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IGCSE Chemistry

Unit 2: Water And Air Part 1: Air

Composition of clean air.
Name of gas in the air Percentage of the gas in the air
Carbon dioxide
Noble gases (mainly argon)
Water vapour
Variable (eg !""#o in tropi$s% "# in deserts)
Two Famous eperiments that show that 2!" of the air is o#gen
&s the $andle 'ax (((((% it uses up the ((((((( in the air inside the bell
)ar *his is a ((((((((( rea$tion+
Write an e,uation -or this rea$tion+
*he 'ater rises up and ta.es the pla$e o- the oxygen that has gone
IGCSE Chemistry
Or i- phosphorus is used instead o- a $andle the e,uation 'ould be:
Volume o- air be-ore the $andle is lit V!/ ((((((($m
Volume o- air a-ter the $andle has been lit (and gone out)% V1 /(((( $m
So volume o- air that has been used up% V!2V1 /
So the per$entage o- oxygen in the air is(((( x !"" /((((#
1 3assing air over $lean $opper metal
*he apparatus used in this experiment is sho'n belo'
Explain in your o'n 'ords 'hat is happening 'ithin this experiment% the
e,uations sho'n belo' may help you
IGCSE Chemistry
Fractional distillation of air.
&ir is a mixture *he main gases in air are sho'n in the table belo'+
&ir $an be li,ue-ied and then separated by -ra$tional distillation *his is
done in industrv to produ$e oxygen% nitrogen and some noble gases
*he pro$ess o- -ra$tional distillation is sho'n simply in the -igure belo'+
IGCSE Chemistry
The steps in%ol%ed in fractionall# distilling air are:
l Water vapour and $arbon dioxide are removed
*hese $omponents are removed by $ooling the air 'hi$h -ree4es the 'ater
vapour and $arbon dioxide gas *he solid 51O and $o1 are then removed
1 *he air is then li,ue-ied &ir is a gas *o li,ue-y a gas means to turn it
into a li,uid *his is done by $ompressing the air 'ith huge pumps and then
allo'ing the air to expand suddenly
0 *he li,uid air is then distilled in a -ra$tionating $olumn
&n ele$tri$ heater is used to boil the li,uid air *he gases are separated
a$$ording to their boiling points Nitrogen has the lo'est boiling point It
boils -irst and $omes out at the top o- the $olumn *hen argon boils and
$omes out lo'er do'n the $olumn *his pro$ess $arries on until all the
$omponents o- the air have been separated out 6rypton and xenon must
be -uither distilled to separate them
Uses of o#gen.
Uses of Nitrogen
IGCSE Chemistry
Uses of the &alogens
IGCSE Chemistry pages !782!91
(earning )*+ecti%es
Candidates should be able to+
:es$ribe the $omposition o- $lean air
:es$ribe the separation o- oxygen and nitrogen -rom li,uid air by
-ra$tional distillation
Name the uses o- oxygen in oxygen tents in hospitals and 'ith
a$etylene (a hydro$arbon) in 'elding
Unit 2: Water And Air Part 2: Common Pollutants of the air
IGCSE Chemistry
*as. !+ ;ill in the missing 'ords
1. Car*on ,onoide. C)
Carbon monoxide gas is produ$ed by the (((((((((($ombustion (burning)
o- $arbon $ontaining substan$es li.e $oal% gas% oil and petrol Carbon
monoxide gas is a deadly poison be$ause it stops (((((( being
transported by the haemoglobin in red ((((( $ells
Note+ in$omplete $ombustion ta.es pla$e 'hen there is not enough ((((((
present to $onvert all the $arbon into $arbon dioxide
2. -ulphur dioide. -)
Sulphur dioxide gas is made 'hen (((((( -uels (that $ontain sulphur) are
Sulphur < oxygen sulphur dioxide
(-rom -uels) (-rom air)
SO4 is also produ$ed by vol$anoes Sulphur dioxide $ombines 'ith 'ater in
the atmosphere to ma.e a$id rain
Sulphur dioxide in the air rea$ts 'ith oxygen and 'ater vapour to -orm
sulphuri$ a$id+
< O
< 15
O 15
Write a 'ord e,uation -or this rea$tion+
*he sulphuri$ a$id dissolves in rain 'ater% ma.ing it a$idi$
IGCSE Chemistry
Nitrogen dioxide also undergoes a similar rea$tion in the atmosphere%
-orming nitri$ a$id+
< "
< 15
O 75NO
*he nitri$ a$id also dissolves in rain 'ater% ma.ing it a$idi$
*he a$idity o- rain 'ater% $aused by man2made sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen dioxide -rom air pollution% is $alled a$id rain
&$id rain is very $orrosive In addition to the harm-ul e--e$ts sho'n in
the diagram above% a$id rain also damages our lungs by destroying the
moist 'alls o- the alveoli
=ist the e--e$ts o- a$id rain+
/. )ides of nitrogen.
IGCSE Chemistry
Oxides o- nitrogen are NO% nitrogen oxide and NO
% nitrogen dioxide
*hese t'o oxides o- nitrogen are o-ten des$ribed simply as NO
*hey are
produ$ed by internal $ombustion engines (the engines o- $ars and tru$.s)
'hen they are running> N
(g) and O
(g) rea$t and $ombine together to
-orm NO

;umes -rom the engine $ontaining these oxides o- nitrogen $ome out o-
the exhaust pipe Oxides o- nitrogen $ause a$id rain and smog in $ities
(loo. at the diagram above)
Oxides o- nitrogen are also produ$ed by lightning a$tivity
0. ,ethane
?ethane gas is produ$ed by ba$terial de$ay o- vegetable matter ?ethane
is a greenhouse gas and so $ontributes to'ards global 'arming
1. Un*urnt h#drocar*ons.
@nbumt hydro$arbons are released into the air -rom the exhaust pipes o-
internal $ombustion engines
2. )3one. !
O4one is a pollutant that is produ$ed by photo$hemi$al rea$tions
(rea$tions that are $atalysed by light) *hese photo$hemi$al rea$tions are
also responsible -or smog in $ity air
-ome chemical reactions that can *e used to remo%e pollutant gases.
IGCSE Chemistry
(a) *he redox rea$tions in $atalyti$ $onverters to remove $ombustion
pollutants *he hydro$arbons petrol and diesel are burnt by air in
motor$ar engines *he -umes -rom petrol engines are a ma)or $ause o- air
pollution *he main pollutants in exhaust gases are listed belo'+
Carbon monoxide (-rom in$omplete $ombustion o- the hydro$arbon
Nitrogen oxides
5ydro$arbons (-rom unburnt petrol)
=ead $ompounds (-rom lead $ompounds added to the petrol)
In re$ent years% motor$ars have been modi-ied to redu$e this pollution
Some $hanges are sho'n in the diagram belo'+
*he use o- lead2-ree (AunleadedA) petrol prevents any lead pollution and
the amount o- lead in the air is being redu$ed as $ars s'it$h -rom leaded
to unleaded petrol
3ollution is also being redu$ed by ma.ing engines more e--i$ient 5o'ever%
most o- the pollution $an be greatly redu$ed by -itting a $atalyti$
$onverter to the motor$ar exhaust *he $atalyti$ $onverter $onsists o- a
thin layer o- platinum metal spread over a hone#com* shaped pie$e o-
$erami$ *he honey$omb shape ensures a large sur-a$e area -or the
exhaust gases to rea$t
IGCSE Chemistry
In the $atalyti$ $onverter% the unburnt petrol% nitrogen oxides and $arbon
monoxide rea$t on the platinum $atalyst to produ$e harmless 'ater%
$arbon dioxide and nitrogen
(b) Sulphur dioxide pollution -rom po'er stations and other industries is
prevented by spraying the $himney exhaust gases 'ith 'et $al$ium
hydroxide or $al$ium $arbonate (limestone) be-ore the gases are released
into the atmosphere ;or example% $al$ium hydroxide rea$ts 'ith the
sulphur dioxide to produ$e solid $al$ium sulphite+
1 (a,)
< SO

< 5
($) Cal$ium $arbonate (limestone) is added to the soil to neutralise soil
a$iditv as a result o- a$id rain
IGCSE Chemistry
IGCSE Chemistry pages !9B2!9C
(earning )*+ecti%es
Candidates should be able to+
Name the $ommon pollutants in the air as being $arbon monoxide%
sulphur dioxide% oxides o- nitrogen and lead $ompounds
State the sour$e o- ea$h o- these pollutants sulphur dioxide -rom
the $ombustion o- -ossil -uels 'hi$h $ontain sulphur $ompounds
(leading to Da$id rainE)
:es$ribe and explain the presen$e o- oxides o- nitrogen in $ar
exhausts and their $atalyti$ removal
IGCSE Chemistry
Unit 2: Water And Air Part /: Car*on dioide
The Car*on c#cle
*he amount o- $arbon in plants and animals% in the $rust o- the earth and
in the air does not $hange *he $arbon is in+
2 the bodies o- animals (as $arbohydrates% -ats and proteins)
2 plants (as $arbohydrates% -ats and proteins) 2 the atmosphere as $arbon
dioxide ( CO
*he total amount o- $arbon does not $hange 5o'ever the -orm that the
$arbon is in $an $hange *he $arbon $y$le sho's this+
Green plants remove $arbon dioxide -rom the atmosphere (air) during the
pro$ess $alled photosynthesis *he green plants $ombine the $arbon
dioxide 'ith 'ater to ma.e glu$ose (CF5!1OF) *he glu$ose is then used
to ma.e the roots% leaves and stem o- the plant
IGCSE Chemistry
When the plants are eaten by animals the $arbon inside the plant is
$hanged into animal tissue In this 'ay the $arbon atoms o- the plant
be$ome part o- the animal
Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by the pro$ess $alled
respiration Gemember that respiration is the brea.do'n o- -ood in2our
bodies in the presen$e o- oxygenA *he 'aste produ$ts o- respiration are
and 5
O Hoth plants and animals AbreatheA out CO
and 5
Carbon dioxide is also released into the air by the pro$ess o- $ombustion
Gemember that $ombustion (burning) is the burning o- $arbon2$ontaining
-uels su$h as 'ood% $oal% petrol and natural gas *he 'aste produ$ts o-
$ombustion% li.e respiration% are CO
and 5
O So 'hen a -ire is burning
the gases CO1 and 51O are produ$ed 'hi$h then
rise up into the atmosphere
@se your previous .no'ledge and text boo. to 'rite e,uations -or the
pro$esses o$$urring in the $arbon $y$le (Sho'n in the diagram above)
,etal Car*onate 4 Acid
Carbon dioxide is also one o- the produ$ts produ$ed 'hen a metal
$arbonate rea$ts 'ith an a$id+
?etal Carbonate < a$id Salt < Water < Car*on 5ioide
IGCSE Chemistry
! :es$ribe ho' you 'ould test -or $arbon dioxide and 'hat you 'ould
1 5o' $ould you tell a $hemi$al rea$tion had ta.en pla$eJ
0 What salt 'ould you ma.e 'hen you add $opper $arbonate to sulphuri$
7 Write a 'ord e,uation to summarise the rea$tion that 'ould ta.e
9 Complete the 'ord e,uations belo'+
Sulphuri$ a$id < Kin$ Carbonate
5ydro$hlori$ a$id < ?agnesium Carbonate
Nitri$ &$id < Cal$ium Carbonate
IGCSE Chemistry
F @sing the -ollo'ing in-ormation $onstru$t symbol e,uations -or the 'ord
e,uations 'ritten in ,uestions 9 < F+
(Kin$ Carbonate / KnCO
5ydro$hlori$ a$id / 5Cl% Sulphuri$ a$id /5
% Nitri$ a$id
IGCSE Chemistry pages !1!2!17
(earning )*+ecti%es
Candidates should be able to+
:es$ribe the -ormation o- $arbon dioxide as a produ$t o- $omplete
$ombustion o- $arbon2$ontaining substan$es% as a produ$t o-
respiration and as a produ$t o- the rea$tion bet'een an a$id and a
IGCSE Chemistry
Unit 2: Water And Air Part 0:The 6reen &ouse $ffect 7CFC8-
The 6reenhouse $ffect.
&ir $ontains a very small amount o- (only about ""0#) o- $arbon dioxide
*his atmospheri$ $arbon dioxide is very important% as it is used by green
plants in photosynthesis
*he amount o- $arbon dioxide in the air has in$reased by 19# over the
past 1"" years and% is still steadily in$reasing (see graph) S$ientists
believe that the in$rease is due to extra $arbon dioxide being added to
the air -rom burning -uels su$h as oils% gas and $oal *he $onsumption o-
these -uels has in$reased+ greatly this $entury to provide energy -or more
industries and motor vehi$les.
IGCSE Chemistry
*he EarthAs sur-a$e is heated by radiation -rom the Sun Carbon dioxide
and methane in the air trap this heat radiation and prevent mu$h o- it
es$aping into spa$e *his is $alled the 6reenhouse $ffect
*he greater the amount o- $arbon dioxide and methane% the larger is the
amount o- heat that is trapped and the hotter the Earth be$omes
Possi*le conse9uences of glo*al warming.
*he atmospheri$ 'arming may $ause the i$e $aps to melt% in$reasing the
sea levels and -looding lo'2lying $oastal areas 5igher temperatures $an
also harm produ$tion o- -ood $rops su$h as ri$e and 'heat by redu$ing the
Chlorofluorocar*ons. CFC8s
*hese $ompounds% simply $alled C;Cs% are made o- the elements $hlorine%
-luorine and $arbon *'o important examples have mole$ular -ormulas
and C;
Cl1 C;Cs are used in aerosol propellants and $oolant -luids
-or re-rigerators and air $onditioners Expanded polystyrene $ups and
pa$.aging are blo'n into -oam 'ith C;Cs When an aerosol $an is used or
polystyrene pa$.aging is burnt% C;C mole$ules es$ape into the air In
addition to this% 'hen old re-rigerators and air $onditioners are dis$arded%
C;C mole$ules es$ape into the air C;Cs are harmless to plants and animals
Hut C;C mole$ules rise high into the atmosphere 'here they are
de$omposed by sunlight to produ$e $hlorine atoms *hese $hlorine atoms
destroy o4one mole$ules in the o4one layer It is the o4one
layer 'hi$h prote$ts the Earth -rom intense radiation -rom the sun
Sin$e !8BC% the amount o- o4one in the o4one layer over &ntar$ti$a has
de$reased Hy !8CB up to hal- the o4one over &ntar$ti$a has been
destroyed *his is no' $alled the O4one 5ole
IGCSE Chemistry
:angerous ultra2violet radiation -rom the Sun streams through this hole
S$ientists are $on$erned that the O4one 5ole $ould spread to other
$ontinents I- this happens there maybe a big in$rease in the o$$uren$e o-
s.in $an$er due to the in$reased ultra2violet radiation -rom the Sun% and
-ood $rops $ould also be damaged
IGCSE Chemistry
'esearch tas:
Lou are going to 'or. in groups o- three @sing the internet and re-eren$e
boo.s you have to resear$h the e--e$ts o- a di--erent pollutant gas in
terms o- ho' it is produ$ed% its adverse e--e$ts and methods -or solving
the problem *he posters target audien$e is !12!0 year olds so the
appropriate language should be used
;ou should present #our research the form of a poster. #ou should
ensure that #ou poster:
Contains accurate $nglish <1! ,ar:s=
&as a clear. neat la#out. with appropriate titles and su*titles <1
Contains accurate scientific information <1! ,ar:s=
>s not cop# and pasted directl# from the internet??? < 1 ,ar:s=
$ach group mem*er can eplain the concepts with the poster <1!
It is important that you are able to explain $on$epts in$luded in your graph
as you 'ill be as.ed ,uestions

T&>- >- AN A--$--$5 P>$C$ )F W)'@
IGCSE Chemistry pages !BC2!B8
(earning )*+ecti%es
Candidates should be able to+
State the adverse e--e$t o- $ommon pollutants on buildings% health
and the environment
IGCSE Chemistry
Unit 2: Water And Air Part 1:Water
He$ause 'ater is su$h a good solvent% it 'ill dissolve a great variety o-
substan$es *hese dissolved substan$es $an be+
(a) Naturully o$$urring
;or example minerals salts dissolved -rom ro$.s as river 'ater -lo's along%
oxygen -rom the air and organi$ matter -rom living things
?ineral salts and oxygen are bene-i$ial -or living things ?ineral salts are
a ne$essary part o- the diet o- a,uati$ li-e and oxygen is needed -or
(b) 3ollutants
;rom the land% the main impurities are dissolved -ertilisers Gain 'ater
'ashes or lea$hes -ertilisers out o- the soil and into the river 'ater *his
dissolving or lea$hing $an have severe biologi$al e--e$ts One is $alled
eutrophi$ation% 'hi$h means unintentional enri$hment o- 'ater 'ith
-ertilisers Eutrophi$ation $auses+
Gapid gro'th o- plants $alled algae &lgae -eed on phosphates -rom
the -ertilisers in the 'ater *hese algae restri$t the normal gro'th
o- other plants% and -ish% as they redu$e the oxygen $ontent o- the
'ater (see also other e--e$ts belo')
?any -ertilisers $ontain ammonia 'hi$h ba$teria in the 'ater
oxidise to nitrates% thereby removing oxygen -rom the 'ater
Industrial pollution is a severe problem ;a$tory dis$harge or effluent
in$ludes heavy metals su$h as mer$ury% lead and $admium *hese are a
ha4ard to health be$ause their $on$entrations $an build up as they pass
through the -ood $hain
&t ?inimata% a $oastal to'n o- Mapan% over 7" people 'ere .illed 'ere
.illed at one time by eating lo$ally $aught -ish and shell -ish 'hi$h 'ere
highly $ontaminated 'ith mer$ury &lso many babies 'ere being born 'ith
mental and physi$al de-e$ts & lo$al plasti$s -a$tory had dis$harged 'aste
IGCSE Chemistry
$ontaining mer$ury% into the bay *he diagram illustrates ho' -ood $hains
$on$entrate a pollutant at ea$h step in the $hain
5etergentsA ?any $ountries en$ourage the use o- biodegradable
detergents *his means that the detergent mole$ule is bro.en do'n by
ba$teria in the 'ater% preventing the detergent -rom -oaming up in a river
5o'ever% many detergents also $ontain phosphates 'hi$h are ex$ellent
-ertilisers -or algae =arge amounts o- algae $ause the river to be$ome de2
oxygenated @nder these $onditions anaerobi$ ba$teria atta$. de$aying
vegetation to produ$e toxi$ 'astes produ$ts li.e ammonia% methane
and hydrogen sulphide *hese produ$ts are all a ha4ard% to health
&uman pollution of waterA Waste 'ater -rom 'ashing% using the toilet
et$ is $alled se'age Se'age $ontains many pollutants in$luding harm-ul
mi$robes (ba$teria) eg $holera
Purification of the water suppl#.
*he main steps to puri-y 'ater in$lude+
(i) -iltration to remove solids
(ii) $hlorination to disin-e$t the 'ater
(iii) use o- $arbon to remove tastes and odours ('ater -ilters $ontaining
$arbon are atta$hed to taps in the home
*he diagram belo' illustrates 'ater treatment
IGCSE Chemistry
>n #our own words descri*e what is happening at each stage of the
purification process. 6i%e as much detail as possi*le <Use #our tet
*oo:s to help #ou:
-tage 1
-tage 2
-tage /
-tage 0
IGCSE Chemistry
-tage 1
(ist 1 uses of Water
Testing for water in the la*orator#
When testing -or 'ater 'ithin a laboratory you have a number o-
!) Water has no $olour or smell
1) It has no e--e$t on moist litmus paper%
or moist universal indi$ator paper 2 it is neutral
0) It 'ill put out a lit splint
*here are a number o- Spe$i-i$ test -or Water or Water Vapour% you have
to remember themN
Water or its vapour 'ill turn *lue co*alt chloride paper pin:
It 'ill also turn white anh#drous copper<>>= sulfate $rystals *lue
IGCSE Chemistry
What do #ou thin: will happen to the iron nails in each test tu*e after
a*out two wee:sC
Gust is -ormed 'hen iron rea$ts 'ith 'ater &N: oxygen ItEs an example
o- an oxidation rea$tion 'hi$h $an be sped up using salt *here are several
'ays o- dealing 'ith rust+
!) Gegular painting or oiling
1) 6al%anising O this is 'hen iron ob)e$ts are $oated 'ith 4in$
0) ?a.ing ob)e$ts out o- a nonArusting metal% su$h as stainless steel
7) &tta$hing 4in$ bars to ships O the 'ater 'ill rea$t 'ith the 4in$
be-ore it rea$ts 'ith the iron% be$ause 4in$ is more rea$tive
IGCSE Chemistry
IGCSE Chemistry pages !BC2!B8
(earning )*+ecti%es
Candidates should be able to+

:es$ribe% in outline% the puri-i$ation o- the 'ater supply in terms
o- -iltration and $hlorination
Name some o- the uses o- 'ater in industry and in the home.
IGCSE Chemistry
Unit 2: Water And Air Part 2: -ample eam 9uestions
P! Helo' is a simple diagram illustrating ho' the gases 'hi$h ma.e up air
are separated
(a) Why is the air -iltered in Step !J
(b) Whi$h t'o $hemi$als are removed -rom the air in Step 1J

($) What happens to the air 'hen it is $ooled to 21""SC in Step 7J


(d) What is the name o- the pro$ess used to separate the gases in Step 9J
(one line)

(e) Nitrogen boils at O!8F

C% oxygen at O!C0
C and argon at O!CF
IGCSE Chemistry
Whi$h o- these gases separates at the top o- the $olumn in Step 9
P1 It is thought that over 7""" million years ago the EarthEs atmosphere
may have $ontained $arbon dioxide% ammonia and 'ater vapour but very
little oxygen *he temperature o- the atmosphere 'as very mu$h higher
than it is today
(a)*he early atmosphere $ontained a large per$entage o- 'ater
vapourWhy is there only a small per$entage o- 'ater vapour in the
atmosphere todayJ
(b) &s simple plant li-e developed the amount o- oxygen in the
atmosphere began to in$rease
(i) Name the pro$ess by 'hi$h these plants added oxygen to the
(one line)
(ii) Name the gas 'hi$h 'as removed -rom the atmosphere by this
($) Some o- the oxygen produ$ed turned into o4one and -ormed the
o4one layer
IGCSE Chemistry
(i) Write do'n the $hemi$al -ormula -or o4one
(ii) Explain the importan$e o- the -ormation o- the o4one layer
P0 =arge amounts o- $arbon dioxide in the atmosphere $an $ause
(a)What name is given to the problem $aused by ex$ess $arbon dioxide in
the atmosphereJ

(b) Explain 'hy s$ientists are $on$erned about the problem
($) State one 'ay in 'hi$h the amount o- $arbon dioxide in the
atmosphere is being in$reased
(d) Give two 'ays in 'hi$h the in$rease in $arbon dioxide $an be slo'ed
IGCSE Chemistry
P7*he apparatus belo' 'as used to determine the amount o- oxygen in a
sample o- $lean dry air
(a) *he $opper is heated and at the same time the air is pushed over it
-rom one syringe to the other *he experiment is $ontinued until there is
no -urther $hange in the volume o- air in the syringe *he apparatus is le-t
to $ool do'n% then the -inal volume o- air measured
(i) Why does the volume o- air de$reaseJ

(ii) Write a 'ord e,uation -or the rea$tion 'hi$h o$$urs during the

IGCSE Chemistry
(iii) Why is it important to let the apparatus $ool do'n be-ore measuring
the -inal volumeJ

(iv) Why is it better to use $opper turnings in the experiment rather than
larger lumps o- $opperJ

(v) Name t'o gases 'hi$h 'ill be present in the air inside the syringe at
the end o- the experiment


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