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Create a new database called Exam Management System and design tables as shown below and
save to your H drive
1. Create the 2 tables below following the designs indicated
Make sure you set the Data Type for the Priary !ey to Autonumber for the "#a table
2. Create the $or shown below based on the Mentor table. %nclude all fields and odify the
design as shown below
&. 'se the Mentor Details $or to enter the data shown here for the Mentors
(. %port the tables called )tudent and )ub*ect which you will find in the "#a database on
y website +and perhaps on ) also,
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1 'na Dooney
Create a one-to-any relationship between the Mentor Code fields in the Mentors table and the
)tudent table. Make sure to enforce .eferential %ntegrity. This eans that a Mentor Code cannot
be entered in the )tudent table unless it e#ists in the Mentor table or a record of a Mentor cannot
be deleted fro the Mentor table if there is reference to it in the )tudent table
/ cobo bo# helps the user to input data ore easily when using a for by allowing the operator to
choose data fro a list instead of having to key it in.
The Stu!ent Registration "orm
# Create a new for linked to the )tudent table. /dd all fields e#cept $inish Date and
$ Create a cobo bo# for the Course field
+i, Delete e#isting Course field fro the for
+ii, Click on Control 0i1ard +it ust be turned on,
+iii, Click on the Cobo bo# tool
+iv, Draw a rectangle where you want the new Course field to be
+v, The wi1ard will now guide us through the process. %f the wi1ard does not take over at
this stage it eans the wi1ard was 23T turned on so you need to start again4
+vi, )elect % will type in the values % want
+vii, %n the ne#t screen type in the values you see below for the Courses
+viii, The values to be displayed in the cobo bo# are5
0eb Design
+i#, )et the 6iit to 6ist property to 7es
% Create a cobo bo# for the Mentor Code field
+i, )elect 8% want the cobo bo# to look up the values in a table or 9uery8 and click 2e#t
+ii, )elect the Mentor table - click 2e#t
+iii, /dd Mentor Code and Mentor 2ae to the cobo bo# and click 2e#t
+iv, "nsure the Hide !ey colun is ticked - click 2e#t
+v, )tore value in the Mentor Code field - click 2e#t
+vi, "nter Mentor as the label for the cobo bo# - click $inish
& Modify the $or to reseble the one shown below
' )et tab order as follows5 )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae: /ddress1: /ddress2: /ddress&:
Course: )tart Date: Mentor Code
+i, To set the Tab 3rder go to ;iew<Tab 3rder and rearrange the fields in the order in which
you want to tab to travel around the for
( )ave the for as Stu!ent Registration
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 2 'na Dooney
'sing the Stu!ent Registration "orm enter the = reaining records at the end of the )tudent Table
shown in the docuent on the ) drive entitled )tudent Table or on y website.
2otice that when you select a Mentor 2ae fro the drop-down list: the Mentor Code is entered in
the )tudent table and not the nae
Report 1
1 Create a report that lists students by course +)ee e#tract below to use as a guide,
2 /dd $irstnae: )urnae and Course fields to the report
& >roup the report by Course
( )ort in ascending order of )urnae
= )elect an appropriate layout: orientation. )elect Corporate as the report style. The report title
is 6ist of Current )tudents
? /dd a *un+tion to calculate the total nuber of students in each course.
+i, 0e will use the count function which is ,+ount-./ This is done by adding a te#tbo#
to the >roup Header of your $or Design and typing in e#actly what you see below. 7ou
will delete the label that will be autoatically produced with the te#t bo#
+ii, %nside the brackets we have put the nae of the *iel! we want /ccess to count and this
is in s9uare brackets 0Surname1. 0e are using this field but we could have used the
)tudentCode field *ust as well +or any field that would give us the nuber of students on
the course,.
+iii, )tart with the e9uals sign +@,: enclose any te#t strings in double 9uotes A A and use the &
sign to *oin strings with the predefined count function
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page & 'na Dooney
Report 2
#/ Create a report that lists students by Mentor
$/ This report re9uires fields fro the )tudent table and the Mentor table so we ust perfor
a 9uery first
%/ Create a 9uery based on the )tudent and Mentor tables. /dd Mentor 2ae fro the Mentor
table and the student $irstnae: )urnae and Course fields fro the )tudent table. )ave
the 9uery as Mentors and )tudents
&/ 2ow create the report based on the 9uery
'/ /dd all fields to the report
(/ >roup by Mentor 2ae
2/ )ort in ascending order of )urnae
3/ )elect and layout and orientation. )elect Corporate as the style. The report title is Mentor
4/ /dd a function to calculate the total nuber of students in each group
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page ( 'na Dooney
Create a "orm linked to the )ub*ect table as you see below. )ave the for as Sub5e+t Details
/dd the "#a table and the )ub*ect table to the .elationships in your database and )ave
This for will be used to register students for e#as. 0e need the "#a 2uber: )tudent Code:
)ub*ect Code and "#a Period fields.
Because the fields re9uired for the for are based on 2 tables: we need to perfor a query and add
the "#a table and the )tudent table to the Design window so that we can use fields fro both
tables in the for
Create a 7uery
1. $ro the )tudent table add the $irstnae and )urnae fields
2. $ro the "#a table add "#a 2uber: )tudent Code: )ub*ect Code and "#a Period fields
3. )ave the 9uery as Join tables for Exam Registration (If you look at the results of this
query you will see an empty table! That is fine as we have no students reistered for
e!ams yet"
Create the Exam Registration "orm
1. Create a for based on the #oin 9uery you have *ust saved
2. /dd all fields fro the 9uery
3. 0hen asked how you want to view your data )elect by $!am
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page = 'na Dooney
%. >ive the for the title "#a .egistration $or and save the for as "#a .egistration
&. 2ow odify the for to include the following cobo bo#es
Create the following cobo bo#es. 'emember to delete the old field first before puttin in the
repla(ement. 0e will use a cobo bo# to look up )tudent Codes to ake it easier when we are
entering data when registering students for e#as. The cobo bo# will display the )tudent Code
and )tudent 2ae but will enter the )tudent Code in the field.
Combo Box 1
1. Create a cobo bo# for the )tudent Code field
2. )elect 8% want the cobo bo# to look up the values in a table or 9uery8 and select )tudent
&. /dd )tudent Code: $irstnae and )urrnae to the Cobo bo#
(. .eove the tick fro Hide key colun bo#
=. )elect )tudent Code as the value in the cobo bo# to store in the database and store this
value in the )tudent Code field
?. "nter )tudent as the label for the cobo bo#
Combo Box 2
1. Create a cobo bo# for the )ub*e(t Code field
2. )elect 8% want to look up values in a table or 9uery8 and select the )ub*ect table
&. /dd )ub*ect Code and )ub*ect Title to the cobo bo#
(. This tie tick Hide the key colun
=. )tore the value in the )ub*ect Code field
?. "nter )ub*ect as the label for the cobo bo#
C. ;iew the properties of the cobo bo# and set the Colun widths to D cE 1D c and the
6ist width to F c. This akes the list wide enough to take any of the sub*ects on offer
Combo Box 3
# Create a cobo bo# for the $!am +eriod field
$ )elect 8% will type in the values8. )ee values below5
"#a Period
(Combo bo!"
)uer 2DD&
Christas 2DD&
)uer 2DD(
Christas 2DD(
)uer 2DD=
Christas 2DD=
% )elect 8)tore values in this field8 and select "#aPeriod
& 2ae the cobo bo# "#a Period
' )et the cobo bo# properties as follows5
+i, )et 6iit to 6ist property to 7es
+ii, )et Tab )top property to 2o for "#a nuber +because the "#a nuber is /utonuber
so we do not want the cursor to stop at this field on the for,
( )et tab order to )tudent Code: )ub*ect Code and "#a Period
2 )ave the for again as Exam Registration
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page ? 'na Dooney
Enter Data to Register Stu!ents *or Exams
2ow using the "#a .egistration $or register the following students for Database Methods:
Counications: 0ord Processing and %nforation and Counication )ystes for the )uer
2DD& e#a period. "ach exam will have a uni9ue nuber: which will be entered autoatically
since the "#a2uber field is of data type /utonuber
Maura Clohosey
Tony >allagher
Michael 3 2eill
Gohn Murphy +D&%TDD(,
Deirdre Moroney
Colin "vans
"aonn Twoey
2ora )heehan
)usan 0right
)ean 2oonan
.egister the following students for Database Methods: Counications: Prograing and )oftware
Developent for the )uer 2DD& e#a period
Donic Brennan
Brendan Dunne
Tadhg )canlan
Diaruid )cott
.od Hogan
.egister the following students for the Database Methods: Counications: 0ord Processing and "-
Coerce for the suer 2DD& e#a period
Ciara Mooney
.obin Carr
"laine Mc Carthy
Paula !ing
Gohn Murphy +D&0DDDD=,
3nce you have inputted all the data you should have about FD records in the "#a table: into which
the data is autoatically entered as you register students using the for. 6ook at your "#a table
to see this.
Create a 7uery
Create a 9uery to find "#a .egistrations by )ub*ect and Period. This is a parameter 9uery +see
A Parameter Query
/ paraeter 9uery is a 9uery that: when it runs: displays its own dialog bo# propting you for
inforation. 7ou can design the 9uery to propt you for ore than one piece of inforationE for
e#aple we want to be propted for "#a Period +ie )ummer 2,,3 or Christmas 2,,3, and then the
)ub*ect Title +ie -eb .uthorin or Communi(ations or /raphi( 0esin, so that the results of the
9uery will give us only those students that have registered for a particular "#a sitting in a
particular )ub*ect. The 9uery can be run entering different paraeters each tie and you will get
a different set of records each tie.
0hat you see below is *ust an e#tract fro the 9uery design window. To conduct this 9uery we
need the )tudent: "#a and )ub*ect tables in that order (it is easier to view sometimes when you
add the tables in a parti(ular order!"
$ro )tudent table add )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae and Course fields
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page C 'na Dooney
$ro the "#a table add "#a 2uber: "#a Period: "#a Date and .esult fields
$ro the )ub*ect table add )ub*ect Title
To create a paraeter 9uery we key in a essage in the Criteria line of the 9uery design screen. %f
we want the 9uery to display the essage 8"nter "#a Period8 and 8"nter )ub*ect Title8 when it is run
we enter those e#act essages on the Criteria line as shown here (1ake sure you en(lose the
messae in the square bra(kets as shown and in the (orre(t (olumn". "ach tie you run the 9uery
you will be propted for the criteria you wish to use. The 9uery will then find all e#a
registrations relating to the e#a period and sub*ect title entered when the 9uery is run.
)ave the 9uery as "in! stu!ent registrations by sub5e+t
Test the 9uery by entering )uer 2DD& and Prograing as the criteria and you should get
= records
Test again with )uer 2DD& and Counications and you should get 2D students as all
students ust do Counications
.un it again with )uer 2DD& and 0eb /uthoring. 7ou will find that there are no students
are registered for this sub*ect in this e#a sitting
Create a Report
1 Create a report based on the "in! stu!ent registrations by sub5e+t 9uery
2 /dd the )ub*ect Title: "#a Period: $irstnae: )urnae and Course fields
3 )ort in ascending order of )tudent Code
% )elect Corporate style
& Title is $!am 2ists by )ub*e(t
3 %n Design view ove the )ub*ect Title and "#a Period fields to the report header area
4 %nclude the college address in the report header (Copy it from an e!istin 5orm if you (an"
6 Draw a label bo# in the report header area and enter a essage for students who are not
registered for the e#a that says5
H%f you would like to sit this e#a but your nae is not listed
below: please contact your Mentor as soon as possibleI
7 Test the report by entering a different sub*ect each tie. .eeber that each tie you run
the report the query ust run first so you will be propted for the paraeters of the report
you want.
1, The Subjets that you have are only those listed in your )ub*ect table and are Prograing:
)oftware Developent: 0eb /uthoring: Counications: >raphic Design etc.
+i, The Courses we have +*ust &, are Coputer Prograing: 0eb Design and %nforation
+ii, Make sure that when you are running the report you enter one of the )ub*ects as that is
the field we have in the report and not the Course
11 Preview the report and you should get soething like this if you choose the paraeters
)uer 2DD& as the "#a Period and Prograing as the sub*ect
12 0e will now use a !untion to count the nuber of students that are registered for a
particular e#a and display it in the report header area
+i, Create a text box +later you can delete the te#t bo# label,. D3 23T use a label bo# or
this will 23T work
+ii, "nter the following in the te#t bo# e#actly as you see it
=There are & count([Surname]) & students sitting the & [SubjectTitle]&
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page F 'na Dooney
This is 5ust
an extra+t
*rom the
This should place a essage at the end of the .eport that you see below
.eport shown is of students who have registered for >raphic Design in the Christas 2DD& e#as.
1. Create a report for the students who have registered for the )uer 2DD& e#a in %nforation
and Counication )ystes
2. Create a report for the students who have registered for the Christas 2DD& e#a in )preadsheet
Produce Disk 6abels using a report to use for student disks for an e#a5
'se the J"#a 6ists by )tudentK report for this e#ercise
1 %n the database window select .eports and 2ew
2 %n the 2ew .eport window select 6abel 0i1ard and choose the 9uery $ind student registration by
sub*ect and Click 3!
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page L 'na Dooney
& Choose Metric in 'nit of Measure
( Choose )heet $eed and /very fro the 6abel type
= Choose label 6C1?1 +or whatever label you know you have for printing on,
? Choose font style: si1e and weight
C /dd the fields to the label that you want and in the order in which you want the to appear
F Choose a )ort order if you want one
L Choose a 2ae to store this label definition by +eg Disk labels for )tudent Practical "#as,
1D Click $inish
6abels can also be produced to address envelopes with student results and for lots of other purposes.
%t is a useful feature of the database.
To develop our database further we will now deal with e#a results. To enter e#a results
efficiently there are a couple of conditions.
1 0e want to see only the sub*ect relating to a particular e#a sitting
2 0e want only those records where the e#a result field is currently epty
These conditions need to be specified in a 9uery first and we will need the )tudent: "#a and
)ub*ect tables for the 9uery
$or the 9uery we need5
1 $ro )tudent table - )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae
2 $ro "#a table - "#a Period: "#a Date and .esult
& $ro )ub*ect table - )ub*ect Title
( "nter paraeters for the 9uery so that: when we run it: it asks for "#a Period and )ub*ect title
= "nter the condition that it will only display records where the .esult field is epty +in other
words the student does not already have a result in this sub*ect,
? )ort the 9uery in ascending order of )tudent Code field
C )ave the 9uery as J"#as with no .esults enteredK
1 Create a for linked to the 9uery you have *ust done
2 /dd all fields to the for
& The for nae is "nter "#a .esults and its title is "#a .esults
( Move the "#a Period field to the for header section fro the detail section
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1D 'na Dooney
= )et enable" property to #o for )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae: )ub*ect Title and "#a
Period fields +The purpose of this is that these fields cannot be edited when results are being
? Create a cobo bo# for the 'esults field. )elect J% will type in the valuesK which are Distinction:
Merit: Pass and $ail. / suggested layout and forat are shown here
/ acro is a series of coands: specified by the user: which can be saved and e#ecuted 9uickly
again by perhaps pressing *ust one key on the keyboard. Macros can be created to carry out coon
tasks such as finding or adding records in a database. Macros can also be used to develop a user
interface by creating custo enus: aking it easier and 9uicker for the database user to carry out
%n the database we have created there is one disadvantage to the syste we have devised for
entering e#a results. Because we have linked this operation to a paraeter 9uery: each tie we
want to enter results fro a different e#a sitting we have to close the for and open it again and
enter the paraeters. 0e are now going to devise a acro that will solve this little proble.
0e will create a acro that will
1 Close the "nter "#a .esults for and
2 3pen the "nter "#a .esults for and ask for the "#a Period and )ub*ect Title for which you
want to enter results
%n the database enu select Macros and 2ew
The following window appears5
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 11 'na Dooney
0e ust specify coands in the A+tion colun. 0hen the acro is run the coands will e#ecute
in se9uence. / Comment is a short stateent describing the function of particular line in the acro.
%ts purpose is siply to infor the database user of what the action is intended to achieve4 /
coent has no effect on the operation of the acro.
1 )elect Close fro the /ction colun
2 )ave @ 2o relates to saving changes to the design of the for. %t does not affect the entering of
records in the for.
& )elect 3pen$or Coand
( Click on )ave and enter 2e#t )et of .esults as the nae of the Macro
= 3pen the "nter "#a .esults for in Design view
? Check that the control wi1ard is on and click on the Coand Button in the toolbo#
C Click and drag the ouse to the right of the surnae on the for
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 12 'na Dooney
F 7ou are asked J0hat action do you want to happen when button is pressedMK
L )elect Miscellaneous
1D )elect .un Macro
11 )elect the J2e#t set of resultsK acro that you have written
12 / picture or te#t can be inserted in the coand button. )elect the te#t option. Delete Run
ma+ro and type Next Sub5e+t and click 2e#t
1& Type in Exam Results button as the button nae
7our "#a .esults $or should now look like this
Test the edited for by entering )uer 2DD& as the e#a period and Counications as the
)ub*ect Title. The for should display 2D records.
Click the 2e#t )ub*ect button. "nter )uer 2DD& and Prograing. The for should display =
Close the for without adding any results yet
0e want the for to fill the entire screen when we run it.
3pen the Macro A2e#t set of .esultsA in Design view
%n the line below 3pen$or in the /ction colun select Ma#ii1e
)ave and Close the Macro
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1& 'na Dooney
%f your $or
does not look
like this one %
would suggest
you check your
and ensure
that all tables
are related to
other tables:
as they should
These are buttons that are linked to built-in coands that e#ecute when the button is pressed +/
bit like a Macro but one that is already built in to /ccess,
3nce you draw a Coand button on a $or the wi1ard will bring you through the steps you need
and write the code in the background
3pen the Enter Exam Results "orm and below the 8e!t )ub*e(t button draw a coand button
)elect "orm perations<Close "orm<Next
)elect Te#t option and replace Close $or with $!it. Click 2e#t
Type Close $!am 'esults button as the nae of the button and Click $inish
;iew the properties of the button and set the Tab )top to 2o
/d*ust the width and other properties of the Coand button until you are satisfied. )ave the
changes to your for
3pen the "nter "#a .esults for and enter the e#a results that you see in the tables below in the
Exam Results file that you will find on ) or fro the file you will find on y website
H%2T5 To speed up entering the results because any of the dates are the sae when
you enter a date for an "#a in the first record: )elect it: Copy it and then Paste it
into each record as you add the e#a results.
0hen you are finished entering e#a results for a particular sub*ect click on 2e#t )ub*ect
button and then enter the sub*ect title and continue entering the results until you have all
the results entered for all sub*ects.
Paula !ing did not sit the "-Coerce e#a so no result is entered
Click "#it when you are finished entering results
Create a new 9uery in Design ;iew
/dd )tudent: "#a and )ub*ect tables
/dd $irstnae: )urnae and Course fro the )tudent table
/dd "#a Period: "#a Date and .esult fro the "#a table
/dd )ub*ect Title fro the )ub*ect table
/dd paraeters to the 9uery so that it will ask for the "#a Period and the )ub*ect
Title when it is run +0e only want to see results for a single sub*ect for a particular
e#a period,
"nter conditions that only records where the "#a Date and .esults fields are filled in
are displayed
)ave the 9uery as "in! Results by Sub5e+t
Create a report based on the 5ind 'esults by )ub*e(t 9uery that will group students by their result
ie Distinction: Merit etc +see e#aple shown,
1 'se all fields e#cept for "#a Date
2 >roup by .esult
& The Title for the report is .esults
( )ave the report as .esults by )ub*ect
= Modify the report as follows5
+i, .eplace the e#isting .eport Heading +title, with one that autoatically shows the )ub*ect
for which results are being displayed
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1( 'na Dooney
+ii, Move the "#a Period control to the .eport Header section under the title +the sub*ect
+iii, Delete all labels etc in the Page Header section
+iv, /dd a function that will show the nuber of results in each category ie 2o of Distinctions:
2o of Merits etc
+v, Continue to odify the report until you get one that looks like the e#tract shown here
? This e#tract fro the report that shows student results for 0eb /uthoring e#a for Christas
2DD& with the layout you are re9uired to use and the count showing the nuber of results at
each level
C Try out the report with different sub*ects to ensure that it is working properly
Create a report that will show an analysis of e#a results. %t will show the nuber of Distinctions:
Merits: Passes and $ails for all sub*ects e#ained and will group the by sub*ect. +see report e#tract
1 $irstly we need to create a query to e#tract this inforation and then base the report on it.
2 The 9uery uses "#a and )ub*ect tables. $ro "#a use "#a Period and .esult. $ro
)ub*ect add )ub*ect Title
3 /dd a paraeter so that when it runs you will be asked for an "#a Period +reeber there
are *ust 2 e#a periods - )uer 2DD& and Christas 2DD&,
$ "nter a condition that only those records where the .esult field contains data are shown
% )ave as 5ind results for a spe(ifi( period
& Create a new report based on this 9uery.
' /dd all fields
( >roup by )ub*ect Title and then by .esult fields
) .eport title is Exam Results Analysis
1* Modify the report as follows5
+i, Move "#a Period fro the Detail section to the .eport Header section
+ii, /dd a count function to the .esult Header to count nuber of results per grade
+iii, /dd a count function to the )ub*ect Title footer to count the nuber of results per
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1= 'na Dooney
)ee e#tract fro this report below when the "#a Period Christas 2DD& was entered
0e will now create a .eport on the "#a .esults of all our Current )tudents
1 Do a 8uery to find results of current students
2 'se )tudent: "#a and )ub*ect tables
3 'se fro )tudent table - )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae: Course and $inish Date
$ $ro "#a table use .esult
% $ro )ub*ect table use )ub*ect Title
& /dd conditions to the 9uery to only find records where data has been entered in 'esults field
and the 5inish 0ate field is epty
' )ave as 'esults of Current )tudents
( Create a Report based on this 9uery
) /dd all fields e#cept $inish Date
1* >roup by Course and then by )tudent Code
11 The title is Results by Stu!ent
12 )ave the report as 'esults by )tudent
13 /dd a function below the report title to show today8s date
1$ /dd a forula to calculate the total nuber of e#a results for each course ie The number of
e!ams taken in Computer +rorammin was 2,
1% )uggested layout and forat is shown here.
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1? 'na Dooney
This report will show the perforance of an individual student
0e need a 9uery to put the data together for us first
1 Design the 9uery using )tudent: "#a and )ub*ect tables
2 $ro )tudent add )tudent Code: $irst nae: )urnae: Course: $inish Date and Certificate
3 $ro "#a add .esult:
$ $ro )ub*ect add )ub*ect Title: Core Module: vocational Module and "lective Module
% /dd conditions so that if finds records of e#as where the result was pass: erit: or distinction
and where there is no $inish Date entered
& )ave the 9uery as Certifiation Query
' Create a .eport linked to the Certification Nuery including all fields e#cept for Core Module:
;ocational Module: "lective Module: Certificate and $inish Date
( >roup report by )tudent Code
) The report title is )tudent Certificates
1* Move the nae and Course fields fro Detail to )tudent Code Header sections
11 %n )tudent Code Header delete the )tudent Code field
12 /dd a function to the )tudent Code Header that displays todayIs date
13 Delete labels and lines contained in the report header
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1C 'na Dooney
1$ .educe the height of the report header to D c
1% ;iew the properties of the )tudent Code Header. )et the "or+e Ne? )age property Be*ore
Se+tion. This eans that details relating to each student will be on a separate page
%f you are having difficulty producing this report reeber that the only sections that are used are
the )tudent Code Header section: the Detail section and the Page $ooter section if you wish. The
.eport Header and Page Header sections are epty and their heights have been reduced to D
/bove you see one of the Certificates that the report produces. %t will produce each certificate on a
separate page and these can be printed to send to students.
$ro what you have been doing for the past while you will you will have noticed that any reports
are built on the results of 9ueries: so it is very iportant that you get the tables and fields right for
your 9uery before you attept doing a report. The 9uestion is what do you want the report to show
and it goes fro there4
Prepare letters to students giving their e#aination result as per separate handout on Mail Merge
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1F 'na Dooney
0e will now design a special user-interface for our database using the )witchboard facility available
in /ccess. 0e want the database to open with a enu of options fro which user can choose.
7ou decide on how you want to have the data in your database accessed using the switchboard. The
pages shown here are a suggestion and we will develop the now
"ig #
/bove you see the Main Menu +the switchboard shown in $ig 1, that we will create. This is what the
user will see when they open the database
However: we are going to develop a multiCpage s?it+hboar! and we need to create the Data Entry
+$ig 2, and >ie? Reports +$ig &, switchboards before we can create the links fro our Main Menu
+which is the ain or default switchboard,
0hen we click on the Data "ntry button we get this screen $ig 2. 0hen we click on ;iew .eports we
will get $ig & that you will see later in this docuent
"ig $
/ll we are doing here is putting a user-friendly interface on the database to ake it easier for the
user to use and anage
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 1L 'na Dooney
# >o to Tools<Database 9tilities<S?it+hboar! Manager
$ 7ou will get a essage saying /ccess cannot find a switchboard and if you would like to create
one. Say yes
% %n the S?it+hboar! Manager dialog you will see Main )witchboard +Default,
& 7ou can click E!it and change the nae of the Main )witchboard to Main Menu
' Click Close to go back to )witchboard Manager
( Click on Ne? to create a new switchboard page
2 %n the Create 2ew dialog bo# type in Data Entry as the nae of the page and Cli+D : to go back
to )witchboard Manager
3 %n the )witchboard Manager dialog select the Data "ntry page and click E!it
4 %n ne#t screen click Ne?
#E 7ou will get the E!it S?it+hboar! 6tem dialog bo#
## %n the Te#t bo# type in the label you want to appear on the screen - % have used Register ne?
#$ %n the Coand line select pen "orm in A!! Mo!e
#% %n the $or line select the Stu!ent Registration "orm
-i. 9pen 5orm in .dd 1ode allows you to enter data in your database using the chosen for
-ii. "ach ite opens a different $or depending on the one you choose in the 5orm line
#& This will add the %te 'eister new )tudents to the Data "ntry switchboard as you see here
#' Click Ne? again and add the ne#t ite in the list +see the ites in $ig 2,
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 2D 'na Dooney
#( /dd the "nter "#a .esults ite in the sae way
#2 0e need to be able to get back to the Main Menu: so the last ite you add to the switchboard is
shown below - >o to Main Menu
#3 The nae that will appear on the switchboard coand is Main Menu
#4 %n the Coand line we select >o to )witchboard
$E %n the )witchboard line we select the )witchboard we want to go to O in this case Main Menu
$# Before we leave the )witchboard Manager we need to put a link fro the Main Menu switchboard
to the Data "ntry switchboard otherwise we will never be able to access it
$$ %n the )witchboard Manager page click on Main Menu and then E!it
$% Click Ne? and add the 2 entries you see above to the Main Menu
-i. The Data "ntry link should bring us to the Data Entry switchboard
-ii. The "#it ite should allow us to e#it out database O Close Appli+ation
-iii. Be careful to use the correct operations in the Comman" line for each ite
$& 0hen you are finished adding all these ites you will see a )witchboard $or has been added
autoatically to the fors section of your database
$' DoubleC+li+D on the )witchboard for to open it
$( 7ou should see soething like this: which is the Main Menu switchboard you *ust created
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 21 'na Dooney
$2 Click on the Data Entry button to see what happens. 7ou should get the enu that looks like
$ig 2
'se the )witchboard Manager to add another switchboard page with the nae >ie? Reports +"dit the
Main Menu switchboard and add a 2ew ite,
/dd the following ites to the ;iew .eports switchboard: as before: not forgetting to ake the
navigation possible to and fro the Main Menu and the ;iew .eports screen
"ig %
0e have *ust one ore *ob left to coplete our )witchboard operation. 0e want the switchboard to
be what is seen when soebody opens the database. $or this we need to create an /utoe#ec acro.
This will run autoatically each tie the database is opened
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 22 'na Dooney
# )elect Ma+ros
$ Click Ne? +7ou should now be in Design ;iew,
% )elect pen"orm in the first line of the action colun
& )elect S?it+hboar! as the for nae in the Properties area
' $or ;iew select "orm
( )elect MaximiFe coand in the second line of the action colun. 7ou do not have to set any
other Properties here
2 )ave the acro as autoexe+
3 Test this by closing the database and opening it again. The database should open with the Main
Menu displayed and taking up the whole screen
Create a new 9uery linked to the Certifi(ation query. To do this use the Nuery 0i1ard. The purpose
of this is to find the students who have copleted their course so that we can award their
#/ Click on 7ueries<Ne?<Simple 7uery BiFar!
$/ )elect the Certi*i+ation 7uery as the basis for the new 9uery
%/ A!! )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae: Course: Core Module: ;ocational Module: "lective
Module and Certificate to the 9uery design grid
&/ Click on Totals button in the toolbar . This puts a Totals row in the design grid area
'/ )elect Sum in the totals row for Core Module: ;ocational Module and "lective Module fields
(/ Run the 9uery and you should see 2D records
2/ >o back to Design and enter (onditions in the design grid so that the 9uery finds only those
students who have copleted $ +ore mo!ules: = or ore vocational odules and # ele+tiGe
mo!ule. This will give us a list of the students who have copleted the course re9uireents
and to who we will be awarding certificates
3/ Run the 9uery again and you should get L records
4/ )rint the results of the 9uery. The reason for this is *ust to ake it easier to enter the
results in the for later4
#E/ )ave the 9uery as Certi*i+ation 7uery part $
#/ Create a new for linked to the +tu"ent table
$/ /dd )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae and Certificate fields to the $or
%/ Modify as you see below
&/ )ave as A?ar! Certi*i+ate
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 2& 'na Dooney
0e use the )tudent table to create the for above even though the 9uery Certifi(ation :uery part 2
had all the re9uired fields. 0e cannot base a for on the results of a 9uery that has a Totals row
1. >o to the 0ata $ntry switchboard page and add a new ite .ward Certifi(ates
2. Move it up so that it is above the /o to 1ain 1enu ite
3. Create the ite so that it allows us to edit the /ward Certificates $or
%. )ave your database and close it.
&. 3pen the database again and: using the table you printed with the L student naes who are
to be awarded Certificates: use the /ward Certificates button on the switchboard and enter
the data +tick Certificate for the L students, who have copleted the course. The
Certificate bo# for the students who have not 9ualified are left blank
3. )ave database
4. 6ook at the )tudent table. 7ou should see the Certificate bo# ticked for the L students
)o far we have only conducted +elet 9ueries ie 9ueries that select a sub-set of records fro our
database that atch certain criteria and display the records. 0e will now do a different type of
9uery an ,p"ate 9uery. This finds records and then updates the automatially by entering data in
one or ore fields. /s you can iagine: this is a very fast ethod of updating a database: especially
if there are a lot of records to update.
1 Create a new 9uery based on the )tudent table
2 /dd )tudent Code: $irstnae: )urnae: )tart Date: Certificate and $inish Date fields
3 /dd a (ondition to the 9uery so that it only finds records of students who have a been awarded a
% Test the 9uery by running it and you should get the L students to who you have awarded
& >o back to Design view and fro the enus select 7uery<9p!ate 7ueryH or click on in the
toolbar and then select ;pdate query
3 / new 9p!ate to row appears in the 9uery design grid
4 "nter ,!ate-. in the update-to row of the 5inish 0ate field
6 SaGe the 9uery as ;pdate finish date
7 Run the 9uery. 7ou will be propted that 8you are about to update L rows8. Click on <es to
update the records
1, /fter running the 9uery todayIs date will have been entered in the 5inish 0ate field for the L
students in 9uestion. 3pen the datasheet view of the )tudentIs table to see if the relevant
students have a date in the $inish Date field. They should have4
"#a Manageent )yste Database Page 2( 'na Dooney

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