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m marted 11 febbraio 2014 14:57

1 % Unsteady Flow over a Flat Plate following an impulsive Start,
2 % possibly followed by an impulsive stop, by the discrete-vortex
3 % method with uniform elements
4 clear
5 clc
6 % input parameters
7 n = 200; % input the number of elements
8 ntsteps = 300; % input the number of time steps for this run
9 tstop = 205; % the time step when the impulsive start is
10 % followed by an impulsive stop
11 % input the angle of attack in degrees
12 alfa = 20;
13 sa = sind(alfa);
14 ca = cosd(alfa);
15 np = n + 1;
16 dx = 1/n;
17 dx34 = 3*dx/4;
18 dx14 = dx/4;
19 % input the cut-off to avoid the singularity
20 % associated with the vortices in the wake
21 cutoff = 0.25*dx;
22 % time step for more-or-less evenly
23 % spaced vortices in the wake
24 dt = dx;
25 % control points
26 xcpt = (0:n-1)*dx + dx34;
27 % vortex points
28 xvor = (0:n)*dx + dx14
29 yvor(1:np) = 0;
30 ycpt(1:n) = 0;
31 % first n rows of the influence matrix, which is
32 % independent of alfa, and the right-hand side
33 for i = 1:n;
34 R(i) = -sa;
35 for j = 1:np;
36 A(i,j) = 1/(xcpt(i) - xvor(j));
37 end
38 end
39 % last row to sum for the circulation
40 A(np,1:np) = 1;
41 R(np) = 0;
42 % instant just after the start, time = 1
43 G = inv(A)*R';
44 % velocity jump; note 2*pi, which
45 % was missing in in A(i,j)
46 du = -2*pi*G./dx;
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47 % rotate the plate through alfa
48 % here we take the freestream to be horizontal
49 % and place the plate at an angle of attack
50 yv = -xvor*sa;
51 yc = -xcpt*sa;
52 xv = xvor*ca;
53 xc = xcpt*ca;
55 % coordinates for plotting the
56 % plate at an angle of attack
57 xplate(1) = 0; xplate(2) = ca;
58 yplate(1) = 0; yplate(2) = -sa;
59 figure(1)
60 plot( xplate,yplate,':k', xv,yv,'.g', xc,yc,'xb')
61 axis equal
62 axis ([-.2, 1.2, -.5 .2]);
63 xlabel('\bf\itx','fontsize',14);
64 ylabel('\bf\ity ','fontsize',14)
65 set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'Rotation',0.0)
66 title([num2str(n),' panels'])
68 % the exact steady-state solution, the exact
69 % unsteady solution does not exist
70 nplot = 100;
71 x = linspace(.01,1,nplot);
72 due = 2*sa*sqrt((1-x)./x);
73 figure(2)
74 plot( x, due, xvor,du,'.', xvor,du, xvor,yvor,'.g', xcpt,ycpt,'xb' )
75 xlabel('\bf\itposition on the plate','fontsize',12 );
76 ylabel('\bf\it\Deltau ','fontsize',14)
77 set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'Rotation',0.0)
78 time = 1;
79 title([num2str(n),' panels, time step = ',num2str(time)])
80 axis ([-.05, 1.05, -7 7]);
81 grid
82 % check figures 1 and 2
83 pause
84 % the initial value of phi (vel. potential) around the plate
85 phiO(1:np) = 0;
86 % the initial sum of the circulations around the vortices
87 % in the wake, sum(Gw)
88 sgw = 0;
89 %XXXXXXXXXX time-marching begins here XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
90 for time = 2:ntsteps
91 % step 1:shed the 'starting' vortex at the trailing
92 % edge at the beginning of the time step
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93 % one vortex is added to the wake at each time step
94 Gw(time-1) = G(np);
95 xw(time-1) = xv(np);
96 yw(time-1) = yv(np);
97 gammaC(time-1) = sum(G(1:n));
98 % update the sum of the circulations around the vortices in the wake
99 sgw = sgw + Gw(time-1);
100 % step 2: convect the wake to its new position
101 % to convect the wake, first find the velocity
102 % at the location of each vortex in the wake,
103 for j = 1:time-1
104 xp = xw(j);
105 yp = yw(j);
106 % contribution to the velocity from the freestream
107 u(j) = 1;
108 v(j) = 0;
109 if time > tstop
110 u(j) = 0; % used when the impulsive start is
111 v(j) = 0; % followed by an implusive stop
112 end
113 % contribution from the bound vortex sheet (the plate)
114 for i = 1:n;
115 rsq = ( xp - xv(i) )^2 + ( yp - yv(i) )^2;
116 f = G(i)/rsq;
117 u(j) = u(j) - f*( yp - yv(i) );
118 v(j) = v(j) + f*( xp - xv(i) );
119 end
120 % contribution from the free vortex sheet (the wake)
121 for i = 1:time-1
122 rsq = ( xp - xw(i) )^2 + ( yp - yw(i) )^2;
123 if rsq > cutoff;
124 f = Gw(i)/rsq;
125 u(j) = u(j) - f*( yp - yw(i) );
126 v(j) = v(j) + f*( xp - xw(i) );
127 end
128 end
129 end
130 % step 3: move each vortex in the wake to its
131 % new position using a simple Euler algorithm
132 for i = 1:time-1
133 xw(i) = xw(i) + u(i)*dt;
134 yw(i) = yw(i) + v(i)*dt;
135 end
136 % the wake is now in its new position and so the downwash
137 % (the velocity associated with the vorticity in the wake)
138 % on the wing has changed and must be re-computed
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139 % step4: re-compute the downwash from the wake and the
140 % freestream on the plate the influence matrix does not change
141 for i = 1:n
142 xp = xc(i);
143 yp = yc(i);
144 % contribution to the velocity from the freestream
145 uu = 1;
146 vv = 0;
147 if time > tstop
148 uu = 0; % used when the impulsive start is
149 vv = 0; % followed by an impulsive stop
150 end
151 % contribution from the wake
152 for k = 1:time - 1
153 rsq = ( xp - xw(k) )^2 + ( yp - yw(k) )^2;
154 f = Gw(k)/rsq;
155 uu = uu - f*( yp - yw(k) );
156 vv = vv + f*( xp - xw(k) );
157 end
158 % the right-hand side now contains the velocity of the freestream
159 % and that associated with wake's vorticity
160 R(i) = - uu*sa - vv*ca;
161 end
162 % the sum of the circulations in the wake plus the sum of the
163 % circulations on the plate plus the circulation for the new
164 % vortex at the trailing edge must add up to zero: transpose of
165 % the known circulations in the wake
166 R(np) = -sgw;
167 % step 5: compute the new distribution of
168 % circulation on the plate
169 G = inv(A)*R';
170 % this is the end of the calculations for this time
171 % step -- the wake is in its new position and the
172 % circulations on the plate plus the new vortex at
173 % the trailing edge have been determined so that the
174 % no-penetration and Kutta conditions are satisfied,
175 % consistent with the wake in its new position, and
176 % the circulation around the plate and its wake is
177 % still zero
179 % plot the wake as it's being calculated
180 figure(1)
181 plot(xv(np), yv(np),'.r', xw,yw,'.r','linewidth',1);
182 hold on
183 plot(xplate, yplate,' k','linewidth',2);
184 axis equal
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185 xlabel('\bf\itx','fontsize',14);
186 ylabel('\bf\ity ','fontsize',14)
187 set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'Rotation',0.0)
188 title([num2str(n),' panels, Time Step = ',num2str(time)])
189 hold off
191 % plot the pressure jump as it's being calculated
192 for i = 1:np
193 phi(i) = sum( G(1:i) );
194 end
195 % d(phi)/dt
196 dGdt = -2*pi*( phi(1:np) - phiO(1:np) )/dt;
197 phiO = phi;
198 du2 = -2*pi*G(1:np)./dx;
199 up = ca + du2;
200 ul = ca - du2;
201 cpu = 1 - up.*up;
202 cpl = 1 - ul.*ul;
203 dcp = -2*dGdt' - cpl + cpu;
204 figure(2)
205 plot(xv, dcp)
206 xlabel('\bf\itx','fontsize',14);
207 ylabel('\bf\it\DeltaC_P ','fontsize',14)
208 set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'Rotation',0.0)
209 grid
210 title([num2str(n),' panels, time step = ',num2str(time)])
212 % plot the velocity jump a cross the plate as it's being calculated
213 du = -2*pi*G/dx;
214 up = ca + 0.5*du;
215 upe = ca + 0.5*due;
216 ul = ca - 0.5*du;
217 ule = ca - 0.5*due;
218 figure(3)
219 plot(xv, up, xv, ul)
220 xlabel('\it\bfx','fontsize',14);
221 ylabel('\bf\itvelocity along the surfaces','fontsize',12)
222 axis([-.1, 1.1, -1, 3])
223 title([num2str(n),' panels, time step = ',num2str(time)])
224 grid
225 drawnow
226 % end of the "for"-loop in the time-marching
227 end

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