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Devotional Thoughts on John

September 1 John 1:1-5

Just a thought It seems fitting that Jesus would be called THE WORD. After all, what is a word? Its an
idea that expresses itself in a way that others can understand. God loves His people and wants to
communicate His deepest thoughts to them. I cant think of a better way to do that than with a WORD.
Prayer Lord, the darkness does not understand you, and the darkness cannot defeat you. Please help
me to remember that You already have the victory over sin and death. And just because the world
doesnt understand your light, that doesnt mean we cant keep reflecting and being Your light in the

September 2 John 1:6-13
Just a thought Lets review. Jesus first: Jesus was in the world. The world was made through Him. He
came to His own people. Now us: The world did not recognize Him. His own did not receive Him. But
even after all that, we still get the chance to receive Jesus, to believe in Him. And if we do, we get the
right to become children of God. After all that, we still have a chance. I love grace.
Prayer Reading about John the Baptist makes me so grateful for the people You have placed in our
lives, men and women who were faithful witnesses to the light. Thank you for their witness.

September 3 John 1:14-18
Just a thought Everything in the Bible is about God wanting to hang with us. He walked in the garden
with Adam and Eve. Moses had a traveling tent so that God would have to place to be when Israel was
in the wilderness. Solomon built a temple. Zerubbabel built a temple. For crying out loud, Herod built a
temple! But then Jesus came. God in the flesh. We look forward to the day spoken about in Revelation
21: Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God
Himself will be with them and be their God. God wants to be with you. He paid the ultimate price for
the opportunity to do so. Its up to us to determine what we do with that opportunity.
Prayer Grace and truth came through you, Lord. Please help me to hold onto both as I make my daily
decisions and interact with your people. You are here, dwelling in me. Grant me the wisdom to live like

September 4 John 1:19-28
Just a thought There are a lot of things that I am not. I am not athletic. I am not muscular. I am not
mechanically inclined. Its good to recognize that part of your identity is what you are not. John had a
great perspective, considering how much of a rock star he was to all his followers. I am not the Christ. I
am the one who plows the road to make it easier for Him to show up. We would do well to remember
who we are. Road-builders. Path-preparers. Voices crying out make straight the way for the Lord.
Prayer Lord, we want to be your witness. We want to baptize people in Your name. May our lives
make it easy for you to show up.

September 5 John 1:29-34
Just a thought I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God (John 1:34). It has been said that
numbers in a church do not tell me what I need. I need a story give me a name. One of the most
powerful witnesses you have is your testimony of God acting mightily in your life. What have you seen?
Where have you seen God act? Thats your story! Start talking.
Prayer Lord, thank you that you are the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Our sin is
removed forever because of your sacrifice. May that always be the first story we tell.

September 6 John 1:35-42
Just a thought If you saw Jesus for the first time, what would you say? Now to be honest, I dont really
have an answer to the question. But I would have to think that my answer would be better than where
are you staying? (John 1:38). But catch this: Jesus spoke first. Maybe the question should be flipped.
When Jesus saw YOU for the first time, what would HE say? The question could be translated, What
are you looking for? Jesus asks that of all of us. It almost sounds like the followers of John are avoiding
the question in their response. Probably a good move on their part.
Prayer Lord, you invite me to come and see what you are doing. May I have the courage to follow

September 7 Catch up day

September 8 John 1:43-51
Just a thought It is safe to say that the world is skeptical about Jesus, and it stands to reason that the
world would be skeptical of His followers too. Nathanael was a skeptic: Nazareth! Can anything good
come from there? (John 1:46). I love Philips response Come and see. Do you want people to see
God at His best? Show them Jesus.
Prayer Lord, make me like Philip, who obeyed when Jesus said to follow, and went and found someone

September 9 John 2:1-11
Just a thought Jesus doesnt just do miracles. He is all-in with everything He does. I have to wonder
how much more I could accomplish for the Kingdom if I approached every task with that same intensity.
Prayer Your miracles revealed your glory and gave your disciples what they needed to put their faith in
you. Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself to us.

September 10 John 2:12-25
Just a thought John 2:15 tells us that Jesus made a whip. Thats an interesting thing to do. I wonder
how mad Jesus must have been when He saw what was going on in the temple. It makes me think that
the whip-making might have been just the thing to help channel His anger. Could you imagine God with
unchecked anger? Yeah, me neither.
Prayer Lord, your greatest miracle was your resurrection. I am so thankful that you do not need our
testimony to validate who you are.

September 11 John 3:1-21
Just a thought It is so easy to read our own ideas into a text. John tells us that Nicodemus came to
Jesus at night. I always assumed that this was because Nicodemus was embarrassed about speaking to
Jesus in front of others. But the reality may be a lot simpler. Nicodemus may have simply wanted to
avoid the crowds that hounded Jesus by day. It is entirely possible that he just worked during the day
and night was when Nicodemus had free time. I am reminded of the old adage: Where Scripture
speaks, we speak; where Scripture is silent, we are silent.
Prayer Lord, I thank you not just for John 3:16, but also for John 3:17 You did not send Your Son into
the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Jesus.

September 12 John 3:22-36
Just a thought He must become greater; I must become less (John 3:30). Bold words from John the
Baptist. What does that mean to you? Are you willing to even think about it?
Prayer Thank you for giving your Spirit without limit. Help me to remember that the purpose of Your
Spirit is so that your followers will speak the words of God into peoples lives.

September 13 John 4:1-26
Just a thought This story is all wrong. Jesus shouldnt be talking to a woman. This woman shouldnt
even be here at this time of day. It is funny how Jesus turns moments that seem so wrong on the
surface and transforms them into divine appointments. Think about that the next time your day isnt
going exactly the way you think it should.
Prayer Lord, teach me to worship You in spirit and in truth.

September 14 Catch up day

September 15 John 4:27-38
Just a thought There was often a pattern in the exchanges between Jesus and His disciples, or even
Jesus and the religious leaders. 1) Jesus would do something that they found odd or offensive; 2) They
would either mumble about it or stay silent and not say what they were thinking; 3) The person Jesus
was ministering to would be blessed and/or want to share that blessing with others; 4) They would try
to distract Jesus from what he was doing or take him to task for it; 5) Jesus would remind them of His
(and their) true calling. Just an observation open your eyes and look at the fields.
Prayer Lord, may my food, my drink and my rest be to do your will. May I get what I need from the
fields that are ready for harvest.

September 16 John 4:39-42
Just a thought Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the womans
testimony. Wow. Makes you wonder what effect YOUR testimony has.
Prayer May my life and my words be what it takes to bring people to Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for giving
growth where your people plant and water.

September 17 John 4:43-54
Just a thought Jesus sounds frustrated when the royal official begged Jesus to come and to heal his
son. Jesus was probably referring to all the people of Galilee I dont want to be too hard on this
worried father. But how much of our faith is based upon what Jesus has done for us lately? We are
going to see a time very soon in our text when Jesus will get tired of doing dinner and a show. He is
going to expect growth from those who claim to follow Him. Are you any different than you were six
months ago? A year? 5 years? Or is your walk all about Jesus making you happy right now?
Prayer Lord, may my faith in you not be based on your latest miracle or deed in my life. If you never
do anything else for me, may your resurrection be enough.

September 18 John 5:1-15
Just a thought Think about this: This guy had sat by this pool for 38 years. 38. Jesus asked him, Do
you want to get well? After 38 years, you would think the answer would be YES. But check out the
guys response I have no one to help me get into the pool. Someone is always cutting in front of me!
Why did he say that? Because he thought that the cure was in the water. He had the right idea he
was just looking in the wrong place. The Healer was right in front of him. Jesus stands in front of us and
asks the same question. Do you want to get well? Where are you looking?
Prayer Lord, help me to keep my eyes fixed on you. Forgive me for the times when I have looked to
everyone but You for the healing that I need.

September 19 John 5:16-30
Just a thought John 5:21 refers back to I Samuel 2:6. John 5:27 references Joel 3:12. Dont worry
this isnt an Old Testament reference quiz. Its just a reminder there is no New Testament without the
Old Testament. You need to spend some time in both.
Prayer Lord, you have been given all authority to judge. You have been raised from the dead, and one
day the dead will hear your voice and rise. Come, Lord Jesus.

September 20 John 5:31-47
Just a thought The Bible points the way to Jesus. The Holy Spirits purpose is to point the way to Jesus.
The church exists to be the bride of Christ. It is one thing to SAY that we are saved or that we belong to
a church or that we know the Bible. It is another thing entirely to actually COME to Jesus and have life. I
hope that we recognize the difference.
Prayer Lord Jesus, our Father in heaven testified in your favor. You are God Himself. We worship you.

September 21 John 6:1-15
Just a thought I love it when Jesus asks me a question that He already knows the answer to. And when
I say I love it, I really mean I dont love it at all. But his brother James reminds me that the testing of
my faith develops perseverance, and that He must finish His work so I may be mature and complete.
Not easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.
Prayer Lord, you bring growth in places we would never expect. Thank you for your faithfulness in the
midst of our doubt that you can or will act.

September 22 John 6:16-24
Just a thought The text says something like, Darkness had come, but Jesus had not come. Wow. You
ever been there? Sitting in the dark, wondering where Jesus went? Why shouldnt I be afraid in the
dark times? Because the cross is empty. The tomb is empty. Our Jesus is alive! It is I. Dont be
Prayer Jesus, I spend so much time rowing my boat in the dark, not even knowing where I am going.
Thank you for your presence. Thank you that you will never leave me nor forsake me.

September 23 John 6:25-59
Just a thought The crowd that Jesus had just fed was back for more. Dinner and a show. I suggest you
read this text very carefully. Jesus is in no mood for games. He is tired of doing tricks and feeding them
milk. It is (quite literally) time for meat.
Prayer Lord, you are the bread of life. You are the Living Bread. May we eat and live, so that we can
share your bread with the world. There is enough to go around.

September 24 John 6:60-71
Just a thought Jesus turns every church growth manual on its ear. He speaks the truth and people bail.
He goes from a congregation of thousands to a small group of 12 not exactly a report you want to
share with your elders. But do you know something? Hard stuff tends to drive insincere and
uncommitted people away. Jesus took a small group of disciples who believed in Him and changed the
world. You do understand that Jesus said only a few will take the narrow road and the small gate that
leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14)? That means that most people wont. Do you understand?
Prayer Lord, I want to believe. Please help my unbelief. I do not want to walk away from you. Thank
you for the Spirit-filled words you have spoken.

September 25 7:1-13
Just a thought Jesus brothers really didnt care that Jesus would preach the Word in Jerusalem. Their
advice was not sincere because they did not believe in Him. Consider carefully whose advice you
treasure. Listen completely only to those who love and follow Jesus. For everyone else, take what they
say with a really big grain of salt. Not a day goes by when someone doesnt give you advice on
something. Choose wisely to whom you give your ear.
Prayer Lord, people whisper about us. Some say good things. Others say bad things. Lord, may Your
voice be the One that I listen to the most.

September 26 7:14-24
Just a thought Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment (John 7:24). I will let
you soak that one in on your own. If you need help, read 7:18. Whose honor do you work for?
Prayer Lord, may our teaching and our example come only from you. May You be the One whose
honor we work for.

September 27 John 7:25-44
Just a thought The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles was crazy. It was the end of the dry season.
Rain was coming. The priest would offer a sacrifice of water and wine as the people sang Psalm 118. It
was at this moment that Jesus stood up and yelled, If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink!
(John 7:37). Are you tired of the desert? Are you ready for some water? Whoever believes in me, as
the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him (John 7:38). Sounds good to
Prayer Lord, thank You for Your Spirit.

September 28 Catch up day

September 29 7:45-52
Just a thought The Pharisees asked, Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him? No! (48-
49). But they were wrong. Because verse 50. Because Nicodemus. He didnt come right out and say he
believed in Jesus. But he pointed out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees selective enforcement of the law.
We often pray for people to take a STAND for Christ and are disappointed when they dont. I am equally
excited when someone takes a STEP toward Christ. I hope you are too.
Prayer Lord, no one has ever spoken to us like You do. Thank you for your grace and truth in your

September 30 7:53 8:11
Just a thought This story is probably not authentic. There are no manuscripts prior to the 6
that include this account, and even that evidence is suspect. But to quote Mark Moore: To say this
text is unauthentic is not to say it is unhistoric. There is ample evidence that this story was a part of the
early oral tradition surrounding Jesus life. Remember that John himself supposed that all the books in
all the world could not hold all the things that Jesus did. This is a step of faith that the Holy Spirit does
His thing in ensuring that Gods Word is truth.
Prayer Lord, forgive me for picking up stones instead of picking up people who are hurting and have
been beaten down.

October 1 8:12-30
Just a thought The Feast of Tabernacles was not just about water. It was also about light. Torches
were posted around the temple and kept lit during the festival. It was now over, people had gone back
to their homes, and all that was left was the cleanup. Jesus probably stood in the dim glow of the
remaining lamps when He said, I am the light of the world. Bonus: Read Isaiah 60:19-20. Nice little
prophecy .
Prayer Lord, your testimony about yourself is valid, because you do not stand alone. Grant us the
courage to stand with the Father.

October 2 8:31-41
Just a thought I love it when people quote stuff out of context. And when I say I love it, I mean it
drives me nuts . Do NOT tell anyone that the truth will set you free until you understand what else
Jesus said: If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth
What sets you free is not some misguided sense about what you want YOUR truth to be. There is One
Truth, Absolute and Forever. Jesus. If you hold to my teachings
Prayer If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!

October 3 8:42-47
Just a thought Which father do you belong to? God or Satan? According to Jesus, it is pretty easy to
figure out. If God were your Father, you would love me. John talks a lot about knowing God and
believing in God. But that is not what Jesus is saying. I am glad if you know who God is. I am grateful if
you believe in Him. But do you LOVE Him? Because if you do, you will hear what He says, and you will
do it. So I ask one more time: Do you love Him?
Prayer I surrender my life to the Father of love. I will show that love through listening to Him and
obeying Him.

October 4 8:48-59
Just a thought Before Abraham was, I AM. It was the voice of God in the wilderness, telling an old
shepherd to pack his things and go see Pharaoh. I dont see why the Pharisees were so upset. They
asked Jesus point-blank, Who do you think you are? And they get ticked off when Jesus answers them
honestly. I tell you, some people are never satisfied ;).
Prayer Lord, like Abraham did so long ago, we rejoice to see your day. And we eagerly await to see
The Day when you return.

October 5 Catch up day

October 6 John 9:1-12
Just a thought For people who call themselves Christians, we believe an awful lot in karma. You know,
the they will get what they deserve philosophy of life. Folks, let me be clear: you do NOT want
ANYONE to get what they deserve. Because if they get what they deserve, then you will get what you
deserve, and I promise you THAT wont end well. I wish people didnt have to suffer. But I also hope
that any issues I have will be an opportunity for God to display His glory in my life.
Prayer Jesus, open my eyes.

October 7 John 9:13-34
Just a thought - What a testimony! The blind guy had NO IDEA who Jesus was. But he knew one thing:
He used to be blind, but now he could see. You may not be able to answer every question about the
person of Jesus Christ. But there is one part of your story that is vitally important. You can see. Tell
your story!
Prayer Lord, thank you for writing Your story on our hearts.

October 8 John 9:35-41
Just a thought The blind man didnt just affirm who Jesus was with his words. He worshipped Him.
This is a very big deal. Worship is reserved only for God. Belief isnt just about what you do with your
lips. It is also about what you do with your knees.
Prayer Jesus, you have come to this world for judgment. Thank you for helping this blind man to see.
May I never get so cocky as to become blind toward You.

October 9 John 10:1-6
Just a thought Checklist for the Shepherd: 1) He comes in by the gate. 2) He knows the sheep by
name. 4) He goes ahead of them and leads them. Now the checklist for the sheep: 1) The sheep listen
to His voice. 2) They do not follow strangers; in fact, they run. Sheep, you have one job listen to the
Good Shepherds voice and run from anyone elses voice. How are you doing with that?
Prayer Lord, I want to hear and obey Your voice alone.

October 10 John 10:7-21
Just a thought I am the gate for the sheep. The sheep pen in Jesus day would have been open. The
sheep could easily have wandered off, unless the shepherd lay across the opening to prevent that from
happening. Jesus death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice from the ultimate Shepherd. His body
was stretched out and raised up so that we might be saved.
Prayer Jesus, thank you for protecting us with your very life.

October 11 John 10:22-42
Just a thought The Pharisees wanted Jesus to tell them plainly whether or not He was the Messiah.
Funny thing was He already did. Lots of times. They just didnt listen. Guess I need to remember that
the next time Gods Word is trying to tell me something for the thousandth time that I cant seem to get
through my thick head.
Prayer Lord, thank you for holding me tightly in Your hand.

October 12 Catch up day

October 13 John 11:1-16
Just a thought Jesus had two different desires tearing at Him the desire to go help his friend Lazarus,
and the need to comfort His disciples who were afraid that this trip might be Jesus last. Make no
mistake Jesus presence on earth presented a conflict: He was King of heaven no matter what choice
He made, but His love for us took Him to His deathand our life.
Prayer Lord, we are sleeping. You came to wake us up.

October 14 John 11:17-44
Just a thought Death elicits many responses. Like the disciples, we dont always understand who Jesus
is or what He is trying to do. Like Martha, our anger clouds our judgment. Like Mary, our fear makes us
hide. But to all of these reactions, Jesus offers the same response: I am the resurrection and the
lifeDo you believe this?
Prayer Lord, I believe.

October 15 John 11:45-57
Just a thought Caiaphas had no idea how true his statement was. It IS better for one man to die for
the people than for the whole nation to perish. Its a good thing we had the Right Man for the job.
Prayer You died so that we might have life. You took on everything wrong with creation in order that
we might be declared right before God. Thank you, Lord.

October 16 John 12:1-11
Just a thought If I had to line myself up in comparison to either Mary or to Judas Iscariot, unfortunately
I would find myself closer to Judas. How many times have I taken the financial blessings that God
poured out in my life and kept it all back for myself? Contrast that with Mary who took perfume that
cost 10 MONTHS WAGES (let that sink in a moment) and poured it on Jesus FEET and then wiped those
same feet with her HAIR. She didnt just give up money she also gave up her dignity as well. Good
Prayer Lord, it wasnt just Judas who complained. The other disciples griped too. Please forgive me
for complaining how You choose to spend Your responses in the lives of Your people.

October 17 John 12:12-19
Just a thought The disciples didnt understand until later their King riding on the back of a donkey. I
guess this shouldnt surprise me. How often have I missed the clear signs that Jesus is at work in my
life? It is often only in reflection that I truly see what God is doing.
Prayer Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

October 18 John 12:20-36
Just a thought This is a small point, but an important one. Philip is a Greek name, and the Greeks
came to him first. There are a lot of people who want to see Jesus, but their first step will be to come to
YOU. Dont miss the opportunity to be the conduit by which people reach the Savior.
Prayer Lord, you were lifted up from the earth, and you drew all men to yourself. Thank you.

October 19 Catch up day

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