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Digital System Design and Prototyping

Using Field Programmable Logic and Hardware

Description Languages
Zoran Salcic
The University of Auckland
Asim Smailagic
Carnegie Mellon University
Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000
As the response to the Iirst edition oI the book has been mostly positive, we Ielt the
responsibility to respond by this second edition. The task oI writing has never been
easy, because at the moment you think and believe you Iinish it, and release it Ior
printing, you see that many things could be better and get ideas oI Iurther
improvements and modiIications. The digital systems design Iield is such an area in
which there is no end. Our believe is that with this second edition we have
succeeded to improve the book and perIorm all those modiIications we Iound
necessary, or our numerous colleagues suggested to do. This edition comprises a
number oI changes in an attempt to make it more readable and useIul Ior teaching
purposes, but also to numerous engineers who are entering the Iield oI digital
systems design and Iield-programmable logic devices (FPLDs). In that context, the
second edition contains Iour additional chapters, up-dated inIormation on the
current developments in the area oI FPLDs and the examples oI the most recent
developments that lead towards very complex system-on-chip solutions on FPLDs.
Some oI the new design examples and suggested problems are just pointing to the
direction oI systems on-chip. Number oI examples is Iurther increased as we think
that the best learning is by examples. Besides Iurther emphasis on AHDL, as the
main language Ior design speciIication, a Iurther extension oI presentation oI two
other hardware description languages, VHDL and Verilog, is introduced. However,
in order to preserve complementarity with another book 'VHDL and FPLDs in
Digital Systems Design, prototyping and Customization (Zoran Salcic, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1998) presentation oI VHDL is oriented mostly towards
synthesizable designs in FPLDs.
This book Iocuses on digital systems design and FPLDs combining them into an
entity useIul Ior designers in the areas oI digital systems and rapid system
prototyping. It is also useIul Ior the growing community oI engineers and
researchers dealing with the exciting Iield oI FPLDs, reconIigurable, and
programmable logic. Our goal is to bring these areas to the students studying digital
system design, computer design, and related topics, as to show how very complex
circuits can be implemented at the desk. Hardware and soItware designers are
getting closer every day by the emerging technologies oI in-circuit reconIigurable
and in-system programmable logic oI very high complexity.
Field-programmable logic has been available Ior a number oI years. The role oI
FPLDs has evolved Irom simply implementing the system "glue-logic" to the ability
to implement very complex system Iunctions, such as microprocessors and
microcomputers. The speed with which these devices can be programmed makes
them ideal Ior prototyping and education. Low production cost makes them
competitive Ior small to medium volume productions. These devices make possible
new sophisticated applications and bring-up new hardware/soItware trade-oIIs and
diminish the traditional hardware/soItware demarcation line. Advanced design tools
are being developed Ior automatic compilation oI complex designs and routing to
custom circuits.
To our knowledge, this book makes a pioneering eIIort to present rapid
prototyping and generation oI computer systems using FPLDs. Rapid prototyping
systems composed oI programmable components show great potential Ior Iull
implementation oI microelectronics designs. Prototyping systems based on FPLDs
present many technical challenges aIIecting system utilization and perIormance.
The book contains IiIteen chapters. Chapter 1 represents an introduction into the
Iield-programmable logic. Main types oI FPLDs are introduced, including
programming technologies, logic cell architectures, and routing architectures used
to interconnect logic cells. Architectural Ieatures are discussed to allow the reader to
compare diIIerent devices appearing on the market, sometimes using conIusing
terminology and hiding the real nature oI the devices. Also, the main characteristics
oI the design process using FPLDs are discussed and the diIIerences to the design
Ior custom integrated circuits underlined. The necessity to introduce and use new
advanced tools when designing complex digital systems is also emphasized. New
section on typical applications is introduced to show in the very beginning where
FPLDs and complex system design are directed to.
Chapter 2 describes the Iield-programmable devices oI the three major
manuIacturers in the market, Altera, Xilinx and Atmel. It does not mean that
devices Irom other manuIacturers are inIerior to presented ones. The purpose oI this
book is not to compare diIIerent devices, but to emphasize the most important
Ieatures Iound in the majority oI FPLDs, and their use in complex digital system
prototyping and design. Altera and Xilinx invented some oI the concepts Iound in
major types oI Iield-programmable logic and also produce devices which employ all
major programming technologies. Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs)
and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are presented in Chapter 2, along
with their main architectural and application-oriented Ieatures. Although sometimes
we use diIIerent names to distinguish CPLDs and FPGAs, usually with the term
FPLD we will reIer to both types oI devices. Atmel`s devices, on the other hand,
give an option oI partial reconIiguration, which makes them potential candidate Ior
a range oI new applications.
Chapter 3 covers aspects oI the design methodology and design tools used to
design with FPLDs. The need Ior tightly coupled design Irameworks, or
environments, is discussed and the hierarchical nature oI digital systems design. All
major design description (entry) tools are brieIly introduced including schematic
entry tools and hardware description languages. The complete design procedure,
which includes design entry, processing, and veriIication, is shown in an example oI
a simple digital system. An integrated design environment Ior FPLD-based designs,
the Altera`s MaxPlus II environment, is introduced. It includes various design
entry, processing, and veriIication tools. Also, a typical prototyping system, Altera`s
UP1 board is described as it will be used by many who will try designs presented in
the book or make their own designs.
Chapter 4 is devoted to the design using Altera`s Hardware Description
Language (AHDL). First, the basic Ieatures oI AHDL are introduced without a
Iormal presentation oI the language. Small examples are used to illustrate its
Ieatures and how they are used. The readers can intuitively understand language
and its syntax by examples. The methods Ior design oI combinatorial logic in
AHDL, including the implementation oI bidirectional pins, standard sequential
circuits such as registers and counters, and state machines is presented.
Chapter 5 introduces more advanced Ieatures oI AHDL. Vendor supplied and
user deIined macroIunctions appear as a library entities. The implementation oI user
designs as hierarchical projects consisting oI a number oI subdesigns is also shown.
AHDL, as a lower level hardware description language, allows user control oI
resource assignments and very eIIective control oI the design Iit to target either
speed or size optimization. Still, the designs speciIied in AHDL can be oI
behavioral or structural type and easily retargeted, without change, to another
device without the need Ior the change oI the design speciIication. New AHDL
Ieatures that enable parameterized designs, as well as conditional generation oI
logic, are introduced. They provide mechanisms Ior design oI more general digital
circuits and systems that are customized at the time oI use and compilation oI the
Chapter 6 shows how designs can be handled using primarily AHDL, but also in
the combination with the more convenient schematic entry tools. Two relatively
simple design case studies, which include a number oI combinational and sequential
circuit designs are shown in this chapter. The Iirst example is an electronic lock
which consists oI a hexadecimal keypad as the basic input device and a number oI
LEDs as the output indicators oI diIIerent states. The lock activates an unlock signal
aIter recognizing the input oI a sequence oI Iive digits acting as a kind oI password.
The second example is a temperature control system, which enables temperature
control in a small chamber (incubator). The temperature controller continuously
scans the current temperature and activates one oI two actuators, a lamp Ior heating
or a Ian Ior cooling. The controller allows set up oI a low and high temperature limit
range where the current temperature should be maintained. It also provides the basic
interIace with the operator in the Iorm oI hexadecimal keypad as input and 7-
segment display and couple oI LEDs as output. Both designs Iit into the standard
Altera`s devices.
Chapter 7 includes a more complex example oI a simple custom conIigurable
microprocessor called SimP. The microprocessor contains a Iixed core that
implements a set oI instructions and addressing modes, which serve as the base Ior
more complex microprocessors with additional instructions and processing
capabilities as needed by a user and/or application. It provides the mechanisms to be
extended by the designers in various directions and with some Iurther modiIications
it can be converted to become a sort oI dynamically reconIigurable processor. Most
oI the design is speciIied in AHDL to demonstrate the power oI the language.
Chapter 8 is used to present a case study oI a digital system based on the
combination oI a standard microprocessor and FPLD implemented logic. The
VuMan wearable computer, developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), is
presented in this chapter. Examples oI the VuMan include the design oI memory
interIacing logic and a peripheral controller Ior the Private Eye head-on display are
shown. FPLDs are used as the most appropriate prototyping and implementation
Although AHDL represents an ideal vehicle Ior learning design with hardware
description languages (HDLs), it is Altera proprietary language and as such can not
be used Ior other target technologies. That is the reason to expand VHDL
presentation in the second part oI the book. Chapter 9 provides an introduction to
VHDL as a more abstract and powerIul hardware description language, which is
also adopted as an IEEE standard. The goal oI this chapter is to demonstrate how
VHDL can be used in digital system design. A subset oI the language Ieatures is
used to provide designs that can almost always be synthesized. The Ieatures oI
sequential and concurrent statements, objects, entities, architectures, and
conIigurations, allow very abstract approaches to system design, at the same time
controlling design in terms oI versions, reusability, or exchangeability oI the
portions oI design. Combined with the Ilexibility and potential reconIigurability oI
FPLDs, VHDL represents a tool which will be more and more in use in digital
system prototyping and design. This chapter also makes a bridge between a
proprietary and a standard HDLs.
Chapter 10 introduces all major mechanisms oI VHDL used in description and
design oI digital systems. It emphasizes those Ieature not Iound in AHDL, such as
objects and data types. As VHDL is object oriented language, it provides the use oI
a much higher level oI abstraction in describing digital systems. The use oI basic
objects, such as constants, signals and variables is introduced. Mechanisms that
allow user own data types enable simpler modeling and much more designer
Iriendly descriptions oI designs. Finally, behavioral modeling enabled by processes
as the basic mechanism Ior describing concurrency is presented.
Chapter 11 goes a step Iurther to explain how synthesis Irom VHDL descriptions
is made. This becomes important especially Ior those who are not interested Ior
VHDL as description, documentation or simulation tool, but whose goal is
synthesized design. Numerous examples are used to show how synthesizable
combinational and standard sequential circuits are described. Also, Iinite state
machines and typical models Ior Moore and Mealy machine descriptions are shown.
In Chapter 12 we introduce two Iull examples. The Iirst example oI an input
sequence classiIier and recognizer is used to demonstrate the use oI VHDL in
digital systems design that are easily implemented in FPLDs. As the system
contains a hierarchy oI subsystems, it is also used to demonstrate a typical approach
in digital systems design when using VHDL. The second example is oI a simple
asynchronous receiver/transmitter (SART) Ior serial data transIers. This example is
used to Iurther demonstrate decomposition oI a digital system into its parts and
integration at a higher level and the use oI behavioral modeling and processes. It
also opens addition oI Iurther user options to make as sophisticated serial
receiver/transmitter as required.
Chapter 13 presents the third hardware description language with wide spread
use in industry Verilog HDL. Presentation oI Verilog is mostly restricted to a
subset useIul Ior synthesis oI digital systems. Basic Ieatures oI the language are
presented and their utilization shown.
Chapter 14 goes is oriented only towards synthesizable models in Verilog. A
number oI standard combinational and sequential circuits is described by
synthesizable models. Those examples provide a clear parallel with modeling the
same circuits using other HDLs and demonstrate power and simplicity oI Verilog.
They also show why many hardware designers preIer Verilog over VHDL as the
language that is primarily suited Ior digital hardware design.
Final Chapter 15 is dedicated to the design oI a more complex digital system.
The SimP microprocessor, introduced in Chapter 7 as an example oI a simple
general purpose processor, is redesigned introducing pipelining. Advantages oI
Verilog as the language suitable Ior both behavioral and structural modeling are
clearly demonstrated. The pipelined SimP model represents a good base Ior Iurther
experiments with the SimP open architecture and its customization in any desired
The problems given at the end oI each chapter are usually linked to and require
extension to examples presented within that or other chapters. By solving them, the
reader will have opportunity to Iurther develop own skills and Ieel the real power oI
both HDLs and FPLDs as implementation technology. By going through the whole
design process Irom its description and entry simulation and real implementation,
the reader will get own ideas how to use all these technologies in the best way.
The book is based on lectures we have taught in diIIerent courses at Auckland
University and CMU, various projects carried out in the course oI diIIerent degrees,
and the courses Ior proIessional engineers who are entering the Iield oI FPLDs and
CAD tools Ior complex digital systems design. As with any book, it is still open and
can be improved and enriched with new materials, especially due to the Iact that the
subject area is rapidly changing. The complete Chapter 8 represents a portion oI the
VuMan project carried out at Carnegie Mellon University. Some oI the original
VuMan designs are modiIied Ior the purpose oI this book at Auckland University.
A special gratitude is directed to the Altera Corporation Ior enabling us to try
many oI the concepts using their tools and devices in the course oI its University
Program Grant and Ior providing design soItware on CD ROM included with this
book. Also Altera made possible the opportunity Ior numerous students at Auckland
University to take part in various courses designing digital systems using these new
technologies. The thank also goes to a number oI reviewers and colleagues who
gave valuable suggestions. We believe that the book will meet their expectations.
This book would not be possible without the supportive environment at Auckland
University and Carnegie Mellon University as well as early support Irom
Cambridge University, Czech Technical University, University oI Edinburgh, and
Sarajevo University where we spent memorable years teaching and conducting
At the end, when we analyze the Iinal manuscript as it will be printed, the book
looks more as a completely new one than as the second edition oI original one.
Still, as it ows to its predecessor, we preserved the main title. However, the subtitle
reIlects its shiIt oI the ballance to hardware description languages as we explained
in this preIace.
Z. A. Salcic A. Smailagic
Auckland, New Zealand Pittsburgh, USA
May 2000
Programmable logic design is beginning the same paradigm shiIt that drove the
success oI logic synthesis within ASIC design, namely the move Irom schematics to
HDL based design tools and methodologies. Technology advancements, such as
0.25 micron Iive level metal processing and architectural innovations such as large
amount oI on-chip memory, have signiIicantly broadened the applications Ior Field-
Programmable Logic Devices (FPLDs).
This chapter represents an introduction to the Field-Programmable Logic. The
main types oI FPLDs are introduced, including programming technologies, logic
cell architectures, and routing architectures used to interconnect logic cells.
Architectural Ieatures are discussed to allow the reader to compare diIIerent devices
appearing on the market. The main characteristics oI the design process using
FPLDs are also discussed and the diIIerences to the design Ior custom integrated
circuits underlined. In addition, the necessity to introduce and use new advanced
tools when designing complex digital systems is emphasized.
1.1. Introduction
FPLDs represent a relatively new development in the Iield oI VLSI circuits. They
implement thousands oI logic gates in multilevel structures. The architecture oI an
FPLD, similar to that oI a Mask-Programmable Logic Device (MPLD), consists oI
an array oI logic cells that can be interconnected by programming to implement
diIIerent designs. The major diIIerence between an FPLD and an MPLD is that an
MPLD is programmed using integrated circuit Iabrication to Iorm metal
interconnections while an FPLD is programmed using electrically programmable
switches similar to ones in traditional Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs). FPLDs
can achieve much higher levels oI integration than traditional PLDs due to their
more complex routing architectures and logic implementation. The Iirst PLD
developed Ior implementing logic circuits was the Iield-Programmable Logic Array
(PLA). A PLA is implemented using AND-OR logic with wide input programmable
AND gates Iollowed by a programmable OR gate plane. PLA routing architectures
2 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
are very simple with ineIIicient crossbar like structures in which every output is
connectable to every input through one switch. As such, PLAs are suitable Ior
implementing logic in two-level sum-oI-products Iorm. The next step in PLDs
development was introduction oI Programmable Array Logic (PLA) devices with a
single level oI programmability - programmable AND gates Iollowed by Iixed OR
gates. In order to allow implementation oI sequential circuits, OR gates are usually
Iollowed by Ilip-Ilops. A variant oI the basic PLD architectures appears in several
today`s FPLDs. FPLD combines multiple simple PLDs on a single chip using
programmable interconnect structures. Today such combinations are known as
Complex PLDs (or CPLDs) with the capacities equivalent to tens oI simple FPLDs.
FPLD routing architectures provide a more eIIicient MPLD-like routing where each
connection typically passes through several switches. FPLD logic is implemented
using multiple levels oI lower Ian-in gates which is oIten more compact than two-
level implementations. Building FPLDs with very high capacity requires a diIIerent
approach, more similar to Mask-Programmable Gate Arrays (MPGAs) that are the
highest capacity general-purpose logic chips. As a MPGA consists oI an array oI
preIabricated transistors, that are customized Ior user logic by means oI wire
connections, customization during chip Iabrication is required. An FPLD which is
the Iield-programmable equivalent oI an MPGA is very oIten known as an FPGA.
The end user conIigures an FPGA through programming. In this text we use the
FPLD as a term that covers all Iield-programmable logic devices including CPLDs
and FPGAs.
An FPLD manuIacturer makes a single, standard device that users program to
carry out desired Iunctions. Field programmability comes at a cost in logic density
and perIormance. FPLD capacity trails MPLD capacity by about a Iactor oI 10 and
FPLD perIormance trails MPLD perIormance by about a Iactor oI three. Why then
FPLDs? FPLDs can be programmed in seconds rather than weeks, minutes rather
than the months required Ior production oI mask-programmed parts. Programming
is done by end users at their site with no IC masking steps. FPLDs are currently
available in densities over 100,000 gates in a single device. This size is large
enough to implement many digital systems on a single chip and larger systems can
be implemented on multiple FPLDs on the standard PCB or in the Iorm oI Multi-
Chip Modules (MCM). Although the unit costs oI an FPLD is higher than an MPLD
oI the same density, there is no up-Iront engineering charges to use an FPLD, so
they are more cost-eIIective Ior many applications. The result is a low-risk design
style, where the price oI logic error is small, both in money and project delay.
FPLDs are useIul Ior rapid product development and prototyping. They provide
very Iast design cycles, and, in the case that the major value oI the product is in
algorithms or Iast time-to-market they prove to be even cost-eIIective as the Iinal
deliverable product. Since FPLDs are Iully tested aIter manuIacture, user designs do
not require test program generation, automatic test pattern generation, and design
Ior testability. Some FPLDs have Iound a suitable place in designs that require
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 3
reconIiguration oI the hardware structure during system operation, Iunctionality can
change 'on the Ily.
An illustration oI device options ratings, that include standard discrete logic,
FPLDs, and custom logic is given in Figure 1.1. Although not quantitative, the
Iigure demonstrates many advantages oI FPLDs over other types oI available logic.
Requi rement
FPLD Di screte l ogi c Custom l ogi c
Densi ty
Devel opment
Prototyp. & si mul .
Manufacturi ng
Future modi fi c.
Devel opment tool
Very effecti ve Adequate Poor
Figure 1.1 Device options ratings for different device technologies
The purpose oI Figure 1.1 and this discussion is to point out some oI the major
Ieatures oI currently used options Ior digital system design, and show why we
consider FPLDs as the most promising technology Ior implementation oI a very
large number oI digital systems.
Until recently only two major options were available to digital system designers.
First, they could use Small-Scale Integrated (SSI) and Medium-Scale
Integrated (MSI) circuits to implement a relatively small amount oI logic
with a large number oI devices.
Second, they could use a Masked-Programmed Gate Array (MPGA) or
simply gate array to implement tens or hundreds oI thousands oI logic gates
on a single integrated circuit in multi-level logic with wiring between logic
4 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
levels. The wiring oI logic is built during the manuIacturing process
requiring a custom mask Ior the wiring. The low volume MPGAs have been
expensive due to high mask-making charges.
As intermediate solutions Ior the period during the 1980s and early 1990s
various kinds oI simple PLDsm(PLAs, PALs) were available. A simple PLD is a
general purpose logic device capable implementing the logic oI tens or hundreds oI
SSI circuits and customize logic Iunctions in the Iield using inexpensive
programming hardware. Large designs require a multi-level logic implementation
introducing high power consumption and large delays.
FPLDs oIIer the beneIits oI both PLDs and MPLDs. They allow the
implementation oI thousands oI logic gates in a single circuit and can be
programmed by designers on the site not requiring expensive manuIacturing
processes. The discussion below is largely targeted to a comparison oI FPLDs and
MPLDs as the technologies suitable Ior complex digital system design and
1.1.1 Speed
FPLDs oIIer devices that operate at speeds exceeding 200 MHz in many
applications. Obviously, speeds are higher than in systems implemented by SSI
circuits, but lower than the speeds oI MPLDs. The main reason Ior this comes Irom
the FPLD programmability. Programmable interconnect points add resistance to the
internal path, while programming points in the interconnect mechanism add
capacitance to the internal path. Despite these disadvantages when compared to
MPLDs, FPLD speed is adequate Ior most applications. Also, some dedicated
architectural Ieatures oI FPLDs can eliminate unneeded programmability in speed
critical paths.
By moving FPLDs to Iaster processes, application speed can be increased by
simply buying and using a Iaster device without design modiIication. The situation
with MPLDs is quite diIIerent; new processes require new mask-making and
increase the overall product cost.
1.1.2 Density
FPLD programmability introduces on-chip programming overhead circuitry
requiring area that cannot be used by designers. As a result, the same amount oI
logic Ior FPLDs will always be larger and more expensive than MPLDs. However,
a large area oI the die cannot be used Ior core Iunctions in MPLDs due to the I/O
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 5
pad limitations. The use oI this wasted area Ior Iield programmability does not
result in an increase oI area Ior the resulting FPLD. Thus, Ior a given number oI
gates, the size oI an MPLD and FPLD is dictated by the I/O count so the FPLD and
MPLD capacity will be the same. This is especially true with the migration oI
FPLDs to submicron processes. MPLD manuIacturers have already shiIted to high-
density products leaving designs with less than 20,000 gates to FPLDs.
1.1.3 Development Time
FPLD development is Iollowed by the development oI tools Ior system designs. All
those tools belong to high-level tools aIIordable even to very small design houses.
The development time primarily includes prototyping and simulation while the
other phases, including time-consuming test pattern generation, mask-making,
waIer Iabrication, packaging, and testing are completely avoided. This leads to the
typical development times Ior FPLD designs measured in days or weeks, in contrast
to MPLD development times in several weeks or months.
1.1.4 Prototyping and Simulation Time
While the MPLD manuIacturing process takes weeks or months Irom design
completion to the delivery oI Iinished parts, FPLDs require only design completion.
ModiIications to correct a design Ilaw are quickly and easily done providing a short
turn around time that leads to Iaster product development and shorter time-to-
market Ior new FPLD-based products.
Proper veriIication requires MPLD users to veriIy their designs by extensive
simulation beIore manuIacture introducing all oI the drawbacks oI the
speed/accuracy trade-oII connected with any simulation. In contrast, FPLDs
simulations are much simpler due to the Iact that timing characteristics and models
are known in advance. Also, many designers avoid simulation completely and
choose in-circuit veriIication. They implement the design and use a Iunctioning part
as a prototype that operates at Iull speed and absolute time accuracy. A prototype
can be easily changed and reinserted into the system within minutes or hours.
FPLDs provide low-cost prototyping, while MPLDs provide low-cost volume
production. This leads to prototyping on an FPLD and then switching to an MPLD
Ior volume production. Usually there is no need Ior design modiIication when
retargeting to an MPLD, except sometimes when timing path veriIication Iails.
Some FPLD vendors oIIer mask-programmed versions oI their FPLDs giving users
Ilexibility and advantages oI both implementation methods.
6 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
1.1.5 Manufacturing Time
All integrated circuits must be tested to veriIy manuIacturing and packaging. The
test is diIIerent Ior each design. MPLDs typically incur three types oI costs
associated with testing.
on-chip logic to enable easier testing
generation oI test programs Ior each design
testing the parts when manuIacturing is complete
Because they have a simple and repeatable structure, the test program Ior one
FPLD device is same Ior all designs and all users oI that part. It Iurther justiIies all
reasonable eIIorts and investments to produce extensive and high quality test
programs that will be used during the liIetime oI the FPLD. Users are not required
to write design speciIic tests because manuIacturer testing veriIies that every FPLD
will Iunction Ior all possible designs implemented. The consequences oI
manuIacturing chips Irom both categories are obvious. Once veriIied, FPLDs can be
manuIactured in any quantity and delivered as Iully tested parts ready Ior design
implementation while MPLDs require separate production preparation Ior each new
1.1.6 Future Modifications
Instead oI customizing the part in the manuIacturing process as Ior MPLDs, FPLDs
are customized by electrical modiIications. The electrical customization takes
milliseconds or minutes and can even be perIormed without special devices, or with
low cost programming devices. Even more, it can usually be perIormed in-system,
meaning that the part can already be on the printed circuit board reducing the danger
oI the damage due to uncareIul handling. On the other hand, every modiIied design
to be implemented in an MPLD requires a custom mask that costs several thousands
dollars that can only be amortized over the total number oI units manuIactured.
1.1.7 Inventory Risk
An important Ieature oI FPLDs is low inventory risk, similar to SSI and MSI parts.
Since actual manuIacturing is done at the time oI programming a device, the same
part can be used Ior diIIerent Iunctionality and diIIerent designs. This is not Iound
in an MPLD since the Iunctionality and application is Iixed Iorever once it is
produced. Also, the decision on the volume oI MPLDs must be made well in
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 7
advance oI the delivery date, requiring concern with the probability that too many
or not enough parts are ordered to manuIacture. Generally, FPLDs are connected
with very low risk design in terms oI both money and delays. Rapid and easy
prototyping enables all errors to be corrected with short delays, but also gives
designers the chance to try more risky logic designs in the early stages oI product
development. Development tools used Ior FPLD designs usually integrate the whole
range oI design entry, processing, and simulation tools which enable easy
reusability oI all parts oI a correct design.
FPLD designs can be made with the same design entry tools used in traditional
MPLDs and Application SpeciIic Integrated Circuits (ASICs) development. The
resulting netlist is Iurther manipulated by FPLD speciIic Iitting, placement, and
routing algorithms that are available either Irom FPLD manuIacturers or CAE
vendors. However, FPLDs also allow designing on the very low device dependent
level providing the best device utilization, iI needed.
1.1.8 Cost
Finally, the above-introduced options reIlect on the costs. The major beneIit oI an
MPLD-based design is low cost in large quantities. The actual volume oI the
products determines which technology is more appropriate to be used. FPLDs have
much lower costs oI design development and modiIication, including initial Non-
Recurring Engineering (NRE) charges, tooling, and testing costs. However, larger
die area and lower circuit density result in higher manuIacturing costs per unit. The
break-even point depends on the application and volume, and is usually at between
ten and twenty thousand units Ior large capacity FPLDs. This limit is even higher
when an integrated volume production approach is applied, using a combination oI
FPLDs and their corresponding masked-programmed counterparts. Integrated
volume production also introduces Iurther Ilexibility, satisIying short term needs
with FPLDs and long term needs at the volume level with masked-programmed
1.2 Types of FPLDs
The general architecture oI an FPLD is shown in Figure 1.2. A typical FPLD
consists oI a number oI logic cells that are used Ior implementation oI logic
Iunctions. Logic cells are arranged in a Iorm oI a matrix. Interconnection resources
connect logic cell outputs and inputs, as well as input/output blocks used to connect
FPLD with the outer world.
8 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
Despite the same general structure, concrete implementations oI FPLDs diIIer
among the major competitors. There is a diIIerence in approach to circuit
programmability, internal logic cell structure, input/output blocks and routing
An FPLD logic cell can be a simple transistor or a complex microprocessor.
Typically, it is capable oI implementing combinational and sequential logic
Iunctions oI diIIerent complexities.
nterconnect resources
Logic Cell
/O Block
Figure 1.2 FPLD architecture
Current commercial FPLDs employ logic cells that are based on one or more oI
the Iollowing:
Transistor pairs
Basic small gates, such as two-input NANDs or XORs
Look-up tables (LUTs)
Wide-Ian-in AND-OR structures
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 9
Three major programming technologies, each associated with area and
perIormance costs, are commonly used to implement the programmable switch Ior
FPLDs. These are:
Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) , where the switch is a pass
transistor controlled by the state oI a SRAM bit
EPROM, where the switch is a Iloating-gate transistor that can be turned oII
by injecting charge onto its Iloating gate, and
AntiIuse, which, when electrically programmed, Iorms a low resistance
In all cases, a programmable switch occupies a larger area and exhibits much
higher parasitic resistance and capacitance than a typical contact used in a custom
MPLDs. Additional area is also required Ior programming circuitry, resulting in
higher density and lower speed oI FPLDs compared to MPLDs.
An FPLD routing architecture incorporates wire segments oI varying lengths
which can be interconnected with electrically programmable switches. The density
achieved by an FPLD depends on the number oI wires incorporated. II the number
oI wire segments is insuIIicient, only a small Iraction oI the logic cells can be
utilized. An excessive number oI wire segments wastes area. The distribution oI
wire segments greatly aIIects both density and perIormance oI an FPLD. For
example, iI all segments stretch over the entire length oI the device (so called long
segments), implementing local interconnections costs area and time. On the other
hand, employment oI only short segments requires long interconnections to be
implemented using many switches in series, resulting in unacceptably large delays.
Both density and perIormance can be optimized by choosing the appropriate
granularity and Iunctionality oI logic cell, as well as designing the routing
architecture to achieve a high degree oI routability while minimizing the number oI
switches. Various combinations oI programming technology, logic cell architecture,
and routing mechanisms lead to various designs suitable Ior speciIic applications. A
more detailed presentation oI all major components oI FPLD architectures is given
in the sections and chapters that Iollow.
II programming technology and device architecture are combined, three major
categories oI FPLDs are distinguished:
Complex Programmable Logic Device CPLDs,
Static RAM Field Programmable Logic Arrays, or simply FPGAs,
AntiIuse FPGAs
10 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
In this section we present the major Ieatures oI these three categories oI FPLDs.
1.2.1 CPLDs
A typical CPLD architecture is shown in Figure 1.3. The user creates logic
interconnections by programming EPROM or EEPROM transistors to Iorm wide
Ian-in gates.
Figure 1.3 Typical CPLD architecture
Function Blocks (FBs) are similar to a simple two-level PLD. Each FB contains
a PLD AND-array that Ieeds its macrocells (MC). The AND-array consists oI a
number oI product terms. The user programs the AND-array by turning on EPROM
transistors that allow selected inputs to be included in a product term.
A macrocell includes an OR gate to complete AND-OR logic and may also
include registers and an I/O pad. It can also contain additional EPROM cells to
control multiplexers that select a registered or non-registered output and decide
whether or not the macrocell result is output on the I/O pad at that location.
Macrocell outputs are connected as additional FB inputs or as the inputs to a global
universal interconnect mechanism (UIM) that reaches all FBs on the chip. FBs,
macrocells, and interconnect mechanisms vary Irom one product to another, giving
a range oI device capacities and speeds
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 11
1.2.2 Static RAM FPGAs
In SRAM FPGAs, static memory cells hold the program that represents the user
design. SRAM FPGAs implement logic as lookup tables (LUTs) made Irom
memory cells with Iunction inputs controlling the address lines. Each LUT oI 2
memory cells implements any Iunction oI n inputs. One or more LUTs, combined
with Ilip-Ilops, Iorm a logic block (LB). LBs are arranged in a two-dimensional
array with interconnect segments in channels as shown in Figure 1.4.
Figure 1.4 Typical SRAM FPGA architecture
Interconnect segments connect to LB pins in the channels and to the other
segments in the switch boxes through pass transistors controlled by conIiguration
memory cells. The switch boxes, because oI their high complexity, are not Iull
crossbar switches.
An SRAM FPGA program consists oI a single long program word. On-chip
circuitry loads this word, reading it serially out oI an external memory every time
12 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
power is applied to the chip. The program bits set the values oI all conIiguration
memory cells on the chip, thus setting the lookup table values and selecting which
segments connect each to the other. SRAM FPGAs are inherently reprogrammable.
They can be easily updated providing designers with new capabilities such as
1.2.3 Antifuse FPGAs
An antiIuse is a two-terminal device that, when exposed to a very high voltage,
Iorms a permanent short circuit (opposite to a Iuse) between the nodes on either
side. Individual antiIuses are small, enabling an antiIuse-based architecture to have
thousands or millions oI antiIuses. AntiIuse FPGA, as illustrated in Figure 1.5,
usually consists oI rows oI conIigurable logic elements with interconnect channels
between them, much like traditional gate arrays.
The pins on logic blocks (LBs) extend into the channel. An LB is usually a
simple gate-level network, which the user programs by connecting its input pins to
Iixed values or to interconnect nets. There are antiIuses at every wire-to-pin
intersection point in the channel and at all wire-to-wire intersection points where
channels intersect.
Logic Blocks
Figure 1.5 Antifuse FPGA architecture
Commercial FPLDs use diIIerent programming technologies, diIIerent logic cell
architectures, and diIIerent structures oI their routing architectures. A survey oI
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 13
major commercial architectures is given in the rest oI this part, and a more detailed
presentation oI FPLD Iamilies Irom two major manuIacturers, Xilinx, and Altera, is
given in Part 2. The majority oI design examples introduced in later chapters are
illustrated using Altera's FPLDs.
1.3 Programming TechnoIogies
An FPLD is programmed using electrically programmable switches. The Iirst user-
programmable switch was the Iuse used in simple PLDs. For higher density devices,
especially the dominant CMOS IC industry, diIIerent approaches are used to
achieve programmable switches. The properties oI these programmable switches,
such as size, volatility, process technology, on-resistance, and capacitance
determine the major Ieatures oI an FPLD architecture. In this section we introduce
the most commonly used programmable switch technologies in commercial FPLDs.
1.3.1 SRAM Programming Technology
SRAM programming technology uses static RAM cells to conIigure logic and
control intersections and paths Ior signal routing. The conIiguration is done by
controlling pass gates or multiplexers as it is illustrated in Figure 1.6. When a "1" is
stored in the SRAM cell in Figure 1.6(a), the pass gate acts as a closed switch and
can be used to make a connection between two wire segments. For the multiplexer,
the state oI the SRAM cells connected to the select lines controls which one oI the
multiplexers inputs are connected to the output, as shown in Figure 1.6(b).
Reprogrammability allows the circuit manuIacturer to test all paths in the FPGA by
reprogramming it on the tester. The users get well tested parts and 100
"programming yield" with no design speciIic test patterns and no "design Ior
testability." Since on-chip programming is done with memory cells, the
programming oI the part can be done an unlimited number oI times. This allows
prototyping to proceed iteratively, re-using the same chip Ior new design iterations.
Reprogrammability has advantages in systems as well. In cases where parts oI the
logic in a system are not needed simultaneously, they can be implemented in the
same reprogrammable FPGA and FPGA logic can be switched between
Besides volatility, a major disadvantage oI SRAM programming technology is
its large area. At least Iive transistors are needed to implement an SRAM cell, plus
at least one transistor to implement a programmable switch. A typical Iive-transistor
memory cell is illustrated in Figure 1.7. There is no separate RAM area on the chip.
The memory cells are distributed among the logic elements they control. Since
FPGA memories do not change during normal operation, they are built Ior stability
14 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
and density rather than speed. However, SRAM programming technology has two
Iurther major advantages; Iast-reprogrammability and that it requires only standard
integrated circuit process technology.
Pass Gate
Bit 0
Bit 1
4 x 1
SRAM Cells
Figure 1.6 SRAM Programming Technology
Since SRAM is volatile, the FPGA must be loaded and conIigured at the time oI
chip power-up. This requires external permanent memory to provide the
programming bitstream such as PROM, EPROM, EEPROM or magnetic disk. This
is the reason that SRAM-programmable FPGAs include logic to sense power-on
and to initialize themselves automatically, provided the application can wait the tens
oI milliseconds required to program the device.
Bit line
Word line
Vcc Vcc
Figure 1.7 Five-transistor Memory Cell
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 15
1.3.2 Floating Gate Programming Technology
Floating gate programming technology uses the technology oI ultraviolet-erasable
EPROM and electrically erasable EEPROM devices. The programmable switch, as
shown in Figure 1.8, is a transistor that can be permanently "disabled." To disable
the transistor, a charge is injected on the Iloating polysilicon gate using a high
voltage between the control gate and the drain oI the transistor. This charge
increases the threshold voltage oI the transistor so it turns oII. The charge is
removed by exposing the Iloating gate to ultraviolet light. This lowers the threshold
voltage oI the transistor and makes the transistor Iunction normally. Rather than
using an EPROM transistor directly as a programmable switch, the unprogrammed
transistor is used to pull down a "bit line" when the "word line" is set to high. While
this approach can be simply used to provide connection between word and bit lines,
it can also be used to implement a wired-AND style oI logic, in that way providing
both logic and routing.
Word line
Bit line
EPROM transistor
Control gate
Floating gate
Figure 1.8 Floating gate programming technology
The major advantage oI the EPROM programming technology is its
reprogrammability. An advantage over SRAM is that no external permanent
memory is needed to program a chip on power-on. On the other hand,
reconIiguration itselI can not be done as Iast as in SRAM technology devices.
Additional disadvantages are that EPROM technology requires three more
processing steps over an ordinary CMOS process, the high on-resistance oI an
EPROM transistor, and the high static power consumption due to the pull-up
resistor used.
16 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
EEPROM technology used in some devices is similar to the EPROM approach,
except that removal oI the gate charge can be done electrically, in-circuit, without
ultraviolet light. This gives an advantage oI easy reprogrammability, but requires
more space due to the Iact that EEPROM cell is roughly twice the size oI an
EPROM cell.
1.3.3 Antifuse Programming Technology
An antiIuse is an electrically programmable two-terminal device. It irreversibly
changes Irom high resistance to low resistance when a programming voltage (in
excess oI normal signal levels) is applied across its terminals. AntiIuses oIIer
several unique Ieatures Ior FPGAs , most notably a relatively low on-resistance oI
100-600 Ohms and a small size. The layout area oI an antiIuse cell is generally
smaller than the pitch oI the metal lines it connects; it is about the same size as a via
connecting metal lines in an MPLD. When high voltage (11 to 20 Volts) is applied
across its terminals, the antiIuse will "blow" and create a low resistance link. This
link is permanent. AntiIuses are built either using an Oxygen-Nitrogen-Oxygen
(ONO) dielectric between an N diIIusion and polysilicon, or amorphous silicon
between metal layers or between polysilicon and the Iirst layer oI metal.
Programming an antiIuse requires extra circuitry to deliver the high
programming voltage and a relatively high current oI 5 mA or more. This is done
through large transistors to provide addressing to each antiIuse.
AntiIuses are normally "oII" devices. Only a small Iraction oI the total that need
to be turned on must be programmed (about 2 Ior a typical application). So, other
things being equal, programming is Iaster with antiIuses than with "normally on"
AntiIuse reliability must be considered Ior both the unprogrammed and
programmed states. Time dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) reliability over
40 years is an important consideration. It is equally important that the resistance oI a
programmed antiIuse remains low during the liIe oI the part. Analysis oI ONO
dielectrics shows that they do not increase the resistance with time. Additionally,
the parasitic capacitance oI an unprogrammed amorphous antiIuse is signiIicantly
lower than Ior other programming technologies.
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 17
1.3.4 Summary of Programming Technologies
Major properties oI each oI above presented programming technologies are shown
in Table 1.1. All data assumes a 1.2 m CMOS process technology and is used only
Ior comparison purposes. The most recent devices use much higher density devices
and many oI them are implemented in 0.5 or even 0.22 m CMOS process
technology with the tendency to reduce it even Iurther (0.18 m and 0.15 m).
Table 1.1 Comparison of Programming technologies
VoIatiIe Reprogram
mabiIity ?
Area R (ohm)
C (fF)
# Extra
Pass Trans.
1.2 m
Yes Yes
Large 0.5-2K 10-20 0
1.2 m
No No
300-600 5 3
1.2 m
No No
50-100 1.1-1.3 3
1.2 m
No Yes
Out of circuit
2-4K 10-20 3
1.2 m
No Yes
n- circuit
2 x
2-4K 10-20 >5
1.4. Logic CeII Architecture
In this section we present a survey oI commercial FPLD logic cell architectures in
use today, including their combinational and sequential portions. FPLD logic cells
diIIer both in size and implementation capability. A two transistor logic cell can
only implement a small size inverter, while the look-up table logic cells can
implement any logic Iunction oI several input variables and is signiIicantly larger.
To capture these diIIerences we usually classiIy logic blocks by their granularity.
18 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
Since granularity can be deIined in various ways (as the number oI Boolean
Iunctions that the logic block can implement, the number oI two-input AND gates,
total number oI transistors, etc.), we choose to classiIy commercial blocks into just
two categories: Iine-grain and coarse-grain.
Fine-grain logic cells resemble MPLD basic cells. The most Iine grain logic cell
would be identical to a basic cell oI an MPLD and would consist oI Iew transistors
that can be programmably interconnected.
The FPGA Irom Crosspoint Solutions uses a single transistor pair in the logic
cell. In addition to the transistor pair tiles, as depicted in Figure 1.9, the cross-point
FPGA has a second type oI logic cell, called a RAM logic tile, that is tuned Ior the
implementation oI random access memory, but can also be used to build other logic
Transistor Pair
Figure 1.9 Transistor pair tiles in Cross-point FPGA
A second example oI a Iine-grain FPGA architecture is the FPGA Irom Plessey.
Here the basic cell is a two-input NAND gate as illustrated in Figure 1.10. Logic is
Iormed in the usual way by connecting the NAND gates to implement the desired
Iunction. II the latch is not needed, then the conIiguration memory is set to make the
latch permanently transparent.
Several other commercial FPGAs employ Iine-grain logic cells. The main
advantage oI using Iine-grain logic cells is that the usable cells are Iully utilized.
This is because it is easier to use small logic gates eIIiciently and the logic synthesis
techniques Ior such cells are very similar to those Ior conventional MPGAs (Mask-
Programmable Gate Arrays) and standard cells.
The main disadvantage oI Iine-grain cells is that they require a relatively large
number oI wire segments and programmable switches. Such routing resources are
costly in both delay and area. II a Iunction that could be packed into a Iew complex
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 19
cells must instead be distributed among many simple cells, more connections must
be made through the programmable routing network. As a result, FPLDs with Iine-
grain logic cells are in general slower and achieve lower densities than those using
coarse-grain logic cells.
8 interconnect
8 x 2
Figure 1.10 The Plessey Logic Cell
As a rule oI thumb, an FPLD should be as Iine-grained as possible while
maintaining good routability and routing delay Ior the given switch technology. The
cell should be chosen to implement a wide variety oI Iunctions eIIiciently, yet have
minimum layout area and delay.
Actel's logic cells have been designed on the base oI usage analysis oI various
logic Iunctions in actual gate array applications. The Act-1 Iamily uses one general-
purpose logic cell as shown in Figure 1.11. The cell is composed oI three 2-to-1
multiplexers, one OR gate, 8 inputs, and one output. Various macroIunctions (AND,
NOR, Ilip-Ilops, etc.) can be implemented by applying each input signal to the
appropriate cell inputs and tying other cell inputs to 0 or 1. The cell can implement
all combinational Iunctions oI two inputs, all Iunctions oI three inputs with at least
one positive input, many Iunctions oI Iour inputs, and some ranging up to eight
inputs. Any sequential macro can be implemented Irom one or more cells using
appropriate Ieedback routings.
20 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
Figure 1.11 Act-1 logic cell
Further analysis oI macros indicate that a signiIicant proportion oI the nets
driving the data input oI Ilip-Ilop have no other Ian-out. This motivated the use oI a
mixture oI two specialized cells Ior Act-2 and Act-3 Iamilies. The "C" cell and its
equivalent shown in Figure 1.12 are modiIied versions oI the Act-1 cell re-
optimized to better accommodate high Ian-in combinational macros. It actually
represents a 4-to-1 multiplexer and two gates, implementing a total oI 766 distinct
combinational Iunctions.
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 21
S1 S0
A1 B1 A0 B0
(a) (b)

Figure 1.12 Act-2 "C" cell
The "S" cell, shown in Figure 1.13, consists oI a Iront end equivalent to "C" cell
Iollowed by sequential block built around two latches. The sequential block can be
used as a rising- or Ialling-edge D Ilip-Ilop or a transparent-high or transparent-low
latch, by tying the C1 and C2 inputs to a clock signal, logical zero or logical one in
various combinations. For example, tying C1 to 0 and clocking C2 implements a
rising-edge D Ilip-Ilop. Toggle or enabled Ilip-Ilops can be built using
combinational Iront end in addition to the D Ilip-Ilop. JK or SR Ilip-Ilops can be
conIigured Irom one or more "C" or "S" cells using external Ieedback connections.
A chip with an equal mixture oI "C" and "S" cells provides suIIicient Ilip-Ilops Ior
most designs plus extra Ilexibility in placement. Over a range oI designs, the Act-2
mixture provides about 40-100 greater logic capacity per cell than the Act-1 cell.
22 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
S1 S0
Figure 1.13 Actel-2 "S" cell
The logic cell in the FPLD Irom QuickLogic is similar to the Actel logic cell in that
it uses a 4-to-1 multiplexer. Each input to the multiplexer is Ied by an AND gate, as
shown in Figure 1.14. Alternating inputs to the AND gates are inverted allowing
input signals to be passed in true or complement Iorm, thereIore eliminating the
need to use extra logic cells to perIorm simple inversions.
Multiplexer-based logic cells provide a large degree oI Iunctionality Ior a
relatively small number oI transistors. However, this is achieved at the expense oI a
large number oI inputs placing high demands on the routing resources. They are
best suited to FPLDs that use small size programmable switches such as antiIuses.
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 23
Figure 1.14 The QuickLogic logic cell
Xilinx logic cells are based on the use oI SRAM as a look-up table. The truth
table Ior a K-input logic Iunction is stored in a 2
x 1 SRAM as it is illustrated in
Figure 1.15.
The address lines oI the SRAM Iunction as inputs and the output (data) line oI
the SRAM provides the value oI the logic Iunction. The major advantage oI K-input
look-up table is that it can implement any Iunction oI K inputs. The disadvantage is
that it becomes unacceptably large Ior more than Iive inputs since the number oI
memory cells needed Ior a K-input look-up table is 2
. Since many oI the logic
Iunctions are not commonly used, a large look-up table will be largely
24 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
(Address lines) Output
Figure 1.15 Look-up table
The Xilinx 3000 series logic cell contains a Iive input one output look-up table.
This block can be conIigured as two Iour-input LUTs iI the total number oI distinct
inputs is not greater than Iive. The logic cell also contains sequential logic (two D
Ilip-Ilops) and several multiplexers that connect combinational inputs and outputs to
the Ilip-Ilops or outputs.
The Xilinx 4000 series logic cell contains two Iour input look-up tables Ieeding
into a three input LUT. All oI the inputs are distinct and available external to the
logic cell. The other diIIerence Irom the 3000 series cell is the use oI two
nonprogrammable connections Irom the two Iour input LUTs to the three input
LUT. These connections are much Iaster since no programmable switches are used
in series.
A detailed explanation oI Xilinx 3000 and 4000 series logic cells is given in
Chapter 2, since they represent two oI the most popular and widely used FPGAs.
Other popular Iamilies oI FPLDs with the coarse-grain logic cells are Altera's
EPLDs and CPLDs. The architecture oI Altera 5000 and 7000 series EPLDs has
evolved Irom a PLA-based architecture with logic cells consisting oI wide Ian-in
(20 to over 100 inputs) AND gates Ieeding into an OR gate with three to eight
inputs. They employ a Iloating gate transistor based programmable switch that
enables an input wire to be connected to an input to the gate as shown in Figure
1.16. The three product terms are then OR-ed together and can be programmable
inverted by an XOR gate, which can also be used to produce other arithmetic
Iunctions. Each signal is provided in both truth and complement Iorm with two
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 25
separate wires. The programmable inversion signiIicantly increases the Iunctional
capability oI the block.
Figure 1.16 The Altera 5000 series logic block
The advantage oI this type oI block is that the wide AND gate can be used to
Iorm logic Iunctions with Iew levels oI logic cells reducing the need Ior
programmable interconnect resources. However, it is diIIicult to make eIIicient use
oI the inputs to all oI the gates. This loss is compensated by the high packing
density oI the wired AND gates. Some shortcomings oI the 5000 series devices are
overcome in the 7000 series, most notably it provides two more product terms and
has more Ilexibility because neighboring blocks can "borrow" product terms Irom
each other.
The Altera Flex 8000 and 10K series CPLDs are the SRAM based devices
providing low stand-by power and in-circuit reconIigurability. A logic cell contains
4-input LUT that provides combinational logic capability and a programmable
register that oIIers sequential logic capability. High system perIormance is provided
by a Iast, continuous network oI routing resources. The detailed description oI both
major Altera's series oI CPLDs is given in Chapter 2.
Most oI the logic cells described above include some Iorm oI sequential logic.
The Xilinx devices have two D Ilip-Ilops, while the Altera devices have one D Ilip-
Ilop per logic cell. Some devices such as Act-1 do not explicitly include sequential
logic, Iorming it using programmable routing and combinational logic cells.
26 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
1.5 Routing Architecture
The routing architecture oI an FPLD determines a way in which the programmable
switches and wiring segments are positioned to allow the programmable
interconnection oI logic cells. A routing architecture Ior an FPLD must meet two
criteria: routability and speed. Routability reIers to the capability oI an FPLD to
accommodate all the nets oI a typical application, despite the Iact that the wiring
segments must be deIined at the time the blank FPLD is made. Only switches
connecting wiring segments can be programmed (customized) Ior a speciIic
application, not the numbers, lengths or locations oI the wiring segments
themselves. The goal is to provide a suIIicient number oI wiring segments while not
wasting chip area. It is also important that the routing oI an application can be
determined by an automated algorithm with minimal intervention.
Propagation delay through the routing is a major Iactor in FPLD perIormance.
AIter routing an FPLD, the exact segments and switches used to establish the net
are known and the delay Irom the driving output to each input can be computed.
Any programmable switch (EPROM, pass-transistor, or antiIuse) has a signiIicant
resistance and capacitance. Each time a signal passes through a programmable
switch, another RC stage is added to the propagation delay. For a Iixed R and C, the
propagation delay mounts quadratically with the number oI series RC stages. The
use oI a low resistance switch, such as antiIuse, keeps the delay low and its
distribution tight. OI equal signiIicance is optimization oI the routing architecture.
Routing architectures oI some commercial FPLD Iamilies are presented in this
In order to present commercial routing architectures, we will use the routing
architecture model shown in Figure 1.17. First, a Iew deIinitions are introduced in
order to Iorm a uniIied viewpoint when considering routing architectures.
A wire segment is a wire unbroken by programmable switches. One or more
switches may attach to a wire segment. Typically, one switch is attached to the each
end oI a wire segment. A track is a sequence oI one or more wire segments in a line.
A routing channel is a group oI parallel tracks.
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 27
Cell Pins
Figure 1.17 General FPLD routing architecture model
As shown in Figure 1.17, the model contains two basic structures. The Iirst is a
connection block which appears in all architectures. The connection block provides
connectivity Irom the inputs and outputs oI a logic block to the wire segments in the
channels and can be both vertical or horizontal. The second structure is the switch
block which provides connectivity between the horizontal as well as vertical wire
segments. The switch block in Figure 1.17 provides connectivity among wire
segments on all Iour oI its sides.
Trade-oIIs in routing architectures are illustrated in Figure 1.18. Figure 1.18(a)
represents a set oI nets routed in a conventional channel. Freedom to conIigure the
wiring oI an MPLD allows us to customize the lengths oI horizontal wires.
28 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
1 1 2 2 4 4 3 3
1 1 2 2 4 4 3 3
Programmed antifuse Unprogrammed antifuse Switch
a)Routing in unconstrained channel
b)Routing in fully segmented channel
1 1 2 2 4 4 3 3
c)Routing in non-segmented channel
Figure 1.18 Types of routing architecture
In order to have complete Ireedom oI routing, a switch is required at every cross
point. More switches are required between two cross points along a track to allow
the track to be subdivided into segments oI arbitrary length, as shown in Figure
1.18(b). In FPLDs, each signal enters or leaves the channel on its own vertical
An alternative is to provide continuous tracks in suIIicient number to
accommodate all nets, as shown in Figure 1.18(c). This approach is used in many
types oI programmable logic arrays and in the interconnect portion oI certain
programmable devices. Advantages are that two RC stages are encountered and that
the delay oI each net is identical and predictable. However, Iull length tracks are
used Ior all, even short nets. Furthermore, the area is excessive, growing
quadratically with the number oI nets. This is the reason to employ some
intermediate approaches, usually based on segmentation oI tracks into varying
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 29
(appropriate) sizes. A well-designed segmented channel does not require many
more tracks than would be needed in a conventional channel. Although surprising,
this Iinding has been supported both experimentally and analytically.
In the Xilinx 3000 series FPGAs, the routing architecture connections are made
Irom the logic cell to the channel through a connection block. Since the connection
site is large, because oI the SRAM programming technology, the Xilinx connection
block typically connects each pin to only two or three out oI Iive tracks passing a
cell. Connection blocks connect on all Iour sides oI the cell. The connections are
implemented by pass transistors Ior the output pins and multiplexers Ior input pins.
The use oI multiplexers reduces the number oI SRAM cells needed per pin.
The switch block makes a connection between segments in intersecting
horizontal and vertical channels. Each wire segment can connect to a subset oI the
wire segments on opposing sides oI the switch block (typically to 5 or 6 out oI 15
possible wire segments). This number is limited by the large size and capacitance oI
the SRAM programmable switches.
There are Iour types oI wire segments provided in the Xilinx 3000 architecture
and Iive types in the Xilinx 4000 architecture. The additional wire segment consists
oI so called double-length lines that essentially represent the wire segments oI the
double length that are connected to every second switch block. In the Xilinx 4000
devices the connectivity between the logic cell pins and tracks is much higher
because each logic pin connects to almost all oI the tracks. The detailed presentation
oI the Xilinx routing architectures is given in Chapter 2.
The routing architecture oI the Altera 5000 and 7000 series EPLDs uses a two-
level hierarchy. At the Iirst level hierarchy, 16 or 32 oI the logic cells are grouped
into a Logic Array Block (LAB) providing a structure very similar to the traditional
PLD. There are Iour types oI tracks passing each LAB. In the connection block
every such track can connect into every logic cell pin making routing very simple.
Using Iewer connection points results in better density and perIormance, but yields
more complex routing. The internal LAB routing structure could be considered as
segmented channel, where the segments are as long as possible. Since connections
also perIorm wire ANDing, the transistors have two purposes.
Connections among diIIerent LABs are made using a global interconnect
structure called a Programmable Interconnect Array (PIA). It connects outputs Irom
each LAB to inputs oI other LABs, and acts as one large switch block. There is Iull
connectivity among the logic cell outputs and LAB inputs within a PIA. The
advantage oI this scheme is that it makes routing easy, but requires many switches
adding more to the capacitive load than necessary. Another advantage is the delay
through the PIA is the same regardless oI which track is used. This Iurther helps
30 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
predict system perIormance. However, the circuits can be much slower than with
segmented tracks.
A similar approach is Iound in the Altera 8000 series CPLDs. Connections
among LABs are implemented using FastTrack Interconnect continuous channels
that run the length oI the device. A detailed presentation oI both oI Altera's
interconnect and routing mechanisms is given in Chapter 2.
1.6 Design Process
The complexity oI FPLDs has surpassed the point where manual design is desirable
or Ieasible. The utility oI an FPLD architecture becomes more and more dependent
on automated logic and layout synthesis tools.
The design process with FPLDs is similar to other programmable logic design.
Input can come Irom a schematic netlist, a hardware description language, or a logic
synthesis system. AIter deIining what has to be designed, the next step is design
implementation. It consists oI Iitting the logic into the FPLD structures. This step is
called "logic partitioning" by some FPGA manuIacturers and "logic Iitting" in
reIerence to CPLDs.
AIter partitioning, the design soItware assigns the logic, now described in terms
oI Iunctional units on the FPLD, to a particular physical locations on the device and
chooses the routing paths. This is similar to placement and routing traditional gate
One oI the main advantages oI FPLDs is their short development cycle compared
to Iull- or semi-custom integrated circuits. Circuit design consists oI three main
design deIinition
design implementation
design modiIication
From the designer`s point oI view, the Iollowing are important Ieatures oI design
enable that the design process evolves towards behavioral level
speciIication and synthesis
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 31
provide design Ireedom Irom details oI mapping to speciIic chip
provide an easy way to change or correct design
A variety oI design tools are used to perIorm all or some oI the above tasks.
Chapter 3 is devoted to the high level design tools with an emphasis on those that
enable behavioral level speciIication and synthesis, primarily high-level hardware
description languages. Examples oI designs using two oI such languages, the Altera
Hardware description Language (AHDL) and VHSIC Hardware description
Language (VHDL), are given together with the introduction to these speciIication
An application targeted to an FPLD can be designed on any one oI several logic
or ASIC design systems, including schematic capture and hardware description
languages. To target an FPLD, the design is passed to FPLD speciIic
implementation soItware. The interIace between design entry and design
implementation is a netlist that contains the desired nets, gates, and reIerences to
speciIic vendor provided macros. Manual and automatic tools can be used
interchangeably or an implementation can be done Iully automatically.
A combination oI moderate density, reprogrammability and powerIul
prototyping tools to a hardware designer resembles a soItware-like iterative-
implementation methodology. Figure 1.19 is presented to compare a typical ASIC
and typical FPLD design cycle.
In a typical ASIC design cycle, the design is veriIied by simulation at each stage
oI reIinement. Accurate simulators are slow. ASIC designers use the whole range oI
simulators in the speed/accuracy spectrum in an attempt to veriIy their design.
Although simulation can be used in designing Ior FPLDs, simulation can be
replaced with in-circuit veriIication by simulating the circuitry in real time with a
prototype. The path Irom design to prototype is short allowing veriIication oI the
operation over a wide range oI conditions at high speed and high accuracy.
A Iast design-place-route-load loop is similar to the soItware edit-compile-run
loop and provides similar beneIits, a design can be veriIied by the trial and error
method. A designer can also veriIy that a design works in a real system, not merely
in a potentially erroneous simulation.
Design by prototype does not veriIy proper operation with worst case timing, but
rather that a design works on the typical prototype part. To veriIy worst case timing,
designers can check speed margins in actual voltage and temperature corners with a
scope and logic analyzer, speeding up marginal signals. They also may use a
32 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
soItware timing analyzer or simulator aIter debugging to veriIy worst case paths or
simply use Iaster speed grade parts in production to ensure suIIicient speed margins
over the complete temperature and voltage range.
Logic Design
Logic Simulation
Place and Route
Timing Simulation
Test Pattern Generation
Fault Simulation
Wafer Fabrication
Prototype Debug
Logic design
Place and Route
Prototype Debug
Traditional ASC Design Cycle
Design Cycle for FPLDs
Figure 1.19 Comparing Design Cycles
As with soItware development, a reprogrammable FPLD removes the dividing
line between prototyping and production. A working prototype may qualiIy as a
production part iI it meets perIormance and cost goals. Rather than redesign, a
designer may choose to substitute a Iaster FPLD and use the same programming
bitstream, or choose a smaller, cheaper FPLD (with more manual work to squeeze
the design into a smaller device). A third choice is to substitute a mask-programmed
version oI the logic array Ior the Iield-programmable array. All three options are
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 33
much simpler than a system redesign, which must be done Ior traditional MPLDs or
The design process usually begins with the capture oI the design. Most users
enter their designs as schematics built oI macros Irom a library. An alternative is to
enter designs in terms oI Boolean equations, state machine descriptions, or
Iunctional speciIications. DiIIerent portions oI a design can be described in diIIerent
ways, compiled separately, and merged at some higher hierarchical level in the
Several guidelines are suggested Ior reliable design with FPLDs, mostly the
same as those Ior users oI MPLDs. The major goal is to make the circuit Iunction
properly independent oI shiIts in timing Irom one part to the next. Guidelines will
be discussed in Chapter 3.
Rapid system prototyping is most eIIective when it becomes rapid product
development. Reprogrammability allows a system designer another option, to
modiIy the design in an FPLD by changing the programming bitstream aIter the
design is in the hands oI the customer. The bitstream can be stored in a dedicated
(E)PROM or elsewhere in the system. In some existing systems, manuIacturers send
modiIied versions oI hardware on a Iloppy disk or as a Iile sent over modem.
1.7 FPLD AppIications
FPLDs have been used in a large number oI applications, ranging Irom the simple
ones replacing glue logic to those implementing new computing paradigms, that are
not possible using other technologies. In this section we will list some oI them, as
to make a classiIication into some typical groups, and emphasize most important
Ieatures oI each group.
CPLDs are used in applications that can eIIiciently use wide Ian-in oI AND/OR
gates and do not need a large number oI Ilip-Ilops. Examples oI such circuits are
various kinds oI Iinite state machines. On the other hand, FPGAs with a large
number oI Ilip-Ilops are better suited Ior the applications that need memory
Iunctions and complex data paths. Also, due to their easy reprogrammability they
become an important element oI prototyping digital systems designs. As such they
enable emulation oI entire complex systems, and in many cases also their Iinal
implementation. Finally, all FPGAs as the static RAM based circuits allow at least a
minimum level oI dynamic reconIigurability. While all oI them allow Iull device
reconIiguration by downloading another bitstream (conIiguration Iile), some oI
them also allow partial reconIiguration. The partial reconIiguration provides change
oI the Iunction oI a part oI the device, while the remaining part operates without
disruption oI the system Iunction.
34 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
In order to visualize the range oI current and potential applications, we have to
mention typical Ieatures oI FPLDs in terms oI their capacity and speed. Today the
leading suppliers oI FPLDs oIIer devices containing up to 500,000 equivalent (two-
input NAND) gates, with a perspective to quadruple this Iigure in the next two to
three years. These devices are delivered in a number oI conIigurations so that
application designers have the choice to Iit their designs into a device with minimal
capacity. They also come in a range oI speed grades and diIIerent packages with
diIIerent number oI input/output pins. The number oI pins sometimes exceeds 600.
The speed oI circuits implemented in FPLDs varies depending primarily on
application and design approach. As an illustration, all major manuIacturers oIIer
devices that provide Iull compliance with 64-bit 66MHz PCI-bus requirements.
1.7.1 Glue Random Logic Replacement
Initial applications oI FPLDs were inIluenced by earlier use oI simple PLDs.
Having larger capacity than simple PLDs, FPLDs have been used to replace random
glue logic. In an application oI this type FPLDs obviously provide lower chip count,
more compact and reliable designs and higher speeds as the entire circuit can
usually be implemented within a single device. The overall system design can be
placed on a smaller PCB. With good planning oI external pin assignment, the design
Iitting into an FPLD can be later modiIied without re-designing the entire PCB. In
particular, this applies when using FPLDs that are in-circuit programmable. In this
case there is no need Ior removal and insertion oI FPLDs on a PCB, as the circuit
can be programmed while being on a PCB. In the case oI in-system programmable
FPLDs, it is possible to reconIigure hardware and partially change a Iunction
implemented in an FPLD, without powering it down.
A typical example oI replacing glue logic is in interIacing standard
microprocessor or microcontroller based systems. Glue logic is used to provide
interIaces to subsystems like external memories and speciIic peripherals. It usually
requires a timing and logic adjustment that is achieved using diIIerent
combinational and sequential circuits (decoders, multiplexers, registers, and Iinite
state machines). An example is given in Chapter 8, where interIacing requirements
Ior connecting memory and head-on display to VuMan wearable computer, which is
based on a standard 386SX processor, are implemented in a single FPLD. A number
oI other small examples oI circuits that are easily customized and replace a number
oI standard SSI and MSI circuits are given throughout the book. Even simpler
standard VLSI circuits can oIten Iit into an FPLD, as illustrated in Figure 1.20.
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 35
Figure 1.20 Glue logic replacement
1.7.2 Hardware Accelerators
For many applications FPLDs have a perIormance which is superior to a more
traditional microprocessor or digital signal processor. This is especially true Ior
tasks that can be parallelized and executed several orders oI magnitude Iaster on an
FPLD than on a microprocessor. The idea oI using hardware accelerators that
supply a single, dedicated service to the microprocessor is employed in such
applications as graphic acceleration, sound, and video processing. However, iI the
algorithms require processing oI data with non-standard Iormats and repetitive
execution oI relatively simple operations, the FPLDs represent an obvious choice.
Furthermore, having a system with reconIigurable hardware, several advantages can
be achieved, such as:
reduced number oI components and space as the FPLD can implement
diIIerent Iunctions/systems at diIIerent times
new versions oI design are implemented by simple downloading conIiguration
new Iunctions can be added as required
The acceleration Iunctions implemented in the FPLD can be in a Iorm oI
Iunctional unit, co-processor, attached processing unit or stand-alone processing
unit, connected by an input/output interIace to the main microprocessor-based
Control &
Memory interface
Display interface
Serial UART
A/D and D/A
controller interface
36 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
system. The Iurther away is the Iunction Irom the microprocessor, the slower is the
exchange oI data between the microprocessor and the Iunction. An example oI
image enhancement co-processor hardware accelerator is shown in Figure 1.21.
Figure1.21 Using FPLD to implement a hardware accelerator
1.7.3 Non-standard Data Path/Control Unit Oriented Systems
OItentimes complex computational systems and algorithms can be described in a
Iorm oI dataIlow oriented description and implemented as data path controlled by
its own control unit. Such non-standard dedicated systems, especially in the case oI
low volumes, are the best candidates Ior implementation in FPLDs. Typical
applications include digital signal and image processing, neural networks and other
complex, computationally demanding algorithms. By using high-level integrated
design tools, capable to easily capture such an application (hardware description
languages), the design process oI dedicated hardware systems in its complexity
becomes comparable to soItware-only solutions. An illustration oI non-standard
data path/control-unit system is given in Figure 1.22.
Control &
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 37
Figure 1.22 Complex non-standard datapath/control unit systems
1.7.4 Virtual Hardware
The reconIigurable hardware can be viewed in two completely new ways. First, as a
hardware resource that can perIorm diIIerent tasks on demand, executing them one
at the time. The user perceives a hardware resource to be 'larger than it actually is.
An illustration oI such a system is given in Figure 1.23. DiIIerent hardware
conIigurations are stored in a conIiguration memory and executed one at the time,
as the overall application requires. Another view is to consider it as a hardware
cache where the most recently used hardware elements are stored and accessed by
an application. The implementation oI a hardware cache, or virtual hardware
system, requires some Iorm oI management to control the process and ensure it
runs eIIectively. There are several options available Ior this management task,
including standalone hardware (can be another FPLD), custom soItware routines, or
integrated operating system support.
Control Unit
38 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
Figure 1.23 FPLD used to implement virtual hardware
1.7.5 Custom-Computing Machines
In recent years, several computing systems have been developed implementing a
custom processor within an FPLD. In this type oI system, the goal is not to compete
with perIormances oI dedicated processors, but rather to provide a platIorm with an
optimal partitioning oI Iunctions between hardware and soItware components. This
approach allows the attributes oI the custom processor, such as the architecture oI
its core and instruction set, to be modiIied as the application requires. The FPLD
can implement not only processor core but also hardware acceleration units in the
Iorm oI Iunctional units as illustrated in Figure 1.24. This type oI system can utilize
the Ilexibility oI soItware and the speed oI hardware in single device to achieve
optimal perIormance. The advantage oI this approach is that hardware Iunctional
units are located in the closest position to the processor core, and thereIore the
communication interIace can be very Iast. However, the entire system is compile
(synthesis) time conIigurable, and in order to be run-time reconIigurable it requires
truly dynamically reconIigurable FPLDs. As such, custom-computing machines
represent an ideal platIorm Ior achieving the goal oI hardware/soItware co-design
and to partition a task into soItware and hardware components to satisIy design
criteria. The design criteria may not necessarily be to develop a system with highest
speed perIormance. Taking into account the cost and other constraints, a trade-oII
between a Iully hardware and Iully soItware solution is required. Almost all digital
systems designers have been aware oI that Iact, especially those designing
embedded systems. Traditionally, hardware and soItware parts have been designed
Configuration 1
Configuration 2
Configuration n
Configuration 2
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 39
independently, however, with little eIIort to pursue a concurrent design. The goal
oI hardware/soItware co-design is to design both hardware and soItware parts Irom
a single speciIication and make the partitioning decisions based on design criteria.
In Chapter 7 we present a simple processor core, called SimP, that can be easily
modiIied and customized at the compile time as the application requires, and was
used as an initial vehicle in our hardware/soItware co-design research.
Figure 1.24 Custom-computing machine based on a fixed processor core
1.8 Questions and ProbIems
1.1 Describe the major diIIerences between discrete logic, Iield-programmable
logic and custom logic.
1.2 What are the major ways oI classiIying FPLDs?
1.3 How would you describe the impact oI complexity and granularity oI a logic
element on the design oI more complex logic?
1.4 What is the role oI multiplexers in programmable logic circuits. Explain it
using examples oI implementation oI diIIerent (alternative) data paths
depending on the value oI select inputs.
Core with
Data Path
Control Unit
nstruction Set
that operate
Core Data
Unit 1
Unit n
40 CH1: Introduction to Field ProgrammableLogic Devices
1.5 How do look-up tables (LUTs) implement logic Iunctions? What are
advantages oI using LUTs Ior this purpose? What is the role oI read and write
operation on the look-up table?
1.6 Given Iive-input/single-output look-up table. How many memory locations it
contains? How many diIIerent logic (Boolean) Iunctions can be implemented in
it? Implement the Iollowing Boolean Iunctions using this table:
a) F(A, B, C, D, E) ABC`D`E` A`BCDE` A`BCDE` A`B`C`DE
b) F(A, B, C, D, E) ABC AB`CDE` DE
c) F(A, B, C, D, E) (AB`C)(AB`C`DE)(A`BE`)
1.7 Four-input/single-output LUT is given as the basic building block Ior
combinational logic. Implement the Iollowing logic Iunctions
a) F(A, B, C, D, E) AB`CDE` ABC`D`E
b) F(A, B, C, D, E) (ABCE)(AB`D`)(B`C`DE)
using only LUTs oI the given type. How many LUTs you need Ior this
implementation? Show the interconnection oI all LUTs and list contents oI each
oI them.
1.8 'Design your own FPLD circuits that contains only Iour-input/single-output
LUTs based logic elements, which can Iit the designs Irom the previous
problem. Show partitioning and Iitting oI the design to your FPLD. Draw all
connections assuming that suIIicient number oI long interconnect lines are
available. Your FPLD should be organized as a matrix oI LUTs.
1.9 List at least three advantages and disadvantages oI segmented and non-
segmented interconnection mechanism used in FPLDs.
1.10 Analyze a typical microprocessor-based embedded system that requires
external RAM and ROM and address decoding to access other external chips.
How would you implement address decoding using standard SSI/MSI
components? How FPLD-based solution can reduce the number oI
1.11 Give a Iew examples oI hardware accelerators that can signiIicantly improve
perIormance oI a microprocessor/DSP-based solution. Explain the advantages
oI implementing the accelerator in an FPLD.
1.12 What is the diIIerence between reconIigurability and dynamic
reconIigurability. Illustrate this with examples oI use oI each oI them.
CH1: Introduction to Field Programmable Logic Devices 41
1.13 What are in-circuit and in-system programmability oI FPLDs? What are their
advantages Ior implementation oI digital systems over other technologies?
1.14 What are the obstacles in implementing virtual hardware? Explain it on
examples oI currently available FPLD architectures.
1.15Analyze a typical 8- or 16-bit microprocessor and its instruction set. How
would you minimize the instruction set and processor architecture and still be
able to implement practically any application?

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