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Good morning

I, am Tugon, Remon Matias and together with my groups mates

Adun, Nurwalid
Carlos, Jarell Reiz
Resplandor, Lean Andrew
Hermenegildo, Jovelyn
Resma, Richard Niel
We will be presenting you our thesis research about the anti-inflammatory activity of the flavonoid
extracts from the mesocarp of Cucurbita citrullus linn.
What is inflammation?
Is the bodys response to injury
To be more specific
It is the bodys attempt to self protection to remove harmful stimuli including damage cells,
irritants, or pathogens, and begin the process of healing
There are two types of inflammation>
Acute inflammation and Chronic inflammation
Acute inflammation is referred to as:
A short term inflammation. It starts rapidly (rapid onset) and quickly becomes severe for few
days. The common cause of acute inflammation is tissue injury
Whenever there is injury, there is a acute inflammation, and it can be manifest by 5 cardinal
signs, heat, warmth, swelling, pain and loss of function
Chronic inflammation in the other hand is referred to as:
A long term inflammation. It may resulted to the Failure to eliminate whatever was causing an
acute inflammation or an autoimmune response to an antigen, wherein the immune system
attacks healthy tissue, mistaking it (them) for harmful pathogens.
Here are the common examples of chronic inflammation: Common Examples of:
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Periodontitis , Ulcerative colitis, Chronic peptic ulcer,.etc.

There are certain drugs that can manage inflammation: namely: NSAIDs or Non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, Acetaminophen or commonly known here in the Philippines as paracetamol,
and corticosteroids.
Among the three the commonly used drug for inflammation is the NSAIDs. It acts by counteracting
the COX enzyme which synthesizes prostaglandins that creates inflammation. To give you a clear
idea. inflammation is produce when our bodys arachidonic acid is synthesized to prostaglandins by
the Cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme. These prostaglandins are responsible for the production of
inflammation. NSAIDs act by suppress inflammation by inhibiting the COX enzyme thus prevents the
conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins.
However there if these drugs are to be used in long term it can lead to severe adverse reaction
such as stomach ulcers or life threatening hemorrhage it may also worsen asthma conditions and
cause kidney damage It can also increase the risk of stroke and myocardial infraction
Thus our group aims to develop an develop an alternative medicine which include the use of plant
constituents as they display a lesser side effects
Establish a drugs that are more accessible to the under-privileged of the society
Lastly, To improved the health status of the population
Our group is focused in certain plant constituents which is the flavonoids:
Flavonoids Are low molecular weight, bioactive polyphenols, which plays a vital role in
photosynthesizing in plant
They can inhibit inflammation by, just like NSAIDs It inhibits the COX enzymes which synthesizes
prostaglandins that creates inflammation
Here are the schematic diagram on how we initiated our research
We are going to develop an alternative medicine using a fruit extract that wil act as medicine and
supplement that will be used as therapy for inflammation the fruit we going to used is cucurbita
citrullus linn and we going to utilize its flavonoid extrac and use it as therapy for inflammation.
Our general objective is To determine the anti-inflammatory activity of the flavonoid extract from the
mesocarp of Cucurbita citrullus Linn
Our specific objective are the following:
What are the constituenst present on the mesocarp of the Cucurbita citrullus Linn?
What is the amount of Flavonoid present in the mesocarp of Cucurbita citrullus Linn?
What is the physical and chemical and structural properties of the favonoid extract from the
mesocarp of Cucurbita citrullus Linn?
What is the approximate lethal dose of flavonoid extract of the Cucurbita citrullus Linn?
What dose of the flavonoid extract of the mesocarp of Cucurbita citrullus Linn exhibits anti-
inflammatory activity?
How does the anti-inflammatory activity of the flavonoid extract differ from the mesocarp of
Cucurbita citrullus Linn differ from the prototype NSAID drug aspirin?

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