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12 Worksheet (AS)

1 What is the unit of resistivity? [1]

A ohm
B ohm metre
C ohm metre
D ohm metre
2 Which of the graphs shows the IV characteristic of an ohmic conductor? [1]
AS and A Leve !hysics "rigina materia # $am%ridge &niversity !ress 2'1' 1
12 Worksheet (AS)
3 (he diagrams show two wires %oth made from the aoy eure)a* Wire 1 has ength L+ diameter d
and resistance R. Wire 2 has ength 2L and diameter 2d.
What is the resistance of wire 2? [1]
D 2 R
4 (he graph shows the variation of the resistance of a thermistor with temperature*
Which concusion can %e made directy from the graph? [1]
A (he resistance of the thermistor increases when the current through it increases*
B (he resistance of the thermistor increases when the potentia difference across it decreases*
C (he resistance of the thermistor increases when the temperature of the thermistor decreases*
D (he resistance of the thermistor increases when the temperature of the thermistor increases*
5 A student has a metaic conductor and a semiconductor* (he temperature of the two materias
is raised*Which ine in the ta%e correcty shows the change in their resistance? [1]
Metallic conductor Semiconductor
decreases decreases
decreases increases
increases decreases
increases increases
AS and A Leve !hysics "rigina materia # $am%ridge &niversity !ress 2'1' 2
wire 1 wire 2
12 Worksheet (AS)
6 (he graph shows the IV characteristics of a fiament amp*
a -oes the amp o%ey "hm.s aw? /0pain your answer* [1]
b $acuate the resistance of the amp at ,*' 1* [2]
c -escri%e how the resistance of the amp depends on the current* [1]
7 A negative temperature coefficient
34($5 thermistor and its
connecting eads are coated with
a high6resistivity pastic materia*
(he thermistor is paced in a %ea)er
containing hot water* (he
temperature of the water is )ept
constant at 7' 8$* (he IV
characteristic of the thermistor
is shown %eow*
a $acuate the resistance of the thermistor* [2]
b State and e0pain the change+ if any+ to the shape of the graph of I against V when the
temperature is owered and maintained at 2' 8$* [2]
8 A wire is made of a materia of resistivity * Write an e9uation for the resistance R of a wire
of ength L and diameter d* [2]
9 A manganin wire of radius '*1: mm has a resistance of :*22 per metre of ength*
a $acuate the resistivity of manganin* [,]
b /0pain how your answer to a woud change if the manganin wire had twice the radius* [2]
Score; <
AS and A Leve !hysics "rigina materia # $am%ridge &niversity !ress 2'1' 2

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