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Murder in the Cathedral: The Play in

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Murder in the Cathedral: The Play in Focus
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Saint Mai!ilian "ol#e (1894-1941 !as
a "olis# $riest !#o #el$ed #undreds o% &e!s
es'a$e t#e terror o% t#e Na(is and later
o%%ered #is li%e in $la'e o% a %ello!
$risoner)s at *us'#!it(+ He !as 'anoni(ed
in 198,+
Saint Edith Stein (1891-194,- %eminist-
s'#olar- and t#eologian- !as born &e!is# in
Germany+ .#e 'on/erted to 0at#oli'ism in
19,,- and be'ame a nun in 1911- ta2ing t#e
religious name Teresa- 3enedi'ta a 0ru'e
(Teresa- 3lessed o% t#e 0ross+ .#e died in
t#e *us'#!it( gas '#amber on *ugust 9-
194,- !#en s#e re%used to deny #er &e!is#
#eritage+ * !itness to #er arrest by t#e
Na(is says t#at s#e too2 #er sister 4osa)s
#and and said- 50ome 4osa+ 6e)re going %or
our $eo$le+5
by T. S. Eliot
7ain $age
8/ents in History at t#e Time t#e "lay 6as 6ritten
8/ents in History at t#e Time o% t#e "lay
The Play in Focus
The $lot%Part &' (In t#e *r'#bis#o$)s #all- 9e'ember ,- 11:;+ 7embers o% t#e 0#orus
o% t#e "oor 6omen o% 0anterbury set t#e s'ene %or t#e audien'e- e<$laining t#at t#ey
#a/e been dra!n to t#e 'at#edral to bear !itness to t#e 'oming e/ents+ T#ey e<$lain t#at
t#e *r'#bis#o$ (T#omas 3e'2et #as been gone %or se/en years- and !#ile t#ey miss #im-
t#ey %ear #is return be'ause t#ey 2no! t#at t#ere !ill be 'on%li't bet!een #im and t#e
=ing+ 5=ing rules or barons rule-5 t#ey tell us+ 56e #a/e su%%ered /arious o$$ressions >
3ut mostly !e are le%t to our o!n de/i'es > *nd !e are 'ontent i% !e are le%t alone5
(EliotMurder in the Cathedral, $+ 1,+ ?n%ortunately all t#ey 'an do is !ait and bear
T#ree "riests t#en ta2e u$ t#e narrati/e- in%orming t#e audien'e t#at t#e *r'#bis#o$- t#e
"o$e- and t#e 2ings o% 8ngland and @ran'e #a/e been in/ol/ed in 'on%li'ts- intrigues- and
negotiations+ T#e "riests argue t#at t#e goal o% se'ular go/ernment is only to ta2e $o!er
and stay in $o!er+ T#ey !onder i% e/eryone #as %orgotten 5t#eir %at#er in God5(Murder,
$+ 14+
* messenger arri/es to announ'e t#at t#e *r'#bis#o$ is 'oming- !#ereu$on t#e T#ree
"riests !onder- 5Is our Lord *r'#bis#o$ > 4e-united !it# t#e =ingA5(Murder, $+ 1B+ T#e
messenger e<$lains t#at 3e'2et is 'oming #ome to a great %an%are and out$ouring o% lo/e
%rom t#e $eo$le- but t#at !#ile #e is 5at one !it# t#e "o$e- and !it# t#e =ing o% @ran'e-5
#e still #as not been united to t#e 8nglis# =ing (Murder, $+ 1C+ T#e !omen o% t#e 0#orus
!orry about 3e'2et)s return- %eeling t#at it !ill disru$t lo'al li%e and #urt 5t#e small %ol2
dra!n into t#e $attern o% %ate5(Murder, $+ ,;+ T#ey also %ear %or T#omas 3e'2et)s li%e
and !is# #e !ould stay a!ay+ T#e "riests rebu2e t#em- 'alling t#em 5%oolis#- immodest-
and babbling !omen5(Murder, $+ ,1+ 3ut !#en 3e'2et arri/es- #e su$$orts t#e !omen)s
$osition- 5T#ey s$ea2 better t#an t#ey 2no!- and beyond your understanding-5 be'ause
t#ey 2no! su%%ering (Murder, $+ ,1+ 3e'2et %urt#er e<$lains t#at 5a'tion is su%%ering5 and
im$lies t#at t#e a'tions to 'ome are $ain%ul but are also t#e !ill o% God (Murder, $+ ,1+
T#e "riests !el'ome 3e'2et and bid #im rest- but #e says #e is surrounded by enemies
and s$ies !#o !ill at-ta'2 !#en t#ey are ready+
*t t#is $oint- 3e'2et is a$$roa'#ed by @our Tem$ters+ T#e @irst Tem$ter tries to sedu'e
#im !it# memories o% #is old li%e as a ri'# and %a/ored 'ourtier+ 3e'2et resists #im easilyD
#e is no longer interested in !orldly $leasures+ T#e .e'ond Tem$ter tells 3e'2et #e 'ould
do more good %or t#e !orld by !or2ing !it#in t#e 2ing)s system t#an by o$$osing it- and
suggests t#at 3e'2et resume #is 'areer in $oliti's+ 54eal $o!er > Is $ur'#ased at a $ri'e o%
a 'ertain submission+ > Eour s$iritual $o!er is eart#ly $erdition5 (Murder, $+ ,8+ 3ut
3e'2et reFe'ts t#e idea+ He is t#e ser/ant o% God and t#e "o$eD s#all #e 5des'end to desire
a $unier $o!erA5(Murder, $+ 1;+ T#e T#ird Tem$ter tells 3e'2et t#at #e !ill ne/er be
re'on'iled to =ing Henry- so #e s#ould Foin t#e %or'es t#at !is# to o/ert#ro! t#e =ing+
3ut 3e'2et is #orri%ied by t#e suggestion: 5No one s#all say 1 betrayed a 2ing5(Murder,
$+ 14+
* @ourt# Tem$ter arri/es-to 3e'2et)s sur$rise- sin'e #e e<$e'ted only t#ree+ T#e @ourt#
Tem$ter is #ardest %or 3e'2et to o/er'ome be'ause t#is one suggests t#at 3e'2et
su''umb to t#e lure o% t#e $o!er #e 'an e<ert %rom beyond t#e gra/e-#e !ill #a/e glory
a%ter deat# and tremendous in%luen'e as a saint+ 5.aint and 7artyr rule %rom beyond t#e
gra/e-5 #e tells 3e'2et- as2ing #im to $i'ture #is dismayed enemies- t#e lines o% $ilgrims
to #is tomb- #is glittering Fe!eled s#rine (Murder, $+ 18+ 3e'2et admits t#at #e #as
t#oug#t o% t#ese t#ings+ T#e Tem$ter insists t#at #e ta2e t#e !ay o% saintly martyrdom-#e
!ill a'#ie/e t#e glory o% God !#ile #is $erse'utors li/e in torment+ 3ut t#is !ould be
doing t#e rig#t t#ing %or t#e !rong reasonsD it is !rong to desire saint#ood %or one)s o!n
$ersonal glory and to trium$# o/er one)s enemies+ 3e'2et des$airs: 5Is t#ere no !ay- in
my soul)s si'2ness- > 9oes not lead to damnation in $rideA5 (Murder, $+ 4;+
*t t#is lo! $oint- e/eryone 'omes toget#er to #aunt #im-t#e 6omen o% 0anterbury !ail
about t#eir su%%ering- t#e "riests 'aution #im not to %ig#t an un!innable %ig#t- t#e
Tem$ters tell #im t#at 5li%e is a '#eat and a disa$$ointment (Murder, $+ 41+ @inally t#e
6omen 'aution #im- 59estroy yoursel% and !e are destroyed+5 (Murder, $- 44+ 3ut
3e'2et suddenly sees t#at #e must submit #imsel% to martyrdom %or t#is is t#e !ill o%
God- t#oug# it may seem to e/eryone else to be t#e 5.enseless sel%-slaug#ter o% a lunati' >
*rrogant $assion o% a %anati'5(Murder, $+ 4B+ History- 3e'2et reali(es- !ill #a/e to dra!
its o!n 'on'lusions as to #is moti/es+
Interlude' (In t#e 'at#edral on 0#ristmas morning- 11:;+ T#e t!o $arts o% t#e $lay are
se$a-rated by 3e'2et)s 0#ristmas morning sermon- !#i'# is $rea'#ed dire'tly to t#e
audien'e as i% t#ey !ere t#e 'ongregation o% 0anterbury 0at#edral+ T#e te<t on !#i'# #e
$rea'#es is t#e %ourteent# /erse o% t#e se'ond '#a$ter o% t#e Gos$el a''ording to .aint
Lu2e: 5Glory to God in t#e #ig#est- and on eart# $ea'e to men o% good !ill5 (Lu2e ,:14+
3e'2et e<$lains t#at mourning and reFoi'ing 'oe<ist in 0#ristianity- $arti'ularly on
0#ristmas 9ay !#ere bot# 0#rist)s birt# and deat# are 'elebrated in t#e mass+ He as2s t#e
'ongregation- 59oes it seem strange to you t#at angels s#ould #a/e announ'ed "ea'e
!#en 'easelessly t#e !orld #as been stri'2en !it# 6ar and t#e %ear o% 6arA5(Murder, $+
48+ God does gi/e $ea'e- #e assures t#e 'ongregation- but not ne'essarily !orldly $ea'e+
3e'2et goes on to note t#at t#e day a%ter 0#ristmas is .t+ .te$#en)s day- 'elebrating t#e
%irst martyrD Fust as t#e '#ur'#goers simultaneously 'elebrate t#e birt# and deat# o%
0#rist- so t#ey s#ould bot# reFoi'e and mourn martyrs li2e .te$#en+ 5* 0#ristian
martyrdom-5 says 3e'2et- 5is ne/er an a''ident- %or .aints are not made by a''ident G a
martyrdom is al!ays t#e design o% God5(Murder, $+ 49+ He 'on'ludes #is sermon by
telling t#e assembled $eo$le: 5I do not t#in2 I s#all e/er $rea'# to you againD and be'ause
it is $ossible t#at in a s#ort time you may #a/e yet anot#er martyr- and t#at one $er#a$s
not t#e last+5(Murder, $+ B;+
Part () Scene &' (In t#e *r'#bis#o$)s #all- 9e'ember ,9- 11:;+ T#e 0#orus o% t#e "oor
6omen o% 0anterbury o$ens t#e s'eneD t#e !omen are still !ondering about !#at t#e
%uture #olds- !#at 'onseHuen'es it !ill bring %or t#em in t#e s$ring+ T#e time is %our days
a%ter 0#ristmas- as s#o!n by t#e entran'e o% t#e T#ree "riests+ 8a'# 'arries a banner: T#e
@irst "riest 'arries t#e banner o% .aint .te$#en (.t+ .te$#en)s 9ay- 9e'ember ,CD t#e
.e'ond "riest 'arries t#e banner o% .t+ &o#n T#e *$ostle (9e'ember ,:D t#e T#ird "riest
'arries a banner o% t#e Holy Inno'ents (9e'ember ,8+ T#at ma2es t#e 'urrent date
9e'ember ,9t#+
@our =nig#ts arri/e and announ'e t#emsel/es as ser/ants o% t#e =ing !#o #a/e urgent
business !it# t#e *r'#bis#o$+ 3e'2et grants t#em audien'e- and t#ey e<$lain to #im t#at
#e is in re/olt
against #is monar'#+ He #as 5'#eated- s!indled- liedD bro2e #is oat# and betrayed #is
=ing5 (Murder, $+ C;+ 3e'2et denies t#is and 'laims to be a loyal subFe't+ 6#en t#e
=nig#ts atta'2 #im- #e is sa/ed by a number o% $riests and attendants !#o inter$ose
t#emsel/es bet!een t#e =nig#ts and t#e *r'#bis#o$+ T#e =nig#ts t#en lay out t#e
s$e'i%i' '#arges against 3e'2et: #e %led 8ngland to stir u$ trouble against =ing Henry
!it# t#e =ing o% @ran'e and t#e "o$e- and #e 5sus$ended t#ose !#o 'ro!ned t#e young
$rin'e-5 (#e 'ast a number o% Henry)s %ollo!ers out o% t#e 0#ur'#+ T#e =nig#ts as2
3e'2et to absol/e t#ese %ollo!ers and reinstate t#em in t#e 0#ur'#+ 3e'2et says t#ey
s#ould $etition t#e "o$e %or t#is- not #im+ T#e =nig#ts t#en as2 3e'2et to lea/e 8ngland
again- but 3e'2et re%usesD #e #as already been a!ay %rom 0anterbury and #is $eo$le %or
se/en years+ He %urt#er tells t#e =nig#ts t#at #e is not t#eir enemyD t#eir $roblem is t#at
t#ey #a/e bro2en 0#ur'# la!s+ *t t#is $oint t#e =nig#ts t#reaten #im: 5"riest- you #a/e
s$o2en in $eril o% your li%e-5 and e<it t#e stage (Murder, $+ CB+
T#e 0#orus bursts out in a long $oeti' s$ee'#D t#ey are #a/ing /isions o% deat# and
!aste+ 3e'2et reassures t#em- saying t#ey !ill soon %orget t#ese #orrors+ T#e "riests
arri/e and tell T#omas to #ide %rom #is atta'2ers in t#e 0#ur'#+ 3e'2et re%usesD #e is
ready %or #is deat# !#en and i% it s#ould 'ome+ 3ut t#e "riests %or'ibly drag #im a!ay+
Part () Scene (' (In t#e 'at#edral- 9e'ember ,9- 11:;+ T#e 0#orus o% 6omen $ray to
God t#at su%%ering s#ould not be in /ain+ Inside t#e 0at#edral- t#e "riests are barring t#e
door against t#e =nig#ts- but 3e'2et demands t#ey o$en t#e doors: 5I !ill not #a/e t#e
#ouse o% $rayer G turned into a %ortress5(Murder, $+ :1+ T#e "riests argue t#at t#e
=nig#ts are not men but beasts-and surely 3e'2et !ould se'ure t#e 'at#edral against
beastsA 3ut 3e'2et insists t#at t#e '#ur'# doors remain o$en to all men- e/en enemies+
T#e doors are o$ened- and t#e =nig#ts enter- a$$arently drun2- demanding to see 3e'2et+
Ine last time t#ey lay do!n 'onditions: 5*bsol/e all t#ose you #a/e e<'ommuni'ated+
4esign t#e $o!ers you #a/e arrogated+ 4estore to t#e =ing t#e money you a$$ro$riated+
4ene! t#e obedien'e you #a/e /iolated5(Murder, $+ :B+ 3e'2et re$lies t#at #e is ready to
die- and !it# 'ries o% 5TraitorJ5 t#ey 2ill #im !#ile t#e 0#orus o% 6omen gi/e /oi'e to
t#eir $oetry o% !oe: 5T#e land is %oul- t#e !ater is %oul- our beasts and our-sel/es de%iled
!it# blood5(Murder, $+ :C+
*t t#is $oint- t#e $lay ta2es a radi'al turn+ ?$ until no!- t#e narrati/e #ad un%olded
almost entirely in $oetryD no! t#e =nig#ts ste$ u$ and ad-dress t#e audien'es in t#e
'olloHuial s$ee'# o% t#e 191;s+ T#e %irst =nig#t- 4eginald @i( ?rse- says #e and #is
'om$anions 2no! t#at t#ey loo2 li2e t#e /illains o% t#e $lay:
You are Englishmen, and therefore you believe in fair play: and when you see one man
being set upon by four, then your sympathies are all with the underdog . evertheless, !
appeal to your sense of honor. You are Englishmen, and therefore you will not "udge
anybody without hearing both sides of the #ase.
$Murder, p. %&'
He t#en as2s ea'# o% t#e ot#er =nig#ts to introdu'e t#emsel/es and $resent t#eir
Fusti%i'ations %or 3e'2et)s murder to t#e audien'e+
T#e T#ird =nig#t introdu'es #imsel% as 3aron 6illiam de Tra'i+ He tells t#e audien'e
t#at t#eir a'tions #a/e been $er%e'tly disinterestedD t#ey are Fust $utting t#eir 'ountry
%irst+ He e<$lains t#at t#ey #ad to get drun2 to get u$ t#eir 'ourage: 56#en you 'ome to
t#e $oint- it does go against t#e grain to 2ill an *r'#bis#o$-5 #e 'on%esses (Murder, $+ :9+
He %urt#er says t#at it !as t#eir duty to $er%orm t#is #orrible a't- e/en t#oug# t#ey 2no!
t#at t#e =ing !ill #a/e to $ubli'ly re$udiate and e<ile t#em+
T#e .e'ond =nig#t- .ir Hug# de 7or/ille- e<$lains t#at 3e'2et is not really t#e underdog
and as2s t#e 'ro!d to !eig# =ing Henry)s aims against 3e'2et)s+ =ing Henry is trying to
unite a 2ingdom- to 'urb t#e e<'essi/e $o!ers o% lo'al go/ernment- to re%orm t#e 8nglis#
legal system+ 3e'2et- on t#e ot#er #and- $uts God be%ore t#e =ing- 'on%using 0#ur'# and
.tate and $la'ing t#em at odds !it# ea'# ot#er+ 7or/ille says t#at t#e audien'e s#ould
remember t#at i% t#e 0#ur'# in modern days is subser/ient to t#e state- it !as t#e =nig#ts
!#o began to ma2e t#at $ossible+
T#e @ourt# =nig#t- 4i'#ard 3rito- as2s t#e audien'e- 56#o 2illed t#e *r'#bis#o$A5
(Murder, $+ 81+ 3rito 'laims t#at 3e'2et soug#t #is o!n deat#D 'learly #e !anted to be a
martyr+ 58/en at t#e last- #e 'ould #a/e gi/en us reasonD you #a/e seen #o! #e e/aded
our Huestions G #e 'ould still #a/e easily es'a$ed5(Murder, $+ 81+ Instead- #e insisted
t#at t#e doors be o$ened and let t#e =nig#ts in !#ile t#ey !ere still in a murderous rage+
T#e @irst =nig#t t#en dismisses t#e audien'e in a tone o% aut#ority !ort#y o% a $oli'e
state: 5I suggest t#at you no! dis$erse Huietly to your #omes+ "lease be 'are%ul not to
loiter in grou$s at street 'orners- and do not#ing t#at mig#t $ro/o2e any $ubli'
outburst5(Murder, $+ 84+
T#e =nig#ts e<it and t#e "riests rus# onstage+ T#e @irst "riest !orries t#at 5t#e #eat#en
s#all build on t#e ruins > T#eir !orld !it#out God-5 but #e is assured by t#e ot#er $riests
t#at t#e 0#ur'# !ill be stronger as a result o% today (Murder, $+ 84+ T#ey Foin in !it# t#e
0#orus to gi/e t#an2s to God- to a'2no!ledge t#eir #uman !ea2ness in %earing !orldly
leaders more t#an t#e Fusti'e o% God- and to as2 God %or His mer'y+
The role o* the audience: Witness) +ud,e) cri!inal%or hero-' Late in t#e se'ond a't-
rig#t a%ter t#eir 2illing o% T#omas 3e'2et- t#e murderous =nig#ts address t#e audien'e in
t#e 'olloHuial s$ee'# o% t#e 191;s: 56e beg you to gi/e us your attention %or a %e!
moments+ 6e 2no! t#at you may be dis$osed to Fudge un%a/orably o% our
a'tion5(Murder, $+ :8+ T#is is not t# %irst time t#at t#e audien'e #as been gi/en an
e<$li'it role in t#e $layD in t#e o$ening lines- t#e 0#orus- !#ose members %un'tion as
re$resentati/es o% t#e audien'e- notes t#at t#ey #a/e been 'alled to t#e 'at#edral to bear
!itness+ 3ut t#e !itnesses are abru$tly re'ast as Fudges at t#e end o% t#e se'ond a't: 5Eou
are 8nglis#men- an t#ere%ore !ill not Fudge anybody !it#out #earing bot# side o% t#e
'ase5(Murder, $+ :8+
@rom t#at $oint on- t#e =nig#ts try to !in t#e audien'e)s su$$ort %or t#eir murder o%
3e'2et- and t#e arguments t#ey ma2e are eerily $ersuasi/e+ I% 'ourse a modern-day
audien'e su$$orts t#e subordination o% '#ur'# to state- doesn)t itA I% 'ourse su'# an
audien'e re'ogni(es t#at /iolen'e is ne'essary %or maintaining t#e so'ial order+ I% 'ourse-
t#e audien'e is $atrioti' and !is#es to #a/e a strong and $o!er%ul nation+ 5*t anot#er
time-5 t#e .e'ond =nig#t says- 5you !ould 'ondemn an *r'#bis#o$ by a /ote o%
"arliament and e<e'ute #im %ormally as a traitor- and no one !ould #a/e to bear t#e
burden o% being 'alled murderer5(Murder, $+ 8,+
3y a$$ealing dire'tly to t#e audien'e in t#is %as#ion- t#e =nig#ts illustrate t#at its
members are not mere !itnesses- but are a'tually 'om$li'it in t#e murder o% 3e'2et and
men li2e #im+ 5Eou5 !ould 'ondemn an ar'#bis#o$ in anot#er time- t#e =nig#ts sayD
8liot is im$li'itly '#allenging t#e audien'e to re$udiate t#is assertion- t#ereby bringing
t#e story o% 3e'2et into t#e 191;s- t#e 5ot#er5 time to !#i'# t#e =nig#ts allude+ T#ere
!ere 'ertain $arallels- to be sure+ In #is sermon- 3e'2et tal2s to an audien'e 5stri'2en
!it# 6ar and t#e %ear o% 6ar-5 a reality also true in t#e $ost-6orld 6ar I and $re-6orld
6ar II 191;s (Murder, $+ 48+ *lso t#e 191;s !ere years !#en state $o!er !as being
'onsolidated by monar'#-li2e di'tators su'# as *dol% Hitler in Germany+ 8liot)s $lay does
not $ut =ing Henry II onstage as a '#ara'ter- !#i'# ma2es t#e state $o!er t#at 3e'2et is
o$$osing %a'eless and /ague- and in/ites t#e audien'e to dra! a 'om$arison !it# its o!n
time+ Li2e t#e nation-building monar'#s o% t#e t!el%t# 'entury- t#e di'tators o% 8liot)s era
$romoted national loyalty o/er religious %ait# and indi/idual 'ons'ien'e+ It is im$ortant
to note t#at t#ese di'tators #ad not yet 'ommitted most o% t#e #einous 'rimes %or !#i'#
t#eir names #a/e sin'e be'ome in%amous+ Ho!e/er- t#e =nig#ts in 8liot)s $lay-
$ro$#eti'ally- Fusti%y 3e'2et)s murder !it# an e<'use t#at is no! sadly %amiliar: t#ey
!ere only %ollo!ing orders+
8liot)s $lay t#ere%ore lays do!n a '#allenge to t#e audien'e: it in/ites t#eatergoers o% #is
day to resist bot# 5reason5 and 5t#e la!5 !#en it 'omes to o$$osing tyranny and state-
mandated /iolen'e+ T#e audien'e is en'ouraged not to t#in2 o% t#e $lay as dealing !it# a
$arti'ular #istori'al moment- but to reali(e t#at 3e'2et)s '#oi'e to $ut #is 'ons'ien'e
be%ore #is 'ountry is one t#at t#ey t#emsel/es may be 'alled u$on to ma2e+
Sources and literary contet' 8liot !rote Murder in the Cathedral to %ul%ill a
'ommission %rom t#e s$onsors o% t#e 191B 0anterbury @esti/al %or a 0#ristian-t#emed
$lay+ T#e %a't t#at t#e $lay !as to be $er%ormed in 0anterbury 0at#edral 'learly ins$ired
8liot to try #is #and at t#e #istori'al tale+ Initially t#e $lay)s s$onsors !ere disa$$ointed
!it# 8liot)s '#oi'e- sin'e t#e 3e'2et story is su'# an ob/ious t#eme %or 0anterbury+ In
%a't- a $re/ious 3e'2et $lay by Lord *l%red Tennyson #ad been !ritten in 18:9 and
re/i/ed %or t#e 191, and 1911 0anterbury
@esti/als- so it is understandable t#at t#e s$onsors) %irst rea'tion to 8liot)s idea !as
Ho!e/er- 8liot)s /ersion is /ery di%%erent %rom Tennyson)s+ 8liot !ent ba'2 to $rimary
sour'e material- and #is $lay relies #ea/ily on 8d!ard Grim)s eye!itness a''ount o% t#e
2illing+ Tennyson- li2e most $eo$le !#o #a/e retold t#e tale- %o'used dire'tly on t#e
Huarrel bet!een 3e'2et and #is one-time %riend- Henry II+ 3ut =ing Henry doesn)t e/en
a$$ear as a '#ara'ter in Murder in the Cathedral+ 4esisting t#e ob/ious drama to be
%ound in t#e onstage 'las# o% t!o $o!er%ul men- 8liot %o'uses instead on 3e'2et)s
internal 'on%li't as #e $re$ares #imsel% %or martyrdom- e/en going so %ar as to stru'ture
t#e $lay li2e a 0at#oli' mass+ T#ere are t!o se'tions (a mass is di/ided into 5T#e Liturgy
o% t#e 6ord5 and 5T#e Liturgy o% t#e 8u'#arist5 di/ided by a sermon- all leading u$ to
t#e 'lima< o% 3e'2et)s redeeming deat# (!#i'# mirrors 0#rist)s 'ru'i%i<ion+ 3y dra!ing
u$on #istory and ritual- 8liot !as able to 'onstru't an entirely ne! 3e'2et $lay+
4ead more: #tt$:>>!!!+ans!ers+'om>to$i'>murder-in-t#e-'at#edral-t#e-$lay-in-

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