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A Christmas Wish

Christmas is the season of love and happiness for everyone. It is an annual

commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated generally on December 25 as
a religious and cultural holiday by billions of people around the world. Some people dont
believe in this special event, !ust li"e Charlie in the story #$ Christmas %ish&. 'he idea of the
story was based from the short novel written by Charles Dic"ens entitled #$ Christmas Carol&
which has been adapted to stage, radio, movies, and television. 'his inspiring story spea"s about
how ideological, ethical, and emotional transformation was made by the supernatural e(perience
of the main character.
)nce there was a lad who lives in the busy village of %inter %onderland. 'he village is
full of happy people who are preparing for the long*awaited Christmas day. Christmas carols,
decorations and the cool bree+e of the season are already approaching. 'his man whose name is
Charlie %ilhelm hates Christmas. ,e believes that it is only an event made by businessmen to
earn profit, a techni-ue to increase their sales. .eople are ready to spend money and buy gifts for
others when this season comes. $nother reason why Charlie does not believe in Christmas is
because he grew up in a family who does not celebrate the event although they are rich and
capable of celebrating it. ,is parents and relatives are always busy with their wor" thats why
hes always left alone. )ne Sunday afternoon, he was forced to go outside their mansion to buy
some personal stuff that he need. ,e went to the convenience store running because he doesnt
want to hear the !oyful Christmas carols on the street. 'hese are sounds which are irritating to his
ears. )n his way, Charlie bumped into an old woman causing the two of them to fall to the
ground. Charlie stood up and spo"e angrily, #%hy arent you loo"ing at your way/& 'he old
woman !ust stood up with a sad face. Charlie felt something strange when he saw the old woman,
a "ind of feeling that he had never felt before. ,e hurriedly left and tried to convince himself that
he was !ust disturbed by the Christmas carols that he heard. 0ntil he came home, the picture of
the old woman that afternoon was still on his mind. ,e thought that he was !ust tired and in need
of a lot of rest thats why he slept early that evening. 'he cloc" stri"es at midnight, Charlie was
awa"ened by the creepy sound that he heard coming from outside. 'hough there was a feeling of
fear in him that the sound might be coming from thieves or ghosts, he still cant help himself but
to follow it. 'he sound led him to a cave that can be found in the woods. ,e was confused why
there are woods and cave in the village. In his 12 years of e(istence in %inter %onderland, he
never "new that there is such place in the village. ,e entered the cave and there he saw the old
woman that he encountered that afternoon. Charlie was supposed to as" the name of the woman
but she suddenly transformed into a ghost. Charlie couldnt believe what his two eyes saw and he
was frightened. ,e was trembling with fear when this ghost was coming towards him. 'he
creature was described to be creepy though his face is not clearly seen. ,e tal"ed and said to
Charlie, #3ou miserly, cold hearted creature should be punished for the "ind of attitude that you
have&. 'his ghost whose name is .ast said to Charlie that he should come with him. Charlie
hesitated to go but he suddenly found himself in a room full of children. ,e can see all the
people inside the room but he wasnt seen by them, as if he was a ghost. ,e remembered the
scene4 this was his past life, his life when he was still a child. $ll of the children are interacting
and playing with one another e(cept young Charlie. ,e is so selfish that he doesnt want to share
his toys to anyone. 'his is the reason why he grew up without friends. ,e doesnt "now how to
interact with others, he doesnt care for them, he only thin"s of himself, and in short he was
selfish. #5nough of this&, shouted Charlie. ,e re-uested the ghost to return him to his house. .ast
allowed him to go bac" but, he reminded Charlie that there are still two other ghosts loo"ing for
him. Charlie left the cave, feeling very e(hausted. )n his way home, he fell into a hole and this
led him to the second ghost. ,e found himself again in an unfamiliar place. ,e found himself in
a dar" room and suddenly the second ghost appeared. ,e started to spea" before Charlie, #I am
the second ghost loo"ing for you, named .resent&. Charlie as"ed if he would also do the same
thing that the first ghost did to him. %ith no further e(planations, Charlie again found himself in
his own mansion, a very big but gloomy mansion. ,e loo"ed outside the window and saw many
people in the street. Charlie felt sad when he saw that almost all of the people in the village are
with their families. ,e cant deny the fact that he was !ealous of them. Charlie as"ed .resent why
he was seeing these. .resent did not reply and he !ust left Charlie alone in a path. Charlie started
wal"ing although he doesnt "now where the path leads to. ,e continued wal"ing until he
reached the graveyard. 'here he saw the third ghost, the creepiest of all the three ghosts. ,is
name was 6uture. Charlie was shoc"ed when he saw the ghost4 he cant even say a word nor
shout for help. 6uture brought Charlie in a room. 'he room is full of spider webs and dusts, as if
it was not cleaned for a decade. 'here he saw a man lying on the bed covered with white blan"et.
6uture removed the blan"et4 Charlie cannot loo" at the sic" old man. 'ears rolled down to his
chee" when he "new that the sic", pale and helpless old man was him. 7o one cared and tried to
help him. 6uture started to spea", #'his is the future waiting for you. %hat you do unto others is
what they also do unto you.& Charlie was frightened4 he cried and pleaded to 6uture to give him
another chance. #'his is my wish for Christmas, allow me to live and I promise to change my
attitude&, Charlie said to the ghost while he was "neeling down. ,is alarm cloc" rang and
Charlie was awa"ened from this great nightmare, he learned that the whole adventure too" only
one night. ,e felt so than"ful that he was still alive and felt that his Christmas wish had been
granted. $s he started the day, he also started his new life. ,e decorated his house with many
Christmas stuffs such as Christmas tree and Christmas lights. ,e prepared for a big celebration
and invited almost all of the people in the village. ,e felt happiness and lightness of heart by
doing these. ,e saw the old woman in the party that he held but by this time she was with
someone. She was with a beautiful maiden with an angelic face and a fair s"in. 'he old woman
introduced her granddaughter to Charlie, her name was ,eidi. 6or the first time Charlies heart
started to beat, he fell in love with the beautiful maiden. #'his is more than what I wished for&,
whispered Charlie. 'he e(perience made him reali+e how happy it is to have good relationship
with others and how wonderful the feeling is when you learn how to share the things that you
Christmas season is the best time to repent and reflect how we have grown as persons. 'his
story tells us that we should "now who we are right now so that we can identify the things that
we should change. 8epent, love, be happy and do well while you still have the chance because,
in real life the ghost of .ast, .resent and 6uture are not with us to remind us. 9et us not allow the
greatest nightmare to happen in our lives instead, let us act as the three ghosts in the story who
serve as bridges to the change of others for goodness.

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