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Intersex spectrum of biological

sexes that don't fit medical

definitions of male or female.
Monosexism social system under
which everyone is, or should be
Monosexual someone who is
attracted to no more than one gender.
Pansexual/Omnisexual attracted to
people of all genders and sexes or to
multiple genders and sexes.
(differ by their roots pan=all, omni=same)
Polyamorous being open to more
than one (sexual or romantic)
relationship at the same time, with
the knowledge and consent of
everyone involved.
Polysexual attracted to people of
many genders and sexes (but not all).
Pomosexual shuns/challenges
sexual orientation labels that define
Queer a nonspecific identity that
describes anyone diverging/
transgressing culturally imposed
norms of heterosexuality and gender
Transgender anyone whose gender
identity and/or expression is not
!appropriately" aligned with the sex
they were assigned at birth.
!#ransgender" can be used as a noun
or ad$ective.
%ver &'( of bisexual people
have considered suicide
compared to )( of straight
people and *+( of gay people,
and these rates are much
higher for bisexual women
than for bisexual men.
*,( of bisexual people are in
poverty compared to -,( of
straight people and **( of gay
people. .hile gay people earn
*/0( less than straight men,
bisexuals earn -'/-1( less.
2isexuals also have higher
rates of hypertension, poor
physical health, smoking, and
risky drinking.
3any if not most bisexuals
don4t come out to their
healthcare providers, which
limits their access to complete
information and resources, for
example, regarding safer sex
2isexual women in a
relationship with a
monosexual are much more
likely to experience domestic
violence. 5ompared to
lesbians, bisexual women have
significantly lower levels of
education and higher rates of
poverty, are significantly less
likely to have health insurance
coverage and more likely to
experience financial barriers to
receiving healthcare.
Bisexual Manifesto
from Anything That Moves Magazine (1990)
.e are tired of being analy6ed,
defined and represented by people
other than ourselves, or worse yet, not
considered at all. .e are frustrated by
the imposed isolation and invisibility
that comes from being told or
expected to choose either a
homosexual or heterosexual identity.
3onosexuality is a heterosexist
dictate used to oppress homosexuals
and to negate the validity of
2isexuality is a whole, fluid identity.
7o not assume that bisexuality is
binary or duogamous in nature8 that
we have 9two9 sides or that we must
be involved simultaneously with both
genders to be fulfilled human beings.
:n fact, don4t assume that there are
only two genders. 7o not mistake our
fluidity for confusion,
irresponsibility, or an inability to
commit. 7o not e;uate promiscuity,
infidelity, or unsafe sexual behavior
with bisexuality. #hose are human
traits that cross all sexual
orientations. <othing should be
assumed about anyone4s sexuality,
including your own.
.e are angered by those who refuse
to accept our existence= our issues=
our contributions= our alliances= our
voice. :t is time for the bisexual voice
to be heard.
Bi-curious usually heterosexual,
lesbian, or gay and are curious
experimenting with people of genders
different from their usual preference.
Biphobia fear, hatred, or pre$udice
against bisexual people.
Bisexual someone who has the
potential to be attracted to people of
more than one sex, and/or gender,
not necessarily at the same time, not
necessarily in the same way, and not
necessarily to the same degree.
Demisexual - does not experience
sexual attraction unless they are
emotionally connected to someone.
luid attraction that changes or
might change over time.
!ender Binary gender system in
which only two opposing and
mutually exclusive genders are
recogni6ed (woman > man).
"etero#lexible usually attracted to
people of genders different from their
own, but might occasionally be
attracted to people of genders similar
from their own.
"eterosexism social system under
which everyone is, or should be
"omo/$esbi#lexible same sex
version of heteroflexible.
"omonormati%ity gender binary set
of cultural and social norms where
the only acceptable form of sexuality
or romance is between one
(cisgender) man and woman.
the Binary
the Binary
a discussion on
sexual identities
7-9pm 7-9pm
March 11th March 11th
Grand Salon
Grand Salon
Gay Gay
Straight Straight
doors open at 6:!

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