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The Hidden Powers of Mind:

Unlocking the Secrets of

Mental Power and
Subconscious Mind
Ryan Joseph
2013 Ryan Joseph
Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com
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+ny information pro-ided in this book is throu,h the
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.erms of 5se
6hat is the #ubconscious7
8indin, 9armony
8ind :ourself
.he ;a" of +ttraction
4oncentration and 8ocus
<e-elopin, your Instinct
<e-elopin, a =a,netic Personality
;earnin, to Influence
5sin, Influence on a >roup
.he human mind is a comple1 thin,. It is ho" "e mo-e0
speak0 learn0 and e1ist. It runs our bodies systems on
?ur personalities sprin, from our mind. @-ery action that
"e ha-e is based on a thou,ht that be,ins "ith our mind.
It controls our emotions0 it processes our senses and it does
all of this all at the same time.
6e tend to think that our brains are 3ust supercomputers0
chu,,in, a"ay to keep our bodies runnin,. .he mar-el
that is the human mind is "ay beyond that.
.here is so much potential that is untapped in our minds
that0 once unleashed could be used to impro-e our li-es in a
myriad of "ays.
:ou hear people discuss the benefits of a positi-e attitude
and that is not 3ust a feelA,ood sayin,0 it is true.
?ur thou,hts can shape our li-es0 if "e think ne,ati-e then
ne,ati-e thin,s "ill happen and if "e think positi-e then
"e are open to positi-e thin,s happenin,.
Because so many people tend to discount anythin, that has
to do "ith unlockin, mental abilities as bein, ne"A"a-e
pseudoAscience0 they are actually doin, themsel-es a ,reat
disser-ice because there is no pseudoAscience in-ol-ed in
unlockin, the -ery real potential "ithin oursel-es.
.his book "ill sho" you ho" you can tap into that inner
po"er and reap the benefits of it0 it is a ne" "ay of
thinkin,0 and a ne" "ay of bein, that "ill chan,e your life
for the better.
hat is the Subconscious!
Before "e be,in to ,o into the hidden po"ers of the mind
"e are first ,oin, to discuss "ith the subconscious is. 6e
do this because in order to use somethin, properly you
must first understand it fullyB in this case0 "e are talkin,
about the subconscious mind.
@-erybody has a -a,ue understandin, of "hat the
subconscious mind is but for the a-era,e person if they had
to ,i-e an accurate description they "ould probably not be
able to.
6e tend to think of the subconscious mind as those
thou,hts that mi,ht seep into our dreams or into our
speech0 such as "hen one makes a 8reudian slip.
.hat is true0 that our subconscious is responsible for both
but that is only the tip of the iceber, for "hat our
subconscious mind really is and "hat it can do.
6hen it comes to our thinkin, there are t"o kinds of
thinkin, that "e do. ?ur conscious thinkin, is the thou,hts
that "e ha-e acti-ely in our mind.
?ur subconscious thinkin, is the thinkin, that "e refer to
as our back,round thinkin,. ?ur brains handle many
different functions at once and "e are processin,
information from all of our senses all the same time but not
al"ays on the same le-el.
8or instance0 perhaps you are at a party and it "as not until
after the party that you reali/ed that t"o people "ho
typically do not ,et alon, "ere sittin, at the same table and
$o" you had seen this "ill you are at the party but it did
not re,ister until later as your subconscious mind "as
processin, the information and it re,istered as important
and mo-ed up to become an acti-e thou,ht.
?ur subconscious consists of layers upon layers of those
types of thou,hts0 insi,hts0 and obser-ations that ha-e all
been cate,ori/ed and then shel-ed until "e need to pull up
the information.
4ertain thin,s can tri,,er one of those subconscious
thou,hts and pull it up to become part of our acti-e
+nother e1ample of our subconscious "orks is "hen "e
are talkin, about emotions. 9a-e you e-er been "atchin, a
mo-ie only to find yourself cryin, and the sad part7
:ou "ere 3ust "atchin, the mo-ie0 you "ere thinkin, about
it you "ere 3ust "atchin, it but the emotion impacted you
all the same.
.hat is your subconscious at "ork0 it noticed that you are
"atchin, somethin, that "as sad0 and it tri,,ered that
emotion0 "hich in turn can tri,,er the physical response
sadness0 "hich "ould be cryin,.
.he same thin, can happen "hen "atchin, a happy mo-ie
you find yourself lau,hin, e-en thou,h you "ere not
puttin, acti-e thou,ht into the mo-ie you "ere 3ust
listenin,0 "atchin,0 and en3oyin,.
#tickin, "ith our mo-ie e1ample0 let us say that "hile
"atchin, a mo-ie you had a brief thou,ht that one of the
actors looks familiar but you could not place "here you had
seen them in.
#e-eral hours after "atchin, the mo-ie0 "hile in the middle
of somethin, else all of a sudden it pops in your head that
you had seen that actor in such and such a mo-ie.
Perhaps you did not spend hours thinkin, about it but
because you "ould had a thou,ht about "ho that actor "as
it tri,,ered your subconscious to check its files until it
found the ans"er and then to let you kno".
+nother thin, that is attributed to your subconscious
thinkin, is "hat "e call instinct.
.rue instinct is somethin, that is found in animals and birds
and it dictates certain aspects of their beha-ior that they
"ill all display0 e-en of raised by humans "ith no contact
of their o"n kind.
9umans ha-e no true instincts0 at least not like that but "e
do ha-e instincts and they come from our subconscious.
+s "e ,o about our daily business0 thin,s that "e ha-e
seen0 heard or had contact "ith all ,et filed a"ay into our
memory files.
6hen somethin, comes up that relates to one of those
memory files0 our subconscious "ill ,o and pull up the file.
.hat ,ut feelin, "e ,et0 or that little -oice in our head
tellin, us "hat "e should0 or shouldn2t do0 is our
subconscious tryin, to ,et your attention.
.he actual definition of subconscious means belo" the
conscience and it is called that because it is a thinkin, that
is 3ust belo" our conscience or our acti-e thinkin,. #o part
of tappin, into the hidden po"er of the mind is to ha-e a
better ,rasp of our subconscious thinkin, and ho" "e use

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