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2014 Civic Election Mini Survey

Cycling in the City

Through the Eyes of
Winnipeg Cyclists and
16/10/2014 BikeWinnipeg.ca 1
Cycling infrastructure in the city should be designed
primarily to encourage cycling as...
Cyclists Candidates
a year-around alternative to travelling by car 76% 79%
a fair-weather alternative to travelling by car 21% 21%
a recreational and leisure activity 2%
No answer 1%
16/10/2014 BikeWinnipeg.ca 2
Three quarters of both cyclist and candidate respondents want infrastructure to
encourage year-around cycling as an alternative to car travel.
How much should the city invest in improving
cycling infrastructure each year?
Cyclists Candidates
More than double the current amount 42% 24%
Double what they are spending now 46% 39%
Same as they are spending now 11% 27%
No answer 9%
16/10/2014 BikeWinnipeg.ca 3
88% of cyclist respondents
recommend double or more than
the current level of spending on
cycling infrastructure.
63% of candidates recommended
double or more than the current
level of spending.
Some candidates did not answer because they
didnt know how much is currently invested
each year.
In winter, should snow be cleared from busy
bike routes
Cyclists Candidates
Within 2 days 56% 58%
When everything else is cleared 34% 21%
Within 5 days 9% 18%
No answer 1% 3%
16/10/2014 BikeWinnipeg.ca 4
The results for the when everything else is cleared option are
unclear, because respondents noted it could mean either at the
same time as everything else, or after everything else.
The majority of cyclist and candidate respondents agree that busy cycle
paths should be cleared of snow in two days.
Do signs on city streets clearly tell motorists how to
steer around cyclists?
Cyclists Candidates
No; signs dont tell drivers how to manoeuver around cyclists 75% 67%
Yes and no; some signs are clear, some are not 24% 33%
16/10/2014 BikeWinnipeg.ca 5
Significant majorities of cyclist and candidate respondents
agree that signs on city streets do not tell drivers how to
drive safely around cyclists.
Are bicycle parking facilities adequate where you shop?
Cyclists Candidates
No, inadequate 72% 67%
Yes, adequate 22% 21%
Don't know 6% 12%
16/10/2014 BikeWinnipeg.ca 6
Significant majorities of
cyclist and candidate
respondents agree that bike
parking facilities are
inadequate where they shop.
St. Norbert ward residents
gave the lowest ratings on bike
parking at stores.
Cyclists Don't know No, inadequate Yes, adequate
St. Boniface 11% 61% 29%
Fort Rouge - East Fort Ga 3% 72% 26%
River Heights - Fort Garr 10% 67% 24%
St. James - Brooklands 7% 71% 21%
St. Vital 16% 63% 21%
Daniel McIntyre 0% 80% 20%
St. Norbert 5% 86% 9%
City-wide 6% 72% 22%
Respondents by Ward:
Fort Rouge - East Fort Ga 74
Daniel McIntyre 60
River Heights - Fort Garr 51
St. Boniface 28
St. Norbert 22
St. Vital 19
St. James - Brooklands 14
Charleswood - Tuxedo 12
Elmwood - East Kildonan 10
Mynarski 8
Transcona 8
Point Douglas 6
Old Kildonan 5
North Kildonan 4
St. Charles 3
#N/A 3
Total 327
Charleswood - Tuxedo 5
Daniel McIntyre 4
Elmwood - East Kildonan 1
Fort Rouge - East Fort Ga 2
Mayor 2
North Kildonan 2
Old Kildonan 2
Point Douglas 2
River Heights - Fort Garry 2
St. Boniface 2
St. Charles 1
St. James - Brooklands 2
St. Norbert 2
St. Vital 3
Transcona 2
Total 34
16/10/2014 BikeWinnipeg.ca 7
The number of cyclist respondents is
relatively small.
Approximately half the candidates
These are not random samples; these are
people who showed enough interest in
cycling in Winnipeg to respond to our survey.

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