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This article is about the Hebrew calendar month. For the Gregorian calendar
month Nisan in Turkey, see April. For the character from anchu folklore, see
Tale of the Nisan !haman. For the "apanese automaker, see Nissan otor
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- Adar Nisan ( ) Iyar
Tu Bishvat
Passover, the Festival of the Unleavened Bread,
begins on the 15th of Nisan and coeorates
the !e"s# liberation fro $gy%tian slavery&
'onth Nuber( 1
Nuber of )ays( *+
,eason( s%ring
-regorian $.uivalent( 'arch/0%ril
Nisan 1or Nissan) 12ebre"( 3 4 5678, ,tandard Nisan Tiberian N9s:n) on the 0ssyrian
calendar is the first onth and on the 2ebre" calendar is the first onth of the
ecclesiastical year and the seventh onth 1eighth, in lea% year) of the civil year& The
nae of the onth is Babylonian; in the Torah it is called the onth of the 0viv, referring
to the onth in "hich barley "as ri%e& 0ssyrians refer to the onth as the <onth of
ha%%iness&< It is a s%ring onth of *+ days& Nisan usually falls in 'arch/0%ril on the
-regorian calendar& In the Boo= of $sther in the Tana=h it is referred to as Nisan&
>ontents ?hide@
1 2olidays and observances
A In !e"ish history
* Bther uses
C Deferences
5 $Eternal lin=s
2olidays and observances?edit@
1 Nisan F Gha bFNisan F the first day of the 0ssyrian Ne" Hear
1C Nisan / Fast of the Firstborn / on 1A Nisan "hen the 1Cth falls on ,abbath
15FA1 Nisan / Passover / also AA Nisan outside of Israel
AI Nisan F traditional yahrJeit of !oshua?1@
AK Nisan / Ho 2a,hoah / on AI Nisan or AL Nisan "hen the AKth falls on Friday or
,unday res%ectively, interfering "ith ,habbat
In !e"ish history?edit@
1 Nisan / 1*KI1 B>$) / >reation of the Universe 1according to soe o%inions)
The Talud 1Dosh 2ashanah 1+bF11a) gives t"o o%inions as to the date of -od#s
creation of the universe& 0ccording to Dabbi $lieJer, <The "orld "as created in Tishrei,<
that is the siEth day of creation, "hich is the day of "hich 0da and $ve "ere created,
"as the 1st of Tishrei, celebrated each year as Dosh 2ashanah& 0ccording to Dabbi
!oshua, <The "orld "as created in Nisan&<0ccording to the Gabbalists and >hassidis,
the "orld "as first created in the <real of thought< or in <ebryonic state< in Tishrei,
and cae to the conte%orary stable state of the <real of action< in Nisan, %ossibly not
until the tie of the $Eodus& 'enache Nachu T"ers=y of >hernobyl "rote that the
%reF$Eodus "orld "as considered <noneEistent< due to its originally unstable chaotic
state& The last Mubavitcher Debbe, 'enache 'endel ,chneerson, and soe other
!e"ish ystics believed differently, that is, the %hysical "orld "as created in Tishrei,
"hile the <su%ernal idea< of creation had eerged earlier, in the onth of Nisan&
1 Nisan / 1A1++/1L++ B> a%%roE) / Patriarchs died
0ccording to the Talud, the three Patriarchs of the !e"ish %eo%le / 0braha 11L1*/
1I*L B>$), Isaac 11K1*/15** B>$) and !acob 11I5*/15+I B>$) / all "ere born and
died in the onth of Nisan&
1 Nisan / 11C5I B>) / First itJvah; <2ead of 'onths<
Bn the first of Nisan of the 2ebre" year ACCL 11C5I B>, t"o "ee=s before the $Eodus),
according to the Boo= of $Eodus 1A(1FA, <-od s%o=e to 'oses and to 0aron in the land
of $gy%t< instructing the regarding the setting of the !e"ish calendar and that <this
onth shall be for you the head of onths, the first of the onths of the year&< This is
regarded as the first itJvah 1divine coandent) given to the >hildren of Israel& Bn
that occasion -od also coanded the regarding the Passover offering and the
various observances of the festival of Passover&
1 Nisan / 11C55 B>) / 'ish=an inaugurated
Bn the eighth day follo"ing a KFday training and initiation %eriod, the %ortable 'ish=an
1<Tabernacle< or <,anctuary<) built by the >hildren of Israel in the ,inai desert "as
erected, 0aron and his sons began serving as %riests, and -odly %resence is said to
have coe to d"ell in the 'ish=an, s%ecial offerings "ere brought, "hich included a
series of gifts by Nachshon ben 0inadav, the Prince of the Tribe of !udah 1siilar
offerings "ere brought over the neEt 1A days by the other tribes of Israel)&
1 Nisan / 11C55 B>) / )eath of Nadav and 0vihu
Bn the day the 'ish=an "as inaugurated 1see above), according to Meviticus 1+(1FA,
<Nadav and 0vihu, the sons of 0aron, too= each of the his censer, and %ut fire in it, and
%ut incense on it, and offered strange fire before -od, "hich 2e coanded the not& 0
fire "ent out fro -od, and consued the, and they died before -od&<
1 Nisan / 11KKA) F Birth of Dabbi Nachan of Breslov
Dabbi Nachan "as the grandson of the Baal ,he Tov and the founder of the Breslov
,chool of 2assidis&
1 Nisan / 11LNA) / )eath of Dabbi $lielech ,Ja%ira of -rodJhis=
Dabbi $lielech ,Ja%ira, 0dor of -rodJhis= 11LA*/1LNA), son of the ,orof of
'ogelnica, died on the 1st of Nisan of the 2ebre" year 5I5A& 2e "as succeeded by his
grandson, Dabbi Hisroel ,Ja%ira and by Dabbi 'yer Hechiel 2alsJtu= of Bstrovtse&
A Nisan / 11NA+) / )eath of the Dashab
The fifth Mubavitcher Debbe, Dabbi ,holo )ovBer ,chneersohn 1<Dashab<), "as born
in the Belarusian to"n of Myubavichi in 1LI+& 0fter the death of his father, in 1LLA, Dabbi
,huel assued the leadershi% of >habadFMubavitch& Dabbi ,holo )ovBer died in
Dostov on the And of Nisan, 1NA+& 2is last "ords are recorded as, <I# going to heaven;
I leave you the "ritings&<
* Nisan / 11CNA) / $E%ulsion of ,%anish !e"s
The 0lhabra )ecree 1also =no"n as the $dict of $E%ulsion) "as an edict issued on *1
'arch 1CNA by the Ooint >atholic 'onarchs of ,%ain 1Isabella I of >astile and Ferdinand
II of 0ragon) ordering the eE%ulsion of !e"s fro the Gingdos of >astile and 0ragon
1but not fro the Gingdo of Navarre) and its territories and %ossessions by *1 !uly of
that year&
K Nisan / 11C1I B>) / ,%ies in !ericho
Thirty days after the death of 'oses on 0dar K, !oshua dis%atched t"o scouts across
the !ordan Diver to !ericho, to gather intelligence in %re%aration of the Israelites# battle
"ith the first city in their con.uest of the 2oly Mand& In !ericho, they "ere assisted and
hidden by Dahab, a "oan "ho lived inside the city "alls&
1+ Nisan / 11C1K B>) / 'iria#s )eath
'iria, the sister of 'oses, is said to have died at the age of 1AI on the 1+th of Nisan of
the 2ebre" year ACLK 11AKC B>$), *N years after the $Eodus and eEactly one year
before the >hildren of Israel entered the 2oly Mand& It is in deference to her death that
the <-reat ,habbat< is coeorated on the ,habbat before Passover rather than the
calendar date of the iracle#s occurrence, Nisan 1+&
1+ Nisan / 11C1I B>) / Israelites cross !ordan
Three days after the t"o s%ies dis%atched by !oshua scouted the city of !ericho 1see
entry for <Nisan K< above), the >hildren of Israel "ere %re%aring to enter the %roised
land& 0s they a%%roached the !ordan river "ith the 2oly 0r= carried by the Gohani
1%riests) in the lead, the river %arted for the, li=e the "aters of the Ded ,ea are said to
have s%lit "hen their fathers and others left $gy%t C+ years earlier& 1!oshua C)
11 Nisan / 11AK+) / )eath of Nachanides
11 Nisan ar=s the death of Nachanides 1<Daban<, Dabbi 'oshe ben Nachan),
11NC/1AK+)& 2e "as a Torah scholar, Gabbalist, %hiloso%her, %hysician and !e"ish
11 Nisan / Birth of Kth Mubavitcher Debbe, Dabbi 'enache 'endel ,chneerson
1* Nisan / 1CKC B>) / 2aan#s decree
In the 1Ath year of his reign 15A* B>$), Ging 0chashverosh of Persia endorsed 2aan#s
%lan <to destroy, =ill and annihilate all !e"s, fro young to old, infants and "oen, on a
single day, on the 1*th day of the 1Ath onth, the onth of 0dar&< Bn Nisan 1* 111
onths before the date chosen for the assacre) %roclaations of the decree "ere
drafted and dis%atched to all 1AK countries of the Persian $%ire& 'ordechai told $sther
to go before the =ing and %lead for her %eo%le& $sther as=ed that a threeFday fast be
%roclaied 1Nisan 1C, 15 and 1I, including the first t"o days of Passover) in "hich all
!e"s "ould re%ent and %ray for the success of her ission
1* Nisan / 115K5) / )eath of Dabbi !ose%h >aro
Nisan 1* is the anniversary of the death of Dabbi !ose%h >aro 11CLL/15K5), author of
the ,hulchan 0ruch 1<>ode of !e"ish Ma"<)&
1* Nisan / 11LII) / )eath of TJeach TJede=
The third Debbe of >habad, Dabbi 'enache 'endel ,chneersohn of Mubavitch 11KLN/
1LII, "ho "as =no"n as the <TJeach TJede=< after his 2alachic "or= by that nae)&
2e died on Nisan 1*&
1C Nisan / 111*5) / 'aionides born
Dabbi 'oses ben 'aion, Taludist, 2alachist, %hysician, %hiloso%her and counal
leader, =no"n by the acrony <Daba< and <'aionides<, "as born in >ordova,
,%ain, on the 1Cth of Nisan of the 2ebre" year CLN5 111*5 >&$&)&
15 Nisan / 11K1* B>$) / Isaac born
0ccording to the Boo= of -enesis A1(1FI, <-od reebered ,arah as 2e had said, and
-od did to ,arah as 2e had s%o=en& 0nd ,arah conceived, and bore 0braha a son in
his old age, at the set tie of "hich -od had s%o=en to hi&&& 0braha "as a hundred
years old, "hen his son Isaac "as born to hi& 0nd ,arah declared( #-od has ade
laughter for e, so that all that hear "ill laugh 1#yitJcha=#) "ith e&<
15 Nisan / 11C5I B>) / The $Eodus
0t idnight of Nisan 15 of the 2ebre" year ACCL 11*1* B>$), "hich A1+ years after
!acob settled in $gy%t and C*+ years after the <>ovenant Bet"een the Parts,< -od is
said to have visited the last of the ten %lagues on the $gy%tians, =illing all their firstborn&
$arlier that evening, the Israelites conducted the first <seder< of history, eating the
roasted eat of the Passover offering "ith atJot and bitter herbs, and s%rin=ling the
blood of the sacrifice on their door%osts as a sign that -od "ill <%ass over< their hoes
"hen inflicting the %lague u%on the $gy%tians& Pharaoh#s resistance to free the "as
bro=en, and he chased his forer slaves out of the land& ,everal illion %eo%le, I++,+++
adult ales, not including "oan and children, and a large <iEed ultitude< of nonF
2ebre"s "ho Ooined the to leave $gy%t on that day, and began the 5+Fday tre= to ,inai
a"aiting the %roised land&
1I Nisan / 11AK* B>$) / 'anna ends
Bn the 1Ith of Nisan of the 2ebre" year ACLL 11AK* B>$), siE days after the >hildren of
Israel entered the 2oly Mand under the leadershi% of !oshua, their reaining su%%ly of
the iraculous <bread fro heaven,< "hich had sustained the since shortly after their
eEodus fro $gy%t C+ years earlier, ran out& 1The anna had ceased falling on the
%revious 0dar K, the day of 'oses# death&) 0fter bringing the <Ber< offering at the
,anctuary they erected at -ilgal, the %eo%le %re%ared their 1unleavened) bread for the
first tie fro the %roduce of the land&
1I Nisan / 1CKC B>) / $sther a%%ears before 0chashverosh
Bn the *rd day of the fast %roclaied by 'ordechai at her behest 1see above, Nisan 1*),
Pueen $sther a%%eared unsuoned before Ging 0chashverosh, "hich is a ca%ital
offence itself& The =ing, ho"ever, eEtended the royal sce%tre to her, signifying his
consent that she a%%roach hi& $sther re.uested that 0chashverosh attend a %rivate
"ine %arty "ith her and 2aan 1according to one o%inion in the Talud, her %lan "as to
a=e 0chashverosh Oealous of her a%%arent friendshi% "ith 2aan so that he "ould =ill
the both, thus saving the !e"ish %eo%le fro 2aan#s decree)&
1K Nisan / 1ACth >entury B>) / Noah#s 0r= cae to rest on ountains of 0rarat
Bn the 1Kth day of the Kth onth1Nisan before Torah, -enesis L(C, $Eodus 1A(1) Noah#s
ar= cae to rest on the ountains of 0rarat&
1K Nisan / 1CKC B>) / 2aan 2anged
0t the And "ine %arty she ade for Ging 0chashverosh and 2aan, Pueen $sther
revealed her identity to the =ing and began to %lead for her %eo%le, %ointing to 2aan as
the evil scheer %lotting to destroy the& Qhen >harvonah, a royal servant, entioned
the gallo"s "hich 2aan had %re%ared for 'ordechai, the =ing ordered that 2aan be
hanged on the, o%ening the door for the !e"s# salvation fro 2aan#s decree 1Boo= of
$sther, cha%ter K)&
,even days after the $Eodus, the Israelites "ere tra%%ed bet"een the $gy%tian ary
and cavalry %ursuing the fro behind and the "aters of the Ded ,ea in front of the&
0ll that night, a %illar of fire intervened bet"een the $gy%tians and the Israelites, and at
daybrea=, according the Bible, -od coanded 'oses( <,%ea= to the >hildren of Israel,
that they should ove for"ardR< Nachshon ben 0inadav of the tribe of !udah "as the
first to Ou% into the sea; the "ater s%lit, and <the children of Israel "al=ed across on the
dry land in the idst of the sea<& Qhen the $gy%tians follo"ed, the "aters returned to
their natural state and %lace and dro"ned the& The >hildren of Israel sang the <,ong at
the ,ea< in %raise and gratitude to -od&
AI Nisan / 11*LI B>) / )eath of !oshua
!oshuah 11CNI/1*LI B>), "ho assued the leadershi% of the %eo%le of Israel after
'oses# death and led the into the 2oly Mand, died on Nisan A5
AK Nisan / 11NC*) / Qarsa" -hetto U%rising
In the suer of 1NCA, about *++,+++ !e"s "ere de%orted fro Qarsa" to Treblin=a&
Qhen re%orts of the ass urder in the =illing center lea=ed bac= to the Qarsa" ghetto,
an organiJed resistance began foring, "hich anaged to suggle a odest cache of
ars into the ghetto& Bn the 1Cth of Nisan of 1NC*, the reaining *5,+++ !e"s in the
Qarsa" -hetto 1fro an original C5+,+++) staged an organiJed u%rising, and drove bac=
the NaJis "ith a rain of bullets "hen they cae to begin the final reoval of all !e"s&
The !e"ish resistance lasted AK days& 0 heroic stand "as ade in an underground
bun=er under 1L 'ila ,treet, "here hundreds of fighters, including the ACFyearFold
leader of the u%rising, 'ordechaO 0niele"icJ, et their death& 0lthough the -hetto "as
burned to the ground by Iyar *, a fe" stray survivors hid in the rubble and fired at the
NaJis for t"o onths longer& In tribute to the u%rising, the Israeli governent designated
the AKth of Nisan as its official <2olocaust and Bravery )ay,< and in any !e"ish
counities the day is observed as an annual 2olocaust reebrance day& But
because of the halachic %rohibition to conduct eulogies and other ournful events in the
festive onth of Nisan, the chief rabbinate of Israel, and any !e"ish counities,
observe instead the 1+th of Tevet as a day to ourn and reeber the siE illion, "hich
include any "hose yahrtJeit 1date of death) reains un=no"n&
AL Nisan / 11C15 B>) / >on.uest of !ericho
The first city to fall to the >hildren of Israel in their con.uest of the Proised Mand "as
the fortified city of !ericho& For seven days, the Isaraelites arched around the city "alls
carrying the 2oly 0r=, %roceeded by =ohani sounding the ,hofar 1Da#s horn)& Bn the
Kth day, the "alls crubled and the city "as con.uered& This is according to the Boo= of
!oshua ch& I)&
AN Nisan / 11IA+) / )eath of Dabbi >hai Sital
Nisan AN is the yahrtJeit 1anniversary of the death) of the Gabbalist Dabbi >hai Sital 1c&
15CAF1IA+), author of the ystical "or= $itJ >hai& Dabbi >hai "as a disci%le of
Dabbi Isaac Muria 1the <2oly 0ri,< 15*C/15KA) and the transcriber of his teachings, "hich
for the <Murianic< Gabbalah&
In Baberg, -erany during a coercial crisis in 1INN, the %o%ulace rose u% against
the !e"s, and one !e" saved hiself by thro"ing %runes fro a gableF"indo" do"n
u%on the ob& That event, the ANth of Nisan, called <T"etschgenFTa#anit< 1PruneFFast),
"as coeorated by a fast and a Puri festivity until the eEterination of the !e"ish
counity there&?A@

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