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United States of America essay

The United States of America is a nation located at the North of America

between Mexico and Canada. This country has its capital at the city of
Washington D.C officially call District of Columbia is located next to the
Potornac river and is surrounded by Virginia at the west, and Maryland at the
north east and south. The common language spoken in USA is English, but
there are many people with different ethnic backgrounds who speak different
languages that call the United States home.

The population according to the U.S. Bureau of Census of October 31st,
2003, is 292, 475,565 people, the America way of life and their type of
government is a democracy it mean that people select who will rule the country.
The United States of America is known as "The Land of the Freedom for the
many opportunities that the nations has.

The Total area of the U.S. is 9,629,091 square kilometers and is the fourth
mayor area country on the world.

The United States has a very solid economy because they welcome many
internationally owned businesses and they are a part of many of the world
trading organizations, such as: COCOM (Coordinating Committee for
Multilateral Export Controls), NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement),
and WTO (World Trade Organization and the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the
Americas), so this make USA a big target to people that are looking to highlight
in a big company.
The trading Partners in USA are very powerful too, every year the United
States exports approximately 687 billion dollars of products. Their main exports
are: capital goods, automobiles, industrial supplies and raw materials,
consumer goods and agricultural products, for these reason there are a big jobs
field in each of these, but this isn`t it, the United states of America is the head in
scientific research and technological develop since the XIX century.

Now a days USA is the ranking 1 of patents of all time with 1.872.872 patents
that still in vigor, so this means that is in this nation where the most of the
inventions have been done and develop, examples of these inventions are the
telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, the lamps by Thomas Alba Edison, the
A.C. and almost all that have something to be with this including de radio by
Nikola Tesla, the first flight by the Wright brothers, and the chain production by
Henry Ford by mention some of these inventions.

In conclusion USA in not just the most powerful economy on earth it is the one
of the best places in world to develop a project, because there every single idea
is improved to the highest level that is why this is the land of freedom, the land
where ideas come truth.

Raul Gil Bayardo
MEC 7-1

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