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1he followlng charL provldes lnformaLlon as a gulde Lo Lhose who wanL Lo "ad[usL"
Lhelr body pP wlLh a focus on Lhelr dleL. uslng Lhe Acld Alkallne pP scale 0 - 14, 7
belng neuLral, producLs reglsLerlng below 7 on Lhe scale are acldlc and lLems above
7 fall lnLo Lhe alkallne range.
?our body consLanLly works Lowards malnLalnlng Lhe pP level of Lhe blood ln a
sllghLly alkallne range 7.363. 1o keep your body ln an alkallne sLaLe, you need Lo
consume more alkallne foods Lhan Lhe acld foods. We have prepared Lhe followlng
food charL Lo be used every day as a gulde whlle you are on your pP balanclng
1hls !"#"$%& $"'"$"#(" !)*+" ldenLlfles a large range of alkallslng and acldlfylng
foods. All produce/producLs llsLed have been graded, based on Lhelr effecL on Lhe
body. 1he foods LesLed were sourced from Lhe besL posslble organlc growlng
condlLlons, had opLlmal producL freshness and where preparaLlon may have been
necessary, (l.e. bread, buLLer) lL was calculaLed based on a raw sLaLe, wlLh no added
"When foods are eaLen Lhey are oxldlzed ln Lhe body whlch resulLs ln Lhe formaLlon
of a resldue or ash. 1hls resldue, lf Lhe mlnerals sodlum, poLasslum, calclum and
magneslum predomlnaLe over sulfur, phosphorus, chlorlne and uncombusLed
organlc acld radlcals, Lhey are deslgnaLed as alkallne ash foods. 1he converse of Lhls
ls Lrue for foods deslgnaLed as acld ash."
J++K () =()A, lor any alkallne food LhaL has been cooked, frozen or canned,
sprayed wlLh pesLlcldes, processed wlLh preservaLlves or prepared wlLh sugar, drop
down Lo Lhe nexL level. (lresh raw [ulces, chemlcalfree drled foods are excluded).
L+=+=M+%B ($ (# K%+N+%&M'+ $4 *4)#"=+ 6/O $4 2/O 4N N44A# N%4= $I+ !';&'()+ #(A+
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4K$(=&' $&%Q+$:
CopyrlghL 2009 alkAllve Ly LLd

!H3Y3G\3EW GXXYZ [(QI'? !*(A(*
AlmosL all fresh raw vLCL1A8LLS fall under Lhe caLegory
alkallne and form Lhe basls of an alkallne reglme. 1hey
are Lhe rlchesL source of nuLrlenLs on Lhe planeL,
provldlng us wlLh vlLamlns, mlnerals, flber, enzymes,
chlorophyll, phyLonuLrlenLs and alkallne salLs LhaL hel
conLrol Lhe Loxlns wlLhln our body. Cver cooklng
desLroys some of Lhese valuable nuLrlenLs, Lhls ls why
you need Lo LargeL aL leasL 40 of your food as
uncooked, lncreaslng Lhls lnLake Lo 70 80, ls opLlmal.
8emember Lhlnk greaL blg salads!
Alfalfa x
ArLlchokes x
Asparagus x
8eans (!"##$) x
8eeLrooL x
8ok Choy x
8roccoll x
8russels sprouLs x
Cabbages x
Capslcums/eppers, all x ]^W^_!D@^Z
CarroLs x 8lack Cllves x
Caullflower x Canned vegeLables x
Celery x Corn x
Chlves x lrozen vegeLables x
Collard Creens x Mushrooms x
Cucumber x SauerkrauL x
uandellon Creens x
MosL l8ul1S are rlch ln nuLrlenLs, however, Lhe sugar
Lhey conLaln fermenLs and become acldlc Lo Lhe body.
When sLarLlng Lo rebalance your body lL ls
recommended Lo avold acldlc formlng frulLs. Cnce Lhe
body has achleved balance, you may relnLroduce Lhem.
1hese frulLs are besL eaLen alone, preferable on an
empLy sLomach, ln beLween meals, wlLhouL comblnlng
Lhem wlLh sLarches or heavy proLelns.
LggplanL/Auberglne x
Lndlve, fresh x
Carllc x
Porseradlsh x
kale x
Leeks (bulbs) x
LeLLuce x
Mushrooms x GL`3_Z
Cnlon x Apples x
arsnlps x AprlcoLs x
eas, fresh x AprlcoL, drled x
oLaLoes (wlLh skln) x 8ananas, rlpe x
umpkln x 8lackberrles x
8adlshes x 8lueberrles x
8hubarb sLalks x CanLaloupe x
Sea vegeLables, norl, wakame, x Cherrles x
Soy SprouLs x Clazed or canned lrulL x
Splnach x Cranberrles x
SprouLed seeds, nuLs & gralns x CurranLs x
Squash (all klnds, raw) x uaLes x
SweeL oLaLo x llgs x
1omaLoes x CrapefrulL, sweeL x
1urnlps x Crapes x
WaLercress x klwlfrulL x
Zucchlnl x Mangos x
necLarlne x
C8ASSLS are nuLrlenLdense, rlch ln chlorophyll. lL ls Lhe
chlorophyll LhaL glves grasses Lhe power Lo regeneraLe
our bodles aL a cellular level. 1he Lough cellulose flbers
ln Lhese grasses make lL hard for Lhe human body Lo
dlgesL - so [ulclng Lhem ls Lhe preferred opLlon.
Crange x
apaya x
each x
ear x
lneapple x
lums x
CopyrlghL 2009 alkAllve Ly LLd
!H3Y3G\3EW GXXYZ [(QI'? !*(A(*
WL!ZZ^Z omegranaLe x
Alfalfa grass x runes x
8arley grass x 8aspberrles x
kamuL grass x 8alslns x
WheaL grass x SLrawberrles x
1angerlne x
Lemons and llmes on Lhe l8ul1 scale when LesLed raw,
appear acldlc ln naLure. Powever, LesLs show LhaL when
Lhey are meLabollzed ln Lhe body Lhey have an alkallzlng
effecL, and Lhelr low sugar conLenL makes Lhem perfecL
when Lrylng Lo alkallne balance your body.
Avocado (proLeln) x
8anana, unrlpe x
Cherry, sour x
CoconuL, fresh x
CrapefrulL, sour x
Lemon x WL!3EZ
Llmes x Cornmeal x
1omaLoes x Couscous x
CaLmeal x
SelecL C8AlnS wlsely as mosL gralns are acldlfylng.
Whole gralns are Lhe besL cholce and remember Lhey
belong Lo Lhe 20 of food LhaL ls acldlc.
WhlLe 8lce x
8lce 8rown x
8ye x
WL!3EZ WheaL, wholegraln x
8uckwheaL x WheaLgerm x
Culnoa x
MllleL x D^!EZ a @^W`b^Z
SpelL x 8lack 8eans x
Chlck eas x
D^!EZ a @^W`b^Z kldney 8eans x
CranulaLed soy %&''(#)* !"'+$), x lnLo 8eans x
LenLlls x 8ed 8eans x
Llma beans x SpllL peas x
Soybeans, fresh x 8LAnS are very hlgh ln sLarch and
lL's besL Lo llmlL Lhem Lo 20 of
your food.

Soy flour x
Soy leclLhln, pure x
Soy nuLs %-'.(#)* /0#$ )"1#), x
1ofu x E`_Z a Z^^YZ
WhlLe navy beans x Cashews x
PazelnuL x
E`_Z a Z^^YZ ecans x
Almond x eanuLs x
Almond buLLer, raw x eanuLs buLLer x
ChesLnuLs x lsLachlos x
llax seeds x WalnuLs x
lne nuLs x
umpkln seeds x Y!3L\
Sesame seeds x Cheese, hard x
Sunflower seeds x Cheese, sofL x
1ahlnl, sesame buLLer x Cream x
Lggs x
CoaLs cheese x
Pomogenlzed mllk x
lce cream x
CopyrlghL 2009 alkAllve Ly LLd
!H3Y3G\3EW GXXYZ [(QI'? !*(A(*
Anlmal producLs are acld formlng, wlLh some belng
worse Lhan oLhers. When your body ls ln pP balance,
you can eaL 1 Lo 2 servlngs per day. lf you are a meaL
lover keeplng meaL consumpLlon Lo a mlnlmum ls
recommended as Lhe body Lakes a greaL deal of energy
Lo dlgesL. All Lhe good energy we achleve from fresh ls
besL" ls used by Lhe body Lo dlgesL your meaLs. lf
however, you flnd yourself ln an acldlc condlLlon you may
wanL Lo keep Lhese aL a mlnlmum, or omlL Lhem all
LogeLher for Lhe Llme belng. Make sure you also lnclude
plenLy of alkallzlng veggles.
Mllk x
?oghurL, sweeLened x
?oghurL, unsweeLened x

b^!_B >X`@_L\B G3Z[
8eef x
Chlcken x
uuck x
llsh, farm ralsed x
lresh waLer flsh, wlld x
b^!_ a Y!3L\ !@_^LE!_3]^Z Lamb x
Almonds x Llver or oLher organ meaLs x
Almond mllk, fresh x Ccean flsh, wlld x
Avocado x CysLers x
Soya mllk, fresh x Sardlnes (canned) x
1empeh , fermenLed x Shell flsh x
1ofu, fermenLed x 1una (canned) x
CLher AL1L8nA1lvLS lnclude
beans, legumes, nuLs and seeds
1urkey x
veal x

G!_ZB X3@Z a HXEY3b^E_Z G!_ZB X3@Z a
HXEY3b^E_Z >@`Z

Avocado oll x
8ragg Llquld Amlnos x 8uLLer x
CoconuL oll, raw x Canola Cll x
Lvenlng rlmrose Cll x Carob x
llax seed oll x Cocoa x
Cllve Cll x Crape seed oll x
Sesame Cll x !ams x
keLchup x
Z>3H^Z a Z^!ZXE3EWZ MalL x
Cayenne pepper x Margarlne x
CelLlc salL x Mayonnalse x
Clnnamon x MSC x
Clnger x MusLard x
Perbs, mosL x Sunflower oll x
arsley x Soy sauce x
epper, red x 1able salL x
Sea SalL x vlnegar x
Splces, mosL x

SlMLL CA88CP?u8A1LS and SuCA8S have a negaLlve
effecL on Lhe body renderlng Lhem acldlc formlng.
*Mlcroforms (deflnlLlon, see below) love all sugars
lncludlng naLural sugars from frulL. Slmple carbohydraLes
lnclude whlLe rlce, corn, whlLe flour and anyLhlng made
from Lhe baslc subsLances (l.e. bread & pasLa).
231&"'4'"5- 4#"5#$/- -+!." 1$ '+" 6')1#- /0./ 7# 7'+8)
'/0#"71-# +-# 4'" #$#"!9 .$) /0#$ #51/ .&1) 7.-/# .- .
"#-+8/:; by ur 8oberL ?oung:
DL^!YZB >!Z_!B H^L^!@Z
Cereals, unreflned & unsweeLened x
Corn 1orLlllas x
Crackers, wholegraln x
asLa, wholemeal x
8ye bread x
Sourdough bread x
Wholegraln bread x
8eflned bread, pasLa or cereal x

CopyrlghL 2009 alkAllve Ly LLd
!H3Y3G\3EW GXXYZ [(QI'? !*(A(*
A81lllClAL SWLL1nL8S are hlghly acldlfylng and are noL
recommended. xyllLol, sLevla or chlcory are
recommended as safe replacemenLs for cane sugar and
arLlflclal sweeLeners.
Z`W!LZB Zc^^_Z a

ArLlflclal sweeLeners x
8arley malL syrup x
Zc^^_^E^LZ 8rown rlce syrup x
Chlcory x ChocolaLes x
SLevla x lrucLose x
Poney x
D^]^L!W^Z a YL3EJZ Maple Syrup x
Almond mllk, fresh x Molasses x
Clnger Lea x Sugar (whlLe) x
lonlsed alkallne waLer x Sugarcane x
1ea (herbal, green) x
vegeLable green [ulces, fresh x D^]^L!W^Z a YL3EJZ
Alcohol x
8eer x
S8Cu1S are full of vlLamlns, mlnerals and compleLe
proLelns, sprouLs are [usL abouL Lhe besL food you can
eaL. 1hey are llvlng planL foods LhaL are blogenlc -
meanlng Lhey can Lransfer Lhelr llfe energy Lo you.
Seeds become more alkallne as Lhey sprouL, and sprouLs
are packed wlLh enzymes.
Coffee x
Coffee subsLlLuLe drlnks x
lrulL [ulce, naLural fresh x
lrulL [ulce, sweeLened x
Soda/op, homemade x
SofL urlnks x
1ea (black) x
Z>LX`_Z WaLer (sparkllng) x
All sprouLed seeds, nuLs & gralns x WaLer (sprlng) x
Wlne x
Ceslum: ph 14 x H[^b3H!@Z
oLasslum: ph 14 x Chemlcals x
Sodlum: ph 14 x esLlcldes x
Calclum: ph 12 x Perblcldes x
Magneslum: ph 9 x 1obacco x

Several foods are consldered neuLral, keep ln mlnd LhaL processlng, preservaLlves and addlLlves reduce Lhe
alkallne/acld value renderlng lL acldlc.

Apple Clder vlnegar
8asmaLl rlce
8razll nuLs
CoconuL oll, raw
CoaLs mllk, fresh raw (lf you would llke Lo drlnk mllk
Lhls ls Lhe besL cholce)
Co[l 8errles
8lce Mllk
Whey proLeln powder
db(*%4N4%=#, -*./*# 0)$ 10+*"23 &*4" % 5&%!)" 0' 6*($0'0$623 *#(&)+*#! 7"%2.23 ')#!)23 60&+2 %2 8"&& %2 1%(."$*% %#+
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