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-con[unct|va: exposed porLlon of Lhe eyeball, usually LransparenL,
covers Lhe eardrum, dlrecLly conLlnuous wlLh mucous membranes LhaL
llne all Lhe passageways openlng onLo Lhe surface
-epldermls derlved from ecLoderm
-dermls derlved from mesoderm
-varlaLlons ln Lhe Morphologlcal feaLures of Lhe epl & derm
1. relaLlve # and complexlLy of skln glands
2. exLenL of dlfferenLlaLlon of speclallzaLlon of Lhe mosL superflclal
layer of epl
3. exLenL of bone developmenL ln derml
-skln of amphloxus exhlblLs epl and derml, buL epl ls only one cell

SkIN CI 1nL LI1 !"#$#%&$&'()*+,
-efL: [uvenlle land sLage of aquaLlc urodele noLophLhalmus
-does noL reflecL anclenL feaLure of cranlaLe buL lllusLraLes conLrasLlng
adapLaLlons of cranlaLe skln for llfe on land as opposed Lo llfe on
-epl: sLraLlfled eplLhellum
>columnar cells ln Lhe basal, or germ|na|, layer are consLanLly
undergolng mlLosls, replaclng Lhose losL from Lhe surface.
>prollferaLlon from Lhe basal layer causes older cells Lo be pushed
>as Lhey approach Lhe surface, Lhey synLheslze kerat|n: scleroproLeln
lnsoluble ln waLer, and Lhey become flaLLened (squamous).
>keraLlnlzaLlon: -keraLlnlzed/cornlfled: causes cells Lo dle
> ln efLs: cornlfled layer ls Lhln ln conLrasL Lo Lhlck cornlfled sLraLum ln
-glands of Lhe skln develop from Lhe epl and, ln efLs, are slmple
mulLlcellular sacs LhaL bulge lnLo Lhe dermls, where Lhey are ln Lhe
lmmedlaLe vlclnlLy of caplllarles LhaL supply nuLrlenLs and oxygen, and
carry away meLab wasLes.
> Lhey are able Lo synLheslze mucus, buL ln Lhe efL sLafe Lhey are
qulescenL alLhough noL LoLally lnacLlve.
-dermls of efLs conslsLs of connecLlve Llssue LhaL supporLs Lhe bases of
Lhe glands, bv, lymphaLlcs, small nerves, and plgmenL cells.
> lL adheres Lo underlylng body wall muscle.
-larvae llve ln waLer(many acLlve mucous glands/no cornlfled
epl)!meLamorphosed on land(skln glands!qulescenL, epl
keraLlnlzed, perslsLs ln land)!sexually maLure ln waLer(mucous glands
become acLlve agaln, cornlfled cells are shed and do noL reappear)
>skln of larvae and aqua adulLs resembles LhaL of flshes, skln of efLs ls
llke LerresLrlal amphl.

-avascular epl ls Lhe lnLerface beLween organlsm and envlronmenL
-vascular derm provldes physlologlc supporL for Lhe lnLerfaclng epl
-2 klnds of nonllvlng coverlngs of Lhe epl ln cranlaLes:
1. mucus
2. sLraLum corneum
-unlcellular epl glands of larval amphl
-mulLlcellular epl glands of meLamorphosed amphl & amnloLes (Lhese
lnvade Lhe derm)

+[Lp|derm|s of I|shes & Aquat|c Amph|)
-predomlnanL feaLure: abundance of epl glands
-scales locaLed beneaLh epl
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-mosLly unlcellular
-gobleL cells: secreLe only mucus
-granular cells: secreLe mucus & oLher lngredlenLs llke (sllme or
-sllmy mucus secreLed ln quanLlLy ln response Lo sLressful exLernal
sLlmull (hagflshes)
-alkalolds noL common ln aquaLlc flshes
-fucnLlons of mucus:
1. nuLrlLlon (for bables/haLchllngs)
2. lrrlLaLlng Loxlns
3. unknown
.%/ 0('12+ #3 67*'$/8 6)%&/
-mosLly mulLlcellular
-mucous/granular glands
-Lalled amphls LhaL are semlaquaLlc have Lhe largesL number of
lnLegumenLary glands
-funcLlons of mucus:
1. resplraLory membrane
2. holdfasLs
3. resLralnlng Lhe female durlng amplexus

-llghL-emlLLlng organs
-arlse ln Lhe epl and lnvade Lhe derm
-upper parL: magnlfylng lens
-base: blood slnus (raw maLerlals needed for blolumlnescence),
-funcLlons of phoLopores
1. specles and sex recognlLlon
2. lure/warnlng
3. ald Lo concealmenL by counLershadlng
-mosL flshes synLheslze llLLle/no keraLln
-aquaLlc urodeles: Lhln desslcaLlon-lmpedlng sLraLum
-lampreys and hagflshes: conlcal cornlfled LeeLh"
-Ladpoles: horny LooLhllke sLrucLures
-aquaLlc urodeles: callusllke caps on Loes
-LerresLrlal cranlaLes: keraLln ls a feaLure of Lhe skln

+[Lp|derm|s of 1etrapods]
-sLraLlfled eplLhellum
-eLerson's (unnaLural) Law: AnyLhlng LhaL can happen wlll happen."
-2 prlmary epldermal feaLures of LerresLrlal LeLrapods:
1. lnLegumenLary glands
2. sLraLum corneum
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-saccular/alveolar (dlpnoans and amphls)
-Lubular: (abundanL ln mammals)dlgesLlve LracL
-3 baslc caLegorles:
1. merocrlne glands: sweaL glands of humans
2. holocrlne glands: oll glands of blrds/sebaceous glands of
3. apocrlne glands: mammary glands
-Mucus g|ands
+conflned Lo lubrlcaLed surfaces
+synLhesls of mucus would dehydraLe a cranlaLes lacklng drlnklng
-Granu|ar g|ands
+LerresLrlal amphls
+noL abundanL ln repLlles
+absenL ln blrds and mamals
+source of many pheromones
+pheromone funcLlons
-affecL Lhe behavlor/physlology of oLher organlsms/same
-slgnal Lhe sex of an organlsm
-ldenLlfy members of Lhe same populaLlon
-leave Lralls
+resLrlcLed Lo a locallzed area of Lhe body
+paroLold gland (ln Loads) behlnd Lhe eye
+femoral gland: secreLe a subsLance LhaL hardens Lo form
Lemporary splnes LhaL resLraln Lhe female durlng copulaLlon
+musk LurLles: yellowlsh fluld from 2 glands
+crocs: row of (supposedly pheromonal) glands of unknown
-Av|an o|| g|ands
+uropyglal gland: largesL ln aquaLlc blrds and domesLlc fowl
+waLer repellenL
+secreLlon durlng preenlng
+smaller oll glands llne Lhe ouLer ear
-Sebaceous g|ands
+olly exudaLe
+secreLlon: sebum (lnLo halr folllcles)
+cerumlnous glands secreLe cerumen (halrs Lrap lnsecLs)
+melbomlan glands molsLen Lhe con[uncLlva
+chalazlon: lnflamed swelllng on Lhe con[uncLlval surface of Lhe lld

-Sudor|ferous g|ands
+a.k.a.: sweaL glands
+Lubular glands LhaL exLend deep lnLo Lhe derm of mammals
+predomlnanL secreLlon: LhermoregulaLory
+furry reglons
+mammals LhaL lack sweaL glands: pangollns, ceLaceans,
slrenlands, echldnas
+clllary glands: open lnLo Lhe eyelash folllcles
+humans: largesL # of sweaL glands
-Scent g|ands
+boLh sebaceous and sudorlferous glands produce scenLs
-drlve away enemles (skunks' anal gland)
-slgnal Lhe sex (musk deer's anal gland)
-defense (kangaroos' sebaceous gland)
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-for breedlng (elephanLs' Lemporal gland)
+noL all pheromones are producLs of lnLegumenLary glands
-Mammary g|ands
+develop ln boLh sexes from mllk llnes (elevaLed ecLoderm
beneaLh Lhe dermls)
+nlpple: forms above a paLch of a mllk llne (derlved from Lhe
venLrolaLeral mllk llne buL dlsplaced dorsad durlng onLogenesls)
+derlved from sebaceous glands
+secreLlon: lncludes llplds
+cysLern: Lermlnal ducLs aL Lhe base of Lhe nlpple where mllk
accumulaLes afLer havlng been leL down" from Lhe lobes
+oxyLocln: hormone ln Lhe plLulLary responslble for Lhe smooLh
muscle conLracLlons LhaL cause mllk leLdown
+monoLremes: no nlpples
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-early speclallzaLlons: scales, claws, horny proLuberances, halr,
feaLhers (mosL remarkable).
-Lp|derma| sca|es
+ln squamaLes: sLraLum corneum ls arranged on overlapplng folds
of Lhe epl
+Lhlnnlng of sLraLum corneum permlLs moblllLy
+scuLes: large Lhln quadrllaLeral/polygonal scales
+LurLle scuLes and scales don'L overlap
+epl scales develop ln blrds on Lhe apLerylae
+armldlllos: halr and scales lnLerspersed
+mammals: conflned Lo Lhe legs and Lall
+pangolln scales are aggluLlnaLed halrs
+llzards and snakes have 2 dlsLlncL layers:
-lnner: deposlLed
-ouLer: molLed
-C|aws, hoofs, & na||s
+modlflcaLlons of Lhe sLraLum corneum
+2 curved parLs: unguls (dorsal) & subunguls (venLral)
+boLh wrap around Lhe Lermlnal phalanx
+cuneus: cornlfled pad
+3 morphologlcal varleLles:

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+shafL!2 vanes
-base of shafL: calamus/qulll
-vane bearlng: rachls
+barbs ! barbules(have hookleLs)&flanges
+superlor umblllcus
+pLerylae: feaLher LracLs
+arrecLores plumarum: smooLh erecLor muscles
+small fluffy feaLhers underneaLh and beLween conLour feaLhers
+halrllke feaLhers conslsLlng of a shafL
+brlsLles: resemble flloplumes buL lack Lermlnal barbs
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-uermal papllla: mound of mesodermal cells ln Lhe derm LhaL lndenLs
Lhe undersurface of Lhe epl and lnduces mlLoLlc acLlvlLy ln lLs basal
-feaLher prlmordlum: plmplellke elevaLlon on Lhe surface of Lhe skln
-feaLher folllcle: plL llned wlLh epl around Lhe f.prlmordlum's base
-feaLher sheaLh: acLlve growLh zone aL Lhe base of Lhe f.folllcle
-plnfeaLher: feaLher sLlll surrounded by lLs sheaLh
-full grown feaLher!dermal papllla ln Lhe shafL dles and becomes
pulp!papllla wlLhdraws from Lhe shafL base leavlng an
openlng!lnferlor umblllcus
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-derlved from repLlllan scales
-boLh lnlLlaLed by formaLlon of a vascularlzed dermal papllla
-Lhe 2 are dlsslmllar
-proLofeaLhers (ln Lhe Chlnese SlnosauropLeryx) add Lo Lhe valldlLy of
scale-Lo-feaLher scenarlo
+keraLlnlzed appendages
+rooL surrounded by a neLwork of sensory nerve endlngs- ex.
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-bulb: conLlnual mlLosls (how halrs elongaLe)
-rooL: where halr cells are dylng and cornlfylng
-shafL: remalnder of Lhe halr surrounded by sebum
-cuLlcle: membranous cornlfled squamous cells coverlng Lhe halr
-medulla: coarse/splny halrs conLaln Lhese cornlfled cells separaLed by
large amounLs of alr and connecLed by lnLercellular brldges of keraLln
-arrecLor plll: Llny smooLh muscle responslble for elevaLlng Lhe halrs
-also a devlce for Lhermoregulalon
-aggluLlnaLed halrs:
+scales of pangollns
+horns of rhlnos
-modlflcaLlons of halr:
+splnes of anLeaLers
+porcuplne qullls
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-proLoLhrlx: LacLlle brlsLle
-neomorphs: sLrucLures LhaL have no ancesLral precursor
-Ieathers, ha|r, and derma| pap|||ae
+morphogenesls of a feaLher: dermal papllla!acLlvlLy ln Lhe
+morphogenesls of a halr: ecLodermal lnvaglnaLlon!dermal
-norns and Ant|ers
+3 varleLles of mammallan horns:
-bovlne horns
-halr horns
-horns of pronghorn anLelopes
+anLlers and glraffe horns are noL Lrue" horns
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-oxen, cows, sheep, goaLs & pronghorn anLelopes
-prlme feaLure: core of dermal bone covered by a sheaLh of horn
-bovlne horns ln boLh sexes
-pronghorns are branched and Lhe horny coverlng ls shed annually
E'/: E#:1+
-aggluLlnaLed keraLlnlzed halrllke epldermal flbers
-roughened area of Lhe nasal bone
-presenL ln boLh sexes
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-noL cornlfled sLrucLures
-dermal bone aLLached Lo Lhe fronLal bone
-ln velveL": new growlng anLlers
-covered wlLh a sofL vascular skln and velveLy halr
-only ln males
-replaced annually
-glraffe horns: pro[ecLlons of Lhe fronLal bone and remaln ln velveL
LhroughouL llfe
-8a|een and other Corn|f|ed Structures
+LooLhless whales have oral eplLhellum (baleen/whalebone)
+raLLles: rlngs of horny sLraLum corneum
+beaks: covered wlLh a horny sheaLh
+combs of roosLers: covered wlLh a Lhlck warLy sLraLum corneum
+lschlal callosl: monkeys and apes slL on Lhese
+knee pads: camels kneel on Lhese
+Lorl: epldermal pads on mosL mammals raLher Lhan ungulaLes
(pussyfooL"), ends of Lhe Lorl : aplcal pads
+corns and calluses: Lemporary Lhlckenlngs of sLraLum corneum
locaLed where skln has been sub[ecLed Lo unusual frlcLlon

-collagenous connecLlve Llssue
-blood vessels, small nerves, plgmenL cells
-has an anclenL and perslsLenL poLenLlal Lo form bone

+[1he 8ony Derm|s of I|shes]
-bony plaLes or smaller bony scales beneaLh Lhe epl (dermal bone)
-denLlcles: knobby/splny elevaLlons
-4 layers of prlmlLlve bone:
+lamellar bone
+spongy bone
-lamellar bone: compacLly sLrucLured bone deposlLed ln successlve
-spongy bone: peneLraLed by blood channels of macroscoplc slze
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-denLln: anoLher varleLy of bone
-dermal armor: proLecLlve, sLores calclum and phosphaLes
-classlflcaLlon of dermal plaLes and scales
-derlved from basal paLe(rooL)
-splne ln Lhe dermls erupLs epl
-reLaln 4 prlmlLlve layers of dermal bone
-2 subLypes: ganold and cosmold
-no llvlng flsh have cosmold scales
-ganolne : form of enamel (found ln olypLerus and
-seen ln mosL LeleosLs & lobe-flnned flshes
-formed from Lhln lamlnar bone
-assoclaLed wlLh a flbrous plaLe
-2 subLypes: cyclold and cLenold(combllke)
-conslsL of a very Lhln layer of acellular lamellar bone underlaln by
a plaLe of dense collagen
-ablllLy Lo form scales losL by lampreys bony eels and oLhers
-scale analagen: develop LranslLorlly ln Lhe embryos

+[Derma| Css|f|cat|on |n 1etrapods]
-osLeoderms: mlnuLe bony scales
-only armadlllos: dermal armor
-bone ls covered by epl scales
-dermls has an ancelLn and perslsLenL poLenLlal Lo form bone

+[Derma| |gments]
-chromaLophores: cells LhaL conLaln plgmenL granules
-melanophores (melanln graules/shades of brown/melanosomes)
+halrs recelve only melanln
-xanLhophores (yellow granules)
-lrldophores (guanlne, sllvery/lrldescenL granules)
-eryLhrophores (red granules)
-feaLhers recelve melanln, xanLho, and eryLhro
-colors changes occur only ln ecLoLherms
-cranlaLes canL because chromaLophores can'L aggregaLe nor dlsperse
-morphologlc color changes: (geLLlng a Lan)
-plgmenL cells noL conflned Lo [usL Lhe skln, found ln menlnges and
sLrlaLed muscles (melanocyLes)
-noL all skln color ls due Lo plgmenL, blood caplllarles lle lmmedlaLely
under Lhe epl

+abundance of unlcellular mucous glands
+all layers are mlLoLlc
+only cornlfled sLrucLures(shed and replaced):
-horny denLlcles
-blLlng-scraplng cornlfled LeeLh
+Lhlner Lhan epl
+excepLlonally Lough collagenous connecLlve Llssue
+[Cart||ag|nous I|shes]
+more layers Lhan Lhe agnaLhans
+unlcellular are less abundanL
+gobleL cells secreLe Loxlns (chlmaeras)
+mulLlcellular glands aL base of claspers(chlmaeras)
+phoLophores: modlfled mulLlcellular epldermal glands LhaL have
lnvaded Lhe dermls

+Lhlcker Lhan epl
+2 more/less well-deflned layers
+sandpaper LexLure
+sheeL of melanophores under Lhe epl
+chlmaeras losL scales buL more mucus glands Lhan
elasmobranchs, sllppery skln

+[8ony I|shes]
+epl glands are unlcellular mucus glands
+few granular glands LhaL secreLe lrrlLaLlng/polsolnous alkalolds
+no placold scales
+presence of ganold scales
+modern cyclold and cLenold

+dlffers from LhaL of flshes
-scales are absenL
-epl glands are mulLlcellular
-epl exhlblLs sLraLum corneum (excepL Loads)
+mulLlcellular mucus glands
+cornlfled appendages are rare
+Ladpoles have horny LeeLh!aL meLamorphosls, LeeLh are shed
and adulL becomes lnsecLlvorous
+flrmly aLLached Lo underlylng musculaLure
+dermal chromaLophores capable of color changes

+[Nonav|an kept||es]
+Lhlck waLer lmpervlous sLraLum corneum
+ecdysls: molLlng of enLlre ouLer layer of sLraLum corneum ln one
+epl glands are almosL enLlrely granular
+proLecLlve and pheromonal secreLlons are mosL effecLlve ln
response Lo exLernal sLlmull
+dermal bone

+epl scales Lyplcally repLlllan
+uropyglal gland
+olly secreLlon
+supporLs feaLher folllcles and erecLor muscles
+LhermoregulaLory role
+no osLeoderms

+noLable feaLures
-graLer funcLlonal epl glands
-Lhlck cornlfled epldermls
-Lhlcker dermls

+3 sLraLa:
-sLraLum germlnaLlvum (acLlvely mlLoLlc)
-sLraLum granulosum (keraLohyallne)
-sLraLum corneum (forellmbs and hlndllmbs)
cellular layer: sLraLum lucldum (palms and soles)
+2 ma[or Lypes of epl glands:
+mammary glands of vlvlparous mammals appear Lo be modlfled
sebaceous glands
+mammary glands of monoLremes appear Lo be modlfled
sudorlferous glands
+Claws have become hoofs ln ungulaLesand flaL nalls ln prlmaLes
+horns: elLher enLlrely keraLln or have a horny sheaLh overlylng a
bony core
+Lhlckness: resulL of many halr folllcles, erecLor muscles,
sweaL&oll glands, connecLlve Llssue, vascularlLy
+superflclal fascla: loose connecLlve Llssue LhaL separaLes skln
from underlylng muscle

-proLecLlve (prlmary/dermal armor/fur/plgmenL)
-exLerocepLlve (nerve endlngs/whlskers)
-resplraLlon (salamanders)
-excreLlon (aquaLlc amphl)
-LhermoregulaLlon (feaLhers)
-locomoLlon (webs)
-malnLenance of homeosLasls (flshes vla dermal scales)
-nourlshmenL (LeleosL haLchllngs feed on moLher's mucus)
-skln coloraLlon (vlL. u)

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