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Sharp 1

Jason Sharp
INSC 560 Fall 2013
Part 2.3: Community Analysis
Th author !ill " !or#in$ !ith th %hitha&n 'i"rary( lo)at* in +mphis(
Tnnss( to ,pan* th -oun$ A*ult Fi)tion )oll)tion. Th author is mploy* as th
-outh Sr&i)s .prsntati& at this li"rary( !hi)h pro&i*s him !ith a))ss to
in/ormation a"out th )oll)tion that th pu"li) !oul* not normally " a"l to a)0uir(
in/ormation that h )an thn us /or th purposs o/ this assi$nmnt. +u)h o/ th
in/ormation /or this assi$nmnt has "n "as* on his o!n prsonal !or# ,prin)(
intrnal *o)umnts an* in/ormation $ain* a lar$ num"r o/ )ommunity )onta)ts.
2.3.1 Not all mm"rs o/ th or$ani1ation or thos sr&* "y it !ill " intrst*
in your )oll)tion. 2in$ sp)i/i)( i*nti/y thr s$mnts o/ th
)ommunity li#ly to " intrst* in your )oll)tion. .an# an* la"l ths
s$mnts as primary( s)on*ary( an* trtiary a))or*in$ to th intnsity o/
us o/ matrials as !ll as th num"r o/ a)tual an* potntial usrs. To *o
this you must stimat th num"r o/ li#ly usrs in a)h s$mnt.
-oun$ A*ult 'itratur )o&rs a !i* &arity o/ $nrs an* appals to a lar$
num"r o/ patrons so th thr s$mnts !ill " sparat* "y a$ $roups3 a**itional
in/ormation on th typi)al )hara)tristi)s o/ ths a$ $roups at th %hitha&n 'i"rary
!ill " pro&i**.
4trminin$ th intnsity o/ us /or a)h s$mnt an* th ultimat ran#in$ /or
a)h a$ $roup in&ol&* a *is)ussion "t!n th thr sta// mm"rs at %hitha&n
Sharp 2
!ith th most #no!l*$ o/ -oun$ A*ult )ustomr usa$. Th author is mploy* as th
-outh Sr&i)s .prsntati& an* sp)iali1s in Tn Sr&i)s an* has noti)* ha&y
usa$ /rom A$s 12525 yars !ith th ma6ority o/ th usa$ in th arly 207s. Th
%hitha&n &oluntr pa$ T. Austin also sp)iali1s in -oun$ A*ult 'itratur *u to his
prsonal intrst in th ara an* is rsponsi"l /or all o/ th shl&in$ an* up#p in that
parti)ular ara an* )on)urs that th most intrst in -oun$ A*ult litratur is /rom thos
6ust out o/ hi$h s)hool /ollo!* "y youn$r tns 8T. Austin( prsonal )ommuni)ation(
9)to"r 3( 2013: Th )ir)ulation rprsntati& !ith th most sniority is lo)at* nar th
-oun$ A*ult ara an* a$r* !ith ths o"sr&ations3 ho!&r sh has also o"sr&* a
lar$ num"r o/ a*ults a$s 55 yars an* up that ha& "n )ir)ulatin$ -oun$ A*ult
matrials !ithin th past /! yars 8J. Ja)#son( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r 3(
2013: This o"sr&ation is on that author !as not pr&iously a!ar o/( ho!&r it
supports th statmnt "y th Amri)an Asso)iation o/ .tir* Prsons 8AA.P:
8Nithr)ott( 2012: on th in)rasin$ intrst "y snior )iti1ns in -A litratur that !as
r/rn)* in assi$nmnt s)tion 2.1.6.
;Not: th /ollo!in$ $nrali1* )hara)tristi)s o/ a)h s$mnt ar *ri&* /rom an
amal$amation o/ *ata /rom th author7s prsonal ,prin)s an* #no!l*$ o/ his
sr&i) ara an* on in/ormation "as* on th &arious intr&i!s /rom )ir)ulation
rprsntati&s an* thos intr&i!* 2.3.2<
A$s 1=525 yars: Ths patrons ar no lon$r in hi$h s)hool an* ar ithr in )oll$ or
!or#in$>loo#in$ /or !or#. Thos s#in$ mploymnt or plannin$ to $o to )oll$ in th
Sharp 3
nar /utur ha& an a"un*an) o/ /r tim a&aila"l as thy typi)ally ha& no othr
)ommitmnts an* spn* a $oo* *al o/ tim at our li"rary.
A$s 1251= yars: Ths patrons ar )urrntly in lat mi**l s)hool an* arly hi$h s)hool
an* ar typi)ally sn as th primary au*in) /or most -oun$ A*ult 'itratur. Ths
stu*nts &isit th %hitha&n li"rary a/tr s)hool an* on th !#n*s( ho!&r thy
ha& a))ss to thir o!n s)hool li"raris !hi)h !ill limit th num"r o/ itms thy !ish
to )h)#out as thy !ill ha& mor imm*iat a))ss to thir s)hool li"rary matrials.
A$s 55?: Ths patrons ar narin$ rtirmnt or alra*y rtir* an* ar intrst* in
ra*in$ a &arity o/ matrial. Thy may ra* -A litratur( "ut thy typi)ally also ra*
a*ult /i)tion as !ll.
@stimatin$ th num"r o/ usrs in a)h s$mnt:
Throu$h s&ral )on&rsations !ith th %hitha&n 'i"rary Cir)ulation Supr&isor 8P.
2runson( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r 3( 2013: an* th Snior Cir)ulati&
.prsntati& 8A. .mmrt( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r 3( 2013:( th author
*is)o&r* that th num"r o/ patrons !ith li"rary )ar*s /ll un*r th /ollo!in$
stimat* "ra#*o!n:
B0C )hil*rn 12 yars an* un*r
20C tns 13 to 1= yars
10C a*ults a$s 1D525 yars
Sharp B
20C a*ults a$s 25555 yars
10C a*ults a$s 55? yars
Esin$ *ata ta#n /rom th +mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary Annual .port 8F+mphisG(
2013.a( Customr .$istration:( th author larn* that 2(=00 n! )ustomrs !r
pro&i** !ith li"rary )ar*s at %hitha&n *urin$ th past /is)al yar( !hi)h !as =C o/
th total n! )ar*s in +mphis 'i"rary Systm *urin$ th yar.
Th total num"r o/ patrons hol*in$ a )urrnt 8up*at* !ithin on yar: li"rary
)ar* 0ual* B3H(000 patrons( ho!&r only 150(000 o/ thos patrons !r )ir)ulatin$
matrials 8F+mphisG( 2013.a( Customr Transa)tin$:.
Esin$ th =C $ro!th rat as a pro,y /or th pr)nta$ o/ patrons /r0untin$ th
%hitha&n "ran)h( it is stimat* that appro,imatly 12(000 patrons that )ir)ulat
matrials ar sr&* "y th %hitha&n li"rary.
Esin$ th "ra#*o!ns "y a$ list* a"o&( is stimat* that thr ar 2B00
potntial )ir)ulatin$ tns( 1200 potntial )ir)ulatin$ a*ults "t!n th a$s o/ 1D525(
an* 1200 potntial )ir)ulatin$ a*ults 55 yars an* a"o&. Th total potntial usr "as /or
-A matrials !oul* " B(=00 )ustomrs an* this *os not ta# into a))ount usrs /rom
othr li"raris that )an r0ust ths matrials or thos outsi* o/ our )hosn thr
2.3.2 -ou shoul* *o th /ollo!in$ /or all s$mnts. I*nti/y at last on )onta)t
prson 8mor is "ttr: !ho is #no!l*$a"l a"out "oth your su"6)t an*
Sharp 5
thos popl li#ly to " intrst* in it. I*nti/y at last t!o 8mor is
"ttr: )onta)t prsons !ho rprsnt usrs or potntial usrs o/ th
)oll)tion that you ar *&lopin$.
Th author )hos 2th 4aily( th Tn Sr&i)s 'i"rarian at th Cor*o&a 'i"rary(
as th primary )onta)t prson *u to hr su"stantial #no!l*$ o/ -oun$ A*ult 'itratur
an* hr ,tnsi& ,prin) !ith -oun$ A*ult populations 82. 4aily( prsonal
)ommuni)ation( 9)to"r D( 2013:.
Th author )hos rprsntati&s /rom th primary an* s)on*ary s$mnts that
li#!is ha& ,tnsi& #no!l*$ o/ -oun$ A*ult 'itratur3 "oth o/ ths ar li"rary
r$ulars that th author has $ro!n to trust an* ha& an insi$ht into thir s$mnts that
!r in&alua"l *urin$ this assi$nmnt.
Tony Austin a)ts as th rprsntati& /or thos a$* 1D525 yars3 h )urrntly
!or#s !ith th author as a li"rary &oluntr an* is primarily rsponsi"l /or th
or$ani1in$ an* shl&in$ th -oun$ A*ult )oll)tion so h is o/tn mor a!ar o/ th
patrons that &isit th -oun$ A*ult )oll)tion than li"rary sta// 8T. Austin( prsonal
)ommuni)ation( 9)to"r D( 2013:
4arri)# Ao!ar* a)ts as th rprsntati& /or thos a$* 1251= yars3 h is a hi$h
s)hool snior at a lo)al hi$h s)hool an* is on o/ th ha&ist usrs o/ th -oun$ A*ult
)oll)tion at th %hitha&n 'i"rary( /r0untly !innin$ many o/ th Summr .a*in$
)omptitions as h is a"l to ra* multipl -oun$ A*ult "oo#s pr !#. A also
/r0untly attn*s th author7s Crati& %ritin$ Classs an* othr Tn pro$rams an*
Sharp 6
!as happy to hlp !ith this pro6)t 84. Ao!ar*( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r D(
2.3.3 Typi)ally( 0ustions !ill /o)us on:
81: 'i#ly /utur )han$s in th su"6)t or topi) li#ly to a//)t in/ormation 8or
r)ration: s#in$ "ha&ior( sp)i/i)ally )oll)tion us.
All intr&i!s a$r* that th "oomin$ intrst in -oun$ A*ult matrials !ill
)ontinu to positi&ly impa)t )oll)tion us. +s. 4aily strss* th importan) o/
0uali/i* li"rarians to sl)t appropriat matrials as thr !ill only " an in)ras in th
0uantity an* 0uality o/ -A matrials an* +r. Austin stat* that th n! trn* o/ y
)at)hin$ )o&rs on -A matrials !oul* hlp /urthr nti) n! ra*rs.
All thr intr&i!s also *is)uss* th risin$ trn* o/ mo&is an* TI sho!s
"as* on -A matrials an* )it* a rn!* intrst in ol*r sris an* titls su)h as
@n*r7s Jam( Iampir 4iaris an* 2auti/ul Craturs.
+r. Austin also pr*i)ts a rn!* intrst in /i)tional titls appalin$ to
mar$inali1* youth *u to an in)ras in anti5"ullyin$ pro$rams.
82: Num"r o/ li#ly usrs o/ th )oll)tion no! an* in th /utur.
+s. 4aily has a hi$h )ir)ulation o/ hr o!n -oun$ A*ult matrials at th Cor*o&a
li"rary( a)hi&in$ 12(000 -A )ir)ulations )ompar* to %hitha&n7s 2(100 -A
)ir)ulations 8F+mphisG( 2013.":( an* stimats that th num"r o/ li#ly usrs !ill only
in)ras as )urrnt usrs Fa$ upG an* n! ra*rs ta# thir pla).
+r. Austin ,prss* )on)rns that th num"rs o/ li#ly usrs at %hitha&n !ill
*)ras i/ th )oll)tion is not impro&* as h )it* th risin$ )ost o/ transportation an*
Sharp H
th a&aila"ility o/ 2oo#s. +r. Ao!ar* a$r* !ith this statmnt an* stat* that
"ran)hin$ out in $nrs !ill "rin$ in mor popl ")aus Fi/ you $t on tn to li# it(
you )an $t 6ust a"out &ryon ls to li# itG *u to so)ial in/lun).
83: Chara)tristi)s o/ usrs li#ly to in/lun) )oll)tion us.
+s. 4aily /oun* no sin$l )hara)tristi) o/ hr usrs that )oul* in/lun) th
)oll)tion3 hrs !as *si$n* to appal to a lar$ &arity o/ patrons an* sh too# into
a))ount a )oll)tion "as* on Fth )ommunity you ha& an* th )ommunity you *on7t
+r. Ao!ar* an* +r. Austin a)h i*nti/i* th primary an* s)on*ary usrs to "
som!hat intlli$nt as thy ar )hoosin$ to ra* /or r)rational purposs. Thy also
strss* that althou$h intlli$nt tns may " mor li#ly to us th )oll)tion( th
sl)tion pro)ss shoul* ta# into a))ount thos that ha& lo!r ra*in$ l&ls. Thy
"ri/ly *is)uss* som o/ th issus that many %hitha&n tns ha& !ith ra*in$
)omprhnsion an* a$r* that all tns may not " a"l to ra* at thir o!n $ra* l&l
so it !as important that matrial " pro&i** that a**rsss thos )on)rns.
+r. Ao!ar* an* +r. Austin also a$r* that popularity an* so)ial status ha& no
"arin$ on a -oun$ A*ult )oll)tion an* that it !as no lon$r th )as that Fth #i*s in
th "a)# o/ th )lassroom an* th lonrsG !r th only ons ra*in$.
8B: 4$r to !hi)h )ommunity usrs ar li#ly to us su)h a )oll)tion.
+s. 4aily stat* that i/ a )oll)tion o//rs a )omplt sris /or a patron to
)h)#out( th *$r o/ us !ill " hi$h as )ustomrs !ill !ant to )ontinually )h)#out
that sris. All rprsntati&s a$r* that a )oll)tion !ith a !i* &arity o/ matrials
Sharp =
!oul* n)oura$ a)h )ustomr to )h)#out a lar$ num"r o/ matrials an* nsur
)ontinu* )ir)ulation.
85: N*s o/ th usr r:
K#in* o/ in/ormation or r)rational matrial n**3
All intr&i!s a$r* that mor man$a matrials shoul* " in)lu** in th
)oll)tion to appal to thos !ith lo!r ra*in$ l&ls. +r. Austin r)ommn** a lar$r
num"r o/ ur"an /i)tion "oo#s to appal to th ur"an population at %hitha&n an* +r.
Ao!ar* r0ust* mor a)tion5a*&ntur no&ls /or mal tns an* )om*is>roman)
no&ls /or /mal tns.
K %hn matrial is n** ;sasonality<3
All intr&i!s list* th Summr as on o/ th most important tims to ha&
-oun$ A*ult matrials as stu*nts !ill no lon$r " in s)hool an* th Summr .a*in$
pro$rams !ill only n)oura$ ra*in$ /or all a$s. +s. 4aily stat* that as mu)h as hal/
o/ hr ntir -oun$ A*ult )oll)tion is )ir)ulatin$ at any on tim *urin$ th Summr(
ma#in$ an important )as /or ha&in$ ths matrials "y Summr.
+r. Ao!ar* o//r* a**itional sasonal r)ommn*ations: mor .oman)
matrials /or Sprin$( Com*y an* Aorror matrials aroun* th Fall an* +ystry matrials
*urin$ th %intr.
K 9rintation ;t,t( ima$s( t).<3
All intr&i!s stat* that t,t shoul* " th primary /o)us( !ith man$a
matrials "in$ a &ry )los s)on*ary /o)us.
K +atrial )hara)tristi)s ;ol*r( /ori$n( t).<3
Sharp D
+s. 4aily stat* that thr shoul* " som /ori$n matrials a&aila"l3 ho!&r
+r. Ao!ar* an* +r. Austin stat* that th population at %hitha&n ma* it lss
n)ssarily *u to th la)# o/ *i&rs populations in th %hitha&n ara.
All intr&i!s a$r* that n!r matrial shoul* " prioriti1* as ol*r
matrials ar lss *sir* "y tns an* youn$ a*ults( althou$h +s. 4aily *i* ma# a )as
/or ol*r matrials part o/ a sris as o/tntims hr patrons !ish* to ra* past issus in
a sris.
K Format or m*ium ;au*io( t,t( &i*o( t).<3
+s. 4aily stat* that a*ults ar mor li#ly to !ant 2oo# an* au*io matrials(
!hil tns tn* to pr/r papr"a)#s. Sh stat* that tns /ollo! th papr"a)# rul: FI/
thy )an $ra" it in papr"a)#( thy !illG.
+r. Ao!ar* an* +r. Austin a)h stat* that at last a /! 2oo#s shoul* "
o//r* /or thos that ar una"l to &isit th li"rary an* +r. Ao!ar* stat* that
au*io"oo#s ar us/ul /or som "usy tns( sp)ially i/ th "oo# is r0uir* ra*in$ in a
lo)al s)hool.
Kho! thy lo)at matrial ;us /rin*s( li"rary( onlin( t).< an* !hi)h )oll)tions
*o thy us no!L
All intr&i!s list* physi)ally "ro!sin$ th )oll)tion as on o/ th most
)ommon !ays o/ /in*in$ n! matrial alon$si* usin$ so)ial m*ia to /in*
r)ommn** "oo#s. +r. Austin stat* that many patrons at %hitha&n start "y
"ro!sin$ at th )ntr ro! an* su$$st* puttin$ n! "oo# *isplays in that ara.
Sharp 10
+r. Ao!ar* an* +r. Austin "oth stat* that youn$r patrons ar lss li#ly to us th
9PAC ")aus Fi/ a li"rary *osn7t ha& it thr( it7s pro"a"ly not !orth th trou"lG.
2.3.B To !hat *$r *o prsnt )oll)tions nhan) or *tra)t /rom usrs7 a"ility
to a))omplish n)ssary tas#sL
In th author7s ,prin) as th -outh Sr&i) .prsntati&( many -A ra*rs
rport that thy ar una"l to /in* th titls that thy !ish to ra* an* th author typi)ally
must or*r th sam -A matrials /rom othr "ran)hs s&ral tims a !#. This
ha&ily *tra)ts /rom th usr7s a"ility to ra* /or r)rational purposs as not all usrs
!ill " a"l to rturn to th li"rary !ithin th *si$nat* pi)# up tim an* many patrons
!ill simply not ma# th //ort to r0ust assistan).
Esin$ a )oll)tion *&lopmnt rport $nrat* "y li"rary a*ministration( th
author *is)o&r* that th %hitha&n li"rary o!ns appro,imatly =00 "oo#s in th
-oun$ A*ult Fi)tion )at$ory 8F+mphisG( 2013.):. This is a si1a"l num"r o/
matrials3 ho!&r th )ir)ulation num"rs ar lss than imprssi&. 9nly 2100 itms
!r )ir)ulat* in th -oun$ A*ult ara *urin$ th 2013 /is)al yar 8F+mphisG( 2013.":(
!hi)h a&ra$s out to 1H5 itms a month. This mans that only appro,imatly 20C o/
%hitha&n7s -A matrials itms ar "in$ )ir)ulat* at any on tim( althou$h this *os
not n)ssarily man that %hitha&n7s )ustomrs ar not ra*in$ ha&ily as thos
%hitha&n )ustomrs that ar or*rin$ "oo#s /rom lar$r "ran)hs li# Cor*o&a
in)ras that o!nin$ "ran)h7s )ir)ulation )ounts 8F+mphisG( 2013.a( Jlossary:.
Sharp 11
2.3.5 9n th "asis o/ th intr&i!( plus othr &i*n) $athrin$( prpar a list o/
/in*in$s. %hat shoul* th i*al )oll)tion on your su"6)t in)lu*L
.sour)s rlat* to popular )ultur ar sp)ially important i/ th author !ishs
to nsur optimal )ir)ulation. In th past( th author has o"sr&* a hi$h *man* /or th
ntir Aun$r Jams sris la*in$ up to an* /ollo!in$ th rlas o/ th /irst mo&i( this
an)*otal &i*n) is )orro"orat* in "oo# sals as S)holasti) rport* a 55 pr)nt
in)ras /rom th start o/ 2012 to +ar)h 2012 8'!is( 2012:. Th author )an us S)hool
'i"rary Journal as a rsour) in raisin$ a!arnss o/ an up)omin$ "oo# to mo&i to
mo&i translation 8Flishha)#r( 2013: or on )oul* us th ,)llnt list /rom A"out.)om
that lists th FTop 2oo#s +a* into +o&is in 201BG 8+illr( n.*.:
Er"an /i)tion shoul* " in)lu** so that patrons )an ra* a"out rlata"l
)hara)trs an* situations an* "oo#s !rittn on a !i* &arity o/ ra*in$ l&ls !ill an
important )onsi*ration.
Th author ha* ori$inally not !ish* to in)lu* man$a an* $raphi) no&ls as th
author !ish* to limit th /o)us to 6ust -A /i)tion an* th man$a an* $raphi) no&ls ar
shl&* !ith th non/i)tion( ho!&r th intr&i!s ma* a )ompllin$ )as /or its
us/ulnss /or thos !ith lo!r ra*in$ l&ls an* th author has *)i** to in)lu* a /!
sl)tions that !ill " *ir)tly rlat* to -oun$ A*ult Fi)tion. Th man$a or $raphi)
no&l must " an a*aptation o/ an ,istin$ popular -oun$ A*ult sris or titl an* only a
/! o/ ths !ill " sl)t*.
Sharp 12
@2oo#s !r anothr r0ust /rom th intr&i!s( ho!&r th author
maintains that ths !ill not " a*** to th )oll)tion as parti)ipants ha& a))ss to
ths 2oo#s &ia th li"rary7s 9&r*ri& systm 8F@2oo#s M Fi)tionG( n.*.: an* !ill not
*ir)tly "n/it this li"rary.
Finally( th most important /in*in$ is that th )oll)tion shoul* " ,trmly
&ari*. A /! titls /rom &ry $nr !ill " in)lu** to mt th n*s o/ th !i*st
ran$ o/ usrs3 ho!&r thr !ill still " a /o)us on th most popular $nrs as
*trmin* "y )ir)ulation *ata an* th popularity o/ matrials in matrials in similar
Sharp 13
%or#s Cit*
T. Austin( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r 3( 2013
P. 2runson( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r 3( 2013
2. 4aily( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r D( 2013
@2oo#s 5 Fi)tion. 8n.*.:. Memphis Public Library Digital Media Collection. .tri&*
9)to"r 15( 2013( /rom http:>>mmphis.li".o&r*ri&.)om>0C0@0225566=D5
Flishha)#r( J. 82013:. -A No&ls Jo to th +o&is. School Library Journal. .tri&*
9)to"r 10( 2013( /rom http:>>!!!.sl6.)om>2013>10>"oo#s5
4. Ao!ar*( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r D( 2013
J. Ja)#son( prsonal )ommuni)ation( 9)to"r 3( 2013
'!is( A. 82012( +ar)h 2=:. NAun$r JamsN +o&i Fuls Sharp .is in 2oo# Sals. The
Hollywood Reporter. .tri&* 9)to"r 15( 2013( /rom
+mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary an* In/ormation Cntr 82013.a: Annual Stats Report !"#$%.
+mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary Intrant( +mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary( +mphis( TN.
+mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary an* In/ormation Cntr 82013.": Total Circulation & 'C(!A.
.tri&* &ia onlin )ommuni)ation !ith O. 4i,on. +mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary(
+mphis( TN.
Sharp 1B
+mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary an* In/ormation Cntr 82013.): )hiteha*en !A('C 'tem List.
.tri&* &ia onlin )ommuni)ation !ith O. 4i,on. +mphis Pu"li) 'i"rary(
+mphis( TN.
+illr( @. C. 8n.*.:. 2oo#s into +o&is 201B. About+com. .tri&* 9)to"r 15( 2013(
/rom http:>>"stsllrs.a"out.)om>o*>"oo#sintomo&is>tp>Top52oo#s5+a*5Into5
Nithr)ott( T. 82012( April 25:. Ao! tn litratur has ")om th "st n! /i)tion /or
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