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American Journal of Networks and Communications

2013; 2(1) : 9-16

Published online February 20, 2013 (http://!s"ien"epublishin##roup!"o$/%/a%n")
doi: 10!116&'/%!a%n"!20130201!12

A journal of real peak recognition of electrocardiogram
(ecg) signals using neural network
Tarmizi Amani Izzah
, Syed Sahal Nazli Alhady
, Umi Kalthum Ngah, Wan Pauzi Ibrahim

("hool o) *le"tri"al *le"troni"s *n#ineerin#, +ni,ersiti (ains -alaysia (*n#ineerin# .a$pus), /ibon# 0ebal, (P(, Penan#
("hool o) -edi"al ("ien"es, +ni,ersiti (ains -alaysia (1ealth .a$pus), 16120, 3uban# 3erian, 3elantan
Email address:
i44ah!a$ani5y$ail!"o$ (6! 7! 0ar$i4i), sahal5en#!us$!$y ((! (! /! 7lhady), eeu$i5en#!us$!$y (+! 3! /#ah),
pau4i58b!us$!$y (9! P! 6brahi$)
T !ite this arti!le:
0ar$i4i 7$ani 644ah, (yed (ahal /a4li 7lhady, +$i 3althu$ /#ah, 9an Pau4i 6brahi$! 7 :ournal o) ;eal Pea8 ;e"o#nition o) *le"-
tro"ardio#ra$ (*.<) (i#nals +sin# /eural /etor8! American Journal of Networks and Communications, =ol! 2, /o! 1, 2013, pp! 9-16!
doi: 10!116&'/%!a%n"!20130201!12

Abstra!t: 0his paper des"ribes about the analysis o) ele"tro"ardio#ra$ (*.<) si#nals usin# neural netor8 approa"h!
1eart stru"ture is a uni>ue syste$ that "an #enerate *.< si#nals independently ,ia heart "ontra"tion! ?asi"ally, an *.<
si#nal "onsists o) P@;(0 a,e! 7ll these a,es are represented respe"ti,e heart )un"tions! /or$al healthy heart "an be
si$ply re"o#ni4ed by nor$al *.< si#nal hile heart disorder or arrhyth$ias si#nals "ontain di))eren"es in ter$s o) )eatures
and $orpholo#i"al attributes in their "orrespondin# *.< a,e)or$! (o$e $a%or i$portant )eatures ill be eAtra"ted )ro$
*.< si#nals su"h as a$plitude, duration, pre-#radient, post-#radient and so on! 0hese )eatures ill then be )ed as an input to
neural netor8 syste$! 0he tar#et output represented real pea8s o) the si#nals is also bein# de)ined usin# a binary nu$ber!
;esult obtained shoin# that neural netor8 pattern re"o#nition is able to "lassi)y and re"o#ni4e the real pea8s a""ordin#ly
ith o,erall a""ura"y o) '1!6B althou#h there $i#ht be li$itations and $is"lassi)i"ation happened! Future re"o$$endations
ha,e been hi#hli#hted to i$pro,e netor8Cs per)or$an"e in order to #et better and $ore a""urate result!
Key"rds: 1eart, *.< (i#nal, Features *Atra"tion, /eural /etor8 7nd -atlab (i$ulation

1# State$%$the Art
/eural netor8 noadays has been applied eAtensi,ely in
ide areas in"ludin# "lassi)i"ation, dete"tion, aerospa"e,
)ore"astin#, heart dia#nosis and $any $ore! 0his pro%e"t
applied neural netor8 $ethod in analysin# "ardia" rhyth$s!
;e"o#nition o) real pea8s o) *.< si#nals is i$portant to
dia#nose the heart diseases! Do"tors obtained *.< data
)ro$ 1olter de,i"e that re"orded patientCs heart beat and
they per)or$ analysis $anually based on the a,e)or$
"hara"teristi"s! .urrently, "ardiolo#ist or do"tors identi)y
the real pea8 based on their 8noled#e and pre,ious eApe-
rien"es! (o$e *.< si#nals easily obtained the real pea8 by
loo8in# at the a,e)or$ pattern but there is also so$e si#-
nals hi"h is ,ery di))i"ult to identi)y their real pea8! 0his
$anual identi)i"ation $i#ht "ontain ina""ura"y and s$all
per"enta#e o) error! 6n addition, it "ould be a tedious ay
espe"ially hen analy4in# a ,ery lo )re>uen"y o) *.<
si#nals! Do"tors nor$ally need an ade>uate ti$e to study
and ,eri)y the *.< a,e)or$ be)ore #ettin# the "orre"t
result )or e,ery patient eAa$ined! 0his or8s done de)i-
nitely ti$e-"onsu$in# and not the e))i"ient ay!
0hus, this idea "o$es up that "ould be bene)i"ial to "ar-
diolo#ists to re"o#ni4e the real pea8 usin# ne approa"h
hi"h is neural netor8! /eural netor8 has the ability to
$e$ori4e the pattern and dire"tly #i,es the result a""or-
din#ly! 0his eases the do"tors and analysis "ould be done in
ay that is $ore e))i"ient! /eural netor8 also eAhibits
independent beha,ior as ell as sel)-learnin#! 6t desi#ned in
su"h a ay that eAposed to enou#h trainin# until it "o$es to
a #enerali4ation state! <enerali4ation $eans the netor8 "an
$e$ori4e the data pattern and able to #i,e result "orre"tly
based on the pre,ious learnin# #i,en! 0he syste$ then tested
to see its a""ura"y and per)or$an"e!
6t is then be"o$in# a #ood $o$entu$ to eAhort i$-
pro,e$ent in ele"tro"ardio#raphy by o))erin# a reliable as
ell as "o$prehensi,e solution )or better *.< dia#nosis
E1&F! ?esides, by usin# neural netor8 $ethod, thin#s ill
be $u"h si$pler, ti$e-sa,in#s as ell as redu"in# the needs
o) hu$an e))orts as $a"hine has been trained to per)or$ the
desired or8load!
10 0ar$i4i 6!7 et al.: 7 %ournal o) real pea8 re"o#nition o) ele"tro"ardio#ra$ (e"#) si#nals usin# neural netor8

2# Intrdu!tin
0he needs o) te"hnolo#y and "o$puteri4ed analysis usa#e
has eAhorted resear"hers, pro)essionals, en#ineers and other
eApert people "o$binin# their e))orts to#ether in i$ple-
$entin# >uality dia#nosis tools! 0he ter$ >uality has been
interpreted as easier and )aster analysis, la"8 $aintenan"e,
hi#h e))i"ient as ell as lo in the "ost! Due to that, another
approa"h to analyse *.< si#nals has been "hosen by usin#
neural netor8 $ethod ,ia $atlab so)tare, as $atlab is
ell 8non ith $ulti)un"tion and poer)ul "o$puteri4ed
tool so)tare! 0his pro%e"t has applied neural netor8 ap-
proa"h to analy4e *.< si#nals )o"usin# on real pea8s re"-
o#nition sin"e it pro,ides ,aluable in)or$ation to do"tors
re#ardin# heart dia#nosis! ;e"o#nition o) real pea8 "orre"tly
is absolutely essential as it indi"ated the "ondition o) heart as
ell as re)le"ts to its )un"tionality!
2.1. Generation of ECG Signal
0he "orrespondin# part in the heart plays their respe"ti,e
roles! (inoatrial ((7) node ill eA"ite the beats that "aused
heart $us"les to "ontra"t! ?elo is shon the lo"ation o)
7trio,entri"ular (7=) node and (7 node hi"h are respon-
sible )or #eneratin# *.< si#nal in the hu$anCs heart!

Figure 1. Location of SA and AV node [1].
0he "ontra"tion o) heartCs $us"les soon ill be re"orded
as an ele"tri"al a"ti,ity o) the heart "alled *.< si#nal! ?ased
on the pattern o) *.< re"ordin#, heart status "ould be iden-
ti)ied hether possessed o) any "ardia" arrhyth$ias or oth-
erise! 7s 8non, heart $us"le possessed the "hara"teristi"
o) depolari4ation and repolari4ation! Depolari4ation is re-
)erred to the ele"tri"al potential a"ti,ity eA"ited by heart
$us"les hile repolari4ation is a relaAation state hen the
heart "han#in# ba"8 to its ori#inal position! P a,e #ener-
ated due to the atrial depolari4ation, @;( "o$pleA
represented ,entri"ular depolari4ation hile 0 a,e
represented ,entri"ular repolari4ation E2F! Fi#ure belo
shoed the "orrespondin# part o) heart )un"tion ith respe"t
to the *.< si#nal obtained!
7bnor$alities happened in the respe"ti,e a,es se#$ent
ill pro,ide ideas to do"tors and "ardiolo#ists at here the
part o) heart is ha,in# proble$s!

Figure 2. ECG sinal !ased on "eart function [#], [$].
2.2. Neural Network
7 neural netor8 is a type o) "o$putational $odel hi"h
is able to sol,e $ulti proble$s in ,arious )ields! 6t pro"esses
the in)or$ation in a si$ilar ay as the hu$an brain "on"ept
pro"essin# the in)or$ation E2F! ?asi"ally, neural netor8
"onsists o) lar#e pro"essin# ele$ents "alled neurons or8-
in# to#ether to per)or$ spe"i)i" tas8s! 7s in the hu$an brain,
there are thousands o) dendrites hi"h "ontain in)or$ation
si#nals! 0hey trans$itted the si#nals to the aAon in the )or$
o) ele"tri"al spi8es! 0he aAon then sends the si#nals to
another dendrites "ausin# to a synapse! 0his synapse o"-
"urred hen eA"itatory input is su))i"iently lar#e than the
inhibitory input, and this "on"ept o) si#nal trans$ission also
depi"ted on ho neural netor8 pro"ess inputs re"ei,ed!
Fi#ure belo shon dendrites related stru"tures )or "learer

Figure 3. %endrites [&].

Figure 4. S'na(ses [&].
7$eri"an :ournal o) /etor8s and .o$$uni"ations 2013, 2(1): 9-16 11

6n neural netor8, dendrites "arryin# si#nals "an be
analo#y as $ultiple inputs "olle"ted to#ether )or su$$ation!
0hen, the "o$bined inputs ill be a"ti,ated by a"ti,ation
)un"tion! 6nputs that eA"eed threshold ,alue ill be )eed to
the output layer )or )inal pro"essin#! Durin# pro"essin#
sta#e, inputs ill be trained to produ"e desired tar#et outputs
until it "o$e to a #enerali4ation sta#e! <enerali4ation $eans
at a "ondition here the netor8 is able to re"o#ni4e the
inputs and the "orrespondin# tar#ets a)ter under#one the
trainin# #i,en! 0hen, the netor8 ill be tested by #i,en
ne inputs si#nal to e,aluate its per)or$an"e and to see ho
a""urate the output produ"ed ill be "o$parin# to the tar#et!
Fi#ure belo depi"ted the analo#y o) hu$an brain "on"ept
pro"ess the in)or$ation to the neural netor8 syste$!

Figure 5. Neuron model [&].

Figure 6. Neural networks [&].
/eural netor8 "onsists o) se,eral ar"hite"tures, )ro$
si$ple stru"ture until the "o$pli"ated ones!
2.2.1. Single-Layer Feed forward Network
0his is the si$plest )or$ o) netor8 ar"hite"ture ith
only sin#le layer output ithout any hidden layer! 7n input
layer o) sour"e nodes ill dire"tly pro%e"ts onto the output
layer o) neurons or "o$putation nodes, %ust in one ay
butnot ,i"e ,ersa! (in#le layer is re)errin# to the output layer
hi"h is %ust sin#le output and not "onsidered the input layer
o) sour"e nodes sin"e no "o$putation per)or$ed there EGF!
Fi#ure G shoed the "orrespondin# )i#ure in"ludin# label!

Figure !. Sinle la'er feedforward networks [)].
2.1.2. "ultilayer Feed-forward Network
0his se"ond layer is di))er )ro$ abo,e sin"e it has one or
$ore hidden layers! 0he "o$putation also ta8es pla"e in
these hidden nodes! 1idden nodes are also used to inter,ene
beteen the eAternal input and the netor8 output ith
respe"t to the netor8Cs $anner! 0he stru"ture o) $ultilayer
)eed)orard netor8s ith one hidden layer as in )i#ure '!

Figure #. *'(ical of multila'er feedforward networks [)].
2.1.3. $e%urrent Network wit& No-Self Feed'a%k Loo(
and No )idden Neuron
7 re"urrent neural netor8 has at least one )eedba"8 loop!
6t $ay "onsist o) a sin#le layer o) neurons ith ea"h neuron
)eedin# its output ba"8 to all the input neurons as illustrated
in )i#ure 9! 0he )eedba"8 loops in"reased the learnin# "a-
pability o) the netor8 and on its per)or$an"e! ?esides,
these )eedba"8 loops are also asso"iated ith unit delay
ele$ents (4
) hi"h result in a nonlinear dyna$i"al beha-
,ior in a "ondition hen neural netor8 "ontains nonlinear
12 0ar$i4i 6!7 et al.: 7 %ournal o) real pea8 re"o#nition o) ele"tro"ardio#ra$ (e"#) si#nals usin# neural netor8

Figure *. *'(ical of multila'er feedforward networks [)].
2.1.4. $e%urrent Network +it& )idden Neuron
0his stru"ture distin#uishes itsel) )ro$ part (iii) ith
hidden neurons! 0he )eedba"8 "onne"tions ori#inate )ro$
the hidden neurons and also )ro$ the output neurons! 0he
stru"ture illustrated in )i#ure 10!

Figure 1,. *'(ical of multila'er feedforward networks [)].
6n neural netor8s, the input layer is passi,e hile the
hidden nodes and output layer are a"ti,e and nor$ally been
a"ti,ated by trans)er )un"tion! 0hese a"ti,e nodes ill
$odi)y ei#ht and bias ,alues to an opti$u$ nu$ber here
the netor8 is best or8s at!0here are $any a"ti,ation
)un"tions "an be applied su"h as radial basis (radbas),
"o$petiti,e trans)er )un"tion ("o$pet), positi,e linear
(poslin), saturatin# linear trans)er )un"tion (satlin) and $any
$ore! 0he $ost "o$$only used is in"ludin# hard-li$it
trans)er )un"tion, linear trans)er )un"tion and lo#-si#$oid
trans)er )un"tion! /eural netor8s need to be trained ith
suitable learnin# al#orith$ trainin# )un"tions "orrespondin#
to a netor8 type! 7$on# o) the trainin# )un"tions are
#radient des"ent ba"8propa#ation (train#d),
He,enber#--ar>uadt ba"8propa#ation (trainl$), #radient
des"ent ith adapti,e learnin# rule ba"8propa#ation
(train#da), rando$ order in"re$ental trainin# ith learnin#
)un"tions (trainr) and so on!
0his eAperi$ental or8s used )eed )orard neural
netor8 ith si#$oid hidden nodes and output neurons! 6t
has been trained by s"aled "on%u#ate #radient
ba"8propa#ation (trains"#) learnin# al#orith$! 7bo,e are
sele"ted sin"e they are $ost "o$$only used in ,arious
appli"ation, suitable )or this pro%e"t purpose and eApe"ted to
be $u"h e))i"ient!
2.3. "et&odology
Features eAtra"tion o) *.< si#nals ha,e been done to
"olle"t ne"essary data re>uired )or *.< analysis usin#
neural netor8! 6n a truth )a"t, hundreds o) input )eatures
"ould be eAtra"ted )ro$ the *.< si#nal! 6) all o) the )eatures
are ta8en into "onsideration, identi)i"ation in)or$ation pro-
,ided ould be irrele,ant and so$e do not #i,e $u"h si#-
ni)i"ant to the netor8! Further$ore, the trainin# duration
also ill be $u"h lon#er! /eural netor8s also adapti,e to a
non-linear and irrele,ant data ith a de#ree o) toleran"e! Iet,
their per)or$an"e ill be hi#hly e))i"ient hen #i,in# only
appropriate and sele"ted inputs E'F!
First o) all, se,eral types o) *.< si#nals obtained )ro$
healthy and unhealthy patients! ?asi"ally, *.< si#nal "on-
tains o) P@;(0 pea8s! 6n order to dete"t the pea8 "orres-
pondin#ly, an *.< si#nal has been di,ided into three se#-
$ents! 0he )irst se#$ent is P a,e)or$, the se"ond se#$ent
is @;( a,e)or$ and the last one is 0 a,e)or$! + a,e-
)or$ is so$eho eAist in *.< si#nal, but it "an be i#nored
as it does not really $a8e any si#ni)i"ant in "ardia" dia#no-
sis! 0he respe"ti,e a,e)or$ a)ter separatin# )ro$ the
ori#inal si#nal is shon belo!

Figure 11. + wa,eform.

Figure 12. -.S wa,eform.

Figure 13.- wa,eform.
0he neAt sta#e is eAtra"tin# i$portant data )eatures and
"hara"teristi"s o) those a,e)or$s usin# $anual
"o$putation! 0he $anual "o$putation has been ,eri)ied and
appro,ed by "ardiolo#ist, but it is $ore re"o$$ended to use
Hab=6*9 so)tare to per)or$ auto$ated eAtra"tion in
order to #et a""urate ,alues and pre"ise "o$putation! 0hese
)eatures sele"ted are a$plitudes, durations, #radients and
polarity! 0hen, all the ,alues ill be nor$ali4ed ithin the
ran#e )ro$ 0 to 1 only! 7ll o) these )eatures then )ed into the
neural netor8 syste$ as its inputs ith "ertain desired
tar#et de)ined! 0he *.< data si#nals are "olle"ted and ar-
ran#ed in the )or$ o) nu$bers! 0here are 20 types o) *.<
si#nals in,ol,ed in this eAperi$ental si$ulation ith &9
7$eri"an :ournal o) /etor8s and .o$$uni"ations 2013, 2(1): 9-16 13

sa$ples (1G sa$ples o) P a,e, 20 sa$ples o) @;( a,e
and 12 sa$ples o) 0 a,e)!0hen, the si$ulation to #et *.<
a,e)or$ as per)or$ed by usin# -i"roso)t *A"el )or
easier )urther analysis! ?elo is shon typi"al eAa$ple o)
*.< si#nals and ho )eatures eAtra"tion is bein# a""o$-
plished! 0he sa$e $ethod o) )eatures eAtra"tion then been
applied to the rest o) *.< si#nals! 0his "o$putation is >uite
ti$e "onsu$in# and thus better syste$ )or eAtra"tion anal-
ysis is hi#hly re"o$$ended to be i$ple$ented in the )uture!
;e)errin# to this )i#ure belo, real pea8 has been $ar8ed red
in "olour! 0he pro"ess to identi)y real pea8 is ,ia te$plate
$at"hin# and "ardiolo#ist ,eri)i"ation! 0he eAa$ined si#nal
is "o$pared ith the sour"e or te$plate i$a#e! 0hose
a,e)or$s possessed hi#h si$ilarity in their $orpholo#i"al
attributes and )eatures ill be "lassi)ied a""ordin#ly!
(o$e o) the a,e)or$s hi"he,er not ha,e sour"e te$-
plate ill #et ,eri)ied by "ardiolo#ist a)ter $ar8in# the eA-
pe"ted real pea8 based on theoreti"al 8noled#e or pea8

Figure 14. Sam(le of ECG sinal.
P J -0!223G&22
@ J -0!210012
; J -1!1&'99'6
( J -2!2906692
0 J -0!&30'G&6
P a,e J di))eren"e o) A-aAis ,alues
0!0012 K 0!000G J 0!0002
@;( "o$pleA ("onsidered as one "o$plete a,e)or$)
@ (A-aAis) J 0!0022
( (A-aAis) J 0!002'
@;( duration: 0!002' K 0!0022 J 0!0006
0 a,e J di))eren"e o) A-aAis ,alues
0!003G K 0!0031 J 0!0006

Figure 15. +re/rad +.
2 1
2 1
$ =

' '
0 0

0!2G6!136 !0&123106
Pre #radP
0!000' 0!000G


Figure 16. +ost/rad +.
0!223G&22 0!&&2110&
0!001 0!0011

Post #radP


0his "o$putation to )ind pre-#radient and post-#radient o)
other a,es applied the sa$e $ethod as abo,e!
De)inition: 6) the a,e)or$ is positi,e, then "orrespond-
1& 0ar$i4i 6!7 et al.: 7 %ournal o) real pea8 re"o#nition o) ele"tro"ardio#ra$ (e"#) si#nals usin# neural netor8

in# pea8 is set as 1! 6) the a,e)or$ is ne#ati,e, then the
pea8 is set as 0! Positi,e is re)erred to sa$e pattern as the
nor$al a,e)or$, hile the shape oppose the "orrespond-
in# nor$al a,e)or$ is denoted as ne#ati,e! 6n this "ase,
polarity )or ea"h a,e)or$ assi#ned as belo
P J 1
@;( J 1
0 J 1
Data then been arran#ed usin# -i"roso) *A"el and a)ter
nor$ali4ation, the data then be )ed as an inputs to neural
netor8 pattern re"o#nition syste$! 0his nor$ali4ation is
i$portant to ensure the ,alues o) the data are in beteen the
"ertain ran#e! 0hus, it is easier to train the neural netor8s
e))i"iently as ell as easier )or the netor8 syste$ to learn!
0he netor8 ill learn input "hara"teristi"s and attributes o)
the "orrespondin# a,e)or$s! 6) )or eAa$ple the "hara"te-
risti"s o) P a,e are #i,en to the netor8 )or trainin#, the
tar#et o) P a,e ill be put as 1 and the other is 0! Ln"e the
P a,e is "orre"tly dete"ted, thus the real pea8 o) P is easily
obtained by the hi#hest pea8 o) that a,e)or$! 0his is sa$e
#oes to other a,e)or$s!
&# 'esult

Figure 1!. Network (erformance 12SE ,s num!er of e(oc"s3.
/etor8Cs "on)i#uration has been detail identi)ied ith '0
hidden neurons, 2 layers )eed )orard, trained ith s"aled
"on%u#ate #radient ba"8 propa#ation (trains"#) ith si#$oid
type o) hidden nodes and output neurons! &9 sa$ples ha,e
been used ith 2 input )eatures, des"ribed as a$plitude,
duration, pre-#radient, post-#radient and polarity! 0he per-
)or$an"e o) the netor8 is e,aluated in $ean s>uared error
and "on)usion $atri"es! /etor8 ill be retrained to a"hie,e
as per desired tar#et!
(i$ulation result shoin# that trainin# and testin#
per)or$an"e 8eep de"reasin#! 6n other ords, it pro,ed that
the netor8 is learnin#! Durin# testin#, it tried to a"hie,ed
the tar#et approAi$ately as hat has been trained! 7 part
)ro$ that, it is seen that best ,alidation per)or$an"e, hi"h
is the s$allest di))eren"e o) desired tar#et ith the netor8
output is at 1!1103A10
a)ter #oin# throu#h 2G iterations! 7t
this point, the netor8 possessed the ability to #enerali4e
,ery ell a)ter per)or$an"e be"o$es $ini$i4ed to the #oal!

Figure 1#. Network trainin state.
;esult abo,e presented trainin# state o) the netor8! 0he
plot depi"ted the trainin# state o) the netor8 )ro$ a trainin#
re"ord! 0he $ini$u$ #radient rea"hed at epo"hs 33 at a
,alue o) G!GG11G A 10
! =alidation "he"8s are at 6 also o"-
"urred durin# 33th iteration! 0he netor8 has been ell
trained and learnin# to "lassi)y respe"ti,e inputs to the "or-
respondin# tar#et! 6t stops hen $ini$u$ #radient has been
rea"hed to a,oid netor8 )ro$ o,er)ittin# and be"o$es
un"ontrolled! 6n neural netor8 "o$putin#, ,alidation is
used to ensure the netor8 able to #enerali4e respe"ti,e
inputs $appin# to the "orrespondin# tar#et! =alidation ill
halt the trainin# hen #enerali4ation stops i$pro,in#!

Figure 1*. Confusion (lot matri0.
7$eri"an :ournal o) /etor8s and .o$$uni"ations 2013, 2(1): 9-16 12

7 "on)usion $atriA depi"ted "learly the a"tual ,ersus
predi"ted "lass ,alues! 6t is also presented the "lasses hi"h
are "orre"tly "lassi)ied and $is"lassi)ied! 0hus, it is enablin#
us to see ho ell the $odel predi"ts the out"o$es E9F!
0here are three a,e)or$s that need to be re"o#ni4ed by
neural netor8s, hi"h is a,e)or$ o) P, @;( and 0! 0he
real pea8 is dete"ted by the hi#hest pea8 o) the a,e)or$!
0his is di))erent )or @;(! Ln"e the @;( a,e)or$ is "or-
re"tly identi)ied by neural netor8 syste$, thus it is 8non
that the hi#hest pea8 should be the real pea8 o) ;, the pea8
be)ore is @ and the pea8 a)ter the ; pea8 should be ( pea8!
32 dataset has been used )or trainin# purposes, G )or ,alida-
tion and G )or testin# phase! ?ased on the result abo,e, it
shoed that durin# trainin# session, there are 30 set o) data
are "orre"tly "lassi)ied and only 2 data are $is"lassi)ied! 6n
,alidation, 2 data are "orre"tly "lassi)ied out o) G hile
durin# testin# phase, 2 data too are "orre"tly "lassi)ied a"-
"ordin#ly hile ti"e o) $is"lassi)i"ation happened! (e,-
eral )a"tors "ontribute to netor8Cs i$pro,e$ent ill be
in"luded in a dis"ussion part! 0he per"enta#e a""ura"y o)
ea"h pro"ess (trainin#, ,alidation and testin#) is also "an be
seen in the "on)usion plot $atriA abo,e! L,erall netor8
per)or$an"e shoin# that &0 data are "orre"tly "lassi)ied as
desired hile 9 data are $is"lassi)ied! 6t per)or$ed #ood
"lassi)i"ation ith total a""ura"y o) '1!6B!

Figure 2,. .ecei,er 4(eratin C"aracteristic 1.4C3.
7bo,e is shon the out"o$e o) re"ei,er operatin# "ha-
ra"teristi" (;L.) )or this pro%e"t! 0he ;L. "ur,e a"ts as
)unda$ental tools )or dia#nosti" e,aluation )or positi,e test
hi"h plotted true positi,e rate ,s )alse positi,e rate E9F, E10F!
6t re)le"ts to a sensiti,ity and spe"i)i"ity o) the netor8! 0rue
positi,e rate re)erred to real pea8 si#nals "orre"tly identi)ied
as its real pea8 hile )alse positi,e rate re)erred to non real
pea8 o) the si#nals in"orre"tly identi)ied as real pea8!
(# )is!ussin
0he result )or this pro%e"t "annot a"hie,e 100B or ,ery
hi#h per"enta#e o) a""ura"y sin"e s$all dataset as used!
0hus, so$e re"o$$endations "ould be su##ested to i$-
pro,e netor8Cs per)or$an"e in order to obtain approA-
i$ately a""urate outputs! 0here are in"ludin# in"rease the
nu$bers o) hidden neurons and retrain the netor8 se,eral
ti$es! Further$ore, use lar#er data set so that the netor8
ill learn $ore and eApose to enou#h trainin#s! Do try a
di))erent trainin# al#orith$ as ell as ad%ust the initial
ei#hs and biases to ne ,alues! 0hen, train the netor8s
a#ain )or se,eral ti$es until it rea"hes the desired tar#et! 6n
addition, it is re"o$$ended to per)or$ auto$ated )eatures
eAtra"tion usin# respe"ti,e so)tare su"h as Hab=6*9 or
et" )or a""ura"y and >ui"8 eAtra"tion purposes!
*# +n!lusin
/eural netor8 pattern re"o#nition is suitable so)tare
ith hi#h ability to "lassi)y "ertain input patterns into a
"orrespondin# output tar#et ith o,erall a""ura"y o) '1!6B!
0he trainin# a""ura"y is '2!GB, ,alidation a""ura"y is G1!&B
hile the testin# a""ura"y is G1!&B too! 6t "an be "on"luded
that the real pea8 o) *.< si#nals "an be identi)ied by
trainin# the netor8 a""ordin#ly!
0he appre"iation #oes to absolutely $y $ain super,isor,
Dr! (yed (ahal /a4li 7lhady )or pro,ides endless help in-
"ludin# $oti,ation and #uidan"e and also not )or#et to
"o-super,isor as ell as )ield super,isor )or so$e supported
ideas dire"tly or indire"tly! -y deepest #ratitude then eA-
tends to -inistry o) ("ien"e, 0e"hnolo#y and 6nno,ation,
#o,ern$ent o) -alaysia )or illin# to sponsor $e
throu#hout $y study, ithout the s"holarship, this pro%e"t
$i#ht )a"e di))i"ulty and "ould not be a""o$plished in a
"o$)ortable $anner! 0han8 you ,ery $u"h to those in-

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