 1 526
Liberal (1-3) 25 48 14 12 1 450
Moderate (4) 14 35 24 24 3 468
Conservative (5-7) 6 12 19 60 4 641
Northeast 10 32 22 32 5 305
Midwest 13 31 16 35 5 395
South 14 25 20 39 2 622
West 18 34 19 27 2 351
New England 14 30 20 28 7 87
Mid-Atlantic 8 32 23 33 4 218
East North Central 13 35 16 32 3 270
West North Central 13 22 16 41 8 125
South Atlantic 16 24 24 34 3 334
East South Central 16 26 15 41 2 108
West South Central 10 26 14 48 2 180
Mountain 14 27 21 33 5 113
Pacic 20 37 18 25 1 238
Protestant 10 21 17 49 2 430
Roman Catholic 14 29 23 32 2 431
Ath./Agn./None 13 38 18 26 5 368
Something Else 19 30 17 30 5 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 25 18 40 2 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 32 20 31 4 1031
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Registered Voters 14 29 19 34 3 1673
Income: Under 50k 17 27 19 31 5 725
Income: 50k-100k 10 33 18 38 2 550
Income: 100k+ 14 28 21 35 2 397
Educ: < College 13 28 20 36 4 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 15 29 20 35 2 371
Educ: Post-grad 20 36 15 27 2 202
Military HH 15 26 17 40 2 312
Not Military HH 14 30 19 33 4 1360
Urban 25 34 17 22 2 410
Suburban 11 29 21 35 3 901
Rural 8 24 16 47 5 361
Tea Party - Supporter 9 16 14 59 3 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 16 35 21 25 4 1211
U.S. Right Direction 36 53 7 2 2 557
U.S. Wrong Track 3 18 25 50 4 1116
Obama: Approve 32 68 0 0 0 724
Obama: Disapprove 0 0 36 64 0 892
#1 Issue - Economy 12 29 20 36 3 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 20 39 15 19 7 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 5 16 26 47 5 197
#1 Issue - Health care 21 29 14 33 3 206
#1 Issue - FP 12 16 26 44 2 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 9 18 19 53 1 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 12 35 19 33 1 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 12 28 20 34 4 799
4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 43 53 3 1673
Male 45 52 3 780
Female 42 54 4 893
Age: 18-29 52 45 3 268
Age: 30-44 47 49 3 416
Age: 45-64 41 55 4 631
Age: 65+ 36 62 2 357
Ethnicity - White 36 61 3 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 49 46 5 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 79 16 5 215
Democrats (no lean) 77 20 3 666
Independents (no lean) 33 60 7 481
Republicans (no lean) 10 89 1 526
Liberal (1-3) 74 25 1 450
Moderate (4) 49 48 3 468
Conservative (5-7) 18 78 4 641
Northeast 41 54 5 305
Midwest 44 51 5 395
South 39 59 2 622
West 52 46 2 351
New England 44 49 7 87
Mid-Atlantic 40 56 4 218
East North Central 48 48 3 270
West North Central 35 57 8 125
South Atlantic 40 58 3 334
East South Central 42 56 2 108
West South Central 35 63 2 180
Mountain 42 53 5 113
Pacic 57 43 1 238
Protestant 32 66 2 430
Roman Catholic 43 55 2 431
Ath./Agn./None 51 44 5 368
Something Else 49 47 5 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 58 2 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 50 4 1031
4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve Disapprove Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 43 53 3 1673
Income: Under 50k 45 50 5 725
Income: 50k-100k 42 56 2 550
Income: 100k+ 42 56 2 397
Educ: < College 41 55 4 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 44 54 2 371
Educ: Post-grad 56 42 2 202
Military HH 41 57 2 312
Not Military HH 44 52 4 1360
Urban 59 39 2 410
Suburban 41 56 3 901
Rural 32 63 5 361
Tea Party - Supporter 25 73 3 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 46 4 1211
U.S. Right Direction 89 9 2 557
U.S. Wrong Track 21 75 4 1116
Obama: Approve 100 0 0 724
Obama: Disapprove 0 100 0 892
#1 Issue - Economy 40 56 3 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 59 34 7 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 21 74 5 197
#1 Issue - Health care 49 47 3 206
#1 Issue - FP 29 69 2 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 27 72 1 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 46 53 1 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 41 55 4 799
5: Now, thinking about your vote in 2014 for federal oces such as U.S. Senate or Congress, what would you say is the top
issue that is motivating your vote?
Other N
Registered Voters 24 12 12 12 6 8 11 2 4 6 4 1673
Male 27 13 13 10 7 7 10 2 2 6 4 780
Female 21 12 10 15 5 8 13 1 5 6 4 893
Age: 18-29 20 21 10 11 4 6 3 2 7 12 3 268
Age: 30-44 28 12 8 14 9 6 6 2 5 6 4 416
Age: 45-64 25 12 11 15 5 8 10 2 2 5 5 631
Age: 65+ 19 8 18 6 6 9 25 1 1 3 4 357
Ethnicity - White 24 11 13 11 6 8 12 2 3 6 5 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 22 16 7 14 7 10 9 2 4 7 2 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 22 22 7 18 3 5 9 0 9 5 1 215
Democrats (no lean) 23 16 6 13 4 6 13 3 5 8 3 666
Independents (no lean) 25 14 17 10 7 5 9 1 3 5 4 481
Republicans (no lean) 23 6 14 13 7 12 11 1 3 3 6 526
Liberal (1-3) 25 14 5 12 4 5 10 4 5 12 3 450
Moderate (4) 26 15 9 12 6 8 12 1 4 4 3 468
Conservative (5-7) 23 9 18 12 8 9 9 1 2 3 6 641
Northeast 24 11 9 16 9 7 9 2 3 5 5 305
Midwest 25 12 13 10 4 6 14 2 2 7 4 395
South 24 11 11 14 6 9 12 1 4 4 4 622
West 22 16 13 8 6 8 9 3 4 8 3 351
New England 24 7 11 21 14 4 5 1 3 6 5 87
Mid-Atlantic 24 13 8 14 6 8 11 3 4 4 5 218
East North Central 28 14 11 11 5 4 12 2 3 4 5 270
West North Central 19 7 19 10 2 11 17 1 1 12 2 125
South Atlantic 27 12 11 15 5 7 11 1 4 3 3 334
East South Central 21 13 15 13 3 5 16 0 4 3 7 108
West South Central 20 8 9 14 8 14 12 0 4 8 4 180
Mountain 25 18 14 7 2 7 9 2 4 9 2 113
Pacic 21 15 12 9 7 9 9 3 4 7 4 238
Protestant 23 9 13 12 7 9 13 0 2 6 5 430
Roman Catholic 23 14 13 13 6 5 13 2 3 3 4 431
Ath./Agn./None 24 14 12 8 3 8 7 4 6 9 5 368
Something Else 25 12 9 15 7 8 11 1 4 6 2 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 10 14 13 6 10 11 1 4 5 4 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 14 10 12 6 6 11 2 4 6 4 1031
5: Now, thinking about your vote in 2014 for federal oces such as U.S. Senate or Congress, what would you say is the top
issue that is motivating your vote?
Other N
Registered Voters 24 12 12 12 6 8 11 2 4 6 4 1673
Income: Under 50k 20 14 10 14 5 8 17 1 3 5 4 725
Income: 50k-100k 25 12 13 13 7 8 7 3 3 6 3 550
Income: 100k+ 29 10 14 9 6 6 7 1 5 7 6 397
Educ: < College 21 13 11 14 5 9 15 1 3 5 4 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 11 15 11 6 5 5 2 5 7 4 371
Educ: Post-grad 28 11 11 7 9 6 4 3 6 10 5 202
Military HH 24 8 20 7 4 5 14 2 4 6 5 312
Not Military HH 24 13 10 14 6 8 11 2 4 6 4 1360
Urban 22 12 7 13 6 8 11 2 5 9 4 410
Suburban 24 12 15 11 6 6 12 2 3 5 3 901
Rural 25 12 10 15 7 10 10 0 2 3 6 361
Tea Party - Supporter 20 10 17 14 7 10 10 1 3 3 5 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 25 13 10 12 5 7 12 2 4 7 4 1211
U.S. Right Direction 25 16 7 13 4 6 10 3 5 7 4 557
U.S. Wrong Track 23 10 14 12 7 9 12 1 3 5 4 1116
Obama: Approve 22 17 6 14 4 5 12 3 5 8 3 724
Obama: Disapprove 25 8 16 11 8 10 11 0 2 4 5 892
#1 Issue - Economy 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 197
#1 Issue - Health care 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 206
#1 Issue - FP 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 50 26 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 799
6: Technology start-ups raised more money in the rst half of 2014 than ever before. Do you think conditions today are
better, worse or about the same compared to when the so-called tech bubble burst around the year 2000?
Better Worse About the Same N
Registered Voters 37 26 37 1673
Male 41 25 34 780
Female 34 26 40 893
Age: 18-29 57 16 28 268
Age: 30-44 41 29 30 416
Age: 45-64 30 28 42 631
Age: 65+ 30 26 44 357
Ethnicity - White 34 28 39 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 51 23 26 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 51 13 36 215
Democrats (no lean) 52 13 36 666
Independents (no lean) 33 29 38 481
Republicans (no lean) 22 39 39 526
Liberal (1-3) 57 14 30 450
Moderate (4) 37 22 40 468
Conservative (5-7) 25 38 37 641
Northeast 37 29 35 305
Midwest 35 24 41 395
South 36 28 36 622
West 42 21 38 351
New England 34 28 38 87
Mid-Atlantic 38 29 33 218
East North Central 35 21 44 270
West North Central 36 29 35 125
South Atlantic 33 28 39 334
East South Central 37 26 37 108
West South Central 39 29 32 180
Mountain 29 24 47 113
Pacic 47 19 34 238
Protestant 29 30 41 430
Roman Catholic 39 25 36 431
Ath./Agn./None 43 21 36 368
Something Else 37 25 37 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 30 33 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 37 23 40 1031
6: Technology start-ups raised more money in the rst half of 2014 than ever before. Do you think conditions today are
better, worse or about the same compared to when the so-called tech bubble burst around the year 2000?
Better Worse About the Same N
Registered Voters 37 26 37 1673
Income: Under 50k 34 26 39 725
Income: 50k-100k 35 27 38 550
Income: 100k+ 44 22 33 397
Educ: < College 35 26 39 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 39 25 35 371
Educ: Post-grad 45 24 30 202
Military HH 38 23 39 312
Not Military HH 37 26 37 1360
Urban 43 21 35 410
Suburban 37 25 38 901
Rural 29 31 40 361
Tea Party - Supporter 30 35 35 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 40 22 38 1211
U.S. Right Direction 65 7 28 557
U.S. Wrong Track 23 35 42 1116
Obama: Approve 56 11 32 724
Obama: Disapprove 23 36 41 892
#1 Issue - Economy 39 25 36 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 46 26 28 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 26 28 45 197
#1 Issue - Health care 33 30 37 206
#1 Issue - FP 34 17 49 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 31 38 31 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 33 19 48 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 37 26 36 799
7: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: People have the right to demand that search
engines like Google and Yahoo remove links to information about their past?
Know /
Registered Voters 37 32 12 5 14 1673
Male 38 33 11 4 14 780
Female 37 31 14 5 14 893
Age: 18-29 26 33 22 7 12 268
Age: 30-44 33 40 12 4 12 416
Age: 45-64 43 28 13 5 11 631
Age: 65+ 41 30 5 2 22 357
Ethnicity - White 36 32 12 5 15 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 39 14 6 10 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 45 29 11 4 11 215
Democrats (no lean) 40 32 13 3 12 666
Independents (no lean) 35 34 11 8 13 481
Republicans (no lean) 36 31 13 3 17 526
Liberal (1-3) 41 30 14 4 11 450
Moderate (4) 35 38 10 4 14 468
Conservative (5-7) 36 31 13 5 15 641
Northeast 39 30 13 7 11 305
Midwest 39 28 13 5 15 395
South 36 34 12 4 13 622
West 35 35 11 3 16 351
New England 42 31 11 7 9 87
Mid-Atlantic 38 29 14 7 12 218
East North Central 42 31 11 3 13 270
West North Central 34 21 18 7 19 125
South Atlantic 37 34 11 5 12 334
East South Central 39 30 8 5 18 108
West South Central 33 35 16 3 13 180
Mountain 35 37 9 1 18 113
Pacic 35 35 12 3 15 238
Protestant 44 27 8 3 17 430
Roman Catholic 37 35 12 6 9 431
Ath./Agn./None 32 36 13 6 13 368
Something Else 35 31 16 3 16 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 33 10 5 11 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 35 32 14 4 16 1031
7: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: People have the right to demand that search
engines like Google and Yahoo remove links to information about their past?
Know /
Registered Voters 37 32 12 5 14 1673
Income: Under 50k 38 29 13 5 15 725
Income: 50k-100k 37 34 12 5 12 550
Income: 100k+ 36 35 12 3 13 397
Educ: < College 37 30 12 4 16 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 36 36 11 5 12 371
Educ: Post-grad 40 34 15 6 6 202
Military HH 39 36 11 3 12 312
Not Military HH 37 31 13 5 14 1360
Urban 38 31 11 6 15 410
Suburban 35 33 13 5 14 901
Rural 41 31 11 3 14 361
Tea Party - Supporter 40 29 10 7 14 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 36 33 13 4 14 1211
U.S. Right Direction 38 36 11 3 12 557
U.S. Wrong Track 37 30 13 5 15 1116
Obama: Approve 38 33 13 3 12 724
Obama: Disapprove 37 32 11 5 14 892
#1 Issue - Economy 33 37 12 3 14 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 42 32 9 6 12 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 39 30 11 8 12 197
#1 Issue - Health care 43 27 14 4 11 206
#1 Issue - FP 39 36 9 5 11 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 33 33 16 4 15 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 41 27 10 2 20 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 37 34 11 5 13 799
8: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: People have the right to demand that search
engines like Google and Yahoo remove links to information about their past?
Agree Disagree Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 69 17 14 1673
Male 71 15 14 780
Female 68 19 14 893
Age: 18-29 59 28 12 268
Age: 30-44 72 16 12 416
Age: 45-64 71 18 11 631
Age: 65+ 70 8 22 357
Ethnicity - White 69 17 15 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 70 20 10 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 74 15 11 215
Democrats (no lean) 72 16 12 666
Independents (no lean) 68 19 13 481
Republicans (no lean) 67 16 17 526
Liberal (1-3) 71 18 11 450
Moderate (4) 72 14 14 468
Conservative (5-7) 67 18 15 641
Northeast 69 20 11 305
Midwest 67 18 15 395
South 70 16 13 622
West 70 14 16 351
New England 73 18 9 87
Mid-Atlantic 67 21 12 218
East North Central 73 14 13 270
West North Central 55 26 19 125
South Atlantic 72 16 12 334
East South Central 69 13 18 108
West South Central 69 18 13 180
Mountain 71 11 18 113
Pacic 69 15 15 238
Protestant 71 12 17 430
Roman Catholic 73 18 9 431
Ath./Agn./None 67 19 13 368
Something Else 66 18 16 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 74 15 11 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 66 18 16 1031
8: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: People have the right to demand that search
engines like Google and Yahoo remove links to information about their past?
Agree Disagree Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 69 17 14 1673
Income: Under 50k 67 18 15 725
Income: 50k-100k 71 17 12 550
Income: 100k+ 72 15 13 397
Educ: < College 68 16 16 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 72 17 12 371
Educ: Post-grad 74 20 6 202
Military HH 75 14 12 312
Not Military HH 68 17 14 1360
Urban 69 17 15 410
Suburban 68 18 14 901
Rural 72 14 14 361
Tea Party - Supporter 69 17 14 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 69 17 14 1211
U.S. Right Direction 75 14 12 557
U.S. Wrong Track 67 18 15 1116
Obama: Approve 72 17 12 724
Obama: Disapprove 69 16 14 892
#1 Issue - Economy 71 15 14 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 73 15 12 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 69 19 12 197
#1 Issue - Health care 70 19 11 206
#1 Issue - FP 75 14 11 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 66 19 15 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 68 12 20 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 71 16 13 799
9: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Search engines like Google and Yahoo should
be allowed to decide whether a link about someone, even if it contains negative information, is in the public interest.
Know /
Registered Voters 8 24 22 32 14 1673
Male 10 29 20 29 12 780
Female 6 20 24 34 15 893
Age: 18-29 14 32 21 20 12 268
Age: 30-44 11 28 23 24 15 416
Age: 45-64 6 21 22 41 11 631
Age: 65+ 3 20 23 34 20 357
Ethnicity - White 7 23 23 33 14 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 12 32 22 24 9 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 15 26 21 27 11 215
Democrats (no lean) 11 27 20 32 11 666
Independents (no lean) 6 21 24 34 15 481
Republicans (no lean) 6 24 23 31 16 526
Liberal (1-3) 11 24 21 32 12 450
Moderate (4) 8 25 25 31 11 468
Conservative (5-7) 6 22 23 33 16 641
Northeast 8 22 16 40 14 305
Midwest 7 26 23 30 14 395
South 9 25 24 31 12 622
West 8 22 24 30 16 351
New England 10 17 22 38 13 87
Mid-Atlantic 7 25 14 41 14 218
East North Central 6 27 23 31 13 270
West North Central 8 24 23 28 18 125
South Atlantic 8 26 22 33 12 334
East South Central 9 18 26 32 15 108
West South Central 9 27 25 26 12 180
Mountain 6 23 30 25 16 113
Pacic 9 22 21 32 16 238
Protestant 7 21 22 35 16 430
Roman Catholic 10 24 23 34 10 431
Ath./Agn./None 6 23 24 33 15 368
Something Else 9 29 21 27 15 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 25 21 33 10 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 24 23 31 16 1031
9: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Search engines like Google and Yahoo should
be allowed to decide whether a link about someone, even if it contains negative information, is in the public interest.
Know /
Registered Voters 8 24 22 32 14 1673
Income: Under 50k 8 26 21 31 13 725
Income: 50k-100k 8 22 24 30 16 550
Income: 100k+ 8 24 20 36 12 397
Educ: < College 7 24 23 32 15 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 26 22 30 14 371
Educ: Post-grad 9 23 21 38 9 202
Military HH 7 20 26 33 14 312
Not Military HH 8 25 21 32 14 1360
Urban 12 25 23 27 13 410
Suburban 5 25 23 32 15 901
Rural 9 22 18 38 12 361
Tea Party - Supporter 10 24 18 35 14 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 7 25 24 31 14 1211
U.S. Right Direction 13 26 22 25 14 557
U.S. Wrong Track 5 23 22 35 14 1116
Obama: Approve 11 28 21 27 12 724
Obama: Disapprove 5 21 23 36 14 892
#1 Issue - Economy 9 27 20 31 14 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 10 22 23 35 11 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 5 24 18 37 16 197
#1 Issue - Health care 9 23 24 32 13 206
#1 Issue - FP 4 27 30 30 9 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 6 32 18 29 15 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 4 22 28 34 12 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 8 25 20 33 13 799
10: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Search engines like Google and Yahoo should
be allowed to decide whether a link about someone, even if it contains negative information, is in the public interest.
Agree Disagree Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 32 54 14 1673
Male 39 49 12 780
Female 26 59 15 893
Age: 18-29 46 41 12 268
Age: 30-44 38 47 15 416
Age: 45-64 27 62 11 631
Age: 65+ 23 57 20 357
Ethnicity - White 30 56 14 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 44 46 9 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 48 11 215
Democrats (no lean) 37 52 11 666
Independents (no lean) 27 58 15 481
Republicans (no lean) 30 53 16 526
Liberal (1-3) 35 52 12 450
Moderate (4) 33 56 11 468
Conservative (5-7) 28 56 16 641
Northeast 30 56 14 305
Midwest 33 53 14 395
South 33 54 12 622
West 30 54 16 351
New England 27 60 13 87
Mid-Atlantic 31 55 14 218
East North Central 34 54 13 270
West North Central 32 50 18 125
South Atlantic 34 54 12 334
East South Central 27 58 15 108
West South Central 37 51 12 180
Mountain 29 55 16 113
Pacic 31 53 16 238
Protestant 28 57 16 430
Roman Catholic 33 57 10 431
Ath./Agn./None 29 56 15 368
Something Else 38 48 15 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 54 10 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 54 16 1031
10: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Search engines like Google and Yahoo should
be allowed to decide whether a link about someone, even if it contains negative information, is in the public interest.
Agree Disagree Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 32 54 14 1673
Income: Under 50k 34 53 13 725
Income: 50k-100k 30 55 16 550
Income: 100k+ 32 56 12 397
Educ: < College 31 54 15 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 35 52 14 371
Educ: Post-grad 33 59 9 202
Military HH 27 59 14 312
Not Military HH 33 53 14 1360
Urban 37 50 13 410
Suburban 30 55 15 901
Rural 31 56 12 361
Tea Party - Supporter 34 52 14 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 31 55 14 1211
U.S. Right Direction 39 47 14 557
U.S. Wrong Track 29 57 14 1116
Obama: Approve 39 49 12 724
Obama: Disapprove 26 59 14 892
#1 Issue - Economy 35 51 14 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 32 57 11 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 29 55 16 197
#1 Issue - Health care 32 55 13 206
#1 Issue - FP 31 60 9 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 38 47 15 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 26 62 12 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 33 54 13 799
11: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Requests from individuals to remove
information from their past from search engines like Google and Yahoo should only be considered if they are to remove
inaccurate or dated content.
Know /
Registered Voters 22 36 16 14 12 1673
Male 25 37 15 13 10 780
Female 19 35 17 15 14 893
Age: 18-29 20 43 18 8 11 268
Age: 30-44 25 39 15 10 11 416
Age: 45-64 22 32 14 18 13 631
Age: 65+ 17 34 19 18 12 357
Ethnicity - White 20 37 17 15 12 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 29 32 21 9 10 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 29 30 10 14 16 215
Democrats (no lean) 24 38 15 12 10 666
Independents (no lean) 21 36 15 15 14 481
Republicans (no lean) 19 35 18 17 12 526
Liberal (1-3) 25 37 17 12 10 450
Moderate (4) 20 38 17 15 11 468
Conservative (5-7) 20 34 17 15 13 641
Northeast 20 33 16 18 13 305
Midwest 23 34 17 14 12 395
South 21 39 14 14 12 622
West 22 36 18 12 11 351
New England 22 30 18 16 15 87
Mid-Atlantic 20 35 15 18 12 218
East North Central 23 37 15 10 14 270
West North Central 22 29 22 22 5 125
South Atlantic 22 37 14 15 12 334
East South Central 22 35 12 16 15 108
West South Central 19 43 16 11 11 180
Mountain 19 42 19 8 12 113
Pacic 23 34 18 14 11 238
Protestant 20 34 15 19 12 430
Roman Catholic 23 35 21 11 10 431
Ath./Agn./None 22 41 12 15 9 368
Something Else 20 35 15 13 17 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 25 32 17 15 10 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 39 15 14 13 1031
11: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Requests from individuals to remove
information from their past from search engines like Google and Yahoo should only be considered if they are to remove
inaccurate or dated content.
Know /
Registered Voters 22 36 16 14 12 1673
Income: Under 50k 19 39 15 13 14 725
Income: 50k-100k 20 36 17 15 12 550
Income: 100k+ 28 32 17 14 8 397
Educ: < College 20 36 16 14 14 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 23 36 17 15 9 371
Educ: Post-grad 25 38 15 17 5 202
Military HH 23 34 17 16 11 312
Not Military HH 21 37 16 14 12 1360
Urban 22 33 21 14 10 410
Suburban 22 38 15 13 12 901
Rural 19 34 14 18 15 361
Tea Party - Supporter 25 27 17 20 12 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 39 16 12 12 1211
U.S. Right Direction 26 38 13 13 10 557
U.S. Wrong Track 19 35 17 15 13 1116
Obama: Approve 24 40 14 12 10 724
Obama: Disapprove 20 33 19 17 12 892
#1 Issue - Economy 21 39 18 13 10 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 29 38 8 12 13 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 20 32 20 21 7 197
#1 Issue - Health care 17 30 19 15 19 206
#1 Issue - FP 19 42 12 16 11 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 18 35 15 18 14 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 21 41 17 11 9 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 23 37 16 15 10 799
12: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Requests from individuals to remove
information from their past from search engines like Google and Yahoo should only be considered if they are to remove
inaccurate or dated content.
Agree Disagree Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 58 30 12 1673
Male 62 28 10 780
Female 54 32 14 893
Age: 18-29 64 26 11 268
Age: 30-44 64 25 11 416
Age: 45-64 54 32 13 631
Age: 65+ 52 37 12 357
Ethnicity - White 57 31 12 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 30 10 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 59 25 16 215
Democrats (no lean) 62 28 10 666
Independents (no lean) 57 29 14 481
Republicans (no lean) 54 34 12 526
Liberal (1-3) 62 28 10 450
Moderate (4) 58 31 11 468
Conservative (5-7) 55 32 13 641
Northeast 54 33 13 305
Midwest 57 31 12 395
South 60 28 12 622
West 58 31 11 351
New England 52 34 15 87
Mid-Atlantic 55 33 12 218
East North Central 60 25 14 270
West North Central 50 45 5 125
South Atlantic 59 29 12 334
East South Central 57 28 15 108
West South Central 62 27 11 180
Mountain 60 27 12 113
Pacic 57 32 11 238
Protestant 54 34 12 430
Roman Catholic 58 32 10 431
Ath./Agn./None 64 27 9 368
Something Else 56 28 17 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 58 32 10 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 58 29 13 1031
12: Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: Requests from individuals to remove
information from their past from search engines like Google and Yahoo should only be considered if they are to remove
inaccurate or dated content.
Agree Disagree Dont Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 58 30 12 1673
Income: Under 50k 58 28 14 725
Income: 50k-100k 56 32 12 550
Income: 100k+ 60 32 8 397
Educ: < College 56 29 14 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 59 32 9 371
Educ: Post-grad 63 32 5 202
Military HH 57 32 11 312
Not Military HH 58 30 12 1360
Urban 55 35 10 410
Suburban 60 28 12 901
Rural 53 32 15 361
Tea Party - Supporter 52 37 12 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 60 28 12 1211
U.S. Right Direction 64 26 10 557
U.S. Wrong Track 55 32 13 1116
Obama: Approve 64 26 10 724
Obama: Disapprove 53 35 12 892
#1 Issue - Economy 60 30 10 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 67 20 13 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 52 41 7 197
#1 Issue - Health care 47 34 19 206
#1 Issue - FP 60 28 11 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 53 33 14 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 62 29 9 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 60 30 10 799
13: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 16 25 38 21 1673
Male 17 25 34 24 780
Female 15 25 41 19 893
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 268
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 416
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 631
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 357
Ethnicity - White 14 24 38 24 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 32 27 8 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 26 44 12 215
Democrats (no lean) 17 27 38 18 666
Independents (no lean) 21 24 34 21 481
Republicans (no lean) 11 24 40 25 526
Liberal (1-3) 20 30 34 15 450
Moderate (4) 18 26 35 21 468
Conservative (5-7) 10 22 42 26 641
Northeast 12 23 46 18 305
Midwest 15 22 40 23 395
South 17 28 36 19 622
West 19 23 31 27 351
New England 7 27 54 13 87
Mid-Atlantic 15 22 43 21 218
East North Central 13 24 41 23 270
West North Central 19 19 39 23 125
South Atlantic 16 29 37 18 334
East South Central 15 37 34 14 108
West South Central 19 22 35 25 180
Mountain 15 28 30 26 113
Pacic 21 21 32 27 238
Protestant 10 19 40 31 430
Roman Catholic 12 22 41 25 431
Ath./Agn./None 27 30 30 14 368
Something Else 17 29 39 15 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 24 36 25 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 25 39 19 1031
13: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Registered Voters 16 25 38 21 1673
Income: Under 50k 18 22 34 26 725
Income: 50k-100k 16 29 34 20 550
Income: 100k+ 12 24 50 15 397
Educ: < College 18 20 39 23 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 16 36 31 16 371
Educ: Post-grad 7 29 42 22 202
Military HH 11 13 37 38 312
Not Military HH 17 28 38 17 1360
Urban 19 28 34 19 410
Suburban 16 25 36 23 901
Rural 13 22 46 19 361
Tea Party - Supporter 18 27 37 18 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 15 24 38 22 1211
U.S. Right Direction 19 29 35 17 557
U.S. Wrong Track 15 23 39 23 1116
Obama: Approve 19 27 36 18 724
Obama: Disapprove 13 23 39 25 892
#1 Issue - Economy 13 29 40 18 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 27 23 36 13 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 14 17 36 32 197
#1 Issue - Health care 14 29 47 10 206
#1 Issue - FP 10 36 32 22 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 14 20 41 26 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 5 14 34 47 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 17 25 38 20 799
14: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1673
Male 100 0 780
Female 0 100 893
Age: 18-29 50 50 268
Age: 30-44 46 54 416
Age: 45-64 42 58 631
Age: 65+ 52 48 357
Ethnicity - White 46 54 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 62 38 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 50 50 215
Democrats (no lean) 44 56 666
Independents (no lean) 53 47 481
Republicans (no lean) 43 57 526
Liberal (1-3) 48 52 450
Moderate (4) 46 54 468
Conservative (5-7) 47 53 641
Northeast 43 57 305
Midwest 44 56 395
South 47 53 622
West 52 48 351
New England 42 58 87
Mid-Atlantic 44 56 218
East North Central 48 52 270
West North Central 35 65 125
South Atlantic 47 53 334
East South Central 42 58 108
West South Central 51 49 180
Mountain 51 49 113
Pacic 52 48 238
Protestant 42 58 430
Roman Catholic 46 54 431
Ath./Agn./None 52 48 368
Something Else 48 52 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 46 54 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 47 53 1031
14: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Registered Voters 47 53 1673
Income: Under 50k 42 58 725
Income: 50k-100k 51 49 550
Income: 100k+ 48 52 397
Educ: < College 43 57 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 52 48 371
Educ: Post-grad 57 43 202
Military HH 56 44 312
Not Military HH 44 56 1360
Urban 53 47 410
Suburban 44 56 901
Rural 47 53 361
Tea Party - Supporter 52 48 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 45 55 1211
U.S. Right Direction 50 50 557
U.S. Wrong Track 45 55 1116
Obama: Approve 48 52 724
Obama: Disapprove 46 54 892
#1 Issue - Economy 53 47 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 49 51 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 53 47 197
#1 Issue - Health care 36 64 206
#1 Issue - FP 54 46 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 41 59 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 40 60 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 52 48 799
15: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 1 7 27 3 21 7 22 3 10 1673
Male 1 5 23 2 21 7 25 4 11 780
Female 0 8 31 3 21 7 20 2 8 893
Age: 18-29 0 5 25 2 32 9 22 1 4 268
Age: 30-44 1 8 22 3 15 5 33 3 11 416
Age: 45-64 0 7 32 3 19 7 18 3 11 631
Age: 65+ 1 5 27 4 25 8 17 2 10 357
Ethnicity - White 1 7 29 3 20 7 23 3 10 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 8 30 2 21 8 21 1 9 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 7 23 4 29 10 17 1 8 215
Democrats (no lean) 1 9 23 2 23 7 21 3 11 666
Independents (no lean) 0 3 30 5 19 7 22 4 9 481
Republicans (no lean) 1 6 30 1 21 8 23 1 8 526
Liberal (1-3) 0 5 18 2 23 9 26 4 14 450
Moderate (4) 2 6 32 4 21 8 18 2 6 468
Conservative (5-7) 0 6 27 2 21 6 25 3 10 641
Northeast 0 7 29 3 17 7 23 3 12 305
Midwest 0 9 29 4 21 5 22 1 10 395
South 2 7 28 2 22 8 21 2 7 622
West 0 2 22 3 24 9 24 4 11 351
New England 0 10 23 1 19 8 21 3 15 87
Mid-Atlantic 0 5 31 4 16 6 23 4 10 218
East North Central 0 8 28 4 22 6 21 1 11 270
West North Central 1 10 31 2 20 4 24 1 8 125
South Atlantic 3 8 25 2 21 8 21 3 8 334
East South Central 0 10 42 3 18 6 15 2 5 108
West South Central 0 4 25 2 26 9 24 2 8 180
Mountain 0 0 29 4 18 9 26 2 12 113
Pacic 0 3 19 3 26 9 23 5 11 238
Protestant 0 2 25 3 24 7 24 3 10 430
Roman Catholic 0 6 28 3 20 8 25 3 8 431
Ath./Agn./None 0 6 29 3 20 8 21 2 11 368
Something Else 2 12 27 3 21 6 19 1 9 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 4 23 3 22 8 25 4 11 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 8 30 3 21 7 21 2 9 1031
15: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Registered Voters 1 7 27 3 21 7 22 3 10 1673
Income: Under 50k 1 12 37 4 23 7 11 1 3 725
Income: 50k-100k 0 4 23 3 20 9 30 2 9 550
Income: 100k+ 0 0 16 1 20 5 31 6 22 397
Educ: < College 1 10 41 4 32 11 0 0 0 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 371
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 79 202
Military HH 1 0 28 3 22 11 17 4 13 312
Not Military HH 0 8 27 3 21 6 23 2 9 1360
Urban 1 5 27 3 23 7 22 3 8 410
Suburban 1 6 24 2 21 7 25 3 11 901
Rural 0 8 37 4 20 8 15 2 7 361
Tea Party - Supporter 1 10 32 2 18 5 23 2 7 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 5 25 3 22 8 22 3 11 1211
U.S. Right Direction 0 4 21 3 23 8 25 4 13 557
U.S. Wrong Track 1 8 30 3 21 7 21 2 8 1116
Obama: Approve 0 9 22 3 22 7 23 3 12 724
Obama: Disapprove 1 4 32 3 21 8 23 2 8 892
#1 Issue - Economy 0 1 25 4 21 8 27 3 11 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 0 7 31 2 20 10 19 4 7 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 2 5 23 2 20 9 28 3 8 197
#1 Issue - Health care 0 15 29 4 19 5 20 1 6 206
#1 Issue - FP 5 3 18 1 26 4 24 4 14 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 0 13 31 1 25 6 15 2 8 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 0 14 38 4 22 8 10 1 4 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 1 3 26 3 21 9 25 3 9 799
16: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 31 40 24 4 1673
Male 29 38 29 4 780
Female 33 42 21 4 893
Age: 18-29 21 42 28 9 268
Age: 30-44 30 43 23 5 416
Age: 45-64 34 40 22 4 631
Age: 65+ 37 34 27 2 357
Ethnicity - White 36 34 25 4 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 44 26 4 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 5 74 17 4 215
Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 666
Independents (no lean) 0 0 84 16 481
Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 526
Liberal (1-3) 8 71 18 3 450
Moderate (4) 22 43 31 3 468
Conservative (5-7) 58 13 25 3 641
Northeast 29 43 24 4 305
Midwest 33 40 22 5 395
South 36 36 24 5 622
West 24 43 28 4 351
New England 28 37 31 4 87
Mid-Atlantic 30 45 22 4 218
East North Central 31 46 19 4 270
West North Central 35 29 28 8 125
South Atlantic 37 36 25 2 334
East South Central 27 42 25 7 108
West South Central 40 32 20 8 180
Mountain 33 32 34 1 113
Pacic 20 49 26 6 238
Protestant 48 28 21 3 430
Roman Catholic 35 41 21 2 431
Ath./Agn./None 15 41 37 7 368
Something Else 25 49 19 6 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 35 21 3 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 43 26 5 1031
16: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Registered Voters 31 40 24 4 1673
Income: Under 50k 26 45 24 5 725
Income: 50k-100k 33 37 26 4 550
Income: 100k+ 39 34 22 5 397
Educ: < College 32 39 23 5 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 38 27 2 371
Educ: Post-grad 24 45 26 5 202
Military HH 30 33 30 6 312
Not Military HH 32 41 23 4 1360
Urban 24 54 19 4 410
Suburban 32 38 26 4 901
Rural 39 28 27 6 361
Tea Party - Supporter 55 18 23 4 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 48 25 5 1211
U.S. Right Direction 9 71 18 3 557
U.S. Wrong Track 43 24 28 5 1116
Obama: Approve 7 71 19 3 724
Obama: Disapprove 53 15 27 5 892
#1 Issue - Economy 31 38 26 4 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 16 51 29 4 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 37 20 37 6 197
#1 Issue - Health care 34 43 19 4 206
#1 Issue - FP 38 29 30 3 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 51 31 15 3 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 30 47 19 3 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 29 37 30 5 799
17: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 27 73 1668
Male 31 69 779
Female 24 76 889
Age: 18-29 31 69 268
Age: 30-44 30 70 415
Age: 45-64 27 73 629
Age: 65+ 23 77 356
Ethnicity - White 29 71 1357
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 64 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 14 86 215
Democrats (no lean) 12 88 665
Independents (no lean) 25 75 480
Republicans (no lean) 48 52 523
Liberal (1-3) 14 86 449
Moderate (4) 23 77 468
Conservative (5-7) 41 59 638
Northeast 28 72 304
Midwest 25 75 395
South 31 69 620
West 24 76 349
New England 29 71 87
Mid-Atlantic 27 73 217
East North Central 26 74 270
West North Central 23 77 125
South Atlantic 32 68 334
East South Central 25 75 106
West South Central 33 67 180
Mountain 24 76 111
Pacic 24 76 238
Protestant 34 66 429
Roman Catholic 26 74 429
Ath./Agn./None 21 79 367
Something Else 27 73 442
Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 63 639
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 78 1029
17: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party
Supporter Not a supporter N
Registered Voters 27 73 1668
Income: Under 50k 27 73 721
Income: 50k-100k 29 71 550
Income: 100k+ 26 74 397
Educ: < College 28 72 1097
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 72 370
Educ: Post-grad 20 80 201
Military HH 23 77 311
Not Military HH 28 72 1357
Urban 24 76 410
Suburban 25 75 901
Rural 37 63 358
Tea Party - Supporter 100 0 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 100 1211
U.S. Right Direction 18 82 555
U.S. Wrong Track 32 68 1112
Obama: Approve 16 84 723
Obama: Disapprove 37 63 890
#1 Issue - Economy 23 77 396
#1 Issue - Jobs 22 78 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 39 61 197
#1 Issue - Health care 30 70 206
#1 Issue - FP 35 65 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 37 63 126
#1 Issue - Med/SS 25 75 188
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 27 73 799
18: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 5 12 9 28 13 16 9 7 1673
Male 5 12 11 28 13 15 10 7 780
Female 6 12 8 28 14 17 8 7 893
Age: 18-29 9 16 9 32 13 7 6 9 268
Age: 30-44 4 15 13 29 12 13 9 6 416
Age: 45-64 6 10 8 26 15 20 8 7 631
Age: 65+ 2 10 7 27 14 18 14 7 357
Ethnicity - White 5 11 8 28 13 18 10 6 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 14 11 30 15 11 8 4 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 6 14 12 28 17 7 2 13 215
Democrats (no lean) 11 23 15 30 7 4 2 9 666
Independents (no lean) 3 8 9 34 19 12 7 9 481
Republicans (no lean) 0 3 4 20 16 34 21 2 526
Liberal (1-3) 20 45 35 0 0 0 0 0 450
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 468
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 35 41 24 0 641
Northeast 5 13 13 30 13 14 7 6 305
Midwest 4 8 9 27 17 16 7 10 395
South 4 11 8 29 11 19 11 5 622
West 8 17 10 26 14 10 9 6 351
New England 10 10 17 26 9 13 8 7 87
Mid-Atlantic 3 14 11 32 14 14 7 5 218
East North Central 6 10 11 24 13 15 9 12 270
West North Central 1 5 6 32 27 19 5 5 125
South Atlantic 5 10 6 36 13 18 7 5 334
East South Central 2 16 12 16 14 16 16 8 108
West South Central 5 12 8 24 7 23 17 4 180
Mountain 4 14 12 19 18 13 11 8 113
Pacic 11 19 9 29 12 9 8 5 238
Protestant 3 7 6 24 19 22 15 4 430
Roman Catholic 3 13 8 31 13 20 8 4 431
Ath./Agn./None 10 16 14 28 11 8 3 8 368
Something Else 5 13 10 29 11 11 9 11 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 3 9 8 27 13 19 16 4 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 14 10 29 14 13 5 9 1031
18: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Registered Voters 5 12 9 28 13 16 9 7 1673
Income: Under 50k 6 11 8 32 9 14 9 11 725
Income: 50k-100k 4 11 11 26 17 16 10 4 550
Income: 100k+ 5 16 10 22 16 19 9 3 397
Educ: < College 5 10 8 31 12 15 9 9 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 15 11 23 14 20 10 1 371
Educ: Post-grad 9 18 13 19 19 13 8 2 202
Military HH 3 10 10 29 17 16 10 4 312
Not Military HH 6 13 9 28 13 16 9 7 1360
Urban 9 12 11 32 11 10 7 7 410
Suburban 4 13 9 27 15 18 8 6 901
Rural 4 9 9 26 12 17 14 8 361
Tea Party - Supporter 2 7 5 24 11 25 22 5 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 7 14 11 30 15 12 4 7 1211
U.S. Right Direction 10 23 14 31 10 4 3 5 557
U.S. Wrong Track 3 7 7 26 15 21 12 7 1116
Obama: Approve 10 21 15 32 10 4 2 7 724
Obama: Disapprove 2 6 6 25 16 24 16 6 892
#1 Issue - Economy 4 14 10 31 11 18 8 3 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 5 15 12 33 11 11 5 8 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 1 4 6 22 25 20 15 8 197
#1 Issue - Health care 5 13 8 27 11 19 6 11 206
#1 Issue - FP 3 4 13 28 22 23 5 2 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 3 11 6 30 7 26 13 6 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 6 9 10 30 13 8 10 13 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 3 12 10 29 14 17 9 6 799
19: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 29 30 41 1560
Male 29 30 41 729
Female 28 30 41 831
Age: 18-29 38 35 27 245
Age: 30-44 34 31 35 393
Age: 45-64 26 28 46 590
Age: 65+ 21 29 50 332
Ethnicity - White 27 30 43 1281
Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 31 36 143
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 38 32 30 188
Democrats (no lean) 53 33 14 606
Independents (no lean) 21 37 42 439
Republicans (no lean) 7 20 72 515
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 450
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 468
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 641
Northeast 32 32 36 288
Midwest 25 30 46 354
South 25 31 44 588
West 38 27 35 330
New England 40 28 33 81
Mid-Atlantic 30 33 37 207
East North Central 31 28 42 236
West North Central 13 34 53 118
South Atlantic 21 38 40 317
East South Central 33 18 50 99
West South Central 26 25 48 172
Mountain 33 21 46 103
Pacic 40 30 30 227
Protestant 18 25 58 411
Roman Catholic 25 32 43 414
Ath./Agn./None 44 31 25 339
Something Else 31 33 36 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 28 51 619
Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 31 35 941
19: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Registered Voters 29 30 41 1560
Income: Under 50k 29 36 35 648
Income: 50k-100k 27 28 45 526
Income: 100k+ 32 23 45 385
Educ: < College 25 35 40 996
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 23 45 366
Educ: Post-grad 40 19 41 198
Military HH 24 30 46 299
Not Military HH 30 30 40 1261
Urban 35 34 31 382
Suburban 28 29 43 846
Rural 24 28 47 331
Tea Party - Supporter 14 25 61 434
Tea Party - Not Supporter 35 32 33 1121
U.S. Right Direction 49 33 18 528
U.S. Wrong Track 18 29 53 1032
Obama: Approve 49 34 17 674
Obama: Disapprove 13 27 60 841
#1 Issue - Economy 30 32 38 385
#1 Issue - Jobs 34 36 29 189
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 11 24 65 180
#1 Issue - Health care 29 30 41 183
#1 Issue - FP 21 29 51 96
#1 Issue - Immigration 20 31 48 120
#1 Issue - Med/SS 29 35 37 164
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 26 31 43 755
20: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 19 55 27 1560
Male 18 55 27 729
Female 19 54 26 831
Age: 18-29 27 59 14 245
Age: 30-44 20 57 23 393
Age: 45-64 17 53 30 590
Age: 65+ 13 52 35 332
Ethnicity - White 18 53 30 1281
Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 59 20 143
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 23 66 10 188
Democrats (no lean) 37 57 6 606
Independents (no lean) 12 67 21 439
Republicans (no lean) 3 41 56 515
Liberal (1-3) 65 35 0 450
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 468
Conservative (5-7) 0 35 65 641
Northeast 19 59 22 288
Midwest 14 59 27 354
South 17 51 32 588
West 27 52 20 330
New England 22 56 22 81
Mid-Atlantic 18 60 22 207
East North Central 18 55 28 236
West North Central 7 69 25 118
South Atlantic 15 58 27 317
East South Central 19 46 35 99
West South Central 18 41 41 172
Mountain 19 54 26 103
Pacic 31 52 17 227
Protestant 11 51 38 411
Roman Catholic 17 54 29 414
Ath./Agn./None 29 58 13 339
Something Else 20 56 23 395
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 50 37 619
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 58 20 941
20: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Registered Voters 19 55 27 1560
Income: Under 50k 19 56 25 648
Income: 50k-100k 16 57 27 526
Income: 100k+ 22 50 28 385
Educ: < College 16 58 26 996
Educ: Bachelors degree 21 49 30 366
Educ: Post-grad 27 51 22 198
Military HH 13 59 28 299
Not Military HH 20 54 26 1261
Urban 24 58 19 382
Suburban 18 55 27 846
Rural 15 51 34 331
Tea Party - Supporter 9 41 50 434
Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 60 18 1121
U.S. Right Direction 35 58 7 528
U.S. Wrong Track 10 53 36 1032
Obama: Approve 33 61 6 674
Obama: Disapprove 8 50 42 841
#1 Issue - Economy 19 54 27 385
#1 Issue - Jobs 21 62 17 189
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 4 57 38 180
#1 Issue - Health care 20 52 28 183
#1 Issue - FP 7 64 28 96
#1 Issue - Immigration 14 45 41 120
#1 Issue - Med/SS 17 62 21 164
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 16 57 27 755
21: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1673
Male 12 88 780
Female 6 94 893
Age: 18-29 18 82 268
Age: 30-44 11 89 416
Age: 45-64 6 94 631
Age: 65+ 3 97 357
Ethnicity - White 8 92 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 7 93 215
Democrats (no lean) 10 90 666
Independents (no lean) 9 91 481
Republicans (no lean) 7 93 526
Liberal (1-3) 11 89 450
Moderate (4) 10 90 468
Conservative (5-7) 8 92 641
Northeast 12 88 305
Midwest 4 96 395
South 8 92 622
West 14 86 351
New England 13 87 87
Mid-Atlantic 12 88 218
East North Central 4 96 270
West North Central 4 96 125
South Atlantic 5 95 334
East South Central 3 97 108
West South Central 16 84 180
Mountain 5 95 113
Pacic 18 82 238
Protestant 5 95 430
Roman Catholic 15 85 431
Ath./Agn./None 10 90 368
Something Else 5 95 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 90 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 1031
21: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-
Yes No N
Registered Voters 9 91 1673
Income: Under 50k 9 91 725
Income: 50k-100k 9 91 550
Income: 100k+ 8 92 397
Educ: < College 9 91 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 92 371
Educ: Post-grad 7 93 202
Military HH 6 94 312
Not Military HH 10 90 1360
Urban 12 88 410
Suburban 8 92 901
Rural 7 93 361
Tea Party - Supporter 12 88 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 92 1211
U.S. Right Direction 11 89 557
U.S. Wrong Track 8 92 1116
Obama: Approve 10 90 724
Obama: Disapprove 8 92 892
#1 Issue - Economy 8 92 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 11 89 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 5 95 197
#1 Issue - Health care 10 90 206
#1 Issue - FP 11 89 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 12 88 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 7 93 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 8 92 799
22: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1673
Male 1 3 14 80 2 780
Female 1 3 12 82 1 893
Age: 18-29 2 7 14 73 4 268
Age: 30-44 1 4 13 79 2 416
Age: 45-64 0 2 15 81 1 631
Age: 65+ 0 1 7 91 0 357
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 4 3 9 73 11 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 215
Democrats (no lean) 1 4 24 70 2 666
Independents (no lean) 1 3 9 84 3 481
Republicans (no lean) 1 3 2 94 1 526
Liberal (1-3) 1 5 16 76 2 450
Moderate (4) 0 3 13 82 2 468
Conservative (5-7) 1 2 9 87 1 641
Northeast 1 4 11 83 2 305
Midwest 1 2 11 85 1 395
South 1 2 19 78 2 622
West 1 7 7 83 2 351
New England 0 5 5 88 2 87
Mid-Atlantic 1 4 13 81 2 218
East North Central 1 2 14 81 1 270
West North Central 1 0 4 94 0 125
South Atlantic 1 2 22 75 1 334
East South Central 0 1 19 79 1 108
West South Central 0 2 13 82 3 180
Mountain 3 2 7 88 1 113
Pacic 1 10 6 80 3 238
Protestant 1 1 13 84 1 430
Roman Catholic 0 3 6 89 2 431
Ath./Agn./None 1 4 11 82 2 368
Something Else 2 5 22 71 1 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 4 16 77 2 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 11 84 2 1031
22: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Registered Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1673
Income: Under 50k 1 2 18 78 2 725
Income: 50k-100k 1 4 9 84 1 550
Income: 100k+ 0 6 9 84 2 397
Educ: < College 1 2 14 81 2 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 5 10 83 1 371
Educ: Post-grad 1 5 10 83 1 202
Military HH 1 3 16 79 1 312
Not Military HH 1 3 12 82 2 1360
Urban 1 4 19 74 2 410
Suburban 1 4 11 83 2 901
Rural 2 2 9 86 1 361
Tea Party - Supporter 2 3 7 87 2 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 3 15 79 2 1211
U.S. Right Direction 1 6 25 66 2 557
U.S. Wrong Track 1 2 7 89 1 1116
Obama: Approve 1 6 23 68 2 724
Obama: Disapprove 0 1 4 93 1 892
#1 Issue - Economy 1 4 12 82 1 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 1 4 22 71 2 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 1 2 8 87 3 197
#1 Issue - Health care 0 6 19 73 2 206
#1 Issue - FP 1 5 6 85 2 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 0 1 8 90 1 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 1 1 10 87 0 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 1 4 14 80 2 799
23: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 4 3 93 1673
Male 4 5 91 780
Female 3 2 95 893
Age: 18-29 2 2 96 268
Age: 30-44 6 4 91 416
Age: 45-64 4 4 92 631
Age: 65+ 2 3 95 357
Ethnicity - White 3 3 94 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 4 7 89 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 5 5 90 215
Democrats (no lean) 6 5 89 666
Independents (no lean) 2 2 95 481
Republicans (no lean) 2 2 95 526
Liberal (1-3) 5 4 91 450
Moderate (4) 4 4 92 468
Conservative (5-7) 3 2 95 641
Northeast 5 5 90 305
Midwest 4 3 93 395
South 2 1 97 622
West 5 5 89 351
New England 2 4 93 87
Mid-Atlantic 6 5 89 218
East North Central 5 4 91 270
West North Central 1 1 99 125
South Atlantic 3 1 96 334
East South Central 2 0 98 108
West South Central 0 2 98 180
Mountain 4 2 94 113
Pacic 6 7 87 238
Protestant 3 2 94 430
Roman Catholic 4 6 90 431
Ath./Agn./None 4 3 93 368
Something Else 4 2 95 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 4 92 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 3 94 1031
23: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Registered Voters 4 3 93 1673
Income: Under 50k 2 2 96 725
Income: 50k-100k 5 5 90 550
Income: 100k+ 4 4 92 397
Educ: < College 2 3 95 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 5 90 371
Educ: Post-grad 9 3 88 202
Military HH 4 4 91 312
Not Military HH 3 3 94 1360
Urban 6 6 88 410
Suburban 3 3 95 901
Rural 3 2 95 361
Tea Party - Supporter 3 4 93 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 4 3 93 1211
U.S. Right Direction 6 5 89 557
U.S. Wrong Track 3 2 95 1116
Obama: Approve 6 5 89 724
Obama: Disapprove 2 2 96 892
#1 Issue - Economy 4 3 93 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 6 4 90 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 3 1 96 197
#1 Issue - Health care 2 4 94 206
#1 Issue - FP 4 4 92 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 4 1 95 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 1 3 95 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 4 3 93 799
24: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1673
Male 22 58 2 10 4 4 780
Female 16 57 2 11 9 4 893
Age: 18-29 63 25 1 1 0 9 268
Age: 30-44 18 66 3 8 1 4 416
Age: 45-64 9 66 3 14 4 3 631
Age: 65+ 3 57 0 15 22 2 357
Ethnicity - White 16 61 1 11 7 4 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 52 4 5 2 5 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 32 41 5 10 7 5 215
Democrats (no lean) 22 52 3 11 6 6 666
Independents (no lean) 22 53 2 11 6 4 481
Republicans (no lean) 11 68 0 10 8 2 526
Liberal (1-3) 27 54 1 7 4 7 450
Moderate (4) 19 53 2 13 8 4 468
Conservative (5-7) 12 69 2 9 6 2 641
Northeast 19 62 3 7 5 5 305
Midwest 16 59 0 14 6 4 395
South 19 58 3 11 6 3 622
West 21 53 2 10 8 5 351
New England 16 66 1 6 3 7 87
Mid-Atlantic 19 60 3 7 6 4 218
East North Central 16 61 0 14 5 4 270
West North Central 18 54 0 14 10 5 125
South Atlantic 18 61 2 10 5 4 334
East South Central 20 48 6 15 7 4 108
West South Central 20 58 1 9 9 3 180
Mountain 16 59 1 10 10 5 113
Pacic 24 50 3 11 7 6 238
Protestant 12 60 1 11 12 3 430
Roman Catholic 14 66 3 9 5 4 431
Ath./Agn./None 33 48 1 8 5 5 368
Something Else 18 56 3 14 4 5 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 67 3 8 6 3 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 52 2 12 7 5 1031
24: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Registered Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1673
Income: Under 50k 25 37 3 17 13 5 725
Income: 50k-100k 15 70 1 7 2 5 550
Income: 100k+ 13 79 0 5 1 3 397
Educ: < College 21 52 3 12 9 4 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 18 67 0 8 2 4 371
Educ: Post-grad 10 73 1 9 3 5 202
Military HH 11 67 4 10 6 2 312
Not Military HH 21 55 1 11 7 5 1360
Urban 28 44 4 13 6 5 410
Suburban 17 62 1 9 7 4 901
Rural 14 61 2 13 7 3 361
Tea Party - Supporter 16 62 2 10 7 3 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 56 2 11 6 5 1211
U.S. Right Direction 24 56 3 8 5 5 557
U.S. Wrong Track 16 59 2 12 7 4 1116
Obama: Approve 24 53 2 11 5 5 724
Obama: Disapprove 14 62 2 11 8 4 892
#1 Issue - Economy 16 65 1 10 6 3 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 32 47 2 10 3 6 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 18 63 0 11 5 3 197
#1 Issue - Health care 18 59 3 8 5 7 206
#1 Issue - FP 18 68 1 4 5 5 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 16 56 3 9 12 3 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 9 49 6 18 16 2 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 20 60 1 10 5 4 799
25: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 26 26 22 27 1672
Male 23 25 24 27 780
Female 28 26 20 26 892
Age: 18-29 15 19 37 28 268
Age: 30-44 20 23 26 31 416
Age: 45-64 27 28 17 27 631
Age: 65+ 38 30 14 19 357
Ethnicity - White 27 28 22 23 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 44 26 16 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 12 18 45 215
Democrats (no lean) 18 27 22 33 665
Independents (no lean) 22 21 34 23 481
Republicans (no lean) 39 29 11 21 526
Liberal (1-3) 16 23 33 27 450
Moderate (4) 22 28 22 28 468
Conservative (5-7) 37 28 13 22 641
Northeast 20 40 21 19 305
Midwest 30 27 20 24 395
South 29 18 20 33 622
West 21 26 29 24 351
New England 25 41 18 16 87
Mid-Atlantic 18 40 22 20 218
East North Central 23 29 18 31 270
West North Central 45 22 23 10 125
South Atlantic 24 18 22 36 334
East South Central 36 12 15 38 108
West South Central 34 21 20 25 180
Mountain 23 23 18 36 113
Pacic 20 27 34 18 238
Protestant 100 0 0 0 430
Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 431
Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 368
Something Else 0 0 0 100 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 33 3 28 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 21 34 26 1030
25: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Registered Voters 26 26 22 27 1672
Income: Under 50k 26 20 22 33 725
Income: 50k-100k 26 31 22 21 550
Income: 100k+ 25 29 23 22 397
Educ: < College 24 25 22 29 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 29 20 23 371
Educ: Post-grad 29 25 24 22 202
Military HH 27 26 23 24 312
Not Military HH 25 26 22 27 1360
Urban 21 27 25 27 410
Suburban 25 27 22 26 901
Rural 32 20 20 28 361
Tea Party - Supporter 32 25 17 27 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 24 26 24 27 1210
U.S. Right Direction 21 27 25 28 557
U.S. Wrong Track 28 25 21 26 1115
Obama: Approve 19 26 26 30 724
Obama: Disapprove 32 27 18 23 892
#1 Issue - Economy 25 25 22 28 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 20 30 25 25 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 28 28 23 21 197
#1 Issue - Health care 26 28 14 32 206
#1 Issue - FP 30 28 12 30 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 31 18 23 28 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 30 31 14 26 188
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 24 27 23 26 799
26: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 39 61 1171
Male 39 61 519
Female 38 62 652
Age: 18-29 38 62 148
Age: 30-44 41 59 265
Age: 45-64 41 59 493
Age: 65+ 31 69 265
Ethnicity - White 35 65 952
Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 66 104
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 59 41 170
Democrats (no lean) 35 65 430
Independents (no lean) 33 67 289
Republicans (no lean) 45 55 452
Liberal (1-3) 31 69 249
Moderate (4) 33 67 329
Conservative (5-7) 45 55 526
Northeast 17 83 213
Midwest 38 62 287
South 49 51 468
West 39 61 203
Mid-Atlantic 18 82 151
East North Central 39 61 194
West North Central 35 65 94
South Atlantic 42 58 245
East South Central 59 41 87
West South Central 54 46 137
Pacic 35 65 133
Protestant 52 48 426
Roman Catholic 11 89 421
Something Else 56 44 324
Religiosity: Monthly+ 52 48 572
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 75 598
26: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Registered Voters 39 61 1171
Income: Under 50k 50 50 509
Income: 50k-100k 33 67 393
Income: 100k+ 25 75 269
Educ: < College 41 59 792
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 67 252
Educ: Post-grad 33 67 127
Military HH 37 63 218
Not Military HH 39 61 952
Urban 41 59 272
Suburban 34 66 621
Rural 47 53 278
Tea Party - Supporter 54 46 353
Tea Party - Not Supporter 32 68 813
U.S. Right Direction 35 65 361
U.S. Wrong Track 40 60 810
Obama: Approve 36 64 446
Obama: Disapprove 40 60 692
#1 Issue - Economy 35 65 273
#1 Issue - Jobs 33 67 142
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 40 60 139
#1 Issue - Health care 44 56 167
#1 Issue - Immigration 53 47 92
#1 Issue - Med/SS 33 67 139
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 36 64 554
27: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 9 21 9 17 24 21 1673
Male 9 20 8 18 23 21 780
Female 8 21 10 16 25 20 893
Age: 18-29 7 19 9 21 16 29 268
Age: 30-44 11 21 6 15 24 24 416
Age: 45-64 8 18 10 17 28 18 631
Age: 65+ 8 26 11 17 23 16 357
Ethnicity - White 7 20 9 18 24 22 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 22 7 19 18 20 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 14 23 9 17 26 11 215
Democrats (no lean) 8 18 8 19 24 23 666
Independents (no lean) 6 16 9 17 27 25 481
Republicans (no lean) 12 27 10 15 21 14 526
Liberal (1-3) 6 16 7 16 26 28 450
Moderate (4) 7 19 11 19 25 19 468
Conservative (5-7) 12 27 10 15 20 15 641
Northeast 7 15 8 20 25 25 305
Midwest 5 24 11 15 26 19 395
South 13 22 9 17 24 16 622
West 7 19 8 17 21 28 351
New England 6 14 6 20 24 30 87
Mid-Atlantic 8 15 8 20 26 23 218
East North Central 6 25 9 17 25 18 270
West North Central 4 23 16 11 27 19 125
South Atlantic 11 22 10 18 19 20 334
East South Central 17 10 9 16 35 13 108
West South Central 13 28 9 15 24 11 180
Mountain 5 29 13 19 17 17 113
Pacic 7 15 6 15 23 33 238
Protestant 13 30 11 14 22 10 430
Roman Catholic 8 29 12 20 24 8 431
Ath./Agn./None 1 2 2 8 30 57 368
Something Else 12 18 11 24 21 14 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 53 24 0 0 0 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 28 39 34 1031
27: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once
or twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Registered Voters 9 21 9 17 24 21 1673
Income: Under 50k 9 19 10 16 24 21 725
Income: 50k-100k 8 23 10 18 21 20 550
Income: 100k+ 8 20 7 17 27 21 397
Educ: < College 8 19 9 17 25 22 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 22 10 16 24 18 371
Educ: Post-grad 9 26 10 19 15 19 202
Military HH 8 26 8 13 25 20 312
Not Military HH 9 19 9 18 24 21 1360
Urban 10 21 10 17 21 21 410
Suburban 7 20 10 18 24 22 901
Rural 10 20 7 16 28 18 361
Tea Party - Supporter 18 25 9 15 17 16 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 19 9 18 26 23 1211
U.S. Right Direction 9 21 8 16 26 20 557
U.S. Wrong Track 8 20 10 18 23 21 1116
Obama: Approve 8 20 8 19 24 22 724
Obama: Disapprove 10 22 10 16 23 19 892
#1 Issue - Economy 8 20 8 19 19 26 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 7 16 8 18 26 25 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 9 22 15 13 24 16 197
#1 Issue - Health care 11 21 7 19 27 14 206
#1 Issue - FP 6 26 4 25 24 15 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 7 23 20 12 16 23 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 11 22 6 22 28 11 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 8 20 10 17 22 23 799
28: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 30 70 1673
Male 26 74 780
Female 33 67 893
Age: 18-29 29 71 268
Age: 30-44 63 37 416
Age: 45-64 23 77 631
Age: 65+ 4 96 357
Ethnicity - White 28 72 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 39 61 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 63 215
Democrats (no lean) 32 68 666
Independents (no lean) 26 74 481
Republicans (no lean) 30 70 526
Liberal (1-3) 30 70 450
Moderate (4) 33 67 468
Conservative (5-7) 27 73 641
Northeast 35 65 305
Midwest 26 74 395
South 33 67 622
West 24 76 351
New England 33 67 87
Mid-Atlantic 36 64 218
East North Central 26 74 270
West North Central 25 75 125
South Atlantic 32 68 334
East South Central 38 62 108
West South Central 30 70 180
Mountain 30 70 113
Pacic 21 79 238
Protestant 25 75 430
Roman Catholic 30 70 431
Ath./Agn./None 28 72 368
Something Else 36 64 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 65 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 73 1031
28: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Registered Voters 30 70 1673
Income: Under 50k 25 75 725
Income: 50k-100k 34 66 550
Income: 100k+ 34 66 397
Educ: < College 27 73 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 37 63 371
Educ: Post-grad 33 67 202
Military HH 22 78 312
Not Military HH 31 69 1360
Urban 29 71 410
Suburban 31 69 901
Rural 26 74 361
Tea Party - Supporter 39 61 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 26 74 1211
U.S. Right Direction 33 67 557
U.S. Wrong Track 28 72 1116
Obama: Approve 32 68 724
Obama: Disapprove 28 72 892
#1 Issue - Economy 32 68 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 28 72 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 21 79 197
#1 Issue - Health care 33 67 206
#1 Issue - FP 35 65 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 22 78 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 21 79 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 29 71 799
29: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 25 54 22 1673
Male 28 50 22 780
Female 21 57 22 893
Age: 18-29 29 54 17 268
Age: 30-44 27 54 19 416
Age: 45-64 22 52 26 631
Age: 65+ 22 58 20 357
Ethnicity - White 22 55 23 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 49 17 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 47 16 215
Democrats (no lean) 33 52 15 666
Independents (no lean) 19 56 25 481
Republicans (no lean) 18 55 27 526
Liberal (1-3) 30 52 18 450
Moderate (4) 28 52 20 468
Conservative (5-7) 18 57 24 641
Northeast 23 57 20 305
Midwest 26 53 20 395
South 22 50 28 622
West 28 58 14 351
New England 19 54 27 87
Mid-Atlantic 25 58 17 218
East North Central 24 58 17 270
West North Central 30 43 27 125
South Atlantic 19 55 26 334
East South Central 28 30 43 108
West South Central 24 54 22 180
Mountain 24 62 14 113
Pacic 30 56 13 238
Protestant 20 53 27 430
Roman Catholic 26 57 17 431
Ath./Agn./None 28 53 19 368
Something Else 25 52 23 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 27 52 21 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 55 22 1031
29: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Registered Voters 25 54 22 1673
Income: Under 50k 29 44 27 725
Income: 50k-100k 23 57 20 550
Income: 100k+ 18 68 14 397
Educ: < College 25 50 25 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 24 62 14 371
Educ: Post-grad 23 62 15 202
Military HH 16 62 22 312
Not Military HH 26 52 21 1360
Urban 100 0 0 410
Suburban 0 100 0 901
Rural 0 0 100 361
Tea Party - Supporter 22 49 29 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 26 56 19 1211
U.S. Right Direction 35 51 14 557
U.S. Wrong Track 19 55 25 1116
Obama: Approve 33 51 16 724
Obama: Disapprove 18 57 25 892
#1 Issue - Economy 23 54 23 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 25 54 21 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 15 66 19 197
#1 Issue - Health care 26 47 26 206
#1 Issue - FP 23 52 25 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 26 45 29 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 23 58 19 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 22 57 21 799
30: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 29 7 9 10 6 25 8 6 1673
Male 31 8 10 1 8 27 10 5 780
Female 27 6 8 18 5 24 7 6 893
Age: 18-29 30 4 5 8 35 0 12 6 268
Age: 30-44 41 10 10 17 2 1 10 10 416
Age: 45-64 34 9 12 11 0 17 10 6 631
Age: 65+ 5 2 3 2 0 86 1 0 357
Ethnicity - White 29 6 9 10 5 27 8 6 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 5 11 11 16 11 9 2 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 29 10 5 10 6 22 14 4 215
Democrats (no lean) 30 9 5 11 7 24 9 6 666
Independents (no lean) 29 5 10 8 6 25 12 6 481
Republicans (no lean) 28 7 13 11 4 27 5 5 526
Liberal (1-3) 33 7 7 10 10 20 7 6 450
Moderate (4) 28 8 8 7 5 25 11 8 468
Conservative (5-7) 30 7 11 11 4 28 5 4 641
Northeast 33 7 9 10 3 22 10 7 305
Midwest 33 5 8 12 6 25 6 4 395
South 28 7 8 12 6 23 9 7 622
West 23 8 11 5 11 31 8 4 351
New England 34 7 15 10 2 17 8 8 87
Mid-Atlantic 32 7 7 9 3 23 11 7 218
East North Central 32 7 7 12 6 25 7 4 270
West North Central 37 1 10 12 6 25 4 4 125
South Atlantic 26 9 8 11 6 24 10 6 334
East South Central 19 10 9 19 5 15 11 12 108
West South Central 36 4 7 9 6 26 7 4 180
Mountain 26 4 9 4 7 32 12 7 113
Pacic 22 10 12 5 13 31 6 2 238
Protestant 28 7 8 12 3 35 5 2 430
Roman Catholic 32 7 6 8 6 29 6 6 431
Ath./Agn./None 27 7 12 9 10 18 10 6 368
Something Else 29 7 10 11 6 17 12 8 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 31 7 9 9 5 28 7 5 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 28 7 8 11 7 23 9 6 1031
30: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Student Retired Un -
Other N
Registered Voters 29 7 9 10 6 25 8 6 1673
Income: Under 50k 17 3 8 10 6 32 15 8 725
Income: 50k-100k 37 8 8 10 6 23 5 4 550
Income: 100k+ 41 12 11 9 6 16 1 3 397
Educ: < College 22 4 8 12 8 28 11 7 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 44 11 10 8 3 16 5 3 371
Educ: Post-grad 43 15 9 2 1 25 2 3 202
Military HH 22 7 5 7 4 48 6 2 312
Not Military HH 31 7 10 11 7 20 9 6 1360
Urban 31 8 8 5 8 23 11 7 410
Suburban 31 7 7 11 7 27 6 5 901
Rural 24 6 13 13 3 21 13 7 361
Tea Party - Supporter 30 5 12 11 7 21 8 7 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 29 8 8 10 6 27 9 5 1211
U.S. Right Direction 32 9 8 8 7 23 8 5 557
U.S. Wrong Track 28 6 9 11 6 26 8 6 1116
Obama: Approve 30 8 8 8 8 24 10 6 724
Obama: Disapprove 30 6 9 11 4 27 7 5 892
#1 Issue - Economy 37 8 11 9 4 20 8 4 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 28 8 7 6 11 14 21 5 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 23 8 10 10 5 34 6 4 197
#1 Issue - Health care 34 6 7 15 3 16 11 9 206
#1 Issue - FP 30 14 5 12 6 23 5 5 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 28 6 9 12 5 34 4 4 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 11 2 5 9 3 57 2 10 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 31 8 10 8 6 22 11 4 799
31: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 87 13 1673
Male 87 13 780
Female 86 14 893
Age: 18-29 67 33 268
Age: 30-44 88 12 416
Age: 45-64 90 10 631
Age: 65+ 94 6 357
Ethnicity - White 86 14 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 79 21 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 91 9 215
Democrats (no lean) 90 10 666
Independents (no lean) 85 15 481
Republicans (no lean) 84 16 526
Liberal (1-3) 90 10 450
Moderate (4) 85 15 468
Conservative (5-7) 88 12 641
Northeast 92 8 305
Midwest 88 12 395
South 82 18 622
West 89 11 351
New England 92 8 87
Mid-Atlantic 93 7 218
East North Central 91 9 270
West North Central 82 18 125
South Atlantic 81 19 334
East South Central 75 25 108
West South Central 86 14 180
Mountain 89 11 113
Pacic 89 11 238
Protestant 89 11 430
Roman Catholic 90 10 431
Ath./Agn./None 82 18 368
Something Else 84 16 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 89 11 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 85 15 1031
31: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other oces in 2012. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 87 13 1673
Income: Under 50k 82 18 725
Income: 50k-100k 88 12 550
Income: 100k+ 93 7 397
Educ: < College 82 18 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 94 6 371
Educ: Post-grad 99 1 202
Military HH 87 13 312
Not Military HH 87 13 1360
Urban 86 14 410
Suburban 87 13 901
Rural 85 15 361
Tea Party - Supporter 82 18 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 89 11 1211
U.S. Right Direction 92 8 557
U.S. Wrong Track 84 16 1116
Obama: Approve 90 10 724
Obama: Disapprove 85 15 892
#1 Issue - Economy 91 9 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 83 17 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 85 15 197
#1 Issue - Health care 84 16 206
#1 Issue - FP 94 6 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 84 16 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 87 13 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 88 12 799
32: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 55 40 6 1448
Male 54 40 5 678
Female 55 39 6 769
Age: 18-29 67 27 6 179
Age: 30-44 57 37 6 364
Age: 45-64 54 40 6 570
Age: 65+ 47 48 6 334
Ethnicity - White 48 46 6 1174
Ethnicity - Hispanic 56 36 8 116
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 90 5 5 195
Democrats (no lean) 94 5 1 599
Independents (no lean) 47 36 16 409
Republicans (no lean) 8 90 2 440
Liberal (1-3) 84 13 3 403
Moderate (4) 67 27 6 397
Conservative (5-7) 21 72 7 562
Northeast 54 42 4 282
Midwest 56 39 6 348
South 51 44 6 505
West 60 31 9 312
New England 49 49 2 80
Mid-Atlantic 56 39 4 202
East North Central 58 39 3 246
West North Central 50 38 12 102
South Atlantic 56 39 4 271
East South Central 54 37 9 81
West South Central 39 55 6 153
Mountain 47 39 14 101
Pacic 66 28 6 212
Protestant 39 55 6 383
Roman Catholic 50 46 5 387
Ath./Agn./None 69 24 7 302
Something Else 64 30 6 374
Religiosity: Monthly+ 45 48 7 569
Religiosity: LT Monthly 61 34 5 878
32: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama
Republican Mitt
Someone else N
Registered Voters 55 40 6 1448
Income: Under 50k 61 32 8 597
Income: 50k-100k 51 43 6 483
Income: 100k+ 49 48 3 368
Educ: < College 54 39 6 900
Educ: Bachelors degree 51 44 5 348
Educ: Post-grad 63 32 5 200
Military HH 49 41 10 271
Not Military HH 56 39 5 1177
Urban 69 26 5 355
Suburban 53 41 6 785
Rural 43 51 6 308
Tea Party - Supporter 25 68 7 371
Tea Party - Not Supporter 65 30 6 1072
U.S. Right Direction 88 10 2 510
U.S. Wrong Track 36 56 8 938
Obama: Approve 90 8 2 650
Obama: Disapprove 25 68 8 757
#1 Issue - Economy 54 42 4 360
#1 Issue - Jobs 70 20 11 171
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 37 47 16 168
#1 Issue - Health care 53 43 3 174
#1 Issue - FP 42 57 2 92
#1 Issue - Immigration 39 59 2 107
#1 Issue - Med/SS 59 36 5 164
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 54 38 8 699
33: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 77 23 1673
Male 80 20 780
Female 74 26 893
Age: 18-29 38 62 268
Age: 30-44 81 19 416
Age: 45-64 82 18 631
Age: 65+ 91 9 357
Ethnicity - White 78 22 1362
Ethnicity - Hispanic 63 37 149
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 76 24 215
Democrats (no lean) 78 22 666
Independents (no lean) 71 29 481
Republicans (no lean) 80 20 526
Liberal (1-3) 79 21 450
Moderate (4) 74 26 468
Conservative (5-7) 81 19 641
Northeast 79 21 305
Midwest 76 24 395
South 75 25 622
West 78 22 351
New England 84 16 87
Mid-Atlantic 77 23 218
East North Central 79 21 270
West North Central 70 30 125
South Atlantic 76 24 334
East South Central 67 33 108
West South Central 78 22 180
Mountain 78 22 113
Pacic 77 23 238
Protestant 83 17 430
Roman Catholic 82 18 431
Ath./Agn./None 65 35 368
Something Else 74 26 443
Religiosity: Monthly+ 81 19 642
Religiosity: LT Monthly 74 26 1031
33: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other oces in 2010. How about you? Were you able
to vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?
Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in
Registered Voters 77 23 1673
Income: Under 50k 69 31 725
Income: 50k-100k 81 19 550
Income: 100k+ 83 17 397
Educ: < College 71 29 1099
Educ: Bachelors degree 84 16 371
Educ: Post-grad 94 6 202
Military HH 82 18 312
Not Military HH 75 25 1360
Urban 74 26 410
Suburban 78 22 901
Rural 76 24 361
Tea Party - Supporter 74 26 457
Tea Party - Not Supporter 78 22 1211
U.S. Right Direction 79 21 557
U.S. Wrong Track 75 25 1116
Obama: Approve 79 21 724
Obama: Disapprove 76 24 892
#1 Issue - Economy 79 21 397
#1 Issue - Jobs 68 32 206
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 81 19 197
#1 Issue - Health care 76 24 206
#1 Issue - FP 85 15 98
#1 Issue - Immigration 77 23 128
#1 Issue - Med/SS 78 22 189
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 77 23 799
34: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 51 43 5 1278
Male 51 44 5 619
Female 51 43 6 658
Age: 18-29 61 32 7 102
Age: 30-44 53 39 7 335
Age: 45-64 53 42 5 515
Age: 65+ 44 53 3 326
Ethnicity - White 45 49 6 1054
Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 37 3 94
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 90 6 4 163
Democrats (no lean) 96 4 0 520
Independents (no lean) 41 43 16 338
Republicans (no lean) 5 93 3 419
Liberal (1-3) 85 13 2 355
Moderate (4) 65 25 9 345
Conservative (5-7) 18 79 3 519
Northeast 56 40 4 240
Midwest 51 45 4 301
South 46 46 7 465
West 57 39 4 272
Mid-Atlantic 54 41 5 168
East North Central 55 43 2 214
West North Central 41 50 9 87
South Atlantic 48 43 9 252
West South Central 38 58 4 140
Mountain 50 46 3 88
Pacic 60 35 4 184
Protestant 39 56 4 359
Roman Catholic 47 50 3 353
Ath./Agn./None 65 30 6 238
Something Else 60 32 8 328
Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 52 4 519
Religiosity: LT Monthly 56 37 6 759
34: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. House
candidate or someone else?
Democratic U.S.
House candidate
Republican U.S.
House candidate
Someone else N
Registered Voters 51 43 5 1278
Income: Under 50k 57 35 7 502
Income: 50k-100k 49 46 5 446
Income: 100k+ 46 51 3 330
Educ: < College 51 43 7 779
Educ: Bachelors degree 50 47 2 311
Educ: Post-grad 57 40 4 188
Military HH 46 51 4 255
Not Military HH 53 42 6 1023
Urban 64 32 4 302
Suburban 51 45 4 701
Rural 39 52 10 274
Tea Party - Supporter 22 71 7 337
Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 33 5 937
U.S. Right Direction 86 12 2 437
U.S. Wrong Track 34 59 7 840
Obama: Approve 86 11 3 569
Obama: Disapprove 23 71 6 681
#1 Issue - Economy 54 42 4 311
#1 Issue - Jobs 70 22 8 141
#1 Issue - Debt/Decit 29 64 7 159
#1 Issue - Health care 51 42 7 157
#1 Issue - FP 39 60 1 83
#1 Issue - Immigration 39 56 5 98
#1 Issue - Med/SS 56 38 6 148
#1 Issue - Econ/Jobs/Debt 51 43 6 611

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