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Product specications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Actual products may differ in appearance from images shown.
S t a rL a b
Multi-purpose Antenna Measurement
Multi-protocol Antenna Development
Linear Array Antenna Measurement
OTA Testing




Product specications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Actual products may differ in appearance from images shown.

M e a su re m e n t c a p a b ilitie s
G ain
D irectivity
B eam w idth
C ross polar discrim ination
Sidelobe levels
3D radiation pattern
R adiation pattern in any polarization (linear or circular)
Antenna ef ciency
F re q u e n c y b a n d s
StarLab 6 G H z: 800 M H z to 6 G H z
StarLab 18 G H z: 800 M H z to 18 G H z
M a x . size o f D U T
45 cm for spherical set-up
2.7 m x 45 cm for cylindrical set-up
Speci c lengths available upon request
M a x . we ig h t o f D U T
10 kg w ith Styrofoam m ast
C ustom w ith ultra rigid m ast
Typ ic a l d yn a m ic ra n g e
50 dB
O ve rsa m p lin g
Arch rotation
>Softw are:
S P M /S a tE n v
S a tM a p ( n e a r- e ld /fa r- e ld tra n sfo rm )
S AM ( O TA p e rfo rm a n c e te stin g )
S a tS im ( e n viro n m e n t sim u la tio n )
S a tC yl ( lin e a r a rra y a n te n n a )
S M M ( S AT IM O M u lti M e a su re m e n t)
M id a s*
>Equipm ent:
A m p li c a tio n u n it
P ro b e Arra y C o n tro lle r ( b u ilt-in )
U S B C o n tro l u n it
In stru m e n ta tio n ra c k
AU T p o sitio n e r
U n in te rru p tib le P o we r S u p p ly
Ve c to r N e two rk An a lyze r
>Add on
R a d io C o m m u n ic a tio n Te ste r ( O TA Te stin g )
Wid e b a n d D yn a m ic R a n g e Ad a p te r O TA Te stin g )
Ac tive S witc h in g U n it ( O TA Te stin g )
S m a ll a n e c h o ic c h a m b e r ( O TA Te stin g )
L in e a r sc a n n e r fo r B T S a n te n n a o r lin e a r a rra y
a n te n n a m e a su re m e n t
R e fe re n c e h o rn
S m a ll a n te n n a m a st
L a p to p in te rfa c e
H a n d a n d h e a d p h a n to m s
R e fe re n c e a n te n n a s ( sle e ve d ip o le s, lo o p s,
lin e a r a rra y a n te n n a s)
C T I A rip p le a n te n n a se t
In sta lla tio n
Wa rra n ty
Tra in in g
E xte n d e d wa rra n ty
* See ORBIT/FR's catalog for more information
Optional Included Required
main features
system congurations
StarLab: a compact portable solution perfect for use when space and budget are at stake.
StarLab is the ultimate tool for antenna pattern measurements in laboratories and production
environments and where space is limited, cost is critical and the exibility of a portable system
is required.
Product specications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Actual products may differ in appearance from images shown.
Vector Network
Data acquisition
& processing PC
Radio Communication
system overview
StarLab uses a Sw itching U nit to sw itch betw een
passive and active m easurem ent R F instrum entation.
For passive m easurem ents, a Vector N etw ork Ana-
lyzer is used as the R F source/receiver for antenna
m easurem ents. The C ontrol U nit drives the tw o positio-
ning m otors and the electronic scanning of the probe
array. For active m easurem ents, the test is perfom ed
through up to three different R adio C om m unication
Testers. Am pli cation U nits are added on both TX and
R X chains.
Product specications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Actual products may differ in appearance from images shown.

standard systems components
O ve rsa m p lin g with S ta rL a b
O n a StarLab system , over-
sam pling is perform ed by a
m echanical rotation of the
arch in elevation. O versam pling
capability is integrated in the
m echanical architecture of the
system itself (no need for an
extra goniom eter).
Arch Antennas
M ast
A c h o ic e o f two p ro b e s c a n
b e in te rle a ve d D P 4 0 0 -6 0 0 0 ,
D P 6 0 0 0 -1 8 0 0 0 )
A c h o ic e o f re fe re n c e
a n te n n a s ( sle e ve d ip o le s,
lo o p s)
S tyro fo a m o r u ltra rig id m a st, a c c o rd in g to
D U T we ig h t
P C m a st
L a p to p in te rfa c e
Measurement specications*
Measurement time
for 11 frequencies** ~ 1 min ~ 1 min
Typical dynamic range 50 dB 50 dB
10 dBi AUT 20 dBi AUT 30 dBi AUT 10 dBi AUT 20 dBi AUT 30 dBi AUT
0.8 GHz - 1 GHz 1.1 dB - - 1.1 dB - -
1 GHz - 6 GHz 0.8 dB 0.7 dB - 0.8 dB 0.7 dB -
6 GHz - 18 GHz - - - 0.9 dB 0.7 dB 0.6 dB
Peak gain repeatability 0.3 dB 0.3 dB 0.3 dB 0.3 dB 0.3 dB 0.3 dB
0.8 GHz - 1 GHz 1.1 dB - - 1.1 dB - -
1 GHz - 6 GHz 0.9 dB 0.6 dB - 0.9 dB 0.6 dB -
6 GHz - 16 GHz - - - 0.8 dB 0.5 dB 0.4 dB
16 GHz - 18 GHz - - - 1.0 dB 0.6 dB 0.4 dB
PC measurement with StarLab
Compact shielded chamber
for OTA performance measurements
Product specications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Actual products may differ in appearance from images shown.
Measurement specications*
10 dBi AUT 20 dBi AUT 30 dBi AUT 10 dBi AUT 20 dBi AUT 30 dBi AUT
0.8 GHz - 1 GHz 3.5 dB - - 3.5 dB - -
1 GHz - 6 GHz 2.7 dB 0.9 dB - 2.7 dB 0.9 dB -
6 GHz - 16 GHz - - - 2.4 dB 0.8 dB 0.5 dB
16 GHz - 18 GHz - - - 3.2 dB 1.0 dB 0.6 dB
0.8 GHz - 1 GHz - - - - - -
1 GHz - 6 GHz - 2.7 dB - - 2.7 dB -
6 GHz - 16 GHz - - - - 2.4 dB 0.8 dB
16 GHz - 18 GHz - - - - 3.2 dB 1.0 dB
* Specications given according to the following assumptions:
Controlled temperature and humidity during measurement
Specications on radiation pattern are given for a normalized pattern
Measurements inside an anechoic chamber or equivalent conditions, except for StarLab BTS measurements
Usage of an Agilent PNA with 1kHz IF BW
Peak gain is given for a 0.3 dB of gain error on the reference antenna
DUT phase center does not exceed 15 cm from arch center
Measurement performed with a suitable mast, depending on the load and directivity of the DUT
** No oversampling, no averaging
Mechanical characteristics*
External dimensions 1.82 x 1.08 x 1.98 m
of StarLab (L x W x H)
Probe array internal diameter 0.9 m
Optional chamber size 1.92 x 1.97 x 2.08 m
Angle between probes
in the same frequency band 22.5
Azimuth accuracy 0.02
Azimuth max. speed 50/s
Elevation accuracy 0.01
Styrofoam mast 10 kg
Ultra rigid mast Custom
Number of probes
StarLab 6 GHz 15 + 1 reference channel
StarLab 18 GHz 0.8 to 6 GHz 15 + 1 reference channel
6 to 18 GHz 14 + 1 reference channel
Frequency range
StarLab 6 GHz 0.8 GHz to 6 GHz
StarLab 18 GHz 0.8 GHz to 18 GHz
* Centered load without oversampling
Maximum diameter of the DUT (m)
(GHz) x 1 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 10
0.8 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
1 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
2 0.38 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
3 0.25 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
4 0.19 0.38 0.45 0.45 0.45
5 0.15 0.31 0.45 0.45 0.45
6 0.13 0.25 0.38 0.45 0.45
7 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.45 0.45
8 0.10 0.19 0.29 0.45 0.45
9 0.08 0.17 0.25 0.42 0.45
10 0.08 0.15 0.23 0.38 0.45
11 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.35 0.45
12 0.06 0.13 0.19 0.32 0.45
13 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.29 0.45
14 0.05 0.11 0.16 0.27 0.45
15 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.45
16 0.05 0.10 0.14 0.24 0.45
17 0.04 0.09 0.13 0.22 0.45
18 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.21 0.42
Product specications and descriptions in this document are subject to change without notice. Actual products may differ in appearance from images shown.

ota performance testing with starlab
StarLab can perform both TR P and TIS m easure-
m ents. For TIS m easurem ents, or w here external in-
terference is a concern, a shielded cham ber is neces-
sary. A sm all shielded cham ber for StarLab is available.
The cham ber is lined w ith pyram id absorbers on the
tw o w alls facing the openings of the StarLab anechoic
linear scanner option
(bts antenna measurement)
B y adding a linear scanner, StarLab is converted from a
spherical to a cylindrical near- eld m easurem ent system ,
w hich is particularly suitable to B TS antenna m easure-
m ents. In addition to the standard features, this con -
guration allow s the m easurem ents of the beam tilt.
StarLab B TS can m easure sidelobes up to 70 (typical)
from boresight.
Base station antenna measurement characteristics
Geometry Cylindrical
Standard rail length 6 meters
BTS antenna max. weight 80 kg
OTA performance measurement specications*
TRP accuracy free space < 1.9 dB
TRP accuracy talk position < 2.0 dB
TRP repeatability 0.3 dB
Typical TRP measurement time** <2 min
TIS accuracy free space < 2.0 dB
TIS accuracy talk position < 2.1 dB
TIS repeatability 0.5 dB
Typical TIS measurement time*** 15 min > 60 min
GSM/WCDMA protocols:
TIS based on Rx Level accuracy < 2.8 dB
TIS based on Rx Level repeatability < 1.5 dB
Typical TIS based on Rx level
measurement time*** <6 min
CDMA2000 protocol:
TIS optimized accuracy < 2.0 dB
TIS optimized repeatability < 0.5 dB
Typical TIS optimized measurement time*** <11 min
* Specications given according to the following assumptions:
Controlled temperature and humidity during measurement
Measurements inside an anechoic chamber
DUT phase center does not exceed 15 cm from arch center
Calibration done with dipole efciency reference values
Measurement performed with a suitable mast depending on the load
and directivity of the DUT.
Specications also depend on Radio Communication Tester and Protocol
** One channel, 15 deg sampling, one time each probe, measurement time
depends on protocol
*** One channel, 30 deg sampling, one time each probe, measurement time
depends on protocol
StarLab with linear scanner option
Comparison between measurements performed
with SG64 and StarLab BTS

Sales@microwavevision.com - www.microwavevision.com

SatMap Back-Projection Module
for Cylindrical Near-Field Measurement

Upgrade Your StarLab BTS with Back-Projection Capabilities
The SatMap Back-Projection module represents a step forward with respect to the standard
cylindrical near-field (CNF) to far-field (FF) transformation. This new module maps the measured
near-field radiation pattern onto a planar surface, performing planar back/forward projection.

Key Features
Determine actual amplitude and phase distribution close to the aperture of the antenna
Process radiated power density as a function of the distance in any direction
User-friendly interface with step-by-step wizard
Trouble shoot antenna radiation patterns
Visualize undesirable hot spots on devices
Determine sources of cross-polarization

Sales@microwavevision.com - www.microwavevision.com

1/ Visualize Very Near-Field
Back-projection of the measured near-field data may be used to determine the actual amplitude and
phase distribution close to the aperture of the antenna and detect hot-spots, defective array elements or
leakages. The SatMap Back-Projection module allows a high resolution of less than one cm for the back-
projected field, at a user-specified distance between the probe array and the antenna. For a specified
input power, SatMap will also calculate the radiated power density with distance in any direction to
determine safety distance.

Planar Back Projected Field of the Defective Antenna Expected Planar Close Near-Field of the Array Antenna

2D Planar Back Projected Field View

1D Planar Back Projected Field View

Expected 2D Planar Close Near-Field View

Expected 1D Planar Close Near-Field View

2/ Processing Steps
The cylindrical near-field data is expanded in cylindrical functions and then projected on planar wave
functions. At this stage, the electromagnetic field can be evaluated on a planar surface at any distance
outside the minimum cylinder enclosing the radiating object.
Using its measurement wizard interface, inexperienced users are guided through the different
measurement steps. Experienced users can access a full range of parameters through a software expert


Planar Near-Field close to
the aperture of the antenna
Planar NF -> Planar
Reactive NF
Antenna Measurement
Using Multi-Probe Scanning
Agilent Technologies and
Microwave Vision Group
Three dimensional spherical or cylindri-
cal antenna measurements can be time
consuming and costly. With a single
probe antenna measurement system the
device-under-test (DUT) must be rotated
in front of the probe, 360 in elevation and
azimuth. Multi-probe scanning allows you
to reduce your antenna measurement time
and optimize your antenna designs quickly
with more rapid prototyping and fewer
design iterations.
The StarLab multi-probe array from
Microwave Vision Group (MVG) comprises
a circular array of wide band (from 0.8 to
18 GHz) probes that are evenly spaced
along the circumference of a support
structure. The DUT is placed at the center
of the support structure and measure-
ments are made by electronically scanning
the probe array in elevation and by rotating
the DUT 180 in azimuth. By electronically
scanning the multi-probe array the number
of mechanical movements is minimized
reducing significantly the time required to
make your antenna measurements
Minimizing mechanical movements
improves accuracy and repeatability
and extends the lifetime of the system.
Depending upon the requirement of the
antenna, the system can be used with
spherical or cylindrical geometries. By
adding a linear scanner (up to a 6 meter
rail), it can be converted to a cylindrical
near-field measurement system for base
transceiver station antenna measure-
ments. A full three-dimensional antenna
measurement can be performed very
rapidly when compared to a conventional
single probe system.
StarLab is designed specifically for testing
antennas in wireless applications. It is a
compact, transportable system for design
and production use. The system can
measure antennas up to 45 cm. If needed,
one of the two cylinders of absorbers can
be removed, allowing it to pass through a
standard double door.
The system can be used for both active
and passive measurements. For passive
measurements StarLab is used in con-
junction with a vector network analyzer
such as the Agilent ENA, PNA-L, PNA or
PNA-X Series. For active measurements
of wireless communications devices
StarLab can be used with the Agilent 8960
one-box wireless communications test
set. StarLab can perform both TIS and TRP
measurements according to the OTA CTIA
A StarLab multi-probe scanning system
when used with Agilent instrumentation
allows you to reduce your antenna mea-
surement time and accelerate your antenna
design process.
Accelerate your
antenna design
process with multi-
probe scanning
Reduce the time to make your
antenna measurements
Multi-probe scanning for more
efcient antenna measurement
Three-dimensional spherical and
cylindrical antenna measurements
Electronic scanning reduces the
number of mechanical movements
Use with Agilent vector network
analyzers or 8960 wireless test set
Accelerate your antenna designs
with more rapid prototyping
Antenna Measurement
Using Multi-Probe Scanning
System Components
Agilent Technologies
E5071C ENA Series network analyzers, 5 Hz to 20 GHz
N5230C PNA-L network analyzer
N522xA PNA Series network analyzers
N524xA PNA-X Series network analyzers
N5250C PNA Millimeter-wave network analyzer
E5515E 8960 Series 10 wireless communications test set
Other options are available
Microwave Vision Group
StarLab 6 GHz
StarLab 18 GHz
Additional linear scanner option
Additional compact shielded chamber for OTA performance measurement
Additional accessories: masts, phantoms, reference antennas and CTIA
Ripple test
Antenna set
To learn how this solution
can address your specific needs
please contact
Agilents solutions partner,
Microwave Vision Group
www.agilent.com/find/mvg d/mvgg
Agilent Solutions Partner Program
Agilent and its Solutions Partners work
together to help customers meet their
unique challenges, in design, manufacturing,
installation or support. To learn more about
the program, our partners and solutions go to
The Microwave Vision Group (SATIMO,
ORBIT/FR, & AEMI) designs, manufactures
& installs antenna test & measurement
For information on Agilent Technologies
products, applications and services, go to
WiMAX, Mobile WiMAX, WiMAX Forum, the
WiMAX Forum logo, WiMAX Forum Certied,
and the WiMAX Forum Certied logo are US
trademarks of the WiMAX Forum.
Product specications and descriptions in this
document subject to change without notice.
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010 2012
Printed in USA, February 21, 2012
StarLab supports most common wireless
communication protocols including A-GPS and WiMAX

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