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Rush Limbaugh Echo for Tuesday, 10/7/14

Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"I have a quick question: How many of these Hollywood people in this sexual assault PSA, actresses and
actors, called out Bill Clinton when Paula Jones accused him of sexual harassment? How many people
interceded to stop Bill Clinton from his behavior of, say, Kathleen Willey, hmm? How many of 'em?"
"How about those Kansas City Royals sweeping the Anaheim Angels three games to zip? These are the
kind of things that destiny is made of, folks."
"The Millennials, for example, are losing faith in America, not the Democrat Party, not Obama. They are
responding negatively poll after poll to Obama policy after Obama policy after Democrat Party policy,
and it isn't working for 'em, and they're very down and out about their futures. But they think it means
the country's best days are behind us. They don't associate it, at least a significant number of them
don't, associate that failure of government with failure of the Democrat Party. They do not associate the
Democrat Party with the party of Big Government."
"Amnesty is going to be the biggest flying finger in our face that there has ever been in politics. It does
not have majority support; it's not even close. It is going to be the epitome, the essence of governing
against the will of the people."
"The Republican Party used to be known as the party of limited small government, and by virtue of that
the Democrats were known government as the part of Big Government. That's not automatic anymore.
That is a huge branding loss."
"So many things -- even at my age today, 63 -- still remain kind of surprising and eye opening at how
shallow people look at things, particularly politics. The depth people explore isn't all that deep."
"Republican campaigns, be they for the House or the Senate, one of the things I note is a common belief
that they must somehow persuade the media of something. And that, to me, is a guaranteed loser
because it's not possible. The media is never going to see the light."
"When Biden speaks, it's always a 'gaffe,' and he's given a chance to 'clarify.' Every liberal is. Every
liberal, every Democrat, every liberal-Democrat media member 'misspeaks,' and they always get a
chance to 'clarify.' Republicans are never offered the chance to 'clarify.' Republican apologies are not
even accepted!"
"Politics infects everything when the Democrats are involved in it."
"When you put Obama and Biden in a so-called PSA that is designed to say that they are opposed to
spousal abuse, domestic abuse, domestic violence, and they are engaged and trying to do something
about it, the context is, the Republican War on Women. Why do you need a PSA against it? Show me the
lobbying group that's for domestic abuse. That's what makes it political, folks."
"As far as the low-information voter is concerned, the reason Washington doesn't work is because of the
Republicans in the House of Representatives. Not because of Obama."
This Sound Bite Is All the Proof You Need That Political Correctness Is Destroying This Country
The CDC Director Makes No Sense
Why are Republicans Red and Democrats Blue?
Van Jones: Have No Fear, Obamacare Is Here
Amazing! The Unemployment Rate Falls Before Another Election
Global Warming Alarmists Decide to De-Emphasize Temperatures Because They're Not Rising
Obama: US Leads Fight Against Eboly Virus.

Your Rush Limbaugh Echo for Today, 9/16/14
Student NOTES from Institute freshmen, not 'official'
Opening: Our cat is like Russia with new freedom.
Segment#1: Obama people pressure him to delay Amnesty
We opened up the [mansion] to her, not just the pet room and my den, and she still stays in those two
rooms, with just an occasional excursion out.

Obama sends more soldiers to fight Ebola than to fight ISIS.

American citizens never wanted millions of illegals given amnesty over night! Reason Obama didnt do it
in the first two years was and is there is no credit for doing it. Obama/Democrats try to rope
Republicans in so they can blame it on them if it happens. Obama was never going to do Amnesty on
his own.

Washington has been inundated by phone calls and letters,
You had better not do this if you want to keep your job!

Would Obama do this as a lame duck? He may because it his Agenda to remake America. Obama is not
doing it to help business and the country.

Some in the public are furious (article in W-Post by Ed Rogers) he backed off.
>>> Some say there are a few adults in the WH to correct Obama.

Seg#2: To not recognize the truth about Obama leads to confusion
It was a LIE and a TRICK and never true that the only hope Republicans had was to step along with
Amnesty. Ed Rogers is a Republican strategist.

((Reading: Is there a revolt in the WH and in the Democrat Party?)) He is just openly speculating.
Obama is behaving in ways that befuddle people. Inside-the-Beltway pundits, some of them, cant
believe who Obama really is
>>> They want to see him as a traditional US president.

Closing: See you tomorrow, after a 21-hour show-prep break!
Distributor for Rush's radio show: Premiere (holding trademarks)
"The Rush Limbaugh Show" and "EIB, Excellence In Broadcasting".
From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Paying the Price"
What a mess. According to the Washington Post, "terrorism experts" are questioning Obama's decision
to launch a military campaign against ISIS. These experts say that America isn't really facing a significant
peril from ISIS. The threat especially after the beheading videos is more psychological.
There's disagreement over how many fighters ISIS has. The day before his big speech, an Obama
counter-terrorism expert told a congressional hearing there were 10,000. The next day, the CIA said
Intel agencies are anxious because, according to the Post, they worry that terrorists will use Iraq or Syria
as an incubator the way they used Afghanistan before 9/11. John Kerry -- who served in Vietnam, by the
way -- warns that if we leave any of them standing, ISIS will be a "cancer" that would "ultimately come
back to haunt us." Obama, on the other, wants to "contain" ISIS.
It takes me back to 2007, seven years ago. George Bush warned that if we left Iraq too soon, the
terrorists would reorganize and re-emerge as a threat we'd have to deal with.
We had these people on the ropes. We could have wiped them out then. But Democrats were howling
every day demanding that we limit the rules of engagement and get out of Iraq because of torture and
all that, which Obama did. Democrats like Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama got their way. And now we're
paying the price for it.
What did we do? We elected a community organizer, best community organizer ever and the guy can't
even put together a coalition of allies to help us fight this bunch of ragtags? What was it all worth,
folks? Tell me.
Read the Background Material on the Morning Update...
WP: US Intelligence Agencies Remain Uncertain About Danger Posed by Islamic State
www.RushLimbaugh.com [[Heard AM on radio across America]]
Quote Gems from Rush Limbaugh dot com:
"The Antarctic ice sheet has reached record levels in the midst of so-called climate change and global
warming. It's the same thing at the North Pole. Arctic ice sheet levels are at record levels. The North
Pole is supposed to have been melted by now, according to Algore."
"You got to let 'em go at some point, right? It's like a kid, turning 'em loose, letting 'em go at age 18. You
got to let 'em go. Same thing with a cat."
"My brother David has a new book out. It's Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel. This
is probably the book that he was intended to write his whole life. This is the one he's been building up
"You can't tell a cat 'get off of that.' She won't listen. I mean, it's impossible."
"When you've got millions of iPhones already manufactured while your operating system is still in beta,
how does Apple get the new operating system on millions of new phones that are already finished (the
manufacturing process) and are boxed up in a warehouse and all shrink-wrapped?"
"The Bible claims it has the power of converting people if they'll just give it a chance. If you study the
Bible and open your heart and mind to the Bible, I think you will see, like I did, that it is the true,
inspired, inerrant Word of God." -- David Limbaugh
"I got a great idea for a new either cable TV show or syndicated TV show called NFL Court. We take on
Judge Judy but we only deal with crimes in the NFL. I'll be the judge. Judge Rush, NFL Court. I'll be happy
to do it."
"One year ago, our beloved Punkin the cat passed away. Our new kitten, Allie, has a completely different
personality. Folks, she's a lunatic. We tried confining her to two rooms, but we finally gave her run of
the whole house. Now we see what happens."
"I've got the biggest collection of Americans at my disposal that anybody has."
"Everybody knows men don't think with their brains. Not the one in their heads, anyway."
"Seduction used to be an art. Now of course it's brutish and it's predatory and it's bad."
"If you study theology, your faith will be enhanced. You may even become transformed from a
nonbeliever to a believer. The Bible's the Word of God, give it a chance, it will shock your socks off. It
will knock your pants off. I'm so excited about the Bible. I know I sound like a nerd. I'm not one of these
charismatic type of Christians, but I firmly believe the Bible is the Word of God, and I'm excited about it
and I want to be contagious in my enthusiasm." -- David Limbaugh
"The Democrats are facing electoral disaster in November. In their minds they've got two things they
can do that might mitigate the size of their upcoming defeat and maybe even turn it into a victory in
terms of keeping the Senate, and that is the race card and, believe it or not, the War on Women."
"I can't believe that a guy who ran for president on the premise that he was the best community
organizer out there can't put together a coalition. I mean, what good is it electing a community
organizer if the guy can't organize a bunch of allies to join us fighting evil? What a waste! What an
absolute waste."

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