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Committee on Children With Disabilities

Provision of Educationally-Related Services for Children and Adolescents

With Chronic Diseases and Disabling Conditions

ABSTRACT. Children and adolescents with chronic services that are to be provided. According to Section
diseases and disabling conditions often need related ser- 504, all children should be provided with an appro-
vices. As medical home professionals, pediatricians can priate education that “could consist of education in
assist children, adolescents, and their families with the regular classes, education in regular classes with the
complex federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and use of supplementary services, or special educational
systems associated with these services. Expanded roles
for pediatricians in Individual Family Service Plan, In-
and related services.” Psychological testing and eval-
dividualized Education Plan, and 504 Plan development uation, counseling, physical and occupational ther-
and implementation are recommended. apy, medical services, speech pathology, audiology,
The complex range of federal, state, and local laws, and orientation mobility instruction are listed among
regulations, and systems for special education and re- the types of “developmental, corrective, and . . . sup-
lated services for children and adolescents in public port services” that may be provided to qualified
schools is beyond the scope of this statement. Readers are persons. Thus, Section 504 implies that children with
referred to the policy statement “The Pediatrician’s Role chronic diseases and disabling conditions are enti-
in Development and Implementation of an Individual tled to appropriate modifications within their educa-
Education Plan (IEP) and/or an Individual Family Ser- tional program to accommodate their special needs,
vices Plan”1 by the American Academy of Pediatrics for
additional background materials.
regardless of whether their classroom placement is
considered regular education or special education.
Some school systems have developed flexible, func-
ABBREVIATIONS. IDEA, Individuals With Disabilities Education tion-oriented “504 Modification Plans” for students.
Act; IEP, Individual Education Plan. Unfortunately, some school systems still provide few

elated services such as speech therapy, occu- MEDICALLY NECESSARY VERSUS
pational therapy, physical therapy, and nurs- EDUCATIONALLY NEEDED
ing care are provided to students in school Health care professionals frequently view these
because they are related to the student’s education. related services as medically necessary or helpful for
The term related services as currently defined in Part children and adolescents with chronic diseases and
A of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act disabling conditions. Although this is appropriate in
(IDEA) includes the following2: the health care setting, it is not the standard for
. . . transportation and such developmental, corrective, and services that are mandated to be provided by public
other supportive services (including speech–language pathol- systems. The additional proviso that the service must
ogy and audiology services, psychological services, physical
and occupational therapy, recreation, including therapeutic be necessary for education or special education is a
recreation, social work services, counseling services, includ- key component in the laws. This difference in per-
ing rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility ser- spective and interpretation by pediatricians and par-
vices and medical services, except that such medical services ents often leads to misunderstandings, frustrations,
shall be for diagnostic and evaluation purposes only) as may conflicts, and problems in the development and im-
be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from
special education, and includes the early identification and plementation of related services within school pro-
assessment of disabling conditions in children. grams for children with disabilities. To best serve
children with disabilities and their families, pediatri-
The legal justification for the provision of related cians need to be familiar with these issues, their legal
services without qualifying for special education basis, and the special educational process and sys-
placement can be found in Section 504 of the Reha- tem. This is a key function of the medical home
bilitation Act of 1973.3 This section prohibits discrim- provider for children with chronic diseases and dis-
ination based on disability within federal and feder- ability conditions.
ally assisted programs. Regulations promulgated by
the Department of Education have more broadly de- CHALLENGES FOR SCHOOLS
fined the persons covered by this act, as well as the
Providing related services presents significant op-
portunities for the children served and challenges for
The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course the educational system. With greater numbers of
of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into
account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
children with chronic diseases and disabling condi-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2000 by the American Acad- tions entering the school system and the increasing
emy of Pediatrics. complexity of these conditions, many issues and

448 PEDIATRICS Vol. 105 No. 2 February 2000

problems have developed. The availability of ser- sponsibility for overseeing the provision of complex
vices, designation of responsibility for their payment nursing care and other related services for children
and provision, and conflicting legal imperatives, as with disabilities who attend public school. School
well as other obstacles, result in vastly different ser- systems also are concerned about managed care sys-
vices in various communities. The current trend of tems shifting funding responsibilities for rehabilita-
integration and inclusion of many children with a tion and medical diagnostic services from health care
wide range of disabilities in “regular” classrooms to the school system. The assumption of these re-
and programs is making the provision of related sponsibilities by school systems has the potential to:
services outside of traditional “special” educational 1) increase conflicts with local physicians and other
settings a larger and more complex issue. Adequate agencies responsible for health care provision, 2)
classroom and school modifications (eg, ramps and contribute to the disjointed nature of health care for
accessible sinks and toilets) and support personnel children, and 3) result in unnecessary treatment at
(eg, instructional assistants, school nurses, and spe- increased cost,7 depleting educational resources for
cial education teachers) are needed in more class- other children.
rooms and schools.
The difficulties in implementation of related ser- THE PEDIATRICIANⴕS ROLE
vices in schools are as varied and complicated as the The physician’s role mandated by IDEA as a re-
disabilities of the children involved. These problems, lated service is defined to include only the diagnosis
among others, include the following: 1) lack of clarity and evaluation of the disability. However, in the
about which circumstances should result in a child’s context of primary care, the physician’s role also
exclusion from school for medical reasons; 2) uncer- includes the medical management, supervision, and
tainty about the responsibility for and administration program planning for the children. IDEA does not
of complex nursing treatment or therapy in school; 3) mandate that these additional roles are paid for by
inconsistencies in state and local guidelines and in- the public school. Parents often need an advocate for
terpretations about which health care professionals the child based on an objective appraisal of the
should prescribe the type and amount of physical, child’s special needs and realistic expectations. Input
occupational, and speech therapies; 4) uncertainty from the medical home professional also assists with
about medical liability for therapies administered in placing services in a developmental context in which
school; 5) conflicting opinions about the propriety of changes in needs are to be expected over time. The
some therapies used for children; 6) concern about important medical services extend beyond IDEA
the rising cost of special education services and mandates.
whether all treatment required in Individual Educa-
tion Plans (IEPs) is warranted; and 7) the frequent CONCLUSION
lack of provision of related services for children who A multidisciplinary approach is required in the
may not qualify for special education but who have initial evaluation of children to determine their eli-
chronic diseases and disabling conditions that impair gibility for services within the educational system. It
their ability and readiness to attend or participate in is also necessary to maintain a comprehensive mul-
school.4 tidisciplinary approach in the provision of these ser-
vices, which must be coordinated with the child’s
SCHOOL SYSTEM RESPONSIBILITY medical home professional. The inequalities in the
In March 1999, the Supreme Court ruled that com- interpretation and provision of services between and
plex nursing service (ventilator care) is a related within states and school districts need to be cor-
service.5 The difference between educationally re- rected. The developmental, educational, and medical
lated services and rehabilitation services is unclear. needs of the child or adolescent should be deter-
Court rulings have generally mandated that thera- mined first. Issues of who provides the appropriate
pies recommended in the IEP be reimbursed by the services and how payment is to be made must be
educational system.6 However, this has not pre- resolved in the context of maintaining the child in the
cluded the application of Medicaid or other public appropriate educational environment.
funding to support medical service provisions for
children with disabilities. Although private insur- RECOMMENDATIONS
ance carriers have generally declined reimbursement 1. Educate ourselves. To oversee the provision of
for therapies provided in the schools, in specific sit- services effectively, including related services,
uations they may be responsible for payment of physicians should be well informed about the
school-based services and frequently pay for com- medical or educational needs of children and ad-
munity-based services. The parents, however, may olescents with chronic diseases and disabling con-
decide not to make claims against their insurance ditions. Opportunities for physicians to learn
because it would create a threat of financial loss, such more about these issues and what they can do to
as lowering the child’s available lifetime medical have a positive effect on the availability of services
benefits. Generally, school systems are not responsi- should be developed and widely disseminated.
ble for acute rehabilitation services. 2. Learn the laws. Health care professionals need to
In communities in which the school systems have be aware of the issues and inconsistencies in Pub-
borne the responsibility for implementing the IEP lic Law 105–17, Parts B and C (IDEA), and Section
and funding most of the therapies, the educational 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Pediatricians
authorities are increasingly concerned about the re- can determine local and state school system poli-


cies and procedures for children who are eligible the schools can be expanded. The child, the child’s
under Section 504 or IDEA by contacting school family, and the school may benefit by medical
administrators. This knowledge will enable them consultation to determine and supervise the spe-
to serve as effective providers, resources, and ad- cific medical, nursing, and therapy needs of the
vocates for children and adolescents with disabil- child within the educational setting. Physicians
ities and their families. Additional advocacy may can take a more active role in the development
be provided by disabilities law centers or parent and implementation of Individual Family Service
advocates (see resources). These actions should Plans, IEPs, and 504 Plans.
help ensure that children and adolescents with 7. Get involved at the systems level. It is important
disabilities who do not have significant cognitive that physicians, especially pediatricians, seek rep-
or achievement impairments, but would benefit resentation on the local advisory and interagency
from related services (such as children with committees that oversee programs for placement
chronic illnesses), will have their total educational of children and adolescents with chronic diseases
needs met by the school. and disabling conditions in schools.
3. Be an advocate. Help parents find advocates. Pe-
diatricians, including pediatric subspecialists, can Committee on Children With Disabilities,
objectively appraise the special needs of children 1999 –2000
and adolescents and determine realistic expecta- Philip R. Ziring, MD, Chairperson
tions. They can be advocates for children and Dana Brazdziunas, MD
adolescents and can assist with establishing an W. Carl Cooley, MD
appropriate balance between the recommenda- Theodore A. Kastner, MD
tions made by the school team and the desires of Marian E. Kummer, MD
the family. These actions may be especially help- Lilliam González de Pijem, MD
Richard D. Quint, MD, MPH
ful when controversial services or litigation is in-
Elizabeth S. Ruppert, MD
volved. In some instances, pediatricians need to Adrian D. Sandler, MD
maintain an independent perspective on behalf of
the child, avoiding too close an alliance with the Liaison Representatives
William C. Anderson
parents if they have an adversarial relationship Social Security Administration
with the school system. Polly Arango
4. Focus on the child’s needs. The initial pediatric Family Voices
focus for services should be on the child or ado- Paul Burgan, MD, PhD
lescent with a disability and his or her specific Social Security Administration
needs, not the relationship of these services to the Connie Garner, RN, MSN, EdD
child’s educational placement. Once needs have US Department of Education
been defined, the role of the school system and the Merle McPherson, MD
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
role of community providers should be deter-
Linda Michaud, MD
mined. The specific class placement should not American Academy of Physical Medicine/
determine the provision of related services in Rehabilitation
school. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, MD
5. Coordinate care. The supervision of medical care Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
and health-related services for children and ado- Section Liaisons
lescents with chronic and disabling conditions is Chris P. Johnson, MEd, MD
the responsibility of the medical home profes- Section on Children with Disabilities
sional, primary care pediatricians, pediatric spe- Lani S. M. Wheeler, MD
cialists, and other medical providers, regardless of Section on School Health
the location or source of payment for these ser-
vices. When this responsibility extends to services
provided by the school system, careful collabora- REFERENCES
tion and coordination by the medical home pro- 1. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children With Disabil-
fessional with the educational authorities are nec- ities. The pediatrician’s role in development and implementation of an
essary. Issues such as the source of payment, individual education plan (IEP) and/or an individual family service
liability, location(s) for treatment, and the specific plan (IFSP). Pediatrics. 1999;104:124 –127
staff performing the treatment(s) should be re- 2. The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 20 USC ␤1400
et seq, June 4, 1997
solved with the responsible state and local agen-
3. Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Pub L No. 93-112, Section 504
cies. Although schools are responsible for accom- 4. Bergdorf RL. The Legal Rights of Handicapped Persons, Case Materials and
modations and modifications under Section 504, Text. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co; 1980
health insurance plans should provide payment 5. Cedar Rapids Community School District Versus Garret F, 119 SCt 992, 143
for direct therapies when needed for health rea- Led 2d 154; 67 USLW 4165, March 3, 1999
sons. School systems and physicians should ex- 6. North and District of Columbia Board of Education, 471 E Supp 136 (DC
1979). ELHR. 1979;551:157
plore a range of participation, including methods
7. Palfrey JS, Singer JD, Raphael ES, Walker DK. Providing therapeutic
such as teleconferencing and faxing. services to children in special educational placements: an analysis of the
6. Be proactive. The physician’s role in the care of related services provisions of public law 94 –142 in five urban school
children and adolescents with disabilities within districts. Pediatrics. 1990;85:518 –525


SUGGESTED READINGS Laws Say? Available at: http://www.nichcy.org/pubs/newsdig/
Bateman B. The physician and the world of special education. J Child Neurol. IDEA ’97 Overview. Available at: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/
1995;10(suppl 1):S114 –S120 IDEA/overview.html
Liptak GS, Weitzman M. Children with chronic conditions need your help IDEA ’97 Regulations. Available at: http://www.ideapractices.org/
at school. Contemp Pediatr. 1995;12:64 – 80 idearegsmain.htm
McInerny TK. Children who have difficulty in school: a primary pediatri- Related Services for School-aged Children With Disabilities. Available at:
cian’s approach. Pediatr Rev. 1995;16:325–332 http://www.nichcy.org/pubs/newsdig/nd16txt.htm
Ordover EK, Boundy KB. Educational Rights of Children With Disabilities: A Providing Early Services to Children With Special Needs and Their Fami-
Primer for Advocates. Cambridge, MA: Center for Law and Education; 1991 lies. Available at: http://www.nectas.unc.edu/pubs/pubslist
Terman DL, Larner MG, Stevenson CS, Behrman RE. Special education for 1.html#provi
children with disabilities: analysis and recommendations. Future Child.
1996;6:4 –24
US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. The Civil Rights of ADVOCACY SUPPORT RESOURCES
Students With Hidden Disabilities. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973; 1995 Family Voices
Technical Assistance Alliance for Parent Centers
INTERNET RESOURCES www.taalliance.org
The Physician’s Guide to Special Education Services. Available at: http:// 612– 827-2966
members.aol.com/pepofwi/phys/Physician.html Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (PACER)
Overview of ADA, IDEA, and Section 504. Available at: http:// www.pacer.org
www.cec.sped.org/digests/e537.htm Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI)
The Education of Children and Youth With Special Needs: What Do the www.hood.edu/seri


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