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Practice Test (Mid-Term) Physics-Mechanical (Fall 2014)

1. A turtle and a rabbit are to have a race. The turtles avera!e s"eed is 0.#
m$s. The rabbits avera!e s"eed is # m$s. The distance %rom the startin! line
to the &nish line is 1'00 m. The rabbit decides to let the turtle run be%ore he
starts runnin! to !ive the turtle a head start. (hat) a""ro*imately) is the
ma*imum time the rabbit can +ait be%ore startin! to run and still +in the
a) 1' minutes
b) 1- minutes
c) 20 minutes
d) 22 minutes
e) 2' minutes
2. A ball is thro+n to+ard a +all) bounces) and returns to the thro+er +ith the
same s"eed as it had be%ore it bounced. (hich one o% the %ollo+in!
statements correctly describes this situation,
a) The ball +as not accelerated durin! its contact +ith the +all because its
s"eed remained constant.
b) The instantaneous velocity o% the ball %rom the time it le%t the thro+ers
hand +as constant.
c) The only time that the ball had acceleration +as +hen the ball started
%rom rest and le%t the hand o% the thro+er and a!ain +hen the ball returned to
the hand and +as sto""ed.
d) .urin! this situation) the ball +as never accelerated.
e) The ball +as accelerated durin! its contact +ith the +all because its
direction chan!ed.
/. An air"lane starts %rom rest at the end o% a run+ay and accelerates at a
constant rate. 0n the frst second, the air"lane travels 1.11 m. 1o+ much
additional distance +ill the air"lane travel durin! the second second o% its
a) 1.11 m
b) 2.22 m
c) /.// m
d) 4.44 m
e) '.'' m
4. 2onsider the !ra"h the "osition versus time !ra"h sho+n. (hich curve on
the !ra"h best re"resents a constantly acceleratin! car,
Practice Test (Mid-Term) Physics-Mechanical (Fall 2014)
a) A b) 3 c) 2 d) . e) 4one o% the curves re"resent a constantly
acceleratin! car.
P1. Find the resultant %orce (in terms o% com"onents and also ma!nitude 5
direction)) 3) .etermine the resultant moment about "oint 6) 2) Find the
an!le bet+een the action lines o% 12004 and 7004 %orces.
P2. A ball is dro""ed %rom a boat so that it stri8es the sur%ace o% a la8e +ith a
s"eed o% 19.'%t$s. (hile in the +ater the ball e*"eriences an acceleration o% a
: 10 ; 0.-v) +here a and v are e*"ressed in %t$s
and %t$s) res"ectively.
<no+in! the ball ta8es / s to reach the bottom o% the la8e) determine (a) the
de"th o% the la8e) (b) the s"eed o% the ball +hen it hits the bottom o% the la8e.
Practice Test (Mid-Term) Physics-Mechanical (Fall 2014)
P/. A ba!!a!e conveyor is used to unload lu!!a!e %rom an air"lane. The 10-8!
du=el ba! A is sittin! on to" o% the 20-8! suitcase B. The conveyor is movin!
the ba!s do+n at a constant s"eed o% 0.' m$s +hen the belt suddenly sto"s.
<no+in! that the coe>cient o% %riction bet+een the belt and B is 0./ and that
ba! A does not sli" on suitcase B) determine the smallest allo+able
coe>cient o% static %riction bet+een the ba!s.
P4. A boat is movin! to the ri!ht +ith a constant deceleration o% 0./ m$s2 +hen a
boy standin! on the dec8 D thro+s a ball +ith an initial velocity relative to the
dec8 +hich is vertical. The ball rises to a ma*imum hei!ht o% - m above the
release "oint and the boy must ste" %or+ard a distance d to catch it at the
Practice Test (Mid-Term) Physics-Mechanical (Fall 2014)
same hei!ht as the release "oint. .etermine (a) the distance d) (b) the
relative velocity o% the ball +ith res"ect to the dec8 +hen the ball is cau!ht.

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