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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Psoriasis Case Study

Name: Khaled Mohammad Gharaibeh
Dermatology Department

Patient profile:
Ahmad Ali Turki, a 20-year- Jordanian male patient
from Irbid, single, civil engineer student came to
princess Basma hospitals clinic in 30/9/2014
complaining from skin rash

Chief complaint:
Skin rash of 2 years duration

History of presenting illness
Ahmad is a known case of psoriasis since 2 years ,
started on both elbows after 6 months progressed to
involve both knees and lower back, it was severely
itching , painful , pink in color as patient said without
any color change , no bleeding nor discharge,
slightly improve by sunlight exposure and
exacerbate by stress , with positive family history(his
father), no hair nor nail changes, in last 3 days
patient complained from malaise, general
weakness, fever & rhinorrhea that results in
exacerbating his skin rash so he came to the clinic .

Systemic review :
He complained from abdominal pain (since 3 day)
associated with diarrhea and anorexia
Past&social history:
- Drug : cyclosporine since he diagnosed
- No allergy
- Non smoker
- No history of animal contact
- No history of hospitalization nor operations

Family history :
Positive (his father)

Physical exam
Multiple plaque, pink color, well defined
margin, silver scaly, no specific arrangement,
distributed on both knees, elbows and lower
-When scale is removed it showed pinpoint
bleeding (auspitzs sign)

Treatment :
Psoriasis is treated by topical treatment
including; retinoids, vit.Danalogues ,coal tar
and systemic one
PUVA(phototherapy),immunosuppressant like
methotrexate and cyclosporine
- This patient is treated by retinoids,PUVA and

The rash was scaly so we exclude urticaria & reactive
erythema , it was well defined so we exclude
eczema , it was bilateral so we exclude fungal
infections,no apperance of one lesion(herald
plaque) then distributed on trunk with 2 years
duration so we exclude pityriasis rosea , it was plaque
(not papule) with no wickhams striae and normal
mouth so we exclude lichen planus
- by exclude other papulosquamous diseases the
diagnosis was psoriasis and whats support us :-
positive family history
-auspitzs sign - its the commonest -chronic

At the end : special thanks to all doctors in
dermatology department , those 2 weeks was so
intersting and full of benefits

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