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American Identity

American exceptionalism
America = different than any other part of the world
made of certain concepts: individualism, egalitarianism, populism, laisser-faire, liberty
qualitively different, not quantity between the States and other communities: cultural,
social, historical, political

Freedom is a two-inch sword, it is free to do sth and freedom from stuff
Freedom to what? religion, speech, from want (from being hungry, homeless,
destitution,), from fear (security)
Do americans have more freedom? (36:00) They say they have but they dont, because of
self reliance gives them a sense of freedom
What is true about that argument, generalizing we Europeans are closer to the
government than Americans, even though we dislike our governments, when we fall
over, unemployed, sick, the government will be there to help us and support us. Thats
not so in the US.
Argument has some degree of truth.
The fact that Im closer to the government makes me freer.
Why wouldnt I trust the government?
Philosophically great difference here in terms of freedom
Sense of libertarianism (=ultimate freedom, away of all rules) in the US that does not
exist in EU.
In reality, the US have never been a confident state.
US = oral society (talkative) sense of confidence helps this posit/negative image
Ever since 1776 they lack confidence (question of who they are, what they are, ...)
Constitution was written for white protestant guys in the beginning.
big change has come with the Hispanics, 14%black people, 17% Hispanics
In the future the white people will be in the minority
Thats why there is the Tea Party,
Whether they like it or not, their life, country is changing, and they cannot stop it.
The question is: How are we gonna deal with that change?

Argument = in the US they provide the opportunity, and this gives them chances that the
other nations cannot provide. E.g.: Ease of mobility, flexibility (less protections for the
worker, employer pays lower taxes,) but in fact that means the industry can change
very quickly (can broaden their workforce immensely) whereas in EU its very difficult to
do that. More expensive to employ people in EU than in US. In US you can be fired very
quickly as well because of that flexibility. The question is: how long will you have those
opportunities? (secure?)
Growing sense of inequality, very expensive healthcare system, (54:00)
The haves and the have nots
Disconnection/lack of communication of the bigger chunk of society who dont dare to
talk to the other part.
this gap is growing quicker and quicker
First signs of a society that can no longer control itself!
Wrapped in in this: equal opportunity
Interlinking of freedom and opportunities

Individualism/ self reliance:
All I care about is what I want
Comes from history when the States were founded there were 13 colonies/states and
now 50 states
They didnt believe in central government, they believed in state rights, in different laws
in different states. Up till today that is true to some extent.
13 original states wanted to keep their different identities, and later the rest of the states
as well, they have their own flags/state flowers
thats why the federal government is much stronger since the 13 original states.
Individualism is born out of mistrust
In 1800s: the American Frontier, a land of lawlessness, where the law had yet to catch
up, this provides this deep felt individualism.
In Belgium people left their country for the US (Antwerp White Star Line) because of
the oppressive government and the church (monarchy). They had to be reliant on
themselves after the dangerous trip.

Laisser-faire = free market:
The ability of not only producing/making stuff but also taking that money for
investment to provide more money.
the notion of investing in banks, shares, currency exchanges,
After the turn into the 1900s use of money but also abuse of money
US = the most powerful nation state of the world, because of its relationship with the
rest of the world: born out of economy (negotiations)
Because of technology much more was produced but there were not enough people to
consume all of the produced stuff trade was developed with the world.
Using money and invest in other stuff (research and development was boosted)
Thats why they are a very strong nation alongside the flexibility (see before)

Capitalism fits with their economic understanding, with this self-reliance
Go ahead and create, invent,
Capitalism goes well with being Protestant work ethic (work hard)many americans
are confused: they think they live to work rather than work to live
Interlinking of individualism, flexible markets, capitalism, all what drives forward this
notion of society ()

Continual voting system:
Voting for the House of representatives, senate, every 2 years on average
mid term elections to elect the president
voting for your own state
unique sense of democracy that does not exist anywhere else
is voting democracy? its just a progress
if only 20-30% votes, is that democratic?
All about the opportunity to vote for someone who represents what you like. But in the
US you would be an outlaw then.
US promotes 2-party-system

these 5 notions clear distinct identity from other nations

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