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Biology 4211: Mammalogy

Origin, relationship and structure of mammals. A survey of the families of living mammals: past and
present distribution of important groups. Special attention is given to Ontario forms.
Instructors, Time and Place
Office Hours Monday 1:3!":3 # $h. 3%3!&'&' or brian.mclaren(la)eheadu.ca
*ectures +,!--" Monday . /hursday &:3!1:0 *ab 1,!31- unless other2ise indicated0 /uesday
&:3!11:3 34nstructor 5on ,arnes6
Required Texts
The Eternal Frontier. -%, by /. 7lannery, Atlantic Monthly $ress, 8e2 9or).
Mammalogy: Adaptation, Diversity and Ecology. -% 33
6 edition, by 7eldhamer, 5ric)amer, :essey,
and Merritt, Mc;ra2!Hill.
Mammals of the Great Lakes egion. 1<<" 3-
6 edition, by A. =urta, >niversity of Michigan $ress, Ann
!ptional: Searfoss, ;. 1<<". "k#lls and $ones. Stac)pole ,oo)s, Mechanicsburg, $A.
Also remem$er the Tree of Life %e$ pro&ect, http:??tol2eb.org?tree?phylogeny.html
'ote on the te(ts: 4t is your responsibility to read the assigned portions of each te@t in a timely fashion.
A@ams 2ill test material not necessarily covered in lectures but from the te@t. /o help you organiBe your
reading in the main te@t 37eldhamer et al.6, focus on the 2ords highlighted in bold type. Chen 2or)ing
through 7lanneryDs boo), ma)e use of a concept map 3notes to follo2 the main concepts6, and consult
chapters % and -' in 7eldhamer et al. for help 2ith organiBing ideas. /he lecture portion of this course
emphasiBed concepts, 2hile your practical e@perience comes from directed and independent 2or) in
the lab sessions.
'ote on la$ portion: *ate@ gloves, lab coats, and proper 3closed6 foot2ear are e@pected for each lab.
/hese are available at a small cost either from the ,iology undergraduate office 3*ynn +u@ton6 or from
the boo)store. Aye protection or eyeglasses are mandatory for all dissection 2or)0 you 2ill be reEuired
for dissecting labs to bring in your o2n dissection )it, or one you sign out from *ynn. /here 2ill be one
optional, but informative field trip to the 4nternational Colf 1entre, Aly Minnesota. 4t 2ill be held on a
7riday and Saturday, March 3!%. $lease sign up by paying F' to *ynn by 7ebruary '.
oals o! t"e #ourse
1. /o understand the classification, structure, and natural history of mammals, including
physiological, behavioral, and ecological adaptations.
-. /o become familiar 2ith field techniEues and the distribution and identification of mammals,
especially those species found in the 2estern ;reat *a)es.
*A,O+A/O+9 $O+/4O8:
7our reports each are to be turned in one 2ee) follo2ing the labs involving
316 dissection 3Ganuary 31 or 7ebruary H # four groups, t2o each 2ee)6: $%,
3-6 sno2 trac)ing 37ebruary 1H6: $%,
336 2olf ethograms 3March H6: $%, and
3%6 s)ull morphometrics 3March -16: $%.
4ndependent proIect, due 7ebruary -&?': 1$%.
*ab EuiB, March -&: 1$%.
Total $&%.
*A1/>+A $O+/4O8:
JuiB on 7lannery 37ebruary '6: 1&%0
mid!term e@am 37ebruary 1'6: 1&%0
group presentation on an order of mammals 3second part of the semester6: $%0
final e@am 3/,A6: 2$%.
Total $&%.
8O/A:!! *ate reports 2ill not be considered for grading.
!! /he final e@am 2ill cover all components of the course including material covered on the
mid!term e@am and material from 7lannery.
'rgani(ation o! t"e #ourse
Topic ). Reasons to study mammals and techniques used to study mammals
7eldhamer, chapters 1 . 30 *ab: introduction to preparation of specimens and
dissections0 8.,. this portion of lab 2or) is an independent proIect that you 2ill )eep on
trac) during the first half of the semester0 mammal sno2 trac)ing
Topic *. Early evolution, shifting dominance from reptiles to mammals
7eldhamer, chapters %, 1, 1< . -'0 7lannery, Acts 1 . -
Topic +. Modern North American fauna and conservation issues
7eldhamer, chapters -& . -<0 7lannery, Acts 3, % . "0 *ab: introduction to boreal
mammals0 8.,. this portion of the lab 2or) leads to a portion of your practical e@am
Topic ,. Evolution of endothermy
7eldhamer, chapter &0 *ab: dissections, *1A field trip.
Topic -. Implications of body size and body shape
7eldhamer, chapters ", ' . &0 several supplemental readings0 *ab: introduction to
morphometrics, *1A field trip.
Topic .. Feeding and trophic relationships
7eldhamer, chapters ' . -"0 *ab: dissections.
Topic /. ehaviour and sociality
7eldhamer, chapters -, -1 . --0 *ab: ethogram analysis of 2olf behaviour, follo2ed by
a trip to the 4nternational Colf 1entre, Aly, Minnesota.
Topic 0. !opulation dynamics and life history
7eldhamer, chapters -3 . -%
1n addition to these topics, st#dent lect#re presentations, ma(im#m *2 min#tes in length, %ill cover the
orders of mammals in Feldhamer et al., chapters ))3)0. For each presentation, gro#ps of three %ill
cover main characteristics for classifying the order together, and provide a detailed e(ample of an
e(tirpated or contemporary 'orth American mem$er 4family or species5 of the order and an e(otic
mem$er of the order.
'ote that in Feldhamer, chapters / 4nervo#s system5, 6 4reprod#ction5, and */ 4parasites and disease5
are not listed as re7#ired reading. 8o# may find, ho%ever, that reference to these sections helps yo#r
#nderstanding of the reading on mammalian classification or mammals of the Great Lakes. 8o# are
re7#ired to keep ahead in reading the sections of the te(t that apply each %eek d#ring lect#res, in order
to $e a$le to participate in class disc#ssions.
As part of the la$ portion of the co#rse st#dent gro#ps %ill #ndertake vario#s independent pro&ects:
)5 )natomical comparison bet*een a "erbi+ore and a carni+ore
"i( gro#ps %ill each $e responsi$le to for comparing the e(ternal and internal anatomy
of one of the follo%ing $oreal her$ivore3carnivore com$inations:
9er$ivores :arnivores
33red s7#irrel 33ermine
33flying s7#irrel 33marten
33sno%shoe hare 33lyn(;
33$eaver 33river otter;
33m#skrat 33mink
33red s7#irrel 33fisher
'!TE: Each gro#p consists of t%o st#dents e(cept those indicated $y ; < total of ),
: "t#dent gro#ps %ill prod#ce a poster ill#strating the differences $et%een
her$ivore and carnivore.
: part of the poster content sho#ld o#tline ho% the mammal=s anatomy aids in
maintaining fitness %ithin the $oreal landscape.
: Marks %ill $e $ased on
acc#racy of anatomical comparisons 4->5
effectiveness of the relationship $et%een anatomy and fitness 4->5
poster 7#ality 4->5
"# Re,construction o! a mammal s-eleton
Five gro#ps %ill each reconstr#ct a skeleton of one of the follo%ing mammals:
iver otter
ed s7#irrel
Flying s7#irrel
"no%shoe hare
'!TE: Each gro#p consists of fo#r st#dents, i.e. a total of *2 st#dents.
: This option involves the constr#ction of a platform designed to display the
skeleton in a free3standing pose.
: Marks %ill $e $ased on
acc#racy to $one assem$lage 4)25
effectiveness of holding platform to present an effective pose 4+5
the overall appeal 4*5
: There %ill $e one mark assigned per skeleton %hich $e the mark for all
gro#p mem$ers.
+5 !reparation of a $tudy $%in
Fo#r gro#ps %ill each prepare * st#dy skins of one of the follo%ing pairs of mammals:
Flying s7#irrel, red s7#irrel or small mammal
Ermine, red s7#irrel or small mammal
M#skrat, red s7#irrel or small mammal
"no%shoe hare, red s7#irrel or small mammal
'!TE: Each gro#p consists of * st#dents, i.e. a total of 0 st#dents.
: This involves taking standard $ody meas#rement, la$eling, and the
prod#ction of a stand #p pla7#e %hich s#mmari@es the $asic life history
information for each of the mammals $eing processed.
: Marks %ill $e $ased on
7#ality of st#dy skin presentation 465
acc#racy and 7#ality of specimen data cards and 1D tags 4*5
acc#racy and 7#ality of stand #p pla7#e 4+5
the overall appeal of %hole presentation 4)5
: There %ill $e one mark assigned per skeleton %hich $e the mark for all
gro#p mem$ers.

.'T/: These independent pro&ects %ill $e displayed at the 'orth%estern region trappers= convention in
March. The d#e date is Fe$r#ary *0, *22.
0/T)I1/0 #'2R3/ '2T1I./
4ee- 1: 5anuary 6,$: )pproac"es 7 Tec"niques
1ab 85an9 6:: Introduction to t"e laboratory portion o! t"e group *it" special attention
gi+en to t"e independent pro;ects: Students 2ill be introduced to the three
8#B 6&12: independent proIect options !!! preparation of a s)eleton mount, preparation of
study s)ins, and the poster display.
3tudents *ill be expected to decide on an option and indicate t"eir
c"oice on a list *"ic" *ill be posted by my o!!ice door 8Braun
Building BB,1&&<B:9 3ign up must be done be!ore t"e next lab
3tudent groups are expected to complete t"eir pro;ect independently,
i9e9 on your o*n time9 =or t"ose doing t"e reconstruction o! a
mammal s-eleton, space *ill be allocated in t"e =is" and 4ildli!e 1ab
8Braun Building BB,1&&>B and BB,1&&>#:9 3tudents doing study
s-ins *ill "a+e to ma-e arrangement to do t"is exercise in one o! t"e
biology lab room9 =or t"e poster, t"e onus *ill be on groups to
organi(e space to *or- on t"e !i+e components9 T"e dissections can
be per!ormed at t"e #.=/R .ecropsy 1ab *it" enoug" ad+anced
notice9 3ee me 80on Barnes: !or boo-ing t"is laboratory9
Remember t"e due date is =eb9 2?, because t"ese *ill be part o! a
Mammalogy boot" to be set up at t"e )nnual Trappers #on+ention in
1ecture: 7eldhamer, chapter 1 . 3. Approach and techniEues to studying mammals.
7lannery: preliminary concept map and assigned readings.
4ee- 2: 5anuary A,12: /arly /+olution
1ab 85an9 1&:: 3et up !or independent pro;ects:
7or those students 2ho have chosen to 2or) on study s)ins, please meet
in #B 6&12. 5uring the lab, instructors 2ill 2al) students through their
first study s)ins, i.e. a practice one. Step!by!step instructions can be found
in the te@t by =urta entitled Mammals o! t"e reat 1a-es Region9
/hose student 2or)ing on the poster, please meet in #B 6&12. /he group
members should use this lab time to co!ordinate the " activities, i.e. 2ho is
going to do 2hat.
Students 2or)ing on s)eleton mounts 2ill meet in BB 1&&>. 7urther
instruction and guidance 2ill be given pertaining to digestion and ho2 to
proceed. Supplies 2ill be made available
1ectures: 7lannery, Act 10 7eldhamer et al. chapter %. Amphasis on relationships bet2een
reptiles and early mammals. 7eldhamer et al. chapter 3. Amphasis on
understanding cladograms and phylogenetic trees. 7eldhamer et al. chapter -'.
Amphasis on faunal regions.
4ee- 6: 5anuary 1>,1A: .ort" )merican =auna I
1ab 85an9 1<:: Introduction to boreal mammals: A slide sho2 2ith commentary
8#B 6&12: about the natural history of ;reat *a)es mammals. Study s)ins and fur pelts 2ill
be introduced to students0 *or-ing out identi!ications *it" a -ey *ill be
required !or > study s-ins. /he identifications of mammals from study s)ins
2ill form a component of the lab EuiB. $lease sho2 evidence of your )eying to
one of the instructors before leaving.
.'T/: Please bring your copy o! Mammals of the &reat 'a%es Region, as a
mammal -ey is included in t"is text9 )s a result, copies o! t"e -ey
*ill not be pro+ided as a "andout to t"is lab9
1ectures: 7lannery, Acts - . 3. Amphasis on faunal e@changes and climate changes.
7eldhamer et al. chapter 1<. Special case of evolution of the ungulates.
4ee- 4: 5anuary 26,2>: .ort" )merican =auna II
1ab 85an9 24:: 0issections at #.=/R .ecropsy 1ab 8B t"e class: @ 4or- on Independent
pro;ects or practice -eying out mammals 8ot"er B o! class::
Students 2ill be divided into four groups. Since the necropsy lab at 187A+ is
relatively small, this dissection lab 2ill be repeated ne@t 2ee).
/he first group of 11 # 1- students 2ill begin their dissections at &:3 am
and end by <:3am. At four stations, students 2ill be as)ed to dissect a
carnivore !! lyn@, fisher, otter, marten, or red fo@ and a herbivore # red
sEuirrel, flying sEuirrel, mus)rat, or sno2shoe hare. At 7rom <:3 to <:%",
students 2ill be prepare a short presentation 3a fe2 minutes6 to e@plain to
the rest of the students.
/he second group should be prepared to start their dissections by 1 am.
/he procedure 2ill be the same as the first group 2ith a termination time
at 11:1" am.
ASS4;8MA8/ 35ue Ganuary 31?'6: 5etailed laboratory notes must
have )ept during this session and presented as a brief report.
;roups 2ill be reversed on Ganuary 31.
1ectures: 7lannery, Acts % . "0 7eldhamer et al. chapters -& . -<. Amphasis on human!
mammal relationships and conservation.
4ee- $: 5anuary 6&,=ebruary 2: /ndot"ermy
1ab 85an9 6&:: 0issections at #.=/R .ecropsy 1ab 8B t"e class: @ 4or- on Independent
pro;ects or practice -eying out mammals 8ot"er B o! class::
/hose t2o groups of students 2ho did not participate in last 2ee)Ds dissections
are e@pected to do these dissections this 2ee). Same procedure as outlined in the
previous laboratory session 2ill be follo2ed for this laboratory session.
1ectures: 7lannery: revie2. 7eldhamer et al. chapter &. Amphasis on adaptations to cold.
4ntroduction to body siBe and shapes.
4ee- >: =ebruary >,A: Body 3i(e
1ab 8=eb9 <:: =ield trip 8*eat"er dependent: meeting at sta!! par-ing lot near green"ouse:
3ub;ect MillerDs ,loc), *a)ehead 1onservation Authority. Sno2 characteristics, mammal
to cancellation adaptations, and mammal sign. Alternate date 7ebruary 1%. 8otes from the field
trip 2ill be due on 7ebruary 1H. 1ab assignment due: dissection notes from the
second group. $lease drop in 5on ,arnesD mail slot or bring to class 7ebruary '.
1ectures: Cui( on =lannery 8=ebruary >:. 7eldhamer et al. chapters " . &. Supplemental
readings. Amphasis on allometric relationships in mammals.
4ee- <: =ebruary 16,1>: Body 3"ape
1ab 8=eb9 14:: =ield trip 8alternate date: meeting at sta!! par-ing lot near green"ouse:
MillerDs ,loc), *a)ehead 1onservation Authority. 1ab assignments due: notes
from the field trip 2ill be due. $lease drop to 5on ,arnes on or before this date.
1ectures: 7eldhamer et al. chapters ' . &. Amphasis on energetics, including feeding and
dentition. All material e@cept 7lannery, up to 2hat is presented 7ebruary 13, 2ill
be on the mid!term e@am. Mid,term exam 8=ebruary 1>:.
3T20D BR/)E 8=ebruary 2&,24:
4ee- ?: =ebruary 2<,Marc" 4: Be"a+iour and 3ociality I
1ab 8=eb9 2?:: 4ol! et"ograms: Students 2ill 2or) in pairs to study 2olf behaviour from short
81I &&&2: video clips, 2ith an analytical Euestion dra2n from a list of potential hypotheses.
:ideos of 2olf behaviour 2ill be made available to student pairs. 4n *4 -,
there 2ill be an opportunity for students to vie2 behaviours and ma)e a start of
the behaviour assignment.
=ield Trip8Mar9 6,4:: /his lab can be underta)en from real 2olf observations at the 4nternational Colf
1entre for students choosing to ta)e this field trip to Aly, Minnesota. Ce 2ill
leave for Aly from the staff par)ing lot near the greenhouse at appro@imately -:
pm on 7riday, March 3 and returning late on Saturday evening to /hunder ,ay.
Saturday 2ill also potentially include visiting a recent 2olf )ill via radio trac)ing.
3no*s"oes are required !or t"is acti+ity9 /he ethogram and its interpretation
2ill be due as notes from each student on March 1%.
1ectures: 7eldhamer et al. chapters - . -1. Amphasis on communication, social status and
se@ual selection. roup presentations9
4ee- A: Marc" >,A: Be"a+iour and 3ociality II
.o 1ab9 $lease complete your 2olf study.
1ectures: 7eldhamer et al. chapters - . --. Amphasis on communication, group living
and group selection. roup presentations9
4ee- 1&: Marc" 16,1>: Population 0ynamics and 1i!e Fistory I
1ab 8Mar9 14:: 3-ull morp"ometrics: S)ulls 2ill be measured 2ith analytical Euestions that 2ill
help students understand multivariate approaches to measuring body siBe and
shape. 8otes in the form of ans2ers to the Euestions 2ill be due on Mar. -1. 1ab
assignment due: 2olf ethograms and interpretation.
1ectures: 7eldhamer et al. chapters ', -% . -". Amphasis on trophic relationships,
population gro2th and regulation. roup presentations9
4ee- 11: Marc" 2&,26: Population 0ynamics and 1i!e Fistory II
.o 1ab9 $lease prepare yourself for the EuiB ne@t 2ee) 2ith the )ey in =urta on study
8Re+ie*: s)ins and s)ulls. Ce 2ill be available on March -1 in 1, 31- to assist you in
your revie2. 1ab assignment due: s)ull morphometrics. ,ring your ans2ers to
the Euestions to class on March - or to 1, 31- on March -1.
1ectures: 7eldhamer et al. chapters -% . -". Amphasis on variations in life history. ;uest
lecture by 5r 5oug Morris. roup presentations9
4ee- 12: Marc" 2<,6&: Population 0ynamics and 1i!e Fistory III
1ab 8Mar9 2?:: 1ab Cui( 81$%:: Students 2ill be tested on all practical components introduced
during the course:
=eying out s)ulls and study s)ins and demonstrating your use of the )ey
in =urta 2ill be one component of the EuiB.
4dentification of bones and anatomy 2ill be a second component.
7ield identification of mammals from photographs and
behaviour description from video 2ill be a third component.
4n each component, you 2ill also be tested on basic life history
information, as presented in =urta. ;reat *a)es and boreal mammals
*ectures: 7eldhamer et al. chapters -% . -". Amphasis on ecological communities.
roup presentations9 +evie2 of the course.

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