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ConLacL Maryam Al Shablbl, moblle: 96000977, flrsLaldmuscaL[gmall.com

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1he currlculum of each course ls seL by Lhe Medlc llrsL Ald lnLernaLlonal
(www.hsl.com/medlcflrsLald) and ls Lhe worldwlde sLandard for healLh and safeLy
Lralnlng. 1he course maLerlal ls based on a) Lhe 2010 lnLernaLlonal Consensus on
Cardlopulmonary 8esusclLaLlon (C8) and Lmergency Cardlovascular Care (LCC)
Sclence wlLh 1reaLmenL 8ecommendaLlons (CoS18) and b) Lhe C8 and llrsL Ald
Culdellnes, Carlng for Cur Chlldren "#$%$& and Lhey are belng regularly updaLed by
oLher evldence-based LreaLmenL recommendaLlons.
1he Loplcs lncluded ln every course can be found ln Lhe arLlclpaLlon lorm.

<8 9'+ %$# &'#)# .+0$)#) 1(&#(5#5 -+$;

1he courses are creaLed for anyone wlLh an lnLeresL, buL Lhey are mosLly
LargeLlng parenLs who wanL Lo know how Lo provlde llrsL Ald Lo Lhelr chlldren before
professlonal medlcal LreaLmenL ls avallable, durlng a medlcal emergency. 1hey are
useful for anyone who deals wlLh lnfanLs and chlldren lncludlng nannles, malds,
drlvers eLc.
Cur alm ls Lo secure maxlmally Lhe well belng of any chlld by offerlng Lhe baslc
necessary knowledge Lo lay people ln order Lo be able Lo respond Lo an emergency

=8 >) &'# 1()&$0.&+$ .#$&1-1#5 %(5 .%( )'# .#$&1-? ,? 4(+*:#53#;

@$)A @%$?%, B: C'%2121 ls a professlonal nurse, a cerLlfled lnsLrucLor for llrsL
Ald C8 & ALu by boLh Medlc llrsL Ald and Lhe Amerlcan PearL AssoclaLlon. She has
worked for more Lhan a decade ln Lhe uk and ln Cman.
Lvery parLlclpanL compleLlng Lhe course wlll recelve a llrsL Ald rovlder card, an
accredlLaLlon LhaL ls recognlzed lnLernaLlonally.

D8 9'%& 5+ > (##5 &+ 5+ 1- > *%(& &+ &%4# +(# +- &'# .+0$)#);

1here are Lhree Lhlngs LhaL you have Lo do ln order Lo parLlclpaLe. llrsL Lalk Lo
frlends and famlly Lo organlze a group of 9 Lo 12 people. Cnce you have found Lhe
people and declded ln whose home you wanL Lhe course Lo Lake place, flll Lhe
arLlclpaLlon lorm, emall lL and conLacL Maryam aL 96000977.
"#$%& "'( ")(&* #)+ ,(-).)./ 0'( "-1)2)3& -.+ 4-..)3&

ConLacL Maryam Al Shablbl, moblle: 96000977, flrsLaldmuscaL[gmall.com

1o conflrm your poslLlon you need Lo deposlL Lhe relevanL amounL Lo 8ank
MuscaL (acc. no. 0313028238300012). no fees wlll be reLurned lf you cancel less
Lhan one week from Lhe course daLe.

E8 F+ > '%G# &+ )&05? 1( %5G%(.# -+$ &'# .+0$)#;

no, you don'L! 1he only Lhlng you need Lo do ls Lo be focused and concenLraLed
durlng Lhe Llme of Lhe course.

H8 "+* :+(3 *1:: &'# .+0$)# :%)& -+$I *'#$# %(5 '+* 1) 1& )&$0.&0$#5;

edlaLrlc lus Course lasLs approxlmaLely elghL (8) hours and ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo
weekend days (lrl & SaL from 9-1).
Safe nanny! Care+ course lasLs for flve (3) hours and can be arranged ln a day
over a weekend.
Lach course conLalns Lheory, vldeos, quesLlons and answers, exchange of
experlences as well as a loL of pracLlce!

J8 9'%& 5+ > 3#& -+$ ,? ,+(#?;

Lach parLlclpanL wlll recelve a baslc llrsL Ald klL LhaL conLalns Lralnlng maLerlals
(bandages, gloves eLc.), Lhe relevanL SLudenL noLebook and Lhe lnLernaLlonal
accredlLaLlon card. WlLh Lhe accredlLaLlon card number you can download Lhe
MLulC assporL AppllcaLlon on your smarL phone and have lmmedlaLe access Lo Lhe
course maLerlal, smarL phone appllcaLlon plus more!

K8 F+ > *%(& &+ 2# .#$&1-1#5 %(5 *'%& 1) &'# .#$&1-1.%&1+( L$+.#));

?es, you do! 1hls cerLlflcaLlon ls recognlzed lnLernaLlonally and valld for Lwo
years, alLhough Lhe knowledge lasLs for a llfeLlme.
8y Lhe end of Lhe course every parLlclpanL has Lo pass a pracLlcal assessmenL by
Lhe lnsLrucLor ln order Lo verlfy LhaL Lhey are aware of Lhe meLhods and Lechnlques
LhaL Lhey have been demonsLraLed.
lf a parLlclpanL falls Lo acknowledge Lhe Lechnlque properly, Lhen Lhey have Lo
repeaL Lhe Lechnlque unLll Lhey succeed. Cnly when Lhe parLlclpanL has proved LhaL
Lhey undersLand and can repeaL Lhe Lechnlque, Lhey are ellglble Lo be cerLlfled.

M8 B$# &'#$# +&'#$ .+0$)#) +--#$#5 &'%& ,13'& 2# +- 1(&#$#)& &+ ,#;

ConLacL us and we wlll advlce you regardlng oLher courses wlLh more Lralnlng
opLlons for corporaLe and lndusLry envlronmenLs.

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