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DNA Replication
1. Defne DNA Replication
Process of producing two identical copies from one original DNA molecule.
2. Table below is the enzmes and protein in!ol!es in the DNA replication. "omplete
the tables.
#il $nzmes % protein &unctions
a DNA Helicase
'ntwist ( unwind parental DNA strands at
replication for).
Sinle st!an"
#in"in p!otein
#ind to the unpaired DNA strands* )eeping
them from re+pairing.
c DNA $!ase #rea)s* swi!els and re,oins the parental DNA
ahead of the replication for)* relie!ing the
strain caused b unwinding.
d P!i%ase
-nthesize RNA primer* at ./ end of leading
strand and of each 0)aza)i fragment of lagging
strand b adding RNA nucleotides to the
"atalze the snthesize of new DNA b
adding DNA nucleotides to a pree1isting
chain that complementar to the template
f DNA liase
2oin DNA fragment 3e.g 0)aza)i fragment4 b
formation of phosphodiester bond
5. -teps in DNA replication 3&' Initiation( )' Elonation( *' Te!%ination 4
6. "omplete the diagram below.
.. 7h DNA replication called as semi conser!ati!e model8
Beca+se t,e "a+,te! DNA p!o"+ce" consist o- one ol" st!an" an" one
ne. st!an"
9. Describe the process of DNA Replication according to the semi conser!ati!e
Name: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"lass: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
where there's a will there's a
/0 *0
DNA replication starts with the unwinding process of DNA double strands.
&irstl* the DNA ,elicase unwinds the DNA parental strands at 0rigin of replication.
$ach of the single+strand of parental DNA will acts as template strands for the new
complementar DNA strands.
The p!i%ase will then snthesize RNA primers. After the snthesis of RNA
primer* DNA pol$%e!ase III will add the free nucleotide to the growing end 35/
end4 of RNA primer to snthesise a new DNA strands that is complementar to the
bases of the template strands.
At one of the DNA template* the DNA pol$%e!ase snthesise a
complementar strands called the leading strands. The leading strands are
snthesized continuousl towards the replication for)* using onl one RNA primer.
#esides* the lagging strands elongates discontinuousl* as a series of
segments called the O1a2a1i fragments* awa from the replication for) using
se!eral RNA primers. After that* the new DNA fragment will be ,oined together b
DNA liase into a continuous DNA strands.
The RNA primer will then being replaced with DNA nucleotides b DNA
pol$%e!ase I. The new leading and lagging strands will onl elongates from ./+5/
direction and thus resulting in two identical copies of the original DNA.
1. Di!ided into two steps: i4 T!ansc!iption and ii4 T!anslation
2. Transcription: A process in which genetic information in DNA is transcribed
to form %RNA
5. Translation: A process of interpreting the genetic information in the %RNA into
se<uence of a%ino aci"s'
a. -teps in transcription process. 3=atch the description with the correct
-tages Description
>nitiation RNA polmerase binds to Promoter* and then
unwind DNA strands.
RNA polmerase initiates mRNA snthesis b
adding RNA nucleotides that complement to the
template base 3DNA4.
$longation Transcription terminates when RNA polmerase
reaches ?stop signal/ at termination site.
Termination RNA polmerase mo!es downstream* unwinding the
DNA and elongating RNA transcript from ./ @ 5/* b
adding nucleotides to the 5/end of growing polmer.
b. Transcription process occur in the 3n+cle+s%ctoplasm4
c. >f the DNA template base se<uence is 5/ @ AAT ""A AAA TAT A"A @ ./* what is the
base se<uence on the mRNA transcript8 /0 4 CCA GGC 5C5 A5A CGC 4 *0
d. Describe the diBerences between DNA replication and transcription.
DNA Replication T!ansc!iption
i4 >n!ol!e coping the .,ole DNA
i4 >n!ol!e coping speci6c regions of
ii4 Bot, DNA strands acts as a template ii4 0nl one DNA strand acts as
iii4 Produces t.o molecules of double
stranded DNA
iii4 Produces a sinle stranded mRNA
i!4 >n!ol!es DNA polmerase i!4 >n!ol!es RNA polmerase
!4 0ccurs during interphase onl !4 0ccurs throughout the life of the cell
e. >f the base se<uence on the RNA transcript is ./ @ AA" ''" AAA A'' "AA @ 5/*
what is the base se<uence on the non sense strand on the DNA8 *07CCG AAG CCT
1. Translation process occur in the 3nucleus%c$toplas%4
2. 7hat are the stages in translation process8 3i. Initiation* ii. Elonation*
5. Defne "0D0N : T!iplet #ases on %RNA st!an"
6. Defne ANT>"0D0N : T!iplet #ases on tRNA
.. &igure below is one of the ma,or component in!ol!e during translation process.
Cabel the bo1es.
. Diagram below is part of the process during translation. Answer the <uestions from
&unction of D: Attac,%ent site -o!
a%ino aci"s
#ond E : H$"!oen #on"
F : Antico"on P site
A site
P: G55
8: CCC
a. Cabel A* #* ".
b. >dentif the base se<uence on P and G.
c. Name strand E. what is the function of the strand E8
%RNA' Act as a te%plate -o! p!otein s$nt,esis9 s$nt,esis o- pol$pepti"e'
d. >dentif the stages in!ol!e in the process abo!e. 3 Initiation : Elonation4
e. 7hat is the -TART "0D0N and -T0P "0D0N- reads during the translation
Sta!t co"on: A5G( Stop co"on: 5AA( 5AG( 5GA
f. >f the base se<uences on the DNA strand is TA" "TT AAA AAA TAT A"A "A" TAA
"TT "AA TAA AT" "AT A"A ATA. How man amino acids can be produced during the
translation process8 &&
g. 7hat is polribosome8 -tate the importance of polribosome.
Se;e!al !i#oso%e on t,e sa%e %RNA st!an" to p!o"+ce i"entical pol$pepti"e in a
la!e a%o+nt in a s,o!t ti%e'
1. &igure below is the process in!ol!e in regulation of Lac Operon. Answer the
a. Cabel R* -* T* '
b. 7hat will happen if T is absent8 Put the following list in order.
* RNA polmerase cannot bind to Promoter
6 0peron not acti!e.
< No transcription of structural genes
& LacI produce Repressor.
) Repressor binds to 0perator.
/ no enzme produced
c. 7hat will happen if T is present8 Put the following list in order.
< RNA polmerase binds to Promoter.
* Repressor cannot bind to 0perator.
=R: Lac >( S: Lac 3( T: Allolactose( 5: Rep!esso! p!otein?
6 0peron is acti!e 30N4.
/ transcription of genes occur* enzmes produced*
& CacI produce Repressor.
) Allolactose bind to Repressor* repressor change its shape
d. mRNA produced after Process R. $nzmes =* N* 0 produces after process G.
>dentif the processes.
Process R: T!ansc!iption * Process G: T!anslation
e. "omplete the tables below.
=: @7 alactosi"ase hdrolzes lactose to l+cose ( alactose
N: @7 alactosi"e
Allow upta)e of lactose and increase pe!%ea#ilit$ of
membrane to lactose.
0: @7 alactosi"e
An enzme that transfers an acetl group from acet$l
CoA to @7 alactosi"es'

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