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In this chapter, the writer will present the conclusion. That is taken from
the research done and finally, the writer will give some suggestion based on the
research. This chapter is presented in order to make the reader becomes clearer to
ward this thesis.
A. Conclusion
From the research, the writer takes the conclusion that:
1. efore using drama, the students low in their speaking and they hesitate
to speak. !o, the writer gets mean of the result is "#,55.
$. %fter using drama, the students& speaking ware improve and they did not
shay and they can e'plore their competence in speaking by drama. !o, the
researcher gets mean of the result is (#,)(.
*. ased on the application of this strategy using drama in teaching speaking
to motivate and interest students speaking can run well. y using of the
strategy, the writer can know that is reach the target of the goal and can be
proved by the significant result of the research. Then the researcher can
be shown the description students& speaking skill before using drama and
after using drama well. y using new strategy, can make the students
enthusiastic and interest so, it can improve students& speaking skill.
ased on the test the researcher showed the students& score on
language component are better than before using new strategy. It can be
written the result of the data analysis of the statistical computation value
of the t+test which was higher than that of the t+table ,-,11. $,/*0. If the
result of t+computation is higher than that of t+table, it means that the null
hypothesis ,h
0 is re1ected and the alternative hypothesis ,h
0 is accepted.
It means that using drama can improve the students& speaking ability at
the first years !2% 3 1 3gan1uk in academic year $/1$4$/1*.
This fact leads the writer to get to a conclusion of the study that
the use of drama in teaching speaking is effective. It is also stated that the
factors which may lead the effectiveness of drama are as follows:
+ 5rama can make the students to speak more freely about the drama
than traditional techni6ues. This is because the students are actively
involved in discussing about drama. These factors enable the learners
to use the language they have learned in nearly real situation.
+ The teacher does not infer the students& communication activities
much. !o that, he has enough time to monitor the class activities.
7ence, he could learn the individual performances to use as feed+back
for his later teaching activities.
+ The students can use the communication activities by using drama to
have interesting topics. They have some of their own learning decision
and they can work without the pressure of whole class listening to
what they are agreed.
B. Suggestions
The writer has already concluded that the use of group work
techni6ue in teaching speaking is effective and he found that group work is
effective in teaching speaking. 8ith this regard to the findings of study, the
researcher would like to deliver the following suggestions:
+ First, drama enables the students to get engage actively in the target
language. 7ence, in order run smoothly, it is suggested to select topics
of the students& interest.
+ !econd, it is also suggested to elicit the students& vocabulary about the
topic before they start to discuss.
+ Third, using drama, the teacher should tolerate the students& error or
mistakes, especially in term of language rules9 he may give the
correction after the decision is over.
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