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... through Bertha Dudde

Hour of death ....
The hour of death has become the subject of isurmoutab!e fear
for ma" #eo#!e$ the" are a%ious ad afraid of e&er" thought of
it$ ad this is a!'a"s a sig of isufficiet maturit" of sou!.
The sou! ucoscious!" recogises its deficiet coditio ad
#ercei&es that the death of the bod" is the ed of its earth!"
e%istece .... it ituiti&e!" seses that it has ot made the best
use of its earth!" !ife$ hece the huma beig fids the thought
of death frighteig.
The ucertait" after death disturbs him$ he is fu!! of doubt about
!ife after death "et he is ot etire!" co&iced that his !ife is
fia!!" o&er either.
(d #recise!" this ucertait" about the )after'ards* ma+es him
a%ious about the hour of se#aratio from this 'or!d. The more
mature a huma beig is the !ess he is affected b" the thought of
death$ the reaso for this rests i the rea!isatio that the rea! !ife
does ot start uti! after the death of the bod".
,rere-uisite for eterig the s#heres of !ight is the abi!it" to
surreder the earth!" !ife 'ith a eas" heart as the the huma
beig is o !oger attached to earth!" #ossessio$ he has
o&ercome matter ....
.&er"thig the huma beig !ea&es behid o earth are earth!"
#ossessios 'hich shou!d o !oger be desired but g!ad!" ad
jo"fu!!" abadoed. .&er"thig the huma beig ho!ds dear o
earth he shou!d be ab!e to gi&e u# 'ith a eas" heart$ the his
de#arture from the 'or!d is eas".
There shou!d be othig to ho!d a #erso bac+ or the re!ease
from earth 'ou!d a!'a"s be a fight. /ose-uet!" e&er" desire
shou!d be o&ercome at a ear!" stage so that death ca a##roach
the huma beig at a" hour ad e&er ta+e him b" sur#rise.
.-ua!!" decisi&e for the #h"sica! edig of the huma beig is the
'i!! for God because anyone who longs for God is happy
when his earthly life comes to an end.
0#iritua!!" he is a!read" i those s#heres ad just "ears for the
hour 'hich fia!!" ta+es him 'here the s#irit 'ats to go$ to his
true home.
Hece the hour of death ca mea a%iet"$ fear ad horror for
oe #erso$ 'hi!e for the other it ca be the gratig of 'hat he
had !og dreamt of ad ho#ed for. 1t is the re!ease from e&er"
form for him$ it deotes his etrace ito the etera! +igdom$
ito e&er!astig g!or" ....
What the huma beig regards as death ca be his etrace ito
etera! !ife if he has !i&ed !ife coscious!"$ i.e. 'ith God$ ad is
therefore mature for !ife i eterit" .... Ho'e&er$ it ca a!so rea!!"
sigif" death$ the sou! seses this ad fears the hour that 'i!!
ie&itab!" come 'he the time of earth!" !ife$ 'hich God has
desigated for the huma beig$ is coc!uded.
.&er" huma beig shou!d therefore thi+ of the hour of his
death ad i &ie' of it !i&e his earth!" !ife coscious!"$ i.e. to
im#ro&e his sou! that it ma" achie&e the degree of maturit"
'hich guaratees a eas" ad #ai!ess #assig o&er from earth
ito the etera! +igdom ....
,ub!ished b" frieds of e' re&e!atios of God 2 1formatio$
do'!oad of a!! tras!ated re&e!atios$ theme3boo+!ets at4

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