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Diet and Regimen in Homeopathy BY phoenixbkn

Importance of diet and regimen during the treatment and for the maintenance of health is
not new to the world. Infact its importance is known to the world since 500BC. Great
Greek physician and father of medicine Hippocrates who went far ahead to say "et
your food !e your medicine and let your medicine !e your food." "gyptian physicians
#also$ held that food% if su!&ected to insufficient or faulty digestion% could !e transformed
into mor!id entities. 'ra! physicians% although they recogni(ed that foods and drugs
constitute the pillars of therapy% differed in the importance they accorded to each.
)he importance of diet was% howe*er% stressed !y many% of whom '*icenna who
e+pressed it in se*eral *erse of his Canticum, ")o preser*e health% medicine acts in two
ways. )o maintain the temperament gi*e a similar diet. )o alter the nature of the !ody%
gi*e its contrary #*erses -./0-.1$.
2r Hahnemann also emphasi(ed a!out diet and regimen !ut contrary to !elie*e then he
ga*e different places to diet and medicine re3uired for treatment. 'ccording to him
remedy is must for cure !ut if diet and regimen are not corrected they will maintain the
disease. In chronic disease he states that " ' strict homoepathic diet and mode of li*ing
dose not cure chronic patient as our opponents pretend in order to diminish the merit of
homoeopathy % !ut the main cause is the medical treatment . )his may !e seen in the case
of the many patients who trusting these false allegation ha*e fro years o!ser*ed the most
strict homoeopathic diet without !eing a!le there !y to diminish apprecia!le their chronic
disease % this rather increases in spite of diet %as all disease of a chronic miasmatic nature
do from their nature.
But in the disease due to transient dispositions caused due to faulty diets or ha!its one
must correct them in order to attain health.4 -- he gi*es eg, of disease due to deficiencies
or due to e+cess etc.
But in cases of pure miasmatic disease 25 Hahnemann says 4 657
" But should we find, during the employment of the other medicines in chronic (psoric)
diseases, that the best selected homeopathic (antipsoric) medicine in the suitable
(minutest) dose does not effect an improvement, this is a sure sign that THE CA!E
THAT "EE#! # THE $%!EA!E !T%&& #E'!%!T, and that there is some circumstance
in the mode of life of the patient or in the situation in which he is placed, that must be
removed in order that a permanent cure may ensue( .
8roper hygienic and dietary measures must !e taken recourse to !efore administration of
remedial drugs% which are used as specific stimuli to rouse the *ital force to react against
the mor!ific agent and o*ercome their no+ious influences. In the chronic disease we ha*e
to !e more careful in dietic and hygienic matter as they may easily upset the patient in a
surreptitious manner as it is rightly e+plained in 4 65.097 in organon of medicine 7th
Considering the minuteness of the doses necessary . and proper in Homeopathic
treatment we can easily understand that during the treatment e*erything must !e remo*e
from the diet : regime which can ha*e any medical action. In order that the small dose
may not !e o*erwhelmed : e+tinguish !y any foreign medicinal irritant further in
260, Hahnemann 1989 36 !ote"#
Hence the careful in*estigation into such o!stacles is so much the more necessary in the
case of patient affected !y chronic disease% as they are disease causing errors in the diet
and regiment% which often passed unnoticed . ;urther he states% the most appropriate
regiment during the employment of medicine in chronic disease consist in the remo*al of
such o!stacles to reco*ery and in supplying them necessary the re*erse. Innocent moral
and intellectual recreations% acti*e e+ercise in open air almost all kind of weather daily%
walks slight manual la!our suita!le nutrition unmedicinal food and drinks etc.
In the note to this paragraph Hahnemann gi*es a list of things that he felt were important
to "a*oided as far as possi!le or !e remo*ed" while attempting a cure of a prolonged
chronic disease. He used the word "as far as possi!le" !ecause it difficult to remo*e such
things all in most cases. )hese a*oida!les hold true in todays life too.
/. " Coffee< fine Chinese and other her! teas"
Coffee can !e a great o!stacle to the cure. Hahnemann wrote that coffee was one of the
greatest aggra*ators of the 8sora and the chronic miasms. 'lso it is non for its action as
uni*ersal antidote.
6. "!eer prepared with medicinal *egeta!le su!stances unsuita!le for the patient=s state<
so0called fine li3uors made with medicinal spices< all kinds of punch< spiced chocolate<
highly spiced dishes and sauces< spiced cakes% and ices.
It is !est to a*oid e+cessi*ely spiced food% li3uors% candies% ice creams% and the like. )he
chronic miasms cause many false cra*ings that make a person desire things that are the
*ery worst for them. In this way the miasms feed themsel*es rather then the person.
>oderate spicing usually is fine unless the indi*idual is idiosyncratic to them.
9. "odorous waters and perfumes of many kinds< strong0scented flowers in the apartment<
tooth powders and essences and perfumed sachets compounded of drugs".
?trong perfumes and oils are a sometimes act as antidoting agent canceling agents. )hey
are !est a*oided. 's the case sta!ili(es and the health impro*es on can remo*e the
restrictions one !y one. )he if something happens the homoeopath knows e+actly what
caused it. 's a person gets healthier these things often don=t matter as much as well they
are ill.
@. "crude medicinal *egeta!les for soups< dishes of her!s% roots and stalks of plants
possessing medicinal 3ualities< asparagus with long green tips% hops% and all *egeta!les
possessing medicinal properties% celery% onions< old cheese% and meats that are in a state
of decomposition% or that possess medicinal properties #as the flesh and fat of port% ducks
and geese% or *eal that is too young and sour *iands$% ought &ust as certainly to !e kept
from patients".
In presnt days diets don=t really use such crude her!s% roots and stalks% nor the *arious
meats mentioned. Aur diets are more refined which can !e good or !ed for health. 5aw
onions and garlic are more of a pro!lem than those that are cooked in food. Hea*y meats
and fats are *ery hard on psorics and sycotics. ?uch things should !e kept at a minimum.
7. "as they should a*oid all e+cesses in food% and in the use of sugar and salt"
)oo much fat% sugar and salt potentates the chronic miasms and speeds the de*elopment
of degenerati*e diseases. ' healthy !alanced diet is essential to the health.
-. "'lso% they should a*oid spirituous drinks% undiluted with water"
2rug a!use may also includes su!stances like cocaine% opiates% speed% and mari&uana. If
drugs and alcohol are maintaining causes which keep up the disease the indi*iudal will
not get well until they are reduce or stopped.
1. "Heated rooms% woolen clothing ne+t the skin% a sedentary life in close apartments% or
the fre3uent indulgence in mere passi*e e+ercise #such as riding% dri*ing or swinging$%
taking a long siesta in a recum!ent posture in !ed% sitting up long at night% reading while
lying down."
i*ing in un*entilated rooms which are o*er heated is unhealthy as is li*ing in a
unhealthy !uilding. )hose who wish to heal must a*oid unhealthy surroundings%
sedentary ha!its% sleeping too much in the day% and staying up all night. ;resh air%
sunlight and e+ercise are *ery important.
.. " 8rolonged suckling "
)oo many !a!ies and too much suckling is *ery hard on a women. )his speeds the aging
process and is *ery stressful. Be see this much in third world where young mothers ha*e
too many children too 3uickly.
/0. ?e+ual energy either !rings one health or destroys one=s life. )he *enereal miasms
per*ert the se+ual instinct and try to produce states that maintain themsel*es and spread
themsel*es. >oderation in all things is the !est ad*ice when it comes to se+ual matters.
2r Hahnemann emphasi(ed on stimulation or suppression of se+ual energy is not healthy.
)oo much mastur!ation is also not good.
//. "su!&ects of anger% grief or *e+ation% a passion for play% o*er0e+ertion of mind or
!ody% especially after meals."
"motional stress is the greatest aggra*ator of the chronic miasms and degenerati*e
diseases. If a person=s emotional life is in turmoil it is hard for e*en the !est remedies to
act. ;or the !est results the client should !e working on their own emotional and spiritual
well !eing as the treatment goes on.
/9. "dwelling in marshy districts% damp rooms% penurious li*ing% etc."
Borking and li*ing conditions ha*e a great effect on health. ?ome people li*e in areas
where negati*e telluric influences maintain disease others li*e in su!standard housing.
i*ing in crowded cities human !eings are e+posed to o*er population% stressful
en*ironments and !om!arded pollution. ;resh air% sunlight% and pure water are *ery
important and all too rare in some cities and towns. >ore light% air% plants% color% music
makes life in our modern world less stressful. If such conditions can not !e change for the
!etter homoepahtic remedies may do little o*er all good in the long run.
D$ Hahnemann "!m" !p thi" %ong %i"t by "aying&
" All these things must be as )far as possible avoided or removed), in order that the cure
may not be obstructed or rendered impossible* !ome of my disciples seem needlessly to
increase the difficulties of the patient+s dietary by forbidding the use of many more,
tolerably indifferent things, which is not to be commended*(
Complete change in lifestyle and ha!its from the patient is difficult to attain hence in the
a!o*e statement "as far as possi!le " is used !y master
' well chosen homoeopathic remedies has the power to work though most common food
and drink *ery well. )hey work through perfume% toothpaste% teas% coffee% spirits% drugs%
and medicines if they are not in e+cess in many cases. It is those cases in which such
things are causing or maintaining the disease state and those things which the person is
idiosyncratic to the indi*iduals. )hese are the agents that the homoeopath must seek out
in the persons life. )hese few things are what need to !e changed so that the remedy will
take affect. Ance the remedies retune the *ital force toward the harmonious state of health
the false cra*ings of the mind and miasms will lessen and the person will desire those
things which are healthy for them.
2r Hahnemann came to the conclusion that the constitution !ecomes used to many of
things o*er a longer period of time. If they are not maintaining the disease nor antidoting
the remedies there is no reason to remo*e them all at once.
'rticle ?ource, http,CCwww.articles!ase.comChealth0articlesCdiet0and0regimen0in0

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