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Dynamic Modelling Tricks and Tip

Anthony Peacock, ODC, RE Discipline Principal
July 2010


This document is intended to provide a compilation of useful tricks and tips for running
DYNAMO (MoReS). Although designed for SPDC operating environment, the material
should be generally applicable to any Shell operating unit with only minor modifications.
The aim is to provide a consistent framework for the practising Reservoir Engineer
performing dynamic modelling. The note covers a practical guide on how to setup a
computing environment on both Windows and Unix platforms and guidance on how to
run DYNAMO on both. It also sets out recommendations for dynamic model naming
convention, storage and archive. It also describes how to construct production and
pressure data table from OFM and the BHP Database.

This note should be of generally interest to all Reservoir Engineers in SPDC, but
primarily those engaged in dynamic modelling in the ODC.

This document will reside on the SPDC RE webpage to be easily accessible by everyone.
It is intended that this document will updated as other useful tricks and tips become

1 Computing Environment ................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Getting Started with DYNAMO in Linux ........................................................ 3
1.2 Use of Environment variables (Windows and Unix) ......................................... 4
1.3 Useful Unix commands .................................................................................... 6
2 Running Dynamo ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Running MoReS in batch on a PC .................................................................... 7
2.2 Running Dynamic Models on Linux Cluster in parallel ..................................... 9
3 Naming Convention, Storage and Archive of Dynamic models ........................ 10
4 Generating Historical Data for MoReS from OFM ............................................... 14
4.1 Production Data ............................................................................................. 14
4.2 Required edits to Production Data files .......................................................... 15
4.3 Down-hole Pressure Data from OFM: Datum Pressure, FBHP, SBHP .......... 18
4.4 Surface Pressure Data from OFM: THP ......................................................... 19
5 Generating Pressure Data Tables from BHP Database ....................................... 20

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The files described in this report are included in the attached ZIP file

A) Files for computing

1. MoReSBatchonPC.bat File for running MoReS in batch on PC
2. execute.exe File for running MoReS in batch on PC
3. .setenv File contain example to setup environment variables


B) File for extracting data from OFM

1. Production DataT3.rpt OFM report file for production data
2. PressureData.rpt OFM report file for Datum Pressure, FBHP, SBHP
3. PressureDataTHP.rpt OFM report file for THP pressure data
4. Header format.txt Example Header file for MoReS table definition


C) Example file for generating Pressure data for MoReS from BHP Database


1. DYNAMO Reference Manuals,

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1 Computing Environment

1.1 Getting Started with DYNAMO in Linux

The following provides a quick guide to running and managing DYNAMO processes in
Linux. A full description can be found in the DYNAMO User Manuals.

DYNAMO command line options

Start an Interactive Dynamo Session (current default installed version)

Start an Interactive Dynamo Session in a specific version
DYNAMO v2009.1

Start an Interactive Dynamo Session and immediately load an existing runfile
DYNAMO r RunFile.run

List the current installed and available versions
DYNAMO --list

Start a process in batch from an input file and send output to an output file and error file
DYNAMO < InputFile.inp > OutputFile.out 2> Output.File.err &
DYNAMO -i InputFile.inp -o OutputFile.out e OutputFile.err &

A full list of options is displayed by typing
DYNAMO --help

Start Parallel MoReS and specify the number of processes to use
DYNAMO -paripc 2 -i InputFile.inp -o OutputFile.out e OutputFile.err


Managing DYNAMO processes

To monitor the progress of a DYNAMO process in background
bjobs -w (-l)
options : -w create a short listing on the processes
-l creates a long listing of the processes

To stop a DYNAMO process running in background (JOBID# is output from bjobs
bkill JOBID#

To stop all DYNAMO processes running in background
bkill 0

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1.2 Use of Environment variables (Windows and Unix)

Environment variable are very useful and can be used for
- Navigating the Unix directory structure more easily
- Transferring and running the same input file between the Windows and Unix

On Windows, Environment variables are defined from the System Properties Menu

From the My Computer icon on the Desktop,
Right Click and select Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables
Click New to create a new variable

In the example shown below, the environment variable is used to define a shortcut to a
specific directory on the C:\ drive of the PC.

On Vista, Environment variable are define from within the Control Panel > User
Accounts page. The option Change my environment variable is found on the left hand side of
the panel.

Environment variables can be defined in Unix by creating an executable file in the user
home directory that contains a listing of the required variables and running the file as

1. Open an interactive terminal window on Linux
2. Go to T-Shell
3. Run the executable file
source .setenv

An example .setenv file is included in the attached MoReS_Files.ZIP file. Note that the
user needs to be in the T-Shell to recognise the setenv keyword. The K-Shell recognises
the export keyword. Also shown is the use of aliases that are useful unix shortcuts.

#Script to define useful aliases and environment variable in Linux

echo "\
Set Environment Variables and Aliases\

#Set useful aliases
alias dy91 'DYNAMO -v2009.1'

#Set useful environment variable
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setenv EPU

How to define an environment variable in a Windows operating system.

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1.3 Useful Unix commands

The following is a list of basic but useful Unix commands helpful to anyone using a
Unix/Linux computing environment. The list below is very far from a complete but
contains only the most useful commands to run DYNAMO.

ls {-al} Listing a directory {all files (a), in long format (l)}
cp <file1> <file2> Copying a file
mv <file1> <file2> Renaming a file
cd <dir> Change to another directory, if <dir>is omitted it points to the users
rm {-r} <file/dir> Removes a file or directory {recursively, i.e. including sub-
pwd Shows the present directory
mkdir {-p} <new_dir> Create a new directory (including the entire path when not present)
who Shows all users presently logged on to the system
whoami Shows the username of the present user
finger <uid> Display information about the user uid
id Shows the id (uid & gid) of the present user
hostname Shows the name of the current machine
cat <file> Printing the contents of a file to the standard output (normally:
man <command> Showing the contents of the manual pages about <command>
man k <keyword> Showing what manual pages contain the specified <keyword>
setenv Create an environment variable (in T-Shell)
echo Display line of text (eg. echo $env, displays contents of the
environment variable env .
vi Text-editor in Unix (view is the read-only version of this editor)
grep {-i} <strng> <file1> Finding a certain <string>in <file1>{ignoring upper/lowercase}
more Handling output on a screen-by-screen base
ps {-ef / -u <user>} Show the processes running at that moment {all or of a specific
| Pipe; can be used to redirect output from one command to input for
the other [ e.g. ps ef| grep <user> shows all pr ocesses of <user>]
chmod {ugorwx} <file> Change permissions on <file>(or directory) using various options
(specifing user, group, others adding (+)/removing(-)permissions
rwx). chomd R 777 * will change all file to rwx to all.
chown <uid> <file> Change owner of <file>to user-id <uid>
chgrp <gid> <file> Change group of <file>to group-id <gid>
file <file> Determine the file-type of <file>(i.e. ascii, executable, tar-archive,
which <command/file> Displaying the entire path to the command or file intended
passwd {user} Change password {of user}
df {-k, dir} Show free/used space {in kB, on file-system involved with specified
date To show system time and date
uname {-a} Shows (more) information about the operating system
ssh X username@phc-n-
Logon to the system as a specific user (
bjobs {-w,-l} Returns list of active jobs on the system. l for long listing

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2 Running Dynamo

2.1 Running MoReS in batch on a PC

It can be useful to run DYNAMO jobs in batch on a PC. To do this, the files included in
the attached ZIP file are needed

1. execute.exe
2. *.bat file which runs one or more DYNAMO jobs by calling the
DYNAMO executable with appropriate options

Examples can be found in the following directory and are described below.


The .bat file contains commands to run DYNAMO on a PC using the dynamo.exe
installed in a specific directory. Environment variable can be used within the DYNAMO
input decks in the same way as in Unix, so setting a common variable on both Windows
and Unix allows the same input deck to be used on each system. The .bat file can contain
multiple commands to run several jobs after one another (e.g. overnight). Note that
Environment variables in DOS are recognised by having % signs before and after the
keyword, whereas Unix uses a $ sign before the keyword only.

To run the file simple Double Click the MoReSBatchonPC.bat file from the Windows

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Double-click the .bat
file to run the model
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2.2 Running Dynamic Models on Linux Cluster in parallel

SPDC currently has a 32 node Linux Cluster available that can be used for dynamic
modelling. The advantage of the cluster is that several dynamic models can be run in
parallel, significantly speeding up the turnaround time for a sensitivity study.

The procedure to do this outlined below.

The following files are need in the Unix directory for the specific model:
- All the necessary dynamo input decks
- A batch file with commands to run the decks

An example of a batch file is shown below.

The batch file is processed by typing:


In this example the batch file will submit 10 DYNAMO jobs to the cluster, which will be
distributed across different nodes depending on availability. All jobs will run in parallel.
The jobs can be monitored by typing bjobs -w to determine which node they are
running on.

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3 Naming Convention, Storage and Archive of Dynamic models

DYNAMO models can be run on either a PC (Windows) or Linux environment. Models
can also be run over a 32-node distributed Linux Cluster. While this flexibility takes
advantage of the distributed computing environment and allows many sensitivities to be
made, the results is that dynamic model input decks are not centralised and data is stored
on individual hard drives and not backed up. The pros and cons of each environment is
outlined below:

PC - Only run one process at a time
- Files located on a local hard drive are not backed up
- No one else can access the files

Lunix - Greater storage space available
- Files are centrally backed up and archived
- Files can be accessed and shared amongst other REs
- Can run multiple DYNAMO processes simultaneously on the Linux
- Samba can be used to access the Linux drives from Windows

It is strongly recommended to adhere to the following guidelines for storage and naming
convention of all dynamic models in SPDC

- All dynamic models should be stored in (or copied to) the Unix directories
- Models which are currently being worked on should be stored in the Work
directory. Finalised models that were used as the basis for a review or key
decision (e.g. DG2) should be copied to the Final directory.
- Models can be developed, tested and run on a PC(Windows) at any time,
provided that at suitable intervals the models are copied to the Unix directories
for backup.
- An example of the recommended file naming convention and directory structure
is outlined below. Note that only the Work directory has been expanded. A
mirror image also exists in the Final directory. However it is expected that the
Final directories only contain a limited number of key models used for decision
making. All sensitivity work should be contained in the Work directory.
- A directory structure that mirrors the Dynamic Modelling workflow is strong
encouraged to help organise packages of work into easily identified areas (e.g.
separate directories for Experimental Design, History matching, Upscale
sensitivities, etc. )
- DYNAMO input decks should be constructed to be able to run on both Unix
and Windows environments. Environment Variable in both Windows and Unix
should be used to do this. In this way it is always possible to swap between the
systems in case of problems.
- Access rights to the directories needs to be actively managed so that models can
be quality checked appropriately.
- The use of spaces in file names should be avoided as this can cause problems in

A diagram of the recommended directory structure is outlined below.
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The benefits of centralized storage are:
- Access to increased storage space
- Improved management of dynamic models
- Allow better archiving of models and projects
- Allow hibernated projects to be restarted quickly
- Sharing of common templates, scripts and workflows

Unix Directories
The following Unix directories are available to store dynamic model data:

Mid belt reservoir models:
Linux directory Samba link
/glb/af/spdc/data/mid_project \\phc-n-s00051\mid\project\

West belt reservoir models:
Linux directory Samba link
/glb/af/spdc/data/west_project \\phc-n-s00051\west\project\

Dynamic Model Naming Convention
Dynamic model input decks and run files should be named in a consistent manner to
ease identification of key models and sensitivities. The recommended naming convention
is outlined below and is consistent with Global standards and static model naming

Each file should have a Field, Reservoir, Description and Mode identifier.

Field Four character field abbreviation, e.g. BELE for Belema
Reservoir Reservoir description, e.g. D1000A
Description Text abbreviation to describe what the run is about, e.g. ED for
Experimental Design
Mode Optional addition to Description identifier, e.g. rpp for
Reduce++ runfile

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The following directory structure is recommended for all dynamic modelling in SPDC.
The structure is compliant with global standards on data storage and is consistent with a
similar directory structure being used for static models (Petrel).

The structure has the following features
- The top level directory name describes a field
and activity, e.g. BELE for Belema, FDP_0909
for FDP update September 2009
- Beneath the top level directory, sub-directories
of Dynamo and Work exist
- An Include sub-directory exists which contains
all the individual include files being used by
MoReS. This allows easy access to and quality
checking of the data
- A series of directories exist below the Work
directory which contains dynamic model data
for each specific reservoir. Where reservoirs
are combined, the name should reflect this.
For example opposite, the D1D2A directory
refers to the analysis for the combined
D1000A and D2000A reservoir
- Beneath the reservoir level directory, several
sub-directories can be created to organise
specific items of work. In the example
opposite, the ED directory refers to
Experimental Design with further sub-
directories for PlackettBurman and
BoxBehnken analyses, HM for History
matching and PVT for PVT sensitivities.
- The static model is normally transferred to
DYNMAO via an Open Petrel Binary file
(OPB file). It is recommended to store all
OPB files in the Petrel sub-directory under the
Include directory
- Historical production data (from OFM) should
be stored inside the History sub-directory

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4 Generating Historical Data for MoReS from OFM

Oil Field Manager (OFM) software from Schlumberger is used in SPDC to store
production and pressure data. The data is stored at a completion level, Field -> Reservoir
-> Well -> Zone). Data at a perforation level is not stored. This section explains how to
extract production and pressure data in tabular format suitable for direct input to

At the time of writing this report, the templates files outlined below only work with
OFM 2005. The templates will NOT work with OFM 2007.3.1. Until advised otherwise
the user is recommended to only use OFM 2005 to perform these tasks.

4.1 Production Data

A template (Production DataT3.rpt) is available for extracting production data from
OFM in a format that can be directly loaded into MoReS. The template file is included in
the attached MoReS_Data_OFM.ZIP file at the beginning of the report. It can be
extracted and stored in an appropriate place on the PC, e.g. C:\Apps\OFM.

The procedure to generate the MoReS data table is outlined below:
1. Open OFM and lead in the latest MSAccess database with relevant production
data (East or West)
2. Filter on the required production dataset, e.g. BELE -> D1000B

3. Open a report. Report -> Analysis -> OK
4. Load the Template Production Data report file: File -> Open, and navigate to
location where the template file is stored.
5. The report produces a table of the production data for the filtered dataset.
6. Production data for the individual completion zones can be generated by
selecting: View -> Summary -> By Item.
7. The data can be output to a text file. Right click in the top left hand corner of the
central screen and select Text. In the File: dialog box, define a name of an
output file and select Close and Update. The output file will appear in the
appropriate directory.
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4.2 Required edits to Production Data files

The tables generated by the OFM report files described above need to be hand edited to
work properly in MoReS. This section describes the edits required.

1. Inclusion of header information to define tables.

A MoReS header file is required to define the necessary table format. An
example is attached. The file generate by OFM should be include inside the
header file.
Header format.txt

2. Addition of zero rate/cumulative row at start of each table

It is important to ensure MoReS is synchronised with history data table. The start
time in MoReS is set using the TIME command in the SIMDATA dictionary.
For example,

SIMDATA.TIME = DATE(31,08,1993) ! (day, month, year)

MoReS will start simulating from this time. The time in the first row of a history
match table must correspond to the time that the well is opened for the first time
and the cumulatives and rates in this row must be zero.

In the example table below, the first row must be inserted by hand with zero
rates and cumulatives. It is generally recommended that liquid rate constraints are
applied to the production wells. Well BELE001S will start simulating from time
31-Aug-1993 at a liquid production constraint of 288.97 b/d until 30-Sep-1993.
The liquid rate constraint will then be increased to 1954.52 b/d and simulation
progressed to 31-Oct-1993, and so on.

3. Addition of zero rate row at end of history period

A particular well will continue to simulate as described above, being controlled by
the relevant constraint in the history data table. For situations where the well
stops production before the end of simulation run, a row must be inserted at the
end of the table with zero rates. This will stop the well producing; otherwise it
will continue to produce beyond the history period. The scripts will work
correctly in most cases; however the user needs to check that a row with zero
rates and ratios is present. The cumulative volumes should be same as the
previous month.

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Select Text
Right Click in
this box
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4.3 Down-hole Pressure Data from OFM: Datum Pressure, FBHP, SBHP

A template (PressureData.rpt) is available for extracting down-hole pressure data on a
drainage point level from OFM in a format that can be directly loaded into MoReS. The
template file is included in the ZIP file above. It can be extracted and stored in an
appropriate place on the PC, e.g. C:\Apps\OFM.

The OFM report file will generate a table of well completion name, date, Datum BHP,
Flowing BHP and Static BHP as shown below.

The procedure to generate the MoReS data table is similar to that described for
production data above.
1. Open OFM and lead in the latest MSAccess database with relevant production
data (East or West)
2. Filter on the required production dataset, e.g. BELE -> D1000B
3. Open a report. Report -> Analysis -> OK
4. Load the Template Production Data report file: File -> Open, and navigate to
location where the template file is stored.
5. Select a particular completion from the lower left hand window
6. The pressure data for that completion are displayed in the central window
7. The data can be output to a text file. Right click in the top left hand corner of the
central screen and select Text. In the File: dialog box, define a name of an
output file and select Close and Update. The output file will appear in the
appropriate directory.

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4.4 Surface Pressure Data from OFM: THP

A template (PressureDataTHP.rpt) is available for extracting surface pressure data on a
drainage point level from OFM in a format that can be directly loaded into MoReS. The
template file is included in the ZIP file above. It can be extracted and stored in an
appropriate place on the PC, e.g. C:\Apps\OFM.

The OFM report file will generate a table of well completion name, date, THP as shown
below. THP data is reported on a monthly basis. This is different from the down-hole
pressure data which is only reported at dates when specific down-hole pressure survey
where conducted.

The procedure to generate the MoReS data table is identical to that described for down-
hole pressure data in section 4.3

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5 Generating Pressure Data Tables from BHP Database

The BHP Database is used to store a range of pressure test data. This section describes
the process of extracting the data in a form that can be used by MoReS. Data from the
Nembe Creek Field will be used as the example. It is assumed that the user has access to
the BHP Database (ID and Password).

The procedure to generate Pressure data tables for MoReS is outlined below:
1. Open BHP Database with ID and Password
2. From Menu bar select Report -> Summary Reports -> Pdatum re-calculated
3. Specify the field name in the dialog box

4. The BHP Summary Report screen with appear containing well test data and
parameters for all wells in the Nembe Creek field. The data is order by Reservoir
/ Well / Date

5. Extract that data to an excel sheet
Report -> Save to File... -> Save as type (Excel with headers)
6. Save the excel file to a location on the C: drive
7. The pressure data excel file will have data in columns A to AB. The attached
template file contains excel function in columns AC and AD to extract data
tables in a form suitable for MoReS. Copy the functions from the template file
into the columns AC and AD of the file extracted from the database
a. Column AC: Well data (FTHP, FBHP, SBHP, Pdatum)
b. Column AD : Reservoir data (Pdatum)

8. The data can be used to create MoReS input tables. Table definition statements
are also included in row 1.

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