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Food Living Outside Play Technology Workshop
simple wired 2 motor control joystick
by little_spiro on July 22, 2008
Intro: Simple wired 2 motor control joystick
i wanted for a long time to have a control joystick(control box), wich can easy change the directions of 2 motors. so i made one. it's not hard to build and works perfect.
the costs vary between 2 and 4 euro. feel free to change/improve the project using creativity and better parts. share your experience! i hope my bad english won't be an
obstacle ( i have a lot of pics though :).
so have fun building the two motor control joystick!
Step 1:The idea
on the schematic i use 1-pole pushbuttons (0.20euro/unit), but that's only because the 2-pole ones were too expensive (3euro/unit). so i had to group them to change the
polarity. i also used a bit different schematic, but only because i didn't know, that these pushbuttons have 4 usable pins(you'll see what i mean on the 3th step). this
schematic work too, but it can be a bit more complicated to build.
Step 2:Parts
1. breadboard
2. 8x 1-pole pushbuttons or 4x 2-pole push buttons
3. wires
everything else depends on your scrap collection :)
Step 3:Soldering
1. cut the breadboard in a shape you like, but so, that there is enough space to cut a hole in the middle.
2. put the pushbuttons on the breadboard, like on the picture. the distance between 2 oppisite pairs of buttons depends on the size of part 7*. part 7 shoud barelly touch
the buttons, when it's in the middle.
3. solder the push buttons
4. solder the wires on the back side(pic 2).
you have to test the pins first and find the best way to connet them after you are sure what every one of them do. feel free to ask, if you don't get the idea
part7 - sorry, but i don't know the word (look step 2)
Step 4:Connecting the buttons
1. stick hard plastic, metal or wood on the top of every to pairs(thay have to be pushed together) (pic 1)
2. stick small nails in the middle (use super glue) (pic 2)
3. make holes on the breadboard for the screws (pic 3)
4. connect the wires to the OUT and IN connections. i used 2 of the screws for IN and part11(pic5) for OUT (pic 4)
Step 5:Making the basis/box
find some box or use a piece of wood, metal or hard plastic for basis. drill holes in the same distance like on the breadboard. put the screws in them and stick part7 over
the main hole
Step 6:Last step
1. attach the breadboard (pic1)
2. use the second part7 to make the stick (pic 2)
3. put everything together
4. you are done! now you can control every toy which uses 1 or 2 motors(cars, small robots, etc.).
it's not a bad idea to test the schematic before you put everything together. it saves time! :p
have fun with your joystick!
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33 comments Add Comment
wethecom says: Feb 12, 2009. 9:22 PM REPLY
simple an effective i like it
back in the day of commodores "really old computers just in case your to young to know" i would buy controllers for them they were similar to atari controllers
and this is the part that may help you out a bit
they actually used tire stems for the joy sticks ..bonus part is you can buy cool tire stem caps that look really cool
check it out ...when you see it i bet it clicks in your head what im talking about
little_spiro says: Feb 13, 2009. 5:54 PM REPLY
hey, thanks for the idea, but it works perfect for me like this, because the short "stick" allows me to control it just with one finger.. ;)
Derin says: Sep 7, 2008. 5:32 AM REPLY
this is constructive criticism,btw. item 7 is called a washer
Fred82664 says: Sep 6, 2008. 7:10 PM REPLY
hummm one could use a hollow tubing and insert a small POT with a wheel on top of the stick and run it in series with the push buttons thus would make the
output variable. the stick could be made from a short length of Automobile brake line. cut threads in to the OD and still use the nut and washer method to
mate the push button switches. never the less this is a cool project and would be vary useful for manual testing on individual robotic system (s) parts of a
single robot or other testing applications
Lftndbt says: Jul 27, 2008. 6:43 AM REPLY
Interesting.... I may have an application for that at the moment.
I would be interested to see you try this setup out on a future project...
The nature of the dial allows for almost instantanious switchs.My finger model
I'm going to try your idea out now... Thanks heaps!!
little_spiro says: Aug 3, 2008. 11:54 AM REPLY
here you are
axeman911 says: Jul 2, 2011. 11:20 PM REPLY
is there some way to make so that u can make both motors run at the same time, or some way to use it to control a tank with individual left right motors??
little_spiro says: Jul 3, 2011. 6:57 AM REPLY
both motors are running(with half speed tho) in every diagonal direction(see video)
If by building you turn the whole schema 45 degree it will work perfect for your tank
axeman911 says: Jul 3, 2011. 6:15 PM REPLY
thanks would an h-bridge also work link:
little_spiro says: Jul 3, 2011. 10:16 PM REPLY
ask tomtom4388
myxpykalix says: Apr 1, 2010. 11:40 PM REPLY
Hello! Could you tell me the title and artist of the music you used in the background? Good instructable thanks!
little_spiro says: Jul 3, 2011. 7:00 AM REPLY
Udon says: Nov 9, 2010. 12:39 PM REPLY
This is very, very cool.
Opens up all kinds of possibilities.
tomtom4388 says: Apr 2, 2010. 12:35 PM REPLY
this is actually an h-bridge
nice idea, but you have to be careful, if you press back and forward buttons at once you short-circuit your power source
when using small batteries not too much trouble, but when using an big power supply you risk burning your switch or wires
kcls says: Mar 31, 2010. 5:53 PM REPLY
I've been looking around for something to control a mini prize claw. This would be perfect! Thanks for the great 'ible!
punkhead58 says: Mar 31, 2010. 11:09 AM REPLY
By any chance, could Part 7 be a washer?
Patented says: Mar 31, 2010. 5:41 PM REPLY
thats what I am thinking..
fruitkid101 says: Mar 31, 2010. 4:31 PM REPLY
You could use this to control a 3axis milling maching with regular motors instead of steepers. BTW what kind of motors are the ones you use. DC?
bombmaker2 says: Feb 12, 2009. 12:04 PM REPLY
could u upload a new schematic like the one u used
little_spiro says: Feb 13, 2009. 6:10 PM REPLY
ah, ok, i got what you mean by "the one u used" . it's actually the same schematic. u just have to test which 2 pins make contact and leave the other
two... that's all. you can see better what i mean in step 3, pic2. have fun! (and ask, if needed)
DELETED_madscientist167 says: Oct 21, 2009. 1:54 PM
(removed by author or community request)
little_spiro says: Oct 21, 2009. 10:20 PM REPLY
i'm working in bulgaria right now, but the next year i'm moving to germany.
do skoro ;)
bombmaker2 says: Feb 14, 2009. 2:00 PM REPLY
k thanks
little_spiro says: Feb 13, 2009. 6:11 PM REPLY
i don't understand where is the problem in this one.. ok, it's not like the schematics you get from radioshack, but i think it's clear enough.. i can't make
better one, but i can answer a specific question, when you have one ;)
thor44 says: Jul 30, 2008. 7:54 AM REPLY
Nice...if i wanted to do this with a higher battery voltage, say a small 12v battery, would i need to change anything, like the wire gauge or etc..
omnibot says: Oct 13, 2008. 3:04 PM REPLY
I'd say the easy way would be to just scale up, use switches and cables for 12 volt. The cool way would be to use relays closer to the motors.
godfreyandthandi says: Mar 14, 2009. 1:54 AM REPLY
falcotheimpaler says: Dec 18, 2008. 3:22 AM REPLY
this puts every idea i've had on this manner to shame. it's better than an h-bridge, and simpler than a microcontroller.
mario59 says: Aug 8, 2008. 7:28 AM REPLY
Your INSTRUCTABLE is really *NEAT* !!!!
I love simple idea to solve otherwise a bit complicated problems.
I have to say I NEVER THOUGHT about such circuitry before!
I think, if not patented, it should!!!
dchall8 says: Jul 23, 2008. 10:16 PM REPLY
Not to take anything away from your project, but I like to plant this seed where it seems to fit. I'd like to see some electronic genius convert a $30 game
controller into a real radio control device.
Lftndbt says: Jul 27, 2008. 6:38 AM REPLY
I will be soon, but seems a tad overdone on the net of late. Would be good to see one at Ible's though. ;)
frollard says: Jul 23, 2008. 8:12 PM REPLY
That's a neat little project - It looks at first like its variable speed - but thats just the motors spinning up.
little_spiro says: Jul 23, 2008. 11:39 PM REPLY
sorry, but the speed is constant :(
i have a simple 4 motor robot arm looking for a new controller, so i have to make one more. i plan to use variable speed there..

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