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June 3, 2008
CONTACT: Jill Angelo, 512-471-8936
Next Generation of Leaders Work to Solve Global Callen!es
Presidential candidates to receive policy recommendations from Project
As the Unite !t"tes t"#es "nothe$ ste% this &ee# to&"$ ete$'ining &ho &ill (e on the ("llot
in No)e'(e$, the n"tion*s ($ightest e'e$ging le"e$s &ill (e 'eeting in +"shington, ,-C-, to
e)elo% inno)"ti)e solutions to %$essing glo("l .h"llenges the ne/t %$esient &ill 0".e-
The A'e$i."n Asse'(l1 &ill .on)ene 2The Ne/t 3ene$"tion 4$o5e.t: U-!- 3lo("l 4oli.1 "n the
6utu$e o0 7nte$n"tion"l 7nstitutions8 this Thu$s"1 th$ough !"tu$"1 9June 5 : 7; "t the +oo$o&
+ilson 7nte$n"tion"l Cente$ 0o$ !.hol"$s, &ith 70 1oung le"e$s 0$o' "$oun the .ount$1 in
(usiness, go)e$n'ent, l"&, te.hnolog1, $eligion, the 'ilit"$1, "g$i.ultu$e, inte$n"tion"l
institutions, "."e'i" "n the 'ei"-
The Ne/t 3ene$"tion 4$o5e.t is The A'e$i."n Asse'(l1*s non%"$tis"n initi"ti)e to ($ing togethe$
e'e$ging t"lent, $"nging 0$o' "ge 30 to 45, to is.uss the glo("l .h"llenges o0 the 21
Al'ost t&o 1e"$s o0 'eetings, hel ".$oss the .ount$1, h")e set the st"ge 0o$ this N"tion"l
Asse'(l1 in +"shington- The 4$o5e.t*s 0inings "n $e.o''en"tions &ill (e %$esente to the
%$esienti"l ."ni"tes "n thei$ ")ise$s-
<The$e is no g$e"te$ $es%onsi(ilit1 th"n %$e%"$ing the ne/t gene$"tion o0 A'e$i."n "n &o$l
le"e$s, "n it is one the Ne/t 3ene$"tion 4$o5e.t h"s 0ull1 e'($".e,8 =ee >"'ilton, 4$esient
"n ,i$e.to$ o0 the +oo$o& +ilson 7nte$n"tion"l Cente$ 0o$ !.hol"$s, &ho se$)es "s .h"i$ "n
host o0 the 'eeting s"i- 27 "' e/.ite to see so '"n1 t"lente 1oung le"e$s se$iousl1 thin#ing
"(out 0utu$e .h"llenges, "n the +oo$o& +ilson 7nte$n"tion"l Cente$ 0o$ !.hol"$s is th$ille to
%"$tne$ &ith the 4$o5e.t- +e sh"$e its inte$n"tion"list "n 0o$&"$-loo#ing outloo# in ho%es o0
se.u$ing " 'o$e %e".e0ul "n %$os%e$ous 0utu$e 0o$ "ll the &o$l-8
Cent$"l to the 4$o5e.t h"s (een ienti01ing Ne/t 3ene$"tion 6ello&s : $e%$esenting " s%e.t$u' o0
)ie&s, inte$ests "n (".#g$ouns : "n ($inging the' togethe$ to is.uss glo("l issues- 6ello&s
"ssess &hethe$ the .u$$ent n"tion"l se.u$it1, 'ultil"te$"l "n inte$n"tion"l institutions "$e
su00i.ient to 'eet 0utu$e .h"llenges "n e/%lo$e inno)"ti)e $es%onses to "n e$" o0 $"%i
<This is " ne& &o$l &e "$e li)ing in, "n &e nee inno)"ti)e "%%$o".hes to 'eet the .o'%le/
.h"llenges the U-!- "n the &o$l 0".e,8 s"i 6$"n.is J- 3")in, the i$e.to$ o0 the 4$o5e.t "n the
,i$e.to$ o0 !tuies "t the @o(e$t !- !t$"uss Cente$ 0o$ 7nte$n"tion"l !e.u$it1 "n ="& "t The
Uni)e$sit1 o0 Te/"s- 2This Asse'(l1 &ill (uil u%on the .$e"ti)e thin#ing "n solutions
%$ou.e (1 i)e$se t"lent 0$o' "$oun the .ount$1- 7t is ou$ ho%e th"t these 0$esh %e$s%e.ti)es
&ill $i)e the %oliti."l e("tes "(out the 0utu$e o0 A'e$i."*s $ole in the &o$l-8
!%e"#e$s "t the Asse'(l1 &ill in.lue:
@i.h"$ +- 6ishe$, 4$esient "n CAO, 6ee$"l @ese$)e B"n# o0 ,"ll"sC
,i"n" 6"$$ell, ,i$e.to$, D.Einse1 3lo("l 7nstituteC
The >on- ,on"l D- Ee$$, 4$in.i%"l ,e%ut1 ,i$e.to$ o0 N"tion"l 7ntelligen.eC
J"ne >oll =ute, Assist"nt !e.$et"$1 3ene$"l, ,e%"$t'ent o0 4e".e#ee%ing O%e$"tions,
Unite N"tionsC
=TC John A- N"gl, U-!- A$'1, "utho$, Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife:
Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and VietnamC "n
!on"l !h"h, 3oogle ,e)elo%'ent, 3oogle-o$g-
The 4$o5e.t &"s .$e"te une$ D$- 6ishe$*s le"e$shi% "s Ch"i$'"n o0 the A'e$i."n Asse'(l1
0$o' 2002-05-
<This e00o$t &"s esigne to (oth ienti01 e'e$ging le"e$s ".$oss the .ount$1, &ith s%e.i"l
e'%h"sis in "$e"s o0 e'e$ging e.ono'i., %oliti."l "n intelle.tu"l %o&e$, "n t"% into thei$
)ision o0 " %oli.1 0$"'e&o$# 0o$ A'e$i."Fs 0utu$e- The 4$o5e.t "i's to (uil ne& %oli.1
net&o$#s, gene$"te .$e"ti)e ie"s "n hel% sh"%e is.ussion o0 the issues,< D$- 6ishe$ s"i-
The 4$o5e.t is le (1 " istinguishe senio$ ")iso$1 .oun.il, .h"i$e (1 Asse'(l1 t$ustee
A'i$"l Bo( 7n'"n, &ho hols the =BJ Centenni"l Ch"i$ in N"tion"l 4oli.1 "t the =1non B-
Johnson !.hool o0 4u(li. A00"i$s "t The Uni)e$sit1 o0 Te/"s- An$e& 4-N- A$'"nn o0
D.Einse1 "n Co'%"n1 .h"i$s the stee$ing .o''ittee-
27n the g$"n t$"ition o0 The A'e$i."n Asse'(l1, The Ne/t 3ene$"tion 4$o5e.t h"s $e".he
($o"l1 ".$oss the .ount$1 to ienti01 t"lente 1oung &o'en "n 'en,8 7n'"n s"i- 27 e/%e.t the
+"shington 'eeting to " 0$osting to the ."#e- 7 (elie)e the 4$o5e.t &ill h")e " long-l"sting
i'%".t on ho& the .ount$1 thin#s "(out its l"$gest .h"llenges-8
,")i >- Do$ti'e$, %$esient o0 The A'e$i."n Asse'(l1, s"i, <The Ne/t 3ene$"tion 4$o5e.t
h"s (een " uniGue "n "'(itious une$t"#ing ($inging togethe$ ou$ n"tionFs 1oung, t"lente
le"e$s "n eng"ging the' in the .onsie$"tion o0 U-!- glo("l issues "t this .$iti."l %e$io in ou$
histo$1- The 4$o5e.t h"s (een ."use 0o$ .onsie$"(le n"tion"l o%ti'is', "n &e loo# 0o$&"$ to
the N"tion"l Asse'(l1 "n inten to "ssu$e th"t the i'%".t o0 this initi"ti)e is ongoing "n long-
The Asse'(l1 une$&$ote the initi"ti)e &ith "ssist"n.e 0$o' The 6o$ 6oun"tion, C"$negie
Co$%o$"tion o0 Ne& Ho$# "n othe$s-
The 0ull list o0 6ello&s, the $e%o$ts 0$o' the 0ou$ %$e)ious Ne/t 3ene$"tion 4$o5e.t 'eetings,
hel in ,"ll"s, !"n ,iego, ,en)e$ "n Chi."go, "n "ition"l in0o$'"tion "(out the initi"ti)e
."n (e 0oun on the 4$o5e.t*s ei."te &e( site, &&&-ne/tgene$"tion4$o5e.t-o$g-
The A'e$i."n Asse'(l1 is "00ili"te &ith Colu'(i" Uni)e$sit1- 4$esient ,&ight ,- Aisenho&e$
0oune the Asse'(l1 in 1950 "s one o0 this .ount$1*s 0i$st non%"$tis"n, n"tion"l %u(li. "00"i$s
D$- Do$ti'e$ 9212-870-3500; "n 4$o0esso$ 3")in 9512-471-5249; "$e ")"il"(le 0o$ inte$)ie&s
o$ "n1 inGui$ies-

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