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CSTR - Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor

The CSTR model with A->B exothermic reaction is the most popular model in the
database. It is a standard model that has been used in reaction enineerin textbooks!
simulation and control research! and demonstrations "or industrial so"tware.

The model has # states$ the concentration o" A and the temperature o" the reaction %essel
li&uid. The manipulated %ariable is the 'acket water temperature. At a 'acket temperature
o" ()*+! the reactor model has an oscillatory response. The oscillations are characteri,ed
by reaction run-away with a temperature spike. -hen the concentration drops to a low
%alue! the reactor cools until the concentration builds and there is another run-away

CSTR - Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor with Intermediate Species

.odels /-*! /) are all %ariations o" the CSTR model. .odel ( in particular! has a
reaction intermediary 0B1. There is an additional e&uation and %ariable to account "or the
intermediate reaction step.

Binary 2istillation Column with () trays 0cyclohexane n-heptane1

2istillation column models are enerally ood test models "or nonlinear model reduction
and identi"ication. The concentrations at each stae or tray are hihly correlated. The
dynamics o" the distillation process can be described by a relati%ely "ew number o"
underlyin dynamic states. A couple papers ha%e been published with this model as an
example application. 3ne in particular is$

4ahn! 5. and T.6. 7dar! An impro%ed method "or nonlinear model reduction usin
balancin o" empirical ramians! Computers and Chemical 7nineerin! #8! pp. /(9:-
/(:9! 0#))#1

This plot shows the system response a"ter a step chane in the re"lux ratio "rom (.) to
/.*. 7ach tra'ectory represents the mole "raction o" cyclohexane at each tray. The top
re"lux material becomes less pure 0more n-heptane1 due to the increased draw "rom the
top o" the column.

The abo%e "olders contain pro'ects on the "ollowin$
CSTR with 5acket 2ynamics
Reactor / CSTR with 5acket 2ynamics 0A->B1
Reactor # CSTR with 5acket 2ynamics 0A-B-C-21
Reactor ( CSTR with 5acket 2ynamics 0A->B->C1
Reactor ; # CSTRs in Series 0A->B1
Reactor * # CSTRs in Series with 5acket 2yn 0A->B1
Reactor 8 CSTR
2istillation /
2istillation Column 0Constant Relati%e
2istillation /
2istillation Column 0Constant Relati%e
2istillation #
2istillation Column with -ilson 7& and =sat>=
2istillation ( 2istillation Column with -ilson 7&uation
2istillation ; 2istillation Column with 7nthalpy 7&uation

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